Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 9

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BrookUin Saragos Br*koRint, ýCar r ec r. ~ rJ tto Of One-Ownor -Stolon,. Car Ston ed eaJt#b« Z[ý 9TTN Api l.- h .,Ù &?.ao Tus a Doble vM et.Sengtmc bu nin adeaecond ILp day afteruoon, ArU sewventh,.at-.n Frooe Iaowrnnviie,_Lf_7BobIndç *b "ý mu 71 "(MrIe f ' la e ,ilaDotoble h ly.ýX#na alm hzhiei - pcIsd !ç4re d rof2f~5 l e" $4y atetC-Q jÎ1 hsweek et the home ol'Misa01- -fi de a.exedi t m nhe wI»seib wdeaoFtI c 1i tl us pIsat- 1-'~r;ia etwhn, S~vvm Oganzaios Hld 'M~e day I& Wedries4ay, et 230; the ,t. ?cr&It*II '1heTOO 43g, mQW " nc 4- Meetings During ,the Th.eannuai churen service givei nto, arc»e a ndii bon,'I 1 M r. es Il r-ccJiay~en u Wek- Curhs s aMissioiiary Society, wusheld on ?vuO a tlan. two IOe *TfPPBPtbO, JPY Special E..ster Services on --Sunclay morning in the United Mrs. Johil Qrin$stci has return- =(~&41 church when Mrs. Carscalien of the 61 item Whlliby a rosehabu >4 o.>4 dit Sundlay -Ohr rok Ontario Ladies' College, Whitty, bmnfrsoi e~. Her frlend3 s Mo aig ~ Mai~ S~ lin News ~gave an Irisplrat.ional address on wf ega o kn ,"Liko 1 wtis gaP th* W et ' jrp1tg bT4QNDS,'AprU 12, -A.very w missionary work. Sho tolti the &tory #n~proved inl - ,cc - , _5P-Wtý ? 1 p~an im waspn o ~4y ~ o! the c ong f amile cf China, whn The "1Relable Go,.ip" oel th C q'1 w:th the 8SZIbU J4 *i4 #h#w ; gst In Tôro t, ya nu rr0 Staff Core*Pen4euitý have had a great influence on Menl' 4 eA l me 1kt à, whuray uiiiiseîf he &jIj '! the Young ýPeopie. They visite4 BROOKLIN, ApriU 12,-1rookl China and Chiriese lite. Madame at tWê hine e! ,rs >W. ?artsIh aMd M r. an4 U>rg.q. OB MPit1h I 1% o ueçium atk fon .4 r~ur t-i vtttited by robrs at an early Chlang Kai-sheKc, wife cf the Gen- nmade definite plans for t I tv4dijiir Iý pd i~ 4i tfth b dl a»oangd, ç xXr, nalI hour coi Satturclay roing when eralissinie, is perhapi the moat in- terliccyltea and $aIlqyof cooring Wj LentI, o! ,-ý3oOk1iii, ee 8ndaY btfurn ir ec., ry ima,te bo là~e ga 6fe3b!Mr, Jas. Pengelly fluential womnan in China Her sis- l'e held ln the baament of Miie teoMr M3.1.coprTcytexedth aua Uie4M ati r.L ywcre .brolter I nto. ter, Ai-Ling, la the wife of D_-. United churoh en Saturday. 'Apri { MsO 1ery %!O ernedJs. topher. iMey açn, heth t U iatedrMr, The rabhiens evideritly were looklng Kung, wealthy finance minister of 16, froni 3 to 8. AMyone wlshiaiigO14lir as ekatr eiI* k. orn rainho4 a JO behlnd a~ eutcf fuel. Theywcre an anoth r sti'married Dr. te1CpIhOfleany mm1er of tihe gOUp Little 3rttn ter ,oias3: -,2-Setiji4"h orndw ga onsc th fel.rthey Ifw h rs~tnn oernren and ulrarileanother si- tO wti ir aghe~Ii ey ieirestinig sermon f rom uriable to get ga.,oline and cOuld Sun Yat Sen . A brother, T. V. andi these wlil, If possible, l'e sut,- M .i >1.ýweWa=cfPr pns 1 -6,r 28-30f , en w c hic e flot get a rer friniMr. 