Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 6

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THE WHITBY G-AZETT AND CHIONICLE, WEDNESDAY, APRIE 10. 1940 MTIAI FACING FAMINE 1ARVEERN ~MENT CUTS OFF NAZIS 'MARK.IICAPTURE mian Buying1 preriate, wîtb tari and diplomacY. t,~ ~ th Begad ou ~rtea sy whih w's'asncerrly de- of VIMY RID[ ~ t - -,-J wlirealize that the friendl'. and T. 10Reciuce'irce, w Normal' 'l.Arl9 -The wir min- rr-îhnI erlnoncii' Te r cala.-r~f c b î~a X'cîg ir -ir at~ * "r* 1'frirhen Ilr , it " far - adn'iring, gesture o! an American vi it-or who wishes to- pilot.ograph an interesting ' Ontario scent, Ls ,impi'.' a compiiment to th riatural hbea ilt r)o! thp-provincse, aoodrgree o! caution an1ri pro- hibition may br requireci. 's" know, witbou' dloubt t'nat our Anýrrcala zugus will underta.,tnd a rd fulv coi-operatir. but, in aCl othser cse'-, nîr of!î'-ers ,,houild rrogIaize t iaf oî:r tiriîors are çloing 4r:xactîY. rvhat vw oitrelves do vwiî<'fl T a r'thrni, in niei.0lt.' arr':ýiîg awa'. it -ojPtlir of some attractive ie. "1SCENTISTS"4MAN RUESSERS SEEK r i, r 1cace a inn i vona' lkev 10Prize Money for 23 Year s -- <lîî~î Olci Conte. t Goes to Near- an : ' '-fito ieenîi' est Esimator of Tiffie e 'atoftîr~ e Nenana, Alaska, Aprl P -A tri- S:1cîct 'fi f ,'ilfi 'hi prarr'inz the xlirp tb a La'iarded tht-'c . t.' r I lf' c ,i-fi' r-ttiri.' dock .s'ancý:; on tht Taiana f f*' f' ~O - flier icv,-. halirtngirn il Alevkart K ~ ~ ~ ~ I f p' <fbi 511 0!ttrn 'urr urs;rr, by giimçing Iù' -h1' l a'r-oxg lia t (a' houir and minru'ethe Piaf ~ ~ ~ ~ tl%«-; '-'hiLecc'a îrl 'oc iH'tp C 1ilt 1I aLi-te ' t I will <11 a' ba lb a ndlttip a ni-han- rî~ur'c'ui 1 -' ltufhaswît istoi-)ping te clo'-k. Tii" pri7df Flîu' " -çirr~t5 îi<flfi'mîitheac23- ' rar-oldcir-on'tt. au ~ lf iV ~ 't i -i i ian will voan t 1W r.o. woeguojSse qcîau ~ b 'c doua. înost eara' pproxîmiat4,e ti lie f frt: i l-ff Iii" i-W Ylîîge- v~~~~~ii ofPh fi wr L i-rrit m' î~ a!o -. ; icitii' sf re ucInu- itd t Giv .rhcîl c - e,î . . 4sibf Assis 5.00tans o of the' sprllag hrirak'îp.- The 1<r is thick, but riddilrd ba' cracks, andi thhQousIanIds f0f usa- Pre froinial cwer the' terribori' are u.,in;z everythlina from iust Simple, uîîu.'înt fl- huch4'to laborat4 ' in a t lr'n aattîdl artdl1naeteorocaîc'ilca formulaP iii Alaska'S rosýt- prpîlar indoar wutrsot Earllrt rreridetidate for tîLe ire nanvemp nt, was 4ý03 p.m. April 26. 1936, latesi., May 15, 1935, nt 1-32 Intrrat naturelly lies in the brak-up. for il mrans the begn- ning of navigation on the introin rh-rs,îrtludngthe miglaiy Yukon, andi the con'lng o! snob hir r c.on o! mlning activity. Lae;i yeair. wbrn the ice v.ent out -at 1:26 p.m. April 29, line la-- karts cllvicer S97-000. Fpw o!ntthem hLad env sy.ýtrm iother Ihan "jusi a Buît a lot o usestakr'their - prdgtaostic'atUn' gseriousiy, hre abo Ap'ulP 't'oiae'-Gn- lae anonymous 'suibscrîbpr" 10 the oîan'.îsscdUae!olownigAnchioragr Time.s. for example. eta r'çurdnghieus o!caa-who tias' recorded L bs guesatitis r ttalti ata."'to'ri.¶ v Sp- s'rîîag, ba.se<ion anl riaborate atldy Ontarhabhî'v ~ of "a lote ccrrrlatlon beîtw'en sun- liai'- cf uît'.a' o ' lac at't !'w tht'Pr'nn.'r<a! ntare ' andi the annunl brrakuip." lIa, ;-'eaantduta'vo! 1 5l<f l10 hui.ls- nf 4,000 Bushfels of See.d t. - Uiiited S'a . 