Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 3

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*-,,~ s RESPON DENCE 'FROM THE RURAL (Mn1 N#rman WhIte. cern.) BRQOIcLIN, April S. - Brook] wassthe centre-chosen for thef ta tivities on Thursday, during niglit when two burgulare& b place irn the village. Mr. J. Jephs wu Rroused &t -3 arn. Friday _the buirglar alaRm connectifla1 housp and &tore. He wlth his wJ andi âaughiter Mrs. Sine iade th waly 1tlite store at once tio fini mi;-; openIflg the tli. Mr. Je~ha asarmed anid called on the bui lar to put Up his liands-.As hec -'so, wlth many protests, Mrs. Si toolc ropeês and tieid hlm to a ch~ while MNrs. Jephison used the* t phone to calthe poltct.'When1 -poltrç,, Frrived the Jephaons -w giveon nuch praise fo r the c thery hpiad acompflýhed -in holdi thrir priso)ner. Me %was îalen the coUfllty jail andi found -to Roy H-arkiieS, 0 f Dundas Str East, Toronto. About two ho, later Mr JÉphson 5a.w a car s nvar ihr banks ln the, villagea ,with t gun again in hits ho afiskfd ithe orccupants what tl nwan1teÇi et that time in the moi ing. 'iey quilckly aped on th way lyut not before Mr. Jeplh tool the number of Uhe car. AI live o'clo Ik Mr:s. 'tatcllffe i awakrined anid siiw some one mi ing Around lier room with a fl ligh ti his hand. Me went to lurrau dcrawer., removed her pu nnd fm ttook-lfitty >dollars -bui. ,Wlien shé, heard hier pu flu ln the f loor and the mn pam, fthro(iigh the door, she foîl Md dowri the staîr.9 but when, lrooked fromn the front, door w] lie had leit. opfWh she coiuld see anc., and no car wae in sight be-aring ;d the timeP.- A gold wa snd A r.liqi-Pfor $100.00 wr in th- epiurse. No tracee wPur foi of this mani although Il wa,% beli Md lie many have been one of gong who were lntriei attemp robbery o? the JE-Ip"ixon-stobrej later sern -byA Mr. Jephson riear Dominion Bank and Bank of C( Read the Glazette and Ohron for home news, mobt people do. Mie;xAliCe Oliver attendd luneral of the laie William Keù whirh ws.s held at lalcevie-*, M'ednfeýcia.. Mr. Ketchen was son of the late Mr. Alex'Ketel The lcend a Manci groip of Womren'x KAssociation met s.t home of Mrs. Edgar Croxal Tur.oday and qUilteci a quilt for Rcd Cros s ocAýty. Mission Band! met on Mciida3 the b&smef*lt of!thec hurch wlt Kpl ndid atteridance of boy% girl,-;and with bath leaders Arkscy, and Mrs. -Sonley. jeres Mir' Trirasiirer, Btlly Croxal li.s report which ehowed that Missi,;on Band la doing gond% i rnisinz thI rl funda -thisy MrF. Sonre OI¶isQmne'nteres' ... c fom tht' Stud- e$h;trWa" ad the, childrenv given a tret of candy. The C GI T. 61 lic ýUnited Cht 1Im 888-8- :u 8---8 - Durlng lier st.ay in Napane she t was entcrtsled at the home oi OýK LIN Mr~~. and m. W. Draper left on M R L T Y O OKLIN xaturayno spen afew veeksiST TO _____________________ vth Toronto friends. (DL S.TAe",ON, prflt8.