1'engelly's çSoong, là a former cabinet minister. Plici. Tiie group la mae eup ef la. îeywec âltsscfM.' AftSpne nrouer whMoing >c- garage but f-lç h ccsl r e father, Charles Soong, was a eXiigettewsenretoic . . n. Paneleut weeir. Libby's car .wheni thev galneti en- c-evot methociist in the southerri concessio4s seven and eight. Mr. Johe1 3a O~y1e, of 8touffville, turps" on Spain. PIeAe pictures trance and. after taliclng caser, of United States andi was eiucated in The WOMCP's Institute « at- M'W wthhis uný is L were very educational. checlate bars anci cigarettes, mrade a university'%in Georgia. The influ- home", the laet for this season was O ýoye, lut wQek, off wlth bis car. The car lef t le- ence of this family bas clone niuch held on Friday liight i e Town- Xr and1 4rs. Walter Ball andiC ae a n longedti tea garage owner In Bow- te brng Cllristianity te China. Mrs. ship Hall. Although f weather deAUglter, of Uxbrlige, ware visitore nlr m n *manvIfl whe hati ne insurance. Carscallen matie the pies, fer such wLs most Inclement, with wlnd, o! Mr. and )&s. A. n aae a.tc -Mr, Llbýy's car was located ln To- Christ-like i nfl ue ncee in our Sflow and -disturbances i electric B ameylu e ,tonte rlbruh o.e Saturday churches to builci a Christin t- POwi lant, e splendid erowd wa.S Mia. Ollvçr Lane and ML9s mil- CAEOT pi l-Tee night Thiere was consitierable zerLship for the worlti. ln attenclance. Several tinies during <reg HayrlSon toolc acivantage of heavy sinowstLorm on F'riday last n diamage te -cushiens anti other parts. Service un St. Thomas Anglican the eveniirg the 11gbts went out but the Week-end excursion and went macle uq realize that, aithough wa Mr,. Libby had insurance. The cf- Church on Sunday, April 17, at il the merrIment continueci wth the te Tor<into on Saturday. April ls a sprItig ionth, ýàt blighble mi tenders have net yct been-founti. arn., with the recter, Rev. J.Coltier membera taking the- oppôrtu! The Wor-nen's AAssoc2ation held a to bring a return of winter weath. es, Masýtec John McI';inney celebrat- Clough in charge. nity te talk when the'euchre -»nl bualum f ieting lut Tuestiay and r el his f irst birthýdav this week wh'n M& enRltn fTrno was stopped,.anti the young folkcs deciieti net te have a supper thii Special Easter services wili be laE Mr. andi Mrs. Ale,. zMcKinney, Sr., dsJa Rltn f oot.cancing te the strain&-of ,Crmnt menth-because of tue play Whih s elinorlcacluceonun cf Brampton, were guests at the was vnth Miss Margaret Homer for Lyties'"'lvery fine orchestra with bighIikteHl h eh ek n dy.nYOure vlo tea t e nd.u- w borne of Dr. anti Mrs, McKlnney. thoeked nly the aid cf a alitary la.hight.'ruesday, Mr Goddard addressed the Y.P. Vi'e lastcf the cuchre parties for Mr. andi Mrs. George Maynard. o1 A dainty lunch was iservieci anti: The Women'u Mlssionary Society U. ciL the United Church - at Its. reg. at raLsing funtis for the library will l'e Markham,- are visiting wth Mr. -pr'ze$ awartiod ln l'otb cuchre anti wlll hcld lit& monthly meeting ait ular m~eeting last Montiay niglit. at hielci on Monday evening, April 18, anti Mrs. E. Brooking. lu dancing The Prizes were award- Uic home of-Mrs. R. Chishoini on This week the young people are to ln the basernnt cf the Township Miss Margery Hopkins and Mr!. ed as fellows: Ladies' ,euchre prize.'uusîyc etweArl2lt i h ~ewe olt ni Hall. 'this wlll be the last cf the Hugli Ross, cf Toronto, were -with Mrs. Edgar Cro.