Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1938, p. 7

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. 1938 i. G v r n g Whitby and DisriÀhýct B-.east P3rock Theatre Owners Have -Won Patronage in Giving Publc Service p b. New The&%. Which Opens Thursday Buiît to Take Care of Steadily Growing Patronage- BEST PICTURES liAS BEEN THE POLICY Many -improvemnents Ma del i01<1 Building Whiçh' Now Gives Place to the New In April of 1934, just four yeara ago, Messrs. John G. etratIsy and W. 0. ÎGoociman came fram Toronto and -purchaft whst at that tisse was thse Royal Theatre ou Brack * Street North. Thse theatre was called the Brock sud It wasnat long béfore thse building wus coin- pletely renovated, new Iseating ln- ,,tallezi aud thse theatre equipped wlth the most modern soundt equip- ment, second ta noue found lu theatres Irn -uch largèr centres. From, -tisse ta time other l.mprave- meuts were made.' The policy es- tsblished, Iu 1934, sud closely, ad- hiered ta turaughout thse four years, An supplyiug ta the patrons only the best ini pictures at admission î'rices witkisi the reach of ah,. soan brought many uew patrons ta thse show f rom a wlde district sud tIse reputation of- the theatre became estabIlshed.. It lias been something uew lu WhIstby withlu recent suonths ta see theatre llue-ups. Ta nmake s long story short the man- agement some tinie ago declded tlhat WhItby should have a new aud more modern theatre, anc with double thse preseut seatlug capacity, aud equipped to take came of thse needs of tIse theatme-golng public.- Accordingly plans were prèpared by an outstsucllng architeet, approved af, sud construction work began late in thse f ail. Taday, thse build- ing i3 completed-D, monument tW flic fôresight sud euterps'lse ai tIse owlsers, sud on Thursday night of this wec1k t will open ît.s doors ta tIse public. A complete description of tIse ne.w building appears else- where lu, this issue. Next week a photograph ai It will appear, thIs belug !ound imposàible iu time for tlila week as thse exterlor af tIse building wus nat completed. DBRWIK THE[AIRE <Cantluued froin Page 1) thec lobby. Tise drapes that form, tIse backcirops of thse curtain are green. »Air-Condîtîoned Througisout TIse most madéru of air-candi- tionlng systems briugs thse air intc tIse.theatre througli au istake lu thse side af thse roof, and grills îis thse floar dmaw thse dead air down to tIse basement zo that thse fresh ar keeps thse strno6phere always pure. Au autamatlc contrai regu- lates thse temperature tisoughout thse year. Tise building, constructea of f ire-proof brick tile and steel, complies wlth every regulation sud îs a triuimph of fiue interior de- eoraiug, safety, sud good architec- ture.. We saw 50 mauy Interesting features that we can scarcely re- mnember -thein ail. TIse modemn p)rojection rooss, tIse furnace room, ilhe contrai room, are ail eloquent testinionials tIste pragressiveness of tise management. Tisere. are :nsny a! -thse cetails that yau wil have ta dlscav-er for yaurselves, but aif one thlnwt- we can be certain. Thse apenlng ai tIse new Brock Thieatre constitutes a uew mile- kone lu thse pragmesa aofaur com- iiiunity .Dou't mss opeuing nlgl4t, for ou Thursday çvenng-the 'Show* Is On.-1 Tise action~ concerned certain nmorles~et lu a joint account used b tIse deceased sud thse defendaut 111 the action. Tue plaluttifs claim- ,a cci tat tile u!onles hould formpart Othe estate sud sIsould riat go ta, - 5 tday as thse survIvar lu tise aceount., TIededenoe was conducteci by -Lus1Yssan, o! Oshawa, sud tIse for tIse plaIntif! by "Lrooe asd. C. C. MeGibbbeu.of }leariiîg of tise actio Un1r5 ie, sud Was Othe docket for thissur. Mark Anniverfary 0f Belleville Lodge With Celébration Belleville, Mardi 31.