THýE WJ-IJBY GAZETTE AND CH-RONICL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6#-1940, NEWMAN URGEM 'AT ONCE TO' EI -AIR FIELD IN (Continued f rom Page trontli ago as a conservative can- didat e but -since then -it had been deexned riglit and- proper to adopt thie piatform of Dr. Manlor, for N-itional goverument. Mr. Newman's address was as VhIle City of Oshawa in tuis rld- iig cepends largely for Its prosperity i (Sdo adjaçent urban territorles>' on rthe puoduction of motor vehicles .an(I the parts going into the manu- lactare of ,thee said vehicles. Thanlcs largely ta thé' McLaughlin f amily ~.isindustry was naturally attract- edj to ta-ie City ot Oshawato replace tie miatiufacture and distribution « flirs-rw vehicles of ail kinda- ,whic4 were manufactured by tae Mv1~ughinsin thie early <lays, Ili cide~r to undlerstand theie m- Pû pot hci f this inclu.try btaite City o! Oshawa and sucli other chies as arr interesteli in -the, manufacture anatsembly ot motor vebicles anrd their r-e:5pectlve parts It is well te u.-i'v te figures for a f ew -yearsý, begl.nniing for thie purpose of tius dfscýusslon 'i 1925 Insofar as thie importation of pamsenger cars andi truck.s is concerned: 925---13,486 cars value$ - 1,146 truckrs value 1926-26,345 cars value 2,199 truckrs value 1927-32,826 cars value 3,804 trucks value 1928-40,226 cars value 7,182 trucirs value 1935- 3,133 Car value *5278 trucks value portot gine 1931- 1932- 12,855,940 1,693,369 21,563,258 2,818,434 26,904,209 4,638,207 32,5i7,641 8,305,235 2,031,142 6,817,176 TOTAL .,$150,729,427 wil be ob)servcd bliat these Im- Ltions teck place during taie re- cf Ma.-7kenzie King. -7,492 cars value $ 15,897,880 -1,246 trucks value 1,613,939 -1,16(l cars value 919.886 289 trucks value 289,007 -- ,03 cars -value 759,341 683 truckns value 444,927 GREEN D EANS 1934-.,1W TOT! It wli portatior gmmne of 1936- 8ý 1 1 1937-17, -2, TOT Kin It wil KCing cai 1935 the there we A T O 'seemed t0 want to kili Use Indus- of the war as te rgesf-M knowingt the situation vu so se ro- EriflN ew Plants M iDUlousa t tfev plants wrn woklng, I alton, for' instance, already lias lie remved w1ma*Mit urtie pro- & major airpîmne Industry et Ita sT1ABLISH t.0 ion themmnh"d ln tLlscoeMU door and ther Is no, resgnww porfted aut=ombi hI I-adeec slesthevlclnity o DISTRICT seif had acted asan addl?4osal Wliltby anCI Oshiawa to take ad- ait of 1 par cent. Mr. Xlng va« vantage of the facililties provided by not stsldwM htus lutgoural & -major alrport; for testing and for contrhbuutaot thie Amelcan l- Ianding from tme to tinte. Wltli clutry, whlcb. le thouglit would I the St Lawrence deep waterway .88 cars value 1,348,789kW the i ustyhe q oti1 ut ~canais fully developed I willl then 911 'trucks value 64&M,340 vn t aieceter 141diecome necessaryto provide a major ,138 crcs value 2,6042del ha wou igve 1 a f srther barbour for the City of Oshawa and 978 rucs vlue 89,09 and la nov through h is h County To'wn of _Wiitby whlcli - o rne py ga onsnh will taire care of ail the adjacent rAL ........ 