Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1938, p. 10

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-The Sport Page £veryone Rfeads RodWings Moot Powassanin Important Gamo athTyUor.ls Arona ýWodno.sday Evoning Whîtby's Red Wlngs oppose Powasman's powerful paeked outrit frein the fÉorth country ln Taylor's Arena tonight ln ' the secondItaine of'their scbedalei hoinc-audi-home ser- les, goals te count. The first taine played I Powasa Mon- i day ulght rcsuuted In a 3-3 dead- Slook and this muat be broken. oeway or the other tonlght. A goal cither "ay decides the issue. Fromt ail accounts Powassaù SwIl l t1e- verythlng they have for vlctory toulghti and ai,- tllough they May be handicap. pet> by the langer Ice surface ln 'the Whltby rInk the>y will undoubtedi>' put Up a battie royal.* Whltby was leadlng 3-1 at the stent of the third perlod on Mouday aud then Powassan- came back to even the cousit. Odds ozi tonight's gaine should, be about even, but there ought to be plent>' ef Count>' town shekels on tUic une,. Just the same.. Al lu ail, It shapes up as the battie ot the year. j~ii TUE-PENALTYBO (By D.S.) We haven't been ln the penalty ox to'r the past weck and we clon't think many othier people, have' elther, consequently it has been more or leue o! a vacuumi whieh is a valid excuse for this columin being a iacuum thls week However, a few things worthy o! note have happeneci during the past Pew days. We wcrcn't able. to be -present et cther the return game agaînst the General Motors Main Office aWgegaion or the opening tilt wlth Powassan eithïer but ap- parently our Intermedlates acquit- ted theinselves va"'antly in the first o! the aforg,.named. bouts and helti their ewn pretty *welIn the sec- ond, Tonlght.should provide the higli- light e! a great year. This Po- wassan outfît are plenty tougli, but apparently not tough enougli te take the Red Wlngs even away trom home, se we're leoking for a local wlr& temorrow night. Incidently, tihe 2argca4 crowd o! the year shoulti file 'into Taylor'& Arena now that the Wings are wlthin throwing dis- tance et, the championshlp. The local authorities made a nieat job o! uabblng the "Igenlus" re- sponsible for the bottle-threwing -episode in the Whitby-Port Hope Red Wings Defeat Main Office in First Gam e - -County Town Téamn Out- classes General Motors League Champions In Firat Game of Their O.H.A. Series. 4 (By DICK STUART) WhItby Redi Wiligs hung the In- clian saigu on Oshawa Generai Mo- ters by a 10-3 ceuint in e thrilling O.H.A. Interniccuate "B' :playef! fixture a t Taylor's Arene here - Thec-gaine was the f irst of tic round against tic Main Office teain, champions o! tie General Matera Leiaue, andtihti ret-urn engage- mlent will be-playeti lu Oshawa on Frldey nigit. Goals count on tic round, anti thue Mater City cl'ew nwere clearly outeiaised lu lest iiight'sgaine se that tic Redi Wiugs are more than an even moucy bet \te etvance Intu anotier î'oundi e! thie playef fs in search o! thc pro- Sviniîal crewn. Showing brilliant torm tic Wings completely tiominateti p1gy in laut nigit's encounter and were neyer ieacled afteritiev rctricved tic first goal of tic gaine wluiclu weut te Osliewe, Thc crowd was net as -lge us It migit have been, but there wcrc enougi fans î,reseiut te niake the ra!ters ring as Wîitby blazeti lu onc goal a!ter eniotiier, seoring' fouri'wîle 'a man shuort frein penalties. General Motors- trieti liard.but they mact clidni't have It, aii unhess tiey cars perforin a '? junior game a few weeks ago. Trhis was news to us until he was faith- fully deait with yesterday. That was a futile trick and he deserved ail that was comlng to him. A full account of .the case will be found elsewbere in this Issue, It was an undeserved "break" for hlm that no-one was seriously in- jureci or mained as a resuit. The fact that play was at the other end- 6f the ice at the time wouldn't have mneant gnythig if some player had corne rushing up thle ice'be- fore play could be stopped and had fallen .into that ma.