Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 9

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLEP WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1940 - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING f or sale FrRent Auýtion- Sale OONPU8ICiUS SAYS BUY YOUR t1 0118E FOA RENT...SIX ROOMS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10TH.-Auc- Tims at John& Place and make no alilconvenlences, nardwood !lôors tion sale o!-,!arm.stock and iniple- ~miatake. Your credit -la -goocl. B. A., newlv ciecorated throughaut.. Imn- ment.s, the property o! Ralph Col- Service Station. Dundas Street W-'mediate posession. Teephone 536,1 lins, Lot-28, Con. 3. Whltby Town- ;Telephone 977, WhlttJY. 1 Whftby. stlip. Sale at one o'cloclt sharp.. clua ~ M Q ~ RENT- APRTMNT FR: ee lis. William Maw, Auctioneer. Tuwn' ut Whitoy. em tec ent, immediate possession. AniplyForE ha e fuUr-Aane pruvicial nîgiiWa. i o *r etirable 8 -rouumed brick ti uuae, wît.-h every moern ..uven- en*ce. hut wateil neatlng, tiarcwûù,o flo cios oud cellar. fruni ad obrk - sars, garage and pieuaat sur- 4 twndlnga, rhts properti wilU te 4oid nt the riglit price to nigtn oiy- en orand canri De ien M Sfly ime. SAddress "Advertlser'. Gazete ô, SBABY CHICIS-BLO)D- TESTED Liegliorns and Rocks. large cggs set, R.O.P. 81red chicks. 2-6 cents, cockerela. Phone Alvin Cemena, SBowmanvlile, near Hampton. (Ap ,FOR SALE ROLL TOP DESK *andi SWIvcl Chair. Good condition. '~Telephone 624, Whitby, *FOR SALE - A HARRISTDN f r.e.nge, equippeci with Blent OlowL Oi01 Burners and hot water front. ~Apply 308 Walnut Street or- Tele- phone 500 after 6-p.. SFOR A -~r H CALVEI> CO-W for sale., Ai:vljy E. Scott, Audley *Road, Pickcering, *~FOR SALE - BABY CARRIAGE SEnglish Pram, Grey. Apply 5011 Green St, or telephone $98, Whitby. FOR SALE-TWO YOUNG SOWS "brcd" long lean bacon type, Tam- wort1h or Yorkshire. W. E. Rednian, Myrtle Station, Ontario. FOR. BALE -APPR"OXIM.ATELY 110 açcres on Nuzuber 7'highway, at Greenwood, Pickcering Township. For particulars appiy to A. F. \XE>-Oe-ara, Tru.stee. LINÃ"LZUM ,AND) CONOOLEUM rua.- SBelect 'vourz !rom over 300 P. J. aicltyre, neiuwaue, ouie- i _____ _______ phone 560, Whltb y. FOR EXCHANGE - WILL EX- FOR ENT- OE FRNIHED change Welsh Pony for genieral room wlth conveniezices- Phone 500 ptlrpose horse. Apply J. Wideman, Whty Brooklin, Ontario. FOR RENT-6O ROOMED 1*011E ail convenleuices, central location. A:pply A. E. Sturgcss, Wiitby, Tele- phone 780, Wiiitby. FOR RENT - THR.EE OR -POUR unfurnlsled roonis, ail conven- iences. ieated, ligiit. cotiuUous bot water. Will decorate throughout. Apply 121 John Street, Whltby. FOR RENT-SOLIU BRICK AND Stucfo Bungalow, ail convenlences, clcctric, hot water heater, double garage, good garden. Possession May 1at. Apply L. W. Dudley, Phone 56m, Whitby. HeIp Wanted WANTED-REIjIABLE GIRL FOR generali houacwork. Apply Mrs. (Dr.) James Moore,. Brooklln, On- tarlo. Roofing HAVE THAT ROOF REPAIRE]) now by experlenced workmnan. No?. tihe cheapest, but Uic best. Esti- mates given. H. Quinton, Brook Strcet, South, WhitbY. Mortgage.Sale UNDER AND) BY VIRTUE o! the Powers of Sale eonlalned in a cer- tain Mortgage, which will be pro- duccd at, the time