-Members and frlends of Lydiï-Lodge No. 350, L.OZ3A., observéd the l7th aursi- verartYaOf-the lodge at a meeting here Tuesday, niglst. Vrîsitors were Welcomed by _Mrs. K. Bankey, Worthy Mlstress, while toasts were given by Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. E. Turner aud Mrs. M. Caigler. SReSPauding to thse variaus toasts were Mrs. L .Hanna, Willam Hall, of L.OJJ. No. 274. Ouest speakers were Dr. Jameg Semuple, H. B. P'etterly, snd William Hall. SCartributlng .ta thse spendId pro- gram were: Harry Wagner aud his orchestra; M4s Madeline Waldon, Miss Joyce Fraser, Miss Vers Thampson, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Muriel Turner, Mrs. B. Clarke and Master -GIen Kimrnett. FIRST sROVS 'AT THE NEW BRU~ For thse opening night of thse new Brock Theatre -two special attrac- tions have been baoked by thse man- agement. For Thursday, Frîday aud Saturday Walter Winchell, Ben BeruC.e sud Simone Simon will be seen in "Lave andi Hisses," Darryl F. Zonuck's greatest 20th 'Century Fox-musical, with Bert Lahr, Joan Davis, Dlck Baldwin, Raymond Scott Quintet, Ruths Terry, Douglas Fowley aud Chick Chandler. On Manday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday af next week, a Cecil B. De- Mille production, "Thse Buccaneer," with Franclaka Graal, will be the sereen attraction. Thunderng from the most thrilling pages o! aur history--.ringlng with the clash af steel, comes thiss mighty stary of the 111e aud laves of Jean Lafitte, thse pirate. TIse manaýgement announces the fallowiug schedule of admission prices: Everzlngs. except Saturiay and halldays. adults, 25c; chlldren under 12, 15c. Matinea: Adults, 20c; children, 10c. Every chlld mue.t have a ticket. Saturdaye and holi- day evenings, sl seats, 25c., BELO SBCIAI. AT TBORNTON'S <Mns. G. Robinson, Correspondent) THORNTON'S CORNERS, April 4.-TIse attendance at thse Sunday ScIsool service reached tIse one hun- dred and seven mark. Mr. Wag- staff sang two beautiful solos ac- companied au tIse piana by Mrs. R. HolCen bath from thse]King Stireet United ChurcIs, Oshawa. Lut Sun- day Miss Alice Sidier sang a4 solo ~-and played her own accompani- ment on the guitar. Mrs. G. Penuman, the sohool prin- cipal, is back at school this week aiter an illnesa! ten eays. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lick and Mrs. W. Li Flerson were AIn Toronto yes- terday. Mrs. Plersan and Mrs. Lick vlsited Mrs. Stanley Dennis at thse Lockwoad Clinic wherc she under- went an operatian last week. Mrs. Dennis' f riends will be glad ta know that sue las making s5atlsfac- tory pragreas. Mr. Gï. H Robinson wus lu Ta- routa on -Tue3day. Mrts. A rthur Pierson entertained thse ladies of the ueighborlîood on Monday aiternoon ta see thie wed- ding gffanCu linons o!fIser daugh- ter, Mrs. Gardon Reeson. On thse Thursday evening befare thse wd- ding tIse girls were'entertaIned by thse bridle-Wo-be. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pascoe enter- tained tIse Pascoe and Annis fami- lie& ln hIonour ai Mr. sud -Mrs. Lloyd Anflis, a bride - sud groom of last wcek. A great number o! gfIts were' [fwJented to, the couple with best îàhes for future Isappinee sud !ccmv. Tue guests numberecl Plowiug la well on tise way lu tis HEADQUARTERS FOR SPHONE 560 SPRING CLEANYOUR SKIN WITHOUT-DELAY Naw is a good. time Wo considlér giving your akin a real sprlug cleaniug. Special cleanslug, stlma- ulating sud rsafteutng treatmeuts will be af great benefit. Unus you.