Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 1

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Dea _____'_.i*tby Youths FoUnd tô Be. Aeçi@dentl aolni Evihno Hord s' TEIS SFWELFRF hndéi Apsv ofetProgrâme LADY MIWUAR Hus u FatalAcchl in i. FUR JIYS RlYOGIFree PIantidg 0s treetsAS TLEW FFe Whitby e April 4TIURTUSSbiudyth DouyRmWOKNIINASbnae Emp.ne5elled -ofbyWWoRk StareosOù era HE LOVES TREES Was Gueît a ni a s Emaeldb ý e Lf E PRESIDENT Gia ertr i Croie r.R . cBrother Movement t Streets On TttesdaySpM tlg A Rotary Club Relief T<o Be Dîspenmd t nIe' 10 farnwltb Lar.'n to Investfigut Deaths of, Jack Hutcbin- An llumlnating addressaocri vvkn ,intoirLV yA. eetraef$10uilMy 1~~~~~~~L ~~~~~phases of Welfare worlc among.Meero!teW..fSt lsferwîhhert ilb son and E5rnest S,îI1 u boys in Toronto> was dellvered, Lo Make Plans For Lakeî. Andrew's Presibyterianhrhhed 2.êaietihavryst- N h.iWhltby ILotarians at their wek an. Iintenselyy lnterestlgrsm alIyrsos. Sm e luncheoil meeting lni the oe the early htstory o h hns usrptn aebe de - ~~~~Wbitby Tuesday by Dr. Kemleth Republic when Dr. Jsi cen < u it~admn e~wl six, WITNESSES Rogers, General Secretary of the prominent woman ms~nrr- hv ei eevd bsi Big ETother Movement. Dir. Rogers The ffrel ste ln iia .p1rogramm1I cently returned f rom t hn, jS iterfhae etc~ GIVE EVIDENCE was i1ptroduced by Rotarlan Russell whicli wi]l eveiitually mean thédellvered an address t hmi h h aentytte dat O'Brien as a phYschatrist and lec-pntn tosn tetwhr.cuhauioimoPrdyatr agcfurcfr.Yrlbl Doctor States. Deaths Due tc> turer on juvenile delnqelcy at they are needbd in every et fl()(>f A numbin !~~t~fO i elyutedt ors Fractured Skull andi Con- The picture o! the work carried Council at a s1pecia1 meeting Mon.- "Int plChinetas Imw a on through the Big Brother Move- day afternoon when Deputy-reevè-"nCiaw nyhv he cussion of the Brain - ment was presented by Dr. Rogers A. M. IrWin was appolnted to super- wh largert ! n trettrgh_______ No Evidnce of lco~iolt1rough the medium o! a series .of inten1 Iàto planting o! trees on seV Dw.lch eeyng znuTien te,si anecdotes" dealing with specific eral ret.TewrwacniDrMBe,"Tebswhhevs J1 II cases o! boys whlch the organiz- menced on Tuesday and with gb4D4 fPUB LILILIDRARYry- Àccideintal death was the Verdict ation had -en arjmftjjlweather consideralble headway fis.t wasveyIorateoe of the coroner% ju'ry empanelltd heîongmade.thoengo!Sahian srO on Mondayevening te hear theThspae o! a boy whose Over a period of! eks dpty _______________theARD IEUIil Evdnergrigtç rnet one idea haci been to be bad and reeve Irwln has been making a sur- 'Second is Shanghiwhc sa whleh Jack Hutchinsoli and EretLaîd thýat in a case like that the vey o! the tret situation in an area A. MANSELL IRWIN the mouth o! the YnseKin sieIigtholm camne to their, deaths BEY. RUSSELL OBlURM only means o! preventioli was ta, five blocks south andi four bloO1e Whttby's ýDeputy-Reeve, who ta&es river, and was themotipratLNIM R week ago tonigbt. Bt on îee chaarman. tf the* Beys' Work makethe boy realize that he we.st o! the Post Officé- finding in a get Interst in pating an,( port in China at th1 ls'o h men wer ntn ile hntt BoardIfer South Ontario whlch couldin't get away wîth it. "Is that area 478 trees,,outside o! the preservation cf trees and who in the world at thatieH driven by Hutchisoli, crashtd Into aftemn j l j<> odo welare woi.k that kind leads to, delinqluency," ail noted on a1 carefully