Province May Assume Costs for-T.,B. Indigets- - réath Minister Proposes Paying Mmicipa1ities Shar. te Avoid Dange- -ou& Delays ?"brouto, Mardi 15.-The. Ontario i3overnn~t proposes ta relieve- muriilpalittes of their share of Vii. cwofaimaintentance of uberculosis viIni8 ln the sanatoria of the pro- vir*i Hon. Harold- irby, Minister et iteattit, inccu<ed on Baturday. Forinal announeement of the 'Pro- -pobl wiLU be made by Premier Hlep.' buri in lubs budget eddress on Fr1- At present- the province and- mu.nicipalittes pay forindigent pa- tienta on a per diern basis witb te mWftldipalities paying the larger tiare,t 1 Mir. Klrby's int entIon la to imaure ±bv-eaerly hospltslization of a&U T.B. à uilm'er s ad lie polnted eut that titeft lid heem sorne tragic couise- cjuences as te resuit of disputes over payments. In eue case i Eaâtern Ontarie, lie salc4, such a dis- pute resulted lu long delay lu ho.,- pitaliza#tloof a a n. H. Sub- seqlNntly die4 and In te deltbath liis wIfe and chtld lad orn6e ar- feeted. ItVwas fors#ciiehresomi, ite Indicateti, that te-,,Goverurnent propoeed to- assunWe the entire costs of the malutainance Qf indigent 'r,». victirnu. To relleve congestionlu te sant- Vaorier Mr. Kirb~y salci Vie depart- ment %woulc: aIse inaugurate te pol- 1vc~ o! "bosrdlng out" convalescent patlents lu private hi5e. New additions ta -sanitorla now under constflletion , w11 provide for 500 te o""0 more, patients, and he ex- pecteti. that thte uew accommodation would be alosmt double that total wlien thï hnerding out urograin wa-s the .LsgisigtureI . A debate on the relative position of the Dominion and the Province of Ontario, with respect W ilicome tax coUeCtIons, f eatured Fprlday afternoon',s Sitting Of the Ontaio Legisiature. ' omewhat academlic in its tone, the *rebate was not wthout a practical applica#.of. It centred around a resoltlol spon- sored by Premier Hepburn, askint that ail incarne Vax paici to the pro- vinée by individuals' be made a de- duction f rom- the federal icorne tax; in other words, that the pro- vince should have priority over the Doutinion n the collection o!fIri- corne Vax on indIvIduals. As this Is te be part of Ontarlo's aubmîm.ion to the RowelI Commnission, the pre- mier asked that'It be given the un- aninieus support ef the Legisiature, in order to strengthen. the liancs of the gover=nTt, and the leader of the opposition readtly acquiesced in this suggestion. F'lnality -on the debate, however, wus fot reached when adjournuient wa-s made just before six o'clocIk, and It is ùelng continued ths atter.- noon by the Han. David Croil. Those who spoke in the course of the atternoon, in addition to the Pre- -iter, were Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Hon. T*'B. McQuesten, minister of liglways, who made some rather raÃ":cal suggestions, and Hon. G. -S. Henry. The 'two Opposition speakers supported the resolutien., but -wtb saine reservatioms concerning té attitude of Ontario towards the other provinces of the Dominion. jtat ho waz approaVting te ques- irnflt tIon fromite constitutlenal rathet, titan the poliical point et vie'W Onterîo paid over 50 per cent, 0t1a te incorne tfxes paid te te DoM' lriîon governmnt, and whîle h4 * $15,OéQ BULL, thefeder lriamenthle r luo treankiral ackoledged t te riglit cometax he laîed tatconsti- i~ OIEASEDtutlonally, Ontario lied a erior righl. Ho quoted te Hon. Alexander Gali. Hion. George Brown ana Sir Titorna OfficiaisAesst Prize HÃŽerd White lu support of ls contentiom Not Suffering Inroads that by leaving direct taxation t£ te provinces, te Fatbers of Con« bf T.B. f ederatIon liad giveu Outarie priez- itv over te Dominion lu lucarne Va Trovnto, Mari 14.