Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 3

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ny DR. ALVIN E. BELL meI International Uulform Les- son for Eastcr Sunday is Acta 22- 36, he Golden 'Jext being Acts 2:32, "This Jesus did Qed ai55 Up, whiereof vs ail are wituesses.". The, ablding preof o! -Christ's resurrectien tram he dead la lis church confrontirîg the world witn its testirmony, l'This Jesus diQed ralse up, vîcreet ve ail arc vit- nesseas."- Somethiug had happened that changeci Cîrst's disciples tram cringlng cewards te courage- -' us crusaders. Wîat made se great a change lu lhc'sc men In se short a space as hrse days?, There is a resurrectien vithin thsm that re- quires another resurrection Vo x-1 plain. Their faith and hlipe- lad master. But now, as Peter explains hs change, they are "begotten r agalu unto -a living hope by th,? resurroction of Jcsus Christ frein ths dea."' The Cross Cheated Thers vas ne -question about Chrlst's cath. AThc whole city- hidwitnesse.ï -that. "Jesus of Nazareth, a man approvcd of Qod unto you by n:lghty works d even as ye yourselves know; hini. heing delivered up by the determi- tirte counisel andi forektuowletige ef Qed, ys by tle land ef lawless me mstdici crucify and sday: Whom Qed raised up, having looseci the' pangs o! death; because it was net possible that lie sheulci be hiolden aio f t." Tlle question aws hiow Vhe apparent vîctini et the' cross lad become the victor over thVe cross and hs grave and deatî of which tîese wers but hs sym- -bois. As Peter seea iV nov, v. could net be otherwise. It vas thé onily- logicai outcome thait could have been expecteti b' ai'- eue wha knew wlo Jesus realîy A husaud yeams before the Lord's .5aying, "Thou wiit net leave my seul unto Rades, neither wilt thou give Vhy Heiy Que te tee corruption." And Peter sees lu those words 'Vhs empty omb o! Easter memning, andi coucludes that David, "foreseeing ths spake et Vhs resurrection et Uic Christ, that neither was hés lef V unte Hades (the place o! the dead), nom dic i ls flesl sec corruption. This Jesus di -Goci raise up, vîsmeot vs al are vituesses."1 Eastcr vas ne incidenV, ne acci- dent, uer atter thought o! Goci; It was Vhe grand objective andi cou- sunimatien e! al he preceding 1ages, divinely planneci "by Vhs de- termiînate counsel and toreknowi- c dge o! Qed." hrist la d net been man-handieci by death; lu- steati, as Lord e! lite, le lad ban- dîcti deaVh anci made iV serve Qod's etemnai purpose lu the me- 1 dcmption oeths werid. Death vas but hs Veol o! his supreme service te Qeod sud Vhs vomîi. Threugh It le was "the resurrec- tien aud Vhs lits," lis own- resur- rection ,being Vhs ludisputable proof. - Our ILvlng Hope Thecl'living hope" begotten lu us by CîrlsV's resurrection' from ths dleaci is that because le arose frem Vhs deaci we tee shaîl arise. His triumph over the grave pre- dicta ours and Isl a ýpmevlcw o! our Iowu. Mis resurrecton juistifies lu us "tis pleasiug hope, hs fond desire. this lenging, atter immor- tality." As sea birfsIl the leart et a continent, feel hs Instinct et he ocean lu their blood anci yield te he urge te migrate Vo a place they have neyer v4ited, se man feels hs pull of! inother wvend upon his soiui, anti,'as Milton saiti, "la plumiug lis vings for a flgît."