-call, gentlemen's at 2,30 p.ni. AIl the ladies of the Tuezday evenIsig andi will furnish season anti ail are a.keti te co-oper. Mr. sud Mrs. Morley Ross for the euchre prize, Mr. Ralph Reesen. colnmunity are cortiialy invitecl te the pregrarn. ats ln maklng Lit the l'est yet. TIiese Week-end. For the lucky sFPOt ln the dlance, attend. Te meeting cf the Baptist Y. àca n bv ei ot-noyable Mr. an-d Mrs. H. J Cook were in Miýs'-Lillian Jones anti Mr. Clar- u nMna vnn ekfi ant i bve resulteti In etra funds Toronto con Suday. Uencn Reeson were winnershe.r for the library, whlch werc much Thie Sunoce Gazolinie station ham The Women's Chrietian Temper- paeenioo em o! ia E ater ervice cen needeti te .supply the i-e ding pub'- ehangecl agents anti Mr. James ance Unon héli l qatel me- h Msio au ! h Uiet lie with *ip-to-date books. Larimer anti Mr. Jack RFussell, Of ing on Tucstiay et the home #I herMissionrranog te Undiatedael Te<YTheao C'rivwa R~ugaei cag o. i.J ac tldies. Mr . Iia o nes, 'GREENWOOD, AprUl 11.-Owing anti sale cf home cooking lnu'the' a, great 8ucr0.-Sq and the girls are te Bailey will carry on bis agencles Mrs. Ratcliffe with a- gooti attend- 1t te icarm last P'ritiay the drains church sehool roonis Ibis Saturtiay - l'e congratulateci on their very en- andi loolv'a! ter the l'ooth this suin- prçsklent cf the Union, hati charge 'Týjhe igrGr"tl'gvelyafron, prl1t.Poecsu j ab ternioen bu nnteoflrf thie meeting andi conductedtheli the BroughianmYoung people Was aid of the Mission Banti. diollars was taken Ln, swhich will l'e Mr.- andi Mrs. Dick Biekle have tieVetiongil service. Mr&. Afredi postpciied untfl April the twenty- "Miss Margaet, pneyreund, a grest belp te the girl% in their mevet f rom Oshawa anti are oc- Rogers gave a Most cempreliensive seeih ro t ihel'SHpie tal Trn-d ictivltý,es, as well as their givinacpigMs Sae' os. taîk on Peace, dealing with Our' at- Mr. Le4wis, o! Toronto, gave a te, last weelc and las now ccnvalesc- te mlaaiený. Mr. Greorge -Saunders was ln titude towarti the training of cli- very 'Intecatiu ngsd bclpful dis- lng ut ber home bere. Miss .,ertha Mr. andi Mrs. Vernon Henry anti Stratford Ibis week attcnding the cren anti ycuth lu preparlng theni cussion on the Temperance situa- Bacon bas been teacher-cf Miss f amily, et Ebenezer; and Mrs. Udy, herse show. . for eitizenshlp. She speke, toc, of tien last Sulnday merning. Spencely's acheel during the lattcr's of Peterboro. wcre recent guests- The Wonîan's Missicnary' Society the waste in spending for drink anid- The Y.P.U. enjoed an cyster illness. with -Mr'. anti Mrs. Levoy. c f the Unitedi Chureh meet oniiWd- se-calletiC luxurlèes that nilght be supper lust Tuesday eveulng. 1 Mr. Wm. Dickinson bas renteti T"e- Women's Association meets nesday, April 20, at the home e! usci te help the thousantis who are Visîtors with Mrs. Boyer anti the residence cf the. late Miss ________________________________________ Inl dire neeti. Mrn. Robert Scott, Mrs. W. G. Perkln on Sunday were: Young The present ewner. Mr. Jamm. f-reati a poeen entîtieti "One Day Rat a G. B. andi Mrs. Perkln, of Listowel, Young, of Brooklin, la lsaving it Time", ending with thc wel-known Clarence and Mrs. Perkin, cf To- wired for el.ectriclty.. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AND enss$afe, "ýWe are net here, te ronto, Emerson anti Mrs. Mason Mr-. Vaughan GlIover weas a recerat dreain, to dri!ft We.hsve harg work anddaughturs o!