Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 7

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MHE -W-ITBY GAZETTE E,WDNFSDAY, APRIL 13, 1938 MIW -__ wOF wIM- > YIiSl!iI IU~I~U%~ KF1ADT IFUR ARLtiEI IWAuL W. 1J. HARE, B.A. Bs)> Whitefi" stributed Ac.quit Toronto Man Barriéter, 8OUcltOr 3Mq47 hFoni <W ors Hatchery 0f Negmme iccCharge 0 -Trat, Pickerel anti T0e»ffl ;1PWI'it Brockvîllè, April 12.-AndrewgWUil!11 Herrng LNext liard Gray, member of the Ontaio R. DONALD RUD0Y - ......Government 'Motion p.ctul*rau BrrWt SOlloltor, >N" ?IWI Pkcton, Aprg 11l.-Pirat woi'k Of staff, Toronto, was acquitt44 c r, M0*q~uÉ s.b Our . bW àin%.ery rl-aclug f ish fty f rouithe iewenra criminai negligence charge here 0bey t ta . bi lfatchery, five îie outheu3t Saturday by Judge M. B. Tudilope. Mu~t Of Pîcot.ol. was istarted tbis weekv. Under Tecag rs u of the deu.t4ih %U 880 WNt3 maiT-eQI carg1Ste ro! tule direction-of Joi» Barrarman-01ld&Vel SWtltI o NAbu? i M ;uger of t.he Hîatchery,ý whitellsh Ont., ucrneculn a. collisioni on the UIv&~9 Ç~8' wecre placed ln the- Bay 01 Quinte highwway near tliis city.ý atoe.SUo oe iid Lake Ortarlo early ln the we.- _______ lierring -spawri are developlflg in te lailk.s andci 'xs of the! hatckiet1Y. NTAIO lilUW l rgin the province. These will, N.'W."e.STA , OmL leÈSrbtd latr nthe spriing. IIK.U L L'AQN. . *;iced state of ITImL LiJO "e clevlopi ~ Ue iriybrofl fIsUFIrst clase work at. nso40!. prices, var3ý from thrc-qüarteis of an inch SiX Major Fîres BoSt CPEE ERIES- o an inch andi three-quarters i __Total_____for____________ ICeu4t1, and are iricarig the stage Toa frFrs GROVESIDE C M TR where tley will be giveri their firstQuarter W. IL JÃ"NESi Sexton food. Since being piact!d ln thePhn20 Ms <u Otoer tU tou hve Six large f ires sharply increasèd Brooklin Ontario ÙZad absolutely »othlig in -the way ______________ of focd »eyond the! sustenfaince which Ontario f ire loss during the flrst the, egg obtains (ron the luke-warm quarter of the cUrrent- year, accord- UNDERTAKING water coutiuually "wasi4lug over the ing bto te report of the Ontario Fire W. C. TOWN spawil. Marshal W. J. Scott. An iltresiing feature of the f ish- There was a decrease ln the num- Funei Director and EmbaInivr iatchlng at Glenora Is that Prince ber of f ires o! 352, eompart!d with- Ambulance Service Ettward Ooity farmners aid lu pro- the same quarte,. of 1936, but tôtal, Phone 119 Whltby euriitg the spawn each year. AnY lo.ss wa.s higher Dy $206,171 and the! person may brlng f laU spawfl to thet! nsured losa was higher by $261,1011. Marlow & Strowger hiatclhery in the (ail, it was POlft Loss not covered by irisurance wa$ FUNERAL SERVICE out. Thue pawnu ib placed in a glass $408,808 compared wîth $463,738 the AMBULANCE Jar. and Iabelled withl the f armer's previous year. namè &o that he cai' be properlY The f ires whlch accourited for Phone 738 Brock St. South rein*ursed ln the .spririg when tUe the lucrease were: A .R BN O f liii hatob. Loretto School, Welland, $222,592, A .R BN O La addition to'tUe fisll-epaWfl nolb- smoking. inv.estlgated. Funeral Directer and Furnlture I&ied fromi suchi outside -sources, Thunder 'Bay Northeru Engi-1 - Dealer tlie Jatr.hery stiff under Mr. Bar- npering. Fort William, ffeM Ambulance Service rartnicludlug a tUe pressent limne prâbably overheatt!d smoke pipe,.-phone No. 24Ocyi Bokin n William Keiuiedy, Milton Van- investigated.1 rklnOt llsen, Alfred Snildr and Arthur Sam Bucovetsky stofé, Timmis, PLUMBING & HEATING -Storms. procures the greater part $247,119, unlçnown. investigated. _______________ of the a ; u eet lu the (aIl Jarvis St. Baptist churcli, To- f t7 ronto, $200.000. wiring, investi- G OtEH M R '>Wddi nto three main sections, gated. Tinsmithiflg, JlIumbiflg and Reating eli Glenlora Hatchery resembles a Dunlop Tire, Ottwa, $67,719, Furnaces and -Air Condltionlflg agiclie factory i la uxe RealBuldng Otaa,$6,46, General Sheet Metal W9Ir couiiulntitg shallow traps ie RglB*dîg.Otw,$346 Plans Drawn. U ýti o!I lirsection.!. The tîxird is smoking, investlgated. BROCK ST. N VHTBir ea -ýil f or slelves containing huni- Criminal cazes under the review TELEPHONE 963 tirýlds of larR*e glass Jars iu wIiic h f the Fire M ar ,hall are three of EîùYpwnc veOP$. TI r gi areJ~ orby everyci- *il icmethOdan4 pamprecl foir near- * v Alx molUsé, he .