M ai CUVEicUt ,snts a union c th~e Congregationu and 4 ethocIlat Ep1scOa1 Olmrohz 0f that area 01 the city. GrOec .1 Unitedi Churcl cf 1the M1aaloM la a unique Institution and a -eAl-g force lui San Francisco.î ST. JORn'S CRI.JRCFORT ne .lenten course of semons on the Chrtstian Failli wM l ho on- tInued on 8unday next,,the 20th inat., aI i11aa=. Mong Prayer and aI 7 V~m. IO1' Comtunioi.At thé latter, thoSo reccntly «confirmed wfll recelve tjheir lirst Communion. AiU communicants ln the parlal are earnestlY lnvited to Join tiiem -ln this. The Beaver Boys' Bible Class wIl meet et 2 p.m. and the Bunday Scbool and otiier Bible Clamss et 3. The fdflowig clusses cf prepar- atIon for Hoiy Communion whUl be beld:--On Wedneday -(today) or girls at 4.30 pan. aethie-rectory; on Thursclay, for ladies at 2 p.m. at the horne of Mrs. Jolinston, and at 8p.m. for men at the rectory. On Wedneaday, et 8:15 pin., Len- ten service, at wblch the course of a«dresen the lite and worlc of Dr. Jonathanl Golorîli wil be con- tinued. Op Thursday at 1:,30 p.m, thie monthly business and devotion.- ai meetlg of tie W.A. wIll be heid a th t-.home of Mrs. James Isaac. On Prlday, a meeting for evan- geiiztlc study and prayer will lbe lilici ed t the rectory at 8 p.m. At thieBaptist Cliurcl nexi uii- day tic topie for the morning tliought wlllli e «"Prayer ad the Persofl." Iu îhe e'rening "Vlirouic Wallers" wll be dià cuNsed- At Uic close of tie evcning service there will be -a twcnty minute "Slng-soug" for aIl wbo wlsh le ahay. Sunday scîcol at 10 a.m. ZL4'on's club on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Prayer mieeting ou Tiursday aI 7.30 p.m. LocmotveOrder Gives Job to 500 Kingston, Marci 14.-Represent- izxg one'of lie blggest anciens for seme time, thc order for 15 strcam-- lcci englues, in-rolving a ti<tal eut- lay u! $2,000,000, wililibeudit tis city by giving fulilime employment le, about 500 men for a ½.,ast tle next nins mouilla. - , rd Sunday ln Leiit, it AU Saints' ChuirCli a celebrationiof lb. lion at 8 a.m. andi Il ning prayer wUl be mi. The rector wil ,i-ervioé.s; in themor- isubJect ',Monumenits in the e4ig. on the ays or 1evr'. Thie Di will meet at bidren wlio bave not Lenten pyramiçi boxes at any time. Vistors (e at the iservices. $T. ANDIWW'S CHURCH Toniglit, Wýdnesday, at 8-c'ciock meeting for M~yer and medication, on Sunday th~e services-of worship at il a.m. a.nd 7 pn. wll be con- -ducled by the mnister. The Churdll TRE V NITEID CHURCEa In the United Churdli at île Mer- nlng service, tle ReV. Russeli0'- Brien will 'preteLh, In tle evening, ltre willI bake place a Lenten ex. change o! ministers, the, Bey. W. J. H. Smythc, M.A., B.D., cf Port Per.. ry, bing tle guest' preaclier, CLASS8 IN CRURCR SIEImRRUIP The lass in Cliurcli Menber- .ship for adolescenlt boys and gils froni tle Sunclay Sebool wlll mccl as usual aI thc United Cburcb parsonage on Monday at 3.45 p.m.. Membets fIromi churches out cf têwn wlio wLsl to unit. witli the Ohurcli cf Christ by certificate o! transfer aI lic Rester Communion are aSked le communicate wtb tie m1iilaer. U INITED CRUROI WMN'S ASSOCIATION , -. On. bundreci men are exPected te fgllowsblp together ah tic anonihly supper galierlng eon Wed- nWy 'iof-thl5 -week et sixèthirty C'eock. Thc gucat speaker on Ibis St. Patrlck's occasion 13lb.heye. W. H. J. Sm.yhhe, a snou f thc Ermerald Tl.