prepared ing on, streets which repeived Canton."Rdeoton f theq reai' of a transport truck park- mnbes stated Dr. Rogers, who went on to plan. Ht found that many new Coumcil's approval edonth ot c sîe'ot o. th ________________ refer to several other similar cases. trees were rtquired in places where I Shanghai and 7insi14rtbt Dr Rges ol a iteesirgthere were ront. For instance,oain, Dr. e ean exlaiodfCar- strnero! a mari who broughtti a Byron Street South, from Dr. Cud- itri the harids o! thtf Intheding Jap- Auditoriumea The jury, empanelled by Chie! frierid to set if tht orgaiat0 desnewthe re o te Sado e of May," stated Mayor Fred'T. somerespctChina ainate-IsruarmtigoWensa Qooe r .MLrn eetCIIIf i could do anything for him. The dne ' R r o re, n o e saddrepegsthai Coroner Dr.vR.T.o Ma ren iidwleA f flIIT5P m ri a iihiofe tts aid t t iw ories wlll be planted there. o e dIg t it n let o! this ritory o! 4,300,00 qae m ls a d e îg dcdd o h d pin o Wilawaith tht3 fearind ! ERU u mIL Mmanas a rultenid e ateTheri again, on the south side of action ai tht laut regular meeting a population o! 4000000 ai iaca rgam hc ol RV had beeri crie theofieatht-oreasonsn afor uadadhadotant arnoa o! 3,729,000nKinsquareadlirn oetothte annual foexpenditurereaoo evîdence. D-L1 JL~I1U l in cases of boys over sixteen. - This Cenre streta, bteee but g Mcâling the meeting so that this miles but only 11,(0,0 i o-bosadlaemre o te Tmek Moved by Impact mari had served a prison term for ntre reet Ser ae bt tw e _ nard several othvr matters could ibe ulatien.pupsschattrparai ~>o~ Qie Haol Quntili of iuii.s-muf U lfl1Vrobbtry iri which he played a miner tos oenwoe llg irened out. Couricil unan-imÏouslv I ll ed plice Chie f HrolQ atria cll, U NUoUf 11111 part, but on btirig rtleased he de- there. There s a space for four vtd fr*soiliac !trt~ "n if e !e id get dcrtoio h ulig h told the o ourt that tht Davidsoul sirtd te rehabilltate' himsel! and Tht new trees, small, htalthy first .o! May.-civmnsfo ml eiiigsBadpooe erdcrt h tasottukadsnital Dr. Rogers stated that tht helpingrg aples cobtalned by arrangement htaotteefelw fW 1 oiY fuli 111thttutpatlr irr ultrmti umra paalied oi ~ne t"e Hu99hwiiieho!do! tht organization bad given from theGeorge Ross Estàte on Whfibot huse"ow W stattd Dr. MBerr!rlgIhantbendtfoageA were p iia y .Imo n e susdla e O rwhm, boost, enabled hira te secure Kng Street South, wlU be planted drive cars ail summer nd go io Sun-yat-sen. f is rýdrto ay yerad ttM ngm n o. Dev w I =edîgara e lyu Wri estcs n d in A l a job, and -'he w u -riowWworkirig 11ot less thari 30 feet apart. In relief in the winter?" asktd Çôiui. the Republlc o! Ci aasot'h Co m te w11hv spcfaifl traller were loade&ýand vtere about hTd-n riacorn-yt mkesmeplcs 0 et ayb tt ro hs bunatrwas Int onasth sorin oa hrisanps ranadrceobaednth ed that It rnight corne up for fi11-gra v!sio for th utreoaiscraos.I i roiont hv tirty'bcven (cet two Ilhieb long Sami Çhuch asc ess l " hStte - Urarç mdeV tt ept Ittrougly buat teas xtint- atbor n uehtputwt awr fo oclpinesardd in ail. Both clearanice lampa Were ad,îtionga IIf g e-ettent ' icuso a h retmetneol.and th ok dn -drngti -at ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ Ùn g " et4 tIW -t4 are o!ý ter niZr g fgtrees reqU4~a.cllr dt uttsm !