Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 5

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TH4E WHrTBY CAêZF:TM-AND CHRONI1ILL- A Librnil Allowanco for your old wrist watch on a 1940 Bulova. at DBASSETT'Sl WHITBY - of aur wonac room, and ceciarea The" egular monthly business was the largest and most commc( meeting o! the ladies of thse Redlous Red Cross communiy Sew Cross- Society will be held i the quarters he had seen In bis vis! workroomn on (this), Wednesday, tismougis tourteen counties o! 0C March Oth at 3 p.m. Please bring tarlo. ýSpecial mention was mm mite-boxes to, be emptieci. e! the quantity and quality o! ho + + 'pitl supplies sent in by this Bran4 Owlng to the approaching EasterI which are well above average. holiday, it Wus decided to poSt- + 4 pone tise bi-we 'sMmnta ie cifferent phases o! Red Cro supplies until Monclay, Marcis 1th work weme explained consisting * 4. 4'bath Overseas work and Home wor Contributioxns for, the week are. Both musi bc kept up and cantiri gtmtetully aclcnowledged: donation ousa acjustment- must be made o« money f rom Miss E. Wal lace; anc meet whateverneeci I4s greatest pair socks,' flaniielette and tliread the moment. Plans must be miA troin Miss E. Richardison; baby jac- according te international as wi keis from, a member; 12 hospital as national requirements, dnc nE gowns and 12 ice bag cavera fr011 prablems wili arise continually -Viscount Greenweed Chapter 1.0. thse war progresses. D.E.;-,f ive pair s o! sooks froin Mrs. ,+*+4+ P.. L. Beecroft; 13 pairs 0f wisilctsý American Co-Operation tram the-Unlted Church, 1 pair o! We note that thse Lake Pla. socks, froin Miss E. Marnes; 1 Pair Winler Camnival Club Sas recent o! socks froin Mrs. Wright, Toron- sent a cheque for $100.00 as a don to; 1 pair socks troin Mrs. Russell tion ta the Canadian Red Cross S Rateis; i pair mitts and 1 pair shoes ciety. Many Arnericans are showii for r'efugee'chilciren !rom Mrs. Win. active sym.paîhy In ihis way . wi Roacis. oar cause. Our local Brancis recei 1000 Pairs of Socks Knltted Congratulations te eux knitting departuient for havlng passed tise thomsand mark inu knltted socks. Thls Is an excellent record for four i!ioutbs' work. Tise Casîle Cisapier o! tise On- tarlo Ladies iCollege Alumnas have sent us anothier contribution o! $5.00 as part-pniiceeds a! a ecent even- Jng's entertalumenl. We Paý>preclate grpatly tise conitInued ca-opemmîbon 40tis tis organization. Visit o! Major Watson Major Watson, Redi Cross argan- izer lu Ontanlo, palci a visit ta aur work romnan Friday a! temnoon 1aI, and s5poke ta, wokers froin Wiitby, Pickering anid Brooklil as weii as members o!- our general executlve. He was greatly impreased. witi tise aise, equlpinent anet convenlences, 4iRED CROSS~ A&CT-IVITIES Rd- its ade Los- ah of rk. nu- to at ade well lew as Lcid tly ring ith eiv- ed a sîrnilar expression o! sympthy this week accompanied by a gener- oua glft. Wooi Supply Assuned Labor Mini ster, Norman McLamty bas announcec tisai Canada la as- suned of ail tise wool necessary for military purposes up untii -next Sepiember. This bas been accoin- plisisei by tise work of tise War- lime Prices andi Trade Board. Iu addition, tise Board hma coin- plcled negotiations wlth tise United Kingdom nconimoller tor ihrger and more regular supplies o! tise types of wool necessary for civilian use. *e+ + Overseas Commissioner Named Major C. A. Scott. wisa bas prma- bablypurchaseci more bails o! woal, yards o! eiderdown andi miles o! gauze ln the last six months-tisan rany allier penson in Canada, la soon Jwedorg~ preteins, and in the minerai elements that build gooôd Iealtis. No marter where you live, your dealer can secure Dnied or Pîckled Canadian Fish for you. You can choose froin such &Aid fsh as ced, pollock, haddock, hake, anis cusk, aud frômn such pickied fish as herring, inackerel, and alewives ..evcn