Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1938, p. 1

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- - - wrp VOL 74-NO. 41 TWO YOURC -ME>j1 CAIM HIGHW Af Potition Goverionment to -Use IPresent,.Iflghway or, FoIIow the Base Leine Rèoto Auditors to LffLeIJLLLIiL m AUULI I sau onslidered b mg Townships to Go to £IlQrIlIT Queen's Park NUI )I 1Ii)A The statemfen t appearîng in, the report of Town Aucltors George. TAfllai'~m IIITl mi IP. Astley and C. S. Trueman, whlch PREENTPROTEST 0F TORD98 lCHU b#I vu presented tothTonCuài .WO MEEIN S1-__"certainirruaties" in handinfg Strog OposiionWelcomed at Sheri ure towfl affairs iast year, and refer- Srn Opoiinto Pro- ring the Cduncil to a section of the R ~ hih1 Street - Chapel Choir Municipal Act, with a recommen- posed R o u t e hc dation that Council adhe-restct1 Commen4ed to iti s not satlsfactory to Coun. Woul- Dvide SevralA. Manseil Irwin, who at the regu- V Fine FarmsThe Facuity -and students o! the lar meeting on Monday made' a «Y Ontario Ladies' College on Sunday demand that the auditors be calied numbr o!farmrs rsid- vi a attendezl the evening ser- ur>on to further explain, either ini A nuberof frmes rsîd- vic atSherbourne Street United writing or verbaiiy. kWin l the townlships of East Church, Toronto,- acceptlng the Coun. Irwin stated- that lie had .Whltby, West Whitby and Pick- kind invitation of the Session which no idea what the nature o! the ir- eringag .d tii4 towfl ni Whitby, for a number of years, lias been ex- reguiàrities referred to by the audi- met ini the -town hall, WhitbYt tended annually. The trip on Sun- tors were. "I! the Counçil iast lWenday nlght to discuss thse flCw day was made in two coaches of the ycar did some things wrong, and higliway ruring from Toronto Colacutt Coachi Lines. Upon their whlch were not In aécordance witii te, Oshawa. Several sp r arrivai -at the church the visitors the Act, then .we should know gave their vlews, the majoirity were extended a warm weicome by about them so that We may be set pposing- the proposai to eut John A. Tory, chairman o! the riglit and flot make the sanie mis- thr@ui the f ansfi' north of thse Board o! Stewards, and other of- takes again,"1 Coun. Irwin deciared. C.N.R, trueksansd soutis of the fîciais and shown into seats reserv- It was thé duty o! the auditors, lhe preseyrt hlghway. They took thse cd for Ithem in the centre of the declareci, if they found any irregu- 'slew that the new road sh6uid auditorium.. The choir of the larîties in connection with the follow iaosg thse prescrit higs-' churcli, under the direction o! G. transaction o! the town's business way or CIsC along the Base Line.1 ý D Atkinson, director of music at to point them out. In this way the A deputation of two front the College, was assisted by tihe Council would be guîded and mis- oath township was appointed College Chapel choir bth at the takes wouid be prevented. In this t. see the Minister of HighwsaYs service and ini a short organ and case the auditors have not speci- as soon as possible, makiflg choral recitai which foiiowed. Miss !ied what the irregulanities are, kmown the decion '@o the useet- R~uth Curry, assistant organist to and I thlnk we ,should know," Mr. isvg, and asking for consdera- Dr. Atkinson, and Miss Jean Mc- Irwin idded. tien. Contact with tise Minister Kenzie. -of the College staff also Mayor Fred T. Rowe was o! the of lllgbways wilib. rmade assisted atthe organ. The sermon opinion that the reference o! the tbrough, Hon. Gordon. Conast, on tihe timely subject, "A Palth audilors was to a. matter which had Attorney- GCfleral, and