*s of broken glass. *Whether that stuff goe" in Port Hope or not, we clon't know, ,but it doesn't here. TOnight's the- niglit. Here we are rigit back where we started frein, but It can't be hielped. If the Rea Wlngs bace by a goal tenight they're through for Uic scason. If the- Red Wlngs win-But- there the old mentà 'llty stops andi cen go ne fer- ther. At al évents hew about lending thc boys your august pres- ence andi whooping it up for Whit- by te make sure that they don't lose. Dld we sày lbac? Preposterous. But tuîs is getting te be a mnatter ci! repetition. Sec you at Taylor's Arena tonilgit. féw mineor miracles on Friday nigit their skates are heatiet for the motli-bails. Muir scoreci foi' Oshawa just over the eleven minute mark whie Wat- son was scrving time on what look- ced te be an undeserveti penalty. Nothlng daunted, the Wings pro- ceededti t score twice while short- liandcd, Lewis Vipond netching both counters, thc first on an as- sist frein Oke. Phillips drew tiown a penalty for tripping Muir anti tien-came back te boost the Whit- jby total to four in tic last minu te of tic penied.11 iLewis Viponti, wîe was thc ilgh scorer o! tic nigit. tallieti on a pesa frein Oke carly lu tic second freine. Play wes pretty dlean with tire Whitby rearguard handing 0eut some stiff bodyciccks. Peterson drew a little attention anti leoketi as if he wes. doing the "_Big. Apple" for a minute as thc boys gave hlm thc "bumps." Then Oke accident- ally -haIcled Referce Lott a body-.ý chueck andtihti fans began te enjoy theiseives. Muir put Oshiawa back into tic hockey gaine with a lone ru.sh et thc eleven minute mark.-' Piper drilled anc Iu for Wlitby te make tic cousit 5-2 at thc endi o! the ,second.11 A slashing penalty te Mayne le! t the Wings siuort-iandecl eerly. in tic final stanza, but Piper adtied au- other Whltby counter on an assist frein E. Slelghtholm while Mayne was in the box. Tien Lewis Vlpond drew dowu a penalty for tripping Milîs anti once ageirs the handicap acteti like tonic*on tic Wings. Piper breaking away fî'om an Oshiawa ganging attack te net the couinter. Milîs was sent te the cooler for a trip andi Mayne netteti ene frein a scramble inIi ront of the Oshawa cage with bath sides a mail short. I1!kIEI R YI 4 T and Complote Optical 'Service CONSULT 1q TV Hi4 Kîi JURY and LOVELL OSHAWA vo Optometrists la attendançe daily in the . optical oms., rimzzanine floor off Jury! & Lovel's Drug Store. >ur: 9 aîm. to 6 p.m. EË44enns bw appomnbne*ts Ezcept Sui3days, - PHONIE 28 or 29 "When We Tust Eyes It lO Dore Propoily", TICAL DEPARTNM ug St. East Osb*wa IWany a camera clicked durlng tise rusulng -ot tise famed i SaniAnta Hançlicap, wOn tis ayear-by stage- hani Jockey Nlck Wall up. Rere are three ssotet venbotas stages et tise mrav i un lisereo-bckn lIme ~ ~ ~ ý mt20 -5ts ie mad a quarter. TOP: .Tise bcke tcls. Ancroid Iadlng by a neck wltfi Whbchcee second, inside; Wooberry tisida"sit pompoon malSebiscut isose and nse fr tountis. CENTRE: Into lisestr'cciswlthAnerold &M Ihofldigt tbe lead, a iseat>up un seabieuit. Pomnpoon on. raiL Wisiicefand Stageisand battie for spae . BOTTOM The finish, Stageisand, -outside, nosesoutScabiscult witi Peopoon. third; GouM*, furth. ILewis YlPOnd IrM Piper added 1 Whltby'a nhnthtally. Këarsiey dent. J d the twinc *for Oshawa et the' fifien minute mark, and Mayne added a nother for the Wngsji: thqL lest two .minutes o! play. The scord by periods: :i'rst Period 1. General Mlotors-Muir .... 