Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 'Il- WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY JUNE,28, lq39 ADVE RTI SING, il For Rent For 5.1. Work Waut FOR RENT-SaumMER COTTAOE FOR SALE-FRAME EOU8E AT WANTED - BT YOUNG MAl- to rent, Victoria Beach, Coîbore. Port Whltby, "ater and ligbt, good ried wCM&A. woek t fevlhour= for JUIY and August; completely garden. Apply Unr. M. Kerr, 204 daily, byr dayor week. >Aieb ÙM",~ furniaheci, f ree Ice, acreened dining Byron Street North. Phone OU6. Smith, 319 Greenx sut.i or Box porCh, 8sndy baUtg. Rent $40.W0fOS FRSL - IN4 Ta£ 6, Whltby, P. O. per mnonth. L. W. Dudley, Whltby. sous£ POR SALE w zi.d o Ruî phonefour-lane provincial hlglwmY. a FOR RENT-8 ROOM flOUSP e. ' ezia J 8- rooe rc w~~AsTM-TORv lNT FR m newly decerated. all convenlences. bouse, vith every modern CSeOfl and Augt. two poule&. Kavatha Central. Immediate posaeIon. Ap- ence ' bot water hestIng. hardwSdCiJum1oe Camp, Plckerlng. Write or ply A. E9. Sturges&. floors, good eilr. front and bock phone Dr. H.[Meie, W Bathurst ataira. garage and peuant sur- 8k. Torotc. - roundinga. Thia property wiU -beI For Sale aek ait the rigin price to rigin buy- TENDERS WANTE1 ers, and can be seen at any time AUl Saintae Rectory, M0 Byron por SALE or RENIT _ SEVEN - Addreas "Advertiser-, Gazette of - 1 Street Sout.h, Supply labor and roomed brick house; conveniences'ce. aterial for ahinglifl< RetoYry Sf good garden, fruit. Possession im FOR SAE -TET-IEad smail porCh. meditel. Aply . Wilia 31 'SAE -TWENY-rV Biiiah ColUMbla red eedar, No. rnedatel. Aply . WilLs.310 c f stnding hay. nine &crm$ sinîe n lcdipdnls Byron atreet north, or phone 42- cf imthy and sixteen acrez n#w 1Sige n Uedpe as POR ALE-OMPLTE ST OPseeda. Lot 1. Con. 7. Pickering S. comfplze with ridge. FOR SLE-CMPLaT SE' O? epho<ne Bookln l05 2. 210 Aiphait Sblngles (8tate Books of Kncwledge. good as new, 1smnal.brand andnails. * wit.h supplementé. $25.00. cogt $75. I FOR S.1 - MODERN BUNGA- 3. Wo lb. Asphait Shlngks (ata.e Mrs. Lyon. Brock Street North. low. wefl iocated. 5 rccms and batn, . nd snd nalla. 'just over Ricea fHIU hardwood fieors. sun parlor, fron Tendrstobe sent by regtstered FOR SALE--SEED BUCKWU-EAT' verandab. garaze. gv><> garden-,Mai, to Mr. A. H. Lar People"j for sale. also 8 young pigs 4 week.4 PriCe rlght to riglit PaMrY Adve.z- Warden. AIl 8ahfita' ChUrrch Whitby. old. Apply Lot 3, Con. 4. Reach t;&er, Box 194, Gazett nd on or before JuIy 15th. 193. Loweit- Township. Phone A. RpynoIds. 164-. Chrotticle. or sny tender net neceaaartlY c- 3, Port Perry. F) B' Ur 1TCKWWAT. cepted. Holp Wmnted MELP WANTED MÂLE-ACTIVE man ws.nted M'r eatabliahed Wat- kins route in Whitby. Not a gela mine but wilU Yield $22,50 profita p.