Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1940, p. 6

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-,CANADA: SOON TO- i wIT AL-cMw>wL4NI .Sir iio BaiIey busu State- .. Uresut at Of liament WIUU ment a PrsdetofLterDclrsCampbellfird F rmen RÏ.ml. 5000WI eAI. o Hait Storehouse Fire V Ule Canadian Central Body; Cp où pL A"nt Attend. Dinmer of C.B. «OBIfPbeuIOrd, APrul 2-camPbeU.. states Of Afrca";was advocated by of RL Her. William,, aided by mili ezuployeea, can gold mine operator, lu a state. BuUufufy battled a serlous tire ment Jssued on the Occasion of the. whlch bruire out in the Campbell- rfiaasebly 0f the Union Parliament tondoi7"nt., April 2,_ APPrexl- 'tord Cloth Company% storehouse after the. Kaster recéýs. mteY,5000 members of the Con- shortly before; 3 a.. Sunday. The. "South Africa should play a great 9t,%s of Industrial Organizat1on wIUl buJiding, fwrmerly used as stable and part ln forming a United States of afililate wlth the, AU-Canadian Icehouse, wu oef wood.n consteuc- Afrima" he said.1«Wexnust tackle OOnr. ! Lbor"luthenea f~ ton sdwa lledý with card waste. Our problenis, including those O! tiUre," A. R!. Mosher, president of thi. Spontaueous combustion Is believed poor whites -a natieo - &.CJ.<, said lu an Interview hre t have occured. tionsi and net on a racial basIs."ý mert the week-end. 7 u tribUt, to the. Union prime Inu7LOndbn to attend tiie annual The.alari wuturnd laby Ale' luinister he salcr: dinner of the. four 1 1 -idivisions Mcîinro<y, 'ight w5at12l8.f, àin l 'Everybody, and especially fsrm-î of the, C4nsdian B ~thenhood otfleas than five iminutes four trea' ers, should thank Qed for aur Gen- Railwsy Elnployees -r Mosiier said were Playlug on the. blaze. erai Smuts, for he has saved Afrlca the affiliation oei1 Canadian 0.1. fromn belng smashed asudlhas saved O. grroup wouIlUely coecur beforusaltm bankruptty and rulu by the sumen- his wuthe fdefestlng the neutralityprosi occasion Upon whloh h. alla 'Agrasmn odyAXsAret iiua seif ta e qu ted n t e fu Ionness wiIl b . even m ore plainly seen or'ed lu laior circles 'for everai M V BFndf1ITunderstood lu the fut"re.. .. mlonthi, R Y .E SL H Referriug teo swald Piraw, fer- Wien queatloned as ta how the mrUin defence mnister. vho affiiatin isnow one o! the leaders, efthle -. afIaonwouid be made, Mr. Mosher explsined there were naôIOTTAWA H "'IN i mer u0lcoltinSr b cm "constitutional differencea." 'The M0 13 uprgHte avn .C..O. lu Canada waould flot qu <'H Defci fo Fscl YarB' dictive hater whose treaciery and thie international organization, Dfevidentscl «rBi andas atinalâutnom ha bii ypocrlsy are e etln al is Day aftier day, hour after hour, shi'p' are Ioaded lu England wlth* grnd Lan~o iUal tonoly hd e But sTi.. ficits Pledges and wo 13 out ta d&z,.troy troop, transport, ambulances, tanks, spleail fr bIl g r a n t e n oedl fh r istt i ana yr e l i g i o n b. n O f f i i a i s u p l i e s b o u n d l f r h , a t lin hrisian eliionsb.wîc l ifle a thle west wal. Here we see a crane Jadng a truck on a freight- Th Ai ..L latade d hecoHad Et. tdlizatin Is beld togeter. Pro te o he start -of th. trip tbFrance. Tn fii onC.CL, led ee idt e u st m tWho has 11w m grated ta eadw'er -on _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l n g f f i I a t o n e u l d n e t n e c a s i a t eS h i P o f t h e M a l a n i t e s , s a y s t h a t a convention, but would b. a ques- Ottawa, April 2,-Witvî a big ns-juge il . u nt n ) ci r J r b lion 'Of co-oPeration between tetic onai defîcit, but not se big as was tion campis wiien h. gets Into power hu4 national autonamy. Including epce and Its size, af course, aý. If he had been lu Gerny and haà the UTnited Automobile Workers and caUnted for by lie wax, the fiscal made the speeches h. has made Mine Workers, the, new federation year ended Imarch 31-. ' acaenpe w ad i. owh beafîn i c')l will become the. most poàwerfui ar- Monday ush.ecdlnluthe new fliscal acm nws,'iberfpas D v ce M iii A ge gsuiized labor graup lu the Domn- Yeal' uuder a condition nuprece- (the gal e sar e i olwrs Trno prl2 nesiainw wUcrany aeato. Ion. dented since 1896. Tis cousists in T0foDr.,D. F. MalanInvEtitremontwNa Tubs addes 5hle C.B. o! R.E. Parllamnent's nat iaving voted lu- llonalist leader, now lu tie Oppo- into the, operations o! a "divorce For the Past two or three weeks, banquet, Mr. Mosher stressed that terini or partial suppîy because Iillncatine e pot.war econo mje -conditions must was nat her ta do t. one Hetze'>.erai J. B. M. m iii" in the Ottawa dist"ict, in it is stated, f ' artment officers a: b. sltered 80 that Improvements therefore wlll be ralseci ly gaver- .______-___which it is clairncda Woman em-iOtwatPicegofhiais e eeno niight be madle lu Canada -anld ---------u---an'estwarranthee. Had Par-ti nor-generaiflhi' warrats.(' .d ployee of a private det2ctJve .agency o! private investigators epoe ara.The. C.B. ef R.E., he added, liamient gozle alead lu *January, the [AST ca-resnernt sapoesoa ndv eatos wua dedicsted ta tie task of imak- budgetwulhaebe brutIIILU L!1 )wslunedy- Ing lxnprovement in economtecocni clown eariy. e A T N ISPL NI a ditiens. Joutnl re d r.Th ir3t crop of runiars conce- .Tll fjn n terday by Hon. Gordon Canant, 'Airport Planned Mao ontn n an resen- Ingtaxes la appearing witisge& )fU1 u U Iî OAttorney-General. ' e tiai aSset In -warllme for unity sud tiens of new ones and additions ho Prthn o h nur a nK nso e translpoýtaion Of trOOps and tIp- !exlstlug ones. Tiere i3 ne warrant Batavia, Java, April ,1-Th ivenur inttrasazesthen Cprowu mnt , r act e dg m s. H.in so n for l. s cCeo t, a ti rt e e e P ope Cun il of the N e herland Attorney Raoul M ercier, acting on K ingston, April 1 - I l beca mne bot c ie fgu res . lu oca l labor ald. Eu t Ind es will h ld an extra ses- instructions from Queen's Park, more evident today the Depart mnent crci,, eeprs ne !re elgil. The budget, to which no cabinet sion A ril 9 a d scuss a bill to asked for an adjournment lu a di- of Transport intends te build a new Mr BoEthgate and',staniey Daw,, cousideration lias been given on a. streugthen Its naval defenses, Il was vorce hearing untul Thursday. airport in the Kingston district iu son made the preSeutations to the count of lie elections, will have b an ec a s iosedtha atum e na uue ronou, wowl emvn aT-b. framed lu le ligil of le l- Te bill provdes for le building o! divorces which have been grant- James Henderson, owner of one af __ __ _ __ _ __ _ordinae