Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1938, p. 3

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t'Buldget of -News-, *BmokIin. -ad -District By staff Correspondent (B. Osebutt, Correspondent) ,- BROOUf, liard 1 4. - The meus Aassiation o! ýtue United urcli met at thie -home of Mm. itelt! on Weclneaday,, Marcb 9, h s large attendance. Mms. Sou- *the. mreident wuan he icchair. sJul l ad chargeof the devo- as! service and4 Mia L. MowWray. td froni the Study book 'Leaves Mi, Lanteru Lano.e. moe oclli s answered by vermesou frlend- ip sndsasocial, hour usa peut at e ose o01tMe zmeeting. - er. J. Slztero f Itou!! vii., wu ýh friends 1er. fçr a few "»y Umss dua Themp3cu vIited&'s'il - er asater, Mno. Ralpli Wood. Cf South Porcupine, oven Uices'eek- end. Mn. sud Mmi. Reason sud isin- ly have moved luto lins. JordausX cottage, Mir. Ressn bas bhired witli lin. Onsndy. "Mr. sud lire. Pice cf NSlxvllle sre. vUltng at the home of Ilicir daughited, Mn, sud Mms. Roard Pupils cf lins L. Tondif!, uic hasv. psad t-hein nment theony ex.. aminstions arc: Grade T., l4ets Par- 1al (honora); Grade IL, Victoria Agsr, Gà laOu*bs.ouni). Mr. sud lins, James Stnedwlcx snd 'sou of Oshawa ws'e.uti lin. '-tnd Mn.. John Bligît on Suuday. Mn. snd Mmi. C. L. Mleispent, Sundsy wlth Mn suad Mna. Gordon White, of Oshsaa. .Mr. sud Mns.. Elsworth Parisl sud f!smlly, Mns. Hans'ood, Misa Sharpe sud Mn. St. John o! Green- bsuk ' enrodment visitons wltli Mr. sud lira.Wm=ParlIs. Mr n.esu4mn. J. lisoDuft snd Donald apent Suuday wlîl fnieuds ln Toronto.- Mr. W. Ormiaten lias laken a position wlîl Mn. Bsggs, cf Edgley. -Mn. Walter Martin, who- las been a barber bers for the past year, left ou Tueaday for Ott-awàs'henc ho.wlIl take s- position. lin. Richard Hayes sud ion Ro- behrt o! Trout Oneek, Midi,, vlated United. Church' Tuesday, March .22nd Program to consiast of Zdoungpictlures byte AdssGrader' Co.- sols biy Mlis Tumbuli, of To- ropto Conservatory of Musici, asted by Pegg's OVER 350 NEW SAMPLES TO CPI,008E FROk~ Clarence Reeson PA INTER AND DECORATOR BROOKLJN9 ONT. PHONE 3304 wltli their cou4insMr. sud 3Mè. Wm. ]Draper, rccetly. Mn. -Jos. Rodgaon la viltlng wlth fnin uBuffalo 1118 Vweek. - Mn., Orval Jackso f North To. routewuaiat lits home hmrecul Sunday., Ladles-Remember tue Afternoon Tes sud Balh o! Home-m*de cck- ing, wbich uilho eld> lu the Unltec2 Church on Ssturdayi March 19, fnom 3 te 6, -unden- the auspices of the Mission Cincle, Silver- Col- lection. The "Prnxdshlp Gr4ý».o f xe- W.A. ucre enlcrtsined at the home e! lira. Jerry Nalley onuMonday evenlug of lasiweek. Af ten s sheit- devollonsal service the. f ollos'ng officens vere clected: Convener,1 lins, Charles Wilson; aery- l lir$. L. Tordif!. After plânlng some sctlvltles Uic rest cf Uic eve- ning s'as speuti playlng crokinole, aflen wich àa daInty lunch swu. served. Service lu St. Thomas, Anglican chuncli ulil be held on , Sunday Mardi 20, ut il1sam., wlth Uic rector Rcv. J. C. Clough i charge. The Mardi meeting cf Uic Wom- en'& Missiouary -Scciety s'ilb. hele, st tic home ofMlira RaIi!! ou Wednesdsy o! Ihta week. lia, M. Routley aud lins.