Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1941, p. 2

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- -.. r a'ytr PAGE TWO v T! TUE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRGNICI Ontari elaCsty's LeMalg airtogli PaStinlei orery Weanesdap mornni DY rimas Fu- Ilslolg Compaoy of Osawaa Lt.Ioiti. C. ࣠Mandy, Prealdeit: A. R. AlloSay, VIro-Proaldenti Graydon Mt. Gooasf slos Dirertor. Aayhert ln Caîsua $2.W0 s ciao la sdvsance: 8230 a ý'year O subscriters ln the Utisîi litaita or athon foneiga rounritie flie date OS WIid tne sobcnlptIoa ta palS #l ludicatis on the Sddeua salit.. Alviunlllg raies on applacation. J. H. ORMISTOci. Edîltw sud Basin.. bttasr. 0f flirt Talephone 703. WHrTBY. ONT., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3, 1941 Retain Individual Farina There are a lot of peuple cumiug forward with plants for the bettennoent of the lot of the farmers. Latent is a suggestion tirot the oalnatinou of the situatin la to ho found in the larger facmn unit aniti ownera merg- uuug Iheir landI and relinquiahing contraI te ait appointed execuli%,e. This would admit, Lt is claimed, uf tht use of expenaive eqaip- menut such as tht tractur and the combine, ta ould reduce lahur shurtage iand work out Lfl tire interesta of ail couceruied. The a huit thiîog savoura tua mach of -Grapas oif Wrath' which resalîod lu riathiesa cor- poratins acqaining whole tracts of land anud thon &mail formons sent treking fran place to piste littie botter thon mendicants. IL would ho a sorry day for Ontario if the cuiîtrol of farma were wneated f rom indi- vidas and vosted lu corporations. The ii-rinan .nay be haviug à hard enotugh tîme -.t i ke ends meet and hemay, e $em ed NB ut> wheni Se ei0e i4(WS5I 4try, but haotf4q e s n need ta apply1for r efe, Tosa nehd n ilages exiat becausa o! the Jntlîvidua1 fhr- mon sud churchesand schoolý aitain. Thora ta too much mss production naît for tht general good. Tire co-aperativo ides, wihichir l gaiaiug a foothold in thia province. lias munir to cummend it, but the langer farm unit proposition would ipoîl dors>. for agriculture lu Ontaria. The Golden Rule of Spending It wNould ni ho surpniaiug if usoful gifts houe o langer place ou thre Christmnas shop- ping list thia year. Business people best uîformed as tu the prohable immodiate ef- fond of tire new cogulation of tire Wsrsana Prîrce Coutrol Board peggiug prîcîs ni neanîn ail commoditits ste ni importaut iu- terferencce wîth tire grest 'uluine uf specLal shropping tirai taket place at tis Thre purchase of foreigVgsiu it ta felt. wlll ire dlverled ta lire boying of Ema- pire mtade articles iucladiug articles made un Canada. Tire pninriple o! gin ing prefer- etuce ta Britishr and Canadian gonds iras its ciuuttrpart in tht practico of huyuang as fan an; possnihle in tht homo communuY, where merchauts have a roputation foîr qoality nnd foir deslîng tu, xafeguard. and wire adjuatinents may hi made of anY transat- tuon ta whici the purchaser la dionatisfted. Whithy retaileri are placuug on dispian. uoîaly narietîes of nov gooda, anme tif t hicir t u pnasihly non er saw hefono - unside the stores. in show mindowa, and liat uthr shop a-indow - tire display adnerlîsement. Eacluer ahoppiung has eugeudereýd mn erm- lier C'hristmas spirit and part of then trt spirit of tht neaisun tai tht txemîtltficatiou of t he golden raie af apending Uc nionev i W hu1t il Shorter Beverage Room Hourgs A-ilt trîm tht fart thai thtei t of tht [tut of Wiithn, A hich do>en ,t op'r- age ronm au tene on o'ciock each nugi., msay bo heid ii sud in a-loy of s necent suprem'e n ort judgment qutang a