Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1940, p. 7

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Scarboro-Oshawa Highway Carries Heaviest -Traffic -of - Any Similar Roïd ini Province -»jRepairs .to Existing Highwçiy sured As- FINANCING 0OF WAR - 1 FIRST CONCERN Delegation From- Whitby, 0sha4wa, Pitkering iand E-ast Whitby Given En- Highways Minister couraging Reception by - Cocnstruction cf the new four-lane iiighway frein Scarboro to Oshawa will ie crac 0f the 'flrst prejects whlch btche ýpàrtinent cf Hlghwavs -*111 pusb wben f urther bighway expendîtures are unçiertaken, tlie -deleotIon cf Oshawa ' and Onario couinty muiiclpalibles whleh inter- vlwd o.T. B. MoQuesten, min- frter of highways Wednesday Iast, wa.s as=ued, There was no assur- ance that this woid bake place tiIs However, untîl sudh timne as bbc -nrxw hlgliway la ready for rervice, the present hig'hway will be tepaîr.. «te and pub in better condition blat *at present. The delegablon -'wblc b onsisted of represeutatives frem Oahawa, Wbitby, Pickering township,- East Wbiitby bowxship, Whitby B3oard of -Trade ancd Oshawa Ohamber cf -Commerce wus assured that the De- Spairtuxent cf EHigliways was quite conversant wlth traffic conditions bet-ween Scarbore aud Oshawa and therefore was cegizant cf the dcli- nite neeci for completien of the four-lane highway.jihis section cf highlwày by actual count, carmes a greater load of traf fle thon any nither sliliar stretch of highwavy In the province, tIe deiegation wau In- lermed. War Finances Finit The group wa.s tnformned that the inatter cf fInancing Canada'& war ïeffort was tbe f irst consideratlora cf goverraments today aund at preseut thé, highways departinent bas ne progri3mr beyond flntshiîng a f ew highwayv projects wbich are actual- Iy uncier construction. No plans for Undcrbaklng new work.s such as tIe ~Uncompleted portion cf tbc Scar- boro-Oshawa Highway have been1 Mnade,- Wben a new highwayB construc-1 tion prograin 1 drafted the four-i lane higbway- willi e ene .cf thei first highways hi lie ccmpleted,, non. Mr. mcqueuten itatod. In the imeantime repairs Winl be .îacle to'the'exWIatng road, the offi- ciai sald. 7'Iedelegatàon h"d not brought Up t1e natter of recondi- tionlng the Mnt road,, whlch the minister admitted, ta overtame4 te carry Its present trafllc Joad. In- addItion to repalring the old rOB4 the departinent does flot intend tb Permit the present focur-lane work to deteriorate and wI11 do auch work on lb as is necessary hi keerp itlb iagood condition. * -1E WH!TBY GAZETtE AND CHRON A Y Took Bride Over Yukon Trait RS P~ied, -To Birch- Barak Canoc Two-Year Job The ministér indicateci that coin- pletion of the highway would re- quire two aeasons of worlc, one t6 complete, grmdIng, bridgtng and (Torot Star Weekly)* gravellng and the -second season, Haif a century mgo George Alex. to do the actual pavlng. ander Pringie, former resîdeut 01 Mayor J. C. - Anderson declared Whltby, wus "the iaw" during thb that lie was satisfled that bbe De- liectlc days of the Yukon gcld rush. parbinent of Hlgliways la fully Teday the ex-sergeant. of the Royal aware of the need for completion Norbbwesjt Mounted PoIlce--now the cf the four-lane highway and that R.C.MP.-liHollywood as oee0o at the first, epportunlty bhe work two teclinical advisers supervisins wilil ie completed. fibntng of the movie, "The North- The cielegation consistea of the west Mounted Police." deputy-reeve and a couneillor f roux More excittng than anythlng that Pickering township, Town Clerk lies ever been put on celluloid are Prost and tbree -touncillors freux Mr. Pringle's own advenbure In, the Whlbby town,,, Reeve I. T. Oruiston uerthwest. Tliey started more blian and Councillor A. E. Grams of E tb 50. years ago wben he gave up his Whlty Tonshi, Ad. W H.asf-Job-~as cierk In aWhibby drygoo'd Wh halru-in, and Ad. . A, _store and travelled hi Regina where ford, hf-aad AdB.. he jolned the Royal