Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1938, p. 5

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relt gunidaY, Palmn Sunday, ah Ail "t%' Ohurcis there wll be a colo- MMCi Of tho ifoly Communion st L., mornîng prayer,,ai il am., *Ienln&hprayer ai 7 p.m. Tise 0dy 01ioo wil meet ai 3 p.uU. Wisitby Branci of tise Cana- iLegjon wll1 parade for their eY Day service aitise miornlng. ve. lýMe subject of the addroess Sbe "Thse Vimay Ridge Spiit ln on TOday. " In the evening tise ,tor will preacis on thse subjoct, ELECTROLYSIS COSNSULTAION FREE AND CONPIDENTIAL Helen L. Salter DERMATOLOGIST Suite 8. 29%~ SIMCOE ST. S. Over Ward's Store TELEPIRONE,88 - OSHAWA "My House1lýa.a Bouse of. Vishtors are welcome at thei OBSERVE ROLY WEI Tise observance o! Boly Week lu Ail Saints' will be marked by ser- vices f rom Monday ho Tisursday every mornlng at 10 a.m. and every ovenlng ah 7.30 p.m. On Maundy Tisursday evening, tise. day of tise institution o! tise Lord's Sunper. tiser. wil b. a celèbration of the Boly Commnunion ah 7.30 o'ciock. On Good Frldav thére vil h ie tisree-hour service vison tfie Rector vil1 give tise addresses> on tise seven vords f rom tise ross.. Worsilpers ah ibis service may corne ai any tirne convenient to theunselves and leave vison It la necossary for fiem ho' do wo. The Idea la ho ro.main for tisree hours but visere this is not possible, cornie for tise time tisai you can stmy. 'Iutise evening ai 8 o'clock tise joint choira under tise sponsorsislp of tise Ministeulal As- sociation vil! sing tise eantata, "Tise Drkest Hour," by Harold Moore under tise direction o! Mrs. P. Maras,. organisi o! Ail Saints.' Tis- beautiful and impressive- work vii be vl worth isearing and will pro- vide a fiting close for tiseobserv- ance o! Hoiy Week and a prepara- tion for thie greai services on Easter Day. Ail Saints' A.YP.A. viii at- tend tise Hoiy Woek Monday even- ing service iu a body muid tise de- votions and .addres vIi hodedicat- ed to tise youug people. Ail meni- POULTRY GROWING MASTER FEEDS W. have a funU lne of: and STARTER and CONCEN- TRÂTES., DOC BISCUITS ând PUPPY FEED. Attractive Prices I__ Au CANNING E 4 STARTING MASHES, Ie Week the meeting vWl!be pa6tpon- ed'uutil Tuesday, Aprillý9tb, at 3.- o'clock ln the Prblry Boom. Al membera are aaked to be present. ST. ANDEWl'CHu'RO Meeting for prayer an& medita- ion wl! be beld ln thse Scisool. Zoom' tonlght ai elght ocloclk. On Sun- day, April lOtis the mornlng wor- Zshtp-wff centre ammud -"The'Signi- ficance of the Trinnipha Entry ln- to erusaluin." The church s soool mSiîeets,$t 2 o'clock and ovenlng wor- sblp ai 7 o'clock. On fridaY of tis wekat 3 o'clock tise spring tbank-- ofterlng of tise W.m.. will ho held. Pryr"Dr. Jeulie McBeaai, a veteran mis- se4s*sonarý 0f China, wlll be tise- guest speaker. Evfery woman- should ho .-houtc NEW C~HANNEL FOR 6AiMB[IN6 SAID OPENFU Belleville,' &pril 5.-Preaching on "Gambling" ai Tabernacle United Cisurcis Sunday nigist, Rcv. D. T. McClintock deait vus tise sweep- stake legisiation lntroduced before tise Ontario Bouse whicis aroused a storm of commrent from tise entire province. Oamtibling, tise speaker said. vas ho be condemned as opposed ho- tise 1mw o! reason ln bSiness. "Whah- ever f ield o!fisuman enterprise ht entera, it corrupts and degrades. Refutlng tise argument - tisai money speut on sweepstakes ln otiser countries vould be retained in Ontario under tise nov sciseUae, Rev. McClintock pointod ouit tuat citizens would stili Jisave tise oppor- tunuty ho buy tickets on otiser sweep- stakes. "ht merely opens up another cisannel for gambling, and sucS arguments merely support a racket tisai from beginning ho end seetises vusl duplicity and disisonesty." Referring briefly to- Premier Hep- burn's reference to tise ministry as "hypocrites," Rev McClintock stat- ed tisaitishe Premier isad already modlfied bis statement 10 say tisai ho meant 'only tisose ministers Op- poSlng tise sweepstakes Wiso iad been guiity o! gambllng tisemselvea. "AnY discussion o! ministers is entIrely irrelevant," Rev. MgMCin- hock said. "lWe are flot tise subjecis up for dobate, and even if al vere hyjpocrites it should ho possible ho présent a requesi ho our represen- tatives lu tise goverumeut vitisout being imiulieci." used mowers for sale. Phonoe'762I Luko8 Bicycle