cut.v of St i ath- r ir i la,%,s. r liro ta sgno%4n'g femeii) iu intint tt tht houns shoald he shortied h',re. la 1)-hanta titre tsa stottng agiua ,-n. -laid nup b_% dean thinkung people. lu han, Ilt o cite fi made tire clostng hou r, sud - ie t. tîoorcti han heen asked fIonmake s rer- i .dttnto tris tifeci to the Lit1 -r ni ni Boîard. For ahioma reasans f i n o'clockit n madt the cloing timn îune THE W IB GAZETTE AN cHRONICLE i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1941 [ ty lt dIe!!9ŽIE'L POIT% we ,.eve that if both mwicipalities wereAM RC AT HE RO S AD py rt n an equal basi n this respect, Whit- by t erage room POrit holdîra m ould 0 '. X.'"' raise to objection. Tie argument advanced an Whitby ithen ' the n cVîfl o'clock cloaîng bylaw was passed ths, urtailment, of houri would drive huai- nes, away from tOwNmdosflot hoid good , t mead it did not then, although somne pe, ,aebelieved it. We believe that if a caiosa of-the business section tas mnade todn, a good majoraty of the imerchanti m,ýId favour shorter hours for beer soul- irigparticularly Saturdae light. E But there ia a more Important aide to the qi.uýqtion of curtailed selling-houri - that ofthe restriction of expenesitures for beer 0A ti s, a time when we, as loyal Canadians, are i ojg asked to save our mnoney ta help fi- - iwce the war and make provision for the *e fore. Even during shorter houri, the * thitby beverage raots will do ail] the huai- 'e vesa they con hondie, and it os no amail , amount, judging frorn the patronage they 1 â ae now receiving. i Thinking of Others Thre closing woeks of tht caitudar yeai l-ad muat Canadiana away f rom tiem selves. On Noveruber llth, the nation stood itill fan a minute a! two ta recaîl ta mind hbi thoasands af bight youuîg Canadian noys who wslked agalit lesd anîd accepted a simple grave lu FlAnders un help ketp Canada a ulce place ta lise la. On Doceic lier 25, aId sud young are broght face to face witirtire truth tuat gi -ig is btter than recîiving. It seema f itting thon that tht asat days aI the War Weapaus Canopaiga should ex- tend luto thia period of thse ycan vien Car- adians penhapa ses a littîs ricaner the duty whch onue man aveu -te iis fellosman. Thetsuauicriber te a aaviats certificats as net a givor, o! course.& E.sseutially ire ig doipg himmatf a fine pervice in tire fact ihat ho is building up filtuspotat sec"ity and gttîug #,Md iateneat on his in 4ri~g1'is~i,~im a~i Wa ho p0 ti1ptes fla th proseat sa savingi camnpaigon ,îaalias serviughi ifl- lois Canadimna, Tire meaponi whirh va: saviugs money buys are vital ltireh ne, trop o! Conadian yeutbn. sho la tirir turu are standing ready in pratert mtirna sisters ad fatiers as disi tht yssang men of anothor generatian. Canadia nwlîl not iet their soldior sont doii. Whitiry will lot ho cantent se fe sont. Ici suhcrihe asn- 75% if its objet- tint In tire spirit nf Armistice Day antd Chistmas Day, the var weapeua campâign sbould ho broagirir ta souccisaful eclu- siou. Transition Periods Transition peiodi occon la tht ives af indn duals sud nations They take place ahen ont postes I nom one stage oaist- ente to auotber Tht lad who 18 pasiing uOni Youth to manirood expeniencet il. Oue fnottsaiutin the hnnkea voit@ and front othpr nugus tuiai devlopsent la takiug place Nattons exlterienre them.In. utire ast 76 'coars as Joîtmniras ererged from oh- scani' luobe hpn place lu tire limelight. to take her plate anong tire otirer leading *pations .She wsssi5ng tirrougir a trou- sition ptrnd. bot abat oie vilI do with * irr pneseîîî emergeacy rernains ta be aes Canada m eut tirrsugir a tisoilar exper lente Il II us unt îtv a baud raaed te travel Os tire North Amerucari continent tiretri porteuices are mocih ik In tire Orient ase tht peoplteo the Fatîirn countnui. tiren uuuaiiv haie tî cîttend witir theun sasi tpplatons. hot ta tht AinericaS tht eenigrmtion fmom t 5dioiîîlands langel-. Shapo-il tht desqtin ttof tht people. lu tht Oriett' utpeople are lreody in the roui. try sud it is n on asoatbor ta shape People- q. ita oespecualli' mien tlnere are !