o! sale, there wil1 b. offercd for sale by 1 W.' J. Sulley, Auctioncer, patternls actualIy ln stock. You PUBILIC AUCTION are invited- to view thlese at on Monday, the 22nd day o! April, BR.A.LEYà Furrilture Store, 140 1040, at the- hout! o! one-thlrtY Sltncoe South, Oshawa, o'clo&* ln the' atternoon at the (Mgyl) !arm o! Wm. A. Broughton, Whitby, Ontario, the !ollowlng property, FUR. IbMEDIATE 8ALEr-SOLID nan.ely: -MaYiog*zw Bedstead o! fine design; ALL AND SINGULAR those cer- s"s srtist.lc Curley-Birch chanLber tain parcels or tracts o! land and suite; unusus.l Oak Book -Case; premises, situate, lying and:being large Congoleumi Rug. May be seen in the Township o! Whltby,. ,n the 'by qppointiment. Teléphone 716. County of Ontarlo. and belng con- po"ed of Parts o! Lot Number 24 Work Wanted In tie 18t Concession o! the said- _____________ ______Township o! Whltby, which land Ix< WOIU WN'ZD-W O M AN descrlbed in mortgage number 9562. vanta uork 1Py hour or, dqpy. Apply b OIThe Agrcultural Developinent Gasette aO l'ncetffice or 13oard. North Booth, Brock Street North. On th@ salid !arni there lxa sud ______- -_____ o be erect-ed a dwellingihouse with WANTW--MMFNED C'RRSTIAN suitable f arm buildings. Lady, alxty, eeks polbn sashouse Telad wll1l1be sold s cet to kteeper lni gasiUean'a homne. -Go.d a emBdsu cook. -Best o! références. Apply EM 0 AE:Tety-flve ]Box 16 Gazette and Chronicle, per .ceit o! the purchase money to Witby.-I be paid' down at the time of the sale, the balance to be, secured by Borders Waratecl a mo<tgage wth interesi at four per cent per an.num. BOARDERS WA-NTED -'OM FOR furt.her particulars -and con- =nd Board ini private -home. Apply dltloiis o! salé apply to 104 Mary.Street East, Whitby. THE COMMISSIONER 0F - AGRICIULTURAÈ LOANS. Custom, Hatching I East Block, Parllamnent Build- LET U6 HATCI! YOUR CHICKB TORONTO, Ontario. _ in our latest and mat modern In- DATED at Toronto, thirs Third cuba-tor, purchased at the World's day of Aprl, 194o. (68a) Poultry Congresiast year. Hen Eggs $2.50 per hundred. Du ck and An apprentice workshop to t1aln Turkey Eggs $4.00 per hundred. workers ln Working and welding Urioriville dhlck Hatchery, N.7plastics ha& been started ln Halle- lllghway. 'Phono Unlonville '2M2. Germany. PROFESSIONAL CARDS UNDERTAKING MONUMEN W. C. TOWN N. W. STAFF( * Dealer ini Importedl ani -Ambalance Servie ~ ~ ~ a o Fhioe 416 - Whitb hone 4- A. G'MARLOW LEGAL Director, Funerai Service' .J AE Succssor to A. G. Broi M E A 3G H ElR's )tflee: 110 BROCI E' FUNERAL HOME- 117Klig, St. teast, Oshawa R. DONALD RI a. J. strewter,, F. iJ. Meagiier'arriater, SoUieru '.'e Funeral Drerer. -Manager I)ffIe at the Court Hom PHONE 907 oeuped byA. -CI Noney t. Lmi MURRAYA. ROBINSON ..u Ambulance Servlt Funeral DIrector and FurnitsureDUCNBMl b..Ne. 24 erookhln. Ont. arV Slctr VEERINARIAN pihone mo DR. A. S. BLACK INSURÂNE -' EOOIUN 0oNTArÀu L W. DUI)I DR. C. R. BO0O=()' 're Lfe. lmuri ¶ ~Accrdit.d Veteria~ ~ Lage a"d Sinali Animai -surgery ,Ie Autereble. Aed Personal Attenti-)In to 4n1CaUltales U3$ Kig St. West, Oshawa TeIephouu. 