Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1938, p. 9

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At <Chalene to Woiu= of tlw Contumity to iflue=ç Yofath'- F.xecutive-of South Ontario Institute to Plan for Aimual Meet- ing in June ifr <Q. M.WhItc,- Corrbsp.4eut) BROOICLIN, Arl .Ts us speaker at tise larda nmeeting ol tise Womneu's \ Inttts'vas Mls" ClarLss*e Sinmpson, wa apoke on the ~iule't f eac ler adirerçs wu r0mfliuiî. ta cdo ail in tiacir powerý ta Fo influence tise clsldreu ansd youthisnlutbls vicinity, htisItisey miay grow, ta manhooci and wonsan- liood opposed-tô war aud strif e aud live'!ior'brotiserlaod and peace. We, rnay noî Influence thase oulside our own i homesbut we are In a great useasure respons'bl for tbise In~ our homes and 'conmunlty. A very inter$.tlng-suiiInstructive demon-, st4ratlin .lnder tise supervWson aof Mii.. Wna. Agar, uns table settffig was e'tt on , b a -group o! 'Junior Inxtitite girls. ,Miass Mary Cook, Miss LilUian iJàu ncssd lls VIctor- ta Agar. Mira. Lewln reported on -curmnt Ievensis.tise lslgMights ln thse news o! tise world,<sud tise mu- scal, programsme conalsted'o! a piatno',tolo by Miss Lilian Joncs and a vocal duet by lirs. Lockyer and - lrm N. J. Wlsite. Plans were made for tise social evnn o la bek ld i tise Townshsip Hall, on Fr1- dayv, April 81h. Tise entertdnment 'wlconstat of cuchre andi dancing. AL, thse losçe of thse Meeting Mi-63 Lîlltan Joncs prosenteî Mrs. Agar, on lýchalf cf tise suoper club, witis a vtry lovely pair o!fasaderia piliow 81'.pà-ai a isliglit appreciation for ber, Inteet lu tise class. Mir. Stanley Lockyer bas taken a pomtion ..wth Mlr. Chas. Claper of Cuemeasi '14r, Orval Jackson. wlbo bas been workng ini Toronto fer thse pasî Ye.r, :Lnata home for thse suiner grv. and ira.- Chas. Hall, and -fail~y wbso bave been occupylng tise Lockyer cottage- for tonme turne, maoved hast week ta A.!hburn. Tlis two sales lu this vlcinity lazt wqcek. thoseo! lir. *Tam Lambcrt rnsci Mr. Oco. Saunders. were well ,,t.te>sded aud higis pr*ces reallzed. 'riic f rm o! Mr. Sa unclers was sold ho MIf. Walter Nesbiltt, who wil take poseesion ai once. Mir. sud Mrs. E. Gescoyne were lu ýToronto for tise week-end, thse gUesýt! of. Mr. sud Mrs. 0. Oas- ila-s Margery Parjc.nas pent lasi lwr,cecdl IsToronto wiih ber sis- tc'*. Jennie. wvho is[ lu sehool there. M r.and lirs. Urisis Jones, Osisa- W-, cr ith Mr~. and Mrs, George lTna.;at week. Tise "Rellable' grop o! tise Wo- mnsAaseclation will isold an, a!- i risoon tes anad sale o! cooking on 8a tlurday.- April 16, tise basemnent or thse cisurcia ta whicis aIl are. iu- Tise Women~s Institute lias ap- iitew av girls ta attend thse 0 irib' Oonfes'encc -ai Quelphs ncct irouiti. Miss f.lll;ai- Joncs and Miss LD*irLý Jack-,on aretise ones chosén. SirvIce- is St. T'homa.s Anglican (ri on Su'sday, April 10, at Il n.with, the recter, Rev. J. C. Cloighin acharge. '17iic C.G.1.T. group of tihe Uîted cliurcli w:l lsold an aftersaooss tea .url filis pond ona Saturday. April fl: itise bLkseilienst of tise chsurcis til which al erc inviteti. WMfonrns Assocation m'ill. meet in il .. regular mnxthly maeeting ors \ensaApril 13, aI 'tihe baise ci Miss Olveîr. Ail arc iasviiecj 10 ai- ildsc. ThiePezcutive o n tIe 4 ut11On A large nulisber fhem Brookliluai- teuldedth ie consvention o! tised Youn'g Pople' Union of ibis pred- 1 bytLer7 at iç?