24,732,860 Imprtation of &mericsn cars ci terrltory. This means thie removal, 1be observed that these int - ai Engineers advise, of the present na took place under the re- approximateiy 3 per cent., or in. the brealcwater and re-survey of thie thie Hon. R. B. Bennett. resuit - oni a car brouglit in cot- whole eritrance to ths very lmport- .053 caxs value $ 6,114,199 Ing $1.000 mackreleKI la giving ant development. ,850 truckrs value 1651,116 a bonus t@, the Importer& 0f this car ThiIs can ail be donc as part of ,267 cars value 139:8 0flentsui O 3.0 n the war expenditure being under- ,802 ruck vale 2,93179,iùd 1aimait thifik hlm &S WOvSZ! taken under thie alr-developMent ,802 trcrs value 2180 m5nent officiai of thie U. B. instead scaiene approved by thie membrers ,70 trcir vaue 00562o« ciamourlng &gain to become the of thie]Britishi Commonwealth and L,09trck vlu 200,82Prime Minister ofL Canada. be a lastlng investment for thie ~AL....... 366704-2 Mieln Woulpi Prt et dpgIy future production of seaplanes, air- rAL ..... 136670,72 t l lnereUng o nte bà ttheplanes and ail the necessary acces- ng BooosuImportations ItMo nregô atidI nt tthe uesorles ta this major industry which Il b obervd wen M. Hn. r. ruln sad l th fluseIs ln Its înfancy as yet. Il b obsrved whenMr.0f Coiunons. at the time Mr. Iaig mne'into power again in late remnôved thie excise tax of 3 per Favllittes Unexcelied ýe importations trebieci and cet.oni the 24th, Mardi 1M3. Re XIt has iieen my duty. from tinte ta rere an average of five times , ai -tim t lndat everv w.ninr mlrort as many cars brought into Canada ln the years 1936, 1937, and 1938 as 1935. It 13 estimlated that approximnate- ly 21,000 cars and 2,500 truckts came in during thie year 1939 but the fi- gures as, to the value of these li- îportations I have not been able to obtain Up to taiedate hereof. Unemployment of skilled work- men sud others-was a very seniou.s factor when Mr. King camne into of- fice in late 1935 and in order to Icurie this uneniployment ie li- meçiately tok appropriate steps t.o iower the duty f rom the taien rates exsting on automobile£ as On cars sellîng f rom $1.200 to $2,- 100 from 30 per cent. as under Mr. Bennett ta 17' per cent. On cars selling froni $2.100 up front 40 per cent. as =nder Mr. Ben- nett ta 171/2 per cent. Hurt Industry Funiher With Laie resuit ihat Oshawa and all other cities dependiug largely on taie motaor indu.stry were faccd witii furtaier seriaus uneni- ployment conditions. Mr. YKIng IONA 20-oz. 5 POIl &- BEANS AYLMER 2 Tins 15C SPAGHETTI AEL CATCHUP 21 SHORTENING FLOUR, 5 ROSES STEAKS 70 - 80- BUS 25G PRUNES - VERIBEST t.13C LARD 2 SPECIAL S27c BLACK TEA 2 U. 15C lIbs. 17-C 1-1bi.45 Pkg. - - l23e SIRLDIN - WING - CUBE or PORTERHOUSE ROASTS - -lb23e S IRLOIN - WING - FACE RUMP or PORTERHOUSE suCMADDG ENEW GREEN SPINACH CURLY LEAF 3 Ibn. 1(Oc IL.6c BRANDONIS INVITES YOU -,TO NORGE, "PREUEWSHOWINC" WEEK See NORGE before you à Wýhcn you can Rt thesecwo0 t 88 . .. amerd Ous M C rcir rcfrgcr tiOL14sured by rJe exclu- Oirm s~ e, r frf'Ratc oi RlfcorCoid-Mfakr ... K m~iv 1,9Iw cost, chcn yur refrigeratioidO>liars 90 $1 6 rLet Uý> showQWtQhat Norgr has to offer you. BRAND5N.RADIO SALES & SI 11'4 Brock St. North "XI lim long been debatabie as ta viietiier an automobile indus- try ouglit to have been built up In Canada but nov that Il 13 there thie rigaits of woekmen i it must be conisdered .... Mr. Maulon furtlier saad: -1 do not thinir the extreme attitude taken- by âome o! our western f iendstagalint the pro- tective tarit! lu a case 1ke thiui is f air, partlcularly i view o! taie fact that titis year we are giving thie westéwn vieat grower taie finest type o! protection front thie standpolut o! dollars and cents, . . . . 48,000,000 or 50,000,- 000 or perhaps more is protection of taie strongest i d."