-Deri nite de- leglslatten. He aise, pointed te nuil that uberculosis haed mede lu- simijar situation lu Australia, wliere r6acis into Ontario's herc cof 50() lt a areadJustment otfte Common. 60 prize cattle et Guelph~ and t.hat wealth 's finances,iteGemmer. te $15»00 bu,, Imported i for breed- wealth lied abandoned he f ieldo ing purposes from Scotlafld wasIn, incorne tax ou persons, and leftt ptetd, hia.s been lisued by ofticials entIrely te the states. o! the Departuient. o! Agriculture. - 4' + 1on te otiter hand 1V wu iditi -l:-ieinvasion ai titis field by th ted by 'ýion. P. M. Dewan, M~inister tederal. govrnent enstltuted et Agicukùitre, thà t traces of Bang & restriction et provincial riglits, saî riLsea3e lifid be>en f ouud lunsene te premier, and constituted intai cases and Vwo or three animais h&« treatrneut o!fte prcývince. in con ibeen lieed nection wîti taVxation on nlnîng, h 'Teor tliree of te Inported aiso pointecG out, te province pro cattie mere sleughtereri for con- vlded ai1 the tacilittes fer mÃŽin taglous abortiori or Bang's dis- develepruent, but lunVlree years VI ïcasme" a -ald thie Minister. "Aidtdwo Dominion lied collected over $19, or tiree haýv e reacted uniavorably 000,000 Iu taxes trenthVie mine, o T,» st. wiile te province itad collecte Ofticials of te iepartVment, how- j oniy qlightly ever $6,000,000, er% Pare sendlingofficils 3te Guelphit * + 4> - tc> mnalt. a,.oxplete sui-vey o!fte iDscsing te question from t t sijt1ation. standpotnt ef need, Premier Hoe -rTe bull iiiported 6y Duncan hurn siowed itaw the Dominion ho %I.lel i; In good itelth, tite Min-~ gredualy wlthdrawn It.s suipportj * c4dcl mcd, aud nta -1m tcnncin iîdirect relief, ai 11,13 CLS w .' Iiprtccl..W. IR. RockI itaC le!te major portionioet VI -Drputy Mtlrr of Vite Depertmneut iburd.en witithVie province and fV aso xnalntained that te animal nmunicipalate.s, trispite et1te fa inaslu oed condition. titat Premier Kinîg itac declared t] 'r[le bull did t i- ect unfavor- ta b. a national problem. Tf O :-by la T.3. tst, aid officiais of jtarie wero given priorlty u inte fiE te tepartmeint. No alarni, la felt ot personal încome tex, te Pl t ite college over te unfavorable vinice coulci assume ail o et i tests n oiom oethVie importeù cet- lief buraen. and give furtiter am' tIC. tance Vo te çclîtres9se iîrnuilj "The lierd Iras limn fi-ce o! diseaze taxpayers. JoXr many year.,, but cývery once lu a + . j wixhle you get. one ;wth discase, ne gi-enta te scnools, furti matter wherc the bei-cL5k," -salci an aid wti hospitalization, gi-ma mf!ilai.farlities for mental patients a l'wýety-elght helc M ofpurebreci HoIsteins have recently been amlp- ped te te Ooc Counity FPaxim. We.5V Stewartstawn, N.H., by breci- ers lu he counties et Victor"ia, Dur*hem, Ontario andi Sucte., alo STe largest cousigunent camie, tromn Mr. Wm. J. Murphy, Lindsay, and other breeders contutbut1zÉ -tê the itiputent were :ZP. Eler Oxý