- I. THE WHVITBY GAZ] ow Brock TheatreoOponod.. rgs Crswds -Thursday Iight 2 tmonts, Equipmnt Adumir FL Lu*t Word i .ap.ct is Verdict Who Have At-ý >erin Pust'Few The zi.w Brock tbeatre was 91ven a fine -aend-off bers Thura- d&Y and sfolowing nights 'when packedhotuses grccîcd thce penin;4 of the finest palace of entertaîn- m~ent In this district. The pregramn w#a worthy cf riy opening night *lwth a fine feature picture and numnerous excellent shorts. A col- aur cartoon dcaIýng wlVh the good- wiii tour cf la city cf happy becs Vo cliase thc gloom out of Grass- hopper town -where the town was on relief and attempts'Vo piay 'siet machines only resuited i lemens comaing up, was greeted wlth laugth- t er and applause, particularly whcn Vhe ide changeci andi ovcry nickel in he machine brought forth A sliawer of geici pieces into. the halýs of he wiling grasshopper who * prcenptly erectcd a clty, a city on Vhe scale of Manhattan 'ln one minute, f1l&t. Screcn -Snàpshots and an Andy Clyde comedy Whlch kept the audi- once in an uproar threughout, f111- ed eut h bill of. shorts. The main attraction "Love and Hisses" star- ring Walter Wincheil, Bsn Bernie .tinc Slimon Simone contaîiccl ail he ingrecients ef swell entertain- ment, andi ail came away loud lu their pi-aises. Mlle. Simone gets easier on the eyes every time wc ses ýher. if luture 'performances et thc Brock kcep anywhere near the standard of Fir.5t Night,- they shoulc ned Standing Reom Oniy signa before- long. Numerous favorable comments on the beauty and size o! the theatre, itVa fine appointments, etc., were bearci. Nover Say Dis sonny (lu bed) - "Dadfly, please bring me e drink."- Daddy (fro mdownstairs)- "No." Senny (five minutes laVer) j~Pleuae brlng me a~ drin. Daddy - 'No". Sonny (a few minutes laVer) -. MDaddy, won'V you please bring me a dr1nk?"ý Daddy - "If you ask'for a drink agein l'Il cofle Up there and spank Sonny -(ten 'minutes laLer) - "Daéddy, when you corne up Vo spank ne, please brlng me a drink." W"sHu. ebr Use Titie Of "M.C.L" Ottawa,' April 1.-Ontario logis- lators who dfclined ta be dewgnat- cd by the letters "1M." after their names rather than "M.L.A." have nothIng on onsne enbor Of the House cf Conions. Èrlday night Walter Kuhi (6.0., JaspeF-Edlson), Voici members of the House they should'use Vhe let- ers 'M.C.L." Instead of "M.P." They were "Membera of a Co- lonial Leglaature" mad flot mcm- bers of Parliament. The Britilb North America -Act was nul! and void and never createci a Canadîan Parliament, be said. "This Hous neyer wus and neyer eau be the Parliamnent o! ths Cana- dian people," state4 £I.r. Kuhi. SACKEB CANTATA, DY LOCAL S!NMERS1 (Continued froni Page 1) tongue confc&s that Jesus Christ s Lord, Vo the Glory o! Goci the F'ather." The. recessional hymn Is the weil kno'wn one, "At the Namo of Jesus" sung Vo a speclal setting. Speciai prayers and devetions ap- propriate Vo the occasloip wifl be used before the third sene and at the close o! the Cantata. This presentation wili aiso pro- vide an opportunity for those who cannot attend Vhe three hour ser- vice Vo meditate upon the great Sacrifice of Calvary. No greater service can be given Vo the werld at this time than that those who cali them.selves Christian& should rethlnk ln personai ternis what the signhficance o! the Cross la. today. Jesus Christ la he Savieur of the Word but the worid's Redemption depends upon.the way ln whlch Vhe human agents whom Hc chooses to use, make that Redemption an actuallty for themselves and for others. What Ho Meant "Daddy said there was flot an- other woman in the werld like you, Aunt Marjorie." "That was very flatterlng *of hlm." "Aund ho saici it was a good hlug,1 HqRONIÇLE, WEDNESDAY,,APRIL' 13, 1938 Home of Entcrtainm.nt 41 ~bOYS ln disricts where nothnje i. being done at the prewSet Urne. Itj was statsd -that such organlzed wýork bas beconie an. Important part of -the churciVa workitiù the Past.J te* ycara iln so far as it seeks ýo lInk. Up Vhs Sunday attendance of youth with aome mld-we* > activity .whlch will provIde helpful tralnlng as weil es recreation, thus