Repair Sihop, wh1tby. BE SURE YOtT TAXE ADVAN4- tage_ -of tise Permanent Wave sPeclals, now on at the. IrIs Beauty Salon, Brock street foutau., Beglnlng March '28th and end- ing April Uts. Phono.321 -for paricular and appointments. RESERVE -FRIDAY, APRIL '2»Ml for St.) Googe's'Day pupper, by Ail Saints Choir. A guost speaký- er wiR bo announced later. Pickerg iria neyer TBY CHIJRCH NEII cHRDY RDY&STRA EVERY POUND FRESHLY GROUND! Tise coffee suipremie-vlg- orous and winey Bokar- ai a sensahionaily 10o v -price 1 If you're a Bokar user, buy 1h nov ai ibis smving.. if you've nover trled 1h, do so tiis eek- end auid enýoy tise fluesi, freshesi co!fee money can buy . .froshly ground' Bokar Ooffee! UNITE CRMUVH On Palm Sunday -morning, tiere vil be celebrated tise service of Holy Communion. Al who truly love thse Lord Josus Christ and In- tend to lead a ne* life are lnvited id attend on this most Holy Sacra- ment. During tise mornlng ser- vice there will bo received into full communicant. membershlp tise from other churches by disjunctlon certificate and tiose o! thse Easter 4«embership Ciass from the Sun- dý,aY School of the Church. The Oberammergau Passion Play.will be given ai the even service. On Friday thse Session meets at 7: 00 p.m. visile thse Preparatory Service follows insmediately ai the hour of eight o'clock. BAPTIST CHURCN At tise Baptist Cisurcis next Sun- day the topie. for tise morfllng vili be "Whso là This Son of «Man?" In ibis message tise corsciousness of Jesus regarding his own per- sonality viii be discussed as an In- troductory discussion for pre-easter meetings to be held in the Churcis. The evening tiseme viii be "Tise Triumph of Jesus," a Palm Sunday message. There wiii be special àervices in the Sunday School Hall on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes. day, and i Churcis on Thursday, April llth to l4tis. Ail services be- glnnlng ai 8 p.m. On Monday, "Jesusa and Jewish Autisorlty." On Tuesday, "lJesus and Roman Authority.' On Wednesday,-«"Jesus and Divine Auiborlty." Tiese tbree topica yull be illustrated vush beautiful lantern slides each nlght. On Thursday, "Undefiled Religion and Lord's Table", will be deali vuh aund foliowing tise message the "«Communion of the Lord's Supper", vill ho beld Icommemoration o! thse 1ai supper of Jesus and Hua desciples betore Ris crucifixion. -Sunday scisool meets ai 10 a.m. Men's Club on Wednesday ai 7.30 p.m. On Thursday of ibis veek in- stead o! the regular prayer meet- ing NI be the Mission Circies open meeting wiih Mrs. Nellie Rut- tan as special speaker. Meeting to begin ai 7.30 p.m. ST. JÃ"EHN'S, PORT WHITBY The services On Palm Sunday, April lOtis, vili be ai 11 a.m.. Hoiy Communion (as this had to be omitted lasi Sunday). Tise Beaver Boys' Bible Class ai 2 p.m., and tise Sunday Sehool- and other Bible Classes at 3. Evening Pray- er ai 7 p.n'. On Thursday, the monthly busi- ness and devotional meeting of the, Aduli Bible Class wili be held, at tise home of Mrs. S. Whitney, &t 7.30 p.m. On Friday tise Choir wili meet for a speclal practice for H-oiy Week and Easier in the Sunday Sohool Hall ai 8 p.m. Tise Men's Association viii not meet On Monday, the lith inst., but lnstead, attend tise Holy Week services, wisich is ii be announced nexi veek. O4ava - Ph4 toBO 8 prcc.e United Church. of Canada (PALM SUNDAY) Suidaýy, Il &.M.,- HOLY COMMUNION. Reception of New Membêrs. 2.15 pâ.- Sunday SchoI Under Dr. S. Mills. Sunday Evening, 7 p.m. THE OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY (Beautifully coloured slides) (Thîs farnous Passion Play is presented i a limte village in Central Europe but once ten yearm In 1940 people from ail over the worid Nvill journey to Oberammnergau.) Hardwood Floors Concrete Worlk THREADOOLD BROS.I BUILDING CONTRACTORS Houses for Sale - Estimates Given. FOR TEr aMAN GARDEN. FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES. A.Fuli Stock. - Order Early. LAWN SEEDS AND FERTILIZEIRS Owned and Operated by The Gmtt Aiantie and Pacifie Ti o.- ,LI mte home crn Byron Street noirt1i at 3.30.