Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 'l'héf Irst general session of the bixtitth annual convention of t %Vomans Christian Temperance Union o! Ontario teck plae in Oshawa on Tuesddy ai ternoon. wlslle committet meetings vert held Wednesday rnornlng. 'nie program for Wedneie4ay wua WEDSESDAI NMORNING Spectai -Y'and -Y-P B**Session Churcb-School. 9 OO0-DevOUatt&l Ptrlod-Led o') Uishawa "Y Address on "Y" WorK aind Obseratton5 o! a Fielti WorK- ei among Ontario *"Ys-MtisC hosamnotd Duit! Discussiain Pray- rr Adjourament to Ornerai Session ior Noon-Tide Prayer. GENERAL SESSION 9iX>--Conserration Service- Led b ,Mr.% John H Wicksofl. TorOfto lipie-b>eitee wîth Qladness 930--Convention catiec tO orner IayrMsL. L ReddliK. bran- Minutes. * Departnîeat-s ta Reiew ron- iiiud- Preventive Graup. Noni- Alcoholic htuit Products-Mr- A Patterson. London Moral Educa- * Lion, Motnera' Meetings. Heaith anc dieredity-Mrs. F *R OnieSt * \4arys. Travellers' Aid and Raia> *mployees-Mrs. A G Throop Peterboro. Eduictionai Oroup Anti Narcotlc andi Medica2 Temperancr -Mrs. P. E. Mo-rison. Brantiorc itedai Contests-Mrs. J. C.Lu- ta Weston. Scientifie Instruccuon tn 'j Day Schools-Mrs, J. Ak Lennax Barrie. Temperance tn Su.noax Schoolq--Mrs. G R Ruddt. Gu".pn Little White Ribborna-Mrs J H * Rowe, Peterboe. Clip Sheeta-Mr5 H Looking for R. M. Stymou'r, Cataraqul. Peace anti Arbtratlen-Mrs. H. A. Du- puis, Ottava. il .30-P'raiîces Wilarc Centenary ExtensIon Programme-Mm T. T. jeerge, Parktsiil. Il 45r>-Memoriai Service un charge o; isS R. Daxey. asaistet! by Mu- J S Mctrn anti &M Mla:ion Burna i2,00--N(oa-Tite Prayer. Ad- WEDNEsDAY AFTERNOON t 30ý-DevotifnlasiPgrieti-L.etiby Nl Adi-yHeye.wateriorU. i4- MýIea i 4b-Otficîal Reports L. T. L Secrcar-Mrs F W Amnrose, HaitaY W C T U Secretery -Mn R b Wr.g peteroro. Ccrrcspcad.nig Secretay-Mri. A K r-na WtrooTri-sauer- Nr! J S MaInOttava. R MNi >mu 3 40-Met ':ý5ý0a! Work-Mrs t 23-eoto! Direetor o! PiedC 1r-r . A brt1ght Otta3a 4 10 0prto1:ed' -ceay il"s C Rc*arnmnd Dt 4 4SudtS.' )oct Femperafc- LCu-irnCam-paigr.-Mis3 A. E un> At":. A Courtninft Vý'nrk 4 R~ t A JOB? Ifj!) tarrat stsfeIl tyou'r" nt naking er.ough money. dont j':v-t sit arount! andi mope &bou' t Better your c-rcumstances byr makîng the nespaper protide >-ou withi a atm- or btter lob. Looking for SECURUTYl nu chie!en"tWum miemaine secufty la s ho»e« y=jou e t b nThe nnt, sftta&Wqufle. W" ta g«et 18a U~ <l a» o- sm-tien yull unaliy tld l C7t~,, bone you "-at et "ourprieo. Looking for PLEÂSURE? Haultins Mvtôrs mmefoe ted eEmet 2Ib" a au A4 oor's thefuiw t &es a mgy mtw cal'th#&% fil* ron *uman«s»g >,ra gteti«Il WTu "MlaU cf ned fr " l then Sas eti ta ",is