-r week at atart for constent wort. er. Ne capital neceasary. Chance for adv.ncement. Apply promptly to R. E. Semple, J. R. Watklns Company, 2177 Maasmo Street, Montreal. MEN WANTED -'A SURE LIVING to every active Familex dealer for aelllng 200 daily necesaitim In e- served district of 800 familes. Money-back guarantee. Low prices. QUick sales. Big erders. Repeats. We help you. No risk. Reid op- pottunity for werker. F1rte cata- logue-and particulars: FAMILEX, 570 St. Ciement, Montres.. WANTED - YOUNG GIRlL FOR light housework, telephone 8&5 Whitby. Spraymng SPRAYINO - TREES. CELLARS Stables, Chicicen flouses, etc. Prices eaonable. A. Reardon, Phone 840. Whitby. Loat LOST - RED 00W, FEMALE, iost &round Ashbumn Ontario. Re- ward. 274 Major Street, Toronto. 50 and 60 cents per bushel. L E Dunu. Brooklln. Ont.- Telephorle 1126. PRQFESSIQNAI VETERINARIAN DR. G. R. BOOTH Accrèdited Veterinar Large and SiÙ6H Amnmal urery Personai Attention ta Ail CIii. 323 Klng St. West, Oshawa Telephon. 917, Oshawa DR. A. S. BLACK Vettpirian & Saugeon 19ROOKLEN - ONTARIO TELEPEONE et TAXIS Central Taxi Service DON. J. BRYANT 1Phone 364 TWO H..t.d Sedan. for Day and Night Service LEGAL W. J. HARE, B.A. Barrister, SoticItor. Notai! >Successor to A. 0, Browning. K. Office : 119 ROCI ITR£ET N Telephoee: SU - Whitby R. DONALD RLJDDY BaSrriter,. Sulictor, Notary Pablie Offie st the Cut RBme. foruerly .epied by A. IL. Cb.ztaL Xmey te Lose5 Fhone 339 blb DUNCAN B. McINTYRE Darriuter, @Igltom, N.Bary Office : Bre i.. L lsth Pheone <M CEMETERIL GROVESIDE CEMETERY W. IL JONES, Boite Br..kJhn onuriaI Thze Sunday School Lesson' By NEWMAN CAMPBELL MeFb International Uniforni Leasn on Uic abore topie for July 2 la I Kinga 3:5-15, theC Glden TexI belng I Klngs 3:9. "Qive therefore Tity servant an uuderstandhng heart la judge Thy people, Ibat 1 mi' discern belveen goad and- bad.") WTrNTH FE death of Paul vi s-eturn iu loday'is lesson to the Old Testament, and tudy the Ilves o! soute of Ias fameus characters. Wc beglu wiIh Solonon, son ef David. vhose wisdom is s by-vord, even todai'. fia eign began well, but ho did net alvays de whist vus riglit. Soicuion realli' gaItee Ibron by a-.t rlck cf bis mothersa. King Vayld vas an aid man, nearing hi% d.Zte. sud eue of bis sons, Adoni- jali, whoee mother vas faggite, 4ecldsd ta mate himielf king. You ntmebierAbsalei, thc dismoute ~owbo I Dvd oved &ô mucli 4nd wbo vas klled when his homse rau under a troc sud bis long bair caugltl ini te branchés? Weil. Adonijait vas bis junger brother. You see, Iu those dmys. kings bad several vives, se naturalli' when thie old king vas dylng, there vua great rivaiuy amoug themu ta place their cvii sons on Uttrons. Solcunon's mother vas Baihsheba, and ta heu vent Nathan. s pro- phet, sud tld ber ltai AdonUjai bad set hintacif up as king sud vas sesstlug vite bis folevwera. 'David. thse king, tuoveteh Ielo" hie tld lier, sud titen prececdsd te direct her sas 10 boy abs abeuid met.So &ho enat 10 tee king and '-made obIeisue'before hlm. and vben ha asted her what tee vntedabsesd She vautted hlm Le mate Solomon hW hihal' to the terces. She "In> *m-aed hlm 1ha1 Adonijah b.d de- esued blutses!! 5lg viteout hlm. Daïvil, knowiug about IL. MaIlla Reprt. 'Thea 1ailas came Iu sud a&We bowud 1tiste ground before KIMs «avd u Aiod him theeaime telw. 5fsdne doubt belng anM ya% Adoulal. ammu by mlteat vu Iioly 1h51 Solomonshould aimoude C» ZtaO. bliian4 lte oth«e fi totbtis tret sud ausoiate Ul Ugh'* =tesitar, aM, -115 n- su&WnluM muid.'