Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1938, p. 11

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THm-1E WHrrlBY GAZ ETTE AND CLASSIFIED* ABVERTISINO For Sale ORSALE, - MARQUIS BPIUNO WVhent, Siberian Oats, Buckwheat, iilver HIll variety, fit for seed, at lot 9, con. 2, Reaçix Township, at iligix Point. F. Middleton, R.R. So. 2Port Ferry. 1- F. SALE - GOGU USEr> BI-~ cycvks for Laie at very reasaonable prices. Also expert repair worlc Luke: Býc-c1c sand Repair Shop, Whw PDe762. FORL 8ALZ SEED tÇIRAIN FQ1 Salit Banner -Qats, Nobarb Bar'ley, Laifeel Hulless Oats. Ail No. 1 Oozvrx=nt Standurd. W. IM-. 9 Westney, Pickering, Ont. FOR SALE - QOOr> USED WIlYq-Krilght car, very* res.sonable. A rmal buy Igr someone that wants a. u3cd car. Luires Bicycle -and Re- pair Shop. Phone 762. FOR SALE-_30 VOLUMES ENCY- CLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, Tele- plione 912, WhItby. FOR SALE-PACER' BICYCLE, GI'der. First-class condition. Applyý Aicx Scott, 1209 King Street, Wbit- by. Fop. BALE-RUOS. ,RECENLY, purcbased. 9 x .12, heavy Wiiton, large Itallan, Kashen, Brusseli Bcoaclloom. F3'anco-Persian. Cash required quiclcly. Offer appreclated. Box 25. 9aàzette and Chronicle, FO~ AE - THREE MARES, aeed: 1 Percheron Mare, 7 years, )süitable'for dairy ýor dellvery wag- on: 10 months old Holstein bull. f ully accredited. I-err, Tw1n Streamn Fsrm, Whitby.' FOýR SALE-"ELECTRIC STOVE, four, elements,. hlgh oven. ApplY Mim IFothcrlngham, Raglar% Street, Whltby. FOR SALE-ONION SEMD* EL- low Globe Danvers, goverument- tested. Apply Thos. Found, Klngs- tofl 1pod West, at the Trowri Line, Whitby. FOR SALE-A 'UN 7 O Mangels. H. V. Skinlcle, R.R. No. 1, Whitby. Phone 803, Wbltby. For -Sale or Rcnt PM' SAU.E-BRICK HOUSE, 8 rooma, hardwood - loors. hot water ltuatlng, splendid cellar,ý front anid b..ck stftirs, large Iawn. garage. For particuhars -apply t0 Gazette. and ChrouIle Office, box 40. FOR'REN~T - H-ouse FOR RENT, att coravenlences, bot water beat- Ing, gas stove lnx kitchen. Apply 202 Dunflop Street, Whltby. PMR RENT - ONE OR TWO roorus to rent wlth or wlthout board. Apply ai Gazette - and Chronlele Office. POR RENT-FOURTEEN ACRES, good soll. Apply F. L. Beecrof t, ývhItb3m Ont. Telephone 417 or 627 evenings. ÉSFO RENT-HOUSE TO RENT. Apply Mrs, Bay&, Whitby. Ont. FOR RFINT- - SIX -ROOMED houa. on -Brock street north. Al convenlences. Possession May lst. A. B. Sturgeas, Telephone 780. For Sale or ReMi FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE ON1 Broci Street nortix, several acres; of gar(den land. Apply Dr. C.,F. McGillivray. Whitby, Ont. Tele- phone '124. FOR RENT-TWOAPRMN -One four roonis and -One six rÃ"oms. Apply Algomta' Tourist gorge, Dnd&s street eat. FOR RENT-PARM OP ABOUT 65 acres, Convenlently located tIr Osh- awa. witlx c1ty water .supply. Ample buildings. Immed'ate po&essIon. Appiy to Cohant & Arinis., Barris- Warited WANTED TO BUY-TWO EU$- dred used bicycles as part payment on new ones. Victors, 34 Km:s Street West, Oshawa. Phone 918. WA&NTED-THE WHOLE -LABEL from Gilett's Lye tins. Leave at Rice's Hardware, Wbltby, and -te- celve f ive cents for each label, end- ing April l5th. WANTED - GOOD RELIABLE Woman for Greneral Housewotk and Plain Cooling. References. Tele- phone 414. WANTED - WORK WANTED, Gardenin-, Flowers or generai out- îqde worac. Alexancler