Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 4

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TH-E WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNE.SDAY, ~H 6, 1940 IM-MMaM-M-M-M OR CIAL ADPERSON, Nin.. , J. O'Connor Tcrointe, viing vith lias been lnii anîgan mountaineers, Radio ar- lier dauzh- tists, of Toronto, wlll provide the music,. Missr Blanche Meekcrn of the To- ronio Piblic Stoff. wqs at ber hotne ber. laÊt week owving Io 111- 1fhe many frlcnds of Mrs. Charlee Brougliton wîli be glod te krow liai ,he ha% ,recoveredi irora ber recent raewre lln"e-, and J..;rable ta b.eout arigain. TIie regular monthly meeting o!i the Parlai Guilît, of AIl Saint-s' Ohurch, viii be held on Tuesday, March 121h. in the Primary roomi. A good lattendance of members Ls -ioped for. The Whltby Volunteer Pire Comu- panxy wili hold their annual Easter dun. on U~onday, March 251h, -ln tie Wliby, Town Hall. Charle On Wedneiiday evening. March 6tii, in Ail Saints' Panisl Hall, an lllustrated lecture, on the Mission Dîoce.ýe in thc Northwest, wlll bo given at elght o'clock. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church wlll lhold themr regular meeting on F'iday, March- 15th, at the homc of Mrs. George Mowat, instead of Frlclay, March 8th, as announoed prevlously. At a nmeeting of thie - Cedardale1 Wonien',s Assoctation lhelti on Thur;sdJav afternoon last, Mrs. H1. C. Crozier. of Whitby, gave a talk on rh misýsionary work of James 'Evens amid the Indiais, centuries a go. Tea wasi served after the meeting. M r. T hto ni , ; H î,w ':P . S r. , c e le - brated bis 90th, birthday qul.ètly ait e WHJTB Y -THîURSDAY - FRIJ Two Shows at 7.00 Ond 9.00. Phone 618 )AY - SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 1.30. THE -GREATEST HEART STORY 0F SHOW BUSINESS SINCE "THLE GREAT ZIEGFELD"I H@oar 28 Victor Herbert M.Ilodies including your fa vorites: " Kiss Me Again," ~~~~"Im FaImg inL.ove \Vith Someone," s~S e t sery of Lif," "Thmne ~ Ajonc" 'A Kiss in the Dark! ',ondine .thrl, 'ne voièe08I 'GRIL? MONDAY - TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY First Show at 7.00. Last ConiDiete Show at 8.20. TUREMI>ST RIIC TRIO ON TEE SCRIE .. IR.. RANYWREIE! 1 - N' A N EW U V I SA L I CU E S ALSO AN ADDED ATTRACTION! Conrad IURS. -FR1- SAM- -Valerie Hobson. lis home on Garden street, On Sunday, Mardi 2nd. Mr. Hâwes 18 enjoyhng iairly good bioalth and inl able ta o a bout the bousedallY. The Gazette andi Chronice Pjeu' wlth many cther town citSin extending congratulations and buat wlshe3 for many more liappY birth. days. i» regular rnonthly -business meeting of the ladies o! the Red Cross Society viii ho heldin the woricrooxu on (this) Wodnesday, Marci Sili, il 3 p.m. Pieuse bnhng miebxsto be emptlsd. The March. meeting o! tht Wo- men's Instituto wlll h ild on Fi- day, the 151h, In the Co-operative Rooxs, at 3 clock. 'rie topie for the' day will b. "Rome enme" viti Mrs. . M . Oruiston as con- vener Tiie roll cmlli viii be answer- ed by a favorite dih. 