represen- for Youîh," wa.s preached by the been deait with Iast year. No good tative o! Ontario riding. assistant minister of the churcli, couid cone !rom re-opeuig it rst L. F. MeLaughiiun and F. L. thc Rev. C1ibert Wlson. PhlD., this' urne, the mayor said. MIsoiw, o! Oshawa, were preseiit DOD. At the organ and choral re- *'There la not a man around this as representing the Chamber o! citai theC9llege Chapel Choir ren- Council Board wilo does not know Comsmerce. Thse Town of Whit- dened mosi ef!ectlvely "'Hear My what the audilors are referring to," by was net represented .owiIS[ Fraer," while for the closing flui- Coun. Threadgold saiti. He was of te a Clouncil Meeting. ber the two choirs and the enttlre teoiinta hsmte a facuity and student body rendered been ihrashed out last-year and To proteSt again5t a rumoreM the famihar college song. "Dear Old thai it wouid do no good to re- proposai o! thc Department of Trafalgar." Members of' the choir open ît. nlghways o! Ontanio to construct were wanmiy congratuiated by Mr. ConIrisadtaheadn tu furlaeKingston highway, Atkinson on their work and by knowledge that the auditors wer 200 feet wide, between the Base many of the visitons.' Alter the re- nferff oaqesinri eas Line aiid the prcseîît Kingstonl roaci. citai there was a reunion o! pres- ycaerich he a pqeson ai h a n 1north of the Caladian National cnt and many former O.L. students desrir h e e rog yht up noi rallway tracks. and cutt.lng through when a reception was tendered in ireussed again. 11e diddthin s o- soe ! hefiiei arm nSui the church parlons. Most, accept- eeta h ullr hudb Onitario between Oshawa and Pick- able refresisments, and pienty o!faed 1 mke lerhat the y dios h d ernfg, a meeting -o! farmers o! them, were served, and a!terwards nse recto.k la htte a PieenTgEast and West Whllby addresses o! welcome were given by _______________ Townships, heid In Whitby Coundil Rev. Dr. Wilson, assistant pastor, chlamblers Friday niglit. decided t<> John A. Tory,- chairman of the -send a, depulation to interview the Board o! Stîwards; the chairman p4lnister of Highways. Another o! the music committce and Mr. 0.EA TW IH X more largely attendcd meeting was D. Atk'nson. The respofise on be- heid in trhe Town Hall on Monday hal! o! the visîltbrs was madle by ilO I) .The meeting, presided over by governor o! the College. Severai O L T RN D O E Water Thonipson, K.C. a fanm other officiais of the church were TOTI' fl F<Y ll ow4e?' lu Pickering Township, also Iaiso .calledl upon 10 spealc. Some P«LJLL "RUI deccded to arrange ai once for a very fine n-eferences to the College tmeeting o! represeptaives o! the were miade and the visitors were as.. clty o! Oshawa, Towni o! Wliiby, sured o! a warmth of welcome and A. J. Parkhill to be Respon- pickernlng, and East and West Whlt-- Invited to return ai any lime. sbe fr Dhvr by Townsips, te <ormulate some sbe fr Dlvr definite plan on the rouie of the DE of Notice néw highwaty whlch. will be accepi- miH rF fNTI~o oie able te ail o! the municlpalities,' IRW I. ?UiII andi, un1til this meeting has- beenCA COLUMBUS, Aprii 4-A. J. Park- ,hed, the Depgrtiilfnt of Highways ICI hil, recenly appointed tax collec- Swillý be asked to withhold ils dcci- FUI Al D I L ton for the township o! East ,Mon with- respect to the highway Whitby had the 1938 tax collector's route.roll turned over 10 him by motion Members o!. the Township who Pleacis Guilty to a Charge o! the council on Saturday iass wiiliodge the prolesi o! .the f anm- of Criminal - An Ihe ct odyilinme dthat lmu. , ers witlli the Mipislen of. Highways, PArk helmut beresnsile