Nortliwest Brown cf the Industrial coumlitbee, Mcunted Police. Later lie was brans- cf the Oshawa City Council, Mayor f erred te the Klondike where he J. C. Anderson, of Oshawa, Fraucia won bigb recogniticn from in u su- J. McIntyre, president cf bhe Whlt- perlera for oubtbandiug service ln by Board cf Tradte, P. L. Masen and thée rough and tougb days of the L. P. McLaughliu, of tIc Oshawa gold rush. Chamber of Commerce, Mayor F!red He rose hi the rank of sergeant Rowe, of Whtbby wus unable to ac- ln the R.C.M.P. and wus presexit at company the delegablon due te 11L the historic ceremony that uxarked ness. tlie ransfer. cf Aiaskan terrtory The depubabion was arranged by f rom the Unlbed States to Canada. Aid. W. H. Gifferd. On reac.ling As a motter of fact lb was ho who Queen's Park tbc delegates ,were raised bbe Union- Jack te mark the weicoanecl by Attorney-Generai Ci. new bouu'dary Uine between bhe D. Conauit wh othen ccnducted bbe' Yukon and Alaska. group te the of lice of Hou. Mr'. McQuesten. aybidnsI ntnghol To Probe Whltby Condition mauy buildings If aStbeet Sbouth A promise that the serîcus con-was la e thathBrck treet Scubbe dition whIch bas existec In lu b ou wa cul. rther, lb Intsepon since work on the four-loue high. eut taiturts bul iinghe ore way was stopped wouid be îuxmed- owles irtfalwic and b ack flUn er iately luvetigabed was-given.Whut- ancw dyentrloral aud t a ony by delegates who accompauied araysebwudlels.,al others frein the district who ure opening of Henry Street Invclving completion cf'thbb four-lane h1gh- the construction of a bridge was -way. Cessation of wcrk on blie urged. bigbway and thie ciosing of bwo in.. The minister promnised that engi- portant trafflc a.rberies to the Ori. neers would proceed te Whltby and tarte Hospital and the lake created look over bbe situation even If work the sericus situation, thie highway on the bighway Itieîf coUld not be departuxent waa bold, i'e5t1fled. Francis7J. McIntyre, presîdent-cf the Chaiier of Commerce, and C. Stop into ÉprIug wearlng a blIthe A. Bryans, treasurer, bold the min.. she A ismart puznp la navy suede ister that the clostng of Henry or black patent wltb red yeiicyw Street last year consblbutcd a real and greeu kid stripes lnbelaced at fire hazard te the Ontario Hospital the back and f orming tue toc wth Its hundreds of patients and quarter. h - .1 f or IMPORTANT - ANNOUNCEMENT by Morchmunts ini -TRE GAZETTE and CERONfICIE Weokl .1 lu' Regardlng liteyouth lu Whltby where h. attended achool wfth iei- count Hamar Greenwood,, former secretary for Ireland lu bbc Britishi governuxent, bts sister, Mrs. George Pringle, told bbc Star Wcekly, that "lie was Just like bthe average boy. Re was full cf fun and tnisohief -n eyrwu a great scholar but lie Ioved ridtng and liorses" She related that lits father lad spent sorne years prospectlug lI Australia and 'posstbiy bhls lieritage led liii» b spend his 5mare finie "panning"' for gold durlng bts years lu the uerbbwest. Years lober, alter bis niarniage te a girl lie met wlien alie was beach- lng school -in Portland, Oregon, lie enlisted for everseas service lu bhc great war. During lits days lu the Klondike lis wif c had been the firast wouxau tô traverse bbc famous White Horse rapids, immorbalized by Service ln the "Trou of '98", bled lu a bircbbark camoe piioted iy lier bus9band. He has three sisters and oue bro- ther nôw living lu Whibby; Mrs, George Cornac, Mrs. Jouet Laird, Mn,. David Wilson, and W. M. Pringle. FOR TRAININGi (0entlucd froux. Page 1) te a i0zcn separate classes cm en conducbed at thbc saine tlne as tic building prevîdes four fafrly large rocaus and elgit sixaller eues. lhe langer roonrs eau accouxiodabe up- wards of 50 nen wbil e un blie suxaller rons 20 non can lic iaud- led ccmforbably. .Previously suci class lecture&. were conud<ed at varlous points lu thc barnacks and arineurles, wherever space could lie found, ln- cludirag sleeping quarters lunthe barracks. Lt.