're .1vi1 be a tiemonstration o! sandwiches, salads, and pies, andi a piper on "Economy In Little Thunga". A cor- dial invitation hs given to &Ilithe ladies of the towu to attend. A mnemberofon ee oi Wiitby's hair dressung establishiments, who attended lie liair dressera' conven- tion andi style show. at tie Royal York Hotel 1mut veek, reports Ibis one of - t e best conventions yeh heiti by the Association, with styles of hair dress mudli sharter afld styledti t suit lhe nov modes o! head wear. Permanents are ta be soft and not too curly a.s soit waves and curis are so mudi more natural. It was hlnheti that the boy- ish bob nay becorrno fashlonable again. Guests at the marriage of Miss- Kathleen E. Carscallen to Dr. John H. C. Gowiand, at Ontario Ladies' College, Whltby. on Saturday In- cludedth le bride's grmndnlother, Mr.s. Richard Cuibert, of Lucan, Ontario, Mr. anti Mn. T. A. 00v- land, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Govianti. Mr. anti Mrs. E. Crawford of Brampton. Rev. A. J. Gowlanti of Oakvllle. Mrs. Margaret Hall, Mn. Edigar Gowland, Mr. Douglas Gov- landi of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. CarscmlIen. Master 'Peter anti Miss Betty Canscallen of! Oshawa, Miss Alice ant izLs Belen Cars- callen of Toronto. 'rie many fienda of Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Martin, Coîbonne istreet, will learnu iti rogret ofi their re- cent &adi beroavement, lu the sud- don deati," on -Tueéday, February 27ih. o! Mrs. Rallie Winger, uiter of Mr. Martin, via came tram Buf - falo to Toronho, to visit lier son anti grautison. vio are lnitho army. Sic came to Whithy on Bunday., February, 251h tb visit vili Mr., anti Mrs. Martin andt 10k autden- ly 111 on Mandmy, passlug saSy on Tucstiay.'rie remins vers taken ho Buffalo on Weduesday andthle funerai took place on Fnldmy. Mn. andi Mrs. Martin vil have lie sympatby o! Iheir nisny fnieutis ln their sutiden andi sad benavement. LIBRART BOARD TONIGHBT Wliitby Public Library Boardi meet.s lis (Wednesday) evei0g ln lie.board room for tie election of a chairnian. committees anti tran- saction of goneral business. BOY SCCOUT TAG DAY The Boy Scouts vere gantti per- mission by lie Town Councli en Monday nigit tla bld thoir amual 'Apple Day on Mmy 4h. Money de- rivet is feirnthe annual camp. DISTINGUISHED 'VISITOI Senator tie Rigît Honorable Arthiur Moiglen, former premier o! Caîadk. emilet an fionda lu Brook- lin anti *itby on gaturdmy. Mie vas on i1s way taosi3avar to at- tend tie funeral o! the late Dr. T. E. Kaiser. BUSINESS MEN TO MEET T7he regular n thly meeting cf the Whltby Botter Business Assoc- latlon villi ho helti on Monday even- ung nexl, mi 8 o'ciock sharp, vien important maliens vii cogne up. Members shoulti koep -ths date lni mhnti anti word viii b. sent arouati aboutthle -place eot meeting. TO LECTURE ON FINLAND The st.ory o! this progressive antid beautlful country. as in timo cif peace, ouhllning its iatory andi accomplisimeuts, viil h o 101by * Mr. Sven Sitatius, FiunlsliVice- * Consul, lu Toronto, -inilie Whltby jUnitedi Churci, Wednesday, Mgardi l3ih, at 8 pin., under tie au3pices of the Men'a Association. Reporting Mr. Statilua' visil le Uxbridge early this3monti, lie "imes-Jounnal" statoti: Mr. Stadilus là a young mani o! attractive personallty anti dis- tînci gits as a speaker, béhng very fluent ii Eugili, sud presenheti a large seleclian of!the môat beauhi- fui laulern ldes ever shovu liere. The beauty oi tie eountry andthie ultra motion-cimnacter o!fIas cilles were a surprise anti tellght te lie -udience." WUllh Plani andi Ils brave peopleiniuch Iniithe lime4lgt today, tien.aboulti be a lge aùdi- once la hear Mr. Stadius, vie knows i$snative country vell anti bis srved t Inlmuiy capactile. .irth - ROSS-At 218 )Zonarci Park Av- eniue, Toronto, on BundiY, Mard 3Ros, o r.