frtheMr thnougli Hon. Gordon 'P. Conant, Negligence Pc2el r o! ail tes1938 tax notces KC.b, AttorneY-General, and repre- ieieyo l h 3 a oie Rodeick Mclnis,432 on-whelhen donc by him or -someone CBECKER UIJNTEST -FUR -BASSETI CLtUB D iionli Near - PlaY Gaines -iri Contest For the -Conant Cup The ganes for lithe Basseti Cup -emnblcmatiic o! tise own champion- slip are uearnlg çompetioi. Tise --- standing ai preseni shows H. W. Quafltiil with a conumauding lead over tise aider playera, tisougis tiere are twOo!oftise youngei' playerS - ti.at mgY Imake ih lnieiestjiig for Quaninil bef ore tise f!inih. TIle latest reporta put Quantril finit witis 11 points. Whlbeiaw 15, Bryant 14,-Neal5, Southwell sud Stne 12 eacis. COX 6, Clarke 4. sutwelad Clarke have yet severai ganses te play., Tnie Ontario Couniy ganses for the new cup presAmiOcl by tise Ho Gordon ponant were oriually soIOduied to be piayOn on ApnIl 2. Olwint to unf înisbed nresilt5 in .so me disatricts it las been decided te isolc ~fial gomea- on Weclnesday, at l.30Qn tise Oshsawa Club ~rplyers q1llif ied please a.iennfce at 1.30 p.m. on tile tenced 10 tisree monthsl h Counly JaIl by 115i Honour Jucige O. B. Coleman, when le plead- ed gullty to à- criminal neg- ligence charge ln County _Court iseneMonday. The charge was tise resuli of an- accident at the Town Line, Whilby, on the night of Mardis 25ih, wisen s car, dniven by Mdlnnis, strucis a car coutaining Inspectors Boyd and Ham- mond o! tise Provincial Police, ne.. sulling in Inspector Boyd su!!cning a !ractured knee-cap. Mclunis pleadeci guilty at first. Robert M. Jackson, Long Brandi, Toronto, told the court tisatieh was pnoceeding wesi ou No. 2 hlgisway sud tisai lie saw tise car, driven by Mchnls, veon to thse souts and then swerve over ilu ls direction, oven- turnlng hls car and knocklng il in tise dltch. When ise «got oui hie !fouud that another can behind hlm isad aise been struck, sud MOInniIs was compiainîng o! tise headights ou tisis second -ear being ueo bight, le related., Wlien le iold Mchnnls whe lie wtise accused said "'You're thse man t t si de-swiped me,'lie.alieged. 'Ih nottced hoeissU tise kanseli o! liquor on hlm," said Jack4So. - .4! er some cross-examhnatiou, Defense Coiinsei Duncan B. Me- hutyre cou!ferred witistise accused andt ten ae leave o! the court to changeth plea te one o! guliiy. 1LCIIIis waa \calleci to tise stand te 'tîve characte eividence on lils owxi )ehai! andi ré ted tisai lie was for- I <ContinuctidnPage 3, C'ol. -5)' for tise tax collector to landie tise special rent account. ' The tax coiieclor was also autisorized te' niaie severai adJustments lu t4e, lax molUs previeus te, 1938. The townsip solicitor was givený instructions in reference te collec- tions ou agreements o! sale wlicis are lu amrears. Thne council dccid- ed te excisang è lot 304, plan 178, fa; lots 305, plan 178, witis Mrs. Edlthj Bigwood, undern certain terma. A bylaw to appoint poundkeepers,l fende viewers and sheep valuatera] for tise yean 1938 was ri;ad a - third tlnw sud passeci. ý-A petition waa preseliteci nequeatý- ing gravel and repairs te the road ai TIiorntou's Corners runuing nonsh from Highway No. 2. -This will be considencd.., Vouchers No. 43 te 57 inclusive in the amount o! $5,632.tS wene passed for paymcui. -' In tise iist of,- communications read by tise cierk were lise !ollow- ing: from tise Royal Bank o! Can-ý ade, Oshsawa; A. TF. Anuis; A. Y - Panicisili; Herbert Va-.Luven; Dept. o! Municipal Affairs, sud from Mrs. A. J . Camemon. 