ý!awnlla ,placeci *in - byn~u pr-paratory to beiug freed lu the i îl ciilvlywaten of lake Ontario ndtlUe B ;' of Quinte. f raud, three, negligence, one and- Tinie Wàsted other fire crimes!, one. There were1Layoth us -,I te 10convictIons and two acquit4als. L9d o!teIus - "l tU Irùree cases are pendi.ng. ie, lime it takes me to teil yoU what1 Five children, six women and four t0 do i could easily do it myseif." mien losItthe:r lives through fire in Jobbing Gardener - "Yesmr. An' the first quarter and a total of 58 in the lime it talces mie 10 listen. were Injured. 50 could 1V" C.. *& ~U~¶~gjQ TAXIS rCerd. Taxi Service DON4. J. -BRYANT Phone 364 1Twe Heated Sedau~ for Dayanti Nigbt Service MEDIC AL DR. R. T. MacLAREN Physielan and surgeon Residence and Office Corner Mary and Brock Mîs-, Whitby PHONE -581 DR. FREDEIRICK A. CUDDY PHYSICIAN Corner Byron and Coîborne Sts. PHONE 712 CHIROPRACTIC Di L STECKLEY Drugless Practitioner Ut Ilw %anduu ilktri. L L fife fiee, treats ln manual therapy by CiUROPRACT1C. Foot corrections made, Posture, exerclse and diet, given attention. PHYSIC and ELECTROTHERAPY; Radionic.s used lu diagnosing. For treating radionics short wave and ultra violet. Consultation is free. Free i6 WHITBY, PHONE 647. "TUme Unite (rien( Rev. TbU up to twelve years, 4 tu 6 Tuesday H-cr and Saturday. Office, 146 Slmcoe Unde Street North, Oshawa, phone 224. beaut then erel ~<Conrnue fr~i ?og -1' f otheuasak e U b~el James Mowat WiliamcLw ler George Brown and Morley* Moore were insile at the lime and were fortuiiate to escape froni the burri- ing cellar with their lives. The first three were severely burned and were ru.shed to Dr. Macbaren, and later to the Oshawa Ornerai Hospital. A large crowd hiad rapidly col- lectedc arcurid the hou.se and marxy were staIId!Ing on1tl:s lawvn when the flames flared Up again half an hour later. The crov;d ruslied back but the explosion. which was the mîld- est of the three ivas soon urider cou- trol. as the hose was played iute the celar. 011 Drum Removed It was founid necessar;, af ter the oil drum, had bcec removed (rom the cellar, 10 rope off the bouse andi a guard was posted over il. for the nignt while the Brigade rec.oubled their ef forts to remove the deadly mixture f roui the cellar by mneans ofpum-ping. o! Confined te Cellar TUhe (lamcs vwere confined te the cellar, although , îne damiage was clou-e lu the kitchen. About eight. Sociock as firemen were loading the ,hose on the trucks~ sinoke waà ob- served comijng f romn a windoW iu the diin rezProni. Firéinen brought chemicaLk. andI ext.uîguished the blaze, and a cornplete inspection o! the heuse was madle. Mr. and Mn-. Holemali le! t the - house for the nulht on tUe kiuiç!n- vitation ocf neighbor,- Driver Net Awarc It was learnied tUaitUe truck fdriver was not --aware o! tUs mis- take wlcli had apparently beefl madle bel ore hU took the truck until after delivery oethte gasolin.e Uad been,rnatlf. Su.'spiciDU.s because o! tUe edor, Mis. Holeinan, while pay - ing the driver ci1lled his attention 10 it, also 10 the f act that the tank inL-lUe cellar, waz overflowiug. Il was just as the driver offereci Vo investigate that tUe tirst explosioni occurred. Itîcidelitally it nîay be noted that the three firemnel are the first 10. -be iujured since the council took out insuraude last year on ah mlembcrisI o! the Fire Company. LASllT TRIIITQ k 1. s MOTORS LIMITED. DUNDÂS ST. EIÀýT ere will ba a service in tUe Churcli, Teachers and Officers of A