$20w ovthura , ,Theaed 'u. Darkest, H<rnr," by IHarold we cart ûly get tfier ofî On the"iÎ5 a mater »L to be ieàit with. '~ ~hPol.ta niywe,1 osbe Meore on th cr erlte.Il or, oo d Frlday evening at right foot," sald the spetaker- Mr. Trwin believes, ho'wever, that Park Iraprovemepts Outllning the.cthlswle u pit -had been moved by the impact, 'le der tht direction of Mrs. F. Marsh, we're a- service orgiaiizatien for ver needed se that tht town's fine matter o! Improvements te Whit- Dr.MoBean sai"d, "vr rvn~set nbos hc a e said. He hiad ldentifled both bodies Is the flrst o! a numnber o! joint guiding anid heloing boys, and we reputation o! having tree-lined bys lake front more fully at thte* tariahe yer prvioinas t attetme et "an adi heienh edfeentiy i tslooTersssevsha eb epe~id at tt tme.Tht pavement waS musical efforts by tht choirs o! the have a board o! directors compostd streets may be mairitained i fut-a ne t ee ng a lu ttoanwit kereuy okdfeety in good condition àrd L asacar, toWri under the spensorship of thteof !orty business men in tht clty p! ure. years. Tht Council Is behirid acnnte a pont et have totally dlffere. utoa i iilght, ho stated. Ministerial Association. Tht solo- Toronite," stated Dr. Rogers. AI- tht deputy-rteve in his work. whaevrectonpledemd d-- htgotrmet ratwh1 Was Startlng Away istsinluthis cantata are as f ollows: though the organizatien was net So eif a s. visaibebItpoyw oorbth aà rl ae o h unlyadqai Robert Turribull, Cannon strett, -Mesdames C. Trueman, J. Beecrof t. successful in ail cases, out Ot ail Couri. John Larkin, cha.rman o!f inejwith thtn~n ~e !bespucae uigttya Harmiltoil, îstatecý that lie was drir- P. N.. Spratt. E. Michael, and tht boys received frein tht courts - oni decidtd to discontinue re- tht relie! department, was appoint- o! his _ople. "sn owilb ae o 13.s htt truc wit sem-il-r fýrora Mtssrs. E. Ralph Adyt, Warcl I rwin, eigrhty-six per cent., had neyer lie! May 15t. ed acting superintendent o! relief school at Hong-Kogwic a ~n Sndaymornng lst t Ah of. tht Ntw Testament story -and as tht Big Brother Movemerit was Vwhibby branch o! tht Canadiari thought o! theraselves, and with the tain deth.i ucioa or enea S Saints' Church tt WltyBa neh cortains - three characters lu sole doing lni Toronto. . Leglon o! tht Brtish Emp~ire Ser- ful confidence that Lhey wvouîd "Ini 1912 he wasaedtbefrtMsHuhsojihtrgca e! tht Cariadian Leglen atteiided ln prCharnlrigldchrsre- Oests a tht meeto er:vieLagehealndnua anutachieve victorv even at the cost of rsdn !ttCins eubl.sdei ct !tersn conriecticri with tht Vimy Ridge resentlug tht lufuriated mob con- ChIsBumn odtc n utht Legien Hall on Friiay even- theirîlives. "Tht spirit o! Vimy will In a f tw months ersgeol ertaywslsrce esn romembrance. At this serývice also demni ng' Christ and forcing Pilate's Abrahama Hughes, Teronto. ing te mark tht 2lst annlversary o! do away with strikes, national and te be called backt akn ncp !~î c~lto etî m g set o! Communion inen wus dedi- hafld -5 that he Is ceinptlltd te tht fameus battît o! Vimy Rdge- international discerto, tht need o! 1916 to save hisIdafente ar-________ cated, tl½e git e! Miss Madelifle cendemn Jes'us to death. Tht third SAFE BAFFLES BURGLARS a, turriing point lu tht great war legislaticri to compti antn te be lords o! North Cin.FIDES VR60T Nousetr mmoy ! is Aic s ci"On tht road te Calvary," is for Britairi and her allies, and a hretwt hirepoesad Tht Republicws!uneona OPT ATLDAYF Ham, both o! whom wtrt former a most soltiTn and reverential set- Peterboro, April'12.