an;;*. YeP- 1cr aoe M4rrD Looking for COMFORT? UTma* la. te Pml %am ru lb ed Quiowx<alu do mhi<hie am -e a. ffeins itiew oaw YtPl THE WI-IITBY GAZETTE ANDt ICLE, THURSDAY, OCTOE Webber, Secretary of the Loid'8 Canadian W. C. T. Ul. culmî A i nd the money turneti into Lb. D)ay Alliance m-tII peat. -li th teCentenary o!frances - trj W tob.e dded to the budget, lard ta cormendea tq you for bllnds thse pubde tW the *cpnae- WEDNESDAY EVENING mediate action. I hope for 100 "'qUences01 acoholc beveraga.Rg î.-.jtmoa PROGRAM4E for cerne Urne. &r Babson says: "Fer e'-ery dollar of Chaûian: Mm. P. W. AYlI>rle An 1 atming toc high? ... Net t whiakey revenue received, m-e nave t.40--Daiegues, Music andi SOnge m-e are &Il O! Ont Mid and m-auing lait tmenty dollars in the recucuon -by ahaa Lyal emP=ceto wrkoc.-legitimate trade andtihLe.ceaIof -bL Ohm-e o yaeme ne Wvere ept th<lre f amnage *, t aciety**. Macs, *Tasîfor Lettn. Cold eoai We ae replmwliteharvat from dollar g1ven for relief tm-o has 8.40-IL1-Grand od M W the seed sown by our predecesrs aen apent for beverage alceliok» Conteat. CisaLrnan Mm. J. C. IrvIn. js0 Jet us m-ho are in tis verk nom- Hyin. entat-rani Gltii.tc>-- o al I cu po-erW Icrese Fances Wiiiard snid: 'Temper- Hymn Cýntet--Grad Gld eaw do ll n or pwerto ncrm or ice la .oderat4on1 in the use of Offertng. Amarcilng Meclal anld Pins menbershlp. 1snshrnls;anittl1Utn National Anthem. By membershlp, I 4. mot meUS nceIo ins amu' r SayMinstes Maid merely paying a tee; tha" 's rm- Esa Boole sayat "Tisere are tm-o "*Mnistera are a!re.ld tWprescit iired, but mucb mre b cea.-»acholo!01thought on t ubjeet a Temnperance sermon.- txcialmed Wt have a positive objective - o!achl oi cnes aaue Mn&. A. E. OJes cf Athens, an un- stands fer TUtaI Abstinence for the jOnteu appr.tolabt- usually torceful andi convnctas individual and the Prohibition eft . ~;dtte.endr-in h 'speaker, m-ho brougitt a short adl- the tiquer titffit. total 'abtinence group finda in te dresa to the W.C-T.U. convention It becoree increasingly mande.3t se elc alcehel aS a beverag! the m-ay Wedneaday on testibject **SI.- that the proei must be atuactedto WIts abuse. Tht others cumsel t1 1day Sehool Temperance Educa- titrougit legisiatîca as m-eU as edut- use e! aicehol l in oderation, but tion Carnpaign- Mn. Gilit Point- cation- While wem-tay etil du- take ne account o!f t na ture o! et! out. tee. tLa t the reason the cation andi endeavor to secure Leg- alcohol a.nd o! the tact tbat met W-C T>UC âvasa:, ge:tlng as mutit isiation. <Seaet tm-eaioe are not use la the forerunner o! Ilts abuse donc as It should mas because the adequate te cepe w1tit the pn>b' flot tvtryono m-ho la a moderato