Ëend on.WhlPiy, Ro, te n. ant Mn. aot daugiten. I.Govorumient gradnug -places eg9s on a qualilty beu.1 mmumumpmmmmummmmm mâmmmu.m~ KEEP' THIS, DATE-FREE!s WEDII, MARL 13. MR$' SVEN STADIUS, Finnish Vice-Consul,. at Toronto, will pve bhs fes-. cinuing lecture on FINLAND AND ITS PEOPLE WITBY UNITED CIIURCH, at S pom. (Under Auspices of tthe Mens Asscain A series of beaudh ifvery will be shown. A generous portions et the. preceedu willb. douateti te the FINNIER RELEF FUND. Admission 25 cents; Chldren 10 cents 1.0.DL.E. ACTUVUTIES The following letter-was recelved by the Regent, Mrs. D. B. Colemnan and will be of interest toalal who have made it possible by their sup- port o 11h. chapter for the I.O.D.E, in WhlVby to recelve this honor: Dear Mrs. Colemnan. I arn dlrected %y the Executive Commlttee of the Provincial Chap- ter of Ontario, Imperlal Order Daugliters of the Empire, to asic you or a representative of the Vis- count Greenwood Chapter will give the reply to the address of wel- corne at the forthcomlng ]Provin- cial annual meeting. Your chapher lias doue oustand- ing vork sirice Ils inception, andi tuis la a sligit lionor the executive committet wish 10 give 10 the clip- tors lu tiufereul part of tie prov- Ice from lime to lime, lu recog- nition ai hheir services. Yours sincerely, Provincial Secretary. An Ürgent appeal lias jush been recelveti irom our National War Service deparlment, lirougia 04t Provincial Presitient. Mrs. ùor"cs for fieldi comfonts ion Finish so- dièzu lu Finlanti. Arrangemient3 have been mmde for lie carniage of 50 trunks ho iesave Toronto, Friday, Mach 8. Immediate action la therefore necesuary. Any response anyone can make 10 this ,appeal viii be grmtefully recelved. Articles carii bo 1011 at tht homne of Mrs. Cole- mman, Wednesday, Mardi 6. Arrangements 'have hotu matie for iree expressas vell as frelght, on mwr supplies to.and from chmp- tors cf the Order., A cash donation vas votedti o'tie Canadian Legion War Services. A new supply of yood vil hoon, hand aitiheendi o! lie veek. In Memoriam MAGUIRE - Iu sati but loving memory o! Dur dean husbanad tidtiy, Fred J. Maguire vlo pass-.]- eci away on March 4tii, 1939. Gant dear daddy, gone foroyer: Hov ve miss your amlllng face, But you leit us tlo remember Noue ýn earth can takt your place A happy home 'vo once enJoyeti How sweet tle memory stilil But deali lias left a loneliuess. 'rie varld can neyer f111. Sadly misseti by vif o anti two 11111e daughters. Weddinga GOWLAND--CAILSCALLEN Ou Saturday, Marci 2, 1P40, mi the Ontario Ladies' College, 7ihitby. Ont., by Dr. C. R. Carscmlleii, as- sisteti by Rer. A. J. Gowland, Kath- leen Ethel Carscallen, daugiter o! Dr. anti Mrs. C. R. Carscallen. 