Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 8

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lEIGHT THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE,' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1940 HOME ANI SCUDOL CLUB FROMOTINW SAFETI tESSONS (Corillnued front Page 1) "'You're laUklngrnonisense 110W. Yeu knov _your parents wouid MISS :'ýyou," persisted Bul. *"Well, home goos."1 He plunged ln. "Oit! I cant gsvlHipelplRI! The vater -là carrylng me dcwn," gaspod fDan, dlsappeariflg under te water. "Ive got 10 marehlm," snid 111. After -a deaperate atmuggle 8111 got Dan to shore safely. An uni- bullance vas cullcd and Dlan ças rushed ta lte hospital. Pot days l -vas thougit ho would flot me- cover because o! his itigi tlempera- turc. Il Wua getlng normal and bis foyer vent do-wt. Many daya vire &Penit ln titis condition wheit lhe long awalted Word Wu, girn ltai Dmt eold gno sbome. -The noit lime bis utothr came tG lte ioipital. Van said, "Whe 1 amn told a" lte hi aroful, 1'wlll ho éhedlient &md Ïomember Sa! oty Safely Finit orad" VI - Dorotbylffa'wl Th Ib fret Ut 1 Ikw about &a!ety firet la te be 'cars! ul. STMOP, 1001< AND LIerm Thut Imeans Yeuou beu]dse your cars and thon your eyes befere'yo'u use your feet. T'hcy have tvo wARNINO. ]Mrat varninglaot eDMLMORT bit la for te cars 10 STOP and you te GO. Second warning ln lte GRMN1 LIGHT, ltaI means for te cars le keep rlgbl on GOINO anid you t10 SP just opposibe 10 1th. PMD LMGRT. If you are *playing *keep OFF lte RO)ADS. If YOur BALL rolîs on t-ho ronds hefore you go after Il LOOK IRIGET and 'LEPTr before you rnove from vte-re you are standing. DO net rmn behind any PAIKED CARS, because lhey may start up at a moments notice and you may 4be INJURED.- Do -flot i-un beilnd any CARS thal are golng, because titeo nay be- cars comlng hlte OTHER di- rection, 1PQEM: Stop, Look, and Liabori Before you cross lte streel. Because you do net know .wiat diriger 'Tou are ap lo e mcc. TELLS 0F IYORK 0F THE CHERCH ARM'Y <Contlnucd froin Page i) thte Churait Amty by teir pM and gifla, bthe speaker said "yc belping in titis verk Juat as a-s lte men on lte fid. W: your backing e! prayer and in they muslt ai or have 10 ho drawn. 7bc Citurch tAmry h ter source ef Income exce voiunlary gifts o! ils fr1i Envelope% vere distrlbuted fo w s o! tte congregation and donations vilI hoglaUdy rpeeit te Oturait vardens and for-n to tte Churct Army. 1In cbosig.Captain Lennox1 Pd ouI that titeir werk la ,'iear for the othier sheep le bting int ttheone fbld under 1h' Shiepiterd. ,- Ttc constant en ourl isa-de tô hring allvitit1 t-bey cone ile contact tb ligious con-iction cf faltih i4 am their Saviour. MOST SENSATIOI CLASE IN YEA ENOS IN CIJU rayera Mu are mucit ittout mnrey vitit- pt te ýends." >i- the i any his felM O napl totdeftrmad lpoley.n 'Gassien testified about a pre- vioua party he sald Foley had at- tended mnd ad $M0. vas spet on liquor in Ivo veeka. That aver. ame to a rate of ae!eral f orty once bobbies per perseai per day. no liv- lnt man or wonian could have stood ltat amoumt. I don't tblnkr Gugsen knows whtitalI la 10telllte tsulh under catit or anyvitere else." In passlng sentence Judge Cole-. mani expreased the.hope tat 11 May neyeér again soc such a quar. telle before me as you four men.' Me termcd the, Toronto trio -drunken acoundrele" and msid taI tity had traded on "teir good appearance and education.", "You, Osaien, aaid In titi, court- rooni tat you vre Foicys friend. Knowlng bis wcukneas for liquor "and women, ycu dellberabely be- traycd'hlm to youi' feflov volv«.," JudgeCGoleman commcnded 1nJ specloe M.D. Hammond cftlte Criminal Investigation Bureau, Provincial Police, ami provincal of- feor W M. Clark, high constable fer Ontario ooualy, for lté "=Mit fficlaal w&y htavl*b M uhave .