one of which can _be 3erved in a vanier of tasty Serve dried'or pickled Canadian Fish te your family ofteu. It makes a welcome change at meal-times ... and you wiil find it very economic-al DEPARTMENT 0F FISHERIESO OTTAWA. Pleasc ,end me your fre 52epage Bookiet "Ion0 enptins Futh Recîpes, containins 100 dliîghtful td ecanoinicai rish Recipes» . .... ... ......... . ....... ....................i.... ............. AY .DAY A FISHI DAY 'I ta go ovueru as ÀmUatntOmJm- sioner for thse Canadiia Red Cran. As national purehasing agent fer thie Society sinice war began, Major Scott Sas had tMe. flndllng of al needed materlals bought tramna- tional hemdqumrtera here. &Ithough many branches buy their materlala direct, Se assista them by establis- lng, tisrough ia large-scale pur-. chasing, fair pnices for aili articles thcy buy. At present, Se la second ilu-coin- inand O! the Queen's Ovu Rifles, but has been assigued te perfect the stores departinent lnu Lndon, and tise reception and distribution cf stores lu Engiaud. Itlsl expected Se wlll go te France later jte be In charge o! tise werk e! the Cana- dian Red Cross there. Along tise hue of tise current dis- cussion o! tise advantages cf whel- Ing yaru for soldiers' socks, tise fcl- lowlng pocin las appemmed lu the Tenante GOlobe: -Manufacturing Company, ' whlch was locatcd ln tise olcI Carrnage !actory building. Spcaking of imports, he mention- cd that the Whitby Malleable Iron and Brass Company was to>day manufacturing a large portion o! the saddlery and hardware whlch used ta be Imported froin England and thse United States, and men- tioned that very littIe 0f these goods were imported today. me gave aeme lnterestlng figures wltfl regard te tise number o! harness sets, horse collars and- sweat pads atlll sold in Canada. and referrsd tn thseftact that tise horse played an important part teday in tise suc- ces o! country fairs and the exhI- bition in tise larger centres like To- ronto, where a million dollar horse palace had been built. Vote c! thanks te Mr. Trees for bis address was moved by Rotarlan R. Donald Ruddy. CForum lo-BeHReld - - in Whitby. Friday. JU Sponsored ly Public Utiliti. Commission aI D«en ae Eloctrical Goode - Seo Anniounc«rnnt On Page Seven With the close approach of spriflg, thoughts turn to labor savlng de- vices made possible by electrlclty. sucs au ranges, watsr heaters, te- frigerators and a host of others. With- this thought in mind, the Hy- dro Electrlc Power Oommslon, li co-operation wlth Whltbydb Publie, Utilitie& Commusson and local deal- crs in thlhgs electrical, la holding a cooklng school ln Whitby Towni Hall on -Friday, M&areh 15, at 2.30 p.m. to whlch the ladies o! the town and district, are cordially invtd. Mis dthemmna.Muir, homç eco- nomist of the Hydro Electrlo Power Com mission, wll be the gëhool, di- reetor, Rnd wll have many lnterest- Sollloquy o! a WlheeU.ng Wool Sock Created lns doubt whlle stitches as- S .sembllng, Bulît row.on row in fear and tren*-. ling, Çrlve me a chance te prove that we My wearer and me, good pals wMl be. Some soap and watcr, a.real good rubbing, Will prove that I can talcs a tub-i .bing, Hang up to dry, pull inte shape, I'm ready now te take my place. All doubts have vanished, come oheer and siniles. I'11 wear for miles and miles and miles, My slssy mates are le! t behlnd, They couldn't keep the pace. They shrunlc-with horror-at soap and water Quit marchiig in d.lsgrace, So now, good nelghbors, we've been taught That wheellng yarn can now be bought. For soldiers' socks, the sturdy pair That bt heir feet wili be most faix. What If a trifle hard the knltting, To share the conflct is mosit itting. Let's keep on knltting, then knlt soins more No more sorse f set for those at war. SfRVANT 0F MAN (Continued troin Page 1)' would be used in the east. The speaker, lncidentally, cx- pressed disregard for the contempt- uous