> MW& ave lst< a Adam- 18&u n IlS,, udedd i 0th hW= OIu tfltua b«tfa oby tb him. "Goc t ine houa.- Nov vheu King David felt h. vas gelug ta dis, hie gave Soloeennomee ver' good adrive. "Be thon atrong. teerefore," hie bld hlm, "sud shev thyael a a=.- "A.nd keep tee charge cf te eLrd ~tit COnd. Le va.Ik ln bi& ways. la keep fNa statutes, and Hie&comn mandmmst4ansd ais judgmnentà, and Ie teetmonie, s. ti 15 vut- Unay esi pro0per la athal thou cioest, ami vhiteeracever thou lurnestltaeuf.- -~And Solomon loved thee lor wslkilsglnuthebstalutes of David bis faLter." And hie vont la GibaS, because t wvis-the m get bgh Place' and cf feed bua-ned o!!ertutgs on lte mtar. And virils ho vwu ai Qîbeos hie dresnwd thaI. Gai caffe to hlm sud uald. "Ast vhat T1shaU give tee.?" Nov Solmron vu onW & bout Il ou là jesse ci agetaI"Ila lme.%M, hoe fe U veYyoung snd luexperae.- 01. s0 b. Anivered * I amubut a littl. child. 1 kncv soc heu je, as oul or corne lu; Olve therefor* Tby seuv"au u 0ud ssilmg but Io judge Thy people.tamay di- cern betveun acod andI evil for Who laabl.e ojudgete"sThj â Tiss peech plesee nLart e-' cause SUoamo bad net &&aUd Ihinge for hlU, s ho la hlm bu vaukId bu the. vium ban s t"e"w' vua DO jus buev Un aU 0aitUn tv vemq vte came %0 soeao vite a demi snd 5«ikving hM& mach tlatmlig nI. tbes avine vwu ttee oin Itual n chUS Smv ud aoh talaIs!!. a ou MWes te.» tl moborvaer osM show ber cmi t. 1 bu rud. but vont. raut " gveit IoU o Oum voua& A"dm i va& Uu oml moItirplauuwth" M Unobffl lie bt»-paued «Mn9Ifunb.dte geta hlm w s. te sbu'. sMl - vlfllumgThsa& « e bab gavme b IamlveIso 41 0 vm lm a 0,ete tst1 btu fMn ue l. buulMd *»end e Sie; huard» va ionS Wmt8a gu a jS isbam » aqu ub" es boue ý m n bi i blad *M.M nue -",bu I ots a autute i* bau.. -~be 1eu&Is - passNs. - e I- u un îs mou fie" t o J. W. VTCKEY. A-. H. AR. Wardens. L CARDS MEDICAJ. DR. R. T. M&cLARE-N PhyscMLa n a f~kM&-Spugos UNDERTAKING W. C. TOWN Fusera i re~tc&"sud babbe Ambulaor ervie fte e 46Wbmwb, ,...rur »"" Bc rn-a A.uC. Marl FUONE 557FUNERÀL SERVICE i AMBULANCE DR. FREDERICK A. CUDDY &L?3 BcISt. eu Cerner Syren-a&d CeibermeBt&. PRONIE 712 INSURANCE L. W. DUDLEY sepsusouM8 National lietIssu-sc. - a - VireAtufeble. AeceMea Blutum& FR081Mut Wim! C.. 8"d A A.x ROBIN4S AmbuhueS BoVW uSaeraà Dtrecteoe a" Furalie tb.me M. SM moi,0 MONUNMS N. W. STAFFORD Desier ta importe& &" %<isuh limu eh. vut st mmienh PI Baptlst Churches of District bld Convention lu Oshawa, tChristmamd the Crias" 1 Theme Of Gathering - Moderator H.sWdin wui &piring S"srun at Open-' ing of Coéîvonion OUTLMSE5FUATURES 0F JUBLME MEET Reporta Idicta Cih Making Props.- ur grama for M.<isgTt> -chmlt sd tee ore avas Un tàeme f«W teecm-am".uoed .muitaget tee Wblwb-lwww iMOeistlen41tapilat befobu risiel beti a àv-da e ula lb. Tie Empw *CIea. Vmgblue Ou U&i..Cabva »hW. v lualeusoperAd WeduudMy ses- tas vutb le dera"B. ma &. Galres.Uabetae. prldg.BM lthe vrbp por1miladNW 4. DM i. opmone ué=- au deowa eblelly t lmUn pimmotaiâam e- m part&au iic t Im tnu tisai the cbwCehes luUn Ilarietvue aam"mmproeW& ol oeuhtra thme bmai lm a o ~on mit auj Vogt. Prmo*ouiIyen" cinsilat.