Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGW- -4Imost Ready for Blast - In Havelock Rock Quarry Workme n Set. 18 Tons of Dynanitin zHill to Pro- cure Stone for Highwayi 'e te rboro,, April 12.-Eighteen tons of dynamite will be set off lu one miglity blast at the ?nd of this mnonth at the ?javel0ck rock cuarry, 2s miles east of this city. 1me blast jas expected ta loosn isufficient rock 'to kep the quarry busy during the -ntlre summer. mne -rock Is being crushed and used Iu road resur! me- For several months quarry work- ers have been busy tunuelllng un- d er the bill o! solld rock Iu prepar- atton for the charge, and next 'woek thç explosive will be placed lu Position -and wired to the deton-; ating swltch.- Officials believe It will-take four days ta mine the tunnel. - , Lazt year at this time a similar charge wus set off, sud several hundred tons o! rock were loosened or moved. Qune chunk weighing & bout lialt a ton was tbrown more Sthan 200 feet and struck a steel rail on a rallroad siding lu the quarry, sma5ýhirig the rail in two and bend- Ing he *o eds nýo fiureS., Thiso year more caution will be iieckd in placing the charge, aý the rock to be movecl is. doser to -the miilt.self. The atone la coru- *mercilly kuowu as "trap rock" and Is blue grey izÏ col orand almost as har.l &5 granite. -~The grounds surraundIng the ,q ruarry for a aistance of hait a mile wiii bc police d for -hqurs prior to the disclharge o! the d$rnamte. The operator who thro'ws the aiwteb setting off the bimt il'al a prmtect- ed celiar under the quarry mili, rîckering (A. J. Cark, Correspondent) t wau IOKCERINO, ApnIl 11.-.Mrs, COX, t~~j ~ ~ o Tî f~oronto, bas been visiLing ber d lin aister, Mns. G, W. Banker, and f am- p f. isEthel lIagg, o! Staufîville, s~p.IIt the week-end with Miss Ejd1tli.Murray. - Mrnd Mrs. A. Bahl, of Orono. ou ain *ere Sunday visitons wtb the lat- ter's parents. D. N. andi Mrs. Lock. Woodl. h Mrs. A. Randail, lins. W. Bayes ned ~ andi Mrs. A. Bayes, o! Toronta; Mn. As 4i~ andi lis. W. Anderson anti Mn.aud Mrs. E. Sammon and twa childncn, i f ilof Oshawa, were guesta o! Mn. anti ins. Arthur Bayes, on Sunday. lins. Cafik bas beeri viitin& - friends In Toranto fan several days Lucb~ ~ -this veek.li.Joe,! rolu aMr. andti .Jo fBroln îe tele? Called ou Mn. anti lrs. C. 'J.,ste- ~ eletiVenson, auo Sunday afternoon. -M.anti Mrs. Cteil Rose and 110 i . Clrry, lirî. Will Wiuans. anti Mrs. liIqSeymour Wlna.ns, o! Toronto, vene tii Sundlay visitons vithi Mn. and lins. W.'Hî. Sparrow. A h Mi. and lins. C. Johnsban. ct Tbree- 1311s, Alberta, vere week- i i if - eut guests o! the lattenrs grand- i lookmather, lirs. A. Scot, Mn. John- 1r ii's1/ iste isluSocial Credit nepresentatiye' -il~ li-the Dominion Hanse. 11 a luM!.%ses Louise and Jessie Ronke new s pent the. week-end witli friencls in ou ~- t~St. Catharines. tuclvJ , ~ A number f rom the village at- II tendeti the aunual card party anti ý k or ' dance o! the Highland Creek Bowl.. U r Il iugClub, held lu Momishs.I-Hall, on ý 1 jv lq ie Monday evcning. 4' Z -F. P. an!i Mrs. Balsdon sud lain- A iii - ilY, 0f Burford. and H. J. Clark (' i ývisitedi with Pickering relatives ou Val1owî i unda y. ýi F r.' Mr. N. Sparrow. af Montremi. ham l1l1_ beenIIM a riecnt visitor at the honic il o! i sbrother, W. H. 5parroe. fl. .and~ Mr. Jeiukinson en- h11 ý in tenti mati the members or the Yu Peoples Bible Class on ~ ~, Tue.clay eveuirig. IE. C. andtU rs. Joues centertaiued ea iew riends at thîeiîr hoine ou - ~~Ttesciay eveuiug. Miss.LuIs Mooney lhasbéeaucon- 'ni filued ta her bcd through - lllness l o iduring t lie past weelc. 1cr many ~ î~ tfxlends II botr a spect9y recovery. WCarc sorry to lose as residents . k O! ie 1village. Mr'. andl Mrs. Lonne - f Ravin- and "fam-iy, who -noved to Toronto ths weelc. we welcome j ~ r n sd Mrs, Undenili snd young .1i~'y t 5on, of .