Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 5

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* À PAGE FIVE THE, WH1TeY GAZETTE AND CHRONICýl. 'lVEDNESDAY, APRIL 139 1938 RE CLOSE» GOOD FRIDAY-OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL il P.M. sotfed Morning Prayer andHoyl !Cf HoCommunion 7anM.Cdr .ms service when the pyramid Lenten________ _______________ boxes will be returned, at 3 o'clock, and Evenig Frayer at 7 p.m., fol- For Sole lowed by H01Y communion. Every____________ for~ mmbe oftheChucliofEnglafld M'R SALE-ONION SEZD. ynI- CALLINO ALL SALESMENI'l fo-A W Is expected to he -present on Easter low Globe Danvers, 9overnmelt- Agents!. o yucnider a Day. 'Visitors will be verY 'Welcome tested. Apply Thos. Fouad, Kings- change that would really make I3E A D ID B AG ~S . . . .. . . . . ... . . .. . $ 1.0 0 1 2 0 t h e v ce ,t n R ad W s , a the Toiw nfl 4 e, m o niey 9 N e w sales plan. Sale f 200 PAEN U THRBAS....$1.)() b $2.95 Whitby. . guranteed foodmediciflal-tollet PATETs I fromAR............... 10 >$9 FORMER RECTOR COMING- preparatiolis. Lower prices-Liberli Otesfo ... .......On Monday evening next at g FOR SALE - NINEIC commiso.Etachbnu.re o'clock the A.Y.P.Aof AAh Saints' sot grinder. First ciass condition. 'gifts. if you have a car and a little fl * ~ ~~~will meetadwi1bevstdya R. C. Bickle, Broolclin. cash and want to el something f bmeAretS esth PrEsT T I SAL -BAByS FRAM that -repeats the, year round in ex- J. M. Cr*saîl, who will give an ad- light grey, In first class condition.cusv district, wrice Vo: FAMILEX Wli-IIY. PHONE 760 Oshawa 1650 dress Members of the congrega- G rc tet . hty O., 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. tion who are interested wlll be most----- 0pwelcomne Vo corne to this meeting. FOR SALE- POTATOES FOR WANTED-BY A N INTENDING sale. AplY W. H. Balsdon, R.M., purchaser from owrers of apple or» AIL SAINTS' EASTER M<USIC Whltby. Telephofle 814. chards lying within ten or twelve 71ie atrDymsc miles of WhItby, north or north- ~WYTTf1Y 1 ~ TheEaterDa muieatAl FOR SALE-APPLE TREE WOOD, west, or from, owners o! 100-acre Saits' wil be as follows, il a.rn: cut in stove length deliveréd. It' farms with extensive orchard5 -S E IN THE É os'corSn lodV Gd u dry and mnakes splendid fuel. Also thereon, who would consider selllng, CO atreiîgth,", by Mainms, amidiat, 7 500 to 600 good cedar fenc'e posts. the following particulars: 1. How~ jo'clock, "'God Is Love," by Shelley, t25.00 per hundred delivered. a, rmWlb?2 1wmn ________________amdi God s0 loved the woî'ld," by Phone No. 802, Whitby.f-ac r planted? . w mad- 1hthe "Signiicance of the Empty FOR. SALE-A GOOD) WORK tÈonal acreage? 4. What varieties?- s t rty vwil l b'told In évening, in sermon and song. AtMoe.TeRcrwlpeahn v. v~fl i i Sunday riext in the morning service Mr. E. BowmanCrs, in the morning. ai-d In the horse also Alfalfa seed. Appiy 5. 