Bowmanvlfl; J. H. Muudey, Bow.. mniYie; Noble 1. lMeteal!, Bow- mauvllle; Ai-ch. >(ui', Courice; A. T. Staiuton, Hamptom; R. Ray -I«c- Lauglin, Oshawa; J. T. TuIly, Peter'boroughi; 9.I.frueAI- liston; DaelX4 urphy. Lidsay; and W. J. I%.l, Lindsay, Ont. >I.The:* hiss bècu g-conslderable1 mo'vemmct oM Eateru OuVrte 1101- steins ta the, New Engiand States1 "tuberculosis cases wcre ahi problei in whIdlhte goernmont was'sit lug larger burdens, ai absorbi More o!fte cost. in order Vo aum te aunicipeL. taxes on i-cal esta so, IV was neceaaary te, proteet 0 Varlo'a Vax rigitts lu -order o bE titese burdens. Hon. Leopole Macaulay, wb agreeing te Uic resolutlon in-orc <c> ztreugtten:te ienda ofthVie g eranent, poInted euttat tUicsi misionsimade Vo Vte- Rowell Ca - ztlsêieu by eher provtiices.indical titat titey were azklng fer a gi deal Mare than i tey expecteci receive. ITwaz impossible te arxywliere, lic %uggested, wititout round table con!er.ence between1 Dominion and te Province. Mi-. Macaulay uttered a warn regardiug te tnci-eazing cest provincial goverument andi serv': pointing, eut titat thc provincei refcntly. * having te provide greater "ervi titan ever, andital itese were MfrnK. AWfPUREWNT I .-,.,-.1-i..1 1 p.fq.ft ç,,,, ilirr.t. PAGE E!GHT. O H 16, 1938 THvE WHIT9Y C LIFE Ë0 PROêGESSI193T ipictl3re o<t e poieyie andel' beedK "The Busies Md of tk I*d du-n andtle lan."=e" he djan 1987 wenebt'ouathé y4do byitý M etrplta iwwcS da flo bsi tihe te rde nl'r alce fa-tme. The seprtis of mm-felur sancman y thevate the tmadig ceaue By the cmp Id7 oft vrIgES belpd t ctbe ade»d fore wasdedarematys.,,geeml- coentry d ,hevsadaodlcl cOflIPM ,wlch 5faunitiialor- largest number e policles adnt he togte tMainut o ieir ae f22a8,0OH& Thespor liciowhiehtf onsur led e granp ltelbtattB maeebonodby aSppror*!aely 29,- Unled ta cte a drtw ean ont Md aieer ielyfa te plt ations [OfY two countrd'ese Ifeol certain," Mrs. canant said ber. openlng remai-ka, "tatte ,e ElizabetIt -Robs6n would noV e us te spend an entire even-1 diae duneNhnssat aU tliWes _Sbe ouche ao any felÈoet ltort,. for &te wu hiterestedi eveiything worthwhil.' tlieý ýorganizatians th whiclt Mm I1anlethr suppot. As sewlng enVenerfor te.hogpltal auxiary, the busy wo=in spent at- least a day every-week et te iurs es'rsi- dence siipervislng and lielping with thst phaseof the work. SIte work- ed. ardently in.te Womenls Wei- ÃŽare League -lrom the tue of! tV inception. In lier own denomins- ianý she gave undivlded support to the Catholie Women's_League, yet she lied a broad and open nIlnd for peôple of other faiths. The Chlii dren's Sheltetr benefîted cons1der- ably through Mrs. Robson's inter- est. Childless herseif, site motitered every child. There wus always orA! corner in lier lieart reserved for éiNo one, " Mrs. Conant -declared,! 11will, ever know tlie extent of Mrs. Robson's philanthropies. It can cer- tatnly be said etflier that her riglit liard knew not wliat lier left hand wus dolng. Mrs. Rôbsan will nover "Let uis, think of the change o! color titis worlcl would take on if wg ail coped Mrs. Robson. Those with whom she- worked should strive ta perpetuate her spirit. 