Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1940, p. 8

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UN'_ __ _ i,' ýYIN li. 'r SCORE SMASHING VUCTORY. UN USITIINO POWA$$AN ,,R0W MEET. SEAFGRTH Record Croxàd Sees Whitbt-in and stiff ce n etthe puck Wi~iSexn.Fial Rundpenalties handed out. Fr-om Northern Rivai&s Dafoe counted the fllth goal Io Who Eliminated. Them X n eCgPugi Last Y-car --Clarke Stars the third canto. Referee Holmshaw who did a ïin G o a 1 After Being istandout job, of officlatlng had a -kvled Out in First Per. trying time keeplng the teams lrom i10 Do"Dfo ed gettInt, too hot under tir esr îùdý- "Dc1p £Wfë, Ladspective collars. W, Whitby. Snipers to Vic- When Kale, Powassn owr tory - Wre ot on-who was on thie sidelines at -the tory WereNot on-tirne, protested audlbly and yul- ceded Much Chance by garly against an offsîie he Wus SomeFanspromptly given a t.en minute mis- Some Fansconcluct penalty that left no doubt of t.he officiaIs earnest desire te <By Il, Stulart'anid B. McCuIKiji keep proceedings from getting out Whitbj- A.A.A.'s rose to the hoc. of hand. key heiglits t0. score a srnashing 7-0 In the last six minutes of the shutout. over Powassan Intermedi- perioci "Doc" scoreci his third count- ates before a record crowd that er of the game wth Bagneli assist- jammeci Tayl or's Arena to the eaves ing. Jofinny H-eard notched a hast Wednesday night. Playing loner to sce the contest at the 16:M4 ch-ampionship hockey inevery de-. mark. -parrnerit, Whitby's great 1940 mZa- "Musical Accompanîrnent" chine rumbled co nvincingly along Musical accompanîment for- thE th,1e path 'tô the provincial cham- victory was provlded by the diii p1ornihip while- Powa.ssafl. victors cet tones of an old cow bell whicl on their own ice a f ew nights pre- ýrn u nsvrlocs«. viously, crumbled before the local 1' rang out onursevo teraloccask$ onsiaught. It may have been a loyal loca Visions? of the provincial trophy supporter who saw visions of "thi that Whitby won -in 1935 swarmed thundering herd" as the Whitb, before the eyes of over a thousarid sxtet stampeded to victory. An4 local fan-s as the goals piied up in then again it may have been soni the ost thrilling puckf est o! the screwball who thought, he couli current season in these parts. stop the show, It would hav Conceded only an outside chancei taken a whole herd of cows-buf by m iany peoplt, Whibby demons- falo eÉther, for that matter t trated their superiority and stayingL hait the vlctory parade. power 'w*îti Bernard "Porky" Clarke After the final whlstle the crow turning ýfl a netmincling perform- made the raf ters ring and f iled oi ance that will lve a long ime i voclferously in the knowledge the Aocal hockey annals. Up front they had witnessed one of ti. t'Doc" Dafoe, soxetimes, termed greatest hockey spectacles evi hockeys "forgotten man" since his seen ln Whit.y-a truly great teai triumphs of the 1938 Memorlal Cup coming back from the shadow playdowns, proved concluslvely that elirination to také a strangle-hei they do üom back as he paced lus on the champlonship. tean-iates to the year's mfost sur- Tetaa prising wir. POWASSAN: Goal, Purclon, di While. these two are singled out fense, Clarke and L. Cox; cent: for-inchviclual mention every meni- Hennie;. wings, White and Lani ber of the team deserves f ull credit ford: subs.. Ringler. Jackson, in the' dispatches. Whitby 'wBs Cc < ale, MacDonald, Hepbur on" = and how! Holding the psy- 1evens chological edge always conceded t .te w TB : Gol Cake e! the unclerclog ini such a contest, tlie Phillps and Watson; centre, Hear lads entered the battue to "do0 or _wlngs, Piper and Brown; sut * (11." .Bagnell,. Mayne, bal ce, Hoop The victory gave Whitiny a 111-à margin on tUe round aud earued thein the right te .taugie with the e a 0I ke d le )Y wd >ut iat she ïer lm Of ild le- Lru, ise, xd; b5.' et, IBragg, Hunter., Re!eree: Ken Holmshaw, To- rento.1 winuer o! the Seaforth-Niagara I TUE $UMMARY Falls series lu the finals fer the (Fit Perîed O.H.A. Intermediate "B" cham- i.