Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 9

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TH-E WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLL WIEDNESbAY, MARCH .6,,1940 l ree Issues eParamoun"t In Present Vote Battie Prese rvpMioni of ParlimiBU' L have te attend te futiera of an od lfnlend; Dr. Raison, andS yet 1 tary institutions, -Record -wu glad that I hud Lhe opportuan- of Kng G vcrmentsdhm. I knev hlm untimutely fer 15 'N at ijo ea-1 Govcrn- yearsanti ho vas ndeo'd"a fine citizen and a fine represeatativo e!f ment Main Points you r niclln ithtelieuse o! Gem- - nimons& Wlen ho arase te &Peak on LAUDSH. A. NEWMAN, Isses' of theday As Iiistncade RIDING CANDIDATE the eloquent funeral sermon I felt hold lni tht highest esteem la his Declarte Vote for King à8 homhe tevn," declarod Dr. Manion. Vote for Suppression of Hlie nterjected- brie! vends of commouâdatlon for Harry Nevman,- Parliamnent - Says-King Nationl igovernment Candidate iln OntrioridngandRosa ýStnIke, Lacks Vision anc1 Cour- National governmenl., candidate la Durham, vho vas aico on the plat- age ferm. Candidate et Hlghost Standing Tliré r issueir are paramoiunt un .- "Youn c9ndidate le a mao! hlgh th'e presoent federai election catfl- standing andi le undoubtediy ha$ paign-preservation of palilamnen- intimate lcnowlecige of tht meon tarir la ýttutions, the record of tht industrY and its dl! ficuities as Maekpnzle King administration la choyai la bis address litre thîs xauc -aind in van and National ufternoca," lie tolti the audience. govrmeràn, declaned Hon. Dr. R. - There art three chic! issues la J. Manlan. leader o! tht National the present election campaign. 1 Goverrament., party betore' about çvant te dLisue ach in detili andi 120propie who f llied the auditan- later I wili' alsc roter te the tarif! tuai of the. OshaiwuCoileglute Sat- qiestion," h.' aad. uiay-ý atternnoon. Mie arraged M~Te three Isues are parlamen- Prrn-t i ng for extravagance, tary institutions, the King govera- ~rngandi prof iteerlng in ment's record and National govern- Ca i1 c ~ 'wmr ef fort anti- lac! ficlon- ment. Lot us !lrsL consider pariia.* eY mnd incompetence itaudnlinis- mentary InstitutIons," he suli. tra nýn ia timnes cf pence. Wheai Premier Ring -closeti pan- H,- wacccrded an eathuslustic lument af ter tht three-houn session m-rpt ion wlth, tidress f re- on Janary 26, sendlng tht memn qutjfilpuwnctuatedth il appiause bers back te th"ir constltutencles .'U i drve his salient poin~ts la lite 50 many schoci boys, he titi 3o h1ý i: iatfenm. Charges which ho bocauce ho vua mruid. He vunted ban. dc so tan d.uing the caYfl- ta ruai' muy frornitht Investigation ,i, n ierelterateti andi Ring of the King gevernment's van e!- tOù.rflhijicft stutemeats vert l'e- fartsq, frani its extravagance, paL- Auted dCuring hl.¶ speech e! more nonago and pro!iteerng. Hoetaies Ran heur, ho wouid have te face inquinles lntc 14,11Tibue *te Dr. Kaiser Ie administration. Ruther thar At te outset Hon. Dr. Manloli face tht Investigation o! suclh laid tnîbute te tht memorir of the thinge lie chose ta scuttie thte hp ýato ,Dr, KaLçer. "I was very carry o! uLuLe, semethlng that bas never Phone or drop in,-aud let nme show ayou h.w E]rsye Chieke made roei profits for petiltrymea lest Yeur. Persanai attention, prompt i .A CANNING bappened bofone li ail histery. Figlu. For Liberty We are !lghting li Europe for aur liberties and not only for our libenties but for cur lives us vel IL 1e a cctuinty that If Hitler vins, Canada vould ho the greateet prizo on the globe, à prize sucli us Ger- many covots mcst eunnest.ly. We are ticrefere flgbting for things that une dearen than lite ltself, that hlàîbertyr, tht liberty cf speech, the freedeni