11.47 2. Whitby-Lewls Vipond (Oke)................» *12.13 3, Whltby-Lewis Viponid .. 1M,3 4- Whitby-Phillips ........ 19.03 Penalties, Watson , Phillips. Second Feriod 5i Whltby-Lewis Vipond (Oke).............. 3.19 6. General Mtors-.Muir ...11.42 7. Whtby-Piper.......... 16.48 Third Period 8. Whltby--iper (E. Sleight- 'ho-M) ............. ..... 2.39 9.* Whltby-Piper.......... 6.52 10. Whitby-Mayne.... <..... 7.52' Il. Whltby-Lewis- Vipond .. 8.36 12. General Motors-Cearney (Jackson).............. 1515 13. Whitby-Mayne*.......... 18.56 Penalties, Mayne, Lewis Viponcti m'lis. The teams: -Oshawa General Motors--Goal, V.. Burr: idefense, Jackson, Milis: cen tre, Peterson, wings, D. Top- plng, J. Topping; alternates, Muir, Black,' Conlin, Kearney, R. Burr. .Whitby Red Wings-Goacl, Hirst: de fense, Brown, Oke: centre, Piper; wings, Mayne, Phillips: alternates, Leýv1s Vlpond, W. Vlpond, Watson, J. Sleightholm, E. Sleightholm, Clarke (sub-goal). Referee-Harry Lott, Oshawa. PICK PICKERLNfi PIIGKSTEgs AS .COUNTY WJNN[RS Hockey Whitby - Has' Chance For Laurels PICKER ING, March 14. - Mr. Frankc Petrie, who lias rccently re- turneti frein 4~ three months' visit with his famlly in Alrdeen, spent a few days with H. R. and Mrs. Monney tis weck, befere resuming lis -duties in tic Bank o! Com-, merce, at- Blenheim. Higli hopes have. been placeti on the Pickering Hockey Team, who have matie the finals, in thc South OnteroCut Hockey League. By dcfcatlng Whitby in the semie- finals, they won the opportunity -of cngaging Claremont teain in the play-offs. In the first game, helti at Markham on Tucsday, Clare- mont was victerieus, but the local boys stiil have a chance as the winners wil be determniiet by the -best two eut o! three gaines. The league lias provideti muci worth- while hockey for the benefit of the fans, this season. 1Mr. andi Mis. L. M. Morley andi Mr., and Mrs. C. E. Morley anti daugliter, moteredti t Hamilton on Sunday te spendtheti day with !riends. They were accompa.nied as far as Toronte by Miss T. St. John, who visiteti friends there. Miss Betty Murray, o! Toronto, wasý a week-end- guest of Miss Edith Murray. Miss E. J. Burningliai, of Mount Vernon, Washington, who has been, visiting lier brother, A. Burning- hem andi family at Fairport, was the gucst o!flier niece, Mrs. F. Stork for a day or two this week. Mr. John Elliott entertained a number o! has gentlemen frientis te an oyster supper on Wednesday nigit. Mr. R. C. Allan, o! Hamilton, is visiting is sisteif, Mrs. W. J. Clark andi famlly thip week. Mits Ethel Hogg, of Stouffville, was a week-;end gucst e! W. H. Westney anti family. Miss Phyllis Cooper, of tic Whit- by H-ospitai staff, visiteti atlier home licre on Thursday. Miss Etina St. 'John, o! Lancast- er, arrived in tic village on Thurs- day te spenti several weeks with lier sister, Miss Ina St. John, o! the Continuation School staff. The Stewart famluy, who are on their long trek from Watrous, Manitoba, te Mentreal, by herse drawn caravan, passed through the village on Wednesday. Their home onwheels attracteti mucli atten- tion -and several o! the residents took the opportunity of inspecting it. By means o! their own ingenu- ity, together with the assistance o! kind frlends along the way, the, parents have succeedeti in making lîfe as comfortable and pleasant for their young tamily, as coulti be possible in such circumstances. Congratulations are extendeti to Mr. andi Mrs. R. Irwin, on the birth of a daugliter recentiy. The Women's Association of the Unitedi Churcli, helti its Marchi meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Jenkinson, on Tuesday evening. Final arrangements were made -for the .9t. Patrickt supper, te be helci In -tle churcli, on Wednesday 'évening, Mardi l6th. .A large number of ladies of the vantage