10, John Howard Cameron Govîmuti, son o! Mr. andi Mrs. T. A. Gowiand ai Brampto, Ont. M I DOMINION STRES MEAT DEPA]RTMENT Buy your MEATS where QUALITY'and FRESHNESS EXCELLS. You wilI be served to your best advantage and by my beat ability. Your patronage will bekindly received by myseif. I extend my invitation to you personaily. Trhanking you for any meat orders, which you may care to leave at Dominion Stores, Whitby. Yours very truly, Yo ur New lleat Manager, JOSEPH E. POLLOCK. HEADS U P FO R BEAUTY WE HAVE spent several days at the Hair- dresserý. Convention and now are fully prepared, to give to you ail the latest h air- stylingl LET US create your style with the latest ini Permanent Waves brought back from the show!l The new Permanents are soft. and alluring with no harsh ends and stiffness. PHO0NE. NOW'TOI-3211 IRIS BEAUTY SALON, .NOTIOE#-ADVEBITSNG >NDES tis badiit e pebag ,At the werê ef fluiIurtWI4 minlim thurg%, 24. Ech suseau emnstlve Ime.8 le put w@id, aeG thrw oosmeoutlv IfsetM 1 fer t1ie prwe d ef ly 1tià lMp- tiein(*ie*entasab wo'4),ni- mi= charge f4, thm eq I «Malns Uc. An ntoes fer tIbs olm ;iiemýkwhonenr poss be .in wMllIg, stating iumober s tes ef lmUsertens"te&vexu u1stmmu We' wIl »t b. responsible for mlsakes iunol sphene iLu MURMELBONNELLAN, HAtiPIBT, wlth the T'into iSympliony Orchestra, sud Bill- Bonneilsu, Vlollnlst, wMll ive a prograzu of music ai the Ontario La4Ies' Col- loge, on Frlday evening, March MR. ALEX. BLEIGHTXOLM, wlahes to announce tht le lias Durchssed the Dumdus Lunch, Dundas Street'EBst, antivil continue to serve lunches, ice- crum, soit drinks, etc. Yaur Patronage is- solicited. THE YOUNG IMNS CLUB WILL halci their Ea.ster dance in the Wbutby Higli Sehool, on Thura- day eveuing. March 2lst. Steen's Orchestra wil provide the music. Durlng intermIssion th. music wil be provideti by Mr. Steen'x igiril'Orchestra. ONTARIO OOUNTY SEED PAIR, Brooklln, March 2th. E. A. Innes, Secretary; F.. M. Chapmnan, Presl- Ident. ERINO YOUR FRIENUS TO THE -8t, Patrick Te& andiHonme Cook- ing Sale, at the 'United Cliurch, Thursday, Marci 141h. Tes 8ery- ed fromn3 to 5 oclock, vith an Irish program througlicut the afternoon. T*a 15 cents. THE BAPTIST LADIES' AID ARE sponsoring a "PlunkettIXnner" on March l2th ai> 7:00 p.m. An interesting programme cf colored movini pictures foflow the dii- ner, listing about 35 mins. Ad- mission by ticket enly. Faor tick- ets or information, phone Urs. 3. Parkcer, Wliitby '190. ST. PATRCK'S NIrGUT AT ST. Andrew's Chureh,- Wednesday, March *13, travelogue on Ireland 'ly Rer. W. H. Ernytli, of Port Perry, auspices St. Andrew's Meni. Also programme and re- fresirnents. Admission 25c. CONFUCIUS SAY: '#WREN PRIC- os are rlslng, Wise housekeeper on lookout for economies," De- comte nov at loweft vinter prices. Frank Wells, phone 40K. 1Dr. G R. Carscallen Off iciates At Daughter's Marriage The Ontario Ladies' College, Whitl2y, was the acene Saturday ai ternoon of the marriage ofMiss Kathleen Egthel Carscallen, daugli- ter of Dr. and Mis. C. R. Caracal- Ion. ta Dr. J. H. C. Oowland, Otta- va, Canadian Dental Corps, son fl! Mr. andi Mrs. T. A. Gowland, Brampton. Principal Caraallen, the brlde's fatlier, officlated, as- sisted by Rev. Arthur Gowlanti, of Oakville. The bride wore a gownu of dole taffeta made on pruncesa lunes, matchung ht and carrioti a bou- quet of token rases, whie bouvar- dia- snd têtu. A reception was hold tollowing the ceremony. The