-weut sautis for a few weeks, or were unusuaily -conscien- tAous about autdoar exercise, tise chances are tex to one that your skln toues are sallow. You beglu by gettlug yaursel! ln thse pink o! pisysical conditions, of course. This mearus adequate sleep, much exercise, mare vegetables, salacis sud fruit tissu Marchses and sweets lu yaur diet. It mesus, tao, a fresh vlewpint-a real desire ta look your very be4t lu your new spriug clathes. If yaur skin s olly, start dlean- iug It every niglit with a cousu- plexion brusis sud plexty ai warrn sosp sudts. Tuen pst on cald akIsi touic or cisc put a piece afi ce lu a tawei sud mub it lightly ovpr tise face and tismoat. Nevér rtis ide dii'- ecthy on tise skln, Aiterwardà, pst ou a.uigIst creas. Iu- thse momulng, wasis again wltis soap sud water, use a greaselcss foundation lotion ratiser tissu a çream. If your complexion is dry, use soap sud water anly at night. Pat ou lôtion , or ru), with Ice Au a towel. Tisen apply your richest nigist cream sud pst it lu. lu tise morning, cleanse wlth cream, sud use a creain !ouusdation. MONOGRAMS Bésutiful marking o! sIseetsssud HOME IMPROVEMENTS WHITBY otiser linen adds greatly to thse appearance. Monograms need nfot be lu tise middle ai tise plloW 80 tisat they iluprit tIsemaeîves ou tIse chcek, nom ueed they be any- thing but delicate aud well de- slgned. Celebrities o! thse past al haci tieir mouagrams, whetIsar lu tise stralght plain lettering of Car- dinai Richelieu or thse pretty littie letterhîg o! Quecu Victoria. Sasse people like tise 'ettera of their nasse just averlspplng sund anc letter doue plain sud tise ather in little dots, so tIsat thse two are dis- tinct. Other like tise light ef!ect of llttle dots ailtise way. Borne.of more modemn téndency take an or- dlnary written signature Witis which to sigu tiseir sheet-s or unight attWre. ThIs wIite embroidery la not easy Wo do, but la moat lnteresting Wo learu, great pains 'beinig taken wltls tise jîeddiug. Basse peaple - forego letters aitagetiser and cm-, ploy a syssbol-a duck, perhaps an aimpianee, an angel, according ta what are their particular liss. AustrIais- deulgns -o! aniels have fartrned sasse cIsahring "nmotifs," sud whlle suggcsti*ig Matthew, Mark as -0forth arc qualut, enough also Wo be Isumorous. Sasse people like sheila or convention- allzed flowers. Tise point la Wo make a mulali, much-concentmated design whicis fhaîl have tihé samçi decora- tive efiect as tise desIgu of à stamp or a! a crest on a plece of note- pAper. Row silk ahippcd !rorn Yako- hamsa, Japsu, ta foreigu countries last year wus valued at $118,399,- 400, a gain o! $4,295,129 over 1936. YOUR COMFORT 1S ASSURED IN THE BEAUTIFUL NEW Drock The atre By the Most Up-To-Date Method of Heating & Ventilation = We appreciate -the co-opeiation of tise architects and builders, making possible a very high standard of installation. Thousands of cdubic feet'of wammed air circulate at just the right temperature, permitting of neither' a stifling hot, nom a cold aud drafty condition. To Meurs. Strathy & Goodman, we express aur best wishes for tise future and hope their efforts will be appreciated beyond their Iiighcst expectations, Howard Air Coniclitioning anid Heating Ltde 881 Y0NGF ST. TORONTO MI. 2474 HOWARD AIR CONDITIONINÇ, & HEATING SYS- TEMS ARE PROVIDED LOCALLY BY MR. GEO. HAMERS, WHITBY, WHO MAS THE COMPLrTE CO-OPERATION 0F THE ENGINEERING DEPART- MENT 0F THE, HOWARD CO. Howard Aîr Couditioniug & Heating Systems arede signed to fit ail types of buiIdiùgq