&taienedtogoutiehe t&Wld a&Wli ef oveffe me dtacta in thu cs-,' The bewch aléa cotigrtultd Crovu Attorney Allin IF. Amuis On his coduc t, f an extremwly dl!- f icult orna.." ECUIPSE OF SUN VISIBLE HERE Many .W h it by Citizens Watched Event on Sunday Nlnety-tiiree per cent of týe suri'a surface vas biacked out Sunday by the mnoon, the phenomenon belng visible &long a 150-mlle b eit f rom .Texas 10 FiMorlda.,rI Witt1i, and elsevitere hINorlt Anterica, lte annular eclipse appearcd only as «a partial affair. Here lte partial eclipso began at about 4 p.m. and ended Ivo hours laler, rea.oing Ils maximum ob- scuration at about 5 p.m. Astronomersof the University o! Tloronto dld flot maice mny oh- soi-valions, but W hiieTnited States vitere tbc "ring' I ccli se wva a Its boit, titere wau l4een Interel. Ttc last annular eclipsei North Amn- erlica' occurred Inif188; the next Is net due until 1994. T1fPe COUNCIL ASKS TOIYN-TO REPAIR STREETS (Continue f rom page 1) Hlghwuys rcquesllng tem te me- consider -their decisior intrcutlng estlnate on expendiuees for Tewnsbip mouds. It la lbe feeling o! the Council thut ve cultlite esti- mates as low as possible ithtc lirat place. YouPIK ASUI WWEle ibs pinited, fus-usping McLaushlie.Suick. la looko, lauceloe, tiniaminu,ý Eul<k Ià a trma thoeoughbred. Mulaes whY i"is foot u.io-form puomakw Icadithe. field today-just as it ha donc for more thun -30 yeauu. its. big'ynfiah stht-eight power plant-micro- poise-balaced Dow 10dise osthou0ofa. wniscwa:ch gets ySu uround ln a jUffyud is oeil aprinas ail *round sec ihai bad roud ach e no difiereice. *Ànd j11thec-tinte is easyHandishift tranmIssion, ius quicknuptmke, its really thrling puce, make handling ii honey a pleasure tbat *ie ôryad run right out of-you r mind! vpswryadfetn les smart 'ad distinguished lookin;. ie'.&iriftyp~n fuel, ontrepur-prngNfor iancè, nevern ned "lIube job<'. So how about potting ispet prformer through has puces? -LIearn Ïor yourself vghy Zhousands of motorisas say: "Best bet's Buick". WHITBY BRANCB BIBLE SQCIETY <Cortinued f rom Page 1) the Salvation Army Corps;. Secrelm.ry Treasurer - Charles Baker. Convenors o! Canvasslng Cern- mlttee-Whltby, G. M. Goodleliow; Port Witby, Rev. D., B. Langford. District divided into 13 varda. ...Au4l1rs-E, L. Odlumn, -John Balein. Oter men'iberi of thc Executive -Mr. W.-A. Rolliday, Mr. Malthew Kerr, Miss M. Sleep, Mr. W. W. Noble, Mr. John R. F'rost, Rev.lJohn Lindsay. Colleclors for 1940 aise 10 ho mombers, and le ho t-ho same as last year vit thelicchairmari cf ttc canvasslng comniltîe' substi- tuting where necessary. In bis address Rert. Mr. Park me- !errcd tete -Bible as the greatest book ln t-te wvnd- wit-b the largest circulation, a book ef history, druma. poetrv. IdyLg. fiction and deep spiritual bruts e! cornfort.- tel mon and women o! aIl agos--a bok ~IUIAL (Conlinucci front Page 1) for whose tenctings nimen and woin- r'ching the speaker sald. on! hsd willingly suffer"cl cruel theni Eamly Red Cross Days déathasend persecutiei. TI the e One - Mr. Calrns spoke e! ttc early ultimate resuit t-te nations wu]d doav- duys of lte Bed Crosw tchn final'laJudged by their attitude b- whomn organized in 1864 in cGeneva CI yards ttc Bible. Rcv. Mr. Patk a T e-uIter becmoe a greator force of hu- also paid tribute. te 1h" earlv.i Christ Manil-arian service for the life of dater tranislatera e! the Sacred word P'orence Nightigale, comi.ng ilte Id tte great aacri!ices i7wclved action ftii n 1853 ilte Crimeu.itliaIt t@ Bible ntght not onlv- AIWan, wten Il vas nt its iteîgit,.and ho available Intri e c Engl.t; whvien- Florence Nighttingale Withita language but aime in foreîun stf ftblrty-eight nurse, wlth tîongues,. Te-day. the BKbe.r R went bo lte front, 10 iisto? te lite la.nguages o! tte world. andi slir Canadiari Red Cross n vclotur ere as *diligent as ever R organized It 1895 on a Ea c litl every ln distnibuting te sue. as a brancit e! ttc Britlith SocietY, red '-ruts for meris saývafier j'1and fint ade t8ds15pI'OsO!1ce01feli Special trihute nms paid tn*"the ýBr- ttc Boer War. Durlng ttc four 1tish and Poreign Bible Soccctv of i.abor Councul, aeciaed o exepeî te oi'er ChKirman Sinfield suadit e 25M00 C.I.O.