Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 6

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THE WHITBY c~ .1 BE HANýý by Phyllis Moore GaiJaghr %NIIAT lIAS GONE BFR Gloiria Lee had gone home troin fier')York only. to learn that her fi te,çIabel, hadi suddenly Ieft fotr 1vasiingtoir, where Brother Tomîuy mas to participatie in a hjOxlDK bout. .Rotdney Cailmari, uloiials fiance, .was aiso In Wash- ýn- ig d Gloria knew that Isa- hel mouild aa seek by her siren M;ay VI'to wln Eodney. Tommy wa- -hvinig %wth r aunt and had .jusýt met the bnardlng-house peo-, pie when i dathed Isabel.. A few mniuýps.atpr he saw by a nlewipaperi that Marcella *and her B «bnç aron von Drefuss, aIso wepre iilu Washlngtotn. Isabel telp, phones to Rodney awd makes ai- irO.ngem!.nts to attend th1e f'Zht CHAPTER X Tomm4Y LEE2 climbati-through. 0%~i~r opes ;anti facaci the Ihrong thit filiciý the Arena. Hie waved in resFponse ta the recognition of the fans, cras5seti tire.ring ta shaki, anawh Gant Walawitz, fis silk tbtsin gon fapping aboui, ht9 lon-- legs. Andi then, as hertr- ti tao his corner, lie glanced aI thic i'ne id anrhhls heart jerkrd cra-.7fly within hlmn. FborI ' was týii ce on that first mv I'hel with flodnat- Cal-1man, imncitaticir îLat, làns andi Mar- cella, Marceli! A p. ti tic'ally Ilbii Man-clla W.th a sect little stuiulc 1n bar lipIand ina"dy lih: - irker-.Sha wl-sinking ;i tihlmi. ilnv.izg lim.-tllînm lim iit ila :igewretchc'd look thit ýhC upu -atwquted t'-t caine tî-nicgJt! That nl+h, han know-n il aitfan 1, ÏiMI ibe pan H n hclarg'ela Tomdon't .-and there 11k-' yau'e kaka i Tlifi P3a figjlt! linamita t i'Andi lia lid a wm-]u ht-01î'aTnmvmî rer a icilmanj Tou uv st"umd tri ru-- riî'i'î'. it Ii" h'i; tlic <"'r llrti a - ite t lieh tutu'Mjicni f - and - thai; 'k an iî , -5r'r ' a cs tL1' - ix er n d-w.dodu- lilterinz. as if f f:i' 01 ()r tt1nr- vtdii 1-1t1rtu i Gil' n t. 'o rWd-tuîad ii'atan G i 1V La theous - J" . m :n- iicd t,' 1-itr. lxlha! ic ithTam no - s ii' fic co l -" 'hiî-ix F lue i-i In"'î r' if, îi b i-l. oîî' k die ta f iii I-J u' i t int a- l~iu liifonîî,i Vitin" <- tir..' ness andi sweetness andti msery of bis love swept over hlm. Between rounds when kils achîng eyes moved irreslstlbly Wo the ring- aide, as If a magnet hati drawn them there, 11e coulti see Isabel cllnglng, ta Rodnley and bis heart writhed withnlni.Ntle watcheti Rodneys han-i close aver Isabel ' s anti hfs eyjes movingr across her face, warm and clark 'and secret. So t-bis was why' LIsabel had corne ta Washington! Re wondered where Gloria was ta- night - anti Peter - andi wbat life helti for them ail. His thoughts -were swif t anti crushing and weak- ening. Tony- saiti now: 'You'll be Oil right, kid. Just keep away froni Giant. Don't mix it up none. 