Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 10

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a - ~ -.-.- - ~~jY1 -~ns ~; - -~ a-., -t a- I PAGE TEN THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 280 1939 's e-liaelotasile.oi i*a beIe *< ieýI aa-a tpWh Oe w t aw uWb wm and bawe t m u.-ub* Menabera aillhe club a-ent oui ons te w m Cà%~<a, aia y i -q uta e-d f1e ô!<h. M. t e -M l ligduse hoeseUU&b 4 mhil e*u nes spaoa- M g mg eadu.w Mme-î.a fW dcc Nwlie. b, a- .« Ouma-9 dr,N ew rd M -M. a mb!m5e MON j - e a Im bftt Sb00 P__ 8 ImmW*M% ta* M a- w. Sa Imm M Imm **m MM Ou *» *010" s* M.M- HEL- man liSss mnn for ta, Con MET ta Berl Moi Qui We par log' 5,70 ligI mutaga e- &aa Oum4u ë laa- ig u- a s- ~ring R.kfrhug n --MUJ ýWi e - 'AI ber last ha.s been given to-day bY like to say except one point.W precig ndmknghaab-tem he.M the multitude of Canadians. .and have a great country here; and de ltlyavunrbeaIta ~ibc[ttathOi thie answers to [he dictatrsof mocrcy ls on trial. I ttdnk prob 0nae et ~~AUDREZ S 0F JUOGE TO Europe bas been conveyc to them ably during thie paut two weeks an Nw.gnlen inor SIY uT1ma . RlR n i w rd s w h i cli th ey ca n n e t h e lp , th e n ex t w eek t a fo llo w th e n sw erd r s a c n e n d s O l t V f g a f [ i a W KITBY RA n JiJR but understand.-u farashall youtod ttoraMps are beig givenin~gvtis hreyusrOsfdEb tc S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _th-ng a great bessing for whch you ailknow. was fougit 1;yuhv pedo teed~~ poey d As the requmt of mal ertandma motherg. teamy-tdepreast ege ta ccmrctaa fth byand à morhreportd tadnieiaideI were retai1e1 3y TO W $0 T AL I LE G UE to pu Is tefokwovng verbe !1may aY 30. Scms ta have that dmre ohold uPas smbol tathe the tralby jury. The Aorney- Takyuvr ul.gnlmn Lidsy t heGrn jr a heMa odgan hâ hrdasmav so etg hih aught 10 make te oi'n of grand resP L OU T Wig BANDEL BEES EAS Y W INNEýRS W ngs supplyng the ppcmdton rot t CpuzityCour% a d CJe Ti&IJ be long ln the serice of er coun- [is Canada of ours i years ta hein 1 qule gre. I wtu k prob-1m la i g rcqn t try. A3 for thc KIng. ihv encaine a nobler and a better country. >v edsscd as a ra:icles. f- b P 1U5[ ()VER MYRTLE [he piayoffs. Uic champloashtP yUl 8ek~onaof Uic PeaS ln iWhfttUY hi&father and lits. brother. and I Probably there are some of Mauwerc [o go mny furtbcr: but som- Myrtie teani absorbed tbeir f ourtli be keenly canteStled. His Ronaur: Gmen iof o thle ails sure that the--ing w1ll lie and sIttIng On [bis grand jury Who saw Urnes. 1 amn of the opinion that tb laiggilyt hrea tbyu LY atraight los on Wednesclay luit, Score by Inuinga: R. E. Grand Jury. YOUiam sI mnedlà a wortly son 01 [he noble sirr. that woncterfui spectacle [bis [on- ie wll ot be far detant tha: thl !srebrî.JonMGt.crtaanoi when Lhey were beaten 24 la 5 bY Pickering 410 103 15-15 10 3 hcm to-d.ay t0 play your part In A great spectacle lias tak-cn place Iirig. It 15 0ne [liai wIl lire long In tomle case-s petit lianes wtil alsaoeDulsDl.EnMtbw.av -i edatW Bandel