îlrinig, on Saturday. anti buntay, aud were tise wlnnersg o! thse banner for tise large.sî aI-V e edtnce at tuae banquet. xmi.lz Circle of the UnItî eClUYchli *11meet on, MoSdsy.A] rl il, et -behome of MUn. Cueos Jofles t àp.. 7e programme ln cisuare o« mis essiue Gerbu and Mi"e Doria Jscbon. . 34r. Melvin Lelimen mnd Miss O vMr «" -Ce4arVallev, were -Sues- o! lir £;dia Oook*v n Burtday. MissM Margaret AýarWauhoir for, the week-end.. 14183 Evelin *Grier and Mr. Sic isey Chambers were with Mlr. ai Mira. Grier,..0nSunday. Iim ir. L1cklurst, o! Toroat "'" wîtIs Mr.-tDuncan amI Mii. Lî wln ftm, tise ek-end. Thée llbrar board la plannîs anotiser euelsre ta be held duriri Jaster week. Tise date will be ai Iiaupcod latey~. Tise 7Eroaklij Junior Parmer Association là holding au ope metinùg on Thursday, April tii 141h, lu Brooklin Towinebip Hall 2 8:.15 P.-M.,aI Wb±cls tiey invite- a thier paren-ts a.nd friends ta atten( Tie 'speàker, Mr. Clark,, of, the Hot ticuilture- BrancPi, Toronto, will gis an Iliutrate4 -adclrm son "Hor Tise YÇuug-People's Union isel, an' lnteretisg discussion . o «4 SWeepetakee" ati ts zmeeting o Tuesday evinlng. A suznsier o thse young- people took part. Thie aruual Cisurch,-servlce fo thse Women's Mlsslýonary Socletý wllI be Isell n -tise -Unitedi Churcî on Sunday monsing, witls mmr. c 1%- CAracallen, o! Wlsltby, as specia speaker. Her subJeci will bé, '<Wii it waa yet dark." The pa.stor wi: preacis at the evenlng service. Pre-Easter services will be hel( in thse Uiteci Churcis on Tuesda, eveaslng, April l2tlis, coiducted b, thse Young People,& Uni-n udo Thuràday evening, Apriln14ah, on dUctecl byý tise Wornen' Mlssîoiar3 Soclety. ýtle Pastor, Rev. P. L Juil,- will speak at bothl services. An a&fternooGn tea- and sale o home-mnade candy ji belng held Ir -ie- bascMrént of thse United Churciý on -SaturcaY sfternoon asext by the C....groupa. Audley, AUDL3EY, April 4 -Tiere avere i1 degrees o! frost here on Tuestia: mrnnng. Tise hockey fans will lkely 'have ta transfer tiseir affections safIc Ibis weck.- Frei Crawford sowed ten acreý o! Alaska cats li Marcis. Let Ut bept tisai tls's crop will be a gooc one. MueS ssp&thýis afelt for Inspec- tor a.nd lirz. Hutchison o! Wlsltbyý ou deatis of thseir son. Mir. anid lira. R. P. Winters and Mir. aud isrs. P. M. Cbapmau ah- hendec tise asanual ladies' nigisi o: lise Picering Fusiliers lu tise King Edward ou Saiurciay evening lasi. Tise Club's open nigis lu the isool bouse ou Friday eveniug laut was. wsfl attendeti. Over 100 were lu atteudance sud a sot ihappy tisié was iapeni by all. Tise regular meeting o! tihe Clu-b wilI bliselti ai tise haine o! Mr. aud Mrs. Mel Bryant ou Mouday evening nexi. n8ale <Mrs. Victor Parkin. Corr.) RINSAT.E, April 4.-Tise W.M.S. wfll meet aithue home o!flirs. Ralpis E. Mov.'bray ts~ Thursday April 7ts, ut 2 o'ciock. All quilt b1ock.