- At taie saine tinte Mr. Manion made it quite clear thai lie là flot worrying so mucai about taie share- hiolders aud bondholders of the iautomobile companies but about taie employees who, in hus opinion, oughit to h. taken care o! by their employens Uic year round. But what did Mr. King say? Nathing as us- ual. Need inempleymelt ilnsurance I seems ttut unempîsynient li- suraaioe would b. Uic appropriate remedy to a teucneo! these very deservlng skrilled n'en of tli..e mator plants when, owing ta candi- ions cntirely beyond their con- mrol, they have flot employaient of such duration as will provide taien with a living allowauice. Iu other words, lu thie boom years or lu what we may caîl our prosperity years a fund siiould be set Up ta protecitiihe employteaof dustries. It might b. well ithe midst o! te lncreased industrial activity dur"- lIng taie war ta set asîde a portion of taie'profits froin hu co ct6ïès ,,iven by tue State to proteci these employees aetaihe close -o! the var or durlng perlods o! depreaaiou ratiier thian giving ail the tax te an-y governiment to blow lai a some. and especlally Mr. King, have secn fit lu thie last f ew years. I hicard a slogan issued by taie boys as foflowa: Over taie b*r-cer Down Michigan way, Cars thiey are making Wliich eut down aur psy But If Oit&wa relues tariffs Some sunsliiny day We wïll maire these autos Up Canada wsy Way to. HasTarif! Thie best way fer taie Oshawa baya te, ralse the tariff ia te eiect a Na- tional Governmeni candidate ta support a Leader who has alresdy expressed hrnseif Ini regard to tuis industry as aboyé noted. Our western frleuds mnay aie sanie- what unconcerued, at tintes only. tn regard te taiui splendid industry ai Oshawa but on a catefql perusal of thie exporta frain Western Cana- da ta LEastern Canada Ih ylbe seu thai viii a eontcnted lndistrli population earnlug reasonable wage taie West fids ils hest markret lu laie Eait. For Instance in 1937 Western Canada ahipped ta E4sieru Canada taie folloivlug: 252,198 catie; 28,334 calves; 46,- 037 hoga; 119,858 sheep aud iambs aud appnoximateiy 25,000,000 pounda o! juiter. In other vords taie mar- ket o! the Industfial east ranks sec- ond anly te taie markret e!tuh United Kingdoni. Mais uInerchange of trade net only helps thie West but providea -acces- sar revenue te assisitue mainten- ance o! aur transcontinental rail- wayî. Taie mastIimportant factor -iu havlng a large lndustry i to have available skilled labour te makre ual euly matou cta but to have tues. men avallablè, such ua a thla date, te manufacture munitions of van, sud unfortunately th$g 04 ima unet been recogntzed In mu! velu me as yei. - Naturai Site For Airport In the meantime ilils country la ai var and IL appeans thtia, tue City -o! Oshawa sud the Couuty Town of Whltby Is a naturel site for a large airpont vîit a harbaur wiiich eau lie ma-de ance!f the leading harbours $on taie vatenfraut wiih constructive developmnent. sud hi vlew of taie re- port o! Sir gamue1 Hairg tht the laket between taie City' of Osha*a adtaie County seat of Wlhiby and the nort-ls country ped ample laudlug bases for aeapianeg l i e- ybm $SR# corne5 ebvious thtt tere must bc dels as iow Us establiîJied in taie vicintty c! taie 1 County Town aud tue City of Oshi- 9.95 awa a major airparita taire ad- vautage o!flaies. natunal conditions u hicai exiat lune other part o! tlils Dominion. With taie- -establishaient E.KVILE o! an airponi fon malltary and com-: phone 620 iy foliow tihe appropriai, plants tea manufacture airpianes of 'varlous * i tDreuanam igna 4 maetoojdti on thls Continent lu modern and semi-moderu planes and front my observation as a passenger and as a reasonably competent business mnan 1 an' o! thie opoinion that thie City of Oshawa aud the County Town cf -Whltby has facilities unexceiied by any other port o! like nature on thie continent. 