- L. Bnsdley are iu charge o! Uic programme. The. girls o! Misa Beul s rbutt's dlais cf UicUnited Chucl Sunday Sehool have ongsnlzed their dlams. Ibey clo-se "Buay Becs" for Uielir nome, clams colora an. green aud -white; officers are ai foflows: Pre- aident, Tva Mos'bray; vice president, Mary Rasmer; aecnetany, Marlou Rclllday; tresaurer, , Helen Smith; Flower commît-tee, iDoncen Libby sud Marlou Blair. lira. J. A. Jonef, of Baiai, lia been visitlng ail Uic town o!flier sou, Mr.sud lira. Ploya Joues. iss Reba, Christie apent Sun- day s'lth lien parents, Mrn.au.t mi. J. J. Chrnistie o! Utica. li. nsd lir. Stacey, o! Oshawa, sud Miss Norecu Cook. wer. week- end visitonsMrlin.sd Mmi. Roy Jackson. Mr. Hugli Rosassud Miss Mariante Hopkins o! Tononto,,s'en. with lin. sud Mrs. Morley Rois on Suuday. Mr. A. C. Ellilot ýaud Mn. OeS. Browne s'ern lEBbcaygeon oe day lait s'eek. irs. Fraiest lltlng wlithber daugiter lu n vnlurst. Mn. A. 7J. Cook'a store s'hich la beiug remodelled s'llI ho open. for businenessuct week. Mn. Meredi hi Mceu eo! ]Detroit wua lI Brooklin lait week sund attended'thc Masouico "At Home."~ It wV sa slangs-cros'd thaV speut a very bappy, ,evcnlng aI tle -M& ouic "At HEomM" s'hicl s'as held luit Fntday nlghtî Toé, eveulng s'as apent l u cdhe sud dancing, those wli one prtzes ln' uchre ws'e: Ladies, lira. Hos'ard Arksey 4od lira, W. Medlaxid; Geuts, Mr.. C. S. *Thompsoi sud lir. Norman Hes'sou - li. J. W. Graham bcd the. mis-, fortune t-o fslý on the icc lait seek aud bruise ýlcnself quit. bacUy. fortuus'tely there s'ere ne boues bioken. The Yotàni People's Leadersahip Training Sehool beId lait week lu thc United C urchicme te a close ou Fnlday ev utng wlIth a dedica- tiservce e iducted-'by Uic Dean of he Rch Re..W. LE. Honey. About 60 studients Wýerc enrolld i the four courses. El tl sene suard- cd certificate , as everal .ctheni W1l1 qusll!y ton cenfllicatcs by cern- piettng t-hein ýsslgnmnent& during the Services ithe United Ciurciiu Sunday atIil s.m%. md 7 p.m. in cliange o! the pastor. M..A.Rafflemnan, qspcale- preseritative of Tlp Top Tallons s'iI be at MeDfs Store, ]Brookllu, on Thursday, Mardi 24, afleruoou ouly. Rie s'll lave oùt dlsplay actual fa- frics for lie -nDew Mcasn lI ai a"e alresdy maklng hIstory, nes' colons, s'eaveg and patterne@. Dou't fUni ï have your pensons!« measuremneut 'takn for news' Tlp'Top dlot-le. Ri- memtiber Uic date.. Youil want te beè tiiere. Bill vWiulanms Oncliatra 'il furnieIcmis -!or lIe Young àý#X danee4à Pnldsy, Msrch been anang&e t bil 'teîgtiÈàt- nlcks -ay.Tienp VilII bwý.c N4eeltt WWtiy Townsbip ,oeMMU MeV st Uic TOWDDIIP Hal u EroBoklun mn Mardi. 'itIreeve Lorne"-Iemp presidlng. Themnu=tes -o! -th IoMa rend. Movcd by R. P. lckir. eooded by' N. J. Anderson, that thie clerk hoe sud là bcreby instructcd f» write, R. A. Thompion. 974 ]Dsnfarthý Ave., TùrSetô o, malnghlm 10 to gn Eydro-Electnic contracta aon ies propety inMyrtle Station,'as thie: proemt coritracta wcme agned by the Township. sud- Uic CommU 18,1 not- iclng te'be .nesponsllefor those contracte hiWth6 fuure. Moved by Wmn. G. Xanningi seconded by 0. R. Dowje, t!ast the reslut4on of Pb.i 1M e &P- ,polulment c! tsi colee%~r b. made to -rcsd *200.00- lnstead o! $190.W0 Moved by Win. G. Mmning, seC- onded by X~. J. Anderson, tlst.