members are tee iazy Tht ert .1em. Consecrati of et arPtdrnedrnsterebuacn net-ds the unsuttd efforu ts et 5c oui ime ini Ibis "j"t la ateded. do anti the evidenoe las concluaive !supporter- InSPht O!fIteiperance ef fort andth .at moderato drtnklng contribut-es' Repeir" reeUeste ativanceofe medical andi scienti- to 1rnens niWdgnrc Po,,1ov!.ng the <>pk-eing devotional tic opifliflfl repecting beverage ai- ~Ua dnova as s anigth df oiioa-y peloci. conduclet! by Mca. Audrey cohol. the ignorance prevalin da" oftc-rr.s ant eect: e iembers ire p-re.rnted F WN Ar-nbrcýr'& T:i aise tng Uic burdena Impaietiupon tie naî;oa thrcnigh the legalised sait Cf liquor 16 trut'y appall.tng. (reatlng Demand Ie the past, nations vent dom-n b)' mon drltkng . . . net, oui na- tion Sas both inaanti m-cuit driniklng. NÇeyer Sas there been S-Ap "<' J'aU an us nunenaa acre g:-en 1w tte co.rttiser ini con- Ignoran;e -C AnI011 eni »dsspe'Jet! Cria Tmprnce Unon ta arc-taon miw th: U.ý! a rk among chli- tiy trutit rae!trutit must be cir- . tda.yanti me mtI ati e r o alir c drea Esc-h convsuperateisetitaticuatet!by t Wshoisebelieve that ouMaygisanti be aii[fargAtifm-doRC T w o(- _ h a r t s a t. i -nd 3 t le t- th we t u f1 a e t iti. b u tis e9 1 Idn b ý e c a i r x f e d r W-crr -n shecLt-s anti 33 LT aket knlegeo! ite [utre d e. t me ire up tW Our prescnt-day outft.' 0 m ?uab . tbutns r aid tc:p1ot f r t Lig U1OPPOrtunities r id nakc the psU-tas aad reot o-aaarve ' u engsio ~et-tha ery [ b* ha: sler tor tinse m-ho folletarerE ters 1 veturten. Utideti post- fle lt5ae ai:'ert1sing te create a.e **. 1alcoi-t etat -w1 E Ph n "2 carde and! ri-isn j*r.%dt-ttaad l MIflion cf dollar.% arl . ee -.ofaicehellc be-er- RepDiort !Y Sqeftry-,IM lR beiÙg spcn: ,by bitters anidutCRS"stilathe sa-ite trtryvhere 1ev-s D) WrwttPtcrr- 1en' aavo:.:ccdet.sn canmat legalira abut tey tan -rieter Th namate risht [afcmldirts__ '.-cre-r r-prtcts -n aa-cS- paign bat [oc-ides ýtht presaF. riche- < tsantlises rf i hih nm u. star vii a rpediti spiA-t etf*molles ari carry passijble meijiod i Moral,eahtsecrt an ta p-anale êIdeaLs t[at art -ne- aniria-d fr','aou h!p per- Ltaid te imaItc-araaittis poà- M mb a h &ce so utc-ts, ncra s:ct c:lacs. r fbe tasd Iv worai am w vehetd dur- g<nanti vether Ila rartare or lite. it tea W, c-abnot. ina193-. rer- tn& tht pa-ç* ",!nm'vlThe readIns On fLXc-en-aber 1>4. 1926. the vota- alva>- oc-rtiory an aia orde-preuce ttSuaday oet tar. but coc- 'to'ed anti tomn ue t n o! Q,*a ai â.,q torr' !aab>C! 10 li , a c-eaien ph eon m-hc-h dc î-, liea.s are verth presersini MS vr2t- berr-' -'t'materai deadl> .y b S *at Uic tiquer irL fr ped Ucacc..alitýçtt !m Sî 'etstrndvital tvaluta a'prrpare !nfr the r-'Page In lhtinan effort* lW 41 6-Tbehy help- tsvtat ftem-ma - W:t Tltn- ntiatdrese ad Jane istP Iv wthterrevnItcd tt-ery anse taisneteîber anti C peara h.sepracpe. tba mle mr-e itra a-tht.