Becs. It wau the worst beat- Coca Co1s.s 2M0 3W W- ~5 Uith administration Of JMalice n h'&bi within the confines of Ibis court- the annals of [bis county and [bis d£sposed of.Inbthc last se-ssion o iakLcvr itit1aes ~ e leMgsr ing a Myrtie team. bas taken iln ica- Baterles outy Ren ter h b a t.ad1d IhnýGetee onr.telgiltr-pU ul3 gue Iay and [lic boys f rom [the Pickr.ng-B. Bye. P. MMlet, P. 1good deal of comament balai for ands or.th Gd doflotthk., oGtemen C'ontz-y . heSexffaolshd totp etairns 'er em.dd o eneceutl i yuh fr nor[h appear [o lie ouI 0f Uieciao- Robinsoni. c. B.Bye r- againSt the abolition aiof l&zd Ju2'not [okillow Ibis Important Oaccaion [tâtthe grand jury rho sut here Sgullst corporations, WIUi [lie a, Eb r plc or uedvmtr nlng at thla early date. Bets werc Coca Coàas-mcAtee. p. Benet le&; ansd eddrcsaing Ibis CDut some ta go by without Borne exprmion o! w-thintheC lat six montbs Iii&pect- vent of thc motor car It bas been full value for their win. ai [bey UmPires: t hiee or four Yeera ega. I vteled IYlt t Ib n " b Cou' For ed ail th public Insttuton. That ai lm î,(Impssble tn some c 0 Nma aa -houîgf ;-ii %th i ficîad ewll bchlnd Kapubcinsky. Pis te-4qinton; base&.6leight- My opinion [ben as I volce It l ow. genertions. St baa been just a sytn- lsa part o! your duties ta iripect g*t a c!onvicton ir=T petit juries me ladUcout[ahehd aes!ne n who had 12 sI.rikeout.9 and led bis holin tisai Icar see no useful PurPc lnbal and a traiLlon. To-dav ire Fair them ail, but due tae[the furt [bat and wc have a' least had-one giar-iace b uret i er F~ial ec leaniin batt.lng witt two home Myrtle's protet on [the &me W=D Uic retention ô! grand Jurie., the n h le lUiing spirit. jilltysel Iese irstitutleons have been i- ing examnple elirbn the pat ftWpîl n[i i fJn 0 tFgrsfrcr runs and a double. E. Samanski fol- last wcek by Coca Colas v'wu P- The administration af JuStke. U twcnty years ago took up ns';place 5;>eie irithin the last six monts aeeks: ne aettfre lowed clbsely on lits bAtterY mateS hbcd and thegaine OdeedrePay- i < crredoninthz.outr. lu& ;t .etljesR. nd . î i t 1rLln mvpoa-r to orcier it I de nii nea ripde rie tel agi n o hm ogv lmya agdto heels ;with I-so threc-baggers a dou- cd The only e!feet in [he standing I nu- Cmos-n Attorneys s-ho are I«leang that scene thLs morning. 1i)i-Oot 01ins-pert thlemns d I &o dc ras-eon ths Uici-dence. and-i 001 ~trear edcae bttr c mo ble -an-i a single in five times a t Lqt- se'Coca Colas bave sonen achooicd lan[the 13W. and mRoag- came airay -as a Iman borts anew, -. av lisazit i llU 001b. neccsmarv sWss-ciby emotioc. s-hich are bat.an lot -o lntead of havlng 150 ttIe,.il seema la me t là a gres et y. yes. als-ys ready ,.hoWd -ithe tri.svou desire ta do sa: but I nto Issy contiaced wsitb thse -ase. oeas A seven-run attack in tbe second 1 w:ns and 1-0 tasses myrtlcof ai -te o! [[mc and e great deai Of; chlalenge romp- agai pýâv my ri. -inîk* grnloeem whs-b ot, ý afrld tht on- oftheCrel.tl.tftUsneby lsemrti lnniisg sas tebeinngo M ourse bas-e oui Iiree tistesCi of experise s-hidimlghtis: eà; ie d-onc part: becaus,,ethere %as -Orellts i SOUICi CiI thilnk you should I- ls- aiori.