o! the press, treedani o! assembly anti freetino fe thougiit. Panlilmeatary institutions are the cornorteine on vilch al llberty resis. British people for a thousand yeurs faugit for purliamentaryIn l- stitutions vhlch have come clava tu us, se that vo enjoir theni, vithout a struggle. Premier Ring lias been tellng us for irears that paliameat mm-jjqu was the- place vhere decisions clid nexLt' t nothlng. Ani t d4k vus a hould -ho m=de. lie hue turnd to to.appoint *a commilsalop te inves. t i evory moment 0f vacillation tigote cçnd=ioS»andi wbo i ts re- and indecilon.- port vus subsuitW toti vo put tu a Etit on January 28 Premier xlng pigeon hoit -and. forgtWa.Iboii piaood his politiemi future ahead o! gov«nmeft lias tatlktueunpley- parlian t and çloMed Ie session, ment insuranu .1 but hadont If lie la returnd IL suay bo that nothing about St. Nov non. W., lie vi close dcvii purliament Suler sayr# thero voulti- have beozi altogether. unemployment Insurauce if the ses' Same s HilerIon hadn't beengse sort. >Who eut Stme As Ritiee &hrt? 'The Kin fi c. il n p d t I 1 ý M ~ .........----------A ffI -N EUE_ AEMEUSE M. SEE ES SS E 555 USE SS-E TOWN 0OF WHITBY Who'SIWho! Dainies ; 1 MURELL MOTORS- HILLCREST DAIRY 'R>BEAT DEVERELL, PROP. E. A. Wakefield - Prop. .08 Byron Street South Ã"01 undus Street W.,- phono 429PHN30 vu I Ycu lust cun't bout milt fromn Bakeries -.RAINBOW CAKE SHOP ("harles Astrop, Prop. JENNY LINU CANDES CITY DAIRY 10E CREAM 3,*rmk 'Mreet North - Phione 970 Breld - Betty Cakes - Pies - Fastnes - -Beauty Parlors HELEN'S BEAU-TY SALON HELEN TURANSKY 1>)Rrfýck Street North- Phone 737 PATSy BEAUTY SHOP Ali- 1 nO(i - Mr%. Bruce Sturgess VM 1<) ci ST. IN. ;- FEONE 388 *peintii Thermique IReuterlees Perman~ent WaVing.- Conifectioners S TOCK<ILS' CONFICTIONIRY Miss A., E. 8t.çUl, FPro> 30SekStrent 5wom Ppe 'i Milrest Dairy'. WHITBY DAIRY J. Cowie, Pr on. 1-23 Dundas Street West PHONE 770 *"We Try to Piease" Lumber &Fuel WHITBY LUMBIR &COAL CO. LTD). .,F. E. Sulth, Mgr. 212 FPine Street - Phone 417 Lusuber - BuiIder's Supplies Coal - Coke - Wood F.,L.BEECRO0FT LUMBER INSULATION HAgDWOOD FLOORlING( EstlmatOsý - Phone 807 Painters & Decorators L, H. DILLING »97 RVCLW STBUET -. EONE 394 Havayesvwk Sn no at wluter Lu y Plumbing & Heating -CE9. HAMER1 13 rock Street North Phone, Office 963 - Nights 96 Sheet Mletal Work - Furnace Air Condtonn - Plumbing Restaurants DIA&NA SWEE1 106 Dundas Street W. - Phone On your shopping tour visit Di Sweets for light. lunches, se sundaes and home-made canx DREW'S LUNCI 115 Dundas Street W. - Phone We specialize ln home cookt Annie Laurie Chocolates excinsi Roofmng Contractors *S. J. GASCOIGNE & SONS 1M0 Centre Street S. - Phone 035 years experlence ln ail kn roofing." -S- Service Stations JOHN'S PLAC 3, R. Belett, Frop. King at Dundas Street Wei Phono 427 B.A. PRODUCTS Exide Batterie Dlunlop. Tires on easy Terni CORRELL' SERVICE STATIO» 1 BidGef», grop. 149 Sweék Street Northi- -Phen GOÃ">urIÇuBA TTERIE As éev As 94,75 des iu H Is of Bt t H. 81 ornment hais talketinePlY lent Insurance gele -Ubut bas jont nothlng, faflhng buk on the rçument that It eould »Ot entt cli legisation un4er emti- I gay put unempioyhiint iiMur- ince on the statutes and givo Lthe provinces the niglt to put ILinte At cmt a af WC r au ai te, ci a] à fi gi ù j4 I have proposed that a Nation- il government be formed- for the Jurat!on of- the war to get away [rom party government and get a good courageus war effeet vitli- Dut conscription and alec plan for lie f uture. e 11f Canada is gooci enough to die t for, it should be miade good eneugli t to return to," Dr. Manlon declared, '1 Mr King puts hie party before the c nation. No one party can give the type of courageous leadership