%ecr"t&arY There o! thie L.quoir Cant.rel Act:la On- cont s.ait 0fisother rBe no! rtI .get iiiâo are 4union.' viii an alffilated 1tarse and JtQýv 24t"1 If..crme the tOIdlstandardceon vz eatl orth I;gvs lle ratiend -memnbershibp et 57t1 - bes-eragre roen.- Le: uW f)ritfy o: se0e",tnardo r.î-e a IIdn. cseke.rucoatcndcd Corr'pendtag S-c-rtar se've' nov uttn c-oinrtcitactsanisarfIe tand nc a!etfuureaitIsrlents AK Krr%'mnWaterloo, Thte ~u "rttc rn s!l ni Wtaeca.n nte lare r y ttTrepo>rt-M s a rnbershtp o!f efrt ri orth tIo coasaItia liig sr-ire miti heart u t e! peoP".at tItrrt -i- 6,M8 ta a totalIeR188unIons lucýre e% i Usankfulnesa forfthe Master*s 'are - rfc-etrary te tht ideals oM the are ta addition $il Y.W C T U rTe manufacture lb enurei,,y ta anti guidance. A net >-'ar ml'Us W' church are captunrng Use radio. jmemnbera. 1430 mrjuar ImeeUtWn prtatanda mtts prtratr profil.a untrotiden a ptses b~ue> ret. TIn COr-!uaon Dr Webber cisb- ha t-e bora tarIt!anti 2:43 publIic f'e- ant irmur gevemtae'nî tlaisehe4WIrtIhUseacrmtl of Ils hîiden future la serve T-et!".etmeta etfoui cous- in£ 1ien' DU l'Piedgs" aenserbevt-atid'îler.t-s In th kactîctidge cf Our lettgesrc.cp.1popul ati on m-ithouit a cunret!outaide tht unions il no %Ienie au ,ts ereti a bitThteHcaely Pallier, m-ho Sas preinrd Christ-in et*lot-s muat net rab us Treaures Rpoit-'t-&> ben-n e ber. Ustmatrs c! UsaItsU<race la sufficient for us- f ur Chriet-tan Sabbatis cf mat MettA.ai, Ot-an A tota OS01vint. ant! t-ie 01jrscfwitrsa.c >t, itishope andti ourage m-e lokfront telSavet-e UeSabbat-h trm ,j "n.98î1 weasias-d durtng thet >'fl fl coa-iywUedtW net net in=- fSwa'd biOtIas the" no Itimîjuncaayeouecatl t O! tht>, $4,36224i btlttitt4 W elsPttanterr-s' dictaies luit W Gotits pete tfleugh jieldeti bu-':pleeicti-Satve Itfor a day for ns-' budget tunti. andi the i'ttitsfllrig *bous breeerandi dIillera 3nerase 'nman trumenta. Ini fofr higser ideal&" 82-mfl381to t-h.gene.reai tunti t-iri sý-es. so tiey must advel4e Tht@ aecntary cf thse tortUe Day Sua'PregeaS MjeU'oda o! Wct-(UMitLtL.tand rrr ait etdrlnter&Ncnioe thse Allazlce. Dr. George <0. Webecr Tisesevtrting' prograni began Re<rk-. Toronto. lIssta cc bmtn; lndtsty avctcmna -Sflet &k &ptter Uwtie upper 1tith a prograni by memnisraof incluies errerai depaitflitl-Uut taChs m-ek. a-nS My141h tt. I lu at od yeetrday. Ohan's Loyal Teuiptrsnce Lc- cf Prison Reirfos. 