110W many trees of each kind? 6. i nid rI1thuLe pulpts, m ll sing 'the solo and in the eve- eveCr oss "Th ak omas01ere1hmsnB'oliO What age Is orchard? 7. Well- .~î'îe~ t r~ h get ning Mrs. Julian Beecroft., The________________ pruned or otherwise? 8. Buildings, f.'ctial I aving been a - Rev. Russel O'Brien will preach in. FOR SALE-SEED OAT8, ALAS. if any, please describe. 9. What prIcie (-~i Chk1lWsv.li ýdcrat: u morning on ,'The First Easter," BAPTIST CHURCH kan variety, also Wheat and Buck- for cash? Address reply to Box No. eI .U vLi ag congrc-aIn are hleIn the evening the sermon At the Baptist Church this week wheat: one good work horse and 18, Whitby Gazette and Chronicle. iAilpttd.whl îlb _"There Is A Resurrection and next Sunday the meetings are four f resh cows. Apply N. Decker, * 3ucal~ensarraixed 'IncluLle Life that I Must Share." Medita- I as follows: Wednesday, at 8 p.m., Brooklin, Ont. WANTED-TENDRS FOR RE- V 1edicin of the newiy reno- tion for £aster: beautiful colored lantern shides on FRSL AE LSAdecorating of Burns Church, Ash- pvpc,üd orgi andm the presenta- Tee~a5 e~mn the triumph of Jesus over death, O AL LEN.ALS~ burn. Tenders will be received by t>talid ddicLation of a memorli Where I ut ne, litrtn an address on "Jeseeasfosthgnrto the underslgned Up until- noot> - iihlstrfth cAting ty" n st ErýPedieed.lR.gW. rn, ~Saturday, April 23rd. Tenders b a f i ro! ie on- A praer w î h I us j yand Divine A t oiy.inT u s Er d se . R W . eon 1 .Mi s il wmb' d Le, nwhide- day at 8 p.m. the annual Thursday . Ç ikrng Vlae should be addressed to R. D. Sher- r lci g ti n. tai-ida ylenowd- Till I can feel before Gýood Friday. tUeCmmn grea, prpartîon onmy bowion o! the Lord's Supper. The thieme lî For Sale or Rent Aind Calvary's egn.of!h mesage h ____________________ WANTED - CAPABLE WOMAN Reliionandthe1;od'sTable." FO AEB RU iii. AXNDREIS, 'CIIUR(U - Frm i 1tketeac5Xet On Easter Sunday therc will be rooms, hardwood .1$oôrq hot water p ly to Box 20 Gazette and Chron- a E r-Ver ervices will be ofLoe special music and Easter topics. At heating plnideiar eno~~ d icle. Whitby. ildmoir .i and evenîng inTh wllSntmiebedoe. i a.m. the subject will be "Easter's back stairs, large Iawn, gars o. Por' Pr*,btra hrhb Message' of Peace." AV 7 p.m. the paritculars à & aG~tt n ATDAN IE UTt i IIjýew r e bytr a Chchaeby WIITBY AND PICKERING thought will be -Easter's Message Chronicle Office., bot 40. - aune 18V, bedroom. sitting room,. At 1i min rvi r.crm-theaie . ~ .~ HRHSof the Two Adarns." Special music iceeten ah unsei lViïe h liunerce conpip At John's R.C. Churci in Whitby, will 1)e: Antheni, "This is the Day"; FOR EE-NT-ROU&F TO - IDNT. prWva.tehome,-or duplex. Must -be' or~in w ih iasuneron cn-and St. Franci.s De Sales, Picker- anthem, "4As I egnVoDwn;Apl Ms y, Wt, O. --- ýl etd 1frecs pl o icritialy UiandeÈ over ùy tUe se- mg, the festival o!f aE'ter will be anthei, I"I Amn Alpha and Omegaw;-2 izet, n hoil, hty lfol, e icVtion. This wiîî l3e appropriately observed,- with the ymnn setting. "Christ Arose";- dou- O.RN