9179 Oshawa __________ MEDICAL GrQ~S E W. LJONEb. DR. . T. MA&CLARTh' r.u o~ 5> Pbrdeân and burgeiu KoeMeartndO ieTAXIS ceanr a MW Bracii sta, Whtby nîot<u~ ~ Cetral Taxi S DON. J. BRY DR. FR.DEIIC A. CUDDY'1 V'r" a snmd <.lborne iSu. For Dayia&M Nigi PHiOlS 712 PUONE sU3. WB )RD) id Canadian derate pricc Whltb', B.A. Not.ary awflng. K.C STREET N Notice. to Creditors Ini the, Estate ofIlariet Fldgeta (Sometimes known as Harriet Fltchett), Deceased. ALL PER.SONS having dlaim agIRist, the estate of Harriet Fld- get.s, late of the Town of! Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Wldow, Deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of June, 1937, -are hereby notlfied to send in to the solicitor under subscri'oed, on or before the 6th day o! May, 1940, fuil particulars of their claixm. Imrnediately aeter the said date the assets of the said estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims of which the said soliîitor shail then h1ave notice, to the exclusion of ail others. DATEl) at Oshawa, thl.s 28th day o! Ma.rch, AD. 1940. THOMAS EDWARD HIAR.SELL. Adiministrator of the said Estate. -by his Solicitor, ARTHUR W. S. GREER, 6 King Street Ea.st, Oshawa, Ontario. 11-8 Reai Estate for Sale TOWN OR FARM PROPERTY Why wait. years for a private sale? You can hoid an auction zale in ten days. I will off e the property and in- case no §ale is made will flot make a charge. Phone Wýilliam Maw, Auctioneer, ,Telephone 788, Whitby, Ontario. EXPEGIS SIX-DAY MARCB TO -BORDEN Wili Make Long Trek in -20-Mifle Jumps - Early Designation Reversed A designatiôn given tie Ontar i> Regiment (Tank) during rccruiting a.ctivities .ast fail is being com- pietely reversed. At that time someone called the local unit "t.he. Regiment in which no man wa.iks." Presently Lt.-Col. E. Pearson and bis force wiil become 'the Regi- ment in which every man walks." This developmen-t arises !rom the anneunicement that varlous Cana- dian Active Service Force nuits in training at HamiltÀon,1 Toronto, and 05hawa, will mardi to Camp Bor,- de toward the end o! May os a "war manoeuvre." It is expecter! that -Ontario Regl- ment soldiers will requin' five or six dsys for the cross country mardi to Camp Borien as daily jumips o! apnproxiniateiv 20 miles are plenneri The distance.\ to Camp Borden Is siiglitly ovpr 100 mile'. and Inas- 1much as 1h' o"Iiers will use ceun- trv roids rather than main 'high- à'avs. thle' distance te le covermd willl -probabiv be well over that figure. Censequently, it 1'.ç exipecteri that six days wîll be required for the' trek. The size e!fe-ad detachment of troops that gees on the mardli wili depend uponi the billet;ng arrange- ments that cari be ,made. Each mnarch w1ll le made inu lumps" of 20 miles. The main lîizhwavs wili be avoider! as much a.ç possible seý as net to tie un, traffic. A-ise tie military nsuthorities resDonsiblei for the arrar2cmien.x- waniî conel- ,ions 'ýin !hg field- te b simulatecÃŽ, as much a. pssbl To Be rombed- leRml Canadjin A:. FL'rce Whitby i ooea n and wl-1 use the >Umarchet as an opportuni*y forI UD Y practise!i reconnaiss~nice, work Ïta5 Publie TIlv -X a'a7rt as -Pnemv* PSt, formerty hc'mbers ard w ÉÈrnp aa ýdof' eve" troo1s are :gtd, aý >omb- Whitby lv'PPt llié, Orntario Rr4nent 4Tnký IV -tamn Bo:rdpn !