'You ain't exactly right tonight." Knocked Down After that Tommy fought en- tirely an the ciefensive. The courseC af wLzsiom-wa.5 ta t-,ke a coun t; te rest, that lie -might galber hiruself nentally and phyrslecally. And so, in the ninth, when Glant knocked him off his feet for the first lime 11e sprawled there on the rosin, breath- ï ng bard, fighting the impulse to rise f rom tbis fail andi charge laIe th1e man who had perpetratet iIt. Samnetbing almost like a cry rose within hlm. Hie wanted Mp.rcella to sec lu hlm the gresîtness that had macle hlm, so popular, not the <lefeat which openeti toe portais of oblivion. He coulti feel thousantis af eyes, colti facets, on his body. He, coulti feel Marcella's stricken gaze. Anti yet, he coulti do nothing. At the count of eight 1e Was lip. The balance of the round 11e fougbt ini a sort af dazr, feeling that thf: knackdown hati inspireti Giant, hati given hlm confidence. 111 the tentlî Giant nt berserk. At the saunti ai the bell he wvas out ta the centeîr of the rng with PSts flying. T hey poundeti at Tommy's cars wlth a thunderoue l'oar. Light and black spots flasheti befora bis eyes. His kuces trembleti uinder hlmi anti the bix-ounre glaveA Scructi ta waý7igh pauntis upon Vlindarlac. fis arma refusedti t mlainitain the loati; ]is breath 'cameý flu gasps aund tare aI b.is branchial tuibe:-. Andi then he heard Mar- igh a fboya ail thr -othier.s: 'Tanr FhtTonnîv.,-oî>, Tommy!", But lie coulint fight. Under Giant.' biaiss lie reeleti into tem- îîarary ablivian. He, didn't kuon' UI util BaItelnaii siaiti: "t's a il rîght, xomr luît thtsS]."Anti thmn l3atcmn salin. wlien Tommy seemne- ta bce bracing bimsýelf for another utuxid. "Easy theî-e, laa. Its ,ail over. -Lpt's get the bail Out af heme." Tommy waSn 'I, hurt much. He was s,,tiiinedi and bruised and e.- haucteti. Asý Ton ' gave hlmii a rub- * clown. lie sali: I cau't understanti il. Last week 'Ou were wild wr îae.An' thiex tanight yau foldeti iru, e--ike. Like ane af theni tlivra chairs lin the Aena." Fiîî:ihv Tn-i;'fait botter. He Ipf te Areusaucn' eut directlv ta -Ait Clara's. He draove quickix-, sick with misij-y' anti shame. bis cyes glazcc!. Wb-in lie pulleti Up at thle front door, lie imuntiMarcella atin- there in fic .-sadow,,. Sghf si abbing andtiebr lbauds were i twstin nevousyil front of lier, toiga sînail lace bandlrercblef halino slhreds. Suei put lier arms about hlmii, k-iýsed i hm repcatedîy.. on bts liipý andillts bruiseti cheek- -li aUd ch flaming iaIaf i bs hair. 'Tommiiy' Taniims!" sue ýa 'd bc- tw-a 'bs. "i nsa sarrY, lFI! neyer -forgzlive mTIISeI." *Consolationi Tomx', ig 'Il roiig amis drcw he-caIle lieiti lier while she ýSu-benl aIgajIn-î 111; breast. lHe saiti: "DuIînv wluat kinti ai silly talk ni.