BI] 0rAE dot ti ericoopes.AV ueRev. Father D. V. Hickey as prlest ble sextette. "King o! Kings" solo, aUl convenlellces., OenVrsllY loeated 'i, massilill be at 9,arricd at ard RIcAt t3e '- PossessEioWEMWILL PAY CAS -i'ec i .ivc eorial to in charge._ At the Whitby church Miss Marion Green; solo, Mr. Léon..Y ph; tî Itelia ynd whlbeprs iPckering there wiîî be high mass At 8.30 p.m. the choir wîîî eea»Y=,Ourld. iyl rprs-o ed ac edicatd.. Te choir willreeae e afor' a shoTttm nl.Lue edidat 11 a.. Special Easter music the Easter music and will be as- roSw., I, ' cl depa' &9.Poe uder 'oP ia Eate anhes i l eatr U evcsi bot sisted by Mrs. Leslie Parrott, A.T. %fliM n.. Ae'. 1B. Fisea oost c ure tesrvcsi wtt hs.C.M., organist o! Oshawa. An of!- QI~ tu LUCVC cvjiitheiuiwl e fering will be received In aid o! new tcmr d ir t~ d V U J u n i r c h ir ! t U S T J O H ' S , O R T W H I T Y U ' mi n a ls . A ll a r e in v te d o a t te n ~, q On Easter1Dayhthe Sacrament.o!T5UJOHNS, - cT # pe2' ctpy (-Unir -h. On'Sunday eveiiig, April 'o . f' April .4 srie ilbeucerteVh oyCommunion *Ill be ad- fllhllT I lA fhIlfl ai ! ~ ost. Anrè,w's Men. îitee au. t rni -[cD~~ropvefi4 , ihot watier i è'Oae and 7 p.m., in *order Vo give every 7 TUE UNITED 'iURCII communicant anopportunity o! arec fxeët, iiian D e wi e lebrated IiiVteémeeting at the Table of the Lord on FORIIW 0.12'tad Ù i edCh urch bth moriig and thiz entral festivalK O SHSL N cfteCuc'q6J -~'B~ 5~ ----------- year. At il a.m. and 7 p.m. there o« gaien land. epl-1-. W'iU be speclal music and sermon.Tlal re hleg McGillivray, wbft1iý à,ê1' À tio i ae The Beaver Boys' Bible Clams yul phone 724 meet at 2 -p.m. The Sunday ScUcol FOInNTTO TrappinAPIJg7~AtC for service at 3 p.m., aV which VUe Cs -n our rooms a',ndac Ixosae o f uoSbCldkrftVX ii - aod'other Bible Classes will unhe Lenten off erlngs to support abo rooms. Apply Algoma Tourist 1 eudingtTiIyvlal lcs U at tUe Indian Schools will bc- pre- Belleville,* April 12.-Interested Home, Dundas street east. prOpert4 of' Mrs.j . Wais, 800, sented. agmn rs nacg gis Centre . street south, WUlitby., 1 aruetaros cs gantFOR RENT-FARM O AB e69 Everythftg -wlll b G&d.'4wiVouVt e-t Holy Week Services wilîl be hield KeiVU Garbtt, 7Thurlow township, acres. Convenieiltly located In OsU- serve. OwiTig - t the large amouuit c o i r ion Wednesday ttc-day) in tUe Sun- charged with rapping wlthout a awa with clVy water supply. Ample -fo be offered the sale wiii start at Ofda StoelHal at8:1 p.., hen lcne nBleilecutyse-buildings. Immed'ate -possession. 