-Burglars tri- battît lu whlch Canadians covered wilî unte tht Canadian people te Iriterpretatior o! inosGtt- worshlppers at aIl Saints. Thetingw't an -undrcurrent of tri- tered tht office at Waîkers Bakery, theinselves 'wth gîery. Theth- ee the good'o! al," tht speaker "Vrs addes del ordd th owl-nwr orayLnî flowers decklig tht Communion umph iri tht muslC. This scerit but f!aiied te operi a large safé. trlng was presided over by Presi- added. . Chrie-sad olyRsiacdasppeoimnatd ihtt table were giver inlumeinery e! Mrs. concludes with duet anid chorus, 0 Marks iridicattd hacksaws had been dent R. M. Deverell, and an out- RvE.alhAypuarLg Cins ndo Savieur o! tht World." Tht epilogue used iri an atttnipt te saw off tht standing event e! tht evtning va evio E Raplp, hoAdyt ppuartted- a frend. IL vil etebdith rctso!htLdzyCnraI AtteClose o! tht service the follows, eriding on tht triumphant hiriges. Tht front deor e!'-tht office tht formal inlt'aticin e! seven e h poicilad oiio e - sae ILCfrins omnst"si itf dlr'cnts eh reto emnddth- ogrgain e eo!bdngflh e ver as forced alorig ,wththt side members, n iidicati n e!thteO oneton autdaglewngD e an.fom the. sîgnificance o! tht doctrine o! (Cortiritld on Page 3, Col. 2) door opening into the bakery. growth, o! tht Whltby Legleri picture e!f what is being dont, net tht Communion o! Saints, pointing ____________ ________________ branch. Installation ceremnny was l h ida ar iane etb htPeidnw t eopten, but bbiud tht scenes, out the memonlal character o! tht Caraes ou ythe W in tnd Hy away frein tht public glane, by ef- service, anid assertirig that theugh ordsoeWlo an ar «r fthpovcilndomn tephysical presenceto!-tht fritnds MUnîb in isterial Association James as Sergeants-at-arins. ion commands -for veterans o! tht Hundre d a T i ut oM m r and worshippei's of tht past had Banquet vas served by Mine Host rawranthrdenets been remoytd, yet thty wtre still a iSent fl..êt Bil Harden, assIsttd by Cemnade-gRet war.sudyerfre o their! e _ *part of-tht corigTegation Ini tht ssues E e i r Sent 'dI'0 Dave PlaLt, anid was o! tht usual prteof Mre Adtr eertdtesstht r- W hitb o n o ;S r ie e -spirit and thein werk tri and thi'ough WIUL * h ordel'. James Rainnle presid-pce ortsso!n ar Vetena nssit- J1 the congregatiorivas5 cofltlluous. f m w uue d at tht piane for commiunity ac Cmisinnale tcniy*.I . * . Appropriate prayers wene said. *l U BO l GI" " *fUY siiging, anid several members con- wvhlch rtvealed tht fact that while n~ g c n a o u is n r n tharklri Godferht iuns ! ai V V iUULU7 rc es- ttlbutd te tht programme as Solo-, tht major number o! ex-service -whad passe d fon thher ser__________sts extraordluarY. Owing te in en had been established-In peace xice and pnaying that aIl, bOth here clement woather somo entertaluers Lie wrn other er through undreds o!fiieso htytt e.~ ap dt e -sud heneafter might be unitedi ' Be.iriug the signatures e! mera- way of!îif e in alilmatters, OUI pir>b'.were unabît te b. ou baud but thteirand dffotsthiectre til service te tht KiugdoIfl te tht. bers o! Whltby Ministenial Associa- lems will be solved. evening passed oven very 'aelight- a num'ber Le be looked a! Ler ando suditrct padne ilatrbueskebefy! uc"deie Glqry o! Qed. - * tien, tht fohowing Easttr letter bas AIl Christian bcies acknowledge !ully and -successilfly rievtrtheltss. this censtituted an honorable eb- reec'ri eteaTusdyamsgeocofnteth Gle eceolrbs emoofiitd etioet utt tt epi eaalJeusCrit soodn! iftrihTtprgrmmartquteIfomafigtithuthepr o tt onty ftroo t acfHtcionrsu eve fmly "t r fcJ eut that tht