o! the rug making' class, beiug belti under tic auspices of tic Women's Institute in thc A.Y. P.A. rooms frou Monday te Fni- day o! this week. Miss Ina Puffer, o! tic Departinent of Agriculture is makingthe course very attr'act- ivc, anti is intriotuciug novel iclea9 ivhich, make ic rugs pieces of art, as well as use! ul articles. Mrs. H. Carmidiael, o! Whitby, wes hostess o! tic members o! tie Presbyterian Womnn' Missionary Society, at thiis'Merci meeting on Wçtincsday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. Miller, vice--president, in the absence o! tic presiden *t, Mis. R. H. Cronk, conductedtheti meeting, anti took charge o! thc worship service. Mrs. Bowen gave a synop- sis o! thc chapter of th-, study book tieeling With Burinai andi Mrs. G. Baxteî' gave a veî'y inter- estiug paper on thc wouuen o! tic country. Miss C. Munro contributed a inudi eppreciated reading re- !erriug te the zeal andi faiti o! the pioncers o! Presbyterianism. At tir, close o! ticý meeting, tiheluostes5 served ihgt refreshints. General Motors Were Eliminated By "Red Wings" Win Round by 19 to 7-Su- perior Speed and Combin- ation of Local. Outstancl- ing Feature of the Garne Whitby's high-flying Red Wings moved inte the fourth round o! the O.H.A. Intermediate "B" playoffs when thcy swamped Oshawa - Gen- eral Motors, 9 te 4, at Oshawa, onl Friday nigit.- Tic win gave Whit- by the round by a 19 te 7 score, havîng previously defeateti the Osh- awa league champions by a lO-te-3 cuThe Reigig sua, hrounds.imnai Toic ngfretheWint qaio whoa e re liamnar11ies nou pntr in foruc ntietitîafour-were J isiy Ciapimmyn, 11% , an2ou neyer behntag, rntn e up awour- veufaloiioncsi yr Spes. 22 team replied. Superior speeti an(, Angelo Callure, 125%j, Hamilton. combination play was the tiominat- kîucclrged eut Gaelein Dumas, 126X,ý ing factor ini the win and. but for a o! Montreal, in 45 seconds o! sec- large number o! grand saves' by cuti round. Eurr, tie losers woulti have suffereci Len Wadswforth, 158,5, Hamilton, a muci more severe trouncing. 1 scoreti a tecinical knockoùt over L. Vipond, witi tiree goals, and j Gene Barnes, 165%U, Buffalo, after Sawyer, with, two, led the Whitby 1:59 o! thc thirti perioti. siiipers, while Miuir tallicti twicc for Officiais: Referees-Hershcî Os- Oshawa, witli Jackson anti Mils. borne, first thurce bouts; Ray Sinil- getting their otier widcly spaceti lie, hast two. Judges-J-,ackie Joins- markers. ton andi Fred Nobert. SPRING IS HERE ISTH E AULCRAFT PAINT for -the job. No disappontments when you use. this lUme. WeContinue for 1 Week to Offer You a Trial of This Wonderful Paint. 1/4 Pint Reg. 35Sc for~5 Full, Range cf Colora to Choose From. Special- Prices. on ail Paint. th is w eek Fa J. Mclntyre Hardware - Serving You For 53 Years 106 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PHONE 560 contention Jon ads, BoutîWinpg Johnny MGas, 119z, Wnieg, defeati 1 ouMdso. 1%,Wls Seeison,10ro nds. Semi-Fas i nal 27,î f o- Drave Cliuasillou 127% o on- trel, wonnan18,ofs Toison over Miclh rouennads,. !Trotl WhihvC% i lî'i." f TJ. Sleightîolmi anti E. Sîcigithoinu; centre, Piper; wings, Sawyer anti Watson; Subs., Oke, Brownm, Hearci, L. Viponti anti W. Vipond. Oshuawa - Goal, Burr; tiefeuse, Milis anti Jackson; centre, Muir; Wiîgs, Kcarney anti Conhin; Subs., Black, J. Topping, D. Topping, R. Burr anti Petersoîu. Referee-Har'y Lott, Oshawa. PROFILE BOOKENDS Tic man iandy with tois cen niake attractive booken-is by saw- ing, out of one-inci stock, a pro- file o! a nuember of tic fanuily. Thîis caîu be attacicti to a base o! Camera' Catches "Stagehand" Capturing CIassic Barrie colts Beat Norvocs" In Round-Robin Midland. Merci 15-Barrie Colts outskated thc Qucen City Nentheru Vocationai aquati befere 800 fans