wrhich this country needs.1 Aims of his national gomermenlt 1 were enunclated as planning for the future, etablishment of a mnin-t eter of youth volfre, an attempt l te cure the diseuse of unemPlOY- i ment, development of the tourit4 industry ln addition ta courageousg prosecutlon of thewar. Dr. Manlon charged that Mr. Kixng had madle no effort to con- sit hlm on any question from. the time- that the six-day emeion of, parliament was held up te the present time. -1 -I offered to co-operate with hlm in every way. My party had no criticleni to off er durlng the. var session, and yet I -neyer isav Mr. King froni Sept. 13 until J&nuary 26, except ut formal functions. "The trouble wlth Mr. King la that he hue hie eye on party pol- tics ail thet tue. Its net the var King wants to wln, IV'* this edec- tion," Dr. Manlon deciared. The- National Governuient leader referrea to the hlie:e hlch vas purchu.sed in Vancouver for $94,450 whlch couid have been built foi, less than $10»00, citlng thisa a example of extravagance of the King administrationl. True. th.y say, the value was fixed bY the courts but tey dld it, by 'valuing, each Item. ThÇy valuoci gate-s ut $6,000, shrubs ut $5,000 mndeven a manure Dit at M6. '«Ithlnk it vwu a stlnking enough demi vithout any marr it,"commented Dr. Ma.n- TélIs of Patrozage Turnlng te charge of patroage, Dr. Manlon deoclared tl»at .nly Ltb- erai contractors vere permitted te tender on the' erection of-aimy huts in one localfty. In another dla& trict & famer wlth, 20W b9a-of vegetables te, aefl approached' -the quartermaeter of an ariy caP. He was tol1dthat a11 vegetabs a d to be purhased f rom thre &p-, provèd dealers, ail Liberals. The price rectlvtd by these dealers vas 41.05 per bag. Ho..offered the urne vcgetaleste the quartermaitr at 75 cents per bat but was again t»OM 'that, purchasescoûl4 ouW b. mado f rom the Luerel dmen -, *vho eff- od the% urne faxner 40.cenS* pr bag for lias producta. Vegetablft whlch. the.àrmy could h%70 booght States Kinsale (Mss. A. Hooker, Cern.) RINSALE, Mundl 4 - Tht WOM- en'a Mtssloaiary Society vill meet ut tho homeofe!Mnâ. Mark Thurs- dmy afternoon, March 7th, aut 2 pa. I'h. programme viii be i1 charge of Mrs. W. T. Stevenson. AiLaies will be made velccme. Mrs. R. Hadby _ ....e. Jact Mcvbray sent the week-end vlth Mr. und Mns. R. V. Mowbnay. The Yaung Poplo's Union met ut lie hall on Tuostiair lasL iti a f air àttendance. Toe programme vas in charge e! Misa Glenys Stephen, convener o! tht Christian Feilov- ahip departmnent, who gave a venr splendid toplo. Othena tating part went, Rexena Ltdgett, Gannett Wagg and'RDy Lotigett. To.e next mneet- ing vii bh ld ut the home of the presldent. Several ladies met necently ut tht homeofo Mrs. W. T. Stevenson and quiltei a quilt for the Redi Gnoss. l'ht Ea-st grcup home aise ont nemdy vhlch vill ho quilteti iL the home o! Mrs. G. D'tath on 'Nesday. Miss Nora, and Mesrs. Frunk and Bill Devuris, visited inlale frientis on Sunday. Mn. ati Mrs. Lloyd Meody anti Mr. and Mns. Raîpli R. Movbnay, spent the week-end ini Oshava. A very pleasant evenîng vwu speuit aL tht hall on' Wotnestiay lat un- der tue auspices o! the Women's In- stitute, vhen Mr. Roblin of the Olti- msens Daîry Whitby, aliowed pic]Ëo eof tht Ds.lny business, Royal lan, alse corne.comte peLtures. Thero vas a goed crovd out and tht pictures ve rgemtly upproclateti by everir one prisent, Ini betvoon filme, Vo- cal duots vont glven bir Misses Garal and Evelyn MeVey: Solose bY.Misa £onuli Ge,, aid Mr. R. W. McVey, and readligqs W Mrs. J. Wagg aId Mrs. V. IPantin, At the close of -the ~progrnmme tht Ladies sorveti lunch to ail prent. Mn. and Mra. J. Steil, Mn. anISx. A. ;. Hocter, Jackt and Geruld, epeit Sunday lI Toronto. Those