-om their Och- Notary wahr'k: Rwi m"c South ciInr:tart' riDv- WhItbir -zon, l :nR C A S.C from. -Hatîlor: an" Th- .Roval Regi- 2E mot o!C2r.ide, tl- 53cr! F1-M ' Rv PC'A. *V' Blick Watch .EY --.½A iznr arr! r thp 7-1 Fw' -" mrv P.Cr ance Co* Of *110- jPv~'.CA ýF. Witbin twn f !-e !5nea-r'àv the ent and 1 10 *mmIo~ ES Am'-e' V'i - S-~~~1an' the ~ a~Cacr!. MM F' Srvice, WITRY C- v n e.r w..:h are exton n ly:w - Carn-' Border. S Otario iir Under Canvas clearéd f ro-I t'h ground a t h e camp, wors on ti h hts andaddi- VANT - t.uec anve, '~.t~v 4i it, Servwc Whitby Greets Hockey UJNTINUEPUEIEF Champions at 4:00 a. MO HR ~EMN Mayor Rousc andmna'MtRiOIÀ Ottawa and Ont&-io 1 3.00 a.m. fforWek@iim ETOOIA Make Same Conttribu- Piity -S~<ii< t«- LIFE CONTINE tions to Coat mediate "B" Titi. in Five PRO ORES HIN183 9 taw~t~a.,Aril 5-ThPDoiniw andaintario Ghese ra'i" o! . somne remained later the celebration. Th.e Exe'cutive plans siortIy at, which the formally prcsented by official. 10) continue a 'banquet cup wlll be some O.H.A. tentu musi be delayed. Brigadier R. O. Alexander, dis- trict officer comxnanding M.D. No. t 2, is likely to be the camp coin- mandant and will take Up quartersi at the camp. He willI be in touvh with headquarters here, however, constantlv. As an o! ficer polnted1 out, "he is no further away than1 the telephone."~ Lieut.-Col. A. E. Nash will probably be appolnted as head of the headquarters staff re- mainIng in Toronto. Col. S. A. Lee. A.A. and Q.M.G.. is likely to be camp- commandant at Niagara. camp, where -the members -of Non- Pýermanent Active Militia unit& willi recelve 13 days training in tactics and practical work.î Whitb y People 's, Father Reaches lOOth Birthday fleterboro, April 8-wWiam Lu!!- man, Trhursday marked bis lOOth !,irthdiy. lNe wu sborn on April 4, 1840, In the -Pioneer home o! hi&s parents i Hungerford towinh1p. Hastîngs> county. He iX living withh i&s son, Clar- ence Luffman at Peterboro and the infimties of mdvmneed age have kept hkra confined to hils b.d inoe' Christmas. Hie ha& long been a member of thý'~Ornge Order -and !inds coin- for ý n the Bible, Ate leaving the homegtead which his Irish-born Parents hew- ed out of bush, Mr. Lu! Iman lived f.or some years in Belleville. where he worked aà a gardener. lMe came here 20 years ago and contînUed pany partlcipating In 55 healti cam- pains durIng the year: dIstributIng 2,M6,698 pieres of health Ilterature, and tirougli the operation o! Its nursing service xnaking 3.52,906 visita to sick pollc'yholders witlieut, any ad-ditional enost te themn. Other featrires la thlib' Metropolitan report which refer tQ the total Company business in Canada and the UnIter! States, were that the assets e! the comapany hpIr! for flic benefit e! the policyholders bar! grown te 33,141,ff6,18i. ap increase- o! $199,085,764 during 193M; that dlvidend derlarations, fer payment te pelicyhelders in 1940, amonuntedi to $112,M9,638; that lfe inqsurancePi ln force at the end of 193" totalle! 523.193,000l,000, thei largest ever re- corded lni the histery o! any corn- pany. The ciirrent dividear! derlaration, again above the $3100,fff.000 mark, provides for tlie paymnent te plilcy.' holders o! 5112,9.638 flduring thi.i year. The dii-idend alloi-atýfn for Ordinary peliries i. $57,2,èS ï1 ; for Industrial, $51.975,Sýî ; and for Aceident -and Hpaith. ,.2.0. Tncludlng the ,ieclaration for 194e, the company wi]l havP pair! te bts çolicyholders ln boniiw.