-, union members would allow Richard Steele. nation al ltrougitoul Canada !rom lte lab-r secretury for te Steel Workers' Or- foid. ganiZing Committee, ono o! ttc Charges Dual Movement largeat Canadian C.ý.O. unions, to Ttc coup came in the eariy stages say a few words. o! lasI nigitîs meeting. Ttc action Speking bitteriy o! tte Councll's was preclpltaled by a letter senL 10 action, Steele said, "The -decision ttc Counicil executive- by Arthur yl hoe learned by the workers o! Doweli, iecretary o! ttc Torenlo t-bis country with considerable me- Musir-al Proleclive Association-' gret. There cannot be any justifi- wtict charged thatlte C.I.O. vas cation In their minas. or tbis dlvi- a dual mevement le lthe A.F. cf L. sien in ttc ranlcs of Canadian and stould be expelled accordlng to workere." lte constitution o!flte Trades .and "Titis lx lte met of -a amali greup Labor Congress o! Canada, as am - of AF/fL ficapIascuc ended ut Its September session.- by Intlmid-ation and misepresenta- Wben the execut!ve recommenda- t ion. Il la nhot representative of lte lion was moud, calling for expulsion, rank and file o! the A.F. of L. President E. W. Sinf ield ruicd ltaI memhemsitip who 'kn ow thut unity there cculd ho no debale on te tof labor vax neyer seoesenîial In malter, as Il vas a question cf ttc Canada es today, when tile war la ceuncil udterig te Ils purent hedy's -being uscd as lte prelcat te gquete constitution and te vole vas culled mnaximum production cut cfteir for. empbcycdes whlie indusîrlalista meap1 Secretary Adds Word super profits5." Steele eid. Aller the vole o! expulsion vas "We ai: knowtat thous5anda 'o!f t I I I I I I I I I t! mem t ion r!) TOWOF -' "Who sý &Lq~A4 9tdd2 Auto Agencies & Dealers- - Daiie*s DEVEREIL MDTORS' HILLCREST DAIRY 308 Byron Street South PHOXE 301 Yon just ran't beat mllk (rom Hullereet I)air7 A7HITBY DÂIRN J. Cýo*ie, Prop. - lU Dundas Street Wou PHONE 770 U«We Try t. as Lumber &Fuel WHUTBY- LUMBER &COAL CO, LTD. F. LSmlth, Mgr. 212 pinoe Streiet - Phene 417 Lumber -Bigders Supplies Ceai -Coke - W ood ROBERT DEVERELL, PROP. 301 Dundas Street W. - Phono 429 Years of!thelest. war, however, thewhc nC ad-._ ____________ *hih I Caadathk- Upper Can-. Continuecj front Page li speaker pointed out that. Canada ad* Biblp Somxietv 1s' a branch. fo~r - B - *"I hope that as long as 1 sit on raised thirty-five million dollars j ok h ulsîgadcru-B k the bench I- will neyer again heu 'for the Red Cros. which teday la ation o1 thie scriptures. Bkre the term *party' applied to titis dis- operating under lUs own separite Avoteof______________Mr______ grâCeful procedure thiat went on Canadian charter.A oeotansoRe.MrPk_ from -beglnninq to end." Y4mafkecl Replyîng 'Io thoce who asked why:0?hsnprain! dde a A IN BO Y Mis Honor. ibis work was ntundertaken moedb' ev 1. LngOr Judge Coleman obgaervéd that the g6verriment. Mr. Omirns sald- CAKE SHOP when Doiiv Shaw. îestified 1last that. if it w as it would have to be TI l"1I EU I hre srp rp a hstles donc con a strictIy officiai basis, tIUIIUIIIU LIIUUII i len, reluciant witness. ' eid based on the principle of closest NNY LIND[CHUR. she ever gave cviçlénce at the pre- e<,<nont. -in whlch - event ihere v e CITY DAIR'Y ICE CREAM lirninar lilearing