Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Sep 1939, p. 5

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AlD C1-IfONICLE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBFE 0,':1939 fOontlnueti f rmpage 1) Oshawa Car FigàSeos ln Whtby. :Prôndueiit citizeni, hI Tb . aý.3 ash soms 'ahe hae aready gîven val. uabîe servict s11 thetiedCross antid ver :relief organisations of ether Cobourg, Sept. 1.-itreesr yeare, olîl *ciaobe incutet. A epe- vers tiaoagect llghtty ten an aci- clai nomination cotmlittec, en dent os few miles sait et Cobourg truotet i wtlo eUring represnta- Sunday night itillo body loJureti. tien fron thest cganlatlons, put Polce sait a car tien by V1. J. meet again nxt 'Ihurstiay eveing eketa Toronto upsel on the igh- i 7.18, ln thseCouncil Oanibet, wywe trkde ntegvl anti thereatter furtber rgaoizastteOn ay 'en Il srtdiiis n b . Pgraet ait! l ho mpiteeidhute.ACr iieyC .Ln Mayor Fred T Re opeeoi the of Toonte steppeti on the driver Meeting anti, &fter brlefly exp9in. seing the accident anti a titt car, ing anti cotittunetlit oabject, triven by C. D5avte 0f Oshasta, yo turne théU. chir over le Reeve, thecmitoth1e rear sf Lents car, stateti Rev. A. Mgneti rWin, as th e mai- 'police. Tne accident vas lnvestgat- or lied te leae tor another meet- et by Provincial Constable . Me- Ig. Reeve Trwisin tea brief 5drgoKetIer et Port Hope. apoke of h. porket Use Reti Cros vIsich ho estateti Pas tlniversai antid tOe wtIl lnown te ha reviewed anti Jutigs Colemlan, te firet vlce-preii- espreased the hope tht -a branch dent, anti JosesphKing second vic- woulti le forotec In WlitlY. presitient. J. If. Ormlsoowua Osheawa Leader Opeks amed seretar pro-lens, bt later W. . N. Sinclair. KOC., pre0f.dent the Executive willI iStit office o? te ,Ohawa braochosithe e 3- anti 0150 that ef ireasurer. clety, anti a atember of Ue provinl- The frst donation te tisa new ciel sicemtire, came bacl e ta111 Redi Cross branctc camse trous, Jute. home town te lti'abat asistanee ILR Rt<y. pho sent aeng e choque 1e cci lu Inrianlzalon 1hor, Cex- f or $100 te ho soseti for surit pur- plalning 'abat bat itee dosete poss as th Society May tecite. Ohapa. bow thewatt Pao carred JutgeRutity as heartlly in'ac- su tare. anti offerte it e oerlel cod 01111 lie formation of a PMt of bhotelfands i t*psoe!ates te Cross Soiety lu Wbltby, liut ag- the Whltby branch If samne Pas geteti Ibat It migit ho matie fsormst. Mr. Stecair atressedthIe counsty-wlde. excludlng thse cty of tact Ihat tee Redi Cros Society Oshawa phere a braoch la alreaty vas tbs only organisatliion hicis establshet, Juosge utiy coe- 1101 dimect contact iththte gev- niende t ee porldtivde vork of erooments anti hat the fecllleS fr tise Reti Cross anti expreaes th 1e tee hantiung asit shipinent of sup1- hope titt the lranois 1155w pulti pies tae Very countrInluthse voitid, b able te do mucit wrtbohill Tise Socety woolti net lterfere warlt. withlte work of steer organisa- Af er organzat'on hea beel cean- tions ins lb. ton but osolti ca- plesteti t la expetethtat 1the W11t- Ordtisalte eefforts matie te hall) bylranchUIs i est&bllshpermannt Canada andthee Empire te dais 01f heateteri' ohareWosancars var liy auppylue neoeasary con- assemble te make soltlae cooforta