lîcre last nîgit te hang up e 7 ta 4 victory ini tic firat gaine o! a round-robin for tic O.H.A. junior «B", t-tle. Led by Bowen, firat string cen- tre, evio garneredti trce o! Barrie's seveîu niekers, the Colts rang up a four-goal lead in tfie initial stan. za. Brandham' whîe starteti ln thc Nervoc's net, hi aua off nigit and several o! tic Colts' ceunterswere o! the 50! t variety. Harper, weut izito tic net for tic Torontoniaus ta open tic centr'e canto and net only lieldtihti Colts te a single tally iu tic hast forty. minutes, but rival- led Goning in the winuers' nets forE top luonors on tic night's play. Storey Opens Scoring Redi Storey, 200-pounti reer- guard e! Argonaut !àotball teain, openedtheti sconing for the Coltse juast twenty-uine seconds a! ter playý began wheuis long looper bounc-f cd tirougi- Brandluam's patis.à "COME HOME'ALL IS FOR- GIVEN" VITT WIRES- HEMSLEY New Orleaus, Merci 15.-Ail is forgiven between the Clevelandi In- diens anti Catcher Rollie Hcnualcy.. Hemsley was benishedti teis Missouri tarin lut week fer break- ing training. Yesterday lic askcd' permuission te rcturn, and Manager Oscar Vitt telegrapheti- hlmto "corne eheati," With thc under- standing he inust 'obey training regulations. ROCK LAD FAILS TO PLACE 1WINOXLEY HANDICAP Wolverhampton, Çnglandl, Merci 14.-Rockc Lad, Cànat;an Gra nd National candidate o.wncd by H. R. Bain- o! Toronto,, Yesterday wes un- placeti lu Uic Oxiey Ifasudlcap here. Hie startedthe ictwo-mlle' steeple- c li se at 201 to --. 4 - > . 1 The 9200 ($1,000) event was won by thse 13-te-O favorite, T. Stacey's5 Homo.' Twelve ran, The ini' major movu et Try' MePhahl, new biness manager, Io rebuiid the toundcnlng Brooklyn Dodgers was the* purchase cf Dolpis Camhll, slugglnc tirst baseman ot thse Plsiladelphla Pisilles.Tise pur. chase peiiwas mannuneet>as $75,000. Buddy Hassett, former tint baseman wl be moveto te oeu01$, field for tie comlng capalgn. Toronito, March 15. - JehnnY daudes, who came out of the West a few weeks age and founQ Toron- te boxlng conditions very much , t his liklng, dici some very effective punmching at the Maple Lealf Gar- dens, show last evenlng. The stocky ex.Winnlpeg boy's blows nol only, gainec i hm a decision over Mog Mason, Welsh champion, -but alSO earned hlm a bout with Canadian Champion Baby Yack. The Gaudes Yack encounter wîll'take place'ncxt, Monday, and on the strength of lits Impre.sslve ail-round show ing agalnst Mason, Gaudes will have to be giveni very serious consideration. While Gaudes won, hie pilec2 Up ne great points margin over Maaen, who, havlng founid lus real form, turned ini his b4st display since coming te Toronto. Ggudes took an early leaci, but Mason came back se strongly tfiat at, the end o! the elghth the victory was either boy's for the taking. Some one must have whilspered that t%> Gaudes--f or1 lie stepped eut te wlni the last two1 sessions and the fight. That's ho w1 çlose it was-a bit of, an edge in4 those two rounds halted Mason's1 strong raily ana~ was -ail that sep-1 arated the pair whcn it was time for the judges te write eut their slips. The officiais, Fred Nobert and Jackie Jolinston, agreed, ancr'PuefereeRay Smille was flot calleC~ upon te do any voting. Little But Powenf ul Extremely pewerful for bantams, both boxers furnlshed speed which belied their chunky builds.: Gaudes scored most with hooking blews, while Mason haît thei better straight1 lef t te the pair, anr2 held his own at close quartera. In tact, at times the Welshman had thre better o! the inflghting, which probably was why1 Gaudes, after establshing a lcad,c elected te stay at long range as mucli as possible during ther, sixil,1 seventh and eighth. Hie wasn't ex- actly coasting, but he wasn'tgon after points as mucli as formerly and Mason took the opportunity t& fight his way very much back into Detroit Holzbaughs Detroit, Midi., Merci 15.