ý: shonild be in-ai this rmccl- ing. Mrs. W. W. Gee's5 group will be in char'ge o! tise programmse. Al ladies o! tise circuit will be made wvelcome. Tise Mission Band wiIl meei ai tihe bail Saturiay aI 2.30 -p.mn. AIl cisilciren v,111 be matie welcome. Misses Mabel- Harbron. o! Markt- hans, anti Edusa Stevensons, o! Al- ioua, spent tise week-end aitiscier respective honset. We are -sorry ta report Mu's. Wii- fred Sadler un-ler tise doctor's care* We wish ber a Rpeèdy recavery. Miss Bietty Walkcr spent Sunciay wits lier parents ai Gllen Major. lir. ansdIMrs. Cecili Disney meved oute tieir new fan, wisicla wu. lately vracaied by Mr'. Jack -Eison. WVe wisis tiem every succeas Miss Vernis Laugstaf!, of Bow.. malaville, speut Weduesday lasI witis Mrs. V. Parkin. Miss Marlon Mudie lias returned to Tloroute, foîlowing a brie! visit wilh ber parents isere. Mrs. Chas. Lecgett speut several riays withber clauglater. lirs'.C. Disnaey. Tise pot-lucis supper andI pro- grammzeý which wus put on by tise womns' Institute one evening lutI wecis, proved a declded success. l"olowing a suniptuous -repuat, tise illowlnu programmeavau: debate, 'isaitishe Counstry Docu More-To- ward thse Developmnut o! tise Mind r'Iss Dôes tise City". Tise support- 'ns of tise city elde, Mesrs. Herb Parkln .sad Ralpis E. MowbraY, ;vere tise wixusers suad are ta lue ,ogratulaheil; musical numbens by ise Pcgg trio. Jean andi Milton Wowbray, Noble Shevensoru, lra. ,Ioyd Pegg, Miss Elleen Parisin andi ,eadinu by Umis Betty Walker, Mçere, ucaappreciated. UMn, WYh. 3rowu achtd as ciairman. 'v UTCApMl 4. - Thsene pa.sec Oaarchb ud, aItise home ofMr. fitrHowav ,Uau isAnie rhom i, n ber 801h year. Tise m Tisonpsen was a native 4d Ip. Xe la tt lI- ts ne d- Md ve ae d )n )n >1 y :h le of Bermuda, is$1éne tO cana"a Fwlien qijte young. Thse puts la Yeas li as made ber home wltlt. NIT. anci Mrs -Walt.er Howam. PLmeral was held from. tiseir home, on h-r1day, March 25th, and inter. iiienV took- place at the KendllU There passed aWaa Iii ëronto on Mosiday, March 21at'UnMini bella Watson, wife of the. late Thos. Watson.- Burial took placq et Breaclbane Presbytersan 'cemetexy On Wfe4nsesdaY at 3.30 pim. A numw ber of sseiglsbors and friends M thse -consnunlty attended ths e- vice at tise grave. Mr. SaMn Ray bas r\urned haine, atter 8pending the wln ~r ln Belle. Ville. Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. ward andi Mr. and Mii sRold Kerry attendea -he atiniversar of thse -birtis- day of Miss Sarahs Ann Warc or' Greeribasik ori- unday. Mr. anù Mrs. Earl Tisompson, of Victoria Corners, were thse "gil of lier parents Mr. anud Mrs, Edwin Christie on eusscay. IeWoman's Association Iseld a ver*y successful quiltlng u111thse base-' ment of thse' United Churcis on Wednesclay afternoon. Thse regular mIleetinlg of the- Association w111 mneet at thse home of ?Mus., j' 7 Swan next Weduesday. There was . aspllendid attendance at the Yoýung People's meeting on Wednesday everiing. Thse prograin was urader thse leac:ersIlp ot thse Ciirstlan tellowsb¶p convener, miss Jossie Walker, thse meetings wll continue until thse end