- Ploton,M?&s. St.elî« ,Vjîotr Wîtîi frenevslu in tflville. PUBLC METINGtô do, anti loatia te lft-, Shun net la Masan and daughter o! Oshawa. Mr-. and Mrs. Morgan Pugh visit- Unde Au picsouniCr aMEETINuGuno Isitt the etruggle, face M -t s Ged's gift.' Rev. H. H. Mutten spent a few ed their ciaughiter andi family, o! tadr uspce o!Juior Faers' lubJuir ntiuo strong." Miss Reta, Parsh- con. <laya lutI weelc wlth relative.% at Athens, last week. wLl 'ehed utributeti a very fine plane soio anti Hilton. A num.ber from Cluteinont vsit- TOWNS1-41P HALL, BROOKLIN a social heur spent at the close The Mission Cii-cie are holding ced Mr. Lvrnan Pilkcy st Oshiçwa THURSDAY, APRIL l4th, AT 8 O'CLOCK whcn Mrs. Rateliffe serveti-a most an open mneeting linflic church on -General Hospita . on Sunday. Mr'. appetizing lunch. Wetinesday evening, April the Pilkey's stay uat the hospital bas .,ýohn F. Clarke, Lecturer for Ontarlo Horticultural -Association will Malce MaeDuffs' Store your head- twen"t,.eth wben pictures o! the been longer than et tii-st was anti- give an Iilustrauted Lecture on quarters during your Easter shop. conditions lu Saskatchewan wil l'e cîpateti. H M BAUICTINping. given anti cxplained l'y Rev. Jeu-i'. ti, r.W.Br~t pn SILVE-R COLLECTION chiltiren went te Oshawa last weeic welcome. Mrs r pby ,nnhvis visiting members HOSE who havç seen this new CASE -grove pmenc say that it is exactly what has beena wantcct for grove caretaking. The uractor- is Iow.#67. narrow t-. compact. No excess bag- gage to haul aro und or to injure tree foots. IDILLARD of Winter Garden says, "lit has tabundan:cè of power, is easy to operate, economical on fuel and oil-the'ideal tractor for grove and farmn work."- - Corne and see what you think of these new machines. BI0OKU~ Dwarfs'". Brown anti fumily. A quiet wetiting was performeti et (Too Late For Lest Week) the parsonage on Saturday, April Several cf the Y.F.U. were at Oth, l'y Rev. P. L. Juil, wheu Frank Pickering for the week-end. Con- Archie, younger son of Mr-. Geo. gress cf the Y.P.U. cf the Oshawa Thompson, anti- the late Mrs. Presbytery ail repýort fine meetings Thompson, was maried te Elleen of instruction a*~ inspiration. x Marlon. tiaugbtct o! Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. S. anti MrWegg andic fani- b Henrý Fielding. cf Raglan. ily bave moveti fc their ferin on Il An acîdrezs cf unusual interest tbe eigbth concéect~. was deliveret inl the Uniteti church Mrs. E. Jackson spent a few cý on Sunday morning l'y Mrs C. R. days lest week with be-r slster, Mrs. jV Carscallen, cf the Ontarioi Ladies' Wm. Puekerin o! Audley. Cellege, Whitby, on the Sun f amily, The Draina Group e! the d e! China, anc member of wbich la Brougham Young People ai-e pi-e- Madame Cbiang. Kai-cbek, wife of senting their draina "The Ginger the Generalissime. This family, she Girl" iu the church Fritiay, April i stald, Is provliing most cf the lu- the eighth. v spiration for the new China, wbicb Tom anti Mrs. Hortop andi la resisting Japan. Refcrring te tiaugbter, Mai-gai-<t, andi Miss thbe Influence cif Christiauity on Hazel Hertop, cf Cumulla, spent 1 China, ehe zaiti that eue person In the week-end wlth W. W.