îw-i ia'i fn- îîe m~n Aid holding lier ilxibis armns like - rn:n s a -- -Anlui V-inwa aluionst as if lier marriage -i. - t -e-nu~ r -i n ai'n ~lv'i las-]- --ei; almostal as if 1% 1" I 'îi~ 1 ( , o v--rr' tSsum -n-ri tere was the r"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~o In i-i -- o<-juu 'l-aithie lake itthelr v ~rn i - ~- ~ - v w---- fet ini a whîite roan riding 11gb -C; - n y - - ~ -iîir askv aver thir heads. I î~u -r çn-' i i'twant o Anti il nearix' kil;- 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c iiiit - : --. V n r' ,ne ijg you take thiose blow ; . - h n . *~ t Oe oh culdulfiglit becaus -n i-u' - ~ - ~ I î ý1tici-. XVbeîî you lookect or :vstw *' vo5i t auchan 'ge --riglît them, - I ~'-'t, i~in front of ] i uî - ve - - I s nn- h V f -f -- -:. ui -0 O nt ai -s-ou.'.- ý C 'Oiîvputlit]iS lips tolaite sbîlnm 11- --- r h -ci "Doi't blaire vaux-self. -,, 1I : hîilnMi a e s c etv Tjuzî - in - r' 'îî1: i-nus nce Mxîw-ile a iighter -ý1 Oaciliaxwuxe andciil daca hilmgooti. t '----------- v ~ TB- le\cýt tililies a betteî' mall r' ' tî-'-s v us m ~j -mn1 bell-:-glîtCm- foi- il. Ycu nait I - - - -' - - 'ni 'cunxn' I1k noci', Ille' ne\t gux' Coît!" And 1ýt lu 1 Ï iC a ck0,luhj1d 't liav o e lir i (1r > 'l IL,-lien.výu Ia. ýiî hem- theire close, lier es-es orn h--tt acoul: ~J lr~ ler- sait ittie arms about lhx, Ïn tiihlm î0li. sindrs - brlv o l Feeling hrlv o h -mus ---"iron cauin lieu- evers- ss-rd ahdt look. -An-lin pue -' -NMi'ceIitlea aeti back n'al t~i- hie doar. Sue saiti Softiy: '- EX aku ad b t lacame. Tommv. I hadt taknow (Ecp ~ bis oy ii-Jexi 1ý i'1-au wrealx-gbl. 1would bava îhîî ~ - 011amin'adi if I hatin't came-If 1 $A4vJts.......inmu1 lonc. fo)r lia dn-L touclueti rau-if I hadn't seën CImida'gnp Cq (Xndnit -o1h- i l m[nv-ow'n aves hliat youh-e noz nu~aes u. Iun. Isa bel and R oti au-iHans Saturday anui"s'- toc. How %eIl-et tla san1i iglil club on Con- 2' wams tiiikîin,, -Ilecticuîlt Avcenue. I tld tlîem I haci about 1alucadaclie. Tiat 1Ia going back ta e th itsof er:-s t th e otel."wa We ak 1last Sum- Anti then lier voice caugbtînlu e- -dation of the maî¶aw. aii, flîroat. fer ey-cs widened iîh har- d mn<i iOr ai-id llie back ai anc hianti lew - onthe i ck- For, oser 'Toimmy's shoultier, she riewBrok Theatre. could M e EziS.ans standing there On the StePa, ta!! and dark anà lbert*.bZ, eyeing them wlth a ,gittrint Placidity. Te Be , Vothmned OOPyrêht Ledger Syndicate AXE TO FUMUHTuw WOILVEs HaMiurton, .AprIl 12.-While on lier way týo iho>1 in Haliburton set- tiement, 10,'miles fIroni here, Fr1- dsy, Maryý We&sell,- , -came upon a Pack, Of aniMals whlch 811e thought Wère dogs. When one approached and began growling -ske becanie frightened and screamed. Mhe animais then began flghtIng among themnselves and the child took the opportunity ta escape.: Tom Walling, a Wood-cutter worlclng nearby, bearing the screan'is andi seeing the animnais were wolves, frightened them off by brandlshing his axe. -:IX OtLOCK HOMET, THETMME GOE5 BY 'TEPRIBLE FA5T WH-ENM YOLJRE ASLEEP_ ~ IW -r -roi eLEE-P. rr SEEMS Li KE ýTEN MII MUTES AGO -..rTT5 'TOMORROw MORNIN' :*ALREADy nM 5Q ~OORE -ri4ENICE LITTLE GIRLrH1-A-r's BEEN 15INGING ME FLOWERS EVERZY DA'4..1 BELIEVE TrHEY DID ME MORE GO1D-THAM ALL'THE fOCTOIQ'S MEDICINE- 1 DoN!T KNOW .. .... 