Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1938, p. 6

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WUT Jlus GONS EFU Wbeil Gloria u8" TOMMY Les arrived ut thie Le 11om010t-9Y dit- covered that RedneY Calbmma, who profeused love fer Gloria, vas axeaiy tRier. itRi Isabel, a Les titer. Tei"ltaellWick- om PsdMeys mouth dlsclsed t. Glor- ia tb4 Isabel w»s ut work eek- ing ho vin Rodny way -from her. Gloria bad goes on te the kitchs* ho prepare. dinner fer thie ttr and Tommy te bis room te Rrood -over Mi. thvarted love for Mar!OSII. Despite -thie tact that h. was 4 poor boy anS Mamcllu' came Item thie newly madle rieh, Drake family, tbey vers ln love; but rNi..Dralis baS issute I& th$ at rons . arrisi'-Omvos Dreytuuu. Mareellba" met clat- destinely witRi Tommy Juat b.- foe her veddlundtoidlTom- My hat ah. veulS alwaysu love him dospite her ianhappy mar- Lon~g ýiaie laler, viien Gloria calledts ti dinner was ready, Tomn- my vent sblowly down the stops Imb thie tlny dlning room. He thouglit, t:uculentRy. "If liaxu von DreyfUss ,dôesn't make Marce4sa-happy, Ilil il.li Rs.mlxxi didn't finish the thouglut,- but there vas. a grlm sel to lits jav and bhis eyeas burned fev- crlshly. Thon ievas lI thie din- lue room, swlnging one long leg aver a chair. Sitting aI the amali table in can- dillit vere isabel, Gloria, Rodney and iHenry Drake, wiio lad jusI cropped in, Glora was saylng, brlghtly, t00 brlghbiY,- Tommny thouglit, 1,j vavêcimyr wand-SXid prestol t1here was dinner!" --_ -For Miy part," saici Isabel, "I -hall Re glad whei tRio hunian race gives Up cooki<ig. When illaUo'll hiave te do lu cailUp Ucthecorner drug store and have them deliver, enough capsules 10 take care of mceiii for a Month."_ Peter Brints News No. one sawPeler lu thie door. Hie hadicornei quletly, wilhout knock- ing, as was lbis privilege li the Lees' bungalow-& hall young maxi, tireci and ovemrwokel. lie uaidl, saiing: -Vve juil been looking at hhe dam- ed. aveetesl thing I ever saw!"p TRiey ail lookoci up oeimulIaneouslY. TRey called: 6liM, Ilere, Pete!" Isabel iglied -anid leaned lier lovely cin on a small clexiched fist. -5o tue' Maîthews braI la boni at bat, eh. Peter? And I hope it Mtans we'bi have a few hours to cali aur own for a change!"' Gloria shivered. She thouglit: -How can Isabel be- so allen to Peter.s every lnlererât." Andi be- caup~ Peter lookeRso let-dovu, ilie beatieciaI hlm. "Was It a boy, Peter?" she cried. "And how la El- va Matthews?" "II's a boy,' al iglit. Nine poundit balId as a bat. Elva Mattliews is f;ne." He said other thuuîgs about Eiva Matthews then-thiugs about physýfi courage, and, beauty ol sprt He ad performed a dîfficuil, Caesarian under a- spinal anesthet- ic and hle vas sliyly prouci, o! hlm- self ancb o! Elva. "It's bravery rool. ed -lu fear Iliat I. admire. Elva Mat- tliews was a!raid-but brave!" For- a moment 1the room was tense.' Gloria coulci feel itlike a tangible thlrxg. She got up quickly She said: "Peter, what you nee i i some o! that steak. Sit down whiE I get you a plate and some silver, Really, tliere's plenty.» And wîtl PL graceful mrovemeut she hurried urito the ýkltcheuî. Sho was just taking clown a sea. green plate' wlien she feit- stronF hands on lier shoulders.. Uer liei bigan to throb, cruelly. and lier lhp, trembled. Il was Rodney. "Gloria, l'n. asklng forgiveniess, lie said. "ImV .