slang phrase "back te horse- and buggy days," and cieclared thai the man who siates that the horse is out o! date does so witni a cer- tain amount o! ignorance, because atter ail, the tact Is that the horse lias dons and is dolng a great deal for manklnd. Invadmng the realin of statistlcs, Mr. Trees pointed out that "pîcI Dobbin" is stili much ta,.the fbrc-, for, there are sixty million horseà still le! t ln the world wlth- a littie less than three million in Canada. In Westprn Canada alone whcre the tractor was beiing largely ln- troduced there were cighteen thous-, and horses, and ln the province o! Manitoba, 91 per cent of Uic woraý on the ftarins was performed by horses. In Ontario, saicI Mi. Trees, there arc 550,000 horses, nearly ail working. The value o!f2ltorses was placed at $70 a head reprcsentii. an investment o! $200,000,000 ln Canada.ý Thse number 'o! cows in the -world was placed at 156,000,000, and they te performed a great scr- vice te mankind. In an age when everybody was figuring 'the cost o! horse power it was interesting te rnote that the cost o! horses had not'advanced ta any extent on the tarins, wlth the result that the average fariner had a good supply. This could not be sald o! the tracter whlch was adI- mitted to be more costly us uplceep and operation without achleving WHfTBY DEALER IS - ENTHUSIAS-TIC ABOUT NEW NORGE REFRIGERATORS Says New 1940 Modela Greatest Value lni Norge Hîstory "At hast I've sean tise eleclnic ne- tnigenator which, I believe, embod- les evenylhing tsaI women have wished for," stmted Bruce Glexiden- nlig, o! tise Brandon Radio Sales and Service, whis a ow holding a Norge "pneview sisowiug" at is stors. "Tise phase 'IProm top te -fleor tisere's space galoes'," coutinued Mr. Glendenning, I"describes only one -o! tise great new featurea lu tise famaus Norge RLollator. Re!nig- erators for 1940. More usd1,15 and accessible food starage space Sas been acbieved wlthoutit lcreasixig extenlon dimensions, plus a ventil- ated noxi-retrigerated "Cellaret" atorage compartinent for packedr toodisanad botftled goods. Slyling la t-Se keynote, wihh poreciain ilfetîme finish,,il dealred. A large odorproof lng thingis ta ishow md tell the ladies. There wlll be doom prises, coolclng prises, wlth no admission charge, and cverythlng froc.. Incldentally, the cooking achool forxnally opens the scason for the sale of electrie ranges on the popu- lar Hydra, thrlft plan, whleh so maycitizens of Whltby have al- ýready taken advantage of. Then there lis the popular water heater, 'whieh has also. found a . welcome place ln many Whitby homes. Local electrical dealers, are co- operating wlth this. achool, and are looking forwad toa a gond selling, ýe&»on for &,aeètrical appliances. almost as mucis9a man cf functions1 as eux !niend Michael Gleeson. Tisej public have lu Thomas a lhoreughly1 honesl man, wise wlll de his dutyt Lo lise best o! his abllity lu regard( te anythlng extruated to his hands. The publie kxiow this, and I tsar4 :omclimes tacs advanlage o! iss open iseart and ready hand, and- lay burdens on hla sisculders whlcb. etisers siseuid bear. As constable, ho dld a ciever and adroit place o! business lately lu re-capluring tise prisoner Staly, and lodgixig hlm lu the Couniy Jail. TiZere la another harnesa maker's r bihiere carried on by Messrs. Rlcbardsen Bros., who do business both Sers and at Columbus. Tisen here we have Mr.