THE WHITBY CAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1941 CORRESPON ENCE PROM THE RURACENT ASi BROOKLIN ASÃ'B1URN Nsaf Corepodet (G. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n M.s Whte Corr.). whclaoenmaeb a e."alnet ·g of the Porward Bible Class w BrckG. Dec W2-Mrs.C. Boe irs ad thso usdedb et saent he Calg on friends (Mrs R. Beren Musclldut loer thrOlughout ihis dis- held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (M.,Clark Correspondent) Provincial Convention, held ln Tom and dlauhters. Mary and Dzrzh these. There was also a1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerrmw en's Guild ofe ur Church ar otP iha eo ern ereSoto usa vnn, PfCEEUNO, Dec. L-Miss Hr-: ronto reently, were given by Mrm rin Terento on Thursday at- !ances used to bleed a patie, and an2ld-Mr. X. Gerriow, Wrhitby, spent well pleased with ýICess ont pot over CLP. B. last Thool choiraing ov. 25, witha are t rie-presento rieend McCue of Toerosnto, Mas a H. 0utBhllen and isDaynhe. inan Art exhibit in 'which a also for vaccinating. Mrs' S. gdywhrelatives ln Uxbridge. luck supper anc i,:1 put on laot ing . . prga a urd b rn rn- of rth r lSmireet. Vpreside nt we-nd guest of he ousinr Mrs.t o. Baoile and e da her Postgt wer piincludedon addes by " pekin of th e. M= Crosier disposed by Wednesday evening 26 2 n t'j Tambly' DrTug Store, Toronto, of absence of President Mrs. E. Red- M.adL .orydJnt, fStuvle, er th Mse J Graha en t fe w asue yteeal etesai housetold effects en basement of the ch e1h. After. 'he whcUr wte saae.Ms o ri. A. Boyes, Mr. and guets of Miss E. Murray, on Tues_ Mr, Gahnimet fm iis se b te ary etle 8J lleSatuMay. 'The- sale was well at- very appetizing hP' supaper was Switser, director of Muic • J h etn pnd ihasn-Mu . BOyes accoMmpaniBed by e day. ous adJe 4n Toronto this wecek. sang a ruwhich uded tend6d and satisfectory price were served to ail the ,age audience was school, as well se a nmus ofo thle Ths etng c u foened wit ascig- Mf r.A. B oand Murs. W. Borts Tok nhe e oie-nd essie - Mrs J H Jones is spending the S ing aligie Rome. Drink MO realised. comfortably seted within good sochools including Asbr SoOI the on, wih, was flowedby anrdp ofrr Tmto, 'pn Suayi otRra ettewe-n nHah JIee walh franIds, in Toron to, ýoJïth Thine Eyes, reAnt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crosier and view of the stage when Miss Olive deserves worthy praine for the fin ue redn, xpaton ndPrywh Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank- cote. wit their cousin, Mrs. J, -MsJWSurofPtroo orPtesadImm Misn Helen &pent Smilday ln Ta- Currie gave the dlferent characters Selections chosen and Sung in good praer bys Mr.ue Wye.Minutwees oflad .4.Fatmly White mr.Frie f M.C '.pkyset la visiting with her sister, Mrs G ofnt Jeathe Mrs. Ewoo mrasie andt of the play, «Meet : he FamIly», Mr. wel-balanced harmony by tetels nulmeigwr ed D.B an n r.Pws f Ms .W ikysetMna de. Hunterl hrrough Mrs. Th chldr« n, Walte Ker actedd ase charndn chir Th elcto by Secretary Miss Margaret Scott. Toronto. were guests of Mr. and in 'Tronto with hier suint, Mrs. E. The hecrne (f Mr. and Mrs pyd 1interpretation of these numYrs R» calng the gatherig to ordeir by "«Dea ,adO oe,e Tnagi ere Two letrs rmiMrs. Tez ns reMrs.. Ut. PuhonFiay. hs Be u, olafi, o o h Parkml vas the sýene of a happylher opening and closing ,,,g