forte. ,Mr. Sinclair gave t tise anti nec""lie. The Socety, vite Meeting Dameseynusaful Informa- womWngscommitteee e nti coovenor iono eu hals,anti biscomiai anti anti o-opeating orgenzations, oUI thet o sevscal membeco 0if taé for"ti lcontributionis te thse Seeos branch oaa tieeply .appre- lranch w1h oU Il ork lhQughl latied.aroîutlon cai MIIbonalttihe Toronteoffice. expressd. Tise nominatlug contsitiese bas En tise etection of offiem' Mr. G. slretiy beso atirteetiof represenla- M. GloodIellow, oae nsintely ites on tbe Executive. andth1e liaI elote thetsafirast presldeot. ifroD te experet te b. rosopietedti Ibi 3. Coleman. aife of is Mner, Week Firat Dance of the Season! TOWN HAL - mi-E V IMKAY, SET2Z Denice te thee aoee swing o? WislOllVa ownoppslar orchestre. RAONAR STEEN AND 1Mg5 ITMC MO USIC 5 LUILKYSPOT 18111 ADMISSI0N 39C - - DANCIG FRE Aise diance in BroolIn Wetn*day, eplenutr 201h. CLASSIIED, ADVE For Sale For RelIt FOR SALE -F OU RýýACRESSFOR RENT - PIXRNISIED ORà stalotig corn. Apply ol1'ford i Wl- onurn htIa.Pin 45 h son, Kingston Roati, West. by.a _______ --MRI RENT-TWO 3J1'ÃŽFRNISH-d FOR SALE -ABOUT SrIXTir ed rooms sutable for, lighl bhouse-t yearli'ng White Leglhorn ties. AP- eeping, steano heateti, aloo largef ply A. B. Edwartis, Brockc treet double' abin. Apply Mr. Rabote. south, Wbltbt'. Telep4one 812. 404 Dundaa sîreet East, Whltby, or FOR SALE-ELECTRId RANRGE.,hnê41 god cliIlQil, Extenaonl Table, FOR IWNT - SIX ROOMEDI Chairs, Bedroon, sute, Hl~lRa<tk> bouse, al convenlences. Possesion ntuis anti other ltousslhold g><ds Noveniber lt. Apply George Stur- septeniber 501h te eplt'3th. Ap- lgeu, got. Ptt and, Ore» treeto,P ply Mrs. M. VanValkeslbllgh, 65 Whilby. Brc tre outh. Whlilly, FortR RESU LARGE SEl)BIT- FORSALtm ng rrem wltlx opn lire place. BîOUSE FRSL NTZTlephone 627, Whitby Town of Wloitby. closethe 1 e 1w teur-lae'e ProviclihIgllWay,, ab Wansted ta Buy vsr ml ssloabls 8 - rom' brick ____________ bouse, with ey51&17moern enll- WAN= D- WA NTED L#TOBUY, ehs ot waler heallng. - hedWOiXl Useti Tires anti Tubs. Will pay i.oo'sgMit cellar, front and i bk cash. ,Johnas Placeé, B. A. Service satirn, garage.anti. peasatsur- Station, Dundass Street Weot. Phone rouoldllgs. Tisopropert, gilUbc 071. Whtby.. soir! at thie rlght prices lariSit liSp- ers. alnd cIflbclien 80a 411>' 01118Femnal, H.Ip Wanted Acltresg 'fitivrtleer', Guette. 0f.___________ tics.WANTED _. <IXEAN -RELIABLE _________________yolsng, womssi 25-10, te soolo Wth FOR BAL -NEW LAID EGOS 'houoework:lcn n. aal hôome guIs onec for sale.. George Stewlo, 716 Centre chilti three years olti. Capable ofv treet. soUts,ý Whltby. Telephene tatinq ful1 charge when inereaaary.c 880. Apply before 3230 P.M., 104 Kent __________________________Street, Whltby. FOR SALE- A QOrANIIT QV Yearllng Egnglloh White 14110rri Male Heip, Wanted Ifn.R. 0. TIndalI, Whitby, Ont, _____________ ANME -, YOUNG MAN Op« Vit SALE-TWO BRAND' NEW goicharacter piti' ellin mahllty potal lpwrtr fthee *tel s ehelp sadi securlti .oe. Previous niotel, aso que as gooti fa new. eoerience not neceosY, If, appli- JusI tbhellong forstotients or busi- cet bas ambition. anti energy. snoie executiviii. Cao lba 86511 t Muot bc Canatilan citizenanti rasi- the Oaztte anti Cbr(miclu ffice, tent of Iis couty. Guaranteeti weki amýplus couilalofl.r For Rent itesttg ae, past ocupaion,1 etc. ù> Box 60,Gazetie anti ChrIst- FoR RENT _ - ETMEIE. MR IIe id.1. rent, aso recharisti. JohrW Place, Ls B.A. Service Station, Dunda itreet Li West, Whltby. Phone 97l. _____________LOT -LADYS WIST WATIIO FOR BENT-FURNIARED, loU~sE on 1 isfday, Sepem obr t. Ileals for' rent, aU cpfvntecs, hot on Il ara B. P. L. Rewari. Dr. irater heating. l.tderate reqî te Chas. . 