-tOehoma ondMv. and Mm. T. C@daey waa quilted luit week at the home Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hunter are (ELV. U STy, ON, p.ndl à-theOshomeandoof r ndo rs. d. Crt clin -of Mm. McNéely. villi Mr. and Mis. E. Hogarth i The Young People's aupper- on on Saiturday .evenîng to; celebrate1 ac- Summary Day for thecours inNai>anee. Tuesday evcning of lan tt ek vas a with them their weddîng arriver- P the Meat Cookery will be lield under Little -Miss Mildred Blair speait real succesa, wlth the majority of sazy. N rak the auspices of the Women'a masti- her Ea.ter vacation with het Sis-~ the member8 present. Inamedla-tely Thie îollo'wing vill be of intercat son tute, on PI1iday, April 28, at il cm er, Ms. _L. Dalby, In Osha.wa. Ia! 1er suPPer. Impromptu speeches a&%liae bride is krown Vomny:, An byr and 2 p.m., in the Township Hall Mr. anc Mrs. Charles Hutohing were made biy severel ot the mcm-- quiet wedding wuas olemnurjed -et. hits Brookltn. This vaa a 'poplAlr have moved to his terni on coce- bers on such aubiecta as: MY life:e the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. James wife course throughout the distict and sion sidc, which lie purchased froin i story; Wl»' I always et se much Mitchell, Manchester, nt 2:30 p.m.. îelr a large. crowd is expected. Mr. T. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs.J. et a churcli supper: 18 magrrieLge a on Tuesday, April 2, wher their Mr. W. L, Smith, o! Toronto, Ia Diamond, who have berri living'on failure? etc. Aller the cjeanlng Up. daughter, Ruth Mildrpd, vas united eonvistin frend inths cmmuity th fRm or he ast yer hvepartriers vere !ound by nunabers, in marriage wlVh Mr. Bcnjamin son- v1iigfinatr ascmuly gte farmPor te pstYmhaeand amusingcontesta followed. A Downing IHitchens, of Agincourt, dld ed CroiS Nwsn V PrtthrX illing "automobile romne" vau son o! Mr&. Hitchens and the laie- mure The sevirg roonis of the Red Woman's Mlssionary Society vil ed in rhyme, aeuhcachpue WUs Mr. B. D. Hitcheni, of Corwall, nais Cross Society <BrooldilaClaupter) meet on Wedncsday. April l7th at fillcd la by tic naine o! à $ert o! England. Be". A. Bushel. O! Epsorn wl- as the scene of uctivity on 'rhums Mrs. Ratcllfte's home. ,Mis. N. J. a car. Then, too, it vaa very sulr- offljated, wvith Miss Jessie Walker tele WR teno n vnn îeiaVhite and Mrs. Siater are respon- Prlsifig, ta say the~ leasI, ta tlnd playing thc vcdding mnusic. ni 'ere uood number of ladies wee re sible for Uic programmne. thet ve carried arO.und Willi us 80 bride, given In marrîage by ber fath - 'orlc sent. A meeting vas conducted mary atrange tfl Ingan ad on our er. worsea copenliegesa blue suit îîgduring Uic afternoor by theprtj.. Mr. Charles Maekey hua been "ta'u!ks". CoifmiflIty sinfgiiad vlth white eeeessorics. Miss Alver-c lin îï-et m edln lc ua poitt rm Otw the Mispali benedietion ebosed the tts Mitchell atterded heb ser s Ltober o? important niellers vere dis- sue radio licenses in this rlding o~f evenlng o! pleasure. bmdesmeid arnd vore tarquolse blue - r elcse nrlto otevr n Sauth, Ontario, Mr. Mackey has On Sunday evenirg Rev. G., S. with black uccessories. Their flow. activities possible for secuirg M- regiven Mr. Jerry Bailey the worlc for Gervan, who has been sufferlnqg ers vere corsage baquets o! pink' uidi