1 Ailtie members of counil wre present aitishe regular meeting wlth reeve Lyman A. Gi! forn :th chair. Minutes O! former meeting were read and adopieçC. Tise meet-. ing opened at 1.00 p.m. andi ad-, journed ai 7.10 p.m. te, meet agaix on Saturday, May 7 ai 1.00 o'cioclk lu tise clerkis office. NowC Open Tk ihùtre 1$ mpIêý"teÈI and -Wi Il ThursdayEveni lng Enihodies Everything For Comfort and Enjoyment -Larger Seating Cépac-, ity, Best Sound Equip-. ment and ThorougbjY Fireproof Whitby theatregoers are lu for s decided thnill on ThunsdaY wisen tise new Brock Theatre opeîus ils doons to tise public. Il wras ctr- pniviiege as tise nepresentative o! The Gazette and Chronicie t10 De taken on an informai anC fss *i - ating tour tsrchis h àt «iIl bWont o! the finest cincn$s o!fis siÈe lu Uie province. Neilisër tinse non expense have. been considered in n-aking ,Wiitdys- new palace o! cntentainment one of tise show-places o! oun iown. Beautiful lighting effects, softi drapes and seals, a pastel colour sciseme o! ed, blue, and gold, are only a few 'o! the attractions of- tise new liseatre tisai were unfoided 10 our'astonished gaze. Tise tiseatre is equlpped witi tise mosi up-to-date *air-condulioning systeni l absoiuiely fire-proof, and contains every modern convenieuce. It has. a lobby and foyer buill on tise saine Unes as tise mosi f asis- lonable theatres ta downlowu To- rontio, and f urnisiscd with chrome chairs and circular mimrons. Tisere were so many details tisai struck oun !ancy tisai we have 10 reflect as we cnumerate them to you, suid- possibly tise best way would bo for us te descnîbe escis fealure as 1;. wll meet your gaze wheu you enter, lthe tiseatre on oponing nigisi. Lobby and Foyer as you walk lu from tise slnde, anc doors tisrougis which you enter thse lobby, a spaclous oom lllumlnated with lwenty-five wàtt bulbs. Tise walls and cciling are patcrned lu tsre shades o! blue, as are tisse o! the foyer wilhin. Two doors aitishe bsck o! tise lobby, one ai cacis side, lead Into tise foyer, wisicis is carpetîrc.dinlua ricis shade o! ned. A llghting trougis, finisiseainlubrusis nickel, extencis acroas tise ceiiing to give tise foyer tise same. type o! Illumin- ation jas theiobl>y. Openlng from Send in Your. Subséription at, the $1.50 R'ate The, publisiiers of The Gaze.te ->sd Ghronicle are Pleased. *wfti the. response recelved so f ar to the anmoumcement. th*t up to and including May lot, 1938, new subscriptions and renewals witl be reeelved at the prevail- ingrate ot $1.50. Atter -May lst the suhscr1paon rate NwlH be -$2.00. Look at the label on yu paper andi It wil -tell you ie' date yeur subseription expires, il It Is in c o r r e c t , p ie s e e t ' e ladies' sud gentlemeu's esi rooms, botis terrazzo-flooread, with. the ladies' room also carpeted ln green and equipped with luni- aline iigisls. Iu bols roonis .are- comfoniable chairs and large, mir- rors. Washrooms are equiýped witis every modern convenience, incluci- ing lot sud coid running water. ITise ceillug o! the ladies' roon Isl f inîsised n a ligitsi iade o! yeiiow sud the wails in green. Ail tise per- fcctly pnoportioned iighitng effecis tbrougisout tise theatre are by Neon. The. Theatre Tise ligisling as you enter the -tisealme ilself 'will 'make you 'calcis your brealis, as Xi s baliscd lu a crnison aura tisat even exiends to lise ceiling wisere more liglgss on a section Oo! tise alr-distribuii equpmeni, tismow a se! t raciiancc. Tise -ed ane goid cutalu carnies oui tise pastel colol.W acheme in ac- corctance witis ail tise other drapes lu t.àe tiseatre. Tise theaire naa two aide aisies, and tise four isun- cir.