contri- buting to an ail-round dcvelopment of body, mmnd, and spirit. SOthers who attendcd the meet- ing were Rcv. J. McLachlan, Sca- grave; Graham MacDougall, Arch- le Ashley, Edward Goode, and Web- ster Thompson, o! WhitbY;* and Chres lu Smith, and1 A general il to give thelr support -and 00-i tion to Vhis very Wortix-whIe 'Such as are Interesteci are mrI geV in toucb with isome meul -,he board. BrIgg. See that bald a the corner? He?.s the husha Viola Ashton, the metress. Fletcher. - Really? Wbat 1 before he was marrie2? FOR TEE< FARM AND, FARM AGREN SEE.DS-, IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES. A Full.Stock -Order Eary. LAWNumpDSANDl - Above la a photograph et the New Brook Theatre, whlch opened its ment are .Interior features. The building has spaclous lobbies, ladies doors te the public on Thursday evening lat. The theatre, a fireproof anid gentlemen's rest riooms and toilets; the latest in electric lighting structure, embodies ail the popular features for comfort and convenlence effects and bas the most moderni theatre seats. - (Photo by Robert te be found in modern theatres. Perfect projection and scund equip- Holden, Oshawa). ElVuID[NCE[BEARD ON ACCIDENT ON (Contlnucd trem Page 1) spondl as Vhey usually do se 1 stepped," le relateci, "previeus: te tIc accident I was Vîcre about fifteen minutes, as iV was just a smail job te adjust the brakes." 'Where did yeu Park?" asked Cmewu Attorney Allun Annis? "Betwcen elghteen luches and Vwa teet tram the seuth curb," re- plieci the vituets, vIe stat ed that le was releasing lis emergency brake when VIe crash came, and at once pullcd back on Vhs brake bringing the true-k tV a stol). ue front rigît cerner efthVe car crash- ed luVo he rearieftt laudco crnerj eftVhe truck, he related. TIersL was a clear-ance light on cach corn- er eft tue truck andi a rcd reflector, he saici. The damage1 done Vo the trailer rcvealed that Vhe car hac2ý. driven directly under iV. His cvi- dence was corrobarated by Robert Wing who was riding with him at Vhe ime. Dr. H-.' M. McDonald, who per- tormed an autopsy on the bodies, saici that death cape as a resuIt o!. fractures of thel skuli and con- cussion of the biraîn lu both cases. "I didn't sàe any evidence of alco- bol," he stateci. Leonard Hoaci staitd that he was the driver of a cr lxiwhich-passecO the truck just betere the crash occurreci. Ilie wasc frem Toronto and reci lights an Vhs t' eut ta pass I . lis the tront buniper tIe crash behinc hi street ligîtis versi an.d he observed2 wlien le vas a blec ell's garage, le sail R. A. Hutdhiseni ýi his way homne Lticing ths Vwo tu ck, le turneci Ias just- passlug wheu le heard l, e saici. The p lainly visible a*truck flM west et Dever- sald that Jack The GoldenText~ Acts 2:3-"-ýThIs Jsuas dld God raise up, whereof wse !are wltnosaes." ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL ILESSbN had borrowed bis car for Vhs ove- form such a board and* clect off 1- ning, and that he asked hlm Voi cers. bring lu a small book that was lu a side-pecket o! Vhe car., At about ten-Vhirty Jack haci returueci, saici Mr. Hutchison, and brought back Vhs book. Tliey chatteci for about five minutes betore Jack le! t the house, he related. The car was ln perfect condition as f ar as lic kucw, andi both the brakes anci wheel rwemc working airight. FaIse Conjectured Scored In lis brie! charge Vo the jury, Chie! Coroner McLaren retemred Vo the tact that their verdict was Vo be baseci on evidence presenteci. Any unwarrantabie mumours or con- jectures which haci absolutely ne foundation, as ail the evidence slowed, wers utteriy valueless lu arriving at the cause of death. There was ne evidence Éther o! intoxication