0gollllvray, Whltbl- 1 rlal15psrty. App ly Adertiier, Gibet t 1anti Chronicle. WhltBy, COUST 0FONTARIO FOa' nESU-THE mtOe OPTRZ SAL£. oV LA»,D Foi TAXES 8 late W&J, Lotte, 01111 or 'ateout To Wîî: eqlpPment, Could ble. useti &4nma- B Y nUCE 0F A WABRANT chinea hop, etc. Cait at Lues Bi-lsed by ,the Wardan :çf Ihe cycle Bbop, Whtby. ' folntS o? Onttrlo. ýbering dateç _________________ th1e fft#eeth tai 0of AxigilsI,198,L FOR «N - Vrl<f5BU1D thesale of. linds In arreert off rooma for rent or boartiars iatd. taxes$a lnte Ccpity of onitar16,. vil, Al!ply 951 Duntias tret, WO&, b la1114aI 1theCourt Bouse' f Wbitty. ..Whllby, t thes,hour of Ueo 'lockr in__the_________ on theoif ttcdayi FOR RESU - A, '1RIONHT TWO ofDtm4. 190;nlass 1e axes tery cotiff ons nia crner* lot -i and coots aresoar palti. Notice WhlLby. EmIl beli0maO, bà labereliv gîversthat teliaI af orehard ,large s ca and tbo anfrnela iIns llubllOhsd ]Kent $*8.Se noftlh8y A?-ply M3 ina-MeOntrop sa rMâd-Iteet .ý'7!IriX nt. ber md, 1939. Copias cf lte"lI 100R RESU --six ROO li 111-&ysai li adal.86toy office. houleon Glbert stfet &al convani- Treiuuret'a Office. Whllbtr, Iis onces8 gardes Possesuilon Octelier bld day 6t septeniber.1839. t Itý, Appy C, B. 'Wbllflld, Wbt- IE . AMoZAT, by. Treaeursr, Cssinty e1 OntarlO PROFE$SIONAL CARDS; tMEbICAL LEGAL DR. R. T. MaçLAREN W. J. H-ARE, B.A. ps~s4l.~-S erge. BrriterA .'liitrO, tar s aecce "d 4Office :)t": or10A.G. BOCK n, O Cerner Mary ad Rrok ts., Whitbi fla11BOK STREÉT N, D&. FREM~K . CUDDY R. DONALD RUDDY FHTSSCJAN barrite. BSeliter, Ntsy Publie Cerner Byre ndsICeberne Bis. orfeaailb Ceth ie uUm, frmserly ]PHONE 712 eePla by A. B. Crslme. _______________________ Menery te Lean UNDERTAJCING Pela80Whitby W. (~ TOWN DUNICAN B. McINTYRE V Wsa.iIoee.U . Ç_ TOWNasiarSellter. Neieoy FunealDhutr. no. mbamer Office. Broek et. Souils .Ambulance services lVbMwibhy Vison.410 Olibui_______________ ~~i~ow NSURANCE A.Q M ULaeRpesutW l)lrat.r, Valera ia Se xIad1i* hîsurance Ca. rhfluea 80 - amet. Seuth e altkoeua VireKingsmetIeButldeol an B. . oBk e#W F. J. Msagbs M. W. UTAJrVORD Vanerafliracer. MessagerDéaier la Imsprte e&" Cenadiai PHIONE 9071 na ie ZteeeeUe MURRAY A. ROBINSON *. - Wbti < "=bumm . 1CEMETERIES Fanea t l>tftea" 454 airel FleeN,~ De""ie. GROVFSIDE CEMETERY * U e U lreekila cet. W. IL*oNcsu. By VETERINARIAN u Onat DR. G. R. BOOTH Affledited Voaksary 'ý_â -n - ý F- L. RTIrsI1NG CANADATlu'SENI A FORCE OVERSUAS MORTGAGE SONEY AVAILABLE OTIASI sspptial n anysuI! ea kl otete. AÏ Wiitby Poarty .l . La00i. dec ane thouàonti tiolars. Speiail- Miitaty 'Activity rnvolve5s tee National lHôtolo At. Bradley Sedn QeAryDt. fires., Oshawa, SnigÃ" eA m ii Rooniand oard sicnof 20,000 Men Over- acas and- Keeping Que SOARDERS WANTED - BOARD)- Diviafon. for Home De. ers waoted in homo with ait cot- venienres. Gooti home coo'cîng. Ap-foeiu ply Gaette andi Clroniote, Whby. Ontario. 