- IN~VITED TO PREACU IN CALIFORNIA The B Tey. - Russell OlBrleu bas been initled te preachinl San Francisco clurlng -the comlng suin- mier vacation. Tic invitlng churci., Oract Unitedi Clurci cf .tle' Mis- elon, of wllcl the Rev; iîllon Weu- lyTiiroclcmortonla Ispasior, repre- WE SPECIALIZE I P,ýLATINO NICKEL, OR CHROM1UM Bumpers - Head Lamnpi - Radiator Sheils, Etc. Golf Clubs-Boat Fittings and Household Hardware. PRICES ON APPLICATION Coultor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. - Oshawa - 24-Hour Service 'i ~IIèaa~ 1936*PiymouthâS.lin Ti is a. Lovely Car. be Zsherwood truck,"' te,%Oficd Of- Icer W4"d ' MUtl was acom- Mied b)>fPrank Harris o! Brooklin. >rvlle Saèlcrlder was pined b.- Lweezi the rear riglit hall of the Eserwood truoc'f'id the front end 3f the Madill i . cThe, Mark& riade by lhe vehicles in their course from Uic point cf the Impact te vIiere, tbey stopped lndlcated'tliey had net been movied." Bolli of 3ackrder's legs, severed between the içuces and lips by the impact, were fr>und lying on Uiceasut sbouldcr of the roaci, Off içer Waude related. Te torse of Ilie body waU *eaning parlly iside the rear doorl of the Isberwoed truckr. - Madui Had Been DrihUkng '<There were no N'Indications of ilcohol whatever en Uic hriver ùo! tbc Islierweod truck," statcd Olficer Waude in answer te a question of Crewn Attorney Annis regar&Un tl. condition of thé. drivers. IlWere there any observations yeu can make with respect te Madhli?" asked the Crewn.' 1«I would say from mY observa- tion tliat Madili was drunlc," replied Offiver Waude. "Wliy?,"queried -the Crewn. it was qute obvios %îat #Ma- dill had been drinlcing." sald the wllness, rqlating that Madhll's eyes were giassy, bis. speech thicir, and t'hha e aked unsiteadliy. "He teki, me on i$i own accord thu.t previeus le the accident lie hacl been at the Royal Hôotel aI Whitby and lad consuMed a quart of beer,"1 related Officer WaUde., .Off'cer Waucle tld the court that aller ho becqme convinced that Ma.. diii wus drunk, lie plaoed .hlm un- der, irrest, asud Niglil Constable John Thomas of the Whitby Police forcé later removed ,him te Uic County jall ah Whutby. SbOI Legs Severéd yr . A. cudcly, of Wbltby, whc examri4 Sackrlder's body after the accident, bold the court that lie had found an amputation of both lege and extensive maceration'o! the chest boines. Dr. R. T. McLaren Ceunty Coroner, who arriVed at tle scene of the accident shortly be. fore miduÃiglit, corroborated Office] Waude's testimony as te the condi. tien -of Madill. at the lime of the ac. cident. -Oeorge Isherwoed.. driver of thi truck ln wblch SackrIdcr was rld, ing with bis mother and brothe'. Henry, aged thirtee n, testifÃŽed lIa le had been rèturning te Kirklanc Lakce alter a +isil lu Oslawa, am< that lie encounlered a blow-oul o1 No. 12 higbway nortb of Whltbý The last, lime lie saw Sackride ilive, he alleged, the youth wèýs o1 thc right front -side of tlie truc' before going around te the bacl He afterwards found Sackrider' body wedged between the twe truck with lis head Iying on the radiatoi He then sftw MacIil sittlng li th front iseat of the truck "arnd-onuIn forming hlm of wlat haïd lappenei Madill allegedly' replied,, "inm sorr Mac, I dldn't sec YOU." -. The headlights were on when Il brought the truck te a :ltop atE thé blow-out,- Isherwood relate( and lie tIc-n switched on the cov lights. The red glass in the ta!J light had beeni broken so le ha >placed some ired ceiluleid Iu it place le sated. on -dd li«~t preveutthe fmgm«e! of glass aferwards found by WSu freni remining in île rim., "Wydidu't yen have a lar down the read fil tY eL'" t 0 odo 1IV' waall tà * a w ~ have beÇn bilg 