ç and dlvi. dends a total of $l.554.3AAI,1St-to Ordlnary and Group p.iliryhol.pra i $784S80,S1,te lnliîstril I M4!4~32,-!, M~, and eAcdn and Realtl I The new hlgh o! more than M2,- 193,000,000 o! life Insurance in force: with the Metrepoiltan at the end o! 19W9 la divi-der!as follews: 1,9- 929,. or 31.299éla owned by Or- dln.ary policyholders: S7,515,140.345~, or 32.40% by Industrial policy- iholders and $3,7,6079.464, or 16.3191 by Group policyholders.Il Accident and Health ln force thprIr la a principal sum benefit e! $1,4787- 775.45 and a weekly indemnity o! gar'den1ug on a samaler scale. Mis survi'ving children &r liram 1 i m ~ J R. Dyer. Windsor. P . S Bishop. Cra'.enSaskatchewan, wtio .12 bd and oeucaiua tame home te be with her !atr o » 'JCra Profit- and Standard his' 1Oth blrthday anllersa-.ç. mà. Sec me f«rfull putmcuw& Mrs. Chanles Purchase, Whitby. 7m oedu bur. Stdrnorm Lu!fman, WbiUiby, arod! GOJA.CANNING' - -ecAvr.n w,,! ] b 'umder 'o2ected potato varwumt ns iSoiztl 145 BhOCI STREET SOUTH canvs 1 unîl he nowis aI' Amerïca !ound Bollvi.an plt citeared, the vof o!putzir.g up the 1it~ai re&1.5; 32-degr. lmperaure. jwRu MY PHONEZ 442 rel lion [tell yin an E{orton, -r Mr.- lec for! each b%. - and 21 î ies. 'b 1n"es in flot yet j t. could will be get. IN. 50E0 [R Thie su dden passing o! a has caulsed me to write th the 11ome1. Il is very eas the household currenz tot jobs it does. and co1iseQUpî using it. Following are a help greaili, in decieasirig that talie a toîl each year 1. Neyer ue curling irons iin 2. Neyer use a hot water lieý be usep for warmiing wal sure -it is Hydro appr-ovcd 3. Elimninate brass swvitch piý- 4. If -a haipgi.ng switch is us.ed shorten* its lenieth until ït 8' f rom ground. then acid really being advised thatJ 5.Neyer -wlpe a radio wlth BRL T ELE pH 114 OCK S IF 1~ Thei handsome silver cup, emble- Policyholders Receive Almost ,,ntibitions as' thc'.. hIi 1E cnatl o! he I~~.u~ " 1 A Billon D)ollars In Dividends -i iclya ne chamnplonàship o! the O. H. A., re-,im .fivi. 31. Hon:« Eric Cross. Ontar!o turns to Whltby !or the'Isecond 0rW ,Âfî-~h h ter of NMunIirial Af fa'iis ard time since It was o!!ered for divl<lend payznenta o! alrnost a Welfre.sadhr eera Dndtie .ine t as !!re !o bllon dollars to Metropolitan a annua mei toun fi e ae duln Ui pbtellion e25agreec at s conf annalconpeitin iveyei &o.pollcyholders rn h ps eibtween Mr.- Cross. E. A.F years are featiired ln the seventy. Wîhen Whltby Amàteur AthIettc thIrd annual report o h opn Ontario Deputv MinlNter a' Association Intermediates defeated released today. The report highlights WefradLao îit Sèafortlx et Stratford on rïiday the Company's growth and'stability Lced'.'. hi' sald. over the last decade when economic 'fTic old arreemeýnt n)ro'.'k nhtby a score o! 6-2, they climi- conditions have been dlfflcult. It a 40 oer cent contribution e, axed one o! jIthe most succesaful shows that durlng tlîls period, ln Ontario and t.he Domlnlc hockey seasons inte on on additicn to contractual paynxents to per ccnt by the m'iniclinalltie policyholders o! over four billion ,e gemn wl 's's The teaim played 24 games durlng 'dollars and the amount paid ln thewsagemen wl rln chusa the sea.son and los ony t o At policyholders' dlvldends, the M.