-IWm. Hault, turni- lure dealer, wiso cmxi SUPPly every- ting needed lu his line frai tise cracile te tise grave. Here aiso la Mr. W. T. Goldsbro, shos-maker, an haneal man If ever there waa anc. His sisep la on tise west aide o! tise street; and on tise othar aide a litIle bo tise northis laMn. Wm. Manning, wha carnies on a like business on perisaps a larger scale. Bols seein to be doing well, sud evldentiy give attention te tise soles o! other people wisatcver may Deconie a! iheir own. Then we have Mn. NoaS Luke, car- niage maker, sud Chas. Bleeker. blacksmith womkint away with theîr assistants, wiiis mlgit and main. Aise Mr. Alex. Kîteisen, general biacksrnlth, whose bellows does a greal deal e! blowlng. and wh ose hand and hammer malce tise sparks !ly lively. Tissu we bave D. F. Chsamberlin & Son, wbo run a car- tiaIge uhop and pumdie ftctomy: also Mn. Wm.. RobiEon wllh is llvery- stable. alwayà ready te accommodate a customer and te robe hlm wltis- out mebbng hlm. William keeps bis wcathen cye open. andi knows alI tisaI la golng on. Then, 1 must ual overlook Mr. Arthsur Darlington, who, In addition te tise Post Office and Telegrapis Office, lceeps a gen- erai assorlinent o! goods lu varions hunes, and by close personai atten- tion and euergy t4row,« lire Imb hie 'uldneu. Nellisen muat I everlook Mn. Thes. MeMarshail, merchant talon, wbc, ln addition te delng a large amount e! business for R. C. Warren Esq., dosa ase customn work, and keeps four bauds em- ployed besidea bimsel!. Here two le Mr. Jobu Dawes, Drugglst, wbo bas long sougisl te assuage the woes cf bunianiy by veudlng medicines sulted te Iheir almeuts. Here also is Mn. H. Vauzani, Vetexlnary Sur- geou, a new camner te the place, and who will doubiless prove a useful citizen, but may fincI a formidable rivailunMr. John Farrell, wisose acquitauce witS lise herse and hSu diseases la a malter o! greai noter- ieiy. In tact Johnu la a considerable o! a herse isaf, and can kickc up bis iseels ln a very !nlsky and colt- lis way at times. Now dean Chrouile, I am fax frein througis wltS Brooklu yal, but sa your apace Islailiitec tisese holiday limes, I miust ask anoîbher week, te finish, In my next I wlll rater te tise Broolhl taxinery, wich la per- baps tise moast important indnstmy lu the place; aise te tiseisotls, bulcisers, teacisers, ministems. mand ililers, and other matters o! which 1 have notes lu my meinomy and lu my pocicet. Wlaslng you andi your radams a Merny Christmas. sealed f reezer for maklng pure ice cubes, pmesemving trozen feods, and malclng trozexi desserts; sliding glass tops ovar tise utlhity procciain vregetable sud fruit dmawen ta ne- tain humidlty; sliding shelves; gim.5a utility left-ever disSes iud haudY glass boties for fruit julcea,,are oniy a fcw o! tise 42 advanlages andi' couvexiience features wisich coxitibuta te make ths ew mrNorge refrigerator tise haudsomnest anid greateat value 've ever seen' Tise xisw Henmetlcally sealed Reilator unit is powerful, yel quiet, and be- çause Il la "refrigeranl-cooled," tise oper.ating costIsla educed, axid it la pnactlcmily service-fres and fool- pro!." Mn. Gicudenxilng invites mil raad- ers o! tise Gazette and Chronicle Vo visit isa store duning lais Norge "preview showing" week, March s isI ta Marcis 915, Inclusive. Eganad egg-dishes eau be used -for ail three regular meals as well as for partiesand othes' specimi oe- WHI TBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Mie regular montlin eeting o tise- Councilof tise Township of WMhltby was hel inlx council raom. Brooklil. AUl mambers were pres- exil:11 Communications were read tram thbe tollowing: Oshawa Hospit-al: Mn. Kean; Mn. R. D. Ruddy; De- (Continued froin Pige i tered, and the third was toae thc inevitable suf feringa of the cross. Re chose the latter. Rev. Mr. Tan- ton sald that there was nothing in the moiintain top scene that clash- es with modern psychology or was contrary to human experiences Christ went up to the mountain te consider what was the right way. and as He figured out His decisioir there came into His soul the peace and the joy, such as always cornes to people when they are« confident that they have m ade the rlght de- cision, and when they xiscover that their souls are in- har mony with Christ. The transfiguration came t'a, the disciples as an uplifting exper- ience whlch they wished might coni- tinue uninterrupted and unham- pered by the thlngs of the world.