* the reeve snd tremrer IW ý sud areý heneby suthorlzed ,10 euh ,cîcquâe from Uic Angle &>tlslxInmrane 'Co, sud' issue cÉfflqes, on the Township o! Wbltby, te -the,,vant- eus persona mcutloncd,,therein. Moved by O. R. Downey, second- cd by N. J. Anderson, that Uic clerk ho aud la îereby autlinzd te uotlfy -Mn. Fred Lyon that lii services are ne, longe requlrcd au deputy clerk, and that tUicreeve wli the, tresaurer issue theiný <dheque for $5.00 as one month's aalszi te Apnil lit 1988. Moved by!Wmi. G. Manning, sec- ouded by Oî X. Dos'ney, that reso-. lution No. 1, of May 4tli, 1936, b. sud Uic saine laliereby repcsled. Movcd- by Wm. 0. lianning, sec,. ondcd by N. J. Anderson, that Uic clenk b. sud la îeneby authortzed te write Toc Empire Lite- Insursuce Company, e-Hfydro-Eiectric ]Bll On contract NO. 1295-1]B. Csnnled. A By-Lau usu given Its tircee neadingsand paised, nèpealing Ny- Law No. 1254. Moved by O. H. Dos'ney, sec- onded by N-i J. Anderson, that Uic tax collector b. sud la liereby- nellcved. o!fcolecting Pol Tax for 1036, amo0unt *3.00 sud 1937 Poil Tax amo nt $30.00 sud eue dog, tax, amount *2.00, total $35.00, as outllued on iatatemnent No. 1. Car- nieci. Àlmonds ALMONDS, Mmrcl 14. - Min Guen Steplenson, o! Oshawa, speut tue week-eàd witî ber cousin, misa Msrne Stephenson. Mmm. J ' H. Gullîver là apending some lime s'lth lier daugliter, lins. ýLovell, of Gabsa&., Mr. RUWel Wemp, of Rati,.Ont., Is vusltug at.,tue borne o!Mr. asud Mn. Win. Gordon. à&n. W. H. Daladon sud Miss Lois Balsdon visltcd on Suudsy ultu Mr,. aud lins. Burucît, at% 1h. home of Mn,ý W. Ccx,*lu Bnooklin. Mr. Dur- udtt, s'ho lias been verY 111 for the. past lau day., -la3flou someuliat lm- Proved, thougli stlillconficd te Uic bouse. ]Ris many frienda liens trust thal hi ay soon b. arouud agalu. Remnember the drama to be given On Priday evening lu the chuncli. K@n-l (Mm. Vie Panki,,, Cbrrespondent) KINSALIE, Mardi l4.-T"ie* mn- nlual cyster and lam aupper s'Ilbe given. by ths, offiêlal board on the evenlug c! 'ueaday, liarch 22nd. Toc Womeu'a Assoiation s'wu bld Ils 3Marei meetinig at the home o! Mn.. v. Pazicin ou-t-be ai- ternoon cf WednesdaY, Mardi 16, at 2.30 O'dlOck. MM. Jas. lcDon- ald'à group *11- b. incrgec tie programme A ,la e s of b mnade s'elome. Toc frIenda o! Mias Laura Sad- ler s'ere, lidêed, aonny te le&=u o! ber -.etent accident, aud wlsh 1er a speedy neçdver. Rcv. Mr. t4utton ba sarted s 'sentes o! talks on "TIc Lest Deys o! Jesus", s'hich lie Iutendsts1on=- tintue forat leait five or sixSun- d"YS. iataalk, on Sunday lait prov- cd -moii internestlug and helpful. -Misa Edna Stevensoni,cf Altcna, zpent the week-end s'it-î ber par- ente, Mn. sud Mmi. W. T. Steven- Our youug people have beenlu vit.d .10 lit. Zion next Toursday evenlng, te hearn a talk by Mjisas y-- bil Lsgmaîd, o! Oslasà. As msny as, Possible * sliuld s- vstlthe=ielve cf this OPPOrtunity te Join your liont-h reiglibors ini ssocial even- Mr. and lr.Lonne Wlite, O! Oshaw'a, Vene-' receut callera o Kinsale relatives. Mrn. and lin. Abent Pankin.speut One day lut seek with Osha W.acpleased t c i. tFibsou sround 11e -vwiae aai - TeMission Rani met at, te jae ties! I~meiPreact. T>e meettlié wu opeued, by atnglng hbinn ý«. the led@r, and the - espense wu rePet by aIl. KYMý% 4"4 wua an b5' N"bleStevxS floe Inayer by Jen tMor "e i 1 : Ashbuxrný (Mm . E. eron, Correspondent). ASBBURN, Mamcl 14.