1 uotItig from te. poem, "F2lani- ders Flelds". by John Moçrae. Mrs. Canant pointed eut in conclusion that, if te- torcli that Mrs. Robson left is lield higli te world will be a better, a brigitter and a sweetcr Mrs. A. Singer, president of te Cedardale Home and Sehool Asso- ciation, presided over te pragraln and explaîned titat te purchase et the memokal was .made possible througli Vie conibined efforts of te home and sehool associations O! te city. rTe orchestra of Cedardale Scitool and the choir contrlbuted te te prograin wlVh several numbers. It was a litting gesture titat te work amang te chidren, whom MrS. Rêbson loved s0 well, shou]d be demonstrated ou this occasion. Thei musicians were rained by Leonard Richer. L.R.C.., wit itehelp 0of Miss Editit McDouald and MIss p titutOrt Whicli accofliparnes uneni. A NEW- DIAL TELEPHONE Coits So Littie e aameans 80 miuch 1 lite in simple 'antid deotedamie to, te people wliO isht* ber1 friendâ% a city-wlýde rpMâto in 0Oshawa witniemss e y1 of iunvefling vite plaque tMelaVeé the Cedatdale Homne. Association, te progani w 1car- Ãied; eut la CenVre street -sehoffi auditorium, with mrs. GSo~n D. Canant as guest speaker. - Mrs. B. C. Colpus, ieniboT of thte Board o! Educetion and -vk.-presl- dent of the Home and School Coun- cli, unveiled te- brass plaque whlch la to be placçd in Cedardale scitool. Te Inscription reada:-- "In loving meniory o! Mrs. Frank Robsan who for fourteen. yeaýrs wus 'pre,çid4ent of te Cedardiale Home and Sciteol Association. Her kidy love for children and devotion te rgood work endeared lier ta many And left an exemiple that ail miglit follow. Erected hy te Home andi Sciool organizations of Oshawa and district and the eahing staff of Cedardale SrhooI, A.D. MCMXXX- Let Us Instali Your Telephone Nowv! N'OTICE HOW LOW TERATES ARE FOR RESIDENCE TELEPHO.NE SERVICE Iwo Subscribers on a line $2.20 per month. (two pa.rty hand telepiionc) A Une te Yourself $2.40 per m'onth. t incùviclua li1ne hanct telephone) H. M. BLACK, Manatger. ploymeitý" by remarking- that 1iînÈVrr.ity grad- uates ulho enter buzinezŽs should have an adequate krnowledge of te place whieit, iindustrial relations hold in te-field of business mn-_ agement. lHe said that lîè lhoped Quecn's would becomr. a centre ,w1erc titI' repres>,rnta ives of cap- i tà l anud Ishor couid J flcl a meeting Iplace for t1ice discussion of mutuel problenis. Ferne Ledgett o!f te teaehtng staff. gromth of! manly generations ite mrie selections by the choiro *ere: pskr'a. Dix, Gently Evening]BesthSlp oxioîi tad erlo en Dear Friend, Mit Grve, Flow Gelu- tly Sweet Afton, and l-iyit-n fl W.a? - tue S)e:iLcr thouglit, oIIe et gi aimcà uzf.iiunl i a , mr..ÂIl,,U jj __________________________________________IPiaise. L z vio .imkbi&Ianj Mrs. Mervinl Morrison, accent- du 1.ufor a"Ad«Cý Mhie Sun ay Sc ool L sson paniedat te piano by Mrs. Franik sai j 8_$b$stoWîa gtWIiO C ioein Coipus pjayed two piano soa ________________numnbers. botit of w1hmeh werc fav- r- Ry DR. ALVIN E. BELL was uuasitamed te dwell in one, oiites efthVie Jate Mrs. Robson- th 1. The Ca=~dau' bdnm-of -the (Me International lUniorn IALs- inite persan of lits Soui, and even Sonate No. 1 by I3eethovren. Lud W Scmpanyi abe"wIa gain et $6l,»M30 sou, ounteabove topie cfor Mirdi te ake IV beck Va heaven wltli eundelssohn~s Melody In 'F"'. tel of u-Ilè n&ÇMcJn-SrSathe .M4 20 ta Mark G:53-58; Judges i3:l12-14, b on. 608~~" SOWDd ~1Vioe-Prfe 2, te Golden Text being Judg qu t an act ai seerilege, IL B RY IIII <lent t ht WtiDhtlm 13:4, "Now therefore beware, Ipe1 alir wtu ewiîlmydo 431!