-anti Mrs. a thousani lun China la Christian, Gee. eue person lu six lu the "Who's The-Ladies' Bible Clas met ut 1 Who" la a Christian, one person ln the home c! Mira. F. L. Gi-cen oui two In the Cabinet la, a Christian. Montiay evcning. A goot pi-- General anti Mirs. Iai-Chek are de. gramme was arrangeti ly Miss voteti Christiana. Alice Pegg lu whicb several c! the SPecial Easteir services wlll l'e ladies teck part. The annuel ele.- heiti lu the Unitedi Church on Sun- tien cf officers foiloweti with the day nexl. The follewing numbers followlng resuit. will l'e rendered bly the choir: "Auti Hon. Fresidents, Mrs. F. L. the Thlirti Day Risc Agein,"1 by Gi-cen, Mrs. G. R. Cla:-e.t Cale1b Simper; "Awake up my Presitient-Mrs. J. L. Pcgg. Glery 4, by F. C. Meker; "When I Vice -Prese--IS. M. N. Feg-g. Survey the Wonticrous Cross," l'y Sec.-Treas.-Mi-s. F. WaIls. C. B. Adanis; Malle Quartette, "Love Assiat. Sec.-Mrs. G. GIbson. Led Hlm to Caay bly Chas. Missienai-y Sec.-Miss Etiith Or- Gaboriel. Thie pastor -wll preacli meroti. et the morning service on "There la FPiaist-Mrs. F. Wilson. no Deuth." At the cvening service A.ssIst. Pienlst--Mrs. W. Brown. Mr. Hl Y. Chang, a ChInese stucleut Teacher-Mrs. F. W. GIbso'i. fi-cm Emhian4e1 Oollege, wUll speak. Assistant.-Mi-s. G. R. Clae. Fre-Easter sex'vlces are l'eing helt The congr,%-ation apprecieteci in the lhnited Church on Tuestiay Mr. Mackay antiMi-. Young o! anti Thursday evenigs. On Tzs.,. Oshawa, who se ably conducteti day evenlng the s ervIce will l'e ton- the regular cburch service lest clucted ly thie Young ?eople's Un- Suntiay morning. Both gentlemen ion, anti on'* Thur.sday eveniug by l'y word anti act l'rought a i-cal t.,e Women'$ MIseonry 'Society. Message te ail present. The pàsteor, -Rer, P. L. Jull, w'411 Wz. Ormeroti le! t lest wcck for e seak aI l'oth service&- Kingston where be ha secureti a, Iuustrated lecture ant public geeti position. The commulty meeting-wIil le heùt' lu fli To'wn- wlshes hlm cvcry succeslu bis uew sh'ip «Hall- on iThursday . cni ,venture. April 14th at 8 o,çik. Urn4er T. B. anti Mrs. Perkin anti son, pDiccs o! theý Junior FPtmees$ anti Gordon, o! Toronto, spent Sunduy Junior Institute. AÈ, iUutrated with Mrs. W. G., Penkin anti Mir& lecture wIfll'be given l'y Jci , Jane Boyer. Clar-ke, lecturer fo r Onitario HcW4- Rev. H. H. Mutton anti sons, El- culturel Azsaociati34on f0117 "Hne - Beautificetion.1" Mr-.,- Claike Ias wad 4ag014 tomera, as eut selection wm lalwuys metial and dlplonia for Outstancllng l'e the f inest. Mr. Wm. Latie will services lu bis leçture wot)L ble ln charge. MacDufs Irish t te .noû e c Mi'. R. C Biekle, o! Btokln. l opening o! a meuat departient with agent for the well known J. J. Case up-to-date refrigaration. W* arc tarmiimplezuents anti reports busi- stockhng a fuil liner «t OoVxnmet ness gooti. He bas a special tracter Inspecctid fresh. and cured, meats,, nnouncenient ou page nine o! Ibis LN whlch we kno w wll pkama. ui' cuf l 55Ise Manch ester (Rt. Ci-osIer, Correspondent> MANoCHESTER-, April 11.