-Toc base. muent s'ai s'eU filled on Wcdnesday evcnlung, vkIcu ntic Greensood Y.P. e. -presenthd is Play "eWindy Wi1- 1os's". 7114 play s'as seU given sud, lhe characters s'ene equmliy good. Thec scen4 took place- lu fropxt o! Scansely 4ýnougli's -grocery atone. Tt was very:' humonous.' yet it liad s very resl sud senious story thnougli IL. Mn. anà Mlir. Devltt o! Green- s'ocd entertaizned wlth- violin sud piano duets betweun acta. Toc play s'i im nder lue auspices o! Uic Miu , M rFaret FIcher sud friend, cf Wbitby spent Sunday wllli 1er -parents, lka nd, Uni. Cordon Fluier. On acooýiut o! thc play on Wed-. nedyn*~t,- therevasuno meeting for the Y$>ug People lest s'ck, 3lfra. VZi c Beadie centtIlncd thc Paillful Wonkers' Clas o! MNIyrtle The.ladges o! -tue Musloram Bo- clcty meti aI Il. curci on 7Tues- dsy afte4n o tequfit. Miss Hil opkins ezitertalued a number pf lady frienda on P'niday Mm. H. Ashton sud lir. Graham ipent Satunds-y I -Toreulo, ORWi(~YDM h 1 4-Sgeven- alfI-Ct > 9OpI took Uic Iae Le cour a a <staft orrý e OL&Bf(0)T, March M4.-Un- de, the at,'oier rin of ed 4Sel th înow la fat disamppearlngsudm the days ire becoming more sprlng- * 4sd Un. Hooey were weck- end vbisin uToronth. Mr. Ob.s Coope la home agaln Atteî, a motor trip to Plorida. Miss- N Snlder -of Smlthfleld là' the manie. T1~c staff s . pupils of, theCn tinuation scliol are lnvlteéd to &ooklln for &a ioda evenln; ghtl the - pupius of the Continuation Ochool' there, on Fnlday of thls Ted -Toiluon lja convaleacng et hW, , home, 'foflowlng ,an em ergency O 'min4for appmndicitis'at St Mlchat1'e:lRospital, Toronto. Ted had.- been, borne-fror'n orida only a feubours uben- he lad té be niialed'. to the hosplt.al. un. ROY ward us taken to St. Mcala HowpItal,ý Toronto, on- T1una<ay lait, for observation -trïatnieït. Rer many friend ,a're- hoping ,thit her*', day there wil ho cf *-shiort -duration. Mr. W. G. 8Scott liasld lis rsi- dence at NonlbCarmont to liUr. J. W., P1airof thc Parr Xlevator- sud Clhoepplng13011, and liash purcliased Mis ,.1.LMlerIs 'reidence. Mr. and* Mn,. Scott wl» move on Wed- nesday, and'tbcy and M Mille11r Wl» 11#e.together as Miss Miller bas Fuffered from Ill-health for the Pu-t sêVeralmontha. !. Lois EInulias: rented the. A. Prpty hopse now. oocuplod by Mr. ZTand udfamily. 'M'le .3VS. held a quiltlng Iu connectton* wltb Its regular month- ly meeting lu the United churcli on Tiiuraday lust. Ttc meeting was largelY attendcd. and after an In- spirlng Pnognam given by- Mns. Luther- Pilkey's group, thec ladies got busy with- the qulltlng. A pot luclc supper wassenVed. Th7e Claremont relatives of Mr. Lyrnan Pilkcy lield a blrthday dli- uIer 1u lis honor, s-t the horne of bis aiter, Mrs. Albert Mentie, on Wccl- nesay lait. The Virginlan Jubilce singera were i Clarernont, on Wedneday evenIng lait. under thé auspices of the Publiec Llbrary fBoard. Tliey cave their program in tbe conimu- nity Hall wlere &- lamge sud appre- clative audience assenied to licar the. southern odies uhicli only the colored aQ~e can render In true f oru.' T%8 