%etro- h a'm.wihcrnnca polItau added to Iis contlngency. minor d-etails. Mr. Cross sai( the commencement o! the seasoilrn rvs talosreghnd h me o! this detail was - there 'was very little interest in the bauis o! its poîîcy reserves, îm- dcddo.ad navee ýeazn in their group but as one proved properties acquired through not b-" mer!" ubli" îrntfIltht' foreclosure, and reduced the valua- ment wa-, siç'norl f,-rn1b team, alter another waa elminated tion o! securities and real estate. Parl!ament omm.' r., rMlv f rom the cup race, intercat. Increas- And, during the anme periocl, *Metro- In- the me%1tti 'mr. therp ed. It was at Its height Frlday politan policyholdlers benpfltted bY no delav in lsm1Unr. montl', night. the amount o! f if ty-eight million ment.' to mlinîcin)a!ities -M- dollars expended ln heath and wel. reictda3 - e4rIi As soon as word was flashcd by !are work. i<itea.0xrcrrcîî telephone fromi Stratford bticth The report shows that during the, the cost of rplief t-bis v'ear.- Gazette and Chronicle by its repre- 'year 1:LM, for the eiglth sucoessv ticlpat?>d ln th.' Onte rie bî'd sentative at the gaine, bonfires year, policyholders and their bene-; mnade their appearancc, the oid fire ficiarles rectived benefits o! more jOPEN CA~NTEENS Ir bel! at thc rear o! the town hall re- than haif a billion dollars. These cei%ýed attention-at tie iands o! 1939 payments, which atnounted to RAILWAY TERMI the celebrants ,and before long the $604,823,898, averaging $ a'2347 celbralon wa onIn arnstat-minute o! each business day, were celbrtio ws o i canet, I-the largeat ever made in any one London, Eng.-Onèe o. thE tractîng the attention o! many year and brought thle total pair! to:cetdvlo enstad Oshawa fans returning !romn To- policyholders and thet r heneficiaries ccnLe2omet ovr ronto after the Oshawa-Verduni durlng the years :1030-1,939 to more 1'or fanadman and othier c, gam~e which gave tic Motor City than -fixe anda quarter billion aop o ttindi n team a stronger hold -on the Biecm- dollars. the establishment, o! a da, orial Cup ciamplonshilp ladder. The 'Metropolitan comment point- night canteen for the usec Not a !ew stopped to make enquir-1 ed out that more than two thirdq of travelling by long-distance les and to - iamn that .Whltby had ito livin s last year were made in one o! the large raiiwa t Ivit policyholders and the re- minais near Aldershot. a celebrat ion in its own right in mainder to beneficiarie-s, This con- Hretas'nwih ! the making. ., tinues ln lune witI4 the ratio of cuis re tasvdwlre an At three o'clock> Mayor Fred paynaents made In prevlous years to cisaesre re n Rowe and Deputy-reeve Frank living pollcyhoilde ' Ilnd bmieficia-,tr epr o' nte Tireadgold, representlng the Town rie. This payment \of Rpproximate- Shif ts .meeting every train. Council, and a numnber o! citlzens iy three and a hait ý billion dollar than a thousand cups and went to Broolclin to meet thce to living policyholders ln the pasýtj were washed Up daily durÉ 10 years means the lnsurlng publie champions and their SUPPOrters la reaîîzîng