1 hi thview cf. riorbil the Iri p'4eli S~~d~fl enct coueuu iaatl bus, La>&rsewcw Na> a op* ~y -~deMeesd Orylil u>ls te dd anYthl Stl@Sn a ~id she 171 voptthe ed cel t> DQTI ryaiâ mgwtatQw bruo bu: to tw& tad scen 1 eiluil io !ho wa~s ci k'6 the, r çrtmlabl neglipence caffl.gr ina truckO1ig iwqth Mopthb is klmelare -trinsferro4 to theý Whitby-Lhidaa7 hlghway., J114Iè ïjùîrCourt to b. held Aprfl 5. Ilprtli 6t the. tOw», W)h1Ih WU Mm UILiWIeDavies, of Humber *t*uolt by uiiotIiftm* ~d4vft, by Bay 13 clarged wlth , mansaugh' ZMadill. . lecOwu I *4 4at h ter as the resuit of api auto crash pireliminar!y tiral 1 ti, thIi4.aSu*l -1ust west Qf Whitby,« near midnhlt was d<ivig atruck. viUeAe on~ November 4th, 1937, I whlcli br'akes. Mrs. 'ibolaslna Sinitii, .o1Oshiawa, Jam~es ThoOip= 3I.cluged wvth lost ber lite. receivlng stolen goo4L The. Crown alleged at the, pre-- In additilon thereana igiWi Uimiry tril ithat the' won=x, Jury. civil -actions tO 1h eod , drlving a car weat, éldesw1ped a thla Court. undler the Infne o! ,lqUOr," Mat ' an hour af ter MadUIi retired he was# asleep .te6tif ied GoýeVor tLucas, who' ztated hi respthe Wa qués- lion, of the Orown that Mail bad not cômplaiedto hlm o1 anyh- jurles. Wltb Uic conclusion cf tIb e vi- dence the Crown ciosed Its case andi defence counsel MoGarry tiien macle is motion for dismissal hintthe ab- sence of lhe jury wbo were aà ked to retire. HLs Lordshlp satd thal lie- would render hls decWon -las te wlietber the -trial - sheuid- proceccl when court re-opened. the foUowig morning. CATTIE LEXPtIT indicaing tat 19iuoô m Uie CM- not be giVen tethie develcopient and imprMcIeentof the agriculture, parbiculall y the llvestocK branéh. Prom these fl it lcouA4 eà si1y be reckoned that a fariner Was more 'lntereSW ltixnothers hI th6 expcrb market because Canada ex- ported more catIe than she could take care of lu tic local domestie market, Greatest markets were In Britain and lie 'Unitedi States, and tic extension o!fIliese markcets could be' iefleclecl lu Uic presperity 0f Canadian laruis. Markets for bec! caIlle were not as good iu tic Unit- cd States today on accounti.lo! sîrikes, etC., se Ihat it wuas4 profitable te slip cathie over bhe border. "We are, îowever, loekîng for au early iniprovement Iu tuas market," said Mr. O'Neill, who pointcd out that farmerÈ, for ex- ample lu Lambtoj. county. wlere ninety pc-r cent. of the caIlle weuld go te grass Ihîs year, were hope- fully standing by belleving lIai tlere would corne better days liing- ing liciter prices aud a more ex- tensive.market for Ileir caille. Goed In Great -Britain Thc cattle market ln Great Bni- tain was geod, Mr. *O'Neill said, but tîcre were few boats available te take tie cattie over owing 10 îhe irregularity in shipmeuts. Boat, owners were net eager le carry caI-ý île alone unless tley could f111 Up tleir hlds with wieat or otlier farm productsalaso being exported. This was one of the preblems Cana- dian cattle breeders and sliiPPer would have te face if lhey wished te develop the British market. Iu lhe United States 99 per cent. of ail cattle--were T.B. tesled. Ini Great Britaiu a stant was made last year te dlean out cattle with var- ions diseases, ameng Ilier T.B., wiile in. Canada f armers luin he majority o! Onitario counties bac eitier applicd for a' T.B. test or were giving tIc matter consldera- tien. Iu Ontario couuly ail but iwe norîl townshilps lad asked -for and obhaiued tic test, te their ad- vantage. "Canada must maintain îlehealîl o! îts caIlle on a status