i.H yn n n Whitby Tcrýnship whIch includJs vit], laryrgitis, vas aisisted in the sveet peas. Mr. Manseil Gerrow of stopluns. M H.Lyon an Mrs S.Brooklin village. No Licensez arc opcning exercies bY Jack Tliomp- the staff o! the Ontario Hospital. and Manning wcre appointed as assis- issuec! bv benks oi'-poat offies arnd son, vho-led in tVie roponsive read- Whltby. vais best mar Af ter a brief Adtenta ta Mis. Agar whlo bas been ciizens art urged to lie ready for .ing. and also read the Seriptune honcymnoon trn the yourig couple' hey i charge o! the sewiing since the the vendor when he cals. leSori, John 10:1-19. Mr., Gervar is rcsiding ia Aglrcourt. Drn- Iewing meetings begen In Novem- Mr. F. Harding found monday 'dLspee will the sermon ,and ,eber. These ladies vil] help 8.1 the to be a most unfortunate day for --spoke Vemy biefly InStead, o! thet heun a! teraaoon meetings, vill another hlm. Mis daughler Muriel who lias late Very Rev. Dr. T. Albert Moore, l botgroup Vo be responsible' for Uic been ill for the pust two weeks and viiose fune'rel heatteadsd en Tues- Al ondst cvening meetings. Donations vers day o! last veck. __________ofthe wasru ie mMs s A lawba lishowirig no signa o! improve-sepvice.ig o! the ______inHoward Lahtiuitpfo Qit arIn 'abeau-, ment ti healli wa.s taken Vo Osh- srie hc a edi ovr onBldoCrepndent) o! ooi veHositl ortreairnent on Mon- Park United -Churcli, Toronto, Mr. (oA LMDS, A ril .-n.Bo the rmMs eie Biggs and à day inornlng. -Mr. - Harding who Gei'ven sald IV vau nat a Sud funer- Bonbsrtre fe he urse verY lovely pIeze o? vool malerlel had laken her Vo the Hospital le! t RI. nothlng there for grief or, weeks' visit witli ber sister au to bol used for refugee vork vas hi%~ car oarked rieur e friend's home mournlng, lamentation ai despain. Bavleac lirrltvsI iu'1f! given by Min. J. . Inastn -l which lie made a cal] 0f il nth oirr, there vas every- the vlcinity. uder A Kcomnuittee made Up o! the fol- a few mInutes. When lie returned thlng -for pruise and Vlarksglving, Ms alc a oe ç lowlng ladies, wasxniade esponsible for his car no trace of Il wax lourd, for hope and rcjoicing. A!ter -the Ms. arok lsmoe hr 0oW- for some aetivity Vo valse fundÈ, the police were not.itied, but as yet regular evenlng zervce next Sunday. house-hold effects :10 the Langmaldi, sheMs.. R. Rodd, Mrs. C. 8S. Thomp- the car h rnot located:- - the Sacramerit o! the Lord's Suppen homestend where slew yul keep hihwll be abserved. _e ouse for hep brother. noi mon, Min. Frezer and Mns.'L. Rsa. Mrs. J. Crammond had tlie miis- Mrs. J. Guy xpent several <laya Ms odsbundle' vas urusually, fortune on Vauda o fall arc! Rcd Croms workers' o the MyrleRoetoCou u. to lag hsweek wheni socis care sustain Injuries oinealatr.brrneli met et the ý . P .stto recently wlth lier fstlier, Mr. Sam le! t and sweaters came 11n She is stili- corfined to her- bed-but lest Wsdiesday vhere they foldedRbetoClu us The-Junior -institute met on out of danger. Her daught-er, Mrs, and Ved miat respective bundles the Mr. George Batee' has engaged 1 Thursday niglit la their negular Wa'ddell, of Harrowsmith, is witb work receivcd during the pst fev with Mr. Fred Browni for 1.am Vemeeting Ia the-tovnship hall. u . weeks. Tc date Vhe follovlng lies mer., usuel routine ofïbusines vas fol- Bobby' Dingmari vas rushed ta been eceived: 10 quilt.s, 10 pairs o! Mn. Bruce McGrcgor and Mr. aned loved wlth the Rall Cal being ans- Oshawa Hospital lest veel forn an 1 pyjamas'. 