that, whlle mafktng coming !rom Strat!ord. - rovision- for tl>eir dependents Durlng a stop Mt Guelph for auP ý throu-h proper Insurance program- <f per word was sent* on that they cx- 1lng, thcy can also make provision' pccted to reich Whitby by tlirce. iZor theniselves. The memnbers o! Wiitby Citizens, The report commenta n 11w1 Band were quiclly arousd roma Canadian business of the M1 tropoil. ther sumbrsplaed n aitrcktan, and shows that aati factorv ..V ther sumbrsplaed n atrukincreasea have been made ln thri and taken to Brooklin to loin ln varlous departments, - Jnv tmentz the welcome. In the procession In Canada having lncreased by home were qulte a number !rom $17,035,313; payments, to pollcy- a Brooklmn w ho Joined ln the celc- holders' and beneficiaries havlng bration. Increaqed by $2.099,626: and the- Arriving -i town, Mayor Fred total business 'In force ln the t * Rowe from tcesteps o! the. Publlc-i Dominion lncreased by well over Library àddreissed lie victorious $19,000,000 to a total o! $1,163,200,- 558. The Company's lnvestments Ini gratulations and prolsing 1tntalled .$3284,816,353, of -whlch some suitabie recognition !roM the. $171,680.004 la represented by town would be f!orthcoming sbortly. Dominion, provincial and municipal The mayor said that mernbers of bonds. Il la pointed out that the the team had brought- honor tota mutnwivse!hr o theinselves and to Uâc Town o:,the benefit of poli ryhol ders, addedi thi to the amount that lia,; len pair! te Whitby, and tiat although th policyholders and beneficlaries since hour was late, the welcomc wu th@ Company entered . Canada in none the less warnan inee. 1872. exceeds the total prmui Fully four hundred citizens were -on eollected in Canada by $159.0ff0,00l. liand at four in the morning, and Health and Welfare activities ln g Ford gasotine economy is famous! In- the Economy Run-306.5 miles across mouritain r a De Luxe Ford V-8 averaged 29.88 miles per In -topping the two best kn own ilsixes" by 105ý eight-cylinder performance-that goes . with ut. There's a lot more you'Il like in a Ford! Lç 0_New restful, -stabilized ride. 0 Extra comfort of new heavy-duty -shock absorbers which provide 25%"(, 0 Four inches more legrooni in Sedans. 0 Great big luggage comparrment. *Biggest Hydraulic Brakes on any towv 0 Finger-Tip Gearshift on steering .post. -Take the Ford.?4ercury-Zepbyr dealer's i Ford. yoursel f s88,000Canadian workers and d1pendant% benefit t this country. When You--Buy a F~ord Car, More of F THE.NEW F0I Latest in Transportation DEVERELL h Ford Sales and S<e Whitby. gÀ P"lfVt% 1 -l !os irst. week -of operation. caring The use of one of the station' oversrax refreshmen mons lias been gi eîi land, t'. bv the railway coinpaniy ani tiiý îyand- stationiasLet' supplie.. a daiiyl'vIs of men O! arriving, trains. Expenises of t'i trains canteen.are- covered by sinail suib ,ay ce-sriptions f rom .Utc volui\teer worklng in it.> id bis- There are now also many cari volun- teens eand hostels for memnbers c- Ive-hour the British forces in France. Thi i. More American bon Lady BPat*y - an d plates Lady Ursula Manners plan to Ia ing the soon for Fiance wliere tliey yi 1

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