of April. Mr. and Mrs. UTdIing, or Toýrnto, were thse guests On Sunday of hia fatheri, Mr. Udling at'tise -home of] Mr. and Mrs. wili Plsiip in ho nour Arally aOf theisel.u. o!el re- cMyrtie Station ýy day eyeuslng, Rey. Mr. Hollaxadoa (Mrs. C. Harrislon, Corr.) Tmietowus Isle gueçt 4speaker. MYRTLE STATION, Aprll t- ie larcis . meeting -4n4d upper 'y Service liuUnitez Cisurch uexî o!lhtle W==,mU' sociatign ce tise Suuday ai 7:00 p.m. wben com- United Clslrch wuas eld ln tise munion service iill be ebsenveti. cisurci s cisoal roocin ouTlursday SSunday Scisool is at tise usual bour aflernoon hast wiIis a goati attend- n of1: 4 P.M ,suce. Durlng tise aflernoon several Il Ou Saturday eveniîsg a pleaslng O h aisqitdfrteMa Seveut 1001v place aItishe parsonage 6iouary Society. when a number o!f fieucis gather- cd in' bonor o! Mu'. Melvin lHoney sospnthweknd ihhr sud Miss Marlounliartyn, o! Wel- seoe plentier we-edwe e carne, -wio are soon te be msarried.popeir. Dunlng tise eveniug a isaudsonse Ur. Everest sud son vlsihed Mir. table lamp was presented te tise T. Gammage ou Monday hast. ,7 aPP cople Mis Esie8m"th, Mrs. A. Malcolinspent tise aeels. yread tise acidress anfd lrs. Duche-en inMrhm wtlers, nin matie tise presenisîion, for Franks, sud fanaly. ýeWiici tise happy recipieuts matie a suitable reply o!fIthanks. We are Pleas-.d to lIsar tisat Mt. A4sh burn ,5 sud Mrs. Morley Cook sud faually- b ave movezi ini tiste village sud (ins-. C. liereis, Correspondent) dare living lu tise "Travis" resi- ASHBURZX, April 4-Tise y.P.S. deuce.speut a pleasaat social --avtigag Mr.-sud lins. Hugo> Bradley andi witlatise Mount ZMon 'Soclety on family wcre visitors, o! friencis ai Wedncsslsy evenlng. A gooti nuns Tyrone, ona Sunday. ber avere preseut from Asisiurua. aMi. sudlMr-;, Syd Gaî'side sud Tise meeting avas opened by tise -baby, O! Torcuto, were week-end Mount Zion Presitieut, Mr. Joncs, fguest.s o! Mr. anti lis. Grant. wiso conductedth ie firsi pari o! Mir. Floyd Hlluey speuitishe aveci. tise meeiting sud welcomed Asis- endti wth lbis parents, -Rev. W. E. burn 'ohi.M' Lh iewn sud lts. Huey.vice-president, lu tise absence o! b Col. Percy Jobsud Lins. Jobb, Mir. Lawrence Doble, presideut, o! Of Osawa, were Suiitay visitons bois tise chair sud very niccly'ne- o! Ofir. sud Mrs. Beaccck. spauded hO tise address o! Wei- Oua011Friday evening, Apnil 8tis, a corne. Tise, prograin aas iben gîven tcuÇlare ansd dance party is tb bc al Irons Asisburn, lai saunber, 1 leld inutise Myrîle comsrunîîy Hall MISS ldreti Haill, a neatiing; unte:' tise auspices o! tise Basebal piano solo. 'Miss Penn Stepisen-, Atisleîîc club. quartette, Misses PhYlhas Goose sud ------------Feras Stepisen, Mears. Lyle bller- win sud Alfret iFaser; a taik Brougham given by Mr. Walter Anderson ou "lioney;" a piano solo by Miss Mary M'aPherson; a vocal solo by -BROTJGI1AMý, April 4.-Tise w. J. huis. Edigar Heron sud lir. Aifre«i Bnowni famsily andti ieý H. Malcolmn Fisher, a guitar solo. After Ibis fauiily er Teronto sud Greenriver, thcre werc gaines sud contesis put iISO tise Chsarles Clevelandis ,cil by the Mount Mon Young ef Blcîîlîelnî. were ahi u,5 o T Peousie.Lunch 1was serveti sud a C. anti lrsý.