> *Ji± tee.and drInk no wiue nor sti'o ary ie hng f«ie oyVte ['ART' monta oIkW~pol in ~drink and eat noV any uncleantepefor we l iUIE Id la CaAadaOLDeMerytl nd Mlavelgo! titeir higi purposes te base and il- poiieyholders 1adbneq*te dr antebelluin days, ring titrougit own bodîly health .-and well-being1F[ P R [~ te ing theie rof Mgi4 5 Ltrbu te country in an open wagon or that af ethers. To safeguard o- Vlan ot 4Wi>,68 pblitions on titrougit a drenching rein, care ite tceii foi uooie îg hOBtb *II O! Vi tUllYshelt&ng au ld lia underandi utterly disregard te influito-Un eriy-Ofca Izst ~ cmi~~'s ~ ~ ~~ar to- ~~ei e~w~ ~edwiy ly. more complicated aud delicate Sgramme ¶ - t,ý urse of whlch lie thuas protectedlits bat' instead meclianisni-of our 1,oales is a There is No "Magic nurses visite Infliis- of is head, and lie r 1e,"Be-I ~'terlng te i*toLholders insured un- cause thUic l gstorel,lld bu tetttepesarlge oF1u ed<e nutiLItreit n iee eogaVmbu wililfully abuse these divine eniFomua de nusrO ntrelaeadth edbelonga VO Maister." How pe yItnprne0 n ye- Grot-.)cèfltrects. ."The UnliPitOtt otten we seem to follow te same pe yitmeac faytp swnhero during 1987 lu the YM esviga w emre a s crile as seilps. as tItat o! Toronto, l4ercit 1.-Lebor pi-oh- ,ie oüs departznents ofoa Copn o aeudn ur pomerty tha njuring te, phe4seal property O! ems have Vo be ;olvedrcither by dé,- ýp. refleet favorable busibees and in-t afga-ligarpopryVt a sacreci edîtic. Accordtngiy, te lîilratîon, using .mietlhocis, whicit ad duistrial conditions in Canada," we give te -afeguarding te motîter of Samison, before lier Veaz xe'etehv rvlV in stateci Mr. Wright. heait and well-belng o! oui- child's bu-it. was restricted ii inte e aVite otîyerfenceve pes o Vte -n 'Pe!errlng Vothe company's tà rlbodies. ite ofhild's wfare:"htayinoVreau lievber efeet asate f ateiche bt 1business ln Canada and 4Vite Untted Our Disreputable Bodies the cho itat wtlc:"he miglt nemat bvee t oa satisfactrywitîch bhe States, te year's -repart shows that 'rt t»a be1 lscoe eat of anythiiig titat cot-tetit froin lutionti o ariy oestîon. J. C. Camt- payrnents Vo policyholders amounted for a lot o!fiiitiiiited vilîtîcation,VIe-vn, elIr'ltbr rnkco, edo!heIturalR - forVit sititsucessve ear li I f'tu i Issetove agln t ie u nan tier'l u i eri rs', hVofa thîe' n metring O!e atto miore than hait a billion dollars even i the tamne of religion. Teewueo strong drink, nor eat any tiens, Department ef Queen's;Upi-, n-aniont fer 1937 beng $525,87G,271., spirit as a-ecs-il hostile Vo ed1These payntents were madie, Vo poil.I everything good. Wliat abuse and be'cily heaitît and titat of oui- chil- tit% Eleetric Club at-te Royal York. ro-cybldes An te Ordinary depart- torture have becu heeped upon it dren titis advice js as whîolesontc '-Titere is no miagic formula -for i mnt iniclidhIng Group, $278,18,011; in te hope. that te torture of : hn industrial peace," said Mr-. Camer- Vj o- Industrial palicyholdertt $234,2M6- te body miglit atone for te si Jesus' Gare for Bodies on. "Handling of enîployer-ouL- pai 145 and ta accident and heallti pol- of te seul. God rnlglt have ci-e- Witerever Jesus went during Itis plo'ec relations ig mtore of an art cybolders $13,421,11rj. Dividenda Vo atari us diaemnbodied spir-its. But public ministry lie sliowed coin- titan a FcttoicCe. TV la an ai-t witich polcyhlders iiA'able in- 1w8 wll instead., lie wlsely loaneri up bodies passion upon te bodily afflicted.can. eauhonly acqiiiret as ltei resuit total more tItan anc hundred muîlion teV be "1presenteci e living sacri- "W7hlisoever lie- enltered, ii1Vo vil- of piactical ex.,perieuce in day-o - Ver dô1j!