%,) mUY 'igloas and socual prablems ts h suir o routent Tht world itsel! ln a ps ing t hr-î.,gh o tremneudous ;ppiroavat It cao net ,r ire tht snme agaun. As tire Frenchr pasatd ibrtug ita reugu of tel-roi and la-lt a foctmarn of blond Irv ils% gcany saits.ý tire lsd trial Rti olututtu o! Britalu t strouglis flueaced b 'v tire Wesley Resut ai mati tht, Brutitub Empire an idoal place Ir shîst in 10 'e sud hnought il nearer tran ever ln Sir Tiruas Mont s Utopia, Tht rMdnt properîr aud aecurtty purge af Brt. ais iras,;taught thteflation ia a meut Practu ri mlaner tirai"mnudrues net lise iv brd aione' and Britaun ail be tire boiter fothet ruais tirruagir hirit 5h0ila p&asing Onteniruddena ta think o! tht sengeful -masacresto ta are detiued ta takon piste sien tire oppressed peoples o! Europe iai ty lu Iheir mugirt agaînat tire barbanoas Han- n. nisi ras rta iihast not anis ccuelly a trealed them, robbed tirein.o!thum saus- .8 tenan- n ad sent mnauy an innocent loved eue ta oblision lu soute coutuentraluon camp tl 1 r mdo tir* oirthusband or bnolier face fiiniug qua hptastse sopi saggering Paidnommàa r, wasdçn'-ta deati. 11~aI o bo ~ a - i WIrd tirat - - been ptf!gt af tiras. thingg< that do- buse manfrlnd and lifttd te a blýher pin- -patio bec*uise men seok net tireir evu wel- fart but tir. bon erment of athera. Mille Praducers Ask Aid Tire appial of île Miii Praducrn Associa- tien for aid, prmnsented at Ontario Coaaty Ceuncil Thursilus bri F. M. Cirapsuan, euem- ber af tire Mi"u Producers Assocfation, is based on tire fort tiraI a pnice vai agrted on betseen thon produters sud consumnera hefore tire bastc date sot fan a fIxed prine. Accarding ta IMr. Chapmau -Wt are feel- ing tire pincir pretty tadîy sud ila gettîng almoat impostible for a dairyman ta make co; da meet aLui more." Mn. Cirapinan pountd out uirat irigir sages lu indluaurr us aîtracîiug young men Ifrom tire farsu anîd en-euanme farin ownens are going into fcotos ntsd are aiandouiug tirir farina, vii riun iis estimation, viii seenor or latin Itail tu ofuod ahorlage. Tht pnice of produits oltire farm has ai- waya been govtrned Iîy suppiy and deinand. The fariner is lire only large group o! pro- daterasihicir bahad lu aie ahat tirey wer. affered and thiry have long fbit tuas situation ta ho unlaur. Witi tire prude ceiuug coming Inta ief- feet today tire situation fa a bit cianged. Tire fariner stull iras l take virat tire middle in offera hlm, bat thty rau st leait argue tiretrinte up a bit on moat af thirinprodute, except nov mllk, a price for siricir ias alreanly heen agnted upon. ai statîd hy Mn, Cirapinan. Tire middle man cau jusi seli for whiai they guI betiseen Septeinier 15 and Ocloher il. Howeven t la8ulikely thiatire retailer ni-tii hi ili- ung tu pay mare if hi ranI gVel more. Tire unit- plate tire situation sf11 irelp lire fariner as uheretheien a a aortage. And il f*tta ielpip t ting stance. as is rummon- y neponted, thon as airtage viilbon rneated. Tht govenumets action 4n extmptiug s large range of farm prodatts rmntire pnite ceiling A-pald appear lu ire aimed Iargely &t keepîng tiereniditmou's profit curired sud gaardsug againsl lufs-ngeinut on