second bO noue lu lie world, If sali latere- ttain lier preseut expert marketz and develop ucw oues," Mr. 0ONell * orPateiidt. T Fclgo h usino on Tpu'lymll paheunizailen lOu - tare s re kpoae by ioîle On- mt; Mm a, po'I-e1 d heat we nientueude o leusaid that w ft arYiiten frtc ranu ç the arhlin te r d a d o t d we BRUNSWICK Event -of Wat-Sei . OaaMardli 14. m aail nlitary'pellcy upon lIe queston 0f sending an exýpedhtilonary foros adc et o! UicprO e bcOwlUt g lnvolved othelattanie bas l c btie United Kllgdiom, announod ln London -by War 8eetag7 RS- Béeisha. Canadian sqlop C eii9 wil ho Sent abroad,.t4 the numbr o! hall a Million agaI. - IndtIcatWof o! b i floaUS IM1 by P>remier K*ug i ?nslS stien the defen âe esiIrs *6 up,, à 6 year ago. "f« ier wo * ildny"thé rume x 411 thilc we woutd f=uidthaiUii tions or worldci.onfiîct *Owld14 W o0 ffMlcreit froni what thbey wt i» the luti war, thaI anythi ng 4. lIe pature cf expediiioxiary lorcesi o Os sent froni on. continent W ,ad(.eIli weould occasion a gooa deal> m*re ilan second thouglit." Mr[. King hba sated #nLt i smaiding large isuma upon a4cns andi ý7Ement tiere wOr o ýougbt lihai any ofi sbould b sdOver- Furiher empbasaa upon tiis pollcy is expected wlîen Uic nation clef ense estimates arc taken Up t14lssesson. Tic policy announccd :by Hore- Belisha that masses ýiof BrtiWh treops will no ongerbe6nt broad can be expecied b aPl$' wit even greater force to Cana4 I. u th" eveut o! Canadian par>iclpatiôn lun war, approved by t ie Cinidien Parliament tic exteflîjifarmCd as- t sistance frein this ountry likely 3 woud bé imÃŽted t0, aviators and MayImof4 E bt r As Rf suit Of Blast nil wMva rusbeù. ta 1,4t. Mlchael's Bos'. pitl in 'iTorontoq fOIo<vlig a b1ba* ing accidept wleftlie wuatruck ita tic cyc wf1thb & iece of f lyi omono wIiile blasting nst tie -Hogg *and Lylleseed sud grain plant at mari- posa Station p;est o! bore. It la feared thie mý.n will loethe ie lht ofthle eye. 1 Feliowing e disastrous fire aI bice plant sorrie weeks ago, bbe coni- pany dccldcd tle dm11 a wdll and it *as whilc liiasting outr some rock tiau th lcacl-idelît occurred, Il1la iliought thi , t Gorrili iarried too long a! 1er s dting lie chkrge, as le wats lie oully one of thé party o!, -workmen irijureci. taken cave 1ef uintal opli came frein'rural sections W1*vee tiiere wMre ne pasteurizat1on Iawg and cows f ncert parnie~ AIcut*awv çalled Ã, U&Y, one6.f w ,,E L E C T R O L YIl CONSULTATION Pli Hèt~ L.Salter ]DEEMATOLOGIST isulte 81 29% SuciNcZST. S Over Ward's Store TMEEONE 8M8 -oà ai&W GLACIER, CONNOR'S t ~ ~ - - -~OEDEW8, IiESTLE'8, A & P TINS<~ musas 2 T&LLC COIIVQRT, 00W, l"~&RL SOIP33BRS1 mue 2 -15c 5iJ17 i 7 239 r IONA ON.8 ~I~f A hP VHICENo. Zia GOL»EN ANTAM TmN 1111, SUN2'~ ERo*wK LABEL1~ 1-LIEL-6 ý- PRO. ?G ftinsÀ -2I"nsZScj CIIST.IES' PEEMOU[ No. U Il SODAS FKG.Jq mccoUtwtK,ý' VEEM TEL R DIIPLEX2ss.27c FANCY LIG13T MAT, sTia- UAFIUI1Oc 7080,' 2 - . Top QUAUTY PRIME 81 PIME R? 1B~Ii TIICK,,»RIB,,R'OAST BLAE-ROÂST Ibo Ib131 SUD! BACON JUIVE MACAQ;L VIGOROUS & WJNEY COFFEE' BSOKAR 27c TN208 8, O'CLOÇK mLO&WV LB. 2cCHATEAU RED CIRCLEFULL BDMLB. 20c SHORTIENING ORANGES -FAVAECA23é AP, LES 25c, 4lIbs. 17C Hamburg Steak MicdIL l oc MACHINE SLICED 2b 5C TIPS MILD LB. lac Nr o e-oz. 16 c ~tmovm Fib.-3 5-1 b' N'e STRAWBYIRRIES CARRMOTS MFtETS jf I R. --q r .* * c' - 4 1 4 PHONE 255 POTROSTBoneless Nb. C13e< BRISKETS PRIE lb. 9 c Bacon Squares-, SMOKED lA 19312 Plymout I GRPEFRUIT * JUICEor N2 f ONE ROLL or' SCOTTOWL - 2 - ) 1 - lçiiiG 1 Da sibell'