140W TrO THAW.K YOU ANID ALL-THE L0-HElR LI-T -LE BOYS AND GIRL5- I. WEDNFJ$rYAY, APRIL 13, 1938 2,406 Workers IzývlloIved wn Strilces and' Lock- outs, Ottawa, April 12.-There were 16 strilces and locl&uts ln Canada dur-, kng March, involving 2,406 warkers,- andi resulting kn time loss of 10,134 working days,, compared wlth il disputes ik February, lnvolving 1,664 workers. with time loss of 4,456 days. the Pederal Department -of Labor reporteci ye.5terdoy. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY wa.s due to a stri.ke of cotton tac- 4ziriAwooers at Cornwall, Ont., aWl a d1*pute irvolving textile factory wi*rikes at Woodstoclc, Ont., the *epartment said. Nmo. !the disputes ln lèebruary had caused mueh L'me losa except that 1volvng 1,200 coal qrîvers and handera at Toonto, for a day and a-.half. In March,, 1937,, there were 21 disputes, lnvolving 5,826 workers, wth time loassof 34,345 days. O! the 16 disputes recorded ln March, 1938, 12 were recorde as terminateti durng the mnonth, five resultlng in, favor of the employeris concerned, one ln favor of the workers involvet, whe compromise settiements were reached in four cases and the results of two dis- Putes were' recordeti as indefinite. Four disputes, Involving approxi- mately 80 workers, were recordie jas unterminateti at the ci of the Navigation Held Up In, Welland ,Canal St. Catharinýp,, April. 12.-Navi- gation ln the Welland Shlp Canal, open but a few hours, was halteci Monclay afternoon ' when a strong southwest wknd caused worknien to suspend until today any attenipt t'O mnove the huge lock-gate lifter ta the auter harbar. The lifter is blockifigýD the leve! betwcen lacks one andi two, andi shlpplng in" the canal bas beeîî forcedti t tic Up overniglit. The lifter had been brought into the level fro-rn drydock when the gaie- like wlnds interfereti with the job. The Imperîal 011 Ca. tankers, Wîndsorlitc, localite andi Royalite, first ships ta enter the canal, ticwn- bounti from Port Coiborne for Ta- ronto anti Kingston ports, are ticti up iii the lower lacks, while the tanker Plattsburg Socony bound from Oswego, is moored I Port Weller harbor. The Matthewson, of the Colonial> Steanship'Line, anùc( he -New York, News, of the Quebec and Ontario' Transportation Oompany, loaded -with newsprlnt, cleareti fromf their wlnter berths at Thorold early yes- tertlay, bound -for Chicago. Four other ships that have wlntered at Thorold wlll clear for' Chicago> within the next few'days. Sh ipping. on a large scale in the canal is flot expected until after April 15, when regular insurance rates become effective. WOMEN PREDOMINATE It Is, said that 54 per cent of Ber- Ih:Vs Population are women. Th-is makes this city the rnost ferninine -Îl iii nubers onlY-among German c*tics. Ab-out haif of Berl*ln's popu- latio BranmarrieW' . GEE, ZERO...1 GLJE55 YCU AM' ME IS -rERPIEaLF LUCKY TOEEArLIVE! WHEW