ter on ~i a&r made a' ýe and wau h Whltby 0 FIE ad1nu Aft the Lghtau'a rai- reet eut wr d Wédeesdey of an uzideter- Uln the dead &Mdthrestened .Prompt se- saved'the altui- 0 vas brourht ected area and &IY under con. thse e I- ne tva Kid î nt caîl *y# ag. frfftheRev. -Lewrece, rnoderatov orthe od of Toronto aud Ki0ngaton o! Presbyterian Church<in Canada. Rey. Mr. Lawrence receity retirer: 43 yers lu the. Presbyteëriau mInis- try sud Is uiow living *n bis prop- erty north o! the t.wn vwhich lie th a hmovueci for a uzber o! years, th His last charge vas at Rothsay, where he was stationed .for ten 1660 years. irisi W'herathe dlrectors o! the.Na- Chof tiouai Ployer Show vlch-closed ugh this yack in Toronto o!ferd î muinumber o! prizeas for the beat post- ers by amateurs advertlsinu the mot show, one o! the prime vinners wus MIESsRenalle Hollint, a student o! iO tise Ontario Ladies' College, vho, lnt although a Junior contestant, vas M" a wanded thée third, Prim In a grouD th o! bider contes-tants. Thse poiter .th cxlibtsd by the. O.tL.V. atudent vwu SI a véry atniklng oans. -She vas j avarded a ticket wlich admitted. her ta the flower à how at any itme, ýrls Ontsrio Idies' Colloge viii close on Fniday of, ths week for Uic Emter vacation and vill re-epezi an Tuesday. after Eastcr. -The heU- days this year are being tremted before Easter awing te tthe early date o! tlis aunnua lestiv*4. LIONS CLUB CARNWVAL ON AUGTJST 31 At &. -meeting o! thi e xetive Cornmittee ot Whitby Llor* OWb 1*ld on riday evennPlans vere dcuued for thse tlll4amial.car- val. whlc l iibe - hlinlthse .Ps*rk on Wodxuçsclgy, Aufust Il vau deci4ed ta use the lbwn :tasteado! tihe street this yesv t. tr&f!c difileultwc, btigei ,to st-mo*rs oom requIrod * xip,&Benof theo. cariivaL date spectal cammittees .4pal thuh the Execu- lho carffivalin tiie MAEGARIT Margaret Parker * hber homie-ln Prince e, n March sist, nA~u ine day3 prior Mru., Parker had e vhlch she neyer rai- deceased ls<y.was thc the late William Parker, reh9ut, o! Ashbupi, On. o predeceased ber on -No-, 5th, 194..lu receut years ker had'rèslded at Myrtie thesda, Ontario'. Ber birth- wu n GUelph, Otarlo, anid e eciaughtÃr of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. She was an ad- t Of the 'United churcb. ler liter,. Miss Jean Parker, es achool at Richm*ond MUi, Ozitarlo, survives ber. The tuners! flrvce vas beld lu the. Port Perry Dlndertakinzg pa'rlo=rsand vas con- dueted by the Rev. W. j. ]f. Smyth thie mister o! the Port Ferry United Churcb On -Aprfi 2nd, 193U. Tii. remains vers laid ta rut Mi thse beauttfui Flue CGrave Cemetery, Prlice Albert, Ontario. Our sincere '"qIPaiy 9g12M out ta the beresved ln thia their hour Of trouble. DEAT0- Or RAT lý' 4atx o«uresuddeuly ou euia-ýà ril 3rd, lot Mary Cburtice, relet 01 the lite Themas ]Branton, ln ber 70th year. Deeeased bid been -a realdent of Whitiby for many anddvau highly thought of lu. OOMMunitY viiere her quiet and(i 'dlY disposition had wan for ber boSt o! frienis who wifl regret her g. The late MUn. Brauton a mnember o! the. Unitedl Clurcli d '0! Princes. May Lo«Ie, No. 20, iughters Of Enigland. The funeral Icis vaslargely itteuded -by