*lb whiuN-Inde d humd vu reg- rernlsi.tbm abatn vaMlau«ma Lt seinsm e. i Un - ýrm la eMiS. tLi teN» vu aImm mmr i« lin ~ ~ ou T»«>Ypv ianteh Pitogr IL J. bteugtbu «Ni- Tta te b. U us ueurès no that Psau ond W thé Om e r. a mIla ot bhm". 'fIc omitro l omq«thobe .sd mlmiesasta, vu lb. rmm"CUoe. ore 8w ma Lrd.AM tbat trutb vasth lb giosi startin e laI, fS.r VI oerltW -'pt ison. thon la our - bi4vAla,'13W madeat baSI& ne ueVeiw mRauif ltemaisy &fter »k ruenntmn ad o- tbe mind. et a&U kdaipe ,mduband the e r#OAWw and Ol .acy paIu. bhbai"uwrud. J. pomuu ofUbi nsa srud sud 0»i. s bu MW.erb»y aer- Coah$Qum a sMeWbomg nefor lift m mm fvotable droue- oMd la .ttudt but a b«Ogmàbs t omter tbbegL-Our c erom o Mla la uvect. fin bpos abo v. mChut; vlw *aII ffl Ogur vii. bodj tislé, mavI u timisi àRr. 0.ws uunta Ch m 0 -desue » aw-rwnm vu h la b lin #det. &W nom V18814 Wwwb * utise - àbapu~t " 00 awo. Pt". WbU Ietla elb.*Mu vu b* *IeML-3,19 bis as but oa CLASSIFIE D to a, couveniouu cf ail Bapts Chu.rcbes in the Dorn.nm the speaker potled ont. 1 We vould do vol! sot t1 ivil toc much on lâge maburbtps but on the.impact09O! m ur On othersfor Goda Klsngdem ami maue the MOUtOf Ouoppastuinft In tee cburch ud lu the comamnI- lift Iu wbieb va ri*e. The dUffor- ent orgauzatlocf U burb are OCU4ga vosidorfuvote Putisu- lazly uew acma' MhdauuW O- tise spaker saM& we WWAvaX bovever, ba.ltva mabao»ou cenaallof etthe burc a pet.W.abâo1d bebigt eonub toe teS eauilatmrta té a cenoiJui of eburube.lm*tI-là onte ot tb.tibuuige at a uVItIMs eas doaMidvfte I b p 9 I t l- - oppeevdlug au tifueso. fade av" Ay am ola ma &0- tic. o. M usc. Bridge eseta mut *mpia%* a wbttsia liIAu enei ol s r urul ami ut oeuondmà om gelm futurs. wblt .vttbAM uvm ai 8, bumb wergaimtbon. amasie be9W & pleo ebS«. W.e n W a Wblthi - o Abefl v vbave: a - utuat Caunda meulawi tSbtv 0tuin so Wes oiS la Mau ns tmpisla ou I r.. f u«e lbe.wé a *uca «Obsilogla mv lIme uhi. de- * pus'al MONfle wbu OMtte m-Éim lm Oà Ud stj»at *Mn u0 e,b l lte s»1 uni. W.ad me me* or Ourpmrevusg lP bNyi the vu. mm.tu. mwp nad ta POM teeaUPlS l 08auwa-' - -ftba -m-IN*- ]e'IL IL EubW0P u' b~..sd ue Ny . ooW. - utun 8 - Un V <Ins u Firat Baptist choir etilch rendered the anthemn, "Glod so Loved the Wcrld' by Staluer. Mr. Waram unir a "'N....tnrd'e l---- I- É ary at heart bas ne place in the werk of Jesu Christ," he deciared. 'A chlzmch test exiSs a nly hbr it.s groUm alittes o: AI- -ard là- family wblch bacd to go Il miles te in whicii appreciation vau express- Ia service. -Mlen. toc, teWesternl ed l'o tbe pistoansd membejâA ' people are alvaya movteg. Lhey are FMut BapUt Chureh for their lies- mueli leu-aettl.d thon tee Eastern pitailly; Mr. Outrum augmented the inh&att 7%"h.churches are rmomenndtioeu by comrendaýg acatiered sud l hu been estimai tes hevoncmce or heLadies Aid who thit ln te esi there are tour serveci musais.teeéflover ecnnteu, tintes a many Baptlata wlio are flOt and theloca prçaa for lta excellent members of 'ehurches as those vho coems ofth.e aocatonmeet- art. neI people ln tePrairie Pm'o-ia iscea "oe more Ilberal-mldAed. Io c!imaztngaddress of teen- partly due te tee g ini MtIrés ath.rlng vas gven b! le: obaracter of theïr - mutsy mand PU* to s.tesmixture e« naïtial t'.JohInMeLauri2i, nev sertary tilm, 7borie le & daerw*tbat 13 of Ue t ial e im msourd. Who beodïwitee bimrd-mI , -!