exped tures O ! war, but o ! tree batth. cruisers o! 27,00 edý by or are pending before h , the largest and best fa nms in the ow muci of Vs wlll.beby taxes tons each, nc tanker, 12 submar- court, are under investiaio. Lemone Point district, fiene SAYS[J3 IJI.jlS ' tlngao are Ime chasers, tWo minesweepers, 12 P. Pope, K.C., of te Attorney- Wastoftficaton fr ivtaw te v- SAY hÙ4 tObe etemInd. arg flingboas ad adryockfor General's Department. will appear iaesnt o icitn hsrcei ttawaouc- ne taatio leve wasratier the handling of a 4,OO-on ship. in court lier. Thursday on behaif cale the. property by V'une 1. 1940. sha.rpîy elevatedlnluSeptember. Il It provîdes also for lie improve- of lie AttbrrieyGeneral S had g ao , erfivefrmsnthe e-.r AIK~LANL is proviug verY Productive. Con- ment e! lie uavy base at Soerabaja. "tihttc ha n ins, admoine Point div stri th were- M A N T A I R -L' A E " t i st a ed h at n e i n ss a om e w eP o a!is r i , te u rv e rs ceiv"JIy., tic change mnaybe sligit. 'rie bill calls for a total expen- woman, has been lised as a Co- ýwere given option money by the Only Parliament will autiorize new diture o! about $lo,ooo,o00. Of thfs respondent iu a number or cases," Dominion Gvemnt ofcas W u& h oP R s ta e .a m u t li o st u t O fo! the said M . Conant. "She is said t The. H ende son fa nm is 170 acres. tire. baIltle cruisers, plans for wiich b. an emrloyee o! the saine detec- Aot80arscoet i e Navy Conatructing Cà . eelIA ('rn Ia Aot80 cescoe ote e 10 lne will ive agency acting in tie cases aud derion farnm are held unden option Fly o Jafl a Nckcruiser Is sciecjuled la be ready for certainly menit oun looking into the. will receive a notioe similar to tiatE mm wmm. service li December, 1944. matten. If there is anyîîing wrong, neceive<J by Mn. Henderson. Waahlngtoxn, April 2.-Tic Star Saysat thé-li United States Navy hm. under construction an 84tonIU LILTT E A N E RN Y flyns bot vPtW totetue T O PEN FIMP ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0f-flylug non..stop frnm eCalforunla CU EEYDD.f M '/VKJ0 OUGT rFAI 41m sieulu CaUlr* JJVîL].5 ULIt, lie PaPer said, by tic Glenn L. Msrtlu OoMpany lu Baltimore. Il reported tiese apeciCatjons.: Wingspreacj o! 230 feet, mot=r developiutg ln exceas o! 9,000 honse- rPower, a range ,of 12,00C mlles, apeed lu exceos o! 3W0mlles an lueur, capable o!1carrying a useful load o! 30 tons. .1 . Navy officiais would ual canlirun or deur liat auch a ianva-, Que.rry. Near Bow.. manvUle Bowmanville, Apnil 2-Dlshurbed wie lryiug ta break open gasoline pump ata Alexauclra'a Garage, jlusI east Of Bowmanville, thtree men lu what la behieveel l have been a stolen car, wene ciascd lirough -ne-, -_ - q alc " &w yprovincial offîcens cari3 udrconstruclion. . Sunday morplug. TieUUiedStates Amy recently . Provincial' Oflicera PriceMarri dlachoacd o!ficially liaI a 70-hou sud William Tiampson hock a!lei bomber, designaîecj tie B-19, wus lie car ,lust east of the lown, bul nearlng can'plctloun lu tic Douglas hast il an tic Sougog road astez Airera! t CorparatIon's Caifrnia -windlng tirougi a maz, o! aide plant. . streete. -The men were dlsturbe< This crs! 1, which was described before they çeould geltue pu.mps as the o wrld's hargest milhtary plane