rn. Vesansd fPiends vas held en Y lrn=, ber liter4sgde satreet, Rev. Russell 013rien Rev. A, M. Irwin Offlclsted at servICe. Intérnient vas made L the Union ceinetery. A -short.. e sevice va.s Ielg at the grave- ae by flftnbers o! the Lodge. ÇOLDEN WEDDING 0F' OSHAWA COUPLE P'riends: "d neighbours gave a. reCeptiOn ou Saturday evening- for 'Mr.', aud MraB. Samsuel Tottie, Nas- eauý Street, vho were clebrating their golden vedding anniversary. The happy, couple vere marrled lu Old Church, Glaasop, Englaud, on April 2, 1888, and came to Oshawa ln 1016. Mms. Glassap, !ormerly Aaiî rNe.Wssm, vwsboru lu Sheffield, England,,lu 1886, and her husband wus boru ln Glossop. England ln 1864. UJntil six years mgo Mr. Tot- tt was employed by General Mot- ors. Bath are members o! St. George's Anglican Church. There iare nlo children. About thirty-six guests were at the celebration on Saturday. A purse o! mofley vas presented te the guests 0f honor. Ga me& snd singiug ver. enjoyed durlug the evening. Lut fflday nlght the io.p pasked iteftUIzito the' cramped q1Urtera Qofaazrom above the Dom- in'-nEankc ta Iold Its asecoaifi- clU meetipig. 'Underthe crouaza e ws er. able t.e njoy a 'Jl= atGmre'cmm- petilon ' A uber -i ,artices vere plaoctiOn a table I the cenitre of the zoom.ý At the word 'begina eloth MaU remved. wb . h concealeci thé~ artiéles -AMdev«zy-M, crowded a#oud to observe - he=- At the en4 ai thice minute& the. cloth vWas replaced anid the- boys retured te theïr respetive eoiSramta draw un. a 'Ittof the articles. The Hawks- had the beot, memores with 35 ý'out of 4.0. 71w Panitheiu and Eagles tled for saceond with 34. And who asys a BUUdog neyer f orgets? Thfrey came thir with 32 articles rememn. bered. The remaincler a! the evening wus spà it i Instruction. Those who were, sgucesaful ipasslng their- 'ropowhlpping' test, a requirement for thie Tenderfoot Badge, were ag f6oov: - Everett Blight. Ralph Brown, Pred Dewsbury, 'Lawrencýe HEWtr.ng, Ii-wln Humphries, Earl Huntley, Ralph MacCarl, Louis Palmer, Dvid Watts. Msny who tried the test weren't quit. able to make the grade but now that they know what ls reý 0uired of them they should be wel prepareid 'to pase It at the next meeting. AUl Tenderfooters take notice: Corne to the. next meeting prepared to pass, ail if possible, but at least part of your 'tenderfoot. For Our meeting this coming Fr1- day b I front o! the Armories at 7 sharp. RELD FASHIION SHOW The Fashion Revlew sponsored by the Women's Association of the United Church held I the Town Hall here last Trhursday nlght was an outstanding succesa with a large crow« lin attendance. Profes- sional manneqpins, an orchestra, and solos fea red the eeig Mrs. Melville, o! Whltby. acdom- p nied by Ms. Clifford Brown at th piano, sang two solos. "Danny Boy," and "Wake Up". Ail of the season's new dresses, coatis, etc.,_ ver. shovn. j WEDDINGS ALLAWAY-LARGE A quiet wedding took place on Saturday, April 2nd, à t the Bap- tist Clzurch parsonage when Rev. Elmer Green unlted in marriage, Fera Madeline, claughter of Mr. and M .dward Large, of Bomnile t. Cecil M. Allaway. son*lo! nMr. and Mrs. Praxk Allaway, Whitby. lXr. aud Mrs. Allaway