&M. ls liabu itil tl tfrI, smisel- &id. %0. vorkt a hlnd@red by theua7a*0v&uln Talla vbeuehbisparents tresmndous nuwmbe« et ,lgoa and Ivo all*r Baptiat begante mou il ose La neoeuaure vSasBKpUlitvo au lty-0« YutzranM. offg. e.ay las,..Tb*. .peak- D. Mel&uriu la the. brother cf Mi» ex vu et teeop1aiesi that tu the Mats e anrin ofInldia vii.ta -w put mes bave baes takenlI te te mauber of tee cbuub linCaliava. uilmlstrylo. eay aluo that "«u. mhierat~rsuMd faoionu&i- &ttalam ba MWovbfeS TOmufla. samauu. the speaker bogan. lif.- ffl nue ma&"bc"e for 'Pese. bauni* jms. Au tePather the Westerm pilaIs lau i fmm- 'bath mont UM e. end Ipu., ie. «! a untf3lug eanvestîom ef " hm u antmam eliareb-oIb'uk seiesapir Amibuc ltt lettinalai lb. Woston b. bum400aneIlsop- 'tu geai m d "vil eut e t de ». Ina tvaay yua steesfisan- claly ulekj pepi baie gtrl Uila. à& . uitel an asl- alaa viiesa stau Mbd amt ruived b smalrym m ty . mm «t 1w Umm"sia0oajlwm la bl* urnpqallor ne, »4 ba bave a veaordue. lin -muet.pa, lUltug'ls aU fmRis JV, Am Chtuimmao * ia e vmleM. chga' - , 1w. 0aitusXlhba tir swr wem , à i»b--, ! Ne uisub lA*qut bout- u aniâ W ssi Û. un-. jN. bu «Us un Il ais êwI ut-w mv4 . y. o@WSsL<11W omwm ]Lindsay. June 27?. - lUversIde Cemnetery wvaste etting Suuday if termson. for te anual decors- lion service under lihe auspices ci lteî Ludeay Lodge, #o. 100, .0.0, P. tlod.dbymore tian 300 peo- T, MH.BStnMa. KO.. presided aI the opening ceremonles snd resi. lng cf the usmes of departed breth- ren vas conducled by Noble Grand Bmo -P. M. Ocard. Vice-Grand James ocard decorated ltee a-s 11 memoryo! buothers buuled elae- viser.. Itsy. Donald MeQusen wau guet speker sud prayers vers ai., fened by Itev. H. . CWorslm mund FOR SALE-PORTABLE TYPE- vriter, late-simode!. gnood as nev. Appiy Gazette Office. i- M j Q j "-i CT- 1 Il' PASTOR- CLAIMS SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHRSLY Religius ElcainSeai. 100 lily tbequip oumacives and tjir pýk the wewondr wh 85per cent of t&ry o'rges o Ma y cm. Sunday Scheol pupiLq go oui .SUndy ÇSC]Xl Teachen ittiout maklng any deeision for Have Zeal But Not eerget t< he oin èfbringlng Pupis Fil t Deude Rer. J. W. Bec of Haliburton vas Christ elected moderator en the presenta- tion of tee nominating commnittees HALIBURTON PASTOR report by Rev. H. Elmer Green cf Whitby. Other effIeers are: vice- NA&M D MODERATOR moderaor, Re7. P. D. AugwtUne, son. Whttevaie: ckecuUIve and pro- St ,athainon NeW Cana.grM committee, modemator, vice- dan WO& Ta, ofmodeato. clrk.B.Y.,U.presi- dian Wa~er oil cfdent, director of cireles. pastor cf Progresa mCn4 FCWeagn entertainlng chumch: conveuer and Language People - Mà- Ing, liLoM. Geen-, convention zion Results a n hiaiDe- Lnda; J. MWilkins, Oshawa; scrîlmdevngellam, Rev. G. V. Crof oct, Oshawa; Rcev. P. D. Augu-stIne, 