vho jounneyei te Mark- hum nink on 'Ibuisday lut, suv a great hockey gaine, ithougl ILtaend- eti i defoat for ens local team. Pic#p- ering oanergtd tht vioon by a geai woe Itnd i the lut tva seconds cf a tosi minute overtime penied. IL vas a lihard, gaine for ens boys te losey as the firaLtgaine ended i a 2-2 Lie and this gaine atot 1-1 Lill the, lust tvo seconds viien Piceng scoôred their second geai. We con- gratuite Pickering on- their vin, and viali ensboys luct iext yir. Mnr. fW. Stevesbon lied tht mis- fortuite o!fliaving a valuable Cev "toen frem lis ban monnght lut 1940 car buyers are looking for greater values- greater savings - greater a ssurance of dependability and long life... And they're finding that Chevrolet lecids again 'in ail these tokens of "~more for the, mone y". Chevrolet is flot only th e streamlined beauty leader of this "valué' year" - but it's also the ablest ail-round performer! In addition to greater size a.nd increased roominess - it brings. you new,, unequailed features! * You and your family will be inighty proud'to own this new Chevroiet * .and you'll be money ahead. Because only Chevrolet offers you ail these greater values at the lowest Cost in purchase price=gas--oil--and upkeep! Eye it, try it and you'll buý' it, as the soundest- car investment of the year. IMGRINSIDE ANO OUTSIDE'... NEW "dROYAL 'CLIPPER" STYLING . .. NEW FULL-VISION BODIES Si' FISHER ... NEW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS, WITH SEPARATE PARKING LAMPS . .. IMPROVED VACUUM POWER SMIFT ... "THE RIDE ROYAL"- CHEVROLST'S PERFECTED KNEE-ACTION RIDING SySixM*. .. SUPER-SILENT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE ... PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . .. TIPTrOE- MATIC CLUTCH ... More thn 175 Iportant Modern Fetures in Ail. *On Specioi De Luxe Models C-48B' DONALD MOTOR SALES DUNDAS ST EAST wHiTBY .4 -' - l143 BRtOOK ST. S., IVHIIBY MIe )NE 441 v Auw AVgenciez & Dealers 1 1 Mn. Klng's condcta rutetaliy dit- ,ront' te thut !ollovtd ia demfo- -ratic governmenats -vhere' theird âbertiesz art txemiplified 'un parlia-a ment. Hitler and Stulin cai theIr panlument Legethir, deliver mn ad- t 1roa, dismie panlilment anid send the members home. Thut la Just a what Mn. King didP ,In Europe teduy vo are !ightlng e for liberty and ugainat sucli things ae secret police. In Germany there could be no such meeting us thutt at whuch vo cnftlcize the govern- ment o! tht day. If there veret rt only vouid ve vlio speat be thrcwn nto -prison but ail you vho Iiiqten hre today vould ho sent iutc con- centration camps. Thut type of < governnnent ileocaof e! or. To uvoîd such a thing IL le neeseary that the people keep control o! their govennment. In this election liberty o! pulila- mentany institutions le ut etake. A vote for Ring le a vote for suppres- sion o! panliamentary institutions. Gagged Public Men Net oniy hue ho suppressed par- liament but ho bas gagged public Mon by preventlng bnoudcasts o! addressec f rom public meetings. There are hundrede In evtry con- stltutency who cannot attend pub- ILc meetings and yet want ta banr the Issues o! the day dlscussed but Mr. King lias gagged the radio s0 that ne meeting cun be broaticat. Ia addition, ho hue put la tht hands o! a radio station manager the right te say that certain thlngs cunnot be broaticuet over tht radio. Mn. King hue set up muny reg- ulations through orders-in-couaidil. Ho bac dlctated tht munnen Ia which the soldiera' votes are te be vhich have exempteti radio station managers f rom liabiiity for speeches madle ever their stations- through the sanie medium. !Undor present censorshlp regula- tions the radie station manager- can demand a cctpy cf any political' speech 48 heurs