Rosettani, Brock street -north, Whltby P.O. Box 541. CALLI NG ALL SALESMEN! Agents! Would you consider a change that would reafly make money? New sales plan. Sale of 200 guaranteed food-niedlclnal-tollet preparations. Lower prices. Liberal commission- Extra cash bonus. Free glfts. If you bave a car and a ittie cash and want to sell somethIng that repeats the year round Inx ex- clusive dLýtriet, write to: FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. WANTED - TO RENT, IIOUSE wth ail conveniences lncludi.ng ga- rage. ForpartIculars, write Box 50. Gazette and Chronicle, Whltby. WANTED-BY AN INTENDING purchaser from owners o! aPPle or. chards lying witbln ten or twelve miles o! Whitby, north or north- west, or froin owners o! 100-acre farina with extensive orcixards thereon, who would consIder salllng, the follo'wlng particulars: 1. HOW far from Whltby? 2. How many acres planted? 3. How mucb adidi- t'onal acreage? 4, Wbat varleties? 5. 110w many trees of each klnd? 6. What aga le orchard? 7. Well- pruneci or otberwlse? 8. Bufldings, If any, please describe. 9. Wbat price for cash? Address reply to Box No. 18, Wbltby Gazette and Chronicle. WORIC WANTED-HOUSE WORK or nursing. Mrs. J. Lees, 614 Byron Street South, Wbifrby. Notice Taxpayqrs are bereby notlfied ihat tax bills for thc year 1938-have been c:elivered. Any taxpayer who has net recelved hLls bill, or who requires information, should cern- municate with thc underslgned. E.i HELENA RICHARDSON, Tax Coltector. BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL W. J. H4ARE, B.A. Barrister, Solcltor, Notary (Succeaisor ta A. G. BrownlnF, K.C.) Office'. 110 BROVK STfReET S. Telephone :, 392 - Whltby R.DON ALD RUDDY Bariter, Solicitor. Notary Public Office'.4 4h. Court lieuse, farmerly occupled by A. E. 'ChiItian. Meney te Loan Phone -339 Whitby1 DUNCAN B. McINTYRE Barrister, Soicitor, Nataay Office: Brook St. South Phoino 608 Wlitbi MONUMENTS N. IV. STAFFORD Dealer In Importedl and Cana4lan Granites. FiMi clais work at moderato pricies. CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY W(. 1H. JONES3, Sexton Phone 2505 'i Drooklin Ontarioa UNDERTAKING W. C. TOWN Funenal Director and Embalmer Ambulance Service 4,11) lUWhitby Marlow & Strowger FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE INSURANCE L. W. DUDLEY lieprescnting NationWI Life Insurance Co. Fine, Automobile, accident and 1 Slckness. ]pIONE 566, WH!TBY -"'VETERINARIAN Dlý. G. R. BOOTH Acc redited Veteninary Large and Sinall Animal Surgery. Personal Attention to Ail Calls. S203 king St. W., Oshawam Telephone 917, Oshawa D1ï. A. S. BLACK Veterînanian &Surgeon BROORLI N - ONTARIO TELEPIIONE 62 TAXIS, Central Taxi Service DON. J. BRYANT Phone 364 Two Heateti Sedans for Day andi Night Service MEDICAL DR. R. T. MacLAREN Physician and Surgeon Residence and Oficie Corner M4ary and Brock Bts., Whttby PHIONE 587 DR.'FREDERICK A. CUDDY PHYSICIAN Corner !Byran and Coiborne 81,. PHONE 712 #?boue 738 Brock St., South- CHIROPRACTIC, A.A. ROBINSON IiD E. STECKLEY Famerai, Director andi Furniture Drugless Practitioner Dealer ln Oshawa andi district ever fitteea Ambulance Service years. Il> hlm medernIy equippet e- Phone No. 2400 Brooklil, Ont fie,' rts 9 n anuai tberapy by ClHnRJACTIC. Foot corrections ?eLUMBING & HEATING madie, Posture, exerciseý and ti GEORGE HAMERS' - TBDTE;.Y;Ra ,ncq usetud lnguaslng.