message of comfort andi cheer. Led ChurcU at four for his Ai Salnts' Churcli Sunday School, (rom the pages o! tUe Bibis was id Jack, and our friend,' said Ali Saints' Choir,! Lee Tow, James brought 10 the sorrowing relatives. .Mr. Adye., Seto, and many others. Two appropriate hymns were sung -e pallbearers were Cyril Hearci, The linge. auditorium o! tUe and the funeral march was played Carlaw, EtI. Cormack, Jack United Churcli was filled to tUe by Mrs. Vernon Rowe. A large, rd, Warren Mowvat and Claude doors for the funeral service ,o number attended tUe interment ser- ýrwood. There were mnîay i i vice iu Union cemetery. itiful floral tribute.5, amoiugP Jack Hutchison. Citizens l al The palbearers were Duncan B. n the foliewing: Staff o! Dev- walks o! hife and o! every religioua cnye rc SussRs n 1 Moors Inermùat Hokeyfailli were present. Rev. -Russe"l Roy rei, Bre SturgeadARousan- MotrsIntrmeiat Hok9yOBrien, te minister, presideci,RoIrireLngndARu- and s5upporters; The Junior i i uabiffnrladesp seau. cey Club, Whitby Softbaîl Lea- triuteao Ue ec easeddfr us There were many beautiful floral .Anglicani Softbali Team, WUiit- tloveo peyd0e e eautr iultributes -froinreligîous, fraternal, Public Utility Commrýiss-ion iof lovd simpe thing'of thefe. hifond-educational and teacUers' organiza- Town of Whitby, Lakeýsliore ness of anîd regard for 11111e cliil- lions, schools, chirches, civic boches aClub, Whitby Bac Civil dreni and his great love o! home. and froin a host of private friencis vice Association. Ontario Ladies- TUSse things which maikeci tUe -and sympathizers, ail bearing- testi- lege, Par.i-h Guild o! Ali Saints' short îf e of the deceased dld not mni ofly deep sympathy and kIinci- Irch, A.Y.P.A. of AUl Saiut-5' die but lived ou, the minister said. est regards for tUe deceased. WHITBYI Skiing 's jEnjoyed On l'eterboro, Trails Peterbora, Api1 2.-HiM inlu lis district were dotted wltU girls and boys Supday afternoon taking ad- vantage'of tUe hast (ail of snow for a day's skling. 7%e four luches of wet sznow macle icleal skiing on fast Ulla andl was suf!iàciýently deep Vo cushion any (ails. A warm suni turned the streets Int stretches of slush but in the f ieldis and on the hills the snow was stili intact andi the skiers took full advýntage o! il. On Armour vHilI lu Ashburuuham veteran akiers report the going was Partcula!lyr good owing 10 tUe extreme Steep- ness of tUesloPes. l'A MEATHBEEPER uNuPjndol u.n ectawaWestiumghouàse Advsutage! 19 38 Refrigerators-exciusive with Westinghouse ;This covered, ventilated, porc~ lain mecat comparîrnent reaily keeps neatJresh! Retains the natural juices and mnoi~ tuf el Preserves the fuil flavor and'appetîzing goodness of steaks, chops, roasts, et~ K eeprsy our meat at the correct temp eraue.-just a few degrees above freezing much colder than is desirable in the general food-crprret The Meat-Keeper is j st one of the sensational advancements Westinghouse aLdds to - refrigeration for the orne this yeï.. Corne ini and see the new glass.îopped Hurni.. drawer for hurnidity-storage of fruits, vegetabIes and salads, the beautiful new heat- proof Thcrmoware disiies for left-overs; tghe biggré-rste tor-Dor with more space for frequently used items--the improveci Sapallo>' bigh-speed Froster wiitli new Ejecto- cube Instant-Release lce.rays. Corne in! We have a Westinghouse model in opexatioziz the Meat-Keeper fuit>' stocked with fresh rnea-aL whole week's suppi>' at a saving in price. 'Continued f roui Page 1) midst o! their ir reparable loss, Se- cure in the love andi faith of -th Afler the siuging of -Abiçie WIth tUcre was one final gesture which deeply moved tiie beartz of Maiiy. PHONE 738 S AVE eau on' your meat Vbuis: ý w e ' fflIpof m nS * 0 o 0c pxng rips, -av* 00 « 4by akio unxetd sre 2 &SROWG-ER 121 BROCK St.. SOUJT%5 1, i i ftger Jr, 1 - - - ----- --- dg Nwý -

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