-bout tonighl I.sabel aund I 1'a spot. too muet t0 drink. It dîdn'It mean anytiuing thaI Rlipstick. It just happenec that. ivas ail." He dug lu lis pocke then and brouglit out a litile aquar velvet -box. Hie saii, lianding ilt t Gloria: "*I really camne t10vait fo ,*You. Gloria. Thats the trutl*i."1 Gloria> took the box, timidiy. an, suapped the peari button. The ià flew open on is epeusive king aInti a diamoud, ýenorniaus an, sQuare-cut wthi smaller stone fiarnlng down the- platinumn circig "There are two kincis o! vornen. Gooci and bad. Yoit fait lu love viI 11hRe gooci ones and marry lhem- You have your momènîs viltRith bati ones sud regret them. Thas aIl." Andi yet, standing there wîtlh liii arma about Gloria andi Rer gol. den heasi againut bis Reart, lie waan't footing himuol!.' lie aidn't -regret this' aftornoon villi Isabel. Isabel vas warm flesh sud biooci end lntoxicatingly beatitlful. Kias o! Passion Because lie vas like 1huzsancb coulsi do nothing about It, a surgo k .yf tender'xiss, strangeete hlm, vent ~"through 413 body. lie drew- Gloria ~clo*r and kiseci ler lips; sncb &84h -- - ti h b ti 0 t e imev that Itl a you I- love That lucre- neyer. has been afty eue but you." ne went -on looklng ah her, is eyes completely serlous. '!IeLr>'" he said, - *ie a- real (aMlly. Let's have, 11111e Sunday nigRil snacks i the kitchen and'& gane of runiMY *.hen we're alone. Andi let's alwfya lold handa li the moiTies. Anld look, I've been thlnklng-the Cil- Muan factory could use me i their office nov. Let's live liere, Gloria- li Kenwood. ZIl go te the offce mach mornint and. .." lI that mue- 'ment Gloria, lovlxig him terzibly.' lauglied i fte hlm eyes andi thought Rie wus 11ke a srall boy plaYlng ah marriage. Tommy' reci head'ca >me through Uic kcitchun<do«1. lXe Ma, pin- ning: "For goalu sake's corne- on. We're ail slttlng ithere feeling 11ke famine victimu. Everythi<'s gel. bIng cold!". Andi Uieu he uaw thie ring sl4nlng on Gloriu% lbit handc; lie wRilsled through hi. teebth, lXe aid: "B8oy, snd could you me yowr way &roundhI the dark witu Read- light! Congratulations!" lis youno fae lit Up. Hecnry Breeding Henry Drake said, wheni they came Intothei lnlng, room and Tommy called attention to the rng "Andi . zne hoping ail-'a'long that Gloria voulci settle down witRi me on my poullry farm. That ls, when I. settle dovu andi buy one!" No one noliced tRial Ris face vas chlaky vRite, tRial li&s cyca ere burnlng black againsl il. Inside Ifenry Drake vas siuaklng, slckly. Andi he vasu thlnktng, as a boy Is llkely te think who lias always Rad cverything ho vanteci, vho Ras been dexilesi nothing. III can't bear l! 1 love lier! I love Rien If I can't have her Fil kiltnYself!"ý Peter saic nothlng';' nor di Isa- bel. And,. Gloria liaci an Intuitive feeling that tliey Rail been quarrel- ing. Il vas truc. Peter, haci tolsi Isabel li an excil- cci vhiSper Iliat today a graleful patient hasc given him a build- ing lot i Kenvood. Isabel% eyed liad dibabesi.- "ORi-R, Peler!" aRc liss crietI. doos that mean vo cau builci! Can I ive in Kenwood?" "'Yeali," Peter liac saidi nelegant- ly. "'Some day. But not now. You can't start a home li Kenwoci un- tii the promoters are assuredi it's going ho cost at leaul $35.000!" 