'Oîtawa, Sept. I 9-Coada's ______________________wnc effort ii beinE speeded up vrOF and enlnrged. il was stalci lu- IlV day. Activities wiil eocom- ANNIYE SA111 pais an exp:ditionary force as ALWiNOS 111UR111 for homte defence.pln uda Yw'141O B ERV D rmy division for service er Bens, a division for damestir defence, apeodiug up af sup- îContinueg, rom Pg1s1t plies,,food, asuiions and - Scbocl lesîber anti janiter, tuaItlir chie in e0w anid importnt - a poutti taIse tee place or a rnistrir ship building pragr&ru. 'abo falet te tucit 11ai an appolu Thnar *lrimeusl edtime rather thon disoppotuit tlic h epriuà metst wcrshlppeto pho hbot courne logthO e .naw MVe apact rOrn tisatances by Vebicte and on foot t ro unling evidence. of impa' 'vworship OGatInluthe teouty otfitoli- irnce luin n Y quarters is the nus." Rusâiao devýelopn,,ent and ha . ,Aftersosn Service inking up of Communiais ond Ret. Mc. Jeîîls" in su11e 'attLer- Nazis.' noon, tol 1r lilo text l'AterthIis Sert 01 goly War t tooket. anti beboit a toor Paoj lh openet Inhoheaven." T ,e ar te uap regartietias sot John, th ee c, vas away fron1111 onîy agatest Gennany but as o sort trients Iu theersteetf oînsos, anti ofboly pwc Intietense or religion, lie tooketi tor freedort, andthîe unir ancdestablisdInseti nttutions. 'nie doqc he a sws ta beoven, ait.thc union of contounioinandsazit oi"o minlater. *'That toor la neyer ahUt, ant phat teey, stand for piti. t lus îî là tee gateWay ta ieavon., I aur telleved, protuce the saine repiro- standard&a remnaîtinobsalcen, thaï. utISIo14hoparts et Canada as l ! gtepai plI!nevar cdose toe ech lu- reporledti 10do lu other countriro. 1tilvidual. Thece is a lintit te the sucit as Itaty anti Spain. teineerine Poster. You mnay put Varteus pans are lielue cosider- -Yby iaitluchalnis, but you cannai et. ThereLit reason 10 betieve tisaI 1osprison my rint, I toolet eutd1e- sOute vblcb vqrs svisioned lave boItý a oor pas opn-the door 0.0 1101 10lie motitieti licause out h,, heston. Daniel pas cool loto the tremendous cosis phlch poutti istor LIonsa don anti ha praisd, a prayer been entallet. Tbere bas bLes, îalk of faite. Iflishe Ottlook te giaunif. Ot tso divisions overss andt lys lry the upooak, Mani of Godai great divisions at boute otong plt, ai) sauta lok ouI beyout, laany ibines the other asslivity. Oun tp ofcur- stiggest phere yau llvp, but isovedouset neecte anti exlientltureasout pou lIre? Gati snly knovs. W!sat s Plan ucedo te lie motif led. Whoti happens te us tiepeptis au wbat ca , m.nay ho necesarr 10 do 15er iti ho foundthi te Us. Thero art e.e sot lie dons an aorb ans etaborair pealeti bleaingeaf rom aur sorcaunti- sceeflop. Furîer considecatton of tegsanl whlcb os lîve. Punisbmente 1the subjeol h belote elvef tocay lut andt 'allures maeepeople. Mafny a lise general purpoot b aon te item lOVe)y diaraclir haseraugbt aux, et lne4cated. fa1ure..discOuragemente anti icit- iebiliie FORuiv isies noe. W. ait have ample opportuntlî fslltary anti finsnclal expette are te make lite portit phile. calculatith Ie cool af Canadien etf- Evening Service. fort ou tariolu scalea o? sperotten Theeeveinae sIc vs ml