$2509.5 wsedaie.lil, cepale t oÉi e, or cities, or- inte lhe coun- day ccntartr wlth actual industrial Smd dodliiWPTVo MOMtud wu ad-~~ whitci is oir spirîtua&l.jerice." .try, tey laid the siek iunte mai-- relation probleiiivt, niaye bc ferthebenfito! ay as fully rcoecNte and ket places and besouglit hlm that cannot be jirerisely altalyséd.> ým opn o h aseefts ofVitecrn- dedieute oui- bodies Vo spirituel tey nttght oucit if iV were but "Bot cmp'oyrr andti employe ang pêiiyrs t ien, g 32,8aet Dte cen service as oui- mincis -or seuls. te border of lits gantent; and, must recoguize Ihat iniprovements sst , lier 3?1& IW7. Tbe surplus and "Know ye net. that your body la a as iny as toueited huîn wcre lu inclustrial organisation cati be, Sgenera v oInuta~-'evs hc temple ofthVie Holy spirit, whicit macle witole.e lits discples like- accompllsited wvititcut * resort tei IonTO a ngtimorseen is lu yeu, whtcit we have ffont wise weilt forth Vo restore whole- abuse or violence. Tudustrial peaccj1 car ~ ids sttenow$ý 1,504,M5. Gor." "Know ye netteat ye are somenesa o bouyauteit a b comlsethot uc bearicte unil tday heyfully on i tp basis of co-operatien gainU 3 t-- ife w'e ~ e lu faroe, Spirit e!fGci dwelleth In you? If have dotted te Citristiant world and -g oodwill. 4the -liugegt lucrease 1 any nman deÃŽtroyet ite emple of everywhte-wlit hospi ais and "We inust tecognize te tact tat tUeé iStuo ToZ'tal Ot'd1ary in fercee t 00<1, huit shall God destroy; for. iteallng agencies. Seine dayý lie oui- industrial systen ist not te der- the ghd of IM1 was $U.,4M069o22 te temple e! God ist holy and will complete titis *wori< wiou lie creation o! Oui- generatloli, dUiber-: ,or- or 517c% of the company's business; sud-i are ye." Sa hlgitly dici Goci fulfilis lita promise. IP"ýBehOld, T ately shapeci by employers toi- pur-1 ;u- the liidustrlal total was $7,511,- regardite. lnan bedy tat lie malte ail things uew." poses o! exploitation. IV la tieJ wm- =7 o ~r 33%; and Vie Group total ted was $2.671,M6,512 or 16%. The moi- Pce ty an Lq haci accident and hesitit reatlnçranc'inforce carrylng a prin- 1teO cipal suni benefIt o! $l,510.264,30IIM& . ., w t ILLUST AT D UN AY SC] geV and weekiy indemnity of K e$1gth B dy699n Sa A I itaM.A41of Is igrs r wScrlpture-mark e:53-56; Ju dge« 13:12-14; CorinthienS3:16, tec bigit spots la Metropolitan blstory f of o! dteysol budget onl j t cesesential ,services, andi let it go et 6". war tlitandurlte provinice siould do - icste ranc thing, inizVcadc; f budget- fli'A ?t>-OF.ALL..WORK aion te cover spectic serices, SO ,,bsîifis to te uunicipalitles. 'rî-at Rice LkrW4s., Mardi 15.