-hty rv...... : piouship of the Province o! On- 2.-VIhîtby, Dafce ........... 8:2'7 tariô. .6 3.-Whîtby, Heeper (Dafee) . . 16.2o' Score Was'Upset. Penalties: 4Langord, Phillips. Net many o! even Whitby's most (Second Period) rabid rooters expected a seven-geai, 4.-Whitby, Bagnel, (Dafce). 3:48 margin and the overwhelmiug re-* 5.-Whltby, Dafoe........ .1106 sult packed us much. surprise te Penalties: Clarke, Heoper, L. tmany as the final score o! the elec- Ccx, Mayne. tien the n1gh't before. . (Thîd FeriOd) The A.A.A.'s reddened the f aces 6.-WUitby, Daf ce (Bagueli) .14:40 cfal hockcey pessimists wUen they 7.-WUhitby. Heard.......... 16:50 kept the north's pride and joy right Penalties: L. Ccx, Watson, Kale, off the score sheet ahl evening with (miscouducti. the crowd hanging ever tUe raiing screamîng for' more. Botis Goalica Hutmote s a a H Whitb.y'§ Clarke played ms fO h w o the sixty minutes with a bump on his head the size of the World's Pair îîcris;plerýe. "Porky" wus sacd squarely on the dome by a flyiitg puck which sent hlm dowu for a short count at the ten minute mak. 'Tie game wua held up for ten minutes while lie tried te re- mcmbe'r the nineeofthtU truck and theti,, c:ue eut on the ice again midst f ul hreated rears of ap- pUt use. 11lR, iad .-carcely been resumed î whcen histcry repeated at the other eud ofthte rink. Putdon. ,P o wass a ns cageman. took a short, sharp shot that spIit the ie of bis lhead open .and apilt a. lîttle gore on the ice. It benched luth for tire curatien with tive 5týi-L1 - (s rcquired te close the wound. Stv lus, the nrrterner's sub goalie toouk iver but lie couldn't quite f111 1Wltby Scores Early Eariy in the first stauza Browu bio(ke a-wýay on eue o! his 'Shore-ý like c-rii-es. outguessed the Po- waaî-defence cempletely and - e.Purdon on a skimmiug shot fUat elcarecl the goalies stick te put Whitby ini the lead. Thti crcwcl roared fer more and wai; speedily rewarded when Da- tie.ent.ted a sole. Then came the accidlent t thUgoa.teuçlers wUlnh di Ittyed play for aver flfteu min- -Dafoe Stars A-ileat pass frein Oke put t'Doc t)aloe into acoring.position te chalk up Whitrby's third taily just over the 16 minute mark. Bedlam vas let leose fronee end cf the ISe Palace te tUe other as the fans saw *Wliiîby only ene geai behlud the viiean d rapidly coming vithin Uh iling distance cf the round. Dur- Ing the first pericd two penalties were dso ut-uone 'te Laugford el, Pom- assan fer tripping and the uther to GrýQrdîe Phlhps for a lit- le ovrr - erithusiastic checking. ,iX rcdfElanoth.er: score assisted ________________ & tot cloie the first trame. Pî4vaïsa.n Lcad Wiperd Out E'. aýs,i'~ .3 iscaà oun the round wa.s Photographic proof of :, cxefori-'4 in the sez:nd period *pionship gameso!teO1 1 7;:: h 1-Ix on Daf oes as - provided in these pictures. i Pay rougscned up from there Place Monday afternoou ai ITUE (By D. 8.) TONIGHT'8 THE, NIGHT. 1 And by that we muan that on Wednesday nlght, Aprýi Srd, 1940, Whitby's. A.A.A.'s tangle lu the tinst <arn of the Interme- diate "*B" finas fo r thse province agm.nst-esforth Intermediates. TUE FIRST GAME WILL BE PLAYED 'IN THE OSUAWA ARENA TONIGUT. EVERY FAý ON DECK. Seaforth dowued Niagara Falls iu their semii-final round wtth cou- vinclng scores. You ail know the resut of Whitby's semi-finals with Powassan. Toulght we'll have a gQtxl idea of what happens te the sllverware. And the«l be a hot Urne in the old townteulght if the goddess of> vlctcry shines on the local lads. Lets ail turn out in force and show the Moto~r City that there's enough fans lun Whltby to f ili, pack -the Arena. Memories cf hast week's great come-back victory are stili fresh ln the minds of many but don't get