open, wa.9 reparted capable o! a non-stop Eariy Suriday moruîug il ws e- fUfght ho Europe sud return, Il was pouted ho Oshawa police liaI lie dcsigued ta carry a useful laad a! 28 gasline shed ah hi. Oshawa depot Ions, o! lie Canadian National Railway iad been enterd, sud- four live- gallon gasoline cana were taken. The uîrtief t was ds eed w [EFI1iARD avu~ onkunen wenh te lth eshed lu lie znornlng. urw Tias ~ Itlslabelieved nmen lu lie car IN NE ZeE LAND ciased aI ]Bowmauviile daubled back sud complet! hein job at Ne-w1y-ConfirmedJ Premier stohen tram s car pa.uicd-at Maple '3nove, sud lb la believedthie saine Expected to Reorganize- gang la respansible. Labor Cabinet, Word on Airport wellinglan,»April 2.-Peter Fraser ed.n eek acting Prinie MIni.sten o! New Zea Expectedi -land ince.the laIe Michael Savage became serlously III hast A ugust. has Giffora veclares bëén commlsslou0f by thie Goveru- o-eneral, Viscount. Gahway, la Delinite devehopm nents lu lie continue allihe iead o! lie Donm- mave ta have. an Air, Training Air. ion's Labor goverumeut. Mn. Sav- Part Iocaled.ilutle Oshawa-Wiltby age dl!d March 26 district la exlected wthin thc ncxt Mn, Fraser has *en a meunler of week Ad.V H. Gifferd Informed tic Qovernment since _lte Laber CHe made cleaunouncementonlu ask-t Party first wus sueresslul aI liNmae îtthenoton eaen t Inard polls In 1935, Uncler Mn. Savage he su htn ato e-tkntwr was Mnister o! Edâcation, Hlealti . bniltling s resohution- asklug Ot- tawa autionltles for speclal action. and Marine, sud lu changea!f meu- J xetorclvsm If. tal osptai an poicedeprt-mation withi the nex,, six daya, mentlansd irvipection e! machinery. psbh ofscndi!entlî nature, Tic ew rIm Minshe laCX"which wlllgive us a preîly tain ides pected ta recorganîz lie Cabinet, oi wiere we stand," Aid. Qifford submlitling hus lisI, cf Ministers 1 satcl the Labor Party's electonal comnmit., "If it Is tien feIt advisabîe ta for- te. for approval Thuraday. Itla1 ward a nesohullon 10 Ottawa w. can Prediclete htt hie efI wlug of the act lmmiediateîy allihe meeting e! Party will be representedl lu tic City Council In commttee lu about new Cabinet. awe, eavsd 1'-AP F'AiRY TALE5 YOLUR:E4ID 'OME GoTTA LOTTA Goor, -CrO MM.O N E,,SE NEm - Il Ottawa, Apru 1-Cout to a sd Of lis week's- Dominion election has, been estimated'by Jules Casý. tonguay, cie!electoral et! ber, at $3,00,00e, or almeat $1,000,00e0tes than lu: 1935,ý due to an Improved system of Prepaxlng volera' lists. Tic reduction lu cash mmas de dsptte lact wartlme madle liecMte taklng et tic active service vote at a cost ef sometiing. under $100,000. EZxplaniug'tue difference ilu -osts belween the 1040 sud 1935 elections, Mr. Castonguay sald toulghtl liaI Parliainent lu 1934 enubarked on a new scieme o!' preparlng votera' liste a,!ter mauy years o! preparing hhem aller the election date, was announced.-e lWith lhe hope o! aiortenlng anl élection campaign the, new 1934 system planued -permanent votera' lisIs liaI aiways would.be up ta date so a Governmnt cau]d appeal speedily ta lhe electars. This prac- lice has been followed in Gteal Britain. Parliameul provided for two or- ganisations; au enumeraîlng staff ho prepare lhe listes ad tie usual elec.