1Another economic advantage not O! ten thought of us that taie manu- facture of imotor cars o! necessity reduces taie cost of other steel pro- ducts used ln taie manufacture o! aLlier goods and ail tends to improve eur economic pIcture. If we peruse carefully taie gross value o! pro- duction in Canada, for the purpose o! this discussion taie yea 1935 which îs taie last year Mr. Bennett waz in, we will note that aur manu- factured products gross value was $2,109,791,597 whii our agicultural gres was $1,019.866.099. In the re- suit IL is quite obvious that our manufactured products were more tlian twice thie value of agriculturai products. Tihis condition wiil im- prove if a national government 13 installed at Ottawa, in that 'its sole ,dut-y will aie ho provide for thie fur- ther manufacture o! articles now brouglit Into taie country and ta also increase Its facilities ta manu- facture taie recessary. supplies 30 urgentiy required by the Allies. Industry Value High Iu particulan relation. however, La taie motar Industry ih la Interest- ing te note that thie capital cmn- ployed lu 1936 by taie automobile Incluztry and parts -rnauufactured -wits $81.631.289, employees employed were 27,671, wages $28.971.000 and the grass value of products sold vas approximately *116*,o000.0 Poduction la thie U.S. la lu taie rsl.1i»o! approximaiely 25 units ta 1 pfoduced lu Canada. Sa long as thie size ot tie- Caus-d?-market re- -~ mains se -mucai sfallor tiien Liik o! thie U.S. even taie1 grass attain- able cfficiency 15 not sufficient to i-un taie automobile industny lu Van- aCa Independent a! protection. Mn. Campbell o! taie Ford argan- ization.iu Canada made Laie !aliow- lng observation in regard ho titis industry in et wluicii ime tue ilu- du.atry realized ihai if taie goveru - Iment contInued Ils indifferent policy IL woulcf niean taie eimination 0f these very important econamic plants a Lau scountry: Unermpioyment *'The problem o!fLaie absorption o! industrlal labor la o! particular imnportance at thie preseut ime, sud owing te taie abnormnai. in- iractable sud proionged volume o! iuieniployment, we thlnk that any tari!! re-adjusimeats that wouid have Laie effect o! causing a con- siderable dlaplacement of laber should b; made only a!t-en mature consideration. If a censiderable proportion o! taie nising generation o! young people in aur tavas are uaL absarbec inlaieindustriel cm- ploymeut IL la diff icult te sce what economic occupation will lie avail- able for a greai many o! taien." "A reduction of tariffs below taie level ai whuch operation o! sec- oudany Industries la Canada would continue ta lie possible would nat long provide lo-We prices Lo cousumners. IL Is unlikely iliat any goyernnaent In Canada could afford toa show maaufac- tured articles ta aeie mpauted with- out lmposing a revenue duty coai- meusurate vita itis fiscal require- menti. Taie tranafer o! production ho anather country, (Ianviiole or in substantial pari) would have the Inamediate effeci o! dcstroy-, lng the taxable capacity o! vhole cemmniutles e! exlsiing taxpayers. Taicir present contributions vould have to i e replaced by other taxes, sud lu ail probabilit-y by indirec~t taxes sucli as hlgher sales taxes and hîgaier revenue dutles on lai- parts." Quotea R.. S. McLaughlln 8ince Mr. Campbiell madethtis ob- servation Mn. R S.' McLaughlu, President a! General Motors Corpor- ation çq! Canada, veirmnovu ta our citisens hene, made the faiioviag observation sud rcieased his state- aient ta tht Press lu January. 