samne qualEties which churches o! tht town, - Savieur o! souls. Ou this coimnini -buttht veterans e! tht great.,wan te thtin. As meu who hnd serv- o! Public SebooIspcrRA thgeaqutin !Wy" Jesus ox Ibit n His Liuinnhal To ail Christian People: gneuud we ask you ail te take your did net forget tht toast Le "Our ed oversens grew eIder bidden dis- Hueie rür.Htchison, and n dt,"u itotf tnitryite JerusSltITiand whicb Gretting! Essier- is 5 tilTit o!stand ln your owu Church. Let Falleri Corad#," observed iu abilities wti iSittlg tei-Eus Dc)Seghhisno uQdthr aib east wene quite apparent lu tht victery Jjoy. "Christ is Ristri, as Ht said." each ont do bis or ber part te make darlcuess and silencet,and tht toast sltSoii htttcs !si-M.sdMs .Segtom h htqeto. o! .Vmy Rdge ene i n r thte This facL brings a message o! hope this Easten Day tht gytatest dinôn- te "His Maiesty tht King." ferig was not bonne ail at oee wo popular youn e h e Dckwsage pr ofrVdmydye wi fe u e ers-1 te a troubîid wold. -Tht Prince o! stration e! Christau Faith tht Town A beautiful donation o!fkiowers, ime but would continue 1utctssary traglo dtath O odyeinii.paedh gieo iea tiori tht great vIctory o! Gyod ever Peste,- who prayed that wt might o! Whitby bas ever setri. May God sent te tlie banquet, iL- was an- fraln ie o o tr a htywt îydttgll !bi rI humn iri Te uaitis ert, pre- be ont lu Hlm, lives anid noves bless you. nouniced, by tht widow o! a war Présidenit Devereil reminded thteXt5«Se slargelateddfnrlky"sdRv.M.A tren parattozi, discipline, courage, eridun- ang. in today. Tht troubles o! Your servantsef on Christ and His veteran, vas sent to tht home o! veterans that tht task e! tht Exe- evcs h niec~miiywst h nedhpo h ee anSTc and consistent conviction o! tht wold can bc met only by as- Churcli: Russell O'Brien. Presidtnt, Comracle A. H. Allin, honorary cutvt Coninitttte o! tht local lu mournirg,,su bsiesW5fritîcbden hoall tht rea etrn1 truth- od! esrtlng that over tht iii humour o! United Church; A. M. Irwin, Sec- mezuber o! tht Legien, whe was branch was no easy one uer vas practlcally suspeddIl safln.H a i "the r t p rss fQe r sure," mtrey human reiatonships, tht netary, Untd Church; E. Raqphi cofinti tg bis home on account o! tht work beiug doneto asslst re- For "Dut"Selghhl ltre ociiii !ay said tht necei' H provides thé mlghty Spirit o! Jesus Chrlist, tht Adyt, -AlI Saints'% H. Carmichati. a réenrt accident.- turntd meni sud their dependerits A large thireno !sreinreau tu rtisltttge mans, the esr us ovin objetive Risen Lord, must ad will prevail. St. Antdew's; H. Elmer Green, Bap- That tht spirit of tht Carndians brendcast or everi breugbt up at tives sud fritnsfle ilSit sttayrtcuh.psts Ho sppli *àes ioî it t nn L I s OUI solemu conviction that, tist Church' oga .Lufrwo2 er ago bravely sud suc- meetings. IL was up te tht mtm- Anglican Cburcbti vnlwn ebs nLzih u ocigw te psite ninulu to His good as 511 thte membeirs o! tht Cburch St. John's; Captalu Taylor, Salva- cessfully stermtd and captured tht bers te support tht Executive aud psy a test tnibut eEns Dc"Rv M.Ay nt h ee tglard, To rutHlmarid oUiow on teo!of Qed. individually and collective- tien Amy; Hugh Crozien, Jnited heaghts o! VimyeR:dge, althougb at wok bard for tht advsuceinent o! Slelghthô>hu. ALeharflpayn eatvstbésedat u landTr" îîm y, pry an~d work fer Jesus Christ's Churh. terrible cost e! hum n ives. was tht Legion ideals: anid the singingeseeahyn, CotudonPe ,ol listake for' nt