36 'pairs socksl 14 scerves. Donald Kempthorne have Just re- and yaReihRl. h il appendicitks operatbon. 41 pillow cas~es, and 2 persoas covered froni the mumps. the vrped y a eudlblIne.tueils d On Sunday. April 141h, Ihe thIrd PropertY bua. l'ho-branch la In- The Womcn's Association met nt respomny nesltidlysloa hs rd Sunday atter Easter. the service o? debted to Mriç. A. Svale vho ver the church on Tue.%day utternoon om- ed ma iTeret l ogan s wre Cre- m Moring Prayer will be held in S,. kndly donated two pairs o! ocks. it], Mrs. C. Osborne's group i - celvec!. Thne dGelpaes o hs irlson.Thomas Anglican Churcli et 11Mare vool endi flarrelet vii arrive charge. ili C een c e rt G p li, vhich con- shorly for ocks, sarves. quiltg and Young People'n meeting on T es- I vnc th fn~tpat o My vrs____________pyjamu .day evenlng vas in charge o! the Vhs apported. 1%e nanies suggested nStra vn.M.ed presîdent, Misse, ,,lyn Hall. eo.nHall, A. Brarton and Raglan Ms aodSrdiketne h The Young, Peaples ateply Dn J)Clark. Miss Jean fttt.Junior Mn, a'omdetingdvckîeld n Clvthe'The Cloîli of Sendony", vlilch Vhe Instituts coach spoke bniefly and RAGLAN. Aprîl 4.-On Thumaday spcistel c, aa meeting hwdtiCavr ax presentec! Ir Vhe cliurch -an lier. e xpressed her pleaumres ntmeigeeigtehm ?M..Jnta ats hrh see meeting Sunc!ay cvenlng, Apnil 7. vasxcen- ng eenig te hme o Mr Joathn was% held ecd evening, last week JoYed by aIl. A, good attendarice vus tht'. thus g'rcup of girls. bis. J. H. Mc- Tiionpson vas the scerie of a pieau- and the Wigdcn colored quartet the Kînncy vas guest speaker end.chose art arc! happy guthering whrien ttlilled the audiences vîit.their prescrit ta heàr it arnd the vork o!, or for ber subjeet, "Health and Child large nunaber. o? frierids gethered w onderful slngirig. the 'Young People ought to have' rthe Weltfare."' In ber owa delightful to honrionMn. arc! Mrs. Norva.l Mc- M.aMiss Oat owe er ou ermi suort. Clmus a marner Mns. McKiriney madle this AvOY. nec Olive Thompsori, vith a 1iSitors Ini Oshaawa on geturday' aiseacritistor voftColMmus'd Mn. Ly In subject most int.emuatnad full miscellaneous sboyer In hoorofo? vening.a eàtWiowthM.nd rs th a 0 lZItOiBdahat oea Vhler necent manriage. Af ter ailhad Mrs. W.- Elieoft <g eneee Pissis ev l an r.l- adthunka vas lerdened for lier Inter- gathcred Miss Doris Bryant rendi turný&d home on Wcdnssda' 'lest Mo- isis Buson na c!hM. Bals- M.est in the girls wonk. The musical Vhe'!ollowing acidresa: afier e dcligbtful holiday vith ber M.(r!nLv !Pceig MnV. pato!Vsprogramme cniVdo enOieedNra:parenLts ettht-icparsonage. Ms odnLw fPceig ,sen. Pxt f t COiStd o Der OiveandNora-Mrs. Davidi Duchemîi visited Mr. Wm. Gardon has retured gave- a piano solo by RuIth Juil and a We, your triendL., have gathered lbhmate md arly'er home affer xpendIrig a. vek vit], ,th, 'group a? clioruses closed Veie eet.