wiii reside In Wk4thy. SLIGOWO[M - Suddenly nt Whittby, on Mouday,. April 4th, 1938, Ernest Matthew Sleightholm, young. est son o! Mr. and Mrs. James Sleightholm, lu bis 29t1i year. A private service viilb. held at the family residence, 304 Byron street south, on Tbursday, April 7th, at 1.30 c'elock sud prcceed to Al Saint&' Anglican Church for serv- ice at 2 o'cloclc. Intermnent in Union cemetery. HUTOHLSON-Suddenly at Whitby, ou Monday, Aprîl 4th, 1938, John Alexander Hutchison, eIder son of Mr. sud Mrs. Robent A Hutehison. The. funeral vill be held !rom the resideuce of his parents, 124 Byron Street North, on Thursday, April 7th. Service at the bouse at 3.30 o'clock. Interment in Union Cerne- tery. CAIRI 0F THANKI The Harnden family, o! Raglan, tender their heart!elt thanks and dçep gratitude to the. many iini frlends sud ne*glibars vho ver. so extnemely klud and considerate fol- leig thi ecment loscf t4ler b.- loved m otiier. BoII'>Dry âOoods We are clearing ail our Métn's Goocis at cost and 1es$. G veralis, Shirts,' Sox, Pyj'aas, Tic, Underwoar Don't miss this opportunity1 to stock up on these things,1 as we are positively, clearing them to make roomn for more Ladies' Wear.5 Te JOHN STRATHY and THE BROCK T TRE -we offer OUR CONGRATULAlO eJ n their new home and wish them every succes n", this splen- did undçrtaking. BsII's ry Ooods 107 BROCK CST. S.ý WH TOY PRU NES l 61RADE TEl Youa, Howseaning9 i ir29c to Items that .should -Appeal the..Thrifty ýHousekeeper ISODA WAFERS R'eg. 14o 2 for 23c OLO DUTCN ,ýCLEAUSER: 3for 28e SNAP "PýOWDER. md Glass Psrtin 21 c London House Coffês 1ilb. tin -39 c G.RA PEFRUITSo 6a o25c1 249elb. Bag 5c 4 95928 LUX TOILET -SOAP. 4 for 23e RINSO LUX Large Paqckage 23C Large Package 23C 3fvr22e or -MEDIUM GOOD SIZE, SUNICIST RAIiSINS els b.21c Mea tDepa rtmnient lb 7c SAUSACE, -smvIl ink 2-, lb. 25c PHONE .632 RO sPH:fIE 632 or 579, CC 'o 7 Size 70 to 80. FINEST BIEF 9el Jr 23P La'uudry £ol IMM MMUf 14mfIm m 14f t I ASTir TC .~OELE1 PHONE 442 7 C ý3l Have you seen the. lovely premiurnsy@u can get at AGG BROS. Corne in and see tbem. CUT GLASS CRYSTALWARE CHINA CLOCKS H4undreds of items and it const yOu nothing.' P EARS CHOICE DESSERT -FýLOU R Royal pastry EÂASTER Corne in anid pkck out your Srnokecl Ham or Picnic Harn- Ail best brands at the right p&ices. SUNLIGHT SOAP LIFEBUOY SOAP VX't9~ -~ ýl i i ORANGES ROUND .ST*rEAK BRISKET 1 pk9a «31ý '?iin June CGM. White, Co Nexi 'BROOKLIN, April- ian+.s spaker 'at' tâe Mai the Women's Inst t a: i C rs&e Sim pson, eVfcl .su>iert or PeýL ' Il ai to à o infiuec2th youth iu this vici, inay grow to manh b bood opposed f0 w -o .'may.t not influence ownm homes but measure respons- out homes ad c S int2resting -ani i SJ Mrs. Wn.Aar vas 1 n nby j.ýîr1 'miss Liulian Jon- ~ la Agar.ZrsO- the-new c. f th Lu piano solo by ýO end, a vocal* and- 'Mr:;N. mnace fToi-the hrlc in theTHé dy, April 8t ;î'ilconsisat At the -1r~ Suite Lillian Jolie. ou behaif of vy lovely ThE E her interT Mr. Sta Position w! 21r. Ort year. i. a n rnon4s. - ' 4 . a n family 'w Lockyer Suday moved 1 wéek. t2.15 The f Ar to Mr.J Mr. guest.3Th' Miss men' n e or t TT t H( ae IT*II for 60C doz.29C