1936: 11I have Le believe that if have overdeveleped aur fanms and undlerdeve.loped aur factenles. Cer- taily If taie industriaI nations vili net ashow us ta supply thetr daliy brcad, then aur fields cari- neot absorb Our Idie hundreds of theussuda. Havlng iavesied mil- lions ta secure food indepenclencet. taie Luropean nations viii net readîly back away f rom their prograrna. "~I arn fan freni pretending that ail oun' Idle men can aie put ta wark matclng mater cars; but I de speclicaliy contead, finaL, that Canada cannot end is uneniploy- ment vithaut a substantial ex- penion of factory eniployment, mèâd aecod, thie aqtomothyo 1a- ,WJilTDY YACH T Officens eiected were as Hoaonary Commodores Trees, Fliglit-Lietienant Irvin, W. H. Moore. Commodore-Captain J.1 Rean Comnoiore-F. H. Vice-Commodore-John Norman H. Perny. M. Irwflu Hare S3ecretary-]Douald %, Wilson Treasurer--JoliaR. Prost Executive COMMittee-Chamrman, Theedore -King; F. Clive Hatcli; Dr,; R. T. MacLaren; Gardon H. Ross-, G. M. Godfeliaw; R.ex Insole-, Walter A. Thiomson; E. L. Odlum; Bill Ruddy; S. L. Trees; C. A. Fiee- man', Donald Holden. Chairman, Entertaiumeit Coni- mittee-Miss Jeanice MacLaren. Chairman, Social Commttee- Mrs. Donald A. Wilson. Chairman. Heuse Committee-C. A, Preeman. Saillng Commitee-F. H.- M. Ir- wiu, chairman; L. Astrap; Joe Bas- coin; Wmn. Baker. ASK TOWN 0F WHITBY TO TAKE OVER ARMOURIFS (Centînued frnai Page 1) maintenance would coat ai leasi $500 a yeIr. Sa far as hie was con- cerued, aie would lice te sea - the L,,inge h, as lie feu _that EncX au pr"Alelion vutai aalong reeor4 of service toe tai ova could put ht ha good use. Reeve A. M. Irvin expresscd ui- Ian sentiment, aud later, by unani- mous resolution, Laie Council voted te approve o! the application o! the Legion te taieDepaxtment of Miii- tia sud Defence sud Uic Depari- ment wili aie sa natif led by thc cierir. 2O0 MORE BOYS ARE EXAMINED FOR AIR SCIOIOO R.C.A.F. Ppards Test Ap- plicants for Gait Classes in Aircraf t Toronto, Marcai 4.-More than 200 youths in Ontario, carger ta join the aatlgranirs o! traiued special- lits= vi keep Cauada's van ma- chines in taie air, are ben xi- mced titis vecir sud nexi by R.C.A.F. medîcal boards preparatery -ta- their e ihçoIImnt Intaie Gait training schbol operated under the Domin- ion-Provincial Youth Training Plan. Taie 200 selectcd students - thc chais later may aie enlanged ta 300- wiii assemble aiUie c soeol on April 7 ta taire tue place o!faicabens o! taie finît dass vhiich wasi formed saiortly a! ter van vas declaned. The graduating students, durlug the sut dustry la taie key ta modern In- dustrialisai." Thée observations o! these two vcry eminent mater executives vas ignoned by taie Mackcenzie King ad- ministrationi aud taie penalty for taié Governnaent's indifference bas ai- ready f allen on thie mator industries o! tis Dominion, and'-particulati! on tis City. Iu fact lu taie year 1939. and mare pnonounced tais early 1940. ve find Iucreased