from the smallest home-t* tthe large*t theatre, for which Mm. I{ýmée is prepa #0 make a completely satisfactory instalhaion, i 1La Debunka, Popui4r Theory Th at 'Crim e Do'es No t Pay' MODEN PLUMBIN1 UIM0 Punding Pauls Score Two More Victories- Mountsin AsIs, Wales, April 5,- The IPischisng Pauls f rom Canada last night scored twin boxing. vit. tories lu a Welsh ring - Danny Paul, whos eitry string. was Interrupted last week when lie lo.st a de1iiou ta Harry Lister at Sheffield, Englaud, wan an e1g1t- round decisian aver Trevor Evans., 11Ms brother, Packy Paul, knocked out Bob Harrison lu thé sécond round of another eight-rounder. Tue Iseavyweight brothers, fron Richdale, Alta., havecanind with conspicuousùsuces lun'rf40h rings since oebr FROM FAR. AFIELO Big District Aclninistered -by Eastern Ontari-o Grand Lodge Sasse ides o! thse exteut aud stzo j4! thse meetings to be beld lunPot Hope by the grand Oringé Lodge O! Eastern QOstariaou 'April -l2th, l3th, sud 14tIs, may be gathetred iron thse tact that the terrltory under thse Jurladictian 0f tise locige extcuds frmm west o! Peterboro ta tIse Quebec boundary on thee cnt, lncluding tise City of Ottawa, sud 12ortis ta Pembroke. Petérboro, ]Bellevile, Kingston, Btockville, Smith Falls, Ottawa, Reuirew, Pembrokce, sud sôuth- west ta Lindsay are a few ai th;e cisief centres from which delegates wilh be preseut. Ins addition ta tIse sccredited delegates Irons the meu's ladges, Iseme for tise meeting o! tIse Grand Lodge, delegates will also be prez- eut i rom ail over thse sasse district for meetings o!-tIse Grand Lodges of thse L.O.B.A., tise ladies sA»l- ated arganization; sud the junior organizations for boys snd gitls. Stewcd tassatoes msy be given au extra fillip by seasoniug with axions !ried lu butter ta a golden brown or a generous sprinkling a! crIsp, ssinced bacon. When scaiiop- ing- tamatoca try toaisting sud but- terlug thse bresd crussbs before sdding ta thse baking disI a! tassa- toes. I. Structural Steel and Massillon -Bar Joists for the NEW BR OCK THEATRE SUPPIED BY S-ARNIA BRIOG'ECo.'3 t-J Limifed SARNIA, ONT. A. -W. ho. Tells Lions' ClubThat Recods show CriniinaIs Make Profit sioni,,Irinais who balance tlieir lail ý«e,»~eé e.alngt thei.r Incrûmes, show large.. profits," A. W. Boos, 1awyer, toId the Lions' Club Tue&- day nigit. "Crime tod&y'ls lu the, bit business category. and lu Int &a mani ha& bo&pend &o many'years ln jail Wo realise thse stupendous in- cornes, and regards thse tricks of his profesion niych as does a locomo- tIve engtneer." The slogan, "Crime ]Does Not Pay," was coxiceived by sentimental-, itst who w1ohéd tW frighten youtli. fui persons into the security of do- ing'rlght, M&. Boos said, but went on to sh~ow that crIme pays huge dividelida lu money., "Titere are more than 3,500,000 persons directly Iu criminal activi- ties Iu the United States today," contlnued thse speaker, "and the saine cars apply Wo Canada ln pro- portion t te population." Péwer persoas die tram the re- 8ults of crime than Adustrial acci- Qeflts, lie pointed out, baslng his facts on figures clomplied by thse Feder&l, Bureau cf Investigation,. -I thse United Stetes lu 1936, 37,500 peron's were killed lu motar acci- dents and 110,000 injured. But 1,100 lost their lives by crime and 200 were executed. "As one criminal put it, it is saler to kil a man than ta, croas a street," said Mr. Boos. Today thse criminal belangs ta the met exclusive golf clubg, lias" is home ins the residential districts aud circulates everywhere, accord- lng Wo Mr. Boas, and it is unlikely that one can walk dawn