coming of, Mn. Aitken te Claremont. on Msrch 2nd, attrscted the. womcu of .the communlty toi acTerai miles &round and Uic hall wus flllcd to capaclty for lier dem~. Onstration. Rer pratcal and labovp- aavlng dletry hints, together witli lier apt wlttlclam made the after- naon one of pleaure as well az of useful Information -gleaned * Almost au large sa crowd mssern- bled In the evenig te licar the play, "On. 0f the lqine", given by the B.Y.P.U. uliel recel-ved mucli favorable comment. This succesaful afternou aud evenlng wuas spcn- sored bythe repàir committce of +I. Lymn lke V4taent BROUGHAM, March 14. - 7he meeting o! the W-.. leld ai Uic home -o! Mrn.sdlin. M. Hamilton on Tuesday afiernoon lad an st.- tendance cf ucsrly 50. Mns. Dent-- Harvey, president pncsldlng. GUests, o!. Uic aftiroon s'ere ?Mn. snd- F. Chapmasu sud Mm. D. Wu o! Audley. -Mr. Ciapisu being tle guest'speaker c! Uic aflernoox. Re- spoke on tUic benefite th. kueul-. cdg. o! Clemlatny WM l» bnt Agriculture hi Uic future as thc secrets o! -Nature's stenehouse- can, b. better uuderstood. Tht. -veny infoMatIve talk recelved veny'at-. tentive -hearing sud ws muchli ap- preclsted.Mn,. *Winters brouglt bie gls tug rom fAuley'a neWly ongàn&zgd brmudli of W-1. ,M..Carl filou sud -fellowt' -hoates«secrved les sud *sppÎetlztng -refre3hinnts. Be. .E.-,Clavera messae oun Suuday was foulkiàe>'aou Luke 7, 31- 32, Uic solo' "Toc Prodigal Son~" added muclitothoîle nspIrat4on o! Bad ad a, neonganim-. lion -meeting -at Uic hom e o r. D., Matra on Batunay ,a»ftiinoon Mns. Coloer ntoôk-- change. o! Uic um.ètinÉ.- -,Otficera electe- e- 4ouI, COM~tancec tpdgév vice-presi.. at hw, h10ni of ML%- oAnnie ~ ~'Iraiycouver, î>M KI1 ý. mo~sd geoup.lu chargecf ncsGsY evenIng and at AUdley on Prlday nlght, whcee they wër. wafl Meeived by euh 1oemmunlty. Clarence -andMis. Perkin, -of To. routo, i'istod the fpnmers nMOU2r, Mrs. W. G.; Perkn sud -aunt àfMn& lins. Norman Bic, cf Plkcertng,, called - en- Ga'ccwood frienda ,one dlay lait week. SuÛday- with -lis parents, at Uic pannge Sprnt cannot b. far awsy; sev- ens-I robins: uer. accu and hcird on Be. . .Mutton lias started a anrt", o! sermonis .to b. given- ho. twM unow aud Eaater Sunday -on thc Meen lait wordz cf Christ Ev- erybody welcome.l The reIglar church usrvice laat-11.30 a. Congratulatong.to Miss Mlldred Brown-on winnlngUic junior Tain- blu Oratorimcctcst Bt the Whlt- by HIgh Sciioci lait weelc. The YI.tT. are havlng a Skating Party at the Markhasn nink ou Wednesdsy evcnln Mlardi l6tli. Utica (W. C. Rejuolda Correspondent) UTICA, March 14.-mhe Young Pxeople's. Society lad s veny inter- e8ting aud profitable meeting laut Week cOi Wednesday eveuing. Pro- gramme -uaunden the. direction -o! Misa Jessie Wslker. MrS. C. W. Ls-key'lia been visit-_ ing hi Toronto and Oshawa. .Miss Betty-Joyce Winters, of Oshawa, la the.gueit of ber grand- parente, ,Mr. and lins. Piank Hor- top. Misa LiUliau ]Pickard, of Port Penny, las pendin- a, week with ber sister, Mrs. Henry' Skenrett. Mn. and Mn. Jas. E. Mitchell aud Walter were the. guesti of Mr. and lins. Ai!. Clark Friday evenlng. Tbe ladies Of Uic United Cb-urcb beld a veny auccesaful qullting oh Wednesday afternoon lait. Two fine quilta ucre