'Shown At Pictori Fair r." ctil~ti~s'tiLvbla pf'1)riPcbnApri: 9 Fouir tbousafld ari ttan'tc îr~re 0 Iean rhts o!f oef 'srt' rlir t.,ted ~~~nar ~ ~ I C a u.-. ~'al le nthe fr" .-uCIiisptav anadi sale ~san.arec lav11w r rîv'e E<-lw-ard Naa r e!n 10:19cfhie ISonainCouA andetah.. nd C'C', cîat.<f the îai"reiî ':'ar'.'t C',aa' . iYr'and crobas brance.la Oitarno De- *~ ho 'o s : c' m 'arýiiftai oef rcîinegav e ad- .v :r.r.'i nr' ~itiV:.-ua0 rte~ onfei rri'i.s'tunt m'of l l~ ~ ~ r '.- ie if ti:sif. c" nue.-d ;,-e ri <'1' ff fIl t'ttac-r.' .-f f f i c' e r .5 ~i' uta.'- îaro\:n'r 'suIt ~p- ,'T A AeidrHiX:ý r i.s, pre.si- flOr e.~tr s~c-tind rc et urther Rise in Business Seenz in Second Quarter rîa a .îuc ta aii,, d at-c in the fir s' uartr usuail 'a f'f'li~i. 'a, . hris' iassrpwdssed 'ha: ofliloat .prinuOts ears. b 'f-"..a-a. se P, i r.r. rn jose a's'r by c s " "~riapn -atr' .' ' ac- - r angte troua'.4 nl it nr 'ar-c" r &\ rr:'c xi.'A ti-' 'ra nA. rrort;î ma. reaF are 'r t u ' ~ na ;. tt'c.co-f *l. .r'nîs~ etr on tntE\c; ' ra 'n:'- na~30 Ctarars fcc :;e nrm-th are' Bu%înet'~ Irtâjia" Fei-' ~fl4'. I3~ 't IS~4 "-"i. 'ara t, 118 i c':iitniaf' frona Ft'b 1939 ~l08 :0 t, - 4: jE New Soldiers Join in Service at Lindsay Church-Many at Worship Sunday Lindsay, Apri:' 9 -,Spc'cîa] ~i, ices wf're h4ýic in ~vrlLrds;ay churchè.s Sira'-,a' 'iAci by-la:-ýge A rspfcini r"Vi conmmr'mora' ing tire annivi-rc-,-' of tht' Bat',e o! Vimy Rxlgr ' striat Cambîiel2r St. Bapti.s' Cnrriha'*terç'd ba'of- f icers and mfn r0f the, 45h Fieiri Battery, R.C.A., members of the Sir 3rior to the communion conducted Sam Hughes Branch of the Cana- avth izerRv.HC.Wl dian Legion, the Arsenal Guar.d and ~ mnseRe.H .WI fraim. One baptism also took place, Band. and the Lindsay Citizens' Band. wbere the 'emn~ At theevening service a Vimy Ridge preacbed by Captain tht, Rev, p. C. ýmemorial service wa.s beld. when R.eed. 'Jasper Forman, pre.sident of the -Annual open seussion .0 the%,Vic- toria Bible Class was týeld in this church in the afternooni when the members of St.' Andrew*s -Bible Class were guests. prayer being of- fered by the leader, J. E. Ander- son , KC. Sid Lodge, class presi- dent, conducted the service, and the address was given b.v the leader, T. H. Eberîce. principal f t he Lind-; ,,av Collegiate. Miss. Frecla Grey ýrpided ai the organ _and vocal solo was rendered by Miss Hope Algar. The lesson wa.-, read by Earl Pitts. class member. Twenty-fîve new mrmbers were r4ýceived ai the morning service o! Queen Street United Chur-ch at- 'ended by a. large congrrgat ion, fought at the Battie o! Viny, de- .cribed bis pilgrima.ge to the scene o! _th-e battie when the Canadian ýonuMerit Was unveiled. represent- i.ng thae local br.anch of the Cana- cian Legion. Special servies uncler the aus- pices of the MtnVs A-ssociation were hleld at Camnbridge St. Unitedc Cburch at. botli seýrvices. The annual confirmation, service waa, heid ai St. Ma.ry's Romnan Cariaolic Church in the alternoon. whn28 confirmante received the bortig of His Exeellency Rt. Rev. DrnrJs O'Conrnor, Bishcp o! Peter- t»VHOA, PPIM CE. .CTHIB 5 VJHE«RE DAt) BLAMIT5) CAVE l.5 - 1 THiýJK 1A1.LELUYA 15 A 5VVELL. L ITT LE -TOWN 4A.N'AWF-UL QUIET UT DAID 5EZIT'5 TOO'NOISYJ<~ Wçr GOTTA 5 nEAI< Up AWÇLIL.0 UIET-1 ,,CAUSE IF AWyowF_ JE IM THE HOUSE bEES.US rm!YIL. WAWNA KVnAMrnMIE-- r i W'ELL.DAD BLAME rrT1 PEP,5wHAT rM Dtviéj') ATr 1GOT ALOT 07'- LISE LESS 01.0 STUJFF-.. 