*For tneatlug Tiansmlthhg, Piumýbing sud Heatiig radiantes short wave and ultra Furnaces andi Air Condltloing vilete Consultation is; free. Fnee Generai Sheet Metai Wolrk del orunderpnivllegeti ehiltirea, Plans Drawn. up W elve years 4 te 6 Tuestlay BP*tOCK ST. N. - WRJTBI a~ Saturday. Office,. 14%-Simcae TELEPRONE DU .1*t tNortb, Osbawa, phonoe21 Dr. B. C. Caniiell, cf Kingston, Ont., discoverer of ensol, a serum designed for th. treatment cf cancer, has offered his- assistance t. United States heaith authorities ln determlnlng the cause cf death, in Or- lando, Fia., of teni persans, who reeeived injections af the serun i. was dlselosed tRiat the victims b.d ali recclved Injections item one bettie, thought te have hems coutaminated; that other Injections of ce! b.hd net produced the ias of totanua whlch l1.1tethelb. cicathhe Ucton people. Dr. Cannell, shown ABOVE at work lu hi. Kingston laboratory, announced his dlscovery of th. seruni Iu 1935 after conductlng many tests ah tthe Kingston General hospital upper LEFT. Dr. Maurice Flshbeln, upper RIGHT, spekesman for th. American Medical.associatIon, sald the associationi b.d declIned te approve th. use of the scrurn. Dr. 3. J. ileagerty, çxecutlve assistant toe Rieninster et health, announced front Ottawa tRial quantltles ai the. same batah ai seruni bas been used wlthout hant by 16 physiclans in Canada. SERUM. DISCOVERER RIÉADY, TO ASSIST -I INQUIRY Kingston Doctor- Positive posslbly have caused tbe deatU% ln Bottie Useti In Florida 71erida,," he sald. 'evs ti --i"Everytblng tuai evs ti Contaminateti - SeVen laboratory bas been checked aud Dud recheclced and there ls absolutety Dead no-chance that tbere eould be any- - * thlug barniful iu the ensol that Kingston, Ont., Aprît 4.-Dr. Hon- leaves liere," lie asserled2. dry Connell, KIngston physician "Untit I kuo* liow the clrug was wbo discovered "cusol," said lie was admnlnsiered and so on I amx in the "ireacly and willng" te go to clark about ibat. Posshbty the syrlig Orlando, Ma., If necessary, te assist used for the InJection waa lnfccted." lxx investigatlng the deatha o! seven Dr. CoaxneUl'à clafn for bis drug wornen wbo died a! 1er taking thewas that It apparently arresied the drug. developmene -of cancerous growtbs. "I bave been lu toucli with an 'rTe !Iuid, a protelu produci, le In- Orlando dector anci I am convinced jected lnii'a-flusculatly. one botte o! enset became con- Ottawa Joins Probe tarnlnated a! 1er It le! t Kingston," Canadian health authorities at -Dr. Connelt sald. "Other bottes in Ottawa are co-operating extensively the. same sbipment bave been uscd wlth these o! the United Stateu. ai Orlando wltbout harniful Te- Offîcers werc clspatchcd te the sui2ts." taboratory and wilt check on the Dr. Conneli stated 125,000 betties serum supply there and on thbe ablp- o! enset bave been shipped te var. ments'made. loua parts o! Canada and the Unît- T2iat anytbing inx It woutd di. cd States. rectly cause tetanus la mucb doulkt- Sent Out Free ed by Dominion officials, .who cou- 441, ,,~. . tend the tetanus Infection may bave for ensel," lie explainecl. "It la shlppeC free o! charge te chinics, In- terestcd lxx using it for treatment o! cancer." Shocked by the news from Or- lande, Dr.. Concît asscrted lie made a qulçk Investigation lu is labbratory and then telepboned