ineome tax, lucreas-ed corporations tax, in- creased sales tax and - Govern- ment lu Ontario bas lx ise bard pres ed tuat L iasumade lt.s tax iegilaitn retroactive, aicai meass ins language o! taie street that thty are goiag bacir behind taie fiscal year sud taxing corporations te Imeci their substantiel deficit. Thse way to eliminate tue dIsaster viticli tsjstaring us aUInlutaie face us ta maire sure on Marcai 26tu that Laitue ecanomie, incenipetent gentle- amen ai Ottawa ane retined, and net on pension, aud inatall tuere a na- tional odministration having taie inierest o!fLaie country ai heant sud nestenlng to net anly motar citis but ta taie vanlous industriel centres o! Canada, taie confidence thai they vill b.> protected as againsi outslde importations, especially fron t u- Mîd the mpIrq. - A TTENTION LADIES! HYDRO COOKINO OU FJPONSORED BY "M]PUBLIC IJTIITIES COMMISSION and ELECTRIC DEALERS of WH1TBY- -dfrected by - MISS EDITHEMMA MUIR Horne> Economist of H.E.P.C. CLUB FLANS FOR (Contlnued fron' Page 1) Mr. Canant gave- lii approvai toaa suggestion tuat, for thie duration of thie war, the cup be not competed for owiuig t te fact lthso 80many members of bath Club.s have jolfled the colors. Tiie cup was recelved on behaif of thie Whltby Club by Com- modore J. H3. Perry. Other Cups Prented. Otiier dupa awardecl were thie "Stonehaven"' cup, pre3ented to J. Bascont by S. L. Trocs, lhtle ab- sence of thie donor, Ilt.-Lleut- G. N. Irwin; thie "Inverlynn', cup, pue- --ni+ýd to William Ruddy bY P. H. M. frwln; and the Regatta cup, presented to J. Bascon' by taie com- modore, Capt. J. HyPerry. Congrat- uiatory speeches ln eachi case wore ln order. Mss Emily Maedonnell, wliolias taicen a great lnterest ln the Club since its formation a few yearrs ago. persongliy presented taie cup don- ated by lier lait year for Clama B. sailors. By unanimous resolution, Mns. R, E. McArthur was macle an hlOnor- ary member of the Club. 0! ficers Elected Noadmiss'ion charge - Everybody welcorno Everythng free THE HYDRO, ELECTRI C POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO vecir af Mardi, viii b. passed1 th'roigii their final mnedical tests aud will be sworu ln by R.C.A.F. of!- fiCeîs. Hon. Norman Hipel, minister a! Labor, estimated t'îat approximateiy 175 gradluates would be euhisted. Ro -oilited out that -';hen thie sohool wa,s finît formed, regular air force boards were net available ta give examinations, sud taie studeuts wene given tests by private practitianers in co-operation itaitaie Depat- ment o! Labor, Subsequently. a number w a s found unabie ta, qualify. "Tiiey had taken considerable training by then and raLlier than send theni home, we put them inl a special aircra!t industrial css lu taie building. These boys wîli graduate directly te jobs lnaearoplane factories as soon as their course is f inished," ho said. Applicants for taie new air scaicol course are being picked froin al parts o!taie Province and are bein i examined in taie following centn&' Toronto, Hamiliton, Niagara Falls. London, Windsor, Kingston, Ottawa, Sudbury sud Port William. Ou Apnil 8. lu taie industniai classes, at Gali, als& opcrated unden Laie Youth Training r:an, !onty aew boys willaie eurolled la taie ma- chine shep classand Lh' ty in taie weldiag departaient ta take taie places o! a like number wha have completed thel three- montha' course. Applicants, before they are accepted, r-ust give to taie dopant- meut proof tai' ' thcc have been promised jobs as soon as thein courses are completed. 