- together at Your home this eve- Uxhbrslstedr nd amy. na relatives la Toronto. Mis. Gordon'x woking. MiMssLova Gee presi!e<l. ring to exterd to you our congret- Mn Ndie lastWilsn a! alum bus bnVber, Mr'. Hazeleti. hli beeri talc- Tu JnorFnaen eto uaions and to express aur air- <lias engaged with Mr. Jas Roîstor ing bis place nt t-le fan during Thnumsdmy niglit In Vh@ bosement cre vlsh that yo a no orti umris abrence. 3ook O? hs towniship hlawit lh the'-choir long ie together, enruched by ail Mr Thomax Birket iof (are- Brant, of!Del*rnto. wers bcing tuken by Mr. K. Holiday who the bleasings that lite cari bestow. ot eesm uiesclaI lateriwyeeçted presi dent. Cur- Olive. you have willingly t on th.ilae o'-Fn i Green nin mc ent events vers given by Mr. John yu pr ritcdifferent activi- WGac laeo eprtMnoBr nery ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vu P,.,sprjta vic hebyst m nust have siceemacleihebor e porn. td Mrs. CBaerto h rmen fLeYui - urnder discusson vas anc o! Oliver i gramme. whicb wuvas vyIrt.erest- rHezzlevoods. A social half-hour iig, Plans vers madle ta have Plicles IA canloati o! the finest fat cettle Miss V. Lender a! tic Tarorto - hipped !rom bers in bis past -Nirma] Scliol vas tic tudent ut E 1twenîy-!îve vetra, le! i an Tlursday the Public School lest veek. ýG E O BR OK LIN ï,evening'5 veiglit freigit fon for e Cccil Walle a! Brookîti Bufflo arkt werecaIlle o? e Sunday -yvitli ha parents Frank a 1 , A 5 I FF~ demard. Tuer, vers seventeen Mn. W. W. Ose vax ni Greeni ~~ff -- teers. averagIng 1.550 pourdt cach River laet Sundîu 'morning vhée 1 *~'Mqîk~ Yj~udk ~ry iu~~ ~8MA~tQâ ~bidoia - I Bakrie - Hardwame j TeaRoomn -BRGGKLUN BAKERY 1JOPhson's Hardware TWENTY STEPS-INN Urea4- Çîes - iee Buna eJ. P..SOE Poritr 3 ephion, -Pm~. FaeWtlss for BrIndge, Snovsheeing, Brooktil -Phons 31. rok ' - hneuSleigh Rlwc.Teas, Ete. -td abee - kn-emm. tc Garages Barivars, Glia.. EetdIem Appilmneet, Pampa Gair. Pipe Insummne BROOKLIN. RONE 35 Lumbe. BROGILIN GARAGE MýCBRIEN'S S. Harding, lrp. CEO. H. VICK j Wood, Lumber &'Hay 25oln hn -R-t! 2 rhon- t .4 un -00WOO. rut fo <Aie S or $550 $e . Sbim n fer ST' LAV$55 MAYNARD'S GARAGE IMACtS SEIRVIC a $.40exta elv eu Boi. P. S Man-mr, F'p.ST ATIO0N .- oti or dressed lumber in IMPERIAL 01L- PI0DUCTS Ir. C. UNtnefat, 1pro> Oak. Fine. Sismuce or HelmI.k Atls Tirep, Sutteaie, BAceesorWs JokluWt emaisupplv mny buildng Tflansp.rt.-, ey LubeWIilard bmtedm go- toehmengs thone Broekilaà& Mr, Ar'thur Webstcr. orf enelor I are gave a missionary- îYIk tO the i ?aIls vaut-be shipper. e firidi ibat Sunda.y Schaol. he* can Pay the export charges and -The pageant andi picturem given attll mairee ablgger profitoea this by the Surdey Schôol arc! Re. R; grade o! fat caIlle than If lie sold W. MacVey last Wednesdav eve- 'o Our ovri Canadien market vhici nîng vere rot very velI sttàIrded demanda aànaucli ligliel grade. ovlng taO lie vesher and