over-optimistic. The Ontario Championshlp won't be won by a team or its supporters who take 'anythlng for granted. However, the local lads are too hockey conscious by tis ime to feel over-confident. If they go out on thse ice tonight expecting thse battie eT their lîves they'l win over any odds (unless the opposition has Shore, Apps Snd thse N.U.L. AIl Stars with Bim- sek ln goal at'tise other end cf the eni). uiey jarnmed nearly 1400 'IÉ Whftb rp- arid that'a 'u lng 'e~,WC'ay. It readi ,0. XW ous but1 uncierstand how- the ilghte f e1ence ta Oshawa players li nection wlth a Whitby hockq would am!use thie wrath ot hockey «old-tlznmr" th test who remember the days George sometimes stirreci sporting hotrnetas- nest wlth wei alied columnlstie darts, _____ US'W' ~ UU5W S S 5WW5 W-Si ] TOEASWIIIN 4.- Motoe Citv Puzekaters Un-I ic LLO we «st ~ln ni 'U W. dont thi ni there ame any hard feelings anywhere this and t4$I. worst George could chargé# wth this ime h ge Lweaklng the cars of eue or ef aur mmr rabld fans, prol qulte uulutentlouafly.. If Wl wins the title - whlch seenis likely - we're confident he'il bt first te extend congratulations community whlch stacks. up p w ellinluhockey calibre vith Motor City lu proportion to th, spective population of tUe tovus. Its on te vlctery teulght an mustake. Wiben Whitby suf thêt Ueartbreaklng setback ai Uhands of Pownssan last year ci two Oshawa fans-were rathici lu their comments atout '"LUh mers." Well, if there's auy cf an Oshawa crowd' on han night - and If Georges obs ion o! lait week is correct should be - we'il show 'em1 "1farmers Leam" looks when IL the home stretch te a Pr title. Several local fans and members cf the club executive have requested us te make the annual reflereuce te Leafs-Rangers tUe annual observations a! George H. Campbell, Sports Editor cf the Season Recor Oshawa Dally Times, anent Osh- awa puckcUasers delug their puck-- chasing lu the Couuty Town. FoIlowing . s tise record- of + 'i + between New York Rangers We're not passing the buck in auy Torofito Leafs durlng tiser way but we can Ucuestly say we scisçdule of 1939-40: wereu't gelug te make any referece Taranto Gaines 4-- f-^"eale ..4 ~ i-qv- Lfs ..... 1Ranuers We were watéhing for ht (fromi force cf habit) and when iL arrived we couldu't see much anycue could coraplain about although we ceuld- n't quite agree with Gxeorge's apin- Lcafs ..........1 Ranger. 1Teafs ....... 4 Ratngr Leafs ........i Rangers Totals .... 1 ...... te avell tUe atteudance dite te tue Leafs i. Rangers preseuce of eue or two Oshawa boys Leafs........i1 Rangers on the team. Leafs .......O Rangers 44.*Leafs .......i Ranger. However, Le place tUe Issue squarei.y before yeu we'lI qucte Mr'. Totals . ... 3 ..... Campbell's columu e!f Thursday, Rangera won four games, March 28th.' It reads thusly:- won one; three gaines ended prise team -o! that section of tUe O.H.A. playdowus this year. They HAVE STUDENTS F00l practically pushed their cars ail the Sauta Rosa, Cal.-Burbanl way from Beaverten Vo Powassan elected twc mayors this yeai and se los£thte f irst game there 7-3 necessary. The mayors are but last uig'ht lu the Count.y Town year-eld ideutical twiu Ali they reversed the tables and tooek' Alice Mayer. a 7-0 upset te ccp the game and the 1 As they canuot Uc told round. WitU twe or three Oshawa students declared thaï; unle boys ou tUeir rester, the Whitb were elected they wctld r teani has quite a follcwing o!f ocal lable te tell which eue w (Oshawa) fans tee, and last night houer" and which oee as: an' the ' ~ ... ~ uwr» 4fenlve strengtai. . -Cork 'FJpKlûsW88 GeULn va IlotherO*,iho Punc W ut Vrdi t he Aitn which wererattled Pant cm Cinh" UURight in him'R aq'îîie or no oiinMu re- First Perio ewis andkosick vere thse Othat con- who.showed flashes of iiulp1meff (e y SBport Editor (»ha»a Times) .ablllty, for taie N..HL .represotbtê" Alter playini, a nxetlc, nlp-and- tives, UnfY tuck,5-game'sertes v ith, a team cf. Forwarîs lRave Bit Nlght parts dangerou onents siioh sa85 *Ohlefly, becauze the =MoitaffleaT viien boros lt's ittie wonder that Oshawa ôus Dome attacks werëeconflnid tO îp a ~ weninto action here ione sorties by ambittus pucc.car.