cornpleted, sud ulilbe soid at s sale of work i May. Mr. C. W. Lakey vlslted Mn. AI- bert Clsugbton, at Brookdsle. Mn. Claugliton - at Urne of wrltlng la quit. 111. Masters Murray and Jack Geen wcre vlslting* their cousina at -Pine Orove on Bunday. Mr. and Mms. Edwin CChristie after spendig flicuInter mouths Witli their daugliters have returued to -theIr borne bere. Mr. Nelson Ahton speut Moaiday vlth hi ster, lins.' Rermae- Kcmny, at Epiam. Mr. snd Mrs. Akrtliur Iteyoids atteuded 'the funeral Of the- late Levi Duncan at New Toonuto on Tucsday. Thec iste Mr. Duncan sMent al of bis younger dsys ln thus vicln.ty sud wasInhi is 7th Yesr. Funeral service wus leld in Century-Churdi, lNew Toronto. In- ternient took Place at- Park Lawn Cemetery. _ MnS. J. Chrnistie entertslnec s feu o!flier fricuda at a qlmitlng On Frlday -afternoon. Mrn.sd lins. Ben Joues, Mr ga1ret and l'rancis, atteuded tbe NO 01H15 CAR CAN MATCH THE VALUE Oaty, McLaughlin-Bulck bhm these advanced, proved fea- tures .. .DYNAPLASx valve- in.-Head Straighte Mght Engine TORQUE-FREZ Sprlng- Wing. Tiptoe Hydraulie Braie; . Genuine Knee- Acion ,..Umusteel Turret Top Bodies wit Fisher No. Draft Vntlaton... Safety clasa . i,. Torque Tube Drive and Sealed Chassie. Nation- wide Parts and Service organ- ization always at your coin. mmad, anywhere. PHONE.%' Miec«W.MS. meet at tUic Riche home on Thlursday aficmucoit. Mr. pn#d' -M=. WlBrown, 9f -1 T o , vstiT. C. aud 3Mns. -Brown on Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur.,Porman. son asud- daugliter, o! Atwood, aud Mms. H. xclntosh 'Of Alton¾4 visîted Uic Knx anxly sud Mli. T.- Kuox on Mns.- D. McLaughlan sud son Roy are Witli lis. George Phlllp this week. J. sud. Mnî. Gerrow Wene Bro>ugh- amn visitors -on Sundagy last. Mis'Mgargaret Caisie là Uic guest of 'the Pred Casai. famly this Week.- Delegates, atteuding -the Tononto Ternper.nice convention were L. MlddlctonIT. C. Brown, lioward sud Mns.,Malcplm., Two Old tUners o! Broughami, wio PaSaed away recently, Wene the late Williham Murdock o! Wlilpeg,,ana- the late M.- W. Collins, fornxenly Jennie Beaton, cof Hamilton, N. Dakota, the latter belng the daugh- ter o! the late Donald and Mn. Beaton, Wbo went West about 50ý yeans ago.I Clifford sud lira. Hubbard and Mns., M. Hamilton made a hurrled tnIp to Toronto Hospital ou Satu- day afteruoou.- Harry Hubbard bç..- hIg operated ou for appeu4clctu& lmmedlately, operation, was success- fui. News-wasreceived by lis. Wood- ward, Ou Pniday evenlng Of thie pamsing of lier father, the late Mn. Strong lni Hamiliton Hospital. Syrn- pathy is xpressed for the -0,. reaved.' The zuembers f V1i9.W.M.S. beld a qulltiug bee ou Fiday afternoon wbeu about 40 ladies of the coin- Muuity 'gathereca at the Town Hall arnmed witb ail tbe lmplements used Pn qulltlng anc2 vallantly attacked Uic 5 qullts and by the supper haur they were !inished and space neady for the setting of tables for- the way te Gait. on Wednesday o! last st-mips o! n~al la useti te emphaslze weeK. ±ne beautîtul sud abutidalit these joInts. ASAFIITY UISIO W ITH KneActîon up li front ai4d nucu ToiQuR-FREZ Spninging at the rear, McLaughlinýBuick now brings you coîl springs--on ail four wheels!. These easy-flexing (Safety cushions" banish every last trace of bumpn onc nsd jrig. Skid dangers are *gneatly reducd h a a inesteadien held ou the noad. Yen- gel more traction in mud, sand and suow. Tfire life la lncreased. S ix grease peints are eiminated, sixnplifying maintenance . . . -No othen car at any price offens you-the safefy and comfort of ToRtQuE-FrtEE Springing-uo othen can equai the performance cf Mclaughlin.