1tev. I. E. Greeni, Hugh Pugh. "Thlecterru 'Sunday co a Whltevale foegu missions. F A. regenerated in our churches," Rev. Reeds. Linsay: home znikaîýorn J. Ra.rold Bridge, aecrtary cf the W. Mumaphrles. Whltby: Rev J1. E. Baptiui Board 01 RelgUSEdu »-a- Otrum, Uxbrldge: M. G. Burk. tion, blid the Whiiby-Lindssy à western missions, Rev. J. W. Bec. soiation of Churcbes atitli session Cayton Barnumn: Grande Ligne, 7'huraday In Fia-st BaPit C rh Miss Gladys Suggitt. Baddow: re- Oshava. "There is a lamentable Aigou educat'on. Miss Ann Ander- Ignorance of the Word of Ood. We at>< Oshawa: Mrs. J. H. Wiiklns, slbould a<drcaa ourseivea tO the Oshawa; Misa Greta Fley, Lind- teachlng of the Bible ln a fTUSh say. finance and stevard.%hlp.fHam- and vigorOuS V5Y. 171rM il a gad- old Suggiti; social service. Miss ed course of Bible teacblngs ad Mary Forsythe. Clîremnont. Chuis- Bible memory work but YOU are nOt tan educatIon. G. W. Huniphles;. uslng It. ILt làtee MUCb effort t0 superannuation. Daniel Warg: gsi scmebody to auperlntend IL» chiireh education. Wm. Saddler. "As thec hurch inte LuISOOtl7 hisicrtan and obltuary. Rey. H. bis 1sf ieducatim o 0te Mate.,MW Wlisn; E.Y.t. '-- ru&ident:, 1 arn afrald that the home là ev- auditers. A. D. Kitchener, Llndsay. lng religion to the church," Mr. and F. A. Reeds, Lindsay. Bridge aald ln urglng privaI. devù- p blm t.1 n dions, He mentloned tee arclent- day termlnolfflofy et h Ble and lu Rev. J. W. Bee of Haliburtan. for ibis respect he sai!. Ycu have 10 sarucyears engaged In wcrk In biov the spirit cf the Word Le b. Western Canada. brought a mnes- abk e tatranslate hIt nto Présent- mge about Baptist vork therefIRe day teflhi. llsted the dtscouraging and te SpeaUing ef the. Sidal Sehool encmaging festures and outiined lise«f. the speaker regretteid that the problema cf thl5 oteer aide of *-there are toc may teacbera vith Canada.1 usal but vithout knov1qedg fe. iiy 1%. vaut distances are a mrat haven*t the backgroizn e Cf lus b ndra n the clrch vont, ho Wford. We'r. Just dowuright lazy. poinfed out, and mentioned one r jwle-ý lott . ad lànotmissloarY. There must be a A slrlngadrc3awaa gven by breakin;out cf boundamies, a leap- aev. John KaCZcvka of the St Lng aver frentiers, a sense of a.- Catbarines New Ganadian Misalon venture, Is the w«rit lu India truly on the work among his people s=d misslonamy, or is il just somnethng i.hose others who haýë corne to .we are supportlng?'" Malte them home lu Cajmada. .8ev-. Dr. McLaurin vent on tri outlin@ cral f rends frein the RUssian-Uk- some ofUth womk, especialy in his rainlan BaPiut Mission bere were own field, Coconada. Hie emphasiz. presenlt aI the service. cd thc place of prayer in the liveq "~Motivesansd th? Mission," wW cf Lhe Indian Christians. Aimnost his tapie sud he deciared that the eeyati rcddb ryr true motive lu home mission en- ry gact is prceed wih 'prayer. deavor vas, the little particle >So thcy bgo b hrvues wth prayer soin thie word.'om he s_-absfylGd er. IL was significant to note ;.