- tonal maciinery to canducl t lec- lions. In 1934 a permanent hls was prepared, aud iù 1935, before lie ith 195 TaO, il disclosed liat Canadians JI &Jw aaa'aJM% U .A IJVLp took litIle Inlerest in getting Iheir naines on lie liste until an electionEN -S O T was lu sigit sud liaI lhey movcdCo.U 63 about sO m u ai that tic perm anent M a y t G o t M a n g ed a s cal t an a ti ' ne tei lisI required extensive revisians. l , o!G t M nin ed ecaor anmg Poor wld., Af ter lhe one expenieuice witî i Po t oto;N ofA.P' ecr an n taiongaI po to, permanent lists Paniamet revertei Pool a eeth iitalcora a la the: former system, witi the. ciief Clasa Wil Be Larger "Wiifl,"as ey h nav bes nic a!ig h lssanprevsîgte-Gi namned by Galt residents, wo su,~. panc ing lieost e t ad s u ev osn g le G î A pril 1 - T heir brain a cessfully sough t an abb ev ated ele tio . o s an w a m a le an ic "bu lgin g " w t i n ew -fo un d echn ical tern i for 'th eir n at y w h ite o vera ls, lists untislie election Wus called kuowledge, them citeeks fatlened by will be repiaccd by a new sud slightii. and tien lie Job waz doue ahl at thefamned iospilahlty' o! thi Sot- ly langer class, canslstingo!25o one Une. 18h Western Ontario cltyr, sud îîeîr tuis PrOvinces finest sons, a lsed ' r i c m p a a t v e l 1 w O fl o e y e s g l s t e in g w t i e x c t e mn e n t. 1 8 3 s e l e c t b y E o n . N o r m a n Hf l p e l 'i laking tie active service vote was st.urdy Ontaia youtis graciuated Labor Depariment. due ta Most ofthe supervision of frOin lie Depanîmeut o! LaboDr's Included lu the remnoval of aIr, ticacua vlin biu dueby AircraI t Sciool here Pnlday. craftsmen or "A.C. 2-5,# ta TorontÀr, unit officers aI no cast to lhe coun- For six alî-loo-shorî mnouth's lie «' be lwenîy youing men wîo a ss.. try, Mn. Casteuguay said. caste boys, ail behween lie ages o! cîgi- e0 lu 'a Stiff wînelezs telegrapiy' wene coufined ta four staffs, anc teen sud lwenhy-llve, and ciosen course *wlth !lying colors, wîle' in Englancu, and one each lu Hiall- from' every section Of!-lie Province, gnaduate lu inte Qîhen course;s areý fax, Ottawa aud Edmonton. 'i'iese have worked and atudîed, ahi wiîî As follOws: Air frame- construction staffs coliecled sud countced heth burnnng iope o! somie day en- (wo>den, 50; mecianical transport, votes. te-ring lite Royal Canadian- Air 30;- machine siop. 30, aud sheet vots. orce j metal crafsm en, 20. 'bal memeorable day camne Fniday, Thre fi! 13 students who Undentook Legion Frontiersmen and tie majorily o! studente board-. lie SChool's Most poPular course;, StartPeteroro B anchcon plete study o! Aere Engines, S t a t P t e b o r B a n c .W i hI e m a rk , 10 th e r a in in g s c î c l Lieut. E. Preston acting cammand- aI St. Tho0ma-S. ion more a-"7ce Peterboro, Apr. 1.-More tiau 100 ing'efficer. Hcaded by lie scanlet aeroplane englinIstruiction. slrong. Legion of Frouhiensmen clad regmmental band o! lie Prince Depanlîng !rom Gale. caci stud- froni Toronto under Major G. R. of aeeanea hevst net wilcarry iti hum nt"ig. N. Collins ield a chunci parade Placed a wsaio iecî a but is higily prized --log bo7 hene Sunday. The men, part o! memnrial, tien marcid t h containung lie comnplete sfo1'3of is "A"and"B"sqadrnscam tix nll- ontîs' rainng Ére is a- 'A" an "B suad ou, c me taSaints Chu c. ev. Canon j. D. cO plixct 't nig thé e, wnitîe thus cit.y Salunday. Satunday nigit Paterson cf AlSit eloidcOmplmentons accomthiîmute a in nef meeting s a lie i gu -h e r o. er m e n4trhe ie by , office s Of lie .