'Empioyers whe have taicený on some o! taie i cys who had tiâ spe- cial Intensive raining,"' saîd Mn. Hipel, "are calling Up taie depart- ment, statin, that, in future ti %,y are going te appiy to thie dopaiý, ment for boy -trQJ»ed in these courses." 'i Taie dcpartmcnt, aie said, is fol- lowing more or icss taie British trades' schoo"- system un taie train- ing plan. Frcm other sources ait Queen's Park it as suggested that in view o! taie success attained lu. turning eut hiighly -'-.illed junior craftsmen under taie short but in- tensive, training plan, taie Govern- ment will seriously consider t--is recess amending taie vocational training systey .- Boys wlio ,uter thé Gaît indus- trial classes are trained under con- ditions apprc 'mating those of ac- tuai labor. Taie s ork on an eight- heur day plan and use taie same tools tliat are f ou-d ln the aven- age shop. It is stated, r crover, that whiie eacai student is paid $9 a week by th'ý Government- whule in training, that taie training cost T)er studcnt is less taian titat o! a fuil-Lerai vocational scaieci pupil. LAKE AS H1AV1EN FOR QAME F151 Port Penny, Mancit 4-Auh exffn- sive plan ta mare taire -Scugog centre o! masklung pcierlami bas is shig vas created by ýtul buslnessmen's assocIation'ai thèir monthly meeting sud ba - iq>aet. 'rie plan will aie cannied tairougih ito thie summen. wheu sunianer resi- dents viii augment the__population o! the lake area. Taie Plan cails for extensive stock- ing of taie lalse withi the fis a a strict prograin -of coservat1odu.' 1R. G. Milis o! taie Osba*ýa Oaù anmd Fisl Conservation association Loid taie gatlinng that LaXh. Scugog. au ideal laine for gmjje fisal. could be made anc of tai. finest fishing centres lu Ontar.1-o-y ré-_ stocking sud conservt1p; p$gram'. A commttee Waaas t19ç1 1 ccnfe±' with taie departineÈtWo:( c and f iai-entes. XIwàs cn Reeve: W. M. Letcher, J. C.- burn, Dr. G. - R.. Reinil, - Micheil, A. W. Brocký Cecnir! sud Sain Gnifflu. $n ' ND im the one ahould knaw. She Aused to came out of the kitchen ail of bien tinete han i did". But that's ail changed now. Heu modemn electnie range sets&lier free ta enjoy herseif, and bier fmmiiy. Automatic heats take aven tht cooking ... dlean flamnelesa ciements keep the kitchen spotiesa ... pets and pana eau bc wiped dlean in a jiffy. Modern cooking lias brouglit mother out of the kitchen mtao the fmmily . -. and yct she's sure of perfect meals every time. Think of thse tinte sud drudgery an electrie range wouid save you . *e the picasure it would give you ..-. cmli and sec thse 1940 modla today. RANGES SOLD ON EASY TERMS and financed by the PubliceTjtility Commis- sion through your locali dealer. Ail wiring costs taken care of throngh arrange- ments between the commission and dealers. YOU CAN BU.T A RANGE NOW on these easy termÈý'and enjoy the use,,of it ail summer. Sec you.r local deale, or, If more convenient, ask for details at office of the Public Utlty ComD1s8içQ'. VEITIT PUBDLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION m MUNICIPAL BULDING rPHONE 580 COOKING SCIGOOL Bly TMEH"1&0 ---TOWN HALL, MARCE w..1r.Ivrb~ImvAu¶~vJFtvrvTwD *A&P BREAD .LI( ED i&UNSL ED WHROLE WHEAT JWaue CRACKED WHEAT u 2 AlVCS to b. held i TOWN HALL, WHITBY>,* ONTARIO PRIDAY, MARCH1 15. 1940. at 2.3 0 p.m. You and your frienda are cordially invited to atteftd DOOR PRIZES - COOKJNG PRIZES