- Fau tntovrns.1c8Paa is lchur" 1ev they7 were stal contendlng.wlth thein et.Gaer Mnsa( er e Udes frei 2 toms np mmd 9fud splrited Toronto rivais. Carrylug guards Daniels, Ritchie and Mdollo. lâne Of Iesl" cs tr ih h oe rlght on frein where they had left had less work to, 'do than they'Ve reîoff on Saturdaynligit, thse Mater had for somne weeks.- ye4r thring, dgazzlng dlspiay of hockey, This gave the !orwards a- chanOe d 1bO -*M. and by the ime the first per- to shine and the Oshawa attacklng ,etiy led was aven and the "Generals" had diisonsma e the lso!nthei oppotunty.Donald Môtor ales, fal rm ot orie wuy ha t garnered three nl!ty gas oeaDUNDAS STREET EAST Fhtbyr nearly a ri dasolitaire gm. Jud Mctego lo - very lIed seven -goals vithout a nepW litiey..'Jd ctegthm )theýý P1rom there, even though they eased self a goal and three asslsts. Brother 1 t 3ýthéthrttl clwn o, mee mr-Nrmie had two assists'. Helyer tor'i wa- thathstiml'wn t ereforur-ehad two goals whlle Orv. Smith prettyý mur, 'ILcvasimp le m ratr forhte scored one on a nifty solo dash and h ,the 1 H.A.caonst ra iouht Peters got onc alone. Nick Knott____________________________ le eý. a 10-ivcoy rapped lu eue too while once gi t South Porcupie, better knewn a eog it he O ah.b g alu,' tothe Domse "Poril," prved lîttie Gog ithegt"tebgee,"a better than good Junior, 'B" calibre the opening goal o! the 1game tNermi McAtee had dellvered the awa had four penalties q.galnstthre and agalnst the nigh-perfect 'indus- the 2.30 mark.t . In ,atpro u h iiS id noa try of geai production, as carried Ritchie's . Smistarted thhe bepsckto lm.lu hadnoselan erio baut tisensit- fre'on by a hlgh-flymng Oshawa team. rollilng. He rapped in Jud Mcee' n.Slhde U ethn a < ebac !agngn he the N.O.H.A. champions, were littie pas-out, a! ter that worthy had cir- of the night for his solo goal, scored tack and made. littie Impression tt the -,led the net on a pas !rem Ritchie. on a stlck-handling sortie while even when they had the t amage& Dne or better, than push-overs. H-ellyer talliedthe next goal On a Broewn was seÉrvlng a penalty. Osh- lu nisu-pover. rloud Plenty -0f- Ginger pass- freni Frankie Eddolls, bring -_ __________________________ e fan- On thlng yau couldn't take awaY ing the puck up ahead with hts klnd from them. They tried and neyer feet and- triclcing the gealie from ý&L à1L&1&À&A_,& g -à " ad te- quit trying., Lack.a! a season's ac- close-lu. ""q serva- tive schedule and suffîcient gameE . . Goals Corne Fast ere te - round eut- team-piaY was ob- They came thicxK and fast alter hwa vleusly evîdent lu the lack cf puck that. Nick Knott teck Hellyer's entera control.. IxediduallY, the visitors nîce play andl turned iL into cash evnter& showed some flashes of real hockey divideuds. Le.,ss than a minute later, clami but as a 'unit, they lacked Buddy Hellyer rified a sizzier past Ime plenty. Most of the. "Porkles" ceuld Loue, on a pass frcm sawyer. nelther. take or give a pars whlle H onnie Wilson maide iL 5-0, oe a. team, L hey vere outskated ail o! the prettlest goals seen lu the along tUe lhue. Oshawa Arena thls season. Al .d l The speedy Generals, net only ex- alone, he stick-handled hic way celliug lu hockey skill and speed, frem end te end, spiit te defense EI showed their veratllity for they and went lu close te draw the goali E - FR T out-reughed the "Ponkies", alter the and slde the puck inte ithe empt games visitera put a premhium on -"1body net. S s and bumps!" early Iu.