rWATrEAM OP R<JMAWAY> MO4RSES LEEMAED 1ÏO BE 'JST EADY rO JLIMPOMI U5 '/E5TEPDAY WH-ILE WE WA5 WATCHIM 'TWE- ,_I SP ARADE- CHIÈPREN AND TRAFFIC Safetý education in the schoIs really e\ucate.s the olidren and~ sav'es thek lives, a-nalysis of traffie accident,-sý records ishow. Promn 1926 to 19Z child deatlis in trafflc de&reaSed itper cent., whfle deaths, of adùults intrea.d 91 per cent., !The great4ýt gains have been- wlth grammaý school cblidren,,the bureau of pubt roads fincis. These are the chîldýen lnfluenced by teaching ini 'jhe schbcqs. The bureau fintis th# lgh schools fleed training cour for drivrera ta carry on the at Idea with the, ycung People Ïbout to, begla driving. Pre-,schcýî chilâren as a group have flot ýeen conslstently andi effectively traýied to keep Off the streets, and theýresuIt is a 11gh death rate for thatý'age. HEE115 AVERY 5ICK )MAN - SBUT THE DOC.MRS 5AY HE WILL1RECOVR ýTHE 15RAvE LITTLE CLOWMd DROVE 1415 FJMY LiTrTLE MULLE -T H E RLIMAWAY TE A M -A M 5AVED CdR LIVE5 . B UT 1HE wA! HUR1AWpFL 1AD - E'> ~ AM'MOWM-I ~~f~'~fluSITL IALWAY5 -TMOUGHTCLOWN,5 LOOKED FilJmmAN' MADE FOLKS LAUJGF4 - BUT MOT WHEN A «RLNAWAY TEAM OF I.OIRSF- GE.T ALL BRUlSED AV' THEY LO<AWFUL_ S5AD -ALUS J5K105 U5T CRIED 'THEV'RE FMR -HE POOR Li-TTLE CLOWM VHAT WAS HURT '-ES-tERDAY IM'HE C'RcuS PARADE- 15 HE-.ISH 4 ORAt4I...GEÇ, MEAIMrr j LOOI WHAT couLtDI YCLW1~ 1 HAVE FOR TAKE 5ME T14EIE WA5 i YOU,AN~MIE.-. FLOWEÇRS1D L0T5 OF us ONEOFIUW YouR K1osIN 114AT N tEW CLOWN' CIDE4T50 'PENCIL5 USSNf SCLOWN GLORY05KY! l5v'r «THE EARLY IILL BF-TCMÀ -rmE POOR CLOWN WILL BE MORNIIM'GRAýJID? EVEQYTHIMG GLAD WHEN HE SEES WHATA 131G IBUNCH OF 5MELL5 50 CLEAM AM'SLEEPY- VIOLET5 1 GOY- WITH ALLTHE Kibri IN MWN 'THE: WAV i HE BiRD5 ARE PICKIM'FLOWERIS FoR -THA;r NICE CLOWP4,YW 5AYIM'%'CHEF-P, CHEEP' 56- GOTTA GET UP EAIZLV- MR. MAQTIM SEZTUE SOFTLY yoti KiM -TELL-THEY EARLY K 10 (10 MU5T STILL FEEL KIPDA DROWSY, HE 5AwME l UT 1IWA5nT SNEAKIM'-... WA UU5T WALKI N' I. 1TACHERz IS âWScLL-'-arr -TH BUT I AINT A FLOWERS T,Ai HRSPT!~ YOLd KNOWSUMJDAY WHEM ALL5 KIDS WA5 WATCIM'THE CIRCLIS PAPAOE -AM' -rWI-EAM OF HOFSE5 PAN AWAY/-A LITTLE CIRCU5 CLOWN DROVE IN PRc*4ToF -THE WII.D HOR5E5 - AN GOT 14URr SAVING US KIDS - HE'5 SICK 1 NTHE NHO5PITAL...7'JoepÀOWERs J PAGE SIX "I Cc ;on, April ig f lsh fIr -iery, f ive of tac Lake Onti - Ilions -Of 4ing SpaWU ust il, the f thrite an. inch t;1andi 2retey' GEE, IAIKYTG-OT MO CARD- 'UCItG',?OHMo. BUT I'LL WRITE MY NAME. 4ME WA6ST MT'IMG ON A PlIECE CFP PAPE R - WM-EN HE-SAID HE M E'S ONLY Zf0KIMG 'BOUT < -Wl SHED -ro~ j T14A?4Kmi4-ME -YOU 1<NOW CLOWN515 ALWAY.5 TELLIM' crson 1- a±tcherý J,-1adtit ained froi -he hatchg ýr, hilii D-usen-r AI] Storn-. Pl of thie ýpa' of -the 37. 'Div'ided the Gleni lrechee t-. tof oh stasitie f, tmie mepaw ly ,zix -n 1u a chiÏr I - Ir, l HE W-HITBY, C WEDNEZAY, ýý-PRIL 13,1938 . -W. si

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