12).30 o'clock. D.S.T. Ternis, cash. Ã"t the Hgf~est U8hty the course o! addresses on the life day. ApyV-Cnn niBri-C .TienhCek ila Alway in Sock.CUarles Payne, defense counsel, A tel- &s.,&Oshava. a. SATuVieaer Wlla Awy $tk. andI work of Dr. Jonathan Goforth tontended that the Game and Fish- es&.,Ohw.M ,Autoer wilI be completeC. On TUursdaycisAtemitdafrerV go tUe -nîtght o! the institution o! h esAtUe tap w.Uo t îense on lis o QUIK ER VICElSpeHyCmuintiable lan-iGrucllmedn here __ _ __ _ __ _ __ çq. pembr fRidi.an- ample eT)poltunity te conte and gW A mtuer' ervif -adio au- dnring the service. when the 1-ymns uarant e (f! Satýsfactio l. are eng sui h s Ge o d on frthaw observance la eoeo e U lîious hIfe o! tUe tovin. -IV is to be hoped that a large number wyul take ad-antage e! this -service. TUe cari- tata. "The Daî'kest Heur." by Har- MARCONI RADIOS oIt Moore, will be sung at 8 e'clock. BÉOCK ST. SOUTH EASTER AT ALL SAINTS' PHONE 470 On Easter Day at All Saints' there will be a celebration o! VUthhe i' Doit' t. Vastc the Summer Months! Begin Your 1937 1937I 1935 Busnes ranig ow PYM-OUTHI PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER DELXORN ORN SEDAN New Term commencing1 \ý TOURING SEDAN DELXTORN TURG SEDAN 19336 TUE .SDAY, APRIL 19 Graduate when positions are more plentiful and avoid the sunilTer overflow of position seekers. *STENOGRAPHIC * SECRETARIAL *COMPLETE OFFICE TRAINING *DICTAPHONE e COMPTOMETER ALL NEW OSII 'ýSINESS 51 SIMCOE ST. S. EQUIPMF.NT IAWA COLLEGE PHONE 1919J I -DODGE COUPE PLYMOUTHI STANDARD COACH A Lovely Car CHRYSLER 65 SEDIAN FORD V»B DE LUXE COACH Like New COACH LaSALLE SEDAN PLYMOUTH DE LUXE SEDAN 1931 BU ICK SEýAN in good condition- Comnpare our prices. 1__________________________ WHITB.Y MOTORS LIMITED j 'r ,,q%% - DUNDAS ST. EAST IVERNMENT GRADE YOUNG " r 6 to 10 lh. Il iýcSMOKED 'ICIESSHANKLESS SMOKED 'I!NuI! ~ BONELESS ýT BONELESS L'CON Smoked, lié EGG$DIU:noz. 24C ýI1ORTENING ýRAPENUTS: L&P CORNC SPAGHETTI CC M1ACARONIC RADOIES CHý FLAKES2 uice Golden Dantam 3i ATFLLI'S OOKED 'TELLl'S3 COOKED Pkgs. 19 c Tins23C# Bars6c 25 oz c ins *25' TIN ' Au&AI Nature's liest - Strawberry and 32-oz. R!a'Spberry- (Added Pectin end Color) Jar P mSANTA CLARA 4-lb.9 UNE70-80es Bacg WITH 6-os. FRENCN'S MUSTARD SPOON. 2 Jars GRANGE JUICE SWEETENED 2 TINS CHATEAU ~ PAIN OLD CH HEESE 'PMIT FANCY LOBSTER PINK SALMON PEACHES JELLY EGGS EASTER EGGS FRUIT COCKTAIL SCOTIA SOME STRIKE FANCY )UNTRY KIST CHOCOLATE, 5c 170 23C Pkg. 1 lb. 22' 125 290 TIN i 16-os ifl TIN 10 lO-oz. gl FKG. 10 NRTON 10 lc OP'12 I LARGE CARTON b. 29~ Ibo 22C. Ibo 29c' Ibo 36c Doz.* 25t K PURT FLOUR 1,2 , b . 1 7 C A 3 l c J3A 98C.1, MAGIC BAKLNG PQWDER r4â ic 4 TI14c TN 4-, SALMON' TIN 3 [ TIN 17cf AYLMER IN oz.23 OLD ENCLISH WAX PASTETIlq550Io T 2N & N0 R uB pýs i A A&P COFFEE > The Largest Selling Coff ee in the World 1 EIGHT ~~w~a' MELLOW ib 4 MD CERflCLE Fu oded> lb. 20c 24-Oz.1 -Loaves 7 inalced, 2iQ fO P. OTNA UNCES 2fo MOE T - sop jy î-etn iRE ER POWDERS ANR I~KSlScBDREAD Sliced andU lF.&ND Pl( APPLES BLW CAMPBELUS 'CARROTS B CUCUMBERS soup -ORAN GES CAL. N. 2~-25' - rapefruitSE OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFI( M --------------------------------------------------------------- ~- -~-~ I. loi m-,-" r- PHONE 647 M., m m m i ,SECOND GRADE ÃœCKEY 1 CKED 'INS ARGE ýXDLESS souTit WHITBYI 1 lm

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