-Browu on Suuaday, SOCial bal! hour speni over tise caf- isclpiug T. G. ta celebrate his 801h !fe. birtistay. Tise Ladies' Guild i et ai tiset Isle April ualeeting o! tise WOm home o!f-lrs. Fred, Beadles eus cuis Inistitute will be bels aitishe Wednesday a! ternoon witls a gooti home cf Mi.s. WViI RKnox on Tues-. atteutisace. Tnis e nhg n's day, Aprul 12, tise subjeci for pro- openet vitistise Iymn, "Blest Be grýain b!eiug "Legislaioa"l- Mrs L. t-la Tic Tisai Bluts.'? Mrs. Siser- Jolinstous, and Mmi., Piilip wili lue Win5 thçvn led in prayer. lira. respaussible for tise speaker. U oetPnat et ieS rr calu-"Clirrenî Eveuts". j lesson. Tise noîl call ws answer- -Mr. andi Mrs. Phil Forsythe_ of' cd witis a hciuse--cleaniug bint anti Manlciam, speut Tlsursday after- nexi usouh aili be a gandeuling faon withs T. C. anti lra. Brown.lini. Tise program was as foi.1t Miss Batc lzaa Toronsto vistor 1ows-Rea(tmgo by lira. Sserwin, tbis week. Miss Gertrude PannaIt, sud lins. ' Chureh News lIens Asiston. During tise business Many of tise Y.P. cf tise churchi part a! tise meeting tisere was a attentiedtihie Saturday anti Sunday c9mmitte aPPeintecl te visit lise saSSIons o! tise Y.P. Conference tilci sud new-camera ta tise coin- isli in Pickering over .tise week- lasmhtY. -Tise ccmnttee being end. lins. Grant and lira. Geoffrey fer tise Basti Gnoup sud lir. Panrott Attendiauce at tise sacramsental sud lins. )Neisos Ashston for tiset service ou Sunday laut was gooti. West rup dihylnc a Rev. J. E. Glover deliveneci a mes- servec y tie boisa such ai sage frornatexi, "Witb desire. soren ytehse ndasca bave OUd esiretit s I s av-uer We extend aur synspathy ta lins. 22:15. ' eoe ufe".Lk M. Parkes,, wlsose brother passed 22:5.away aI laishomneaosMarmora. g T ie play, "T ie G inger Gi lC e e a f anes î e de i ts ho. be presented by Broughsam Y.P f era !lrm. hPeanseondSathn- uGrnw tichurcis ou Fnitay tiay. O r.Pre.o at evcniug, Apnil 8ts. - . Inhernent waS fron tise fini- Misien Baud wilî useet aitishe erai panions lu port Ferry. t homeOf Um 4 ie Byes On a- Tise liste lirs. Parker, having r urclsy aflernoon, April 9. ie ayers-noucmuit B3rougsaM frnetz isehvi.ihetemiade manY. fnientis'bore. ourqvam- Supper Served and Gooc Reports Presuted and Offïers -MON. Bq>- O.0tr CWment Ne*& C.&eîüTAp l4.-Tise W J -. < spoisareclda s~"Thse Rsd.ead- cd. Shep-hlld" t s"0#outlgpee M asfrd, lu tise O*niwslrty Hall 0z' Wedaeoday eventusglust. Thiere wl'ma 4!glrly large eudluce aud aleUJcyedztlsi umoeus, sud iteretiug - dralùa wbu lswau aveU presente iby, tise mpbers ci tise by thse pemb o tise misat4tùto fou=114 d pleduripS tise, Pro- Tise Bowling ýClub isehd Its an- nuai business meeting aud upper in tie Comnlîr Hy all on rMI4y eve- nig hast.