-Mn. \IcCrudyi, of Cure]. Manitoba, bae5 been vWIirg wlth Mr'. anti Mr$. E. E[olt1by. MI-.r andi Mrs. Stuart McFarlun, 't Seagrove, calleti on Mr-. andi il-s. E. Holtby reccntly. Miss Ireue James spent a few daya lu Oshawa lest week Miss A. Thonipsen, who bas been spendin ' the wiuter with relatives ln Queensville, has returucti ant isl '?ith ber brother. Mi-. W. P. Thoxnp- son, fer a few weeics. A number f-cm bei-c atteudedti hie UJnited church lu Port Ferry on Sunday morning anti heart Mira. F'ork-ce, president of Dominion Boarti of Women~s MissIenary So- ct,ý, spek. Mr-. antiMira. Fred Langmaid and Mrs. Arthur Laigmati, ci! Osh- awa: Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Croxaîl. of Uxl'nidge, werc with Mr'. anti M.rs. Wihrnot Walker, î-ecently Mirs. I. Vernon bas returnedti t hcr home bei-e ufter visiting rela- tives in Tottenhen. anti Toi-ente. Mrs. achuappe, cf Buffulo, U.S.A., ha", been with ber mother, Mira. J. Mitchell. Mi-. Ernie HcItby sold a pair o! fine herses near Brantford, last week. Mci-si-s* Denis McKinzie, George, Barrett and Elwood Ci-osier attend- cd the B.A convention belti lu the King, Edwarti Hotel lu Toronto last Montiav 1 - Another successful club meeting was helti on Tbursday evening with a large attendance. We were foi-tu- nate in o'.)taininig talent frein Sun- derland, Raglan, Scugog Islanti anti Utica as well as our own, 'wbîch addeti consideraly te the pregram. Harmonica selections l'y Bill Oza- duk includeti "There's a Golti Mine ln the Sky" anti memorica. Sneppy music wus rlay,ýed l'y Mi-. Harrison, ef Prince Albert on the violin: Gor- eskl, on the accordian ant ilIl Oz- atiuk on the harmonica, piaylng "J3ingle Belîs" anti "Hot Time lu the Olti Town To-nilght". Messrs. Pilkey anti Roy Moon, o! Raglan, cntertained with a duel, "Father's Wbiskers" anti as an en-' core, playeti harmonicas, Tl'ce werc accompanieti aI the piano by ens Ry Helen.Ra in e MamÈche- Men.y Mccii.Frnklingofwer[ce - ter, I'Lîttle Gi-phan Annie", anti*l'y Mailien»Tale, o! Sunderlandi, "De You Ever Stop ho 7Think?" Billib Moon, o! Raglan, playeti a medleyj rwas- givei-by twe gils, ,Jean i-don andi Shirley Veae, of Sun- -r1and. Dressd iWi costume - with *e' U'the lady'and 'Shirley, ber cort, thi- couple dajiced "ýThe T'he remgîntier of the, evenIng a ýepent j-lu dAncing te music, qyed b7 frO. 19p" Ct th'e >piano, ngTckHpe, op the vIolîn. April twenty4irst will l'e the fi- ýi meeting- fer. tue season se we ppe for. 4.large attendance as we re anticipatln goimeeting. [rs. Franc Johson,. Miss Ada Ma$. ,n, Mr-. Haroldi Dol'.son antiMi-. Dhu Chrlst-e wLll be those respen- île, for the succesof the eving, Ash burn (Mrs. Heron, Correspendent> ASHBURN, April 1L--The Young leoplc's Society met on Tuestiay iglt with the social commtt c0 harge. Af 1er the usual, 0 xercises -anti transaction o le the remamnder of the ee as spent playing croquincle34r- [iltireti Hamili receiving the i st number cf peints. ast week a! ter spending a whIle with ber daughtcr, Mirs. Wesley 3tack, cf Brougham. Mrs. Edgar He1ron anti chiltiren ittentiet Utica Ladies' Aid-.meeting it the home of Mrs. Swan on Wed- *esday lest. We are soi-iy te report that Mr-. 7Leach la uiftier the doer' cue. q<e sincei-ely hope lie wilI soôn l'e restoredti tegooti health. Miss MaM Kerr. of Toi-enteoGrIl- eraI Hospital staff, visLted ber, par. unts, Mr-. anti Mrs. Walter Kerr, over the week-end. ,- Mr. 