regard.ing O*Neilawudb ocac oths h ~ U 1I AL A Broçk Street North - Phone 970 entering the bank at Cobcconk and 'aes nlndh gv eeosy read - Betty Cakes - PI«. - Pastries, F01Ysfiin Apejuy hagewuýý Ne charge RIIIi tt grae teaytotOardthe Or ontatressed- by Mr.' ..U E BE S . B uty Palors laid against her by the Crown. The Cairns- vau that no charge had ever ___ next day <Priday) site vas like a bee macde for suppilies collecte totai'ly' changed person. I wa,&eryi~ and distrlbuted by the Red Cross Members Vote 76 to 47- HELEN'S DE AUT Y' much lmpressed with her and I de spite unfair and ifounded ru- think ste vas tell1ing t.he trutit eus1 tecotaywil n h.zarges C.I.O. Dua1 S A LO N *I have corne to thc conclusion ot.her point was that t.holisaflds 0 M vcnttoj.FLELEN TUEANSKY that she told tie complete and men and vOmen vere givlng fr-eeélv ___10BokSn ot hn abso:lute ruton that day. 1 ac- Of Uieir tînte and effort in 1 14BReSred'Nrh- hn 3 cept ber e%-idence thqt tte matter Cross work. witii necessary oprt Toronto, April 5-4-By a vote o! 76 Of FoleY wa% talked over beforehand ing expenseS reduced to a minimum, 10 47. the Toronto DisYrictULaboHOP andtht iý asdeliberaiely arrang- In ecioslng Mr. Cairs ai!d tit Council last night expelled from à ts ed that Mclnt>-re azid ONelli the Red Cross stands as hen ere ranks 35 CI.O. delegates repre- l'MIY E should take titis girl along -and haul sentative of the people cf -CnM senting the 5,00W Toronto memben AMiee Smith - Mm. Bruce Stiargeas MoeY Imb thelr net. She sald that and- that it cari one beliof sevieol C.I.O. unions. and dealt a stun-16 a KSTN.- RY U Gssien said *go &long., ffiey lik tnw-sfaras the people -of Canada arem n lwt t aerc h Cn RCCS.~ H~ 8 blone vmen, I aveno dubîwxi:ng e rlbU ~ ts g ress of Industriai Organization 1in specW inlaThermiqul egcterleu that 'remark wau made." disbursme(ts- ere linlte<i entire- Canada. Permanent Wavlng. IV rtll piifulte ec NeWtas. ît vaualso nem- When the resuiro h vtn a "I Wsarv, "id Mr. CaLma. tlaîmon", madle knowui, the 35 delegates rose. in lte box trying to devise an ex- be eoleced and supplies prosde seemingly bewildered, f ro their - C - p1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u astwh e 0111O i Uth a vlon ofo possible needs ever seitsanmd slowiy filied from, the au- four or f ive cheques fron thle co- in tiew. In Canada, he dec1ared, lte dltorlum. Within the spaoe of a few boconk bank viten he dîdrVt eVen people have a mInd te vcrk andi minutes they had loat ttc power Cefciee have- a batik ac.counit titere or any- they onw nteed to bla 5bowfl the viicit they exercised for years. ofST C IL vitere else He s&.ld it'vas te mlke existing need. votmng in- lte council. ou. La chteque to bis motiier. M The TIC oze cf thanka to Mr. Calmna The decîsion to erpel the -C.I.O , . !m"a m m vitole explanation wus preposter- wus moved b! Rôtarian Jlm MBeU. frmlte Toronto 0 couneil Cam as CONFruMuwiEmm oui. No judgc, no jury, no one. no great surprise. It had been iA. L se.a un. r.« jvoud beileve he spoke the trut' MeTtc aange fruit of the durian thc air sInce luat Septemaber when t 'I tlnd that he vent to get blank tree in bWaaya combùne a potnld lte Trades and Labor Congesao l-* B&xk Street S.uth -Phum 9't' cheques to e lali aatervardia WIh odor vitit a ddkom flavoe. 1 Canada, parent body of thte Toroto Ice Cream - Soft Drinks - Magazintm LUMBER HARDWOOD FLOORING Estimatft - lae827 1~ c -P S hors We Anni q6 PaWners & Decorators L, H. DUWMIC' O? EcLI STREET - PUOtE 3» <aive yensuo meu ae mew ut vinten Agent fer EateWa Wailpapen DONALD, MOTOR SALES DUNDÀS STREET EAST S E E YOUR NEAREST BUICK DEAL 19-133 a n'eau unau ILIL MIL MUT.MMILILM MILUZZI&16ýl ki Li -1

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