-Detroit Helzbauglis, 1937 circuit champions, adivancedi inte tic Michigan-On- tarie hockey league finals against Windsor Bulldogs lst night by edging eut Chetham Marousj 3-1 three semi-final series before a roaring crowd o! 11,000. Chatham won tic first gaine here a week ago 3-2, but Detroit whipped Chathac Wednesday lu the-Maple City 5-2. ENGLISH RUOGER Lontion, March 15. - lu English' Rugby Union matches playeti yes- terdey Oxford University anti New- port .turned inlugooti victorieà away frein home. The Versity fifteeîi defeeteti Sale- 16 te 6, anti Newport overcame Cross Keys, 12 te 0. SISLER, SPEAKER OR WAGNER TO SUPERVISE TOURNEY. Moutreal, Merci 15.-When six- teen o!, Canada's semi-professlonal baseball teams open a Dominion ciempionship touruament liera Aug. 10, eue o! tîrce o! bascbals immortel figures wil attend, it wes announcecl yesterdey. George Sisler, Tris Speaker or Honus Wagner will attend the tour- nament icre as, an officiel .Dtper- viser, semil-pro autherities aunounc- STAGE SHOW The -Only Appearance To. night in Oshawa of This Stage Show!1 TWO COMPLETE -STAGE & SCREEN PRESENTATIONe 7:0>0 p.n. and 9:00 p.m. DOORS OPEN 6:30 SItAR -Screen Preseutauon- "ON SUCHý A -NIGHT!' -, th -- Karen Morley - Muln 1Kowbray NO ADVANCE IN 1tIRICE.S, '£MURS., - FRIDAY - SAT. Miaha 4ucr - Wendy Barrie - - -îu- "PRESRIPTON FOR ROMANCE" siso. GfEE AUTRY ln l."ROUND-UP TIME IN ROLLICKING COMEDY IN GAYESI SWINGTIME I OXFORD EIGHT'ROWS FULL RACE COURSE London, Mardi 15.-The Oxford ciglit, training for tic annc.el inter,. varsity boat race Apnil 2, roWed the full course ysterday, Putncy to Mrtlake, lu 20 minutes 31 seconds. TMue record* for -the our, nues, 300 yards, wes establisheti by Ceam- briCge lu thc 1934 race et 18 min- uites 3 seconds. . Tic Cambidige crew pestponed a. fuhi-course tria Saturday lu thc absence et T. B. Langton, No. 5 George Bird Burke Suifers T.L.O., Defeat,:- Martyk Ini Draw London,- Mrch 15. -Merle ]Pre- ciso, Itellan,-lest niglit de!eated George 'BJrd Burke e! St. Cat-7 armnes. Ont., lu a bxing match t the.National Sporting Club. The reterce stoppedtheti bout lu the fiftt i th the Canadin on thse floor atter talting severe punlali- ment. Bth Burke'seyes wcre sev- éely, dameged, ie welghted 1841/ te 169% for lits Europeau opponent. Mike Martyk, Et. Cathvies featherweight, erew with eîi11l Walker o! Stratford, England, ini an eight-rounder. Martyk welghed: 1201/2, and Walker 127. A little glycerine or salad oü wiLl lubricate the food chopper and egg beater, a housewife declares. Ti bus -CORN er tire cf band it r PAR SU.FFERS AS PROS- PLAY Miami, rFIa., Mardi l5.--Joinny Revolta andi Henry Picard yester- day shot sub-par golf te corne from behind andi beat Jimumy Hunes and Vie Gliezzi, 4 andi 3, in tic quarter- flnals o! thc international tour-bail championship. Revolta andi Picard--siootng for ticir fourth consecutive - crowu Inu the tourney-found-Vielr gaine -- ter e poor Morning round, whIch left thexu one down. They starteti home with a seven-underpar'29, a record for the Miami Country Club. course, te lead four up on theiJ7th. Wilcf Goggin anti Ben H ogan, who continucti their "Igiant killing" by knocking off Harry Cooper andi Jimmy Thomnson, 2 andi 1, meet Re- voita anti Picard in the semi-f.lnala today. ,Byron Nelson' winner e! the re cent Hollywood Open, and Haroldi M:cSpaden defeateti Frank Mloore and P.G.A. Champion Denny SËhute, 2 andi 1. The losers led, one up, at n*ne holes,, but Nelson and McSpa- den evencdth ie count at 18, andi won by sniping five birdies in eight .11 3, 4 \ 41 4 4 I T«m Defeatea -'l TUIES. six 1

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