\urora, iwhlo sre tiking Up ur ~ resideuce lu their hou.se on Church ~f 11WStreet, Mr. and Mrs. c. E. Morley, 1'Cr 1 who hiave vacated the UuTiderhiill, 0111 <~ -hiave takcm possession O! the-Bath ~ re,Ideuce. formerly Occupied by the 1î.'i;hRFIVIlufamily. hîîtMrs. V. ýE. Cartwniglit was hos6tess -toi the IncunIbers of the United - Ai î ~ ChUrch Womeu*s Mi.s-iouq.ry ga- n ~ cletý*, ilu thelr ApAtl meétiujg 0o Wednesday afternoon, whlch wu~ ln charge of the president, lrs. P. T. Buntlng. The auPPly commlttee repotted that the bale was well on the- way to completion, #Lnd the- treasurer gave an en;una -ngre- port. Misses E. Murray and J. Clark were appoluted delegates to the Sectional meeting, .to be held in Albert Street Church, Oshawa, -early ln May.. Mrs. N. Garlzhore read thie devotional leafi1et. and lirs. Valleau reaxi the Bripture passage. A synopsis o! the final chapter of the study>, book, "A New Church Faces a New World", was glven ln an interestIng manner ly lirs. N. Jeniion. .Wlth the Influx o! neaniy tbree hundred-- Young people from aUl parts of the Oshawa Presbytery, who gathered lu Pickering to at- tend the two-day rally of the Osh- awa Presbytery Young People's Union of the 'UnitedI Church, the village took on an air o! pleasant activlty, which. tsually la not 80 apparent. The earnestness and ambition of- the Young people lef t a pleasIng Impression wîth ail those wiho attended the sessions and many favorable comments have been bearci from those of the village who very generously opened their homes to entertain out-of-town delegates for Saturday night and Sunday. Que young mother was heard ta re- mark that ishe bopeci ber childreu would- grow Up ta be active lu Young People'a work. TORONTO WOMAN_ FATA[LY BURIT IN SKIDDING CAR Accident at Rouge His Friday Takes Life of Mm. E. McNichol A Taronte voman, lins. E. UcNichol o! 64 Indian Tnaîl was lnstantly kliled ut Rouge HIus Friday a!teruaon when the car lu which she vas i4ing started ta slew going Up the bill andi stnuck the left front cerner o! an ancom- Iug truck driven by Norman Bur- gess a! Bovînville. The left rean canner c! the car. tiiven by lins. G. W. Boake, 487 Brunswick Avenue, Tarante, vau smasbed lu anti lis. McNlcbol, vbc vas rldlug lu that spot necelved the f ull force of the Impact. The other occupants a! the car escapeti rious inJury as titi those li tbc truck. lins. McNichol was one a! 15 women fram out-af-tevu vho at- teudeti the tcm spansancti by three ladies o! the Woman's Auxiliary o! the Pie Gamima Delta a5'ater- nity at the home o! Mrs. H. E. Bradley, Simcoe street nontb ou Fniday afteruoon. The three ladies o! the Avxiliarv. w'.%-' Y-": i mso members 1o! the fnate.rulty, are Mrs. A. E. Bradley, N£rs. :i Deymnan ana Mlis. Ç. M. Mundy. The accident ta the Toronto car, lu which Mlis. McNIchol vas nid- iug , occurreti atabout 4.30 o'clock. The other bwo cars, eue frem Welland sud anc St. Catharneý tbe ten passeugers ln which were also at the Oshawa tes, anti which were msa proceediug west at the time. wenc nat involved lu the accident. Provincial Traffic Off icer Arthur Runciman o!fPickerng, who Iu- vestigated. did not hold thc drivers o! cither vehîcle. TUie truck was awued by Grant Bennett, o! Bow- mnanvilie. Au iuquest lu ta bc belc at Pickerng. Mrs. Bradley sud lins. Deyluan are stteudiug the f uneral o! the late Mrs. McNichol in Toronto bUis afbernooîî. PAINTINGS ON OUTSIDE Iu Batavia -hain dwellers bave an lnteresting treatmneut for the extenlors o! many o! their homes. They adon theb outside walls with, oruamnental paiubiugs, large paint- fugS which sometimes msa are !ound 0on the entrauce doors, The paintîugs usually anc o! a religiaus nature, aud date back to aucient timne when they wenc useci to ward off evii spiitsb. TêHE WHITBY- GAZETTE and D es" eacofluu round of.officiaI duties, the Puke of- Kent. stM i fnds tixe to romp w th is famlly. Thi Inorai ictreshows the Duke carrylng a Chow puppyr Into Beigrave Square Park for a romp wlth Price dwad. ~xeyoung prince gravely watehes h Is father tramn the vantage point of bis peramubulator. [ST WIIITBY TO TAKE ACTION ON RELIEFIRANTSl No Relief For Family With Able Boclied Maie Columnbus, April 11.