Or- lande. "Tiere eau be ne question that only one bottle waa luvolved Iu thec Florida cases," be sald. <Il arn sure the ensel containcd ilu uat botte was net cout.aminated before it le! tliera. hitmiglit bave become contarninated ln several ways. AUl Shipruents Checked "I can state de! inltety liait tere la absotely notlilng lu enset, as At la manufepctured lier, bat could gel ie tich serum lxx the course of if is baudling or admaInistratIon. Shipmenla wil be steppcd and sam- ples e! tic formula talcen for ~a tysis. 'rhe Federal Fod and Drug Aed- ministLration ai Washington, D.C., nas dispatcbcd an agent ho King- sien.1 'rie Canadian Liegation.ai Wash- ington aise la co-operatlng lu every way to obtain a liai o! sources te whIch tlie drug bas been sent lu the United Staies. Gencral Motets spends frein $25,000,000 te $35,000,000 per year for specil toots, dies, etc., required lxx tbe imprevement and manufac- ture of Its proÊlucts. I 1938 TAXES- DUE APIL 19th 11938 Taxes ame payable in four finat instamment is due on Aprfl l9th. extension of time for ]Oayment. instahàeats. The Ther. wiII be no .A discoutmof 2per cent wM lbe aowed on the 2nd, 3rd end 4th imtalments,mutil'April 19& . NOW -Avoli 3%-Pe.0 t hag NOTE: IF YOUR TAXES ARE IN ARREARS FOR THE YEAR 19369, YOUR 'PROPERTY 13 LIABLE TO -1E SOLD. JOHN IR. FROST, Treasurer. F. HELENA RICHARDSON9 EXTRA OITICERS IVIRE APPOINTEDI Unemployed,, C u t O f f Relief,'-Are Not Disorderiy Colllngwoed, April 4. - Speclal constables sworn in anticipation o! trouble ait th. local relief office, were flot needed when a rumored demonstraton of relief recipients' failed te materlalize. Hard on the beels of town coun- eil's anaxeuncement ihat 44 persoa woul be struck off , the reIs3 on Mardi 31, rumor circulated that a demonstratlon weuld be beld whsen relie! vouchers werc lssued *ver the week-end. Soe 50 or 60 recipients dici lune up outslde tbe municipal building but tbese struclc off thse relIs conflrxed their demonstraion te vocal protesta againsi council's action. wbile the balance filied miet the office lu orderly fashion. Warned that a demenstratIon mlgbt be bcld, relief officiais bad arrauged for two specil constables to augment thc police force andtheti entire personnel of the f ire brigade had been sworn in as epeclal de- puties Iu case o! emcrgency. According to a motion passeti by council at a receni meeting, lie relief rolls wil be pared dewn graclually. 'rie 44 cut off ai the end 0! Match were lb. first lot to be pruned, whlte 69 are due te be out off on April 15 and au addi- tional 63 on or before May 1. SERIIM TETS Tu Officiais Relieved to Learr Kingston Ensol Absolvcd In Ten Deatha Ottawa, April 4.-Healli Depart. M4nt Officiais wcre greatly te- tleýrcd when I wua tearned the caxýcer treaimeni scrum from whlcl, teit persons were believeci te bave dIýd ln Ortanda, Fia., was not'ensi frein tic Kingston, Ont., laboratory of Dr. Henry Conucîl, Tbree department officials. wic werc -sGent te Kingston severat days ago te Investigate thc manufacture andi distribution o! enset, bave re- turnedti teOttawa. Dr.,W. Harr:son, of the Natipnal Heth.Insitute o! Wasbington,, a division of the United States Publie ReHaltb, Service, wlio was scniait ]Kingaton ai the sanie lime as the Dominion Government experts, te! I Saturday for Philadelphia. hi wae * belleved