-Col. E. Pearson, connauding offIcer, was very uxucli pleased wlbb acquisition of tic uew building. "It's scmetblng wc've nceded for many weeks and wlll certmluly lie of great help te the unit in furtier- lng Its training progran," lie de- ILOCAL HOTEL (Oo>ninucdfrn page 1) injuries Ialoise than twc weeks, Dr. MacI.eren said. "For fiv'e uxoubhs I ha-d te grow wiiskers. I couldn't" aven &have," testlflad Kayel. He said that he had had a business argument with the defeudaut Pascce aud- biat viien lic met hlm lu a Whltby hôotel Pasco. iad askcd hlm ta do soreawerk which ha refused, "I bolhlm I wouldn'b. do auy more business wlbh hlm and t bera lie threw bic glass at me," détlared Uic plaintif f. R. D. -Ruddy, acting couxisel for_ Pascca, poiutcd oubtiat ic felt blie- mm asked was exorbitant aud qucstioned Kayel's statement that be had been unable te work for. six weeks. Tune plalublîf replied thati- thouti ils face had been pantially healed af ber bwo wceks ha had abil licou unable hi contlnuuc)xtaregu- ian occupation of butcllering pigs because this operablen uacessitated beudIng down which ho could net do wltli stitches ou bis face. Mr. Ruddy asked Judge Coleman te reserve judgmcnt and recelve wnibten arguments f roux bcth coun- sel but blie bench declined wibh the observation that "lb would lia wast- Iug bie bine cftbia court te re- civ. wntten argument lu- a case cf tuis type." 1 "The plaintiff has made an ex- cellent Impresson on me lu bhe wltncss box., Rh denicanour seem- cd sbraightforward and 1. believe lie was the victin cf a vicieus "a- souit. Tliere's nothlng ta excuse a moan throwlng a beer glass Ina an- obier mnan's -face and I flnd ne reason to mibigate tie damages lie asks," \said Judge Coleman. Man#ng F. Sahwartz, Oshawa barrisber, appearcd for Kayol. MADE GAS MASK IN< 1825 London.-More thon a liuudrcd *ycars ago before liolson war gas w'as thoUglit of the gas mask was ln exIstence, Inlu 825a workn fashioned a leather ieod almilai eXcepb lu mnaterlal te thc modern mask biat ooaupletely enveloped bice <Oo>ntinued Iromlage 1), tary service reqistrat1on offices tlirougiout Ontario.. GeSý Ba*k to The Star In 1921 lie rejolned the staff of e Star. as Librarian, and by hi& efforts.- Partlcularly, after the0 Pa- Der'8 entry to the new building ln 192, built Up t.he. Star% lUbrarv mInt one 'of the finest newsl3aper -librarles on the continent. WIth a .Wlde knowledge of affaire and a keen Interest ln events, Mr. -Barr was able to establsh a great flling Other Interests -Neqt Forgotten Along Wttli his newapaper and clerical Interests, for he neyer gave Up the latter, to the laat lie atil kept his great tnterest ln the Uini- ve"aity of Toronto. Re. assIzted ln the preparatlon of Its «*r record and in raIsIng the memorial tower funds. Several years ago lie'was a member of the senate of the 'Uni-. versity. Hle wus a member of the KCappa Alpha fraternity. Despite his newspaper and sports Interests, Mr. Barr never gave up lits churchl nterestsç. He was hon- ored b iv is church by betz ap- Dinted honorarv 'curate of the Church of the Redeemer, a iosi- ýtI0n whtch lie leld for several years before lits death. He tock bis relig- tous dnIies seriously, and Sundays would * find his thouglits turning. frcvm thesecular to the sacred as, clad in lits vestments, he assisted in thie services of his church. Ho Is survIved by his widow, Eli- zabeth Mary Baldwin Barr,. two sons, Robert Baldwin earr. noted yachtsman, and Frederick C*ordon Barr, and a daugliter, Elizabeth Mary Barr. Of e h. ai e Df ig it re le ,n Is ýe t le it STREETS, CELLARS FLOODED, LITTLE DAMAGE REPORTED (Ooubluued frcom Page.1) Urday or Sundmy town officiais abat- ed. A corttaustIOn Of tbbc pret cool, suuny weatlier will lielp a great ceal, Uicy addad. In bic OountY, RoadSuperntnd- eut D. J. Kean sbated biat wile many roads-werc flooded tiare wus ne immediabe danger, to bridges and culvents se, long as a