roadA. but MisNorme Flet. vw!,ôhaz been thoft vho-mamnged ta get omftcen- living on the tarai lire vent for joyed bo h and appneciated the WW some tirne, lia takenun p reelderce fonta o!fIlie members of the pageant wrt" frierids hlie. arndMn. MacVey. Mn. arc! Mm. Elwood Mastersand Rnmember the arinual etîing Mrs. BuIl Lynde vere ini Oshava on o? the Oshawa Presbytenial of tic Saturday. -Womea'is Missaorary Socieîvta l e' Miss Dorotby Hall, af Toronito, heMtI Sinacos S'. United Church, i vlisite-d over the week-end with Mrs. Oshava on Thnursdav AprAitic .Rben*t Chisholna. eigbteerith, Tue gues-t speakers Mr. arnd Mrs. Ben Stredvick and wiil be Mmn. L. P. Stephens. Pregi- fanuily and! Mm. arcd Mis. R. Nov- dent of flie Dominion Board of tic 'hev. o!fO.!havwa. Mia'! Margaret - Waunen's Mlsonrr Societyî. arc! - Blighr. o! Tornto. vers callers ai Miss Marlon Anglin 0f Winnipeg. the home o! Mr. and Mi. ltarold Mr. ac! Mm. Baver arc! son Billy Sircdvick on Saturday. have moved near Clar'CiioTt vht'r Mr. Victor Mitebel, vho lias been Mr. Bowen lias secured a poituion ï ,,rawfprred '*o Sala bvbis canam- ith Mr. Starbury. pany.vi. itcd receP"ntly with lais par- God!rey WiLlis of Richmnd HUIl enLs. Mn- and Mrs. L. 3itch.II. called on John Browniand !amlly Mr' arnd Mn. Fred Beadle and lazt Sunday, taiy. o!fA.hburn. * * ted an Sun - James and MrsPcagellv of dayv wihrelatives. Broakila vislîed vizi relativeg tn Mr ac! Mmx. rank Dickaon &M tic village lit SundaY- hm-rilv, o! Toronto. spent 8unday Al the hockey.fans'výene glad ta vith Mr. and Mm .J. Dlckson. ican thit the Whitby zeeM Won out Mn. adMn. EmmI Cookand Ur. -luti veek. and Mr. Harold McDermnotIand iLu.t Sunday marning at Uic baby, o? Oshawa. vere Suflday Ybis-Quarzerly Communion Service four- ý,n'orsof Mr and Mrs. W JCook. 1!new mfnenbcns oined theCchUrt], Abutrty-tive frierda bon j Everyooe vaham aew eIC@oeI hese Young people into cliurcli xneMbership3.1 The drama group *are worlclngi hai'd on "Grandpals 'rwir Sis{,er."; a'hich themy hope to have ready be- forc long. Roeserve Fi'iday evening April Uic nineteenth te hear "Grandpa's rwmn Sa.ster' the new humiorous play to be presente-,lby 'he Green- wood Drama tic Club in the GOreen- wood Church, further aurilounce- maent later. Àshburn (Mrs. F. Herron. Coin.) Aahburn, April 8-On account of the Communion scevice et Fort Perry next Sirndav mornirig tic service here will be heid ut 7:30 p.m. a'clock. Tie Szrndsy sch6ol will lie ut- the lusutal lime at 10 o'clock in the monning. Rev. Robt. Simapson took the text on Suriday monning f rom listchep- ter o!-Paul. 'The Gond Fortune of Mtsfortune." Word vas recrived here on Sab- urday o? the deatl i orMca. A. Siack o? Clanemont,.'nie laie Mis. Slack vas a resiclcnt. in the village for'e n.umben nifYvrarsý. nle sympa- thy of tuis cornn flt '.,extended (Mms A. Rooker, Correspondent) sr KINSALE, Apnil 8.-Tue ennui r mefeting o! Vhs Women'ý MLe.ionary g( Sodueîy of OshRa aPreabyterial vil! A be bnci- in Simcoe Street Chuncl.Iiib O.shawa. or Thunsdev- April 18t Thene wi'll be tiarèe sessors, 9:15 1t a-ni,. 