-d aud four red-backed leatisen- isto seats, fit into tise plan -wiii perfect isarmony. Tise seats them- selves are some àf!thc most, lux- unious east of Toronto. Tise cciling la composed o! acous-)' tic plasten, sud the bacis -andi aide wails are a ýcream coioured terra %t.Tise ned car-peta lu tise aîlsies ý are lu thse seme sisade as tisa Inta (Contlnued oný Page 7, ,Col. 1) Prank kâ,of tbe fitreets Coàmhilttee, sng- day tlhat a setart shonuldbe madle further irâprovemneit -of-the -forth of thse porwer house now ngthe'nucieus of a lakeside 'zk. loun. Tjireadgoid -pointedV t ndreds of peopleflocIed - ~if nt, every- smnnxer. &lý%î,wa ai districtA -,ýth batIng *elmprovedo yie.r ag~bcomnga pop-g Ma!place. Re was o!, the opinione ttat il the ,property . was funthen ýMtproved by eiten1ngtiregrasu sao4 beàch and £olng, soin. flaing in 1t'kwoild be a great asset te WhlVby. Hé polnted out that soin.moneY ho>± been placed- in the striets*tl- matýs this year to do some f'this work7., Coufii eclde visit thse lake- front In a body on Thursday afer- noon to sec what work can be uni dertaken. No Damages ..Councili eceived lctens !nom the1 cmat'handing tise.town's Pub-1 lic fibilty insurane a that1 dlaims o! two ctiz for da agS as thse resit O!f f nvcy e waiks ha en lected afier n investigàtion o! tise cincunistalle in esois case, the company's souici- lors-advis-nsg thai the town couid nol bo held negligent. WiU Co-operate Council vôted to co-openate with thse Executive o! the Canadian corps Re-union whieh wili ho heid In Toronto in -JuIy in penmitling veteraris o! tise great wan to attend. A letter sceking this co-op t*on was 'received ,froin ,is otýshlp Ralpis Day, of Torouto. ' -W1s To Be Unveiled At St. Andrew's. A tabîctinlu momory o! IdaiLyndo, a menihrof o!st. Andrew's Presby- tenlan Churcis home for many yeans, sud wiso, ailien deatis about a yesn ago, lefi a iegacy o! $2,00 te tise congregaioIl,- lato hoeected by tise Board o! Managers and forin- aily dedicated on Easten Sunday, 11ev. Dr. H. Carmicissel, ministol', anunces. Tise memonial was su- thorised aitishe annuai meeting o! tise congregaion in Febnuamy iast. -Part o! thse iogacy la being used 10 bring tise fine pipe organ in tise çlurdh Up to date by nicans o! eierD- inification o! tise keyboamd. i will be !ormaily dedlcated aiong wllh tise memonlal.' Wliile tise ongan la bein renovat- cci, a ioveiy eed ongan, a gifi 10 tise durcis by Mms. Fred Seidon, la being uscd by Mrs. P. N. Spraii, organiat aud choir director. WHITBY RIFLE"CLUTB Whitby Rifle Clu- wilisoid their weekly shoot on Wcduesday. A full tur oui of regulan membors la ne- quesied for tise purpo6e o! choosing teamz. Lasi wcck's meeting was featured'by possible shots by James Frazer, R. Bailey, G. McGuine sud F. Rosattani. R. Baiiey led tise f:eid by wlnnlng a silverespoou whth is tenus possible-out o! one hun- cred marks. Iu the teani competi- thon a, prise wili ho awarded by thse 1csç'i club as wefl as by tise Domin- Ion Marksme's Club. Former t4inàser -Wefare Was * Speaker Tue vitl addrsson clone for cipple di livered to Whitb A. sors*il, fofier , pi' -lft o! i c el! are lu tise Ontario goveruuieit, at their weekY',,luci- con in Uotel, Wjitby TMes"ay. 'Mn. Sorsolel, present.@iairman*,of tise Cnipple CivWlans. IlAssociation O! Ontaro, was Intnoduoed by Rota-ý Ian Stan Montgomery. "Thse degree o! civilization wich any >eople bas neached la clearlY lndicitéd, by the care we exerclseý over those 'whojuave not had op- portunlty or h.*v6waste ilt," stated Mn. Sorsoel. The Asociation camne int belng whcn a Young man wlt-h- an antificlal iimb, vislted hlm during, his term o! office ln the cabinet and said lie couid flot get work due te his cnippled conditi on. IMr.