beavy nain dld net appea on thb cacc. Mi'. Kean lid ednn engaged all day Sunday opcning drains anad aboyai- ling away snowand Ace frein bie culverts lunblie Township, of Whlb- by and East Whltliy. Tuere ta se nuci auow and Me Up north, how- ever, that the danger of floodlug ta not yet pat. Mr. Iean la hope- fui tiat tie Couuby whll sustain no damageathitls roadas, bridges and. PAIHENT 0F, TAXES. ANODLJTILITY 'RATES, (Conblnued freux Page 1) By a litie planning the council could make bie necessary changes lu Whltby ta accommodate ail clylo offices, Coun. Milla said. Tue report of tic committea will receive future oonsicleration b>' OounctL. Alway the Cnrc fhmsassca DiOng ththe ytars cf bisassocia- ptin ri bbntStarhe clayed is, par ags, ndpnisotherist ien maeriagte Strandfnerals c famcm- beSrs f bciStre and fbleu ailes Hid hbudya figr nd fine u' en j iead arkadlgfbythat w barebbc I OtardY arkn0f ntucr earr' Astur and ine ig aure.i pot Au I GlosyoFn te fiuedinfSports Btiafotlt w onb ild cf Caa- ndian footal ithe "Bidd" arr mPodebi s aar u bcon te aanîy rts. As aen nistaroue arsibo the.ea uthies ti ie ar eu fe cf thed gre -wubaof ieae. A H «ere'is wbab a great authority said of himn:-"I bave -always thouglit that Mr. Barr, "Biddy" as 1 always called hlmn, was oeeof the best representabives of reai sport that the Province bas produced.",- President. .j. Cody, cf blie Uni- veralby Of Toronto. Eariy Educaioz He wenb hi a prcparabory school .in Lindsay and thon attenciedi Up- per Canada Coflege before golng-on hi bbc University cf Toronto, wîere lie graduabed wibb honora lu 1896. He r1ceived.lis master of arts de- grec ln 1904. lu the , neantime, heowevcr, lie entered Wycliffe Col- lege, froin which lic graduatcd lu blieology lu 1900, anid was crdained & Priesb of bbe Anglican church in 1901, after- servlng a year on, the staff of Wycliffe College. Notable Tribut. SIr Edward Beatty, presldent cf the Canadian Paclflc Railway, sald of hlm: "I waaslihocked te learu of thie deabli cf Mr. Barr. He wtll al- ways be rbmenibered , ucaptain cf the Vartlby football teanisof 1895 and 1896 and at tînt time lie was a bero to aIl theise junior te lin iu yearas. 'Biddy' Bn.rr's chief charme- teristlc was earnestuemas nd cour- age, and mauy a Varsiby Mou 0f that generation has a vlvld recel- [action, of l&square shoulders, and quick and Purposeful uxcevinents on bbe fid and bis kindueua ta thc younger nmen off 1t. He will, be lhuai miased by bie imunedlate frleuds, wbo lied a great affection I VNA, CHANCE (Continued frorn Page 1) "Before le had a chance te re- turn them he wus arreted,", observ., ed defense counsel. Magitrate Ebbs asked a hospital Officiai In court w1lýher the man had been suspçnded and was toid Tuoker had been "reieased",. "Yhhave senbenced yourself te more, punshment than I can impose by loslng Your position, In vlew of YOur prevous good.record and years of sere e lil gve you a yers sug- pended sentence,"ý the cadi toid Tucker. SEEN IN FIkANCE3 TOWVN- FlWHITDY CConitued frein Page 1) in 1938 to $688.00. Iu 1937 the per capita total tax evy wus $34.15 as conipared wltli $31.01 irn 1938. lm- gurjes dealing wlth per capita box arrears show $10.39 for Whltby ln 19,37 and $10.10 in 1938, The bggest- drop from 1937 to 1938 is shown iu the per capiba de- benture debt and the per capita to- -tai delit. The former was $62.86 in 19377, and $61.30 in 1938, whle the latter ln 1937 wau $13.14 and $99.02 in 1938. A close perusal of these figres will show the improvement in the posltion of tie individual taxpayer LIONS CLUB AT ON SUNDAI NIUHT (Oonbinued froux Page 1) were ber willlIngness ta le cf help te lierscîf liy carrying out bbc in- structions of bbc prophet, and tbe goodwlli and geerosity of .er uciglibors from wlioux she borrowcd bbc vessels whlcb overflowed witb oil se that she was able te dlscharge ler delt and keep ler famly te- gether afterwards lu confort. Rev. Mr.. Jull suggested that bhc