13ut, Peter, you coulci use your present home," Isabel hasi persistosi. "hto psy Uic down payment. Andi -with boass we coulci builci! Peter, you're getting such a big practice nov "Gelling Is righlt" Peter liadsi i, ifirmnly. And then; "If Isent Hill *bl.ouglît $10O,0< I'd drop aeacx iti- "But it's Insuresi for twenty. Peter you're jusl being mean andi selfisîL You're now thinklng o! me aI ail."1 lier voice vas thin and furious. "Daci put lIaI $20,000 on Kexil t Hil on a ten-year policy. I couldn tI teven gel liaI! that mucli now." 1 Quarreing Ansi so they had quarreleci in whlspors andi haci only stoppesi wlien Peter hati said furiously: "I'd do anything for you, Isabel. You knov IRaI. But I can't do tRis. I can't sacidle myseif wltR an im- possible tva - hundresi - a - month mortgage! Andi furthermore I'1l neyer sell Kent Hill. I like il. was born there, my father was boru tlere and seven generations o9 iÏents before him. I want 10 marry there andi have sous there. 'Sons tu leave Kent ll ito under oaîR lIaItlihey'll neyer uel, eter, thougli they may live somewliere 'You're a sentimental f001!" Isabel sais ithiliscol'f. AIR, during dinner, watchlng Gboia's engagement ring flashing over the candielil table, Isabel wrung lier lianssogether., Two things lier galiesi ler soul: Peter Ovueti a Kenwood lot andi refused to builci on il; andi if Ilils afternoon vf,,th Rodney hasi come ho anylhing save an embarrassing situation. Peter sud lis stubborn refusa) wouldn't . h a v e mattered. S h e * Iliuglit feverislily : "Gloria wilf -have everytling ! And l'lRie bur-' led Up Rere lu thal iorrld olci housei growing aid ansi ugly-a poor <toc tor's wif e. Il wouldn't beling would Rie nerely going Ilirou;fu -life on a narrow ittle track, vant- îrug things with t11e pave ot a fast express, ansi yet-arrivlng nowiiersi I won't do It ! I won'I do il 5 The hospîtal1 calieci Peter aI 11:00 o'clock. Coulsi'Dr. Kent corne at once. Peter got Up wearily, said luis gooc-bys sncb Isabel, hhrowing an oRsi ulster about lier shoulders folbowêdci hmte lis roaciter. -5Re e ad a fow more tRings ta say about Kenwood andi the lot. A second laler Gzloria heard Peter's roadster ramblng down tRie street. She thouglit slnuply, "GCoci bless hlm." And thon sho looketi at Rodney viîtR uhining eyes and forgot-Peter. Tommy vas suggest- ing poker sud, gettineg Rodney's second, wenî upubairs for chips. Gloria set up two bridge hables ensi la endc, took a pack o! cardsansd upreaci tleio a fan. for tRie dealer's draw. They waited for 13- abeR. WheecDiS Isabel Go? Whexi fifleen nijutaa,- THM- WI-lITBY GIo ,ju p g At rtroaa w sit ,eut o ' the poCta f tmm i a .Artheth.t k iuabel runzg up the street,. her pale forehed, the ridiculiù white pajamia faPplng about ber lep. Sho vus out of bWeath 'when aie came upM ti.porchli dn'ae said, In ansae to'tRie queston ln Glorla*a, eyes : 'Thought .I'd buy us sorne bce cresa>. but thie dug store was closd."Pl A quarter hour ater they were sefl pWalng poker, thie red, whlte andb- MOueRI IPý4 pllg Up lxi Tom- my's corner. Me saici gayly«. "If 1~ have" a uh luck hi tRe 1rings asj 1 do qpt carda -l'1l bu light-eavy champ befor e cycars out ' Sud-- cenly Rie jerked upriglil, lis cyca vide. He threw dlown ' is cards and h ia chir toppel over behlnd him. U Lok out that-window!» lie cried. Te Be continue& ,-.WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 16, 93 -IN :RUMONCE ort, Perry Prepared to Hoénor FounderWith Memorial Park the efforts, o! Ontario osteopallis and and chiropra 'ctorS 10 secure lie. riglit 10 use th1e tille o! "'doctor" Thomas A. Blakelock, MULA. for lon', toIC a joint meeting of these professions Saturday niglit tRaI the titie shouid Rie big enough 10 Include aUl those who vere re- lirevisufferlng humanlty. A bini $eeklvg tus privilege viii corne Re- fore theieisiature this session.' "If we ever bhope - ho cut, doWn ,ioppitMation costý-'o -thé ta%- payer, -muat Rie W -recognlalng kil jbsIhe aidsat h eir full andb Dru-, per, *orth,' sad 