- Buick's nes' DxrNÀvx.sH Engine.- Test them both eut on the road, today. Let a ride show, yen how nnuch more your mouey bu-y. unthe Most adranced car in Mhe world. PRIID(Sei« 44 - Spot Coup. wittri Opus Seau J FR MDdôanrdàoafaory, Obau-.Gnespn:txs 1O M a st fr a e g a d M idù ~ , a. a sy a y m w n ts -a g e d b ro e b ' the GanoedMotors lrjstmea:Plan, on ail - fourmawheel9 -"'-s- 'BY - f I - - 4' bo4uxtiful supper pnepaned for hus- dlsplay o!f flowers bespoke the bigh bauds sud- familles, 'wien ml s'ere esteem ln wbich Uic deccased s'as ,satlsfled. Young sud old eutered heid. Muol sympathy la feit for wlîl entbuglasni-into -the, entertain- the bereaved famîly.- men t cfguesslig games sud sports. Mr. sud lirs. Wil McCa4 sund A veny enjoyable comuity geV- sopa, Vernnn sd Ronâ.I4, cf together snd lthe generous collection Broo»u, ucre visitors of Mr. sud s'as appreclated by t-he WMS. for Mrs. -P. C. Harrison ou Tbumsday. their expense !und i preparing the- Mr. sud lins. Murnn ay Paynie sud missionary bale, son, Garry, o! Tornto, -speut the. __ __ __ __ __week-end s'ilb relativoe ere. ý1 Rev. W. E.,and lins. Honey at- Friday. (Mrs. C. Harrison, Correspondent) Miss- E. Smith, lin. Jack Thomnp- - MYRTLE STATION, Mar. 14.- .oln.FalËDwe sdRv The Womeu's Missionsary Society -Mn. Honey attexided the Young are holding their regular meeting People's training classes in Brook-, at the home o!flira. H. Hudgin ln. asud lir.RoetSadn on Thursclay afternoon o! this Mbabso, ! rilRobertanMDe-n week, at 2.30. Ail the ladies are lu- oîîy mRaiof wer uîandyMisstor-o vited te attend. oliyr.ad lir. C-hisboiati r . Mr. snd lins. Wicket-t and Mlra. sud ir.a.Lur. C.ihlnidh H. ane o Litie Bnta~. w re The W om ens Association are visitons o!flMr. 0. H. Lane on Mon- day. G'holding asu-Trisl tes, foUloweci L Col.C. . H.andMrs. MaAl-a good -programme, iu wicb visit- pin ,of rnol. c. D. H. sud l n.. li s tAl- ng talent sud local talent- Wl pin , ! T r o to, w e e r c e t- u e ta ta k e P a rt, o u W e d n e s d a yl-c o! Mr. andi lra. J. En Beacock. Y ke lira. Long- spent a few days O! 23rd. iast week with friends lu Brook-N W DE RA OSFAE Mr. and lirs. A. Wsrd, Mr. andi OLD PROBLEM 0F JOINTS' lira. E. Masters, Mn'. anti lis. O. Modern décoration bas faCed' H. Lane andi Mr. and Mlrs. C. squarely -a probleni that bas been Harrison and MLts Miltireti attend- dotigeti for yeans. In ushg Wall- eti t-le funeral, ou Saturday, cf btard ina.a roomn, the hidihg cf the Mrs Lsne's cousin, the late YMn. joints bas. risen t-o what amounteti ilton Lammiman, of Oshawa, Who te a real probleni. Tu many. mod- wss kîllecl i a car accident on the eru rooms a-mnolding of narrow wee.k. The beautiful and abundant' these joints. 8 E M 0 5 T A-IVARCED CAR IR FBY TH Eý WO B il

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