prophet was an Ideal cilruan cf relief, net only providlug lb but enaling bbc widow te keep berszelf and nalaubain ber deipendence. Relief organiza- tions, and these werklug as ludîvi- duals to hein others, abouid endea- ver as for as 'possible ta follow this example. There was se nucb today for thc cburcb, service erganîzatîcras like the Liens 'Club, and ludividuals to relieve povcrty and lining lielp and happIue.,s te obliers, Rcv. Mr. Jui said. The mets cf mercy that mlght seau trlfling werc net hielie over- leoked, nor were tlie larger opportu- nittes te lielp God aud max imust work baud lu baud. After the service Lion Stoyer scrved most acceptable refremi- monts at bis store. STAMPS AND DOGS To belp dcgs have an equal chance, a wSnxan-lu Austràlia lia coilected 109,000 stampe. Tnc stamps will lie scld liy the National Canine Defnse Leagueanad the f unds'de.. votcd te bhc care of poor people's pets, accerding to a Sydney report. Son Ervlne £rtabed after bbc Inves- C E. Harper, chairman 0f Uic Puli- tigation. t Everywhere "Coca.Cola" carres a conviction of quality. Four generatois have known and enjoyed this drink. Millions of trnes a day, people the wQrld over experience the thrill of ius taste and- the refreshe d feeling that follows. THE PAUSE TIIAT Rý AUTHORIZED BOTTLER 0F '"COCA-COLA" Hwnhly'ï CuboumIod Dovoeragos 0ohawci Phone 755 EXTRA ANNUVAL COST 0F LI1IHTS (Continued freux Page 1) Par yens. Deduction mode for the oid street ilgits amounted hi $804. Iu counectioù wlth tbbc colore llghts wbîch formenly decorated bbc business section, lic poluted out that the saviug bo bhc merobants annually wau $244. Miý. Nattreas quoted an aubiority- on street llglilg as sayiug that the illumination of Whibliy streetv. iad been icreased bebween 300, and 400 per cent, on account of bbc new #týeet ligbta. At bbc outset of lits add.ress, Mi'. Natrress gave te the Rotarians a coet analysia upon whlcî chiarges of ail branches of the Hydro e8r,. vices lu municipalibles was based, lucludlug street llgbting bogether wlth lutereat charges, lu bbc case or etreet llghing bbce cst- analysis was based on distribution, -mainten- once, lamp reuewals, special main- tenance on ornauxental standards and fixcd charges fer power. Ic speaker poinbed eut In rcply hi a question asked by Mayor Rowe that a reduction Iu bbe rates per street lanp would ouly lie possible wien deberabure charges new boiug levied for annually wcrc wipcd eut. Mr. Nabbress wos introduced by Mayor Fred T. Rowe and bbc vote of thanks to hlm was mnoved by Ratarian Donald A. Wilson. Guesté at bbc meeting lncluded lic Utllby commission; Herberti l. Pringle, superintendent; Frank Every, assistant, and Coun. John Larkin, GAR. CR ASH FATAL TO AIR FORGE MAN Instantly Kiiled When Auto Smashes Into Heavy IBellevie, Apnil 1. - Sergeant- Pilot Edward E. Hof cf the R.C.A. P. P'lyixg Irusbvructor~s Sobool at Trenton, wa.s tnsbantly --killed on Higbway No. 2, five miles eosb of bore, eariy Suuday1 wbcu bbc auto- mobile ho was dnlving sl'eswiped a large noter transport. Hood suta1aned a broken neçkt and fractuted skull aiid-dled lu- stantly, wfiie Miss Mariera McNah of blits clty e-ecaped wlbh a brioken, leg and miner Injuries,.# Sergeant-Pilot Hood wua- native cf Harrisburg, Pa., and a reglatered pilot officer lu the United States arry, liaving jetued bbcý R.C.A.F, lere Iu February. He expected tO finish bis course Aprll 2. Hood was proccediug, eaetei'ly when bis car get eut of contraI aMd sideswlped, tbc transport. Tue auto- mobile sbruck the truck imnedfate- -iy behiud bbc cal.blte platforni of the transport sheaning bbc tep and body completely -off the chqss. Tlie plabforux atruck Heood on tie aide of thc head, Troftic Office? ModeiTr CASE.iHabea4d CTOR Whithy Motor Limitol * Whlmby. an4 District Deau DUND apS ST., UNI-WTD >4 APIL 3, -1940, Whitby meo Defo~, * Noexi ý 1 e ONT# REfil-MENT Nore,

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