- Interment wiibe ma4i lis the. Union Oemetery. The, late Erne« Mmthew Slelghtholm, more, populy Iiiown as "Duk", vas 29 yeare f % the youngest son of. Mr. andMr James Slelghtliolm, 304 Byron, Street Sôuth, an& vau born 'in Whltby, recelvlng his edugation bore. Re waa an outstandilng hoc- key PlaYer andi a memnber of the Bed wlngs Intermnedate B. to*m. 0f th" sea3on. Re _ba« played -Junior'and intermediate hockey here for years, and bis ski helped to Win many a, game for hils teain. Re was a niember ' of Ail Saintis, softbali teani Whloh won tie Bow. Mnan & Rowe cuP for town"Ieague- champ:'onshîp. Re wua exceedlnglyý- pPular' and bis .frlenda". ere leg-, ion. He bcd been employed-for the Past, three wears by the Deverell MoDtors ', where. he waà- bighly re- garded -by bis employer ana a&moct- ate employoes. .,. f hefuneral 1*Ml take place on" Thursday afternoon f rom the resid- -e nce ýof hs ~ents, .304 Byron, Street South. Èbllowlng a service for the famlly at 1.30, ser^vice will be hel'd at wo o'cloclc at(Ail S aints' Church, and interment wll take place in thé Union Cemetery. TURFE MONTHS FOR CAR DRIVER (Continueci froni Page 1) tY-tWO Years old, a marrled man, had drîven a taxi for e.-ght Years And iuad *never. been ln trouble be. fore, HP had also served overseas for foùr years; ho sald. 1u 1 Passlng. -sentence. His lHonour macle reference to the recent' ,of Muriel, Davies Ilor ln tlse I611owingterms, " das àgatet a 104g~ Jury,. a womanwa O criminal negligence. wus kicled and onie la ahi!! hospital She, *as. son thiree mýonths*. 1 donot aee court sbould ,be any more thýn the Supreme Court of in these crimial negligencee "Loave ý liquor alone. You' drink and driýve" waa Ris Hono ,advice 'to the accused in rseftence. Of the. Highest Qualty Always inr Stock. Ordoe>r Now QUICK SERVICE Re* Ooldring PHONE 869 *Port Whitby Fer-tht "tabetwom unyour:l'aby's Iii.,l ,4brupt 1 (Staff Correspondent', PICKERING,* 'April 4. - Thse residents o! thse vilage>sympatblaC' wlth Mr. and- Mrs. George Martin during tiseir isours of great anxiety, caused by the vory serlous lflness- o! their daughter, Mary. Mr, anid Mrs. William Crunuuer anid Mr. and Mrs Oliver Crun-: mer were i Tortons Corneérs, _onj Saiurday, attending the veddlng, o! tiseir nepisew. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Straugha4 and family have taken up ,reMd. ence Itise J., L. Palmer.' borne.ý rMr. Straugisan viiibe ,engaged vush E. L. Ruddy. î A lafige atiendance feaWired, thé"e March meeting o! tise - Women's Institute iseld aitishe home o! Mrz. A. W. Mitchell on 'ruesday afier- noon. An inieresting Item -on tise program vas an address on "HRow To- Mcci An Emergency"l by Dr*.1 O. E. Cartwrighti. A paper'on "Tise High Cosi off Burry and Worry",, by Miss A. E. Richardson, was mucis apeciated. Rol cal vas answered by Irishs jokes. Mrs. G. Law, tise presideni, was ln charge of tise meeting. A collision whicis. involved. iwo cars, occurred just east o! tiseI village, sisortly before mlid-night. A car driven by Ellioti sppeey, o! Lindsay, was proceeding easi, and on.ý driven by S. Monkman, of Toronto was going vesi, and li somne manner ýthey- side-swiped each oher. Bath drivers clalmed Itbe On tiseir rigisi aide.' o! -tise bots veisicles were, so. b maged tisaitistey had, to to tise Law'garage itise vForunaely noneof!*tise oie swere injured.>Traffle 0f-, fi A. FP. Runcinsan, wiso .vasý caled to tise scene laid a charge o! driving vwitisout a permit againat Spencely. Mr. and Mrs. -H.* j. Marquis and daugister, Miss Phyllis, o! Lefroy, speuit a few days tisis week vith- tihe former's aister, Mrs. J. An, drew. - ReV. Mr. kovie, o! Dunbarion- was tise guesi speaker ai tise United Young People',s Union, 011 Wednesday evening and gave thse Young People a Most excellent ad- dress on the appeal o! Christian- iiY. In closing he urged tisem to do ail in tiseir power to bulld Christ's kingdom on cariS. "George in a Jam", a isilarlous three aci comedy, vas given by. tise A&B. and IC. Amateur Dra-: niatic Club in St. Andrew's Cisurchs on Wednesday evening, 10 ai very: aPpreciative audience. Tise memn-, bers o! tise- casi were excellent in, tiseir portrayals o! tise various characters and ahowecl splendid ability in isandling tise uproaroueu situations wisicis arose tisrougisoui tise play. At tise conclusion o! thse performance, tise uuembers o! ti1 cast were enteriained by tise Pres.t byterian Ladies' Aid, under visose: auspices tise enteriainmient vas, given, aitishe home o! Mrs. A.' Boyes. -quke Quaker er,

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