IsAllegei' ' Tank Overflowed iCellhr and Gasoine Became, Igited by Furnace Fumes -mS£-OLMAN HM) A NARROW ESCAPE Explosion, in Cellar After -Fire Was Thought T-ô Be' - Ont Caught Firemen Thîte mexubers o! the>'WhtbY Pire Brigade were lure4c, More Or i ess seriously, and rushtd to Osh- awa Hespital, when a cellar T"od- ed with gasolîne caused three ex- - plosions anid threatentd te blow Upk the residence o! Harry Ho1lmsn, Breck street seuthf ltLe Tuesday afternoon. Thece]lar was gutted sand tht smaokespreadtng tbrOUgh- but tht house, necessitated.tht hose :in-u used on al portions. - The injured firemnen were William Lawler, Roy Wilkinson- anc4 James Mowat. They entered tht cellar a! ter iL was thought that tht blaze had been extînguished, u.nd were there but a monment wheri an eXp1o- sien, tht noise 'f w -chcould be. heard for somie distance, occurred. Flames shot uIp and tht thte Men, suffering from burris, sinoke ancx shock, -made a hasty exiL and we taken in harid by fellow firemen7 Dr. R. T. MacLaren had the-men removed vo tht Hospital.~ Ihreman Merley Moore, aise in tht door, was close to tht sîc<.e doer and, got 7 eut witheut tnjury. Gasoline for 011 T7ht fire broke eut shortly be- fore five o'clock after IL Is atleged James Dundas, driver of a truclc for, ttht Geod Ricii 011 Company, un- tloaded thrt~y gallons o! gasoline in s the-ellar o! the Holemin home uWi- eder' tht mlsapprehensien t4iat the. -container was'f ull o! fuel cil whieh ,e Mis. Holernan had rdered for the rkitche'i steve, Thet first explosion -- lu which Mrs. Holeinan was Very t, fortunate iu escaping serious in jury Ls occu,;red wheu she ý observed the *e supposed fuel où overfloWiug lu tht te tank and was eridtavouring te sweep h -iL Up- when seme o! tht fluid It reachtc tht furuace snd exploded. is Mrs. Heleman was singed aroun'd ýy tht head and su!fered a burri on tht r, neck. She at once ian te tht home le o! R. E. MeArthur, sud rioti!ied the ýy Whitby fire DrIgade. Beth reels a! l.Meeting in Wihitby On S urday - Elected lU Officers - ay A Boys' WorK Bloard hr th D-southerpartf Onltaro couty lu nWVhitby with tht, Rev. Russel atO'Brie n o! Whitby as chairman. Ail boys' work leaders in this part o! -tht -ceurity were luvittd te attend )f thtermeeting sud take part in tht formation e! such a board. I Other officers elected as btads o1 dtht board were: Rlev. -W, Harold Reid, finst vice -chairman; Stanley Id Go mme, second vice chairman; murray Klrbyý, secretany; sud Han- ol Oshillipstrea,êurtr. AhI are frem iu prepanation for tht meeting, a circular hetter:haa been sent eut te ton, ail registered tenders o! churcb boys' ing work lu tht ares, te denomnutiOhI be- ai people, sud te superluttudents e! vith boys' work tIn tht southetn tewn- sid ships o! Ontario countY. An'ep- ath deaveur was made -te neaCh ail rtu leaders aud others inttresttd lu boys' werk conriectect wlth ail the who evangelical churches lu tbh part o!f be tht country. - oc- Feiewîung tht appointratrit of ing Rev. Mr. O'Brieu as chairman, Rev Led E. R. McLtsu, executfve secretarY, new o! tht Ontario Boys' Work Board, ever Tororito, outhined tlit woi'k and one, functions e! sucb a board for thia test district. , ti explalned'that tht was boys' werk Board.- would .consistof ords a small grouxp o! VoluntanY WOrkers ivecl nepresenting tht varions chunches the thaL wisbed Le co-operate. Tlhq 4) (Continued ou Page 3, Col. 41)-

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