2 p.mn., and 7.30 p.m. The pro- 1 gramn commizt-ee have arranged for tbnt-e splendid- sessions, and lit wil be, a day nwell spcnt. nTes ill lie a sýcrap book clisplay. ,,0 if %-ou have one s'arted. pIease take il. viti you Al ie or our W.M..-are asked Mni Frank Trip 'r of Toronto. vuRs a remit isitor vibi us ýniece, Mrs.I M- Hr,;tbron.anc! Mss MsAbci. Thit follom-ing is the lisIt-sp p'i, sent 10ttic Broakîti -Brandi ofi rbe Red Cross for tic manilio 1a t .Marc'h: 1 quili lor refugevork. 14 arrn'1*. a arves. 1 natvi' scarf. 4 pal ,, ~'v-c-,3 pal s ezî-nsscs 2 pair-s wntvrilete. andi 8-bec! socks. Donations o? 4 persona] proper ty baz-, and i1ichaki srmy scunt were also, inciîacled.-r McI. and M"s. Frank Strnughan 're, with the latîcr's parent-s. Mr. to the laivI.nrd Mre, W. Miulork. Mr. andI Mis. Lrs.-ky Gardhou.sr Thep f lo-d rnt Pickrrinçr on Mon- WV o? Malton vstc relatives here on (1av last, made traffic res] hea vy 'i- $aturday. z hrmigh oir village, duie t the cars iTi Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. heîný-zdetoured from Na. 2 to No. thi Frank Lyncle. oi the gif t of a baby T Hizhway. Two carMIStlurnpd over Sc girl. - < bac! strin o? ire ne-Ir tht i! iiooI-hoiise. One çpr was rot Hc In ~ ~ ~ ~ l maig rnmu is o il htnged muii. 5 nd tht' driver was bL find that- diced apple, s-virred minttorcec.bt h tercrp the batter. makrs :hem delictoms war, badly clamsgêd. and hadiao be pr, and help keep z nmoist. Use One ind . We., understand the oc u- TI large appie or io li 1 ir o -. )nj' twmerenot bRdl\ ii' hut. b peeî& or upee.II ________________ti ut.'in Markhamn receîit]y. J MWr and Mrs. MacPhrisori Stanri- Vr Colorpd clothes neeri a litIle spe- '*m StrIl amd-Ariur Gormley ,wrre S riel rare in lamnderiog. First wash a1nil idAy v trsrtMnilern. A them thro.igut rez,,iar soapy, warr M r, -àon Mrs. Nelson Ledgett . nd wâ water. thenrne thpm thoroughly 'Miz-Fern Ledgett. Oshawa. vi.-itpr mf ln lukewarmn wattrr dcearn and then n Mr. and'Mrs. Cha. L edgett on of throngh two in-'es or c(-ld water. iidv Shake ont snd bang uip to dry in Mr, and Misý. Victr-Prkin and the shade. MsVelma Baleon spent Suinda v flo -vJth Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reesýor lni Maine's iromt fishing season Tht' Young pocples -SQýcillhIdPl'Il legally opens 'whici the ice goe-S ?lv.ir weekly meeting utt flic hme ýI out." or Mrs. J. Steli., Threvwu on>y a j ts PERFECTED KNEE-ACTrION (On SpwioIDe Luxe Modols) Ak!ztmhled ac an infiqiral ii rom- plte in itzrIf, tri atr-lrepef)rfrrt hal- anirpand. îherrfnrr,pcrfeUt pringin, steriior aând i kin2 in ,;;ch imdi,,- dual car . Eaiîeýt ride on an-y.road 1 AUTO MAT IC RIDE STAILIZER Jllttrt'dfhe rtt'tSpecial 'De Luxe Sport .Sedan, 's Aîtarhpd r h, fot'nlo h chaý-,- iînapteand lhoketitri'h lower Kru"e -cri- npmrmbrr. i o- partF 2er-,nnîecdieson curves and sharp turnz' SCIENTIFICALL! 9AýLANCED SPRINGS fletio"baanci'tr Inaoiran~re ir ui orm ridtz n sothaess.- DONALD.-MOT DUNDAS STr. EAST THE WHITBY GAZETTE AM CHRONICLFov WEDNESDAY, ýAPRIL 10, 1940 3

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