ý Son- soleil advised him tomace a suirvey thnoughout the province ana2 sece how many peope ho could !lnd iu a like condition, facing tise same \clrcumstances. The check-up ne- vcaied a vasi numàber o! civIlians who were cnippied but could -obtain- no heip front the authoities. Thse great majority o! theni Wished te work but were re!used jobs. It was thon thai the organization came int being. On ieav ing is post iât the cabinet. Mn. Sorsolèîl accèpted thse position o! Chairmas., "'Cnipples have had a veny diffi- çult tlpeIiogsu itr, noelted, referring te tise focitishat n unnightened times, and even -day, beiug cnippied was regarLCed as. a punisisment fnom the Almlghty and that ai -one time, crippies Were flot aliowcd te appear before thse altan. '.If a cnipple' did not work lie was to ho treated witis stnipes and depnived o! food and drink until he dcl work," was the pisil- osophy lu Eriglan4 evon as late as the cigisteentis century. Thsis mcdiaeval idea hadýchanged, isowever, Mn. Sorsolel reiated, and today, in Nazi Germany, ail large manufacturera were nequl.red- to carry two per cent cnipples in tisein work. "In Canada this soclely la tise only socicly fundtioning lu this respect," related Mn. Sorsolefi. "There is no effort too great, to give tisese people à chance." A isearty vote o! thapks was moved tc he speaker by Rolanian Ed. Bow- man ai the close o! lis address. Visitons wene Rotanlans Star James and William Locke, o! Osh-. awa, Archie Mihako, former Whit. by Rolanlan, anad Dr. W. D. SmItl of Ontario Hospital OSHAW~A PASTOR TU RETIRE IN JUNI Rev. A. D. Robb Forced tF Resigu Because of 1 111 Health -Rev. Andrew . Robb, pastor o! ~St. -Andrew's Untediùliurçli, Osha: a, stantIed his congregation Sun. aymornlng wlien; at tise conclu, on of tise service, lie read a for alstatement announcing Mi esignation.as pasior o! the churcl &- has retirement from the activi L-ry. He stated that his resigý ation, forced upon hlm by D ealth, wouid takeeffeci thee ient f June. -Exchanglng puipits wlth Rey. Y -.MatxWell,. who - went to -G1e1 dUnited Churcli, Toronto, t uly, 1932, Rev. Mn. Robb complete -years. as pastpo o!St. ksdrew' at the end of June. Il18 resignatia - aies conclude, 42 yeas Ik1t hmty, -inchuling liree yeara'- suetfield. *He- would .ki death of two a most popular Hutchison,-son specton R. A. Hutchson, a Sieigistolm, aN James Slelghtb îBoth young stantiy about wisene , car In Ing travelling 1 rear of a larg thse soutl isic almoat oppoul Deverel moto] by te David, pany, of Ham Relient TurD Street East, 1 stopped *on tI the cunis, whc ncd. Thse d: brakes and Ë lghti mpact The, entire fr< Wîaa owned tby wasý bedly -wu *Niglit Consl -on duty a feim to thc scene wa& later joli tmil. He foun siumped over tise: car 'and i w"5 .bebiui4 I Thomnas-, tate hêad- and -t u 1The fact th~ niarks ut tbe leada to tise o! thse car.ç suddenly and enevnto p&VeiMi4 wai tsnowWb-hici tie evening thoughit that te -the cause cisison was k driver. Tise 1the truck, tI >police. ) lu the absi O r. R. T. Mc L. Macclouga tise bodies re dertaklng pa tise young mt -iragedy. No tise Inquest Or. McLarén Jack Hutcl lis parents a rI whie Emnea his parents, once and LiEarl. o! New lers, Misses Witby. - The late J, sou was camne to Wl 'when very education ii IHigs Sciool >graduated j 1 sity. Oniy rei >0 tisai lie iad grec o! Bact ise was to ý4 lu, a large. « fice. At the an outat, ieen a mei (ContnueÉ SP8ychiatý ,h Ve lu- I 4, wc id y 'e e *- r- me )id he lue e. M- ai. iit- 6

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