thei. rumuscd lu Orlaudo was manufactured in PhIlladelpi frOM the Conneiv formula. - Meazxwhlle the department licre wM -l-Co mplete - Its tests of ensol, Health Minister Power said. Sampes O! ensol werc brougbt back fromx Kingston. Mr., Power said Dr. Connell had Èiven tic department experts every * atance wtilo Lhey were iwkig p-AmiiJ741W0CF ffCfOM~WfA Mev» lthte.Chryster ia.." .6.... Safety AII.Steel bodie, ,eujoy te. thril cf ownlng a Safety Plate-Glass i AU. win- Chion. You CAN do this easily dows and Chrysler Bqual-Preuaure - becauso big and luxunlous Ilydraulle Erakes though it Ia, Chrysier Royal ls To apprecae fàUlyALL Crysler priced surprisiuglv low. - Royal'. .dvantages opVu aho)uld ChmtserRoyalls bigad roemy DRIVE oua. Ten mi-ut- behind -i-ftont seat and back.he mooth, thei> wbÃŽeei wll prove to you thaut reegfud'l de la rmade possible by hee, ut at, la a motoemg master. long, soft Amala Steel Spnng-, picee1 Couvenient tçnern t Airplane-typet Double-ction, 11v. vour budget are avalaâble. Check draufic Sho-ck Absorbera; Rub cr and compWe tie. deivered prie. Ctuahoned Body Mounlp eingau<yoWnilb.pleased when vou leara improved Weight Distrbution. ii.w l<mwit W .Se. vaut Chrysier. SAFBTY la a Chrysier wau.h. Plymnouth dealer today! fsa bis tMature of Chrysfrv **,Seat. orc <ide ... idleep... mqihoiseered and chair-1heighs. arc ... . 4J 0 OOTSarc- limFeland WITBY MOTORS LIMITED PHONE 647 DUNDAS ST. HAST, WHITBY their inquiries ln bis labgratory. Careless or reckiess drlving In- Mr. Power told the Hiouse of Coni- vites accidents even wlien hîgliway-s mous of steps taken by Dr. Connellf and cars are inperfect condition.- to prevent furthèr use of ensol by fAn automobile la over an eigyhth Sp I4 thoe twhmýI ha ben dstr- o anInch longer on a bot s=n-, AE thoe o wom'laba ben isti-mer day than on a cold day in' butted, pencling inveztigation. wlnter. This la due to the expan- "In the meantime, all further dis- sion and contraction of iron and tribution of ensol bas5 ceased pend- steel.- ing results of laboratory examina- t1cns anci -autopsiesr o"y n ad igttenths -per _ _ _ 5 ';ealMtos tckoder own ten shares or lems and 39.8 per THE FLOWERS cent own from. 11 w s50shares. * "prngFeeBLOOMogh o For nearly a weelc now one 0f When CO LDS by poisonous wastes which clog the city's prettiesi UIttle wild ilow- orcidsfdwy=due- et spots bas been lnx bloom. 'rhe 1 R A ieVitality. Needed i . the i genle flushing action ci Ends bepaticas, whIch Mrs. J. F. Grier- Used at first sneez, 'Fruit Sale"-to dear the. diges. son bas brought ln. from. the woods thils specialized mledi- tive tract and acinralize hyper- and set out berself lIn ber .garden cguppfr theoaa on Simcoe Street North, over a p=tmn CÃŽ.safe, and much more effective period of years, are courageously W5 than "supht* and molasses". bloomlng againat the south ,Wall. Tbey range in .sliade from white I KS to deep mauve. and are Incleed a sign that spring can't be far A T O N L IMILK New, hproyed tures are just e=tr liasons fryor choice ofW tr- EAI house Super- Power Refriger- cally-sealed, SMADS ted tnd VDual- aptomatic . .with a record of a MKitchen-Proved Dependability Efficlency auJ Economy .unsu- la th: W« here« models pdked ase Iow as $159.00 e CONEIN anSEE IT 'I I t. Canadian Discoverer Of. PAT 77

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