- 1 -e alteudlauce, waual qie :se large as on, s ome- iarme r ;Ccasions bu t4uag present enjoyec tise splidd pot-hsck pper prq- vided, as- wefl as -tis W ettogs-. getiser sud game 'o! carda 'whlch fOllowed tie busnes meetin ,Tie sccreiary-trea=uer reprw4 a*étuis- stantlal, balance on, liarid for tise bateg.inug o!0;aioth . rseap»n. "Mr. - FI'eçd Co*Ic - wes elected prmsient asud M r. I. 1 . D p i g e r t r treasurër. Cêuener. of!gocalu prise coonsùttees, lira. H. G. M c- A Well attengddMetig of tise Baptist Mlue iopTCIle wuS héM *1 he home of lirs. Fred Ward last ffljez4ýy afternoon. Taoe thenie of tihe meeting wu A f=c wlth oi ur N lnare&?$ irs, . Ward«à group*was lu charge o thse progrm. A large congregt4on partaok of thse Sa«m'nseMt-o! tise ord'a, 8upper, ln tise Unsited clsuroh on Simdgy mo nn . On 14oncay evenlig thse Officiai 13nard an~d the. Boardo -Stumrds held their quarterly bui#-- MW e'CaUnUty Roa4 i aInt&inezrI lmwst -t wk luthis n*elgbriood, lewetk md «as a euli tihe Brockc Tise 1#4-a ofthe Uniîted Chlurch bam aacepted- an invitaitinfrom tise W~MS. ! Sou$vlle for Tisursday -O tigeaweek. - S ve al Olrem ont ladiles attend'. cd: tise Fower ýl w eld m, the Aatnoîe Building, Toronto, last weelc.-Tne dllay exceedeci their lslghs. expetatiom slu beauty sud ratty ,and tbey do fot ev'çr gaîn anýtolpate.zeeing a more magnhff - cnt and woderful display .cf piaula - àud bloanms. Mir. H,. ; MlntYre Is lsavissg a nunsier of!- isprovements usade to hss re,34dëe n ilutling a new lseat. lng plant.' lia .E. Glover lha been con-,ý fln~ t to cd aga ui for a few day s Msts r4es ult o! tise "l Mls.;SmnIh was a Tisronto vis- itar for, a few days.lastI weelc. Mr. Josepis Evans bas 4ot been 86 wel as usual receutly. lira. 'Browns, lrs -Jebb 'ani son, Gardon, o!t Tor9uto; were gucats o! Miss Forgie dur;ng tise week-end., 'Miss .Spencely la nalz* satis- faIctOry progress towarcls recovery in $t- Mlcheal's iospitil, Toronto. Mr. James Wilton has been iu poor isealtis for some*tne. .Miss Hosie was a gucast of lMr. and Mrs. Cakey, 01 Utica, for tise week- end o! Marcis 27th, wben tise latter celebratea their 25th weddlng an- Robert Reu on on Sunclay. Umis Marjery Bray, o! Raglan, speuitithe week-end with Mlrs. Fred Beadhe. - Witi tise weatiser and road con- ditions beiug more favourable tise congregations an Suuaday mornlug are graCually increaslng. Last Sundgy there was a good atten- dlance. Rev. R. Simapson lu bis Usual god fora precisd a very iuterestlug aud sincere sermon. lir. Walter Kerr and Mr. Fred Stepicu ,sang a duel. Uiss -Mldted Haruel end lirs. Fred Beadie sment Saturday lu To- routa. RAGLAN, 'ýpri1 4. - Mr~ andi lira. Bruce -Brighti <ue L r.na Graham) were bonoreti ane ven!- Ing -laut week wiseu relativeç, anti finicIs gatisereti ai tise home of, tise foluar's ncier, Mrs. W. BrghtI, Jr., asud presenea hem i with two occasiansi chairs. QwIug to bati roacla -anti untavorable wea- biser conditions, naany wene Ierced te remain ah-home.- ongratulations bo Mrn.ud lins. Eruest Wilîerban (nec Ruby Wil- son) who wene unItetIn marniage aI tise Myrtie parsonage by Rev. W. E. Honey on Sahurtiay aften- noan. Tise Womeu's Association helsI tiî moutiîly meeting aitishe home o! lins. Chas. Luise wibis a ood at- tendanck -bevenal Itemas o!linterest wene discuet. Plans were, macle ta have an evening service on'Bas- ter Suntiay evenzng ana lira. Gnose was asisedtit secure an-Easber Can- tatta ho present tise same evenlng. Tise draina "Goocl Gracious Grautima," presenteti by tise Blacis- stock young peop!e aas wciî recelv- cd by an. appreclative audience., ase attea but ts ot sarlge Tse atctedut w e t as lrg were keptInluan uproar'a! haugis- ter tianaugisout the tisree sets. Pro- ceeds whiicis ailI go mblis'te Sun.