Inaudvance. As a recuit Mn. Drew and Mr. Adanisen had Important parts o! thein radio speeches deleted. "'What are ve - comlng te vhen men lite my3el! andi Mr. Drev, men vithi records e! public service, cannot ho entrusted te abide by tho lave o! our land?" asked Dr. Man- ion. "Whut niglit bas any radio sta- tion manager te suy thut vo cun't say this'or that?" For and Against Liberty The vote on Mardli 26 therefore ls ene for or against libertyr. Tbroug I tc conspirucy o! silence tht Ring govenment le attemptlng te force a vote without an In!ormed public opinion. Turnlng te the record cf tht Ring administration, Dr. Maniera cleclareti iL had taileti beth la pouce and la vur Since assumlng power i 1935, a Million people have been on relie! viLli a bal! million un- employeti but tht King gevernment Ne Vision, No omeir lI peace the K~ing administra ti ion bias had no vision muid ne coulr- vi ago and Inla anthere le net anucli ei more. ou Since 1935, the Kin g ovtnrnmest pi has spent $188,000,00, Dr. Mallion leclared, climilng that thle figure fi wau useti by Mn. Kinug liul el ai thoughIn iitht preaunt campalgu hi la iae suid'thatt oxpeidtunis on de- v fence amnounted ta ooly 894,000.000 rr Hton, Mn. -Rogers eays $112,000,000, a aras epent. N'ether la nigiit, tue K Kilng goverament narely 1s. a Dospîte tht lange umount ex- pcaded when vwan broeeout Can- ada bai. no defences cither on-the Atlantic or tht Pacifie, Ia addition n Canada vus vulnenuble la the oniy ~ way ini vbicli dit coulti ho attacted q by Genmanir, this la, by airpianes a freni some slIp iocated o!ff tht coast, She vue vulnerable because titre vert oniy four aati-alrcraft guns vîta eh. needed 126. a Canada DIS Nething t Mr. King says thut the Consen- vative goverament let thtetiefelices e! Canada go dovu but doeea't cuir that ail democraciec let-dovai their i efences ut the came Lime. Bnitai, France. anti Canada mil let their mufitarir prepanatIens sug prier te, 1936. But li 1936, vhon Hitler li vaded the Rhinelmnd, Bnitun ad France began to reanni but Canada dit nothing. Dr. Munion agmia chqrgod the Ring government vitli negléct I paying proper ailovance te vives and legal dependents cf :11ev- ances, declarlng thon. vert thouis- unds o! cassvhero vives liad te wuiL long perictis before rocelving uny aliovances. Only two days ho- tort the government dissolvotl pan- huament, vas tht allovanci macle uvallable Le dopendent mnieionse soidiers. The prcsent, yoodehortage, Dr. Manlon tieclareti, vas tiie re3uit o! negleet by the King admninstra- tion. Tht government vas vannet beforo tht outbneak o! van. to place an embargo on 'woci but It negliot- eci the vunning andi, as a&rezult 2,500,000 peunde o! vool vas slip- ped, te the United States. "Whon f inuilirLb teSverniuenit vue protidet Iinte action, they founti that the weol vas gene," lie said. erlig i~uae He chargedth le goverrnmont dis- courageti recnuitlag tinougl itîl fl-taient o! soldiens. Due to su- perficial examinatlons giron sol- tiers maay vert discliargecl a few, veeke later, te finS themscivea vithout jobs and la somo cases witheut clothes. Sudh failuro te acure for men who liad enliseot, Dr. :Manion changed, 'discouragod ne- 75 cents per bag cost $1.o5 bc. week. And Up te tume cf vrltixig D l Fo use Libéral patronae haiS to no, trace h bS eu found of iL. We B lende For u aln iy met its tofl, Dr. anlon charged. understand several. other f urmere Nen'.Lberaj PireS in the district have aise had cattit Another instance cted vas t4at stelen. The police are busy on the a youflg man cf 20 vho securod cmse job on vwas vork but, a! ter being An accident happened Just vest roci, wa.s tek thst ho hud Le have o!. Khnsâle on Saturday, wben a SLD letter e! recemmondition f