racina vere dec- oratd wh white stocks and rose snapdrag4Éi. Th* couple le! t on a& short motor trip, the bride travel- ling in a moduis dusty rose crepe dress vith black liat and patent leather aceesories. They vill re- side In Ottawa,. Ddtatho RICHARD 1. CAMPO A veIl kuovu anti hlghly e8teeni- et resideut of Whutby for the pfl eleven years, lu lie persora ef Richard J. Campa, passeti avsy at bis home on Brock Stroet South, on Wednesday, aiter liavlug been Iu alihng boulli for four yesn. Tie lite Mn. Campeovau borninl Consecon, Princbe Edward County, tie son of Aloi Campe audAm Serrington, vl4o vert eanly selîler.s In tiaI Counly. As a young man lie move t hoAhiens, Ontarie, where le remained for, tome lime. For tventy-flve 4dlei e ltve InluNev- York Cty, maldhng 'he uretropols bis hpdquarters, as lie travelleti ext9gsively southInuthe 'United etes. Ho came th Whllby elevon yuars mgo anti mariei-SarahIFP. Hfevia. 'flicdeceuastsuccesaufly operateti a gnocery store on Bnock Street South ion sevenal'years. In religion lie vas a member of lie Unitedi Churci and Ilu Internal- crosa forMner membel. of the Orange Order. Ticetieceiset Io usurvivedi byis vife. one-brother andti tree sistena. The funenal hook. place mc lie laie residfteeon Friday a! tenoon,, vien service *mas couducteti by the' Rev. Clifford Park, pastor .of Whltby Unitedi Church. hnlermenl, vas mde tu St. Jolin's Cemeteny. Wbont 'hy, andth le bearera vwere uhRoss, WM. CocinaM A. Bru la larger, than' the Unitedi Dlscoutlnflti inose$!Of te 9. Erorn, lac, patent. id Shoo -Storoès, WIIBY FARM HELPS SOAPMAKERS Llnseed, con, soya bean s, andi many other products o! lhe farm are useti by the soap makung indus- try oi Canada wlh2ch includes 109. factonies making soaps. washung compountis, or cleaning prepara- tiens as their main manufactures. Accorting - o lie latesi available statistics, the production of these works .vas valueti at $18,21, 85 lun 1938. 1FOrtY-SiX of 'the plant-5 were engagqdprimuaily iu the mmLnuitLC- ture ofsoap 2s belfiO îIo li in Queboc; - 5in Alberta; 3 each in Manihtoba andi British- Columubia, antiw e uNwBusik. Tbirty- ' five establialiments Madie washÎnig compountis as 'their Main product.. javelle, water ahd hypochlorite be- ing the chie! items of manufacture. ,In 28 -plants.,, he principal- output -wus cleâning preparatiols. Ti 10e M * * * ASSàRTED aTimsc, * .. 1,/Pb. Pkg. IN SHELL 3 lb. BMASX .Cakes d a , E SUE Oïi SURE GOOD PODK ,&,DEANS 2Ooz.Tin. Z for ~9 FANCY MIXE» BISCUITS . Zlbs'.29c CLARK'S SOUPS WILSON'S ORANGE PEKOE I SAVINS for Thursday, Friday mi urd a y HAMOAST PORK lb. 19e DRTSAILT PORK By-Piece lb. 19e BIDE PODK Slieed lb. 18c By Fiece IL.15 POREI FAT For Rendering' lb.-7e' unL FED VA VEALEAL TmCHOFS n ZZe: SE iNveAu m.Zlbe-sF. POT ROAST BIEF Bonélees4 ubýI5e SHOULE W Rouzid Boue.IL. PORTEEHBOUSE IOAST l.~c WING STEAKS u> i.Z«3c CUT FROM SUAL QUALITY 0F MAT Ib.fr25C SPCIAL. YOUNG PORKUVII DONELEass SEWN5 ~ FRISE W]a NRESSIEDTODAY 0i lc Gul.2Z9, BRmNO coNTAINER - . APPLECS. BALDWINS - TALMAN SWEETIS GREENINGS Dushol Ramper 3 9C GRPOCERME CHOICE BANTAN TASTY SILICED DREAD 4'Luv»19c Wih$.0Order e-Groceries TOMATOMI Choice 21/s, Ti5 3 lota5 - FI rw-w-ww E , il

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