-The Provin- cial Goverument. cuite rngbtiy, lu taking the stand that the muniel- palities must psy as.they go. or lu other words, balance their budIget each year. Ibe Council o! East Wbitby !s fiudIng It difficult tp 11ve up to this regulation andtie of the ressons la, on aceoi.mt cf the lange outlay, for relief- purposes. Thie situation is again madle harder by the unfairne.ssof some. lu ask- lug for assistance after havlug beezu employecl for some cons!dçr- able tlme and earueti a substantiai amount, and then applying for ne- i!ef within -a short time o! the lay- off.- Anothen factor must mîso be taken Into consideroftîou sud that Is the subsÎdy or grant-lu-aid, pald to the mun'eipallty. This grant-lu-aid for the finst quarter of 1938 bas been reduced each moutb, and the Council bas no assurance, ut this date, but what this practice may continue for the remaindbr o! the cunrent year. With such a sit- uatIon befare them, the Council of EssI Whitby for 1938, bas ta tmke some imm&li- ate action, ln this matter. As a par- tCal nemedy, tbey are putting into effect for at least the summen months, starting May fst, next. mu order whereby- no relief will be grauted durlug that penlodti t any f amfiy contalning au aible-bodied mnu This action is not doue witb the tbougbt e! cmusing a handship ta auyoue, but with the sole idea of trying to ive withiu the 1938 bud- get figures for relief. A sllnllar Plan was adopted lu 1937, withi the nesuit that the relief outlay was materlally ncduced lu the sunimer monthis o! a year ago aud the Council appreciates the co- operation, zbowu at that time. Any one aff ected -by the orden of May lst next wili- be expected ta use ail means lu his power, te f ind work, but the mnembers o! 1938 Council along with the Relie!- Ad- ministrator, Mn, Albert Holliman, will render any reasouable assist- suce ta find work once they know that the applicant has made au houest effort ou bis part. East Whltby - Council, L. A. GIFFORD, Reeve. INDEX 0f BUSINESS TAKES NOSE DIVE Pronounced Recession in Indùstry, Employment 1and Car Loadings 1Toronto, Apnil ll.--Te cumula- tive index o!fBusiness lu Canaca nioved sharply downward lu Feb- nuary. It f el from 99.6 per cent. of the 1925-1929 average lu Januany. ta 97.6 per cent. lu February, sud at that level was veny httie bigher than lu the coirrsponding month o! 1937. Each o! tbc five component b- dices declined. Prnounced acces- sion eccurred inluthnee-iuduistrial production, empioyment sud car- loadings-vhile there vas a semaîl- er lass lu the rate o! turnover o! bank deposits snd a sligbt ncduc- tion lu Wholesale pnices. Mie index o! industnial produc- tion feli from 105.3 in Jauuary ta 99.4 lu February. neflecting laver output o! manufacture,, a funther fali-af! lu construction coutract awands sud a slight dechine lu the sub-iudex o! electrie power output. (Nanmal.seasonal variations are ai- lawed for lu cach case). Slackened actlty in the steel, automobile and nevsprnt industries accaunteti for a large part o! bhe recession lu mauuacturing. The lighter indus- tries. bavever- vere not cntinely unaffecteti. as evideuceti by smaller Imports o! raw materials for use ,in nubber plants and by reduced' output o! sugar.. The tiownturn lI the index o! employmnt-frorn 112.1 ta 109.0- resulted from factons sinijIar ta those a!fecting industnial produa- t.on, Though there vas a slght zain iu manufacturng employment. 