or, excessive speed, and any "Sucii theorles, base4 - on mis- information couici only be calicci "entirely cowardly and detestable statemnents" said Vhe Coroner. The jury Vleu etireci for a littie' ,.over an leur before binging in a verdict o! accidentai death lu both cases. BOYS',IWORK BBARD 1$ ORfiAN1lED FOR ONTARIOJ IOUNTY (Continusd fmem Page 1) main purpose weuid be ta gîve leadership VotVils very important work carried on among een-age boys. The board wauld heip Vo create a spirit e! tellovshîp among the lead- crs hemselves, le polnted out, and -vould aise gîve assistance iu Vhs matter oftraining leaders, arrang- lng cenfereiices for leaders and Vhs boys, aund possibiy arranging for summer camp tacili ies for boys Who vouid be 'able Vo attend. Af Ver a thorough discussion et the vIole matter, those present. decideci te S TiUIIFYHNEAD bfew drops . .. and Lou breathe againi1 membranes - helps >~ keep sinus open. Vscits VAUTROq*NOL - y thse Bey. AlvinEm Bell And Alf redI. ,Buescher Serlpture-Acts 2.:92-38 day o! Pentecoet Peter boldiy la Jerusaiem eoncerning the' d resurrection o! Jeauu. "Ye by. o! iawleu men ,did crucify and a. i~ap 6 auxod IPeter toId how Dmvld lied foretold Jesus' resurrection seylng, 'Thou wllt net leave IVsou! ln hades, neither wili thou give thy oiyensto aesecorruption, "«H. fore9eelnj ths, "Peter nid, "spalce o! Vhe resurr"tion of the Christ tat nither vas he ie!t Unto hades, nom *id aft5*l.O- corruptinn i ad reaurrection of their Lord' chie! topIecof the apostles', Peter id, "'This Jesu dldl up wbereof we art w nerms.'4 L4~NTEXT-'Â.àcts2:321b, The hope was expressed that very soon ether members veuld bc ardd- cd VeV, he board se that 1V, wiil be truly 'iýepresentative et ail clurches andi districts in Vhs soutlern part efthVe county wlere boys' werk le carried ou andi se that it may assist in oranizing work aniong teen-age ORONra ELEArORS LIMITED MASTIER FEEDS W5 have !k fiNie.of z POULTRY GROWING STARTING< ana MASH-ES, IG STARTER and CONCEN. TRATES, DOG BISCUITS and. PUPPY FEEDO, Attractive Prices G. A. CANuNING PHONE 442 WHITBY E LSE COU, TAUE ITS PLACE'> Vzpea15&ôk /11/ No other car can MATCH THE VALUE Only MeLaugblin..Buick bas ail ikese advanced, proved features . .. DYNAFLASH- Valvein.Head: Straigkt Eicgbi Engin, TORQUE-FREE Springing ... Tîp- tos Hydraulie Brakes ... Genuine, Knoe-Action . . . Unisteel Turret Top Bodies with Fisher No-Draft Ventilation . . . Sa4fety Glass . Torque.Tube Drive end Seal.d Chassis. Nation-wýide Parts and Service organization always at your command, anywhe. 44-19. TEm mAN who has driveu McLaughlin-Buicks for five, six or seven years is "just a youngster" iunte loyal family of McLaughliu-Buic.k.owners. For almnost everybody can naine a fiend, or relative, whe lias heen buyiug these great cars for Vwice as long as that. We can tell you of motomista vho have bouglit MlcLaughlin-Buicks again and again threugh nearly 1hirty ycars-a generation lu their lives! Everybody wlîo realy .kuovs Vhe McLaughlln-Buick car knows nothing cisc can match the joy of ewniug it . .. And that's partîcularly truc this year! For the 1938 McLaughliu-Buick is net only a bigger and amarter car than ever-it~s ths ouly car in Vhe world with Vhs brillant-performing D YNAFLASE Etnglue, aud ride-cushionlng ToRîQuE-FREE Spiuglng. Try thêm bath, witit a ride luVthse car we have waiting for you. FRm12 78 <Sri.. 44-Sport Coupe wlth 090cm Se**)> Dolhveed a factor5p, Oshawa. Govr'mtotaxe,, license and frotgb: additiondl. &s5' fmDJS « thé Gmned Moton s lanamn is DONLDuM OTO]R PH-i[IONE 304 WHIBY nuD >Th c Sunday School leson --------------------------------- um T

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