'THAT AIKI r WCRTH AKI4 SEIMA$HO tGoTA -change f rom jan. 1940 -12- 7oo L[AR OT A~ÂAt, their recent conference with OrtaýWa authorities. Hori. Eric Cros.s, LEARN OTTAWAMinister of Municipal Affair.a. andi E. A. Horton. Ontario Director of NT Unemn'ployment Relief. are under-1 Tu CE R ANT stood to have reached a tentative FUOR RELIF RID th Dominion bas set lu maximum the advarce estimates thàt it nilimz Division of Cost Uncbsnged *'t" l ewyfo hep"IYta the relief burclen will ot diminrh But Maximumn Contribution a.t rapidlY am rxpected.- Last year the Federal contribuivoI1 Set at $1,400,000. Les- 1o0 ont nro amounted approximateflyý '0$.00. 000. This yfar It ËIs pro- Toroto.Api'l 9- A:pug -pd that the mapximnum- gr8rt in Tornto.Apri 9 *,hý-puli hein shahbp cnti.idetablv ' les.aiban 40-40-20 division Of! relirf ros-'is n '~$5.900.00( tis qprovinc!e bas .- Ontario wil: be continuied for an- -inia;4ed ass probable 40 pr cnt Othrr year. it, wa.s iearned at Queent'--.hnre. Park tha' the Dominion G;overn- It i15 ata'ed atthoritatlvely\ that ment. wi îin.x on settîng a maxi- h sitiuation ina Torontoie ninrmt 'ii no'iuio hc il 1l 1 ie innin-ngtothe pr vincl-l e f -onsi*drrabiy btlow i'sx share in the off iciais> Since Toronto srehirf bill pasi amun' t4aabot ~third of. ther 'oah n Z (O. t cf Cilr t" g BY BRANDO LA"j.TDA IV!' 't 15Av1 v~/ci C, M f3îLI23 C(I' il R ARlM'~ ti MAIi- M ~'c~ cOLirv c /'~'AA [j/ 7T OOD-TALJBEWEED 15 50 U5ED TO'THE 51LEW.CE OF7 TH-E 1DE5EPTrWHEM 4HE HEA- 5A KITTES WALKIN ON A VELVEY/5/- CA12PET- 17 LOLNID5 LIKE A CAVALY CUAPGE IKJ A STrONE QUA,&Ç - (s, BUT DAD 5 THF.4EALýT C -PE/JCE 'U7rAk? 1 LIK i1~ r gI THE KltID-HEA4RTED I>t 1 5AW RHER C EE> U DCX)P- .LEAVETH B1A5k<ET.A N' RUI LIKE A 5CAWED ç- .7U S A -1ETT 1 ,i ' r >EÀ DY F V CU LL 'TQUi9 'TO 5ETTLE MIGHT ME 70 AY. WAVE 5ÈMELISE VOC I CEE. ZE~CJ2.IIDYA HEAP wW~T MICE -BLtT'ft~' HAPP/ KEEP§ G 4E Z : c(,--ED D<4ECW>45 5K1M '5cIJý7M;:' H--ADY ?LOT.5A 2O wiHC HAS LOTS^ MOt4Ey KEEP. Li~0~7- rE v..t" ta-cr c'Xic ' ~-: ' v r'r~"esonrwshat by co.d 'seathrr Wr rrir s ' r-w ,:: c.î.rotberauacalorrt'rdea' relhows- b:' î~lî "u.~ . a - .ra' cf ieL" r t'v. rig .s bocarrut u0 briu'.g a or.a -a, ,lar . 2apir e.tat ci nu a -r Tlic stef': Plants e! apr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~à "c" .rat'-ti a q-a'- rr'otr:.ui:about 95 cti't -c ~-.' 0 ' n-c;'aî , 's' *1 pii rr ' nn 193P, W rrk on tht' cur ~ au:a.t'-c;'srru. rc. ertta Frauxc' rainainia .~ sl d I> ..e -r.;lu rc -ot< :rg' r'~a:x" f lr oî'-c-acao tan ncl 1: r'r.'î" : a.anu sîîtau is Ifelt. are unssoudabie f )îîil.-ru 'f ht'51Vug rv r'î"' ci s'er' hf ! Caîadaaî bisiies' OLD MIN K-. A BUSIMES5 DE'AL 4P>Sî'GOTRD- - _U5T'CUEH A LCTTA MWEC-.~ Cern HÙ. LITTLE ANN IE ROONEY C '~uraararia 1 PG G-EF.? HALLELUYA 15 A5 GO-PD Oiý)MMAA"ý11[83 A MITE BETTEP'ýJ AMY OTHEP CITY- BUT CAt-4'«r STAMID -THF' MC>15E'-,:;-UST LIKE LIVI"' it-ý A 1301L.ER FAC'r(>Ry- E:VE92YOME'ý:) b,4NJ(ý- 13AMGN' AM'CLACK-CLACKIý,J-ALLTHF-- TIME D - iqe£l AI? f.eloRi

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