* They wanted to build tabernacles and remain, but it was not to be iso. "Our higher eeteriences but relate to practical purpases,"> the minister said. "And both experiences are es- sential te, the jiîghest future if e." Wc need to climb the mountain top to obtainr inspiration ta face the highest-tasks which. unfortunately mast o! us seek to evâde, but we must not stop on the mountain top for there is a crying need on the plains below, a need far greater than that which existed whil2 Christ walked on this earth. In closing Rev. Mr.-Tanton de- clared that to, hink Christ with aur ]ives and experlences wi mean that t.heY Will be transfigured nnd trans- formed in eonformity with the spirit of the Master. pannment a! Pub-lic Higisways, Lon-f their permils andi licenses ixmimedi- don Gumante andi Accident Con.- alelv. Whihe many car owriera, pany. lismougisoultishe province bave ai- Tise following persans were heard: 1ready securcd their newv 1940 plates, Mrs. Vice, Mr. Whillier and Mr. rccords shiow tisaitisera are- isous- Fred Mdflrien. ands who face tise prospect o! finci- Tis Clrk asautsorzc tamak riig themseives in tise lasi-ninute onl'rc irtn fn fhp Trpt'qllr. rush unièss t-bey act witbout delay. for t.ax deecis for the praperties wich tise municipality haci pur- .chasici aItishe Adjourneci Tax Sale lu 1939. Tise following accounts were or- dered te, be paici: Roacis. $299.85: General, $290.26; Relief, $234.84. Tise Raa< Superintencient was auiborized to acivertise for tenders for a tracter la supphy power far the, TQwnship gradier for' 1940 sea- son. Mn. IThonas Hall was appoinîed IActing Clark during tise absence o! Mr. H. W. McBrien. 'Matu ,.tjiun ujuuu uimru i , ttUUu Offciis Vtise MotC>r Vebicles * Brancis declarea tItisa matoring, public could aasily aventishe incon-, r venience arnd annoyance o! waitingý li a crawd. "Il's a job ihat will1 take a few minutes now but il may! taise Saurs haler an." ana officiai staîccl. 'We have tise plates and, hicenses meady; it*s now up ta the molorisîs. but March 31 la positively thlie deadliie." jEggs constiluta n Ïimpor'tant Item inthes econonuic ile of tise country as a w-hale, ta say not.hing o! tisair again an Salurday, April 6th at-i incomparable menit, ln many me- pin. spect.s. froni a food point a! view. An lnteresting historical record o! bygone -days lu Ontario County dating bock tanearly sixty years mgo1 la contained ini a booic recently re- celved frein New York bY the Gazette and Chronicle from Mrs. E. J. J. Dean, daugister of the late Rosa Jobnson, wiso wrote ln tise Whitby 'Chronicie for many years under the naine cf "The Travel- Prom this bookc the Gazette and Chronicie wili for-tise next !e w months print extracts deallug wih1 ffha early hisorv o! Whitby, Brook- lin, Pickering, Claremoni and other places in tise County, andi we be- lieve that te many o! tise older ciii- zens o! tisese places at least thase articles wil be o! very keen Inter- eet. At tise request o! Mrs. Dean, tise book containing writings of Mr. Johnson will be handed over te thse Public Llbrary for safe lceeping, and wJll prove to be a valuabie addition ta tise historical records already on thse ehelves o! that institution. Tise firat article demis wih the early bîstory o! Bmookiin and islaRe Brooklu, December 22nd, 1883: Having parted with you and your readens lu tise viclnity o! Kinsale, an influence stronger tisan that which draws the needîs to tise pale. drcw me tawards Whîtby. Sua çulque valuptas, my pleasures are pre-emlnenlly home pleasures. Home te me, la, and always bas beau, tise sweetast spot on -earth. .Home! sweet homne! there la ne place llke home! Speut ESâbhath ln Ils peaceful and happy retirement, mmd on Monday morning resunicd my wanderlngs. Went northward te Brookli. and took note o! its doings. Aitisougis