't was o! lcss than normal seasoual proportions, snd there was a sharp reduction Iu the number of work- 3rs employed Inl construction. An addltional depressing influence mas a largo contraction lu logglng cm- *loyment, wblch bas beeu unusual- ly b'gh this winter, while staffs wvere also reduced lu transporta- tion, services and trade. Normafly, f ewcr cars o!f freight are ioaded lu February than iu January. This year the decline was langer than usual, maliy owlng to small zhipments of pulp and paper sud misceilaneous freight. Co)n- sequently, the index f el fnom 76.71I to 74.2. Cheque transfers Iu moat areas declined more tban seasonaily froxu Jauuary tg February. This is ne- flected lu the further reduction lu the rate o! turnover o! bank de- posits. Though the price level was, on balance, ' a ittle lower lu February, movements In the couimodity mar- kets were relatively uarrow. Slight- ly blgber average prices for eggs, butter, fish and raw cottou and sllk wene offset by somewhat lowen average quotations for grains, live- stock, raw wool, non-ferrous metals and a few manufacturcd products. DININfi HALL AT BOYS' CAMP RAZED Lous of Buil4ing on Lak1e Shore Estimated at $69000 Bovmanville, April 1I.-Fine of underbermineti origlu destroyed thie large frame diulug-hall ut the On- tanlo Training -School for Boys', camp site on the lake-shore near here. Damage is estimated at more than $6,000. 1 The building, approximately '75 feet by 1b0 feCt, 'Was bult lu 1931 sud bas been used cachi ycar duning the sunmnier rnonths as a diixùng- pavillon ahd kitchen for nearly 200 boys. Durng the winter a caretaker, Mr. Ellis, bas been lu change o! the entine site consisting o! several acres o! ground and ten buildings. The burned hall coutaied blankets sud other cquipmeut o! considerable value. The flames were firsiL no- ticed at bte wcst end of the -ÀTuc- tutre by Sam sud Alfred Allin, farin boys, workîng nearby. They rush- cd ta tbe scene, but wcne unable to save snytbing because o! the intense heat. Within a !ew min- utes the entire building was s mass of fine. - Employces at the Goodyear plant lu tovu coulti sec bhe blaze more thisu tva miles away sud tunned lu the alarm. but vhen f ireuxen .an- rived thc blaze vas too far advanced for them ta save the building. Thein efforts were concetrated lu saviug ncar-by sheds. Aitorney-General's Car Hits Truck, Skids into Ditch Slippery roads coabed with--slush accouxîed for a niumben of! minor accidents ou Friday ulght bere. Steady suowfahi ail day blocked Brock street south anc. by eight o'clock cars vere ungble to get thnough sevenal blocks ion-ho! the C.N.R. station. Numerous cars wenc stuck ou side-roads lu town but no damage Was reported. Prfhe highway vas quite treacherous and the car o! Attorney-Geuerai Gordon D. Cou- dkt skidded ou bbc vay to Oshawa after cofliding vith"a Woods Trans- Port truck, driveli by R. Craven, o! WNhltby, about a mile west o! Wblt- by. Neither .vehicle was damaged nor auy o! the occupants injured, sud the Attorney-Generah vas able te procecd. Frank Wood, owunra!fthe trans- Port truck, said It vas only slightly danuged as vas also Mr. Conaut's car, vhich after the impact did net go into the ditcb, Owing te the condition a! the roat, however, Mn. Conant hati bis car toved inta Oshawa. Simpler ,"Give me a glass o!- milk and a muttered bu! fin." -You mesu a bufeéreti muttin." diNo, I mean a muf!ered buttin." "eWhy et tak ognt n milk?"' aedgnts ni TRAFFIC OFîE LOSES CONTROL9 F. Blucher, of CoU>orne, in Hospital Wîth- F-zac- tured Elbow Provincial Trafle Officer F. Bluecher, Coîborue, Ont., while travelling west- Monday morning, lost control o! bis motorcycie op- posite Mn. HallVs residence and vent into the ditchi. The off icen suffcned a fractured elbow _ünt minon cuis sud bruises. Re was taken ta the Oshawa 7Genenml Hospital a! ter belug given !irst aid treatment by Dr. P. A. Cuddy, Whibby. The motorcycie and sidecan vere dmmaged Iu-the accident, the mis- hap saiti to have been causeci by ruts at the side o! the road, sbortly after 8 o'clock wheu the efficer turued eut ta pass a truck. The officer eustained