t i- for oulimlasion b 1the Cabinet. IL !o a»Plrlng. The lBateon Quartette, Ot sait ta 11e definite boweeter. tbsl a inuUniteti Chuccb, rentecedtwIo fult division pitî he mohliteeton Vol- nuombeis. Tee choir sang IWO an-u- oolay linos et enlitment for ser- thesso, Toiling On," and 111e .ChOrch hy te fite o? tbs Roati." Ret. MarUn Jeultinson ob foc bis iffis couvertst bell araundtheb fate, ' Isu speak vite 1the atar one day ontdtritet far avay. tengiss f mnmanti of angets, anti for te next they carne bacli sgatu. bave not rharily, 1 nan become ai Ne j1at truatet Int a hupefol fuit- sasusting' rassa or a listlclite cymi are, Olave a cleerfui face anti go 1al." N.iamesaiocs on 'ilope., tbroueb life itopeful,' saidthîe min- Faul pas thes -postts Oc love ont taler. Dont 110k up your relgon faith-bisgreat miuietry pai a gos. -ltheaertbly tetees. Its a ChitlUan Pet 01 hope. anti sno. 511Musthave tuli te preaci tise gospel of hope Us sur backgroundtInteal os do, tbere dams. Our blgh Idealo have evecy paltt of Iile--bspe. Got fas- tunibtet tlown consideably. We may ions our lites,, pe atonte cant do lie settlug s Pattearn for saine one much. but oith teeitelp of aur,'abo in fasiinguehis or hec 1f e Vther pho loves anti vatches over afler surs. -Whst butidest thou aRUvi we auaccomplisb much. If v.s Ibrougit life Vin building ou bope," hope for allcceas, ve sAlt aciev4 IL 00W 111e miniater. Thee bynn "Blest In Jarry McCauletss mission lu New lie tee tie Ibal binto.' liralsht a Yeck, haetilt ot becomte titecouagedtuiemocable eervsice ta, a cIose. AN IMPORTANT STATIEMI FRON A & P ABOUl PAG FVE ENI WAR DRYS AND Food Pricos A&P's policy viii romain uiachssged. Thst aoiicy is siespls lhjs' A&P wilI provide good food ai lowesfiOS ePossible, As aipsys, w. sh&ll openete oi stores and ma rktla ie5 ihe ictecesia cfOrc estsomera conststly is mind. We iseow aise isrls'hips that ,,craaoed food pentas css bringSto onS- losofamilies, tharalace, oue Drisese viii haadîvsoed osly ta te entent #bst il absolutely eecaosarY.SI, oplis o te alaps oi Sapply and D.mbed tise pices far ioads wa porcisas* mots uvwacti. elviously w. dhiu have to apy lise tigler cest asndchancge retsjl pricas sccordisgly. You have outae ssreeovevr, Obsu A&Ps meegin oi profit viii cantinue to be vary amlli, sod normsal isevecy respect. Tisas we platiga la yoa and oc tioossds ai loyal custom' ors te hait efforts of ose widespoaed orge'lixolios to Lesp aoc onces as loy esseoconthuiresà, tadgemet ail permit. Werespent, ARPs aaiscy will ha aacisseçed.... Goad otei at loweat pricas possihle. I1 u 4u1.1.E.i uIu1~I vice overseas. AparI ironi a simtisi sut il locHs..., mît..... ~ 15 su. numiser. perisapo more, foc servie at bomne. an arnor division May comnprise up te 10.000 mien, l la aittnetiter probiabla Usat tîle csntemplstet force i lis etrslned lu Canada 'aliCIs bas pieuîy of ex- peieucet instroictianal offîcets. Il would b. ratsti, ai course, te ait pacte ai tee country for training aI ane ar more mohlisatlou pointe. A great tisaI of tietail iplîtbave te lie fleuret eut but thes geueral printil- pIeeis unap waccepteti. mreenaoy questiou h tise axtaili of tee effort itavlng regard't tata Il woUi cosI sud te te coniequences on te country% fînanclal Structure. I;arbosentat, i