- day Scisool treasury amountedti t oven seveuheen dollars. .Tise Ladies behd a successful quilting in tise h-..1 on Tuesday' afternoon wisen lover tweuly laclles avene present. A pot luck d.lnuer wui enjayed. Que quilt Is owned bY thse Wamen's Association sud tise otiser by tise Sunaine Cîrche and-.botb are Seing offereti for sale. liembens o! tise SunsIine Circla met aItishe haine o! Marlon Manias on Saturimy afternoan. During tise mneeting a apicuadit,- ieogram - avs given by several o! tie inembena, Tise remaluder o! tise afiernoon s'as spentin sewing. lins. Manas aud tiauglaber Marlon served a tasy lunch wh4cla brougit te a close tise meetings fer tise seasen. Miss Edua Evans gava an ap- proprlate readln; during tise Sun- day Scisol hour on Ztgîcay. Misse MargutrîtehUMer and Jeaû David- son wene nansec as a-committeltio cure special numbos fer tise mnitis o!Aprik . . lir, anti'lire. Roy liaop, enter- -sineti friend Ifrons Ouisawa anti Ottawa Qu lioday. Mn, I uasliDavidson was talen: to tise, Osisawa Hopital on lionday and lied x-rays o!flais ]es taisen asdti'he caIadjusteti. Several lu tise comusunIty bave ben isufferlnt fronisevere colds. li. n, sUnir. ZRoBrawn and mrsilhy o! Toro awqnere Meusl via- [ona w4tisrelativeg liÇ".. liii. A M rtiun Brawra la convalea. lng aften belug coWZlnd te lier cd ancien the care o! Dr. lis o!f )sawa, ant-iÈs Effa Bnawas. Motorit compa Of aviliÏni Prague, AprU 4. - zolosoakla emskdta-day upon a national "motwimzs defense week," Iu ce- ow*atou, witis., civie ortanisations, tihe Govemmuelit appealed for crss- t4pn o! a corps - of- 1,M,000Or zecisa slovak Motarlaha c-apebJe o!9 CO- operAtlnwitwlthtie aenayInu-case o! 'war. Taking as its. slogan "one-millon- ,rWers for one millin a utomobiles and -ose n-uautomobiles ftr tae juslin driyeirs,the consnslte chsarge witis creation a! of"a league b! motorized civiis. brigades" laid su6]d tise 3erviffl o! tise DetçucnW Milslry liis campaigu, Thse executiv e consnsttee o! tise Slovàk- Catisolle People'a 5party voted 1w a.,tiree-fourtlss msjority to quit its own- pariy sud enter anc o! tise govcrnssent coe.utlop graups. _Tise_ nsajorty, adoptc4et srelutian wbicÇh oXPrmescd "«ahana" aI belng "'memnbèr3-.oo!.a pa rty baadlng wih tise Germa,anud -Hungarians, wlso have always Sosugist ta çrush tise Shovaic peple." 