tire farinera tihare. Unlesa thitiexemptionI issverralta tii miii prude agreement enter- ed into hilare then basic date. tiere is littît tire mili pradatens rau do, except approacir tire goteruneul hrougi evenv avenue irssihlo and tiey mngbt even seud a dopa- Itation In Otawa. OF Base Ordnance Workshop Tire Depantument af National Dofeuce his receutly authonized a nos snd important unit a! tire Canadian Army to bt kuowu as No. 1 Canadisu Base Ornance Workairop, recruita for whmirh are nos being called and they are wanted qairkly. Tire unit will ho cempaaed of skilled tradeamen of a great mauy tlassificaOtlinstotalllfig Inal I1,q Th~ie Ba,8e Ordnauce Wanlcehop ~ a aiu~ dtyelopfnoast loitire Canadian aitmy. tire at ar tira Cauadiau corps depend eutirely, apon the Britisir nase Workaho4s in England han hotu depeudeat for ires repaira ou Britisir Workshopa, As oeev oui nois this van is ouievirichir l ieas meniranlzed sud ta seethtrt mecirani equipint, guua, tanks, armoured cars moton transport, tochiuial equipusent. etÇý la kept lu amootir opratiug ondin it la tcossany tirat akilled meciranics sdjuét snd nepain tirei. Retraits ap to 45 years of ags, medica - ]y fit sf11 ire acspted for overseai dut Local retraits airould appiy at theo Osias Armeurits. Tirose out of towu may srit sire or tîlepirout tht District Rerruitin Officor, Oahawa Aronounies, Oshrasa, Ont. Tire telepirone nanher is 2670. Tire uew unit silI take men fain 53 trades, aama of lirem wviiriare hireomin- tioned: meciranicsansd dri-ers for 25 and't 315 ton tanks; tecirnirisus, instrument ox- ptrts ta koep nestef ype raugi-findera and sar instrumenta lu perfect sarkiug ander; telephone, telegrapi recpain min ta ktep tire armyo s irtiossansd radia com- munication sysitem clicking; cooks, bakers sud buttions to keepth ie meunvira sili ketp tira amy rolliug, rontenled sud viii fed. If you tan qaalify for a place lu tint vital unit do not delay. tire need la urgeut. Young Man's War That thia la s young man .à a van ta di- rated fa tire annoancemeut tof age limita for senior officcra of tht Cauadian army iu the field. la tire British ir h command Sir Alan Broase replaces Sir John Diii as cui uf tire Imponial general staff and airer changea have bten annuneced whereby youager meu replace oider mou in impur- tari Military positions. No doubt tiret 5111 homach oympatiry feit for afficera vira have devuted thirt lives to militany carieroansd nov find tiemaîlves foncod ta iband oser commanda jîat at a lime sien action seins imminent. Quite lîkely tire nov orden is part nf tht prograrn fan making suri liaItirhe Cana- dîmu troapa vil have tire hest possible training and leadeairip. Titre ia a grovîng feeling tiratirhe Canadian troopa. partira- larly tire armoured unita, hase few equali sud no supeniora. Tire esprut de corps inas prime essential lna alvarfant. Our troaps troopé iad it in> tire lIstat an sd ail signa point ta it beag preseut agaiu. VIEWV Across The Atlanât icI fiBy HUGH TFMPLIN EtrofThe erus New«Recr Tisa the sttaad o1 a seriezdowisud s&Mn tht sîap-alap eofe of articles about canditinsia vivea agaluit the bottin iofGthe OretiBrltali ad itheolinu- hallgreir legi vialent asd thers' trios igiîted duringg it atokS isdaaPPtred - andi thé Clipper vu s5sei In Europet. h la arltion In the air. It clrclisi taer the sptcdally for the Con"aii esigeo f Newt York twure, galulat Weekly NewsaîseràtibY thtirl eght, andi thon tarnod oet over FergSnatews-Rttird. the marihe iand avampo and te the broad Atantic. Tvo shipi - WgarosteAlatcl ur r tl1ing the toaSt. Atett maygie ris. t tanî l Io othit but wves and Clouds fla Thtrt