-C .A .P. 'rade Paris, AX>nll 2.m-Prance ý engage toclay Wu a three-poinî program le reinforce her doneale psition-_ ,Preparingfor Isuling food aud fuel ration1 car'da, stmulahtag the bIrth- rate wili subsidies sud trylng te brlugr tb 1,000,000the. nunber- f women aI work lu war induatries, If-thee nunber cf, women, ln indus- ti'y cannot be reached ou a volun- tary baa thbe labor xinâstry may juse Its autho4ity bô 'mke. female laibas compulao lu some industries. IEznployer&-are asked ta give prior- ity ta wômen who have lat ocher Jobs because of wartlme shutdtowuje or whose huabands are mobilizeci. Mire More Wemen The.inlng et women has proeeed_ cd slowly up ta uow because il has- been necesary ho couvert, considier- ablemachinery sud ta train' women 0 perate lt. Hewoever , 20 per' cent,' efthle per-. sonnel lu stale factorie worklng for to lie Ai MilyO3tmlesuli G omotesunaltaEar hi propoton1 ctstul nrain livin becuneyh lta . In other industries, one P" Is î.* tory, for example, blred jO Gne*- vOMen workers over the week-end. A. nationwide vensIMgusw Sato .1preparatory t& immediate issus-bf food and fuel ration car4s lla to- those 41ready lnu use lh Englaix4 and GFern=ay.- Only troopa actually eatlrg food Provided- ln army M1esses were ex. R-aton Cards For'Ai! 'ÊverY Otier man and woman, froru President Albert Lebrun ta th@ neweSt-bOrn baby, had to b. listoed. for 'a card. The cards wiU s et the aflowanet' for food anld fuel lu each, houaehol<s on a dally bùs & Eve .nnmbe? of mieals habltuaflv eateniWay froe home eachi week Is aein cl. sideratIon tle nocn Authorities, explainthat the. ra-.. tionlng system. is ntended g81 lc to eqUalize the hardships of war for rich &nd poor as ta conSrer food. Az amiPliffed j "famfly slatanee' progranu went into effeet, provlding prizes for babies and aid toi needy familles of! soldiera. A special allowance Is to b. paId _______________By Brandon Walsh! FO W4LE IT LOOKS LlKE 50M E R YPLE-. BUT IN THE LA5T CHAPTEP THEVjAj~1 C.4-r I.H CUNNING LIE5 AN' GEN'RAL CLISSEDNESS -AG'FM ATE E: LVILN 1 -9 GONNAI GET THE BESTOF HONEFST POLICS ... Towm Or4 ZIMPARED OR NP AN EE NUJMBER.ONE MAN m- __ DAO BLAMIE iT! ZAAMA-TELLI 'YA MY 'BUT rr'5 l'TOi >01y.,-roo CROWDED.,.EVEY MIND'.s MADE UP I AUIMTA-SAYNM'- WHERE Y>OU GO %YU SEE PDI.S AdLî'a>~ HALLÇLUVA AIQT A ÀFIR8-rCLASS A-TALKIN',My BARS REBUTvpç FO A- NMBE~O,~1~ CTY~TUE CITY> DAD BLAMED PACrE. ' ly la er ut er le t county mi viewed Ho Isber o! bJ wuas ssm ance liat yea:r. However uew bigiv bte- pescu ed and Pli ah preseul. The deli of represe 'Whltby, P WhUllby tco Trade and partment Conversat between-S( lierefore v 'ril. need four-Jane1 bigiway olter slndl te provinc fornned. wl 'rie grog inatter o! cf! ort wasi -government >lie highwf prograun bE tiighway pr 'Iy upden e< Umdertakitg imeomplete boro-osia Madle. Wbeu ai tou- progni hdirsl higlu' 'IFhîh Ili s' a.. VYOMM in 1 '1900ôlow Savini $1 loootl

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