aerlous In- juries. The damnaged machine vas taken to a garage in Whltby. Reciprecal Father (sternly):- "My girl, 1 dou't lie that young mian you're going about wlth." Daugbter: "Well he's net eactly esten up wlth you, Dad." 12ttXonls Cos. PI 1I-The sttende.nce oni Sunday wau mVr .onè 2Wndred at Sunday &14001. Igteaà of the usual, cisse, Mm. Oeore -ray, «f Mmoos Streez. Unite4 Ch'urh. gave a -vm ry lu- structtve: andl tnt«eeting 'talk on Musleons _and the large .collectionr wus given ta 'Uie Mission -Zu nd o!u the S5unday Scbool. On-.Prlday, eveninz Mr. and Mrs. W, Z 9i perr * aentertainedi tleir club at a "Lost 'Heir» patty wlth seveu tables- ln play.- After the bhostea served refreshmentà the evening's wlnners were azmounced whlch were: Mrs. BEarry Brooits and'Mrs. M. Clatworthy, Mr. Har- vey Hagerman and Mir. Hales, Bar- ker. AU the guests had a, most en- joyable, evening and expressed their- appreclation to their host and -hositess. 1T he Home and School Associa- #ion sponsored another social even- ing on Monday, April 4, wheu twelve, tables o! euchre were in play. The winners were Miss Au- drey Plaxton and Mr. J. Taylor. Alter refresbmeuts Mr. Sims aud M.r. Sefleck supplled the music for an hour o! dancing. There will beý another social evening on Monday, April 11. Personals Mrs. Robert Sully was lu Toron- to ail last week with Mr. SuIly's mother who lu 111. On Sunday M:. Sully was called to the city due to his mother's lllness. Mrs. A. E. Spencer, o! Man- chester, bas. been a guest for a few days o! ber daughter, Mrs. Norman Gilbert and Mr. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Pascoe and ýsmall son, Eobby, o! Detroit, are home wtth their parents, Mr. and- Mrs. A. E. Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Luke, for, a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scott sud -Mr. and Min. T. C. Blakely were ail lu Toronto and attended the Flow- er Show. Mr. and Mrs. Samn Preston, Miss Phyllis Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Manning spent 'the week- end lu Hamilton, -tbe guests -if Mrs. Prestou's and Mr. Mannlug*s lster, Mrs. A. Rinker and Mr. Rinker. Before returnlng the party eujoyed a trip ta, Niagara Falis. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pascoe were week-end gueats of Mrs. Pascoes sister, Mrs. W. Dies, at Shannon- ville. Mr. W. A. Scott was lu Toronto on Tuesday. It is expected that thie Ladies' Aid Society will sponsor a play fromn Almonds Ghurch in the near future. General Motors Marc~h Car Sales Shoqw a Decline March sales of, General Motors cars to dealers lu the 'United States and Canada together with ship- ments overseas, totalled 109.555 compmred wlth 260,965 lu MakÉ ha Guaranteed Spring Kt* WiII fo year ago. rgae3in PebruarY wer 94,449. Sales for the llirskt thro montAis of 1938 totaffed 298.271 compared with 4,200 for the saine tliree months of 1937. Sales -o! Oeneral Motors Cars 1kt consumera In the Unit~ed States to-, tailed 100,022 Inu March comparédl wlth 196,095 hf Marvh a year.agO. Sales Ini February were ý62»81. sales for the f irst three montbis of 1938.-totalled .225,922 compared, with 340,693 for the same three months Of 1937. Sales of General Motors cars ýto dealers, In the UnUted States total- led 76#,142,kn Mardi compared with 216,606 lIn March a year ago. Sales Ini February were 63,771. Sales for theý first three months of 1938 to- talled 196,851 coinpared with 337,181' for the same three months of 1937. lu comparirig sales for the cur- rent year wtth those o! last year, It should be borne in mind that In the first.two months o! 1937 sales were curtailei by the shortage of cars caused 4y the General Motors strike, and that thUs contractlon of the flow into consumers' bauds waz followed by an unusuallysharp ex- pansion inu March, 1937, as settie- ment of the strike made possible the resumption o! procluction. CLEAN UP TO CALM DOWN Next trne the children get* on Ycur nerves try taklng. a bath, a leisurely warm one. Allow plenty of Urne for soaping and soaklng. A period of rest iu the enveloping warm suds will soothe your tired body as it rests your over.