rom eu driven by an Oshawa man, skid- [bnai leaders. Ho vrote te Pre- ded on the ice, and crashcd into 1er King maklng why sucli a letter an Eaten delivery truck. The front as necessary as h liait neyer had of, the car was badiy damaged, but mything te de vith polltics. Tt the man escaped.serious injury'. mult as that hlie sdlscharged M.r. Frank Mowbray, Hamilton, nit. 111s that not patronage?" ask- Mowbrmy famlly. iDr. Manien. SorTr te report Mr. Lew Dunn, isa st4li a, further Instance of pat- confined to the house with an t -__________________________ mage which Dr. Manlon cited vas tack o!fPlu'. We wlsh him a speedyHniaiefte ataneadltr.Bttseew ad ap Ilegod to have occurred ini Sueka- recovery. Hnia eetda aneadltr u hsenwhnsCp )on vhere a large iuewspaper a-- Mr. Tom Farndale wau a recent the love of Anthony and Cleopatra tain Drake and flrst mate- Miss ertlsemont indicated thut, 1Iilte5 visiter at hie home here. shattered by uciversîty. Pryor. the present f irst mate o!' Lîberal was elected Ini a by-elec- Mr..and Ms. Reg. Ramer, o! AI- We viewed with interest -the rise Claremont Continuation Schoo [on Saskatooný would receive, no tenu, epent severai days iast week o! -British Impcrialism and ber proved to he the ablest seamnen of. rr vork. Despîte the thrtat, it witii Mr. Ramers' parents, Mr. and muny stnifes to maintain security. al.- Mr. Drake steered our shiP pcted un opsiin candidate, Mns. W. J. Stevenosn. In short we studied history. through many perlis and cemerged ,e o! thosewhvua member of Dn' forget Mission Band te be When our first' mate - toek.- con- victorieus with friends on ail sies. iîment for three heurs. beid on Saturday next, March 9th, trol we almost floundered in the 1 must say he was most ably assist-. Dr. Manteau also pointed to the at the, home o! Mrs. R. V. MOwbray. raging biîows o! Latin., We discov- ed by Miss Pryor.- act that Premier King b as ùot Ail Chikiren willi be made welcome. ered how Troy had fallen through * It îs ifldeed strange that we ,pointcd a single representative of _________ abon to any o! the var b6ýrds the wiiy trick o! Ulysses and foi- shouici have so.many masters dur- rhicli ie hua created. The Deèt- Cile o owed admlringiy the perilous voy- ing our voyage and yet stillI hve Lent cf Labor should ut lemet hàve l r m t age o! Aeneas threugh ugîy Scylla rncintained throughout our. sanie klabor mman ut ts bead. Premier and Cliarybdis and inter the love faithful stewýard. His task of keep- .aing bas a lavyer In thut position (Contlnued t-rom Page 3) o! Dido for hlm Who later tounded ing Ciaremont Continuation Schopi bt present. CLAREMONT, March 4-We wish Romie. spotiess and warm was not so easy Tarfffs Needed to congratulate Russel Prouse. on Then expiored tie background e! and I now pay tribute te our JAnito Turning te the tarif! question, the.valedlctory address he gave ut the French ianguage and the ian-M.Bice Dr~. Manlon dtclared thut he wus the close o! Ciaremont Continuation guage itself were cxpiorcd. - Across Ouir iourney is now ended. For et a higli. tarif! mman but ho be- Schooi Commencement, which was the waving se& we delved f or a s -omnOfo!US it means the end o! leved that there shouid be mdc- expressed as follows: whiic into the English language and schoi days, for otilers it means the quate tariffs te pretect workens Ladies and gentlemen, back in the literature onl to be hurtled into f urther embarkment on the sea of igainit competîtlon from. countries early thirties my fellow graduates despair as we hit the seething càul- knowledge. In either case we are, paylng 1ev vugef Md operatlng and I booked passage on the good drons of chcmistrv! I rernember at indeed happy and consider ourselves Lnder mass production methods. slip Claremont Continuation Sehool. this time that we were experiment- -forXtnaite at having ceon able to at- Industry should- mise be protectedI We hacl obtai.ned our higli school n ina the ships laboratory with tain tiiese cheriýhed dciplomas on against, cutside competition andi entrance andi wcre now rcady te acetylene -as.