% nsof aur demnocnac-v as lie's down!all and a-Ils no subei- lotir as-ay li. and s-hidhInli&osne &cana l] O gisîfor; Ibere wso- etlied takente same s-ahaveterrnelonsrnpeullid.s ret1",-,led fav lut-es on hand the 1lasers Imat deree al Ieast e-Ou-irelies-e 'thbe Wrt lving for: tiSomt",e l i en 15er ulThpy ande1 Uirty..b. mr e Ia -4biou Prnt iUi aa rsappar-1tprcntl grourid steadily P.P.jWin"-s25-. Cvil Service îI tex P*yers. s-h amatburdere- to symrbol zand tlise tatt those e. tb-for yomd i t3 >8 hit 7 *es iber -a ar i ng ptc- ar: If ortdvirc ct.Br en i vlef Score by Unr: v R. Il. F. Rs ig r-zddeath its-lUte-q at [he Prcsc rtýhEpe-sad or 'he~ ei raîlnt- daythefreed 1 oulihv nomdbiso hs î iemn Myte 20 01 01-5 R1edBrlsbErngre S.ai:n ti ar a gtig o ntna îp l as1s-ài J ate tsgroon:-, ns ttehra:ontype oirg0n1I rpis Brd taes Band-I Bea-s 1 1-t9 12 51 tan ea£ s-mnover Civil Servic, On tb'meu] wiiiul Batteries 1-l23 9 -2 1 day nigbt. scor[ngIn eery tîmne aIr. U i « he rad ale shotils bas-e ben gîven L&em-. There La nolhing orei wuldçurliyit is nt o - ?Jsîe htWtf b agttiaa ie A o -y Ms-nie-Ha-rots p Seea. ;al bat.except [beir laut., wlen thc mendaUariy -h1ci as uul !tnd i -ri tV r o o!qattc~ts a ebnsme aamr l. RondI Bes-Kptî<-mnklP.. gaine was sàale Tise 1loura vere out- Saan1skî. Kapti.Cimd -dibetenailieE.aythe aid pigeon hae anid 1h11 al Uampires. ,ctbough they never gave up trytng. i~ atyu~- ha bu l UPlaei nln ae-ai'it Iaes > *E.Tlsey do serve a usef-ul purpoSr. but eain. i-lScoerb 'v IniceIL001 m ý 1 I nk tisai useful purPOm 1bas C__ eiilngSer 466 011=430-Z5 25312nos- gon by thse board. and that, lckerin DefeaM 1oc c301-Bail2t5i12-the administre ho n a! justice ln [bis Pirndeate i ts Cocns.Pc- ~ eu-Hmra p.Clle.icounty and titis country bas cî/'nigb Undfeaedln ký"isaru Pik-p Moore,.cc Mace. c; Red VWlig- se feguarda a4acd arourid t-ea- ering lead.% the ieagùýe race, baa-irg Myep dan.p iisrinccusM d t 1 i Ink eemigisI e',l w-on their lb rd ganre on Mondav mpre do ae-y e-lUs grand jurles Int[bi night, The vietlma bIn telr l"-t game were C)ca Colas but i ea- t al-,l gUomb7%-i. e uty of the grand jur,-ende. % olsly ;nthlitSthree irsirîigâ that - vut duty s-ii b. la [ake ista con- -Cokes weaK.ened 117e score aitishe sideratlon taie i-embus idccînientà end o! thbe 51b inlng ,wmsa b t5 for Lau tadiv e.wehich are refcrrsd atIens se- Pickering. but coStiy -.mors -end Woun Lait P C icused. and ltere are three agaInst wildne&s on lthe part o! McAtrr. Pickering . 3 0 100O onc indivIduel. a charge o! pet- Cokes pitciser, alios-ni Pickering too Bande M ec .... 3 1I 750 jury. subordination o! pe.rluzy. and adcl 9 more ta [heir ttal iAt [bis Red Wlnas -. 2 1I ti aso assauit occaslni.g bodiliy lime t lookài i-s Ibougis the Plcker- Co0ca Colas 1 2 3 3 atis; and tisere 13 a charge eaInsi Ing crew w Il finaishs on top, but Ontario Hospital 1 3 -MO tht )mnh men for br-aklns ansd21 witb Coke.