-stimnulat- ed mind. Wbhen you begin to calm down, leýt cool water into the tub or stand under a cool-!lowing shower for a moment's Invigorating rinse. Dry yourself hriskly with a dlean, abi- sorbent towel. The last step in the treatment is a complete change -of underwear. Te delightful sensation of 'fresh garments next to your glowing- skin will make you f ed like 9 new woman, well able to take the chil- 'dren's llveliest capers in your striâe.. j -One cup brown sugar, one cup white sugar, onc cup meited short- eRing, two, cggs, vel beaten; aone. ciip cocoflut, exi teasPoon vanifla, one teaspoon sait, one teaspoon, soda, one cup isl!ted flour, foure' cups quick rolled omis. Mlx lu order giveri. Shape into smaf l ls with bauds. Place ou gremsed coakie sheet sud bake 'at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. Makes 100 small cook- lso nutty flavon, appreciateci by acub meeting or a hungry man. Hardwood Floors Concrete Work BUILDING CONTRACTORS Houses for Sale--- Estimates Given. WHITB'<, Ont., Box 401 - PHONES 439 end 75 r J. fY Cure for Fever i lin Feterboro, April411-Hh1Rndredâ of cottagers who vaÇàtlon at Storiey, flakein the Ka#arthas wli enjoy» electric Uigbt andpower lu their sunimer homes for the first time this year. Hydro w orkmen are busily engaged at present li build-; ing three tiransmnission Uines toser- vice the summer colonies and set- tiers' homes. One Uine la being . bufit through the Woods, the posta, embeclded in solid rocIk from 3urlelih Fala north te Mount Jullan on the nortbi shore of Stoney Lake. On the east shore of. Clear Lake. a crew Is staking a Une one mile uorth and south of MéCracken's Landing. ýJuniper Island wiii not be reach- ed tis year, but It la possible the furtber expansion being , Contem- plated; may iuclude the popular is-!, land resort. In the past the ouly power aud light avallable caine from individ- ual delco power'plants located a' some of the larger summer homes. COCONUT MACAR00OS-> L Look for wide-open chances« to élean up and replace* and renew. Keep looka ing, You'll discover a dozen spots that seem a littie neglected .. the porch steps, perhaps, or the kitchen closet, or maybe the bathroom. The front hall could use some colorf ut smiall rugs.. that tabléis f airly crying 4or a fresh new cover. . why, the whole house needs sprucing up - now doesn't it? It's so easy to do it and it neednt coîst much - if you take one thing at a timne. So decide now to watch this paper for bargain news, about things you need now or will be needing very soon. Watch the advertisements closely., You'll fiùd-many that seem addressed directly Jto you. DonWt missa a single item that may benefit you or your family. There's plenty -of news Wn-the advertising columns-good news for wise buyers! Il. _____________________________________________ 0sa. This re medy you must make yourself. Thei prescription is simple. Just this: Get interested and get busy! The best place to start is where you live. Look, over the old place with a seeing eye. -'ss vistted I heur ou $at mue garagZes C ander. bb tor gasoline s béhind wa-s a unale ta gel uot-Éet aco garage but ù4 Libby car v traýnce a n, chocolat,- bar. off wltii his longed4to a 1 Mnnvle, vtil Mr: Llbby's c routo and lii nigbt The damaege toceu Mnr. Litb-ay hi feide-3 hava ed bis f irst bi Mn. and Mr,; o! Bram pton home o! Dr. Thie las-t of ralsing funds held on Moi lu the ba4n_ Hall. This v meason andi a ate in makin &cas-,onsha, aud have ne for tlie libni needed to S lie vpith ur. 7 he C.G L a great suOÇ! bie congratul dollars was» a gre-t bell Mr. and 1 famly cpf 2 of Pet-rbori T- Woui Und TI John P.

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