îhat, si laria!thewanid.,'The sugb au they harvest, one tenth o! iheir of mteral ant, toug lmport- rice Is set iu a place apart. later ant, la not the real reason for mW-tknt hL htc n eiae siens but rather the binging cf the fakente th ctrk he e and eîc-e PeoPle ta a knowledge and convic- men dont have to be driven ta the tion cf tee savlug pcvers cf Christ. work of the church. they love 1t. "In thit splt ve are eamylng the lu eue churcli $125 is spent for work Word m te te home sud fomeign ln oteNcMlds and eniy $70 lcept for f ield every day." he sald. towwrk Who Mr81.owa a Cahimne tee e ed ii Wlth thc new politîcal arrange- osix Catbrines her erhrch. Terement whereby the Britishi goVern- six embrs n te curc. Terement is handing the provincial ad-. vas dissension among thc people. miniatraiion over to the Indian Aller five years the membershlp bas leaders. the misslonary Work wii] reached ferty-flve. At te equest undergo considerable change, Dr. of the people themaclives a&U service, McLaurln explined. It will becom and meetings art nov carrIed on lnmoead or vnlr- wtlu the nglish anguge.The intenphasis on the educationai in- S day he preachet! lu English, tho! tulo.Tegoenets hc fuinister recallcd, be falnted f rom tuio.TeSvrmnswhc theslmlu.i destre a universai religion for th the trai. 1Indlan people, are ceaslnq te give cotemareix natianadtesl theae grants for mission schools whiere c0xireg5lon ov sd thy ~ Christlartvty a uglht The' mission- worklug together iu harmoni' be- aieiib epeldt ecn cause Christ hias entered in. Mr Kaczovka related thestoy o on mirte more on the Church i lf. drunkard who. on th. riraI Christ- Gd1Iaiqusltth.ap- mas aler bis conversion. caîleul î t toc.atUtude."' said the speaker. The the pastor's home and gave hlm ten Lest comnes aise ln Ilhe medical wor4c, dolarsfrni isveely airv .he polnted eut. The missionari spirit Is runniug rignt. threugli it, he usually apent on drink on Chrlslmas day. "~Do missions psy?" the speaker asked. 'Yes, ¶ beiieve they do." Iu elosing, Ibis new Cana- diari preactier chalienged te Chris- tien people cf lhe Canadian chureli- su. Hes menIied a deacon of onse ehureti vith wlom lie vcrked for several jean wben he first camne to Canada,-a&mnnwho wvas&apoor ex- lample ofthtel faite be prol'cssed te' uptoli. ONcv many men vho call temseles Cîbrlatlans are Christ- llana? ho aked. e Mu. fliùmnfes me-esd a portion ce f th. résolutions eonimiltee report the spirit that follows Ilîrougli the m&ady that always lea-ta te the spiritual maladi' thaties beneath. TRiere àa--r.-%'rayer ta the guidir.g force ln everi' mo"e. TM a! piritual work lias never been more welcomed tha! lu' leader' te- day. We dont vant to keep a-ny. m"ssinary enterprise geina- that is net filisd te the brim viii the mis-' aionary spirit. Oct lu yeurself w1th your prayer. sympathies. yoU.r mniss,"hic concludcd. Aller tU i lging cf' O'Te Son cf God Gboca Forth te Wax," Rev. P. D. Augustine of Ciaremont off iclally ciosed the Association wlth Uic benedlellon. Il la expected that the CaIberlng vili b. beld ln Lindsay next year. HoId Docoration Service ',At Uincay CemetMr 1

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