%. Banda-I Becs and Red MYt¶le O S .000cM erleTng. and a c-harge magnt an- female caus.irg bodlly ha=.ua:nd B O W L N so nthe cforgan £8uW a- ouI O>tlser irdividual for tbetlY BW L 1N C71wse irif! as banded me a 1551 and Inlsail 1513 xperlcnc-c as Crosrt Trhe annuai tournament of Uic for 150 e-in&. higli fa; ances-lisAttorney for Ibis eaUtiIy mrne ,-eara Whlîby Las-n Bow-ling Club for thse This alàthe liraI repalart Ourna- egoanmd as a paesing Judge here, Swanson Cup, (Mers s Fourni.wil ment o!fUiceaatan. and a large this l'at Sa aasadng, Tier, are lieheCion[li lca geen O Wd-entry liait làerpeeted. IhtY-flve lamaîe i the Jail. lic be eldonthelo ' l reet n Wd- Altbougi tise vesUier ias nOt, Majomity eharges irsliaicrine"l of- rîesday of [bis wecic June 28. coin- been favourabi. saine coo bas-lIng fcnccu: and Il S t igisi lacl for mencing at 230 p.m., Daylight bas ta-ken place ibiàse5aOn. s-lUi 1 tai Grand Jury to coneider ln User Savlag Tme). 'orne o! the nes-cr playeru aOulag reportthse reasona e-b [bj. ld There s-iilic ethre gaines, good nemi f or lic &0 fIlUcl crime lnis bs cunty 1 prizes and good- greenâ. prires for Teaiàn ns i t-hs ie <recasa -tiiUiidmand tisai ai of thse in- all s-tisera of [lire. gainez, higli b. a lIre ai actvl[y, maites o01[the ja0are youmg People. We aiÀ CnH T I&&N Cu«GENERA[ yo» uii<la neat i tdt the q.V Iaalis r ce m a l'earnumi race ta "Moorlar*d&'tise -Guuzdi..n- t'place t#b&t b@ bOW<h cudeso 1 <h-k bà c ao*MM [the home o! W. H. More, M.P.. snd s-ille a ctev Cg bad-s-wtang mm u htiet« auperviitetus regard to Mris Moore, et Dunliarton,. sillibe bers s-ere bUsyon tise ZMUel gio- <the Ca"so! 1tceeg tm ish ur belCi next saturday by thie Whltby Ung ilh t ataaape -for tishe «&»=. Tour4 M le~yp lUSto k>ta- Yacht Club. This viii betUic itrst Thts iss ,uu the ! S r4fl ~lduglnI.an:sad lisn q.n I a 1 Oornpeitiîoâo!f[the seeson. anid St i là bling give a comple t ovhal. QW UM1W »Play7 1Maa&out fl la - isa on.eaif[lie nist popular. If tise ing. <hnumImd. athé [haie A P P L A N C E wcather 13 favorable. boats s-illeave Y$=#Peule and e-bora ttqrid Use Mowtketaa. I a-iv<de a [e theharbr al 10.3 ln the forenom Aithehosr. ra P & b'Ir- blese t4s a a M3aa<«<CW ansd Iead for Duribarton. Much s-ii min. -hhoauvccestuy riurn" 1 isue m<ao is-tate Ebb*stt Id bave- becftlM>ffC 5 t.rying ta moke nd," MagistItI1p . 8 Eow wouid yau bOYI anc came on 'YOW »k thIngs.TW@ a ed lait f ii l i n do you havi <o b ossibie [bat flOW YO1 ht [o [lis court tisi ou oat do [liii Ot hils in thse hancta Of do asthey &M it ou came before thtJ a similar charge Yait [lb severcly," wa=n- &ttc as~ lieremanded sentence until called rat monthsairice the 39 i whch retail tator veisicles have hcd the 1938 icveL -er nionths ai the n 13 to 19 per cent spandigperioda ut otals for thie firit e! 1939 how 56»91 )r $62,072,140, down rtumber and 14 per ,o Uic correspoS. pcrlad o!f19M. ficls a- Ngger 1091 -(Boileau) sP et$ tes Wl LC 1m wu i -, I y L - J if

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