-the second stanza. Peters brought the puck out fromVS regular Aithough rocked badiy at -times, the the cerner and scored with a baok- flot more than they recelved and fore tUe period ended Honnie Wil- wH IT D T ....i came out cf the fray, whlch reached son got another. LUis tîme as hie ....4 Mayhemn proportions lu the final finished off.-a three-way p lay wlth .4 frame, with oniy a few minor injur- the McAtee brothers. .....1 es. The second perlod produced ne Oshawa Arou - Normie McAtee recelved a nasty goals but the fans got their excite- .... 10 cut on Uts ieg while Hoy Sawyer ment lu a coupole of f ights.. Tem- aud George Rîtchie both required pers started te flare as lustybedy- O I H .o~ ! r.Chrle usel'sbet checks were handed eut. Sticks TON GH ....4hemn-stitchiug te repair facial gaps, anere hitagU fluntaqi t-pyc %J Du APIL 3, 8:30 P M .e 3opened Up by hîgU sticks durlng the adKottnld nt cut tilt.ted hmself a la Joe umis te take ... tilt. care of two "Porkies" bùt he and> Turcette vas tUe big bruiser for hsmi poetwr ie ao .the visiters, rocklng Oshawa for- penmaies oet eegve jrAdulis, 50cClldo - 1ýLe 'swardz, especIlhy Ju(1 McAtee and While they were off. Buddy "' a e(1T aIse bounclng Eddoe and Hitchie. -cllyer an d Doran had words and "The GimiOf î e eason I i i;Féddoîls gave the Dome laddle a e- were chasecl off to cool eut. ýgol.celpt however, one big enough te Iu the final stanza, Jud scored FOLLOW .WHITBY'S WINNING'TEAM! LfED cover ail accountà.. on a loue rush, golng rigUt li te ~ cclDoran a Standout make sure. À LA r scto vas "ed" Deran, dlsplaylng aIl the Demes Gets Orpisan rthe 12- pugnaclty and wilingness te mix The "Porkies" averted a complete te1-that has been typicai cf the Doran whitewa.sh job wheu Kosîck's hard ______________________________ ta -and f amlly lu the hast 1ev years of. shot was brifliantly stopped by Mc- apart, hockey uampaigns, was a standeut Manu-, but O'Mara swooped iu fortheviitos.He worked imself quickly to rap In tUe rebound, jusLtL ess both into some bad displays cf temper as McMauus veut to the içe. - ever le but he was the ane who 'Icarried It took Just 21 seconds te geL thus U U U ras "h& the mail" fer the Porkies, headed one back. Honnie Wilson scorlng t er* ~ ;'t. their attacks, handed out the ma- frem the door-steP after Jud and ckey Fans Wait Patiently to Purchase Tickets for Generalsl' Cames f Oshawa hock-êy fans' keen interest un the cham- last nigàht's O.H.A. Memnorial Cup playdown gaine with South Porcupine àawa Generals, three turnes O.H.A. champions, is Juniors. The fans shown ini the close up view on the lawer left are, Ieft ta They show various views of the l'ne-up at Mike's right, Ken Magee,' Tom Toppin, Norman. Carey, Art Bilton and jack Vodden. a they waited to purchase the prized tickets for- -Photo by Staff Photographert. Local Merchat Will You HeIp"Us_ To HeIp You? We're partners, in a way -for we depend upon cadih other fer eut success. Your ad- vertising helps us perate this newspaper and our newspaper carnies your advertisements to more than 3,000 readers in the district and plays a part in your business progress. We both knew that advertisiug pays. dends in increased business with correspond'- iug increases 'in profits and se we -ask you to co-operate in a campaigu to increase our ad- vertising and your business. Speak to the traellers7 ana manufcre' representatives visiting your store. Impreàs upon them the fact that iou have found tde Gazette and Chronicle a valuable advertisig m-rediumn and urge themr to suggest to their firms that the Gazette and Chronitcie be placed upon the lit cf publications which carry aid- vertisements for their nationally-known prord-. ucts. Experience'lias taught 'that advertusng pay's and if national advertising in the Gazette and Chronicle is increased yau KNOWthat youi * sales will show a sharp upwng W e're parters, 'you -.know . se Iet7s Co- operate. THE WHITBY AND -CHR a iL tg te l r--"m

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