1V l o n record as supparting Premaier milan Had;a'sstand ou tise minoriiy ques- tion, asexprçacd li-a uation-wlde broadoasi lasI week. Zonrad -Heinlein, leaderof' tise pro-Nazi bloc. iag been seelclng to reqch 'a eouprohùsi'o beVweçn ex- trensists -demauding .territorial au- lonomy aud maderates. Who are iu- chineci ta wa rd conciliation sud acceptance o! minstaerlal portfollos. Tisrougis, tise ntermedlary o! Ernsti Eisehloisr, German Ministei here, tise Reichs Gavernmeuî ha. been glviug hlm relatlvely moderahe acivice. h la undershoad ta have umged a firm attitude, wlthout msais- drew), sud Artisur aocbuck (Lib., ing demanda Impossible for Prague democratic rigists sud forccd cisc- lors ho divide tiseir votes foi" can- Bellwoocla), opposed tise bih on didates ihey r~iigist net lilce, BU1 to Hait Election Pro. G ticg4 Proposed by Heu, TmPotO, March -1,l.cp1umping,lt tise gentje election rt by 'wh1cl tise votera .aeenabled tir c1vle con- tests'ta roll uP large cosnt3 for A favorite camdidate by fafllng ta bal- lot'ou otse r Canddatu on an elco. tion alate,-was uphelci Yesterday lu tlIe Ontato 0Leglslature as,&dense Cratlc rIglit, ud -a safeguard 10 mlncirîti. E oast eorg ' e S, H enry (C on, Eau Yrk),pleadectinluSupport Of' iis- b#ih dcslged taO hait plwssp- ingop by' ins1terprtissg a "4plu'pedmi baillai ats- ;rejected ballottisai an elector isoôulci bave iufficienit - terest ,In a mDUnicpallty ta expressI bis -views on ail àcandiate.4 rtiser tissu on a paytlculat'frieud;1 Tise measure 'faleci tg pas ecl- ond readlng. Additlonnh support Irons tise QPP LýtIon lienchescale, from WIlliam Duekwort h - (on s., DÃ" ocjrt), who deelareci "pluip- lngM laee i srOng weap9n lun1110 his s a !acrai lmn t lul ront taai hier mhsiuipallties .whicls 18 flot lu ,the besinmats, o! tise 1people -of tisis country. If you daut' wanl tor ,Isappen ere wbat is hsappening. hi tie Soutis o! Europe, Vote for,.Iis biU." Hors Gordon -Conant. ,Attorpy General, attace' tsebi "eus hil avry distinct liitation upon free choies lu election. Kurellin Belauger (Lb. iPrsctt), "it nVmgist fare Me to vote for. men, o! wlaomi, do not apove anàd ln whom I, have nô eonfldebee. If tis bill paseG, usinoritieb would isot have a chance taeeot representa- tives o! their own. Tise only chance mesuabers of a mlnority bave in se- curing represeutation la to go tisere aud plunsp for tiselr man ansd I. dlon't know whyte hudj.d BaLla3 J.Glass (Lib., St. An« zïv-u JJIVJSIn U5 Ucces Mr. Thor"a as Generai mMager Tie changes 'are effective on April 1, 1938. Jauses H. Suusitissucceeds lMr. Deerfuer as Works Manager. Coinient witstise announcé- ment cOncersalng Mr. Mhouma_, it Was announced tisat Edwin R. Pal- mer, Asat Coniïptrofler o! GTen- -eral Metars, bas been electeCd a Vice-Presicleut-cif-tie Bezadix Av's tieni corpargtion, effective Apdil Brothers A rreasteci Alrter Man Stabbed Napausee, April -Kesneth R- lar, 29. e!, Ta'ronto, sud lais brother, Donal elia, e!f Tamworts, were hehd 11u cusiOdy bere yestereay fdl-1 lowiug tise Stgbbing o! a garage. proprIetor ai Robli, 10 muiles narts o!' NapaMe. iProvincia police: officers sAid IKenheta' ehar- obtained gaselijne -for-tise automobile lue aas drialng frona Peter- Hart ai Roblin, aud lue- fore clrivýIng away witholit paying, Kellar îs aileged ta have staub ,ec îart througs- thse cîseci wits a kuif e. Tie car craisbed int a cuzb a short lime later anci Reliar wua arrested. grouuadzatisa thiinterfered wlt CT-eu DONALD MOTOR SALES PHRON 304- ý', DUNDASST. E. , WHITBY' THE Wl ýl Raglan

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