the street without rubbing shoulders with a criminal or a persan with a police record a! convictions.1 P erhaps you have wond¶ýred why your canary seems frightened whèn you stick a finger between thée wires of his cage. A bird expert says t As because 'the canary -is reminded of -a snake, bis natural iüuemy. And he warns againsi frightening a canary in any way -for frigbt disturbs the bird's slnging. Trees are beinýg crugged in Eu- rope by a secret process sa that they may be transplanted without shock or damage. Retaîl Sales- 36 Per Cent Above Low Point Reach: ed in 1933 - Imports Decline Two Million Ottawa, Marcis 25.-Canadian Im- ports iu February weme uearly $2. 0)00,000 less tissulu tise sasse month lust year, according ta figures pub., lishedi today by thse Dominion bus- eau ai statistic. Febmuary impor'ts totalled, $46,952,000 as compare-,3 with $48,681,000 last year. Thse "- Port also shows tisat retail sale-s lu Canada lu 1937 were sligistly more than 10 per cent above tisose re- cordeci for 1936. Iu thse imports report, no parti- cuiarly marked changes were me- corded Inl any o! tise main corurno- dity groups, agricultural andi vege- table products decliuing to $6,852,- 000 from $7,730,000 sud fabrics an-d textiles ta $7,965,000 from $9,057,000.1 The otiser main classifications m- malinedc-sparatively close ta leet year's totals. . Thse total !rom !oreign countries was valueci at $35,095,309, compamed .witis $35,820,876 hast year, sud frounir countries o! tise Britishî Empiie $11i,856,310 compareci witis $12.859 - 968. Imports from tise Unîteci Statesý were worth $31,192,372, compar-el witui $31,765,611, and frain tise Unit- cd- Kingdorn, $8,785,372 compareci with $9,167.*628. Retail sales lu Canada for 1937-. are estimated at $2.430,000.000 a compareci with $2,202,202,000 - - corcleJ for 1936. Retail activity was at a Isigier level in 1937 this n i auy yeam since 1930. when tise value was $2,755,569,900. TIse 10 per cent increase lu 1937 compared witfl 193r) Ls a continuationof tise eariier- year-to-year percentage increase5. witi tise result that sales for 1937 stooct at a level P6 per cent -.buvf- thse 10w point reached An 1933. but- ~ were still 12 per dent beloiei the 1930- figbre. Jubilee Pavi4mn To Open Saturday, Night An aunouncemnut pppears iu ttis issue stating that tise Jubilee Pa- vilioni at Osisawa-on-thie-Lake wili open ou Saturday night tis weelc witis Norný Harris -4nd bis orches- tra supplyiug tise, music. Tis ,favorite spot proviles, a deligIstful rendezvousfor daucers who desire a quiet dance witis quaiity- music sud modern surrouudings-.Tisere As a ladies' lounge aud snack bar sud couvenieuces wisich make tise pa- Vilion a deligistful. spot! so well kuiovm- by thse usual clieutel ai thig eastemn Ontario district. FOg. MEN ONLY If you want ta step out wRith the Best Diessed Girl in Town, buy her one of thos% BELOAUTIFUL VEILS Your Wife, Mother or Sweetheart will appreciate one. Puces thal. compare ith any in Canada or U.S. Town BRnil DtaàýùoShop TERRAZIN AND, TILE WORK IN TH~E NEW BROCK THEATRE WHITBY Connio lly "Marbie Mosaiïc &Tii.'." COMPANYy LIMITD 316 Dm. ont Stret Phone mÎdWay 6166. Toronto -r' e- il' ijmports Decline in ýFeb. 1937,,Retail- Sales Higher - in the - New Brock Tecitre WHITBY WAB INBTALIED B3? THE Fe J. McINTYRE H A RD W AR E .Servirsg Whitby and District for Over 5 0 Years, I To The New BROU K.T-HEATRE-, Mr. J. CG. Strathy Mr. W. G. (eoodnman May' yoga' efforts be crowned with conttinue J 6'Oshaiwa's Thieatre Beauitlu t"l Manager.

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