1Ur. Blakeloek. "AUl those who are able'ho rellève su!7 'fering should have nut onlY * recog- nihon, bût the blessing of every one"t rmnk, -caflagian, IC.., -bld thie large1 gatherlng he wus there tô wls~h them- well in their- riglit for recogniticýp. -i amn lure islmply as a frlend-.as one whose farnily liaLs benefitted, from your methods o! hreattment,' 'lie-'àsserted. Colonel J.' N. MacRae, Chairman o! thie Galt Boardi o! Trade and' Chairman o! the Legislative Com- mittee of the Osteopathic Section io! th1e Drugless Practihioners, as- .sured his listeners that flot ail the. LITTLE ANE ROONEY 114E 5t>RE..A<&>4T TOS US SASOt4 FOR PLORWS- 1 O"THAM«T0 AVE $PNSERYrHI THE R251MEANS EXTRA %WORI<KR WELI ET DOM&ERt'« 1 F A.LIMARIM z'>4r CAmMAKe A L1TTLIL RXTRA woMLt.I' - le 'OAY wni m DOw>.TwoRRYTroo MUCucw EV>CILD FINDS CONE STUW TATAPPEARS 'TO ME MORE. DifFiCOILTTI-MM OTHEIR5. IF: VOL AQE. PAMIEDTAM.D COt4TIMUE. -rO -5TL>DY HA2D:-VO> WILL 15L A5TOt4i5sHeD 140w ÇICI<IY >~J SPE M' ILL -rw I~ EDPARIMMPM» TI4EYMZA lm mous CI5 o 1W W!COULOD. SSE WAS AWF<JL141CE -SkE SEZ ALLIWE GOTTA WHAT DOms NOT «IO %%OPAN' PRETTV6O0ôtM WE'LL DID FIND OUr 5PELLINW 15 DUSTAS EASYAS AMY' -1EACgER 0OTHER LE5eON- rr JU5T UOOCS lARER 514E 1.550B -EAcI4ER Amo you Bes-'TmL L L iSK -AND A5I M- By B3randon Walsh Dib -E5..5E UNMe^RtAhV you «r EL MOW AU. WEGCrTA DO I-ER wa 1 '57UViY-5PtWM« A SIUtDY LITTLE Bi* MAROýZ HOMER -HAt4 At4vTHI>MG'. HRRWORK ELS- AW si. ENtERY ,/WWI APPSS ltŽ w - I PLAN-d j AMNOW ~s ne -1 by Phyllis MooreGulhe WHAV pA gPg G 800KI? NVRTKt IflmouG4t II4AY ITMUST SE A VEIZY, YR> ~~ OU EADIIG? medical fraternity werè agaluat at the Ro»IYa ork' n11Ju3Y. IilgwayU thst and tl eweoer- them iu belng allowed the designa- - B0f~ I~ u Renwuoe. L W on thee Middle Road tion 'of*doctor. "Some ! the insye slttxig lXg ad thuas sùizier, pure- a neutral -corner, buti I happen to jy as An - experiuelO cus. X1i," h-a ube ftmae prasént no provinciel highways aréé flot In ooîor, lécontendcL' illunifli nd êidon the sceso ReveW.M.Lechro p f1I u1tW e1 rilft, as weIl as another- Ferr aad lts uniipaity~~ re-w. 1 my be trled on thie Gait- paréd'-to. honor the late D. D. futreOf lihtIgwldcendth IPalmer, founder of thée uliropractLf ofro t n utr o igtd h e-ghoubl profession, with a memorial 'tm flrkQTil. hi ti~ oul Port Perry liad gFven General Sir tt ~ his. sùY bel teefligit s v; Prsob James MocBrien, and, Dr. Herbert &luis. sineteiglthesbolevrdb. BrucO :to Cana&ia, but she had given ini ethe,<J b Re ntrale r.Rthel bolead D.D. Palier to th~e -<continent and Petn arh -LgliigO ut-h etre, M wllr Hipel O-poned liumanity. Petoi arit5-ililg o n ut of doth0Wll reandiretoe. o!provinlcial iilghways will' be under- to cf ot GîtadPetn Aspecial cominittee composed of tken- on certain -'short stretches ,off-peak power wouid -Rie uFed, J. S. Clubine, J. N. Schnick and J.* th.~ ~ Ti asteas thereby, freeilg^ boîli- towns front C. Hetherington, representing the aneofHnN.O ipel, o! Pres- extra expense connectiofl wiUi Associated Chiropractors of On- ton, speaker'o! the Ontario legis- the jll, ni:aon. tario, accepted,,the offer. ignd. Will lature andi representative-for 5111Sounths o iae smri'a arranlge- with the International Ex- Waterloo. ihuresb ecutive to officiaily dedficate the Mr. Hipel declared ie, had beer' 12 successive leaPswthtr-s- park when the convention meets ,informed by the _-departmuent o! mergtng. AM CfflNCED WHOEVER q MSA,4y$ OçtpgANmE HADIUNTY OF ,Ami(> jxp MOT mmize mizs-AMAEUAUY

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