sesson auY eJ provided for a stiff &Cal$ o? taes- lien.fI pitt ho necessay te emplifY luiis by borrapini, or sanie alter oethot. Il is unteristot thal visat mittary experts canslder ativisalt for tise Canadien effort, uts esiasît ai borne san veseu, w ould have aeeestatsti an outtar ayaut thee coutrya csnDaclty te *sstitecon- ierise the huctien ai oteer olii eotiolts. Te Construet ShiPs Canaoda la gotng lu o costlsict sipo .Hem a&gate deteils are tactc- isse but itlaisknapu thel adequalo ohipptog fatilîties are Ons of tse requesis orf1the Britishs governnienl lose olit munitions anti foedsp- Tise SUbnarine operaflons af pilesem are takine a tialy tolt "BETWEEN - HE CROSSES, ROW ON ROW!" Il i Canatia aiivordo aI volk.. Tee comparatis'r qu'et ln Ottasto eluce parliamexil pentaway lias giveu pace ta, nea actlvlty remin- iscent of 1814 aud lslgr. Tels'il continue pltb tlîe asauranm 110'a ltat an expeditlonsry force selîl ho sent. No tlfflculty lunetiistieîît ta Ibreseen. Recru!lne foc homo 0ee'- vice was tevold cf ntuch attractionl for mooy. There le every sien of e rsaty nesponse viten enisîment Is for te reol tiog. force bss len envtelonet hut pitti- out any deflutte itea As ta Phen r. wouîti le enrollet. Teere bave bel- cepeatet Ilntimations bat lte Brit- ish gaterumeot 80 o farason over- osesi force vas coocernet WM' oit isurry. Tbep' pore sîlt 1 have glo- su pniorlly io mutions, fbort, chips and tifnnclal ceit. Tee eutry 0of communistlc Ruvalaa te thee ar on the stiset1Nazi Gcr- osany ban evitenty leen he turi - tue point loosodo quiclcer anti mrs effective actin. IMPIRTA4NT TO MAKE A vi[[ SAIS_[XEUUTIYE (Continue!frontPage 1) completdbis wldow cecelveti snlyv slgitt teausauti dolars. Toucbteg on tise cool c? atint- ltratîsu af rotatea, aMr. Peace pointeti eut teot tels Seas a malles' sntirely lunthande 01 Uts jutees cf lbe Surrogate Court Ho paîntet out Ibaltee maximum charge that ceulti ho maesly trUateesu vocIe per cent of Uhe s.ggreate etate, but. be pointLet out UsaI îlot.. antoont Wa e ynseldono reeiret. A vte Of tIbnautteteMc. Poassu for hstastfioàýctite attres as niaveti ly Rotarian Jint Bell. lhl! spaker vas introtuceti ly Reterlan R. C. Grsslil. Taxinm, Stricken in Cab, Dia; PodeaIrin Stops Car Kingston, Sept. 15-Wlttiam FPuc- ty, a local taxit driver, dli et af beaci ateck wpblte makine a .satî on Proutener Street atout noon yetertay. Etivarti Walntibt' .%w Pucty lump lu bIe sesî. Ne junopet ente theerunutgo-lino aut stoppedtihte car. The mou pas rsahe to te ienecal NosPîtal. phere b. dliedin a few miuites. Totavn to Have A Poundkeeo5er Council Rulea WbIe lse Topa ef Whtbi bas moV leftal&.tlie ascleol u isenerbie affiet af poand- keoper h»a£Mt -beea f ised fer MMy ysasaithegis thesa er- vces et srih stanOffciaial o apusear le hb e UhIs ebd«ait CoseS an Merd*ai isgisI eo Isit sy ChietF ESelItisxat a feras avIerlnte sot end t e lise Ton bai eaasI&iI et hores cusnnqat Large sanist Sanda. bul fer laeisf et juai- keeper Se vas unablse le 4o*ay- lSsnt. On Deverl .easaea, ise staed teat Se 5.4 basebafgi te paetfthe revitihSrinahi beam -1 theall e e ai p-- keepersat eue Ue t blPereaPu tiselr twm idet fe bave ex- pired,' U» Werhp abeerv d.

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