1uutnuusie p if tai tii acpt th= aun&* Cn'tusbr tdaevot<o:r àiain, Evelyn Young. Mma W. M.Llfvl$to*tit l~Pm" l'te brdas; $dutinesluTrop.titan i nyWprovinc@ egtd oSn- JIMMY Lee a"d Dousa WaJe. reported i ttismit.WB<uT01tPt- 'I~mno ttsa llum»daÎ tarl'o" iebr-- 'lre basbecs Junior medhllItâ aong. Ranty erboeouub attt le4 Nmn.T. KL1<4cm advrritnr mst b. <ouate- -,0 perlad i mtllmm -d--.tataon W- M .r M x A.W l. .Supeuin- Ocm-ay o! the WoeWa se &M-h0 ewquaiy werat suMd 0St- i rIet !-*Ott=s*than prmmt-day todenit o! e modal n tulaOe. t M U "VI %«ntn l tlte. et*h«at.taOs4 Mfl1 -»Akok andvM&lle m usêom upait eWd tor tfuir vot Te$wm n d 1w vSawltlo" y phiiStro flot 0551 dim» lTe auiiav aCflOOL ISffll isT.K =W"an. a arrive iliWoSt-ttm. U + laau«s'* aJ. 'lAI-tu 1bhlqt ann'. Intrs1w Umya"mtx . 8< To * M tW IO$ kW4 "M m ot lu#ia Lte Tee DftrC'sai"e t *Mt out hiti b tis Ne-tu blm en» aoet nio t -t tuet fl M& r. Wr- O rifaeted-A reprt ht mplletd U&»li-w fIC ua tiîr laabwtlt lop "M nu m nng. -tr>Cant%a" pourtalf"rese e oeu Oct 1D, te Pmals Ut e=1t aÇa.14U tnt ta o a"4" tuil en Is.~ fk * seus etiti thoch "Tit Ct MSf the ooatn brexun<I44 M .RU eetionets et am- ffUre s ute nulUtrsan~id dileatt#is --orejuofis l 1picet I he toeti ta glie and nva Qed ~ Sec-trIaT- titis a ttafr «me m"r «t A#'&vZ't to a enwratnt t Wo S listeman Wftar ai tisete !m i aQuime=I- J tht m-a*ttu thse aMis "Ufr B wl"»mmit-»>6 &.te &t - .ProsMet-,M. John WrIght. 8C in wm-taleehoU *014t"etiamnm t oflaflo St-, Staord. -ite m-tIS-a pfl. aa huri- B Pt%0tU4 e l w Pom-e « S w a Cw 2 z A e'a nc-ie bot ig ort «o! is Oa C =oimanc m-easto e mte:l P" .fftaitp'» ,e ut ia >of c< f fallîttt*nWWu teas aa, mmuR sng& SWa- j Use batis w4 o th tn ir£ u 8w% ISCVt ýf i= tie Laijx-& autitf4 tu mc J*;ta ut,brneu"er-nn ,*.vS.mse 1o iusMs- E - àtsi-at- t itted*t1-'ps# ou <W 14wme se i lC' v tts - bts~th a etcd ua! mm limt095v,&& ~T- Seen&m&M ta-rR0WtloL ~ mas isait MSOUn4ng UI~ nîsu te tts - r " sue rs * l* t t tn Use w4.-eazrsrotOi 'ta"I arswu» foc se san vmcs*LTL scseego-4'à ta ai-ne e'w-y 1 i-ais p-c. - t-cforJ -o astn A4IU' 'drattiact- t t'tttt Ui fot-~ ii t toN-l ~ s sn fS .ausKI inrrd M Me B atnw cU'cio Cf1tw1 1 W ai t- ' , 11:1 t -h teiars. lo u . 11 It50, n rpuoytC IS s t &*Mt 0:nial i tsc."bseu ê>tt*I0L1 tuS 5* lê1 MWt tel J Cu fli*t mat msetpifudt gt"oe eraaNtrvs ur w bt*l 1ýV -,tV -ce pis' ' - - itomnnwn. asé>"eg Ur f tàttWti!Y llier OU"*Mfib blts; t*<ý-nj-rtc% *1e4 tm*t" W* -*m t-et tai Mmg aaSe rsatmnt f r ti> Itee* Iut <>< 'l~lsu O lt# b**hutet. FW* t ttV meî e rxt iàhP.t>t4 fl wt C la oa eu û s i q m a ent s- wi uum tu a s ~ îs~ Wl .tao flÇ Oasszfo*udQa n - imWUS - On *vo$lt f*l Ma AS >lia a ofl e 1V Ni On fOn- **m-oe p bto. »f ut ntn eOn~£~ ~ ce#- n eO~t n minte l 0a et fr0 b$ an! ais e th W~W 0! aienI~ * t0 miOUh t0- ta >W»0ttWvg Md bol! @ml 1404fie5inWte3tbS ~- iiciUt ta05*umem u à"&. nom& mmS s 'sas u ku n1 HARDWAREj t'nuie to pray for .1prace arnd goal- -iprecc.ation of the action taken by vti2 among menso ani ige. u- the Cauaci:an Radio Commission in the personal rsosbtyo! a2 - eli!mina-niz aillcjIqor tdvertislng l t:r ta tearntftacts ln regard omcr the a:r, and highly commend tue t e caatrc tntcrdepcdeis-e [isact- n crevînt arr latorpîcci public-r f*nds ta op',tln onm A"r 0ad1sottios Wo th; prottein.% e! lntcrnatlonal peace.,is In ortier thaigt got-erameats msv- for ont- çiîtopraIrteti sari c-hered la pcut til - .Servi( en~pisafrc-t!ng the pente o! w-astise .soive t tIsIany andi ait aksed under [te auspices o0! CT.C. be useti sptcl!ically eusn wenks. ice With a Perfect litait" tueuse o! Mrs. I. H. Gi-ee- t4t -Belrtti t a a i li o L% o t a v ys co secratice service m-luth L,) -Bebev in;l-athrbed uit ofopenedth iis mor-nîng's session. Cturtsqtlaats ResaIt-et!: thatt m- .Slght-Seeing Tour bers chauàla tro-natt forai.t et Througit tht ocurtesy oe! Canera! ganbrug. anti that m-e c- upon Mooera tie delegates tere conduct- al auithlo-r t[o enterre the anti- cd on a lotir c! OsaaCity fol- qambîtas ltm- matIn; no cxc-ep- lem-tng ta ataterneooia sosie». -clubsoan cher socIalCroupa.Amasat unbimeca 5 -Résovedti [at m-e endeaveur ativiser anti nid; Dector, I cant get le, premote Usehe rtanti prînciple W sIeep at night of ethtie Lend's Day Aillante, anti Dectcr-Iaaemelab eh? taxe cul' f11li hane la apprelseati- Patîent-Thata IL in Isifi h tisi - iînaecersarily bu>' DecWr - maere art Mayaand anti sil on Suedar. antilis evers' means e! combatting that You m-ty give our support te tise, Allmine îhlnk yeu are hoppîeasly wate, but, Wo lslp esatntln the sanctîty oe, mental effort' has aUt dem t tise Saliballi, -do m-ltsgeWtng '$ou1th1* amp. Jus 8.-ma:t e heiby -recoeut lImagi eYUare waikln tlg?ýUht appeelttanof lse m-of iths e a &[houssait *et frOm tise Pr»oitcltPoice iho have bittapanait!.Step:1w epyou a4MOs ým «Wllelu omnaým Ofsutthse oa ibis t1gisi rpt. - Thé -Golden -Tnt. f Prçvincial Convention ot the Wo6men's Christian Tomporance -union Was HoId In- Oshawa RICE HARDWARE STOVC)IfE HEADQUÂRTERS IT'S FALL ! lrne to Think of Stovesà and -Accessories: McClary COOK STOVES, None Botter ! Everything You Need For Your Heat'ng This Winter. Fi çCTRIC HEÂTERS - STOVE PIPES - ELBOWS COAL I4ODS Let Us Look After Your Broken Windows with High Quality Glass amarum aaaum mam I - 4? * I * ta Si p e w - r 'G 4- j t': I. Iii * R il i~. 1" fd5 - Il t: -4 I nta lem Enry Wn lhlt MIWPPUR- k je

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