- We were in the pro- the good ship Clarement Continua- u arkets shudh mce obldembarit on the famllar nivers ef cess ef ma-iing an acetylene iamp te eel "The very !act'that Britaun de- clementaryr education into the vast when I unconsciously chose a stop- strcyed hon agriculture hundreds sea o! unknown knowledge. Whithcr ped piece et glass tubing. The ex- HIONEY STORAGE of yeursemgo by inaugurating a free ve vere golng wc knew not and plosion neariy recked our boat out A detinite relationship between tradte pollcy mukes ber the greatest whut ve would set we were cquaily o! the sea «and our captain thunder- moisture. yeast content,. and fer.- market In tht venld," the Conser- unaware cf. z ed la tprotest almoa't,* as loudiy. mentation lias beauý discovbred in vmtive Leader said. "lWe proflted Hevever we placcd our wholeI Nearîng the end o! our voyage we the experimental storages of honey from the British marktet as a recuit trust in our captain and flrst mate. passeil threugh t he perilous carried eut for the past few years of! the Empire trade conference, They vere ut the time Miss Clark struights ef physies and I might Say by the Bec Divi5ion. Dominion Ex- but Mn. King destroyed many o! and MIçs Reesar. Through the thut some or us feli everboard, se pcrimental Fams Service. In tis thie preferences ve got ut that careful vigilance and unceasing et- neugh was the struggle. conncction controflad tepnature time and we are suf!ering !rom the tort o! these two, despite the femin- During this sailing on the good tests wene aiso conductcd;* 300 e! fects of that pollcy teday." inity o! our pilot we were plungcd ship Clarement Continuation Schooi i 'amples having been piacc& -undier Mt pledgel hie party te the tasit immediatciy into the snags o! we had many exciianges ef worthy1 six ditterent temperature conditions of regainlng Empire , preferences matiiematies. tht rackt et Algebra, cuptains and tirst mates. Atter the ot storage. Sampies stored at and brcudenlng the Empire nmarket, the shoals of Geometry and worst tirst years o! our jounney we ex- temperatures above 60 degnees F. te building up other markets by o! ail grounded for a whiie on the changed our ftirst mate Miss Reesor have tenmentcd, but thoset held ut treaty, and, te expansion o! tht infesteti isiand cf Arithmetic. Mhen *for Miss Dixen' Who with Miss Clark 40, te 50 clegree F. are stili good home market by sound tarif! pro- vo saw democracy saved upon the shared tht destiny of our ship oniy even atter being in storage feor, aine tetoinM e b aif Plains cf Marathon; saw ia Itaiy te leave it te, new hands two ycars years.> "4Youlitre la the Oshavu district cmii appreciate particularly thte _________________________________________ value o! seasonal taniffs," lie said. "W.> need theni te hold our ovai markets for our own goode. You know that fruit matures ealiler lI Lthe United States than- 1L dots litre. You doa'L need tarif! protection vhlen you have ne product an tht NA .E thei Ontario orep le ripe. Mn. Ring bias beon tlnkenlng viLli-the tarif fs ever sInce he, camne litepaver and ivery tume ho tinkers withl I, lie Taniff e vetnot meant te nuise pnices, Dr. Malon malntained, but ted thut there veret tues when they dld keep prices up, but toid his audien ce there wert mîso times vhen they madle price reductions posbe f oavny rderi teck mnr d-M OM 1 j

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