Brooklilu, ika severai ether places. has net ln ail respects etui!illed Vhs promises a! sarlien years. yet it Is a place. c! considerable importance, and dosa large amount o! business lm. the various Unes. in genenal stores tisere là T. J. Holllday, Esq., wlth a large stock on hand cf dry goods, grocries, boots and sisoes. paints and cils. ag- ricultural Impîsments o! tise ligister sorts, and evsry thlng else needed i a general store. There la a taller- lng and millllncrv establisment ln connection witis the store, and busi- ness la eVl dently brisk. Bales, boxes, and barrels are coniinuaily relling ln te supply tise vacancles -madc by tise dally cutgo. Thnen on tise sasi aide, soutis ward, we tlnd R. C. Warren, Esq., lunibis new premises on tise corner. ful c! c00ds and full o! customers. 80 busy wus he and isa clerks that I found il dif! bullte gel near hlm. He toc deais lu general mnenchandise, and bas a large and well asaortcd stock %f everythlng needed. His lalloring business Is lu charge o! Mr. Mc- Marshsall, It maxi who underatands what he la about. The dreas and mantle-making deparimexit la con- ducted by Miss Matisewson, a guar- antee tisat everythlng wiil be well dons. Nelisher Mr. Warren nor Mr. Holliiday make any' complaint o! isard tîmes. Than here we f incI our long known and ighly ssteeined friend Mr. T. .H. Wilson, hamnesa maker, carrying on his business ln ail is depantments, maklng collars a apeclalty. He aie attends ta car- riage and cu'ter trlmming. He seerus te colinr a good manY cus- tmra.luaditFionta% hi.csrguhar "eThiisil thea &Penduec ! have puuvhased. Ti'a amai le e a lm= provemes .. . * lehm ask fac la de aute-- DONALD MOTO.R SALES' DUNDA4 ST. EAST WHIBY' g e Bygone -Days, in.,Ontario County Lettrs f L tc RsaJohnston, imder na«»eof "The. Travel- 1er," appearing i Whitby Chronkice over 50 years ago, are reprinted. \ýýk* JJ Foi à whster of greater h.atl. c@mfort, humtuà'blue «.i - be world'a f inéit anthraote- ORDER VOUR SUPPLY NOW. JAMES SAWDON& SONS 244 Brock St. South - h7ý Listen to "The Shadow"-very Wednesday over CFRB, 100 to 9-.30 p.m "NEVER DREAMEDI A LOW-PRiICED l ' T'I VT "I CAR COULDIÉE wS rAVLUY. 'j "NEVER EXPERIENCED SUCH PERFORMANCE" "Never experienced S such condort and par. formance in an automo- bie...don'î Icnow < ~~how any one could build a etr car, regardies ofmzeamd cost.' "MY EICHTEENTH AND KEENEST OF ALLW "ynev 1940 modal is the I Sîh Pontiac I hava bought. -1 am greatly plessed and my w. te scyg ibis je the keenest ont of aml." 14e Oi£me4s 1-Ili of 1910 kiiows rio has t.1tfiii- establislicci Its(Af as OtIr Pollîat oýý nvrs wrotc: IRUSH LOOMS FURt AUTO_-DRIV RS! March 31 Set as Deadline for 1939 Plates.and 1 Licenses jNo- extension of lime wil. be granted beyond MarcS 31 for use o! tise 1939 plates and licenses. In making Ihis announcemen,J. P. Biciseli, Regisirar of Motor Vaisi- dles urged ail molorisîs to secume! EXPERIMENTAL FARMS j T h e Dominion Experimental Farms Service comprises -the Cen- tr.al Experimental Farrn at Ottawa, thirty branch farins and station&,' some of which ca'rry on f\peciM work, ten sub-stations,ý seveh'ininor §ub-stations, 190 illustration sta- tions, and 47 district Experiment sib-statj4ons. At the Central Ex- perimenâtal Farin are iocated the of- fices of'the Director, as general administrative head of!- thç Service, and ten Divisions, eachi under the! controi and supervision of! a divis. ional head. The Divisions are'. Animal Husbandry, Becs, (ereuls, Economic Fibre, Field Husàbandry, Forage Plants, Horticulture, Illus- tration Stations, Poultry and Tobacco. Tis system or experi- mental farins and stations la tthe most ccrnprehensive of is klnd. Otnraid§ FMI Unidôi...ily GUw j - TU $Mm tom ,. TWENIL UES PER M Vnyparytemm& a.ceatly droit 268 mît" ..eveas besinr thon 20 mâles pt gallon.» 1 1

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