-A ,tatVite people would know cxactiy, waz ina:tcing the wrong way, in itis IPce Liae ttoa'ity, wito neecis a wiat Uiey.were paying for. He aise tiew. licwau afraic titat e îîew de- mi5VI',f-ell. wor*lu ints home, rau pointeci out titat te Dominion gev- , press5ion wa.s begitinîng, snd said iit he followng newspaper adverVlA- crunient lied growiug obligations, set-flo tihnoubls' ment..' particulanly in connectIon witit Na- was esnilVo-i tn u-lct,1 "'Wazted, e malti for general tional Defence, witich, lie seici, was forget about $100,000,000 budgets, llý.OusWO* yeen ciltdren, lots of o!*gi-et importance te te place if antd get clown te a hasts of itow noise6, nt ttto est, lisba.nd, a ite Dominion In te world. 4r muci thVitaxpayers coulci a!!ord tu Ait! pn #»#.l.r business onthç . 'pay." ,I lst Ntuch uas eten as six S___povices________cll tea&Weo psition offers splen- c<nOpoicsle paccay Edor-Tertleantba, did o forone wishng to noincome taxes Vo collect, saici Mr. dtr Teaicelsn b, gai e4 te management Macaulay, atd IV was necessai-y Vo but you nîist write so that any fool of pivâe ntwi t or amail ho- consider te question rem ite ne- cau understauci yeu. tel, or iMbl ïday turaer. - If ional point ot vlew. prom te Autitor - Witicit part is net clear sttil Ineee, oeil «8." * tandpolnt o!fte municipalitiez, he ta you? utty today. *Govermnents," lie id, "have been obliged Vo accept craugresporisibilities for te Delai cifects of precarioiý, andi in- nuitI "t e~o~niit.'Tlice Most iat -,over-nmi*t caii do as lng-a-s ,retain aur prmscrit economie sys- ni i,, to illevîate te fear o! des- The Golden Text nor strong drink and eat not any unclean thing."' Il., hft Uav. Al IL E..eIt ,HOOL LESSON fic 4i J INC FLATUALî SNDICATI:e1fi r." ___ G;od wented sainsn ta have a 'atron'g Jeaus was cager ta see louis have strong. IPaul wrote .to the. Corinthiens ta regard body. Sb he sent an angel te sey te heealthybodleg. H. gave much tizne ta their bodies as "te temple 0f Ood," ed Samîoua mothor thIat sIte %vas -lot ta heallng t.he udtk and cntppied. "They laid 1ta treat themi accardingly. To vJlltUlly ',drink wln-or atrong drink. nor et any 1lte siet lu thé marktet places. and as injure the. body is lîke desecl'atlflg e tanclean thlng." mgny as touchet! hlm were mado whole.*,» temple, ho aught. To te Romans Paul wrote thet thtEy should consecrate their bodies ta' Ood "ai living uacrIice, lioly, acceptable te Cati. yourspiritual servIc" <,GOLDZ£NTlX-Judgu 13;U For oiy a few cents a day you may have a new djal telephone in your home and be. in instant contact wijth any oneof the 563 subscribers served by Whitby's new systemn. Convenience, protection, easy con- tact with friends far and near, contin- uous savmng of time and strength day after day every day in the year- these are onlIy some of the benefits of a t.ele- phone iii the home. I - s ONTARIO EIÃœR I 1P0T OLSTEINS Durlng Vie ceremaony Mrs. Colpus9 ild- "We sliould noV feel sorry as e0ple çwhO have ne hope. Ratiter re hmald give thanka Vto Almlghty îoé -whiÃ" las let us cel oe iffld 'wio was se great andi noble." -The assenibly stood in Silence #a reyeenc as thte fieg was re- aevea. trom te memorial ablet. o! Oshawa -Publir, osC. F. Cannon, introduced f. Cona nt. and, pald personai rutcto ite laVe Mrs. Robson. 1 "ý my niind," lie sai'd, "Mrs. &t b' as always been Motber tU -LThe ehlfdren and principal uh ler, as the niotiter 01 bt chooI." Mr. Cannon cailed upor b.Canant, whom lie termed a ÃIn and uelgitbor o! -Mrs. Rab- ýMY lUm Wà lpv. duavia& Buescher And mtred J. ý 1 1 a, 17; Bonum iv.1, Z. 1