'anti Mrs. West were Ini the piçes of the Womcn' uldt. Lverý'- on@ la welcome te attend this ser- )4rs. Slack spent a few- dayd-wlth relatives in Claremont, recently. .Miss Margaret Fisher, o! Whtby s.nbft "Suday with her parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Plabhe. Idssrgi. James Doble, o! Wbitby, Lawrence Doble, of Sunderland', spent the week-end at thei, home; here. Mrs. D. Deucliamin, of Myrtie. sp.ent Sunriay with Mrs. Fred Beatile. On account ot the enommunion service at Port Perry on Bunday the service bei-e was lielt Inl the even- ing witb Rev. RLobert Simupson In- .Î_hai-ge. It. was' an anuivei-sMr for Mr'. Simpson, because îl was on the saine day, April lOîl', tl»at Mr-. S*mpson preachet is is t Isermon lu Canada, thirty-eîght yeurs age, ant wjas ordaîneti on April 10th, ~y-iive yeers ago. -Wc slncerely -gr. Siipsori wlh ave many 7 eyegs lu the minlstry. I -,lç',next Sunday wifl l'e at 11l andStuiday School ut 10 a.m. E~vyone welcome. Motoî'cyclists Hurt li Collision With Car Col'ourg, April 12.-Dell'ert An- CIci-son ofI! Hope Townshlp receiveti a ý laceralci baud andi Sidney Bur- ley o! tbe sane towriship - Was shaken up wheu their motorcycle met ini, collEson witb a car driven l'y J04~ Fitzsliimon Suniday after- noen, Andterson, wbe was di-iving the motorcycle with Burley on the carrier, waa proceetiing west at George anti King streets and the car was niaking a Ieft tui-n at the, lime. Constable Guvin Reid i.nves- tigateti.- PHONE 304 --WH1TBY f ield. Prevlosly- the men had. r- the Mttway wbh fxes fthe number of days in* a worirg ionth. The pregent agreement wUl_. j- ma~in in force until June 1. in &a the brotherboocis will mneàtlut con- ferençe to decide whether to con- tinue the arrangement or negotiate a new^ one. In the Marfthnes the sliop me çleçded, to abide bv the sche4iiles' of th~e .anreement wîth thie raUlways. However, the level of businmn h the Maritnez is hi;her theiiî In other parts of the country -so that t.he lay-offs at Monctoni, NMB-.and Riviere, duLoip,. Que., wIll not be very extensive. THERE'5 50110 (ONUFORI-.I101 (HEUROLEt'5- SILUTflLu5TEEL bY-.8 UST to open. the doors and look inside Jis te re *alize thut you'll be more cern- fortable in a Chevrolet. Here is extra roomineas. a. more restful cushioning ... fluer upholstei-y. 0 . flat, unebstructed floors . e - plus muny little convenicucea and luxuries seldom found ini a car of lowest prîce. Now step in and relax te the solid'cern- fort ef Chevroet's easy-going ride.' Test *he., F1q.kpr .N,...Tr,,t Ventitin, icieasy peace of mind that corna frozu knowing Chevrolet protects youi witlx a solid, ail- steel body struce roof, sides and floor weldcd jnueone safe, rigid unit-,m 'with Safety glass in cvery window - Enjoy this ride today. Learn, toc, what a difference Chevrolt 's * Kuee-Action glide makca-4o you.t comfort. We have a car ready foi you. *On Master De Luxe Modela. :-DUNDASI'c DONALDMOOSAS -L g' iYl: Lr , clip ici-t- 01W liulia, pool' f~our ~r~ic~ '4 utî~ See tiis NEW *Grove Tracior *Grove Hcarrow *Grove Plow R. H. BICKLE DI8T1RIC,T AGÊNT- - te adjust te every pusscnger's liking. N otice the quietuess and frcedom, (rom - vibration achieved by new Ail-Sulent construction. Experience the comforting %dM&b Meffl E

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