la no othet vay ta deacrilat tVory direction. it. No modern aovtiist hmirai?tild Wis5ltiialatAh.,. the.u&id tht story. It ois satal 9 0 Ba'a>. PlYlagthe Atantic. as I laad ho- back la the Arabia Nght i alitts fort, la purt mt.glC. Ont doet 00 magiecarrpets. tu irarua i tt hlis a nuize ît et f1 y as uia;o wax aIngo ad hii oaaaceMifil St- à nov asatnu t ir 1 hI5 tempi ta fty ovrramuch sarcososi bien dolng it foir 20 nia lupan body of aster, or ta Plegasa ith large ands alli, but u r or:t hi$ broad piniosa Clpper trilpa are thotn a ftw hourio ln.Tja mort modern hms aur literature. vai differeut. i tOf&&C&wth A arIter in ont populo? Amnen- twi others. Ont.ai o Young can magazine ricently trled te tilt Anarican girl Who idivtd lher sbout the flighit ram Neoarit tamonea' tfo a « il^indy Lliaon, but lac depoiaded he.ViY on Bermuda: the the Dtrt es photographs. Ht did say, though, palier mon réturin5 te Eurape. that thosa who laid crostd tht Illt PlanesaWu he#ed and irLiConas Atantic by Clipper belongtd tao tht dIioned. IEvon $heati coverna Moat exclustve cilb tn tht aorld. aotlda h tht fotîtto 0of lixury for it. Tht memhership fee vos $1,000 for vas tapetry jlth suapa of the leti na w ett and one reqaireo tineitntsansd menusl. Dinnar 'pull" btoidtu ta becomo lultloted Colatesi if cnsommes chicken itaa this aocttY. (Offlcilly, tht saa.icle cre5sudt e ternu la not plibut prlanitles."l) AIlthoetlU esmnua Perhapu thert la saine truth ta attempla ai Caindort. The real thsat. but lt doae ta sproiaitmatit waxt utalde the Windows va>. ta iptal af magie. ih'iry tlimt I laikesi out, the lassg, Ini many ways. modernscience altildif, palflttd vinawaa aith iers imaprovea asnaisen f airy stoal. it.th lie twa ahlrriug propellors. I alays had accru doubla about tht Par davu Iitlow us sere tht cloudi, dtirillty of travelling by tarpet tir we flew et 6,000 tau .000ftt hlgh about tht eacth. Tht tarpett vere tht air i ta lll sd thre.are, vWu aure ta ha driughty. If o - fow limpa. Il ia fertunate liai oioved tira aur tee tt ens 0w«,- wai dclousis ail thé way striai. ialas a dinger if fillng off. Andi Tht Atlantic, beau frosii -. that ifir &slthe lady of tht Arablal elght, grava deaperatel>.meot- Niglita aud the other a501mb itory Q uàshes thre air la cîtar but tellors buta nithing ofthîe actual uclouda are alays thanglus shah. livelinuso f tht vanld faf abats ond cler. tht tiaudis ad partlculauly &t tisa. The sali set biillIns a dstant l"t sUt, or the appriacir of -a Ikttsner- Of thilitCloud& whlch looted 01k. storin, ur alita a naüb proSitaOftX6U mitange ?5. 'A 1long itîf ita fu11 tIn t roilla1 the Path 09 YelO'W lglt Ofetthed ever planes! Nthig thty tveragin051- tht ashltens 91oJtht aalrW lycl&iit t@C tid eial eh.bosiut pfthe& Trt>.loôktelike maiS Pti 'span W14';at it la ilslmme t laeblo ispr ian. As tita.*In droppesid Jittg a4hOs rtast- âway d àke .Uante k 'lIe OIis ~fb IlitavÇi, Il vaà alrte ilýlt hbu At ew Ork1 Mt fve f te* UtIn lutht 'West thétef11ll eeuo t f dets ort I tu mt0f httht slpetron ustretciuod acrbvr t"ht tetrip lt, Engai stbueeta mateky, brllisut rtd at thre hantis, frein Ontaioisid tasfrasilmon-xg0cing ap through the pîllowas juýd treai:tht' bluet tatht deep Indigo ai R.J.:B.-K.-andvell and si hot> algat avtrhtad vîtai a tew mtari R.J. ittlan of Toroanto; Oavald Mayrad and Ionel ShaIro if leY rht ain« Montreal . The lait namasilitelves ttdss# Arand tsa Wia, mura of tht tUnte la Washlagetul Ntartug portugal, vo met a. 18gb and kbassNlew 'Yofrk, wblir vwas thunderatonu. 'Tis turne, tbtOllp- fortunste, for vea learnasi tint a Per ied unobît te rie. atOut it, Partuguese visvi acas ar>. hi b- ThtetClade wsoc.clau sa-aunsi&u farte vo hoardtdthe Clipper, astd pftSn at acre lu them, lite s thick thia ntqulced math runnini auad is*. Tht llghtsslg ug ana erous, sud the payment if tlght lrirus tai. ismeinws juat beyend the Anseriran dallara tO tht Potaguse ifs, but there wvasnone tesm 01 Embassy befort ai esiulared. lirunder abase tht raa-of tht mo. Itater iae learno s ut hia mach tors. Ilami humpy, toi, and lfa travilieri tirnougir Portugual havt the ltratthue, tao ladies felt "bs ta PSY tovard tht UPketp 0f Di- asi troppisi thesuselvas tu thie tatar Sasiosa sgovoranont.> tmats. For sons aillora, mois andi Thtelia Air&asysTerminal. osp- aumea alIte. it was Juat 0a novandi limite tht Grand Centrai Station injoyabît senoatlats. an Nia York, La. surily oint of the At iIga,. iiisteward <msde up Moist beautiflfan sd asprTOPnate the t tui. T'Matvia s fter ve lieds tlusrlintatire vend. Thitenu- laitt Bermuda, Thore v«e 23 pu.* tante ls a sainl-clcîofaInluh- aingers thon andinom for ttm hdck doora if Plate glati te ont ail ta silop. 1 haone of tht votai ,( tht uera pînatia. lsit tht punitiosa- ap Closs te tht vina talons, the pasatugoer satuda bi a suddliambir thrtt andi four eniglue, ' -vlug Îata YIrayltô a 9great bite-bat tht bted vas cainfortaeîtsu 1'out studdd i th atara. Orrllng Oece vas a rhrythm t tetht iOda. 1 rasa the doam tmthe igus of that Sos oothlug. se 1 slept volt lt Bsiar andi o bronze man alth Osaiede tht aludos thon, wuam aIg auailhi&t. Nit antil thetliny silvr of lita main ansi thg sceller neachiathe top 0f tht er>. iglat stari. 1'tirs dotas ho eathétitoffictaets of lomiAaysWo e' varlous sirsoia comanis si- NYta fllu t h tintitl agl aset he ru h ata. but. somotinata lu the hondeil ha tttitm Goumst l go- bord-hoodssi Amorlcas athe magie Lice mater huaet sia thriigh the ia ru. Foesii at t ar atthe rtar if the buldlIng. 3ovYTkong as utid aveuing s olugap ftlnrou ep &msofaSdhaire bttn ih Lition ou Widutad&y n. tans-tisuif pat re tlglit. Bat liuluhr four tuglut cltd away by tunnlslansd riada wasaut bthavlng toc Wall otn be. r tht alrpirt. ~ ~ tt o ak u i - lst Dlxifi Clpper rides at an- foratia six lNeuser. th t Olpp ir lu tht bay. It loak» tzactiy Btruaasix 1ck0heMte badset. a, 5 siroe ath vlaga. Tht aluga ltr shabs. On tht second try us nadeqaate - ast at ail tht a tcliss tht Azacti bat allai 'nor aiseof alaga 1h51A laig hrtinone Sist5 d itset a shah ta gras If it lb. lag tenglfor îtimesi a ta, flY 4,0W0 milta or more the u gagn de s ew * utt tac dsya. Bat the tour Olllsate thet i laandi of tht 9 Wrghtmotrs lok ffiien group andi se turutd bai totaMor. s Wtah mtor laS ifîîtt ta, abere the Atlantic Clippel e: gai te drive thelr three-biadtd 1*ý,oelon ldefùùely.rami aloug oand picktd unug-ptL. AluullRo ludtfnl.s.tg a us herat of tht way>. EVer 1 uls-Koaes a onea alIts 51555foaid rau short at lmst btiore Sa Y",-fu easogera left tNewdov ddo out of t>tIs daues In' hersDixie Clipper tdCay n ih au ie tLht ba, -nort thon hlsf if the tnsiaytd ason tulte a gtuat s sive titan l' esa hTe>ours sd inlthe s&Wr iteisiof tus. eonm'irfotmeais Inui fSth eurge .- .1 asl23,and hati dons saime 2,M5 ,frteetamluii if flylng. Clin-er la as large as a heuit lu- AdthuitsornSttT aidean su taIts the tleven men An the ar gau.thia rne latasittr Of t -e crts aut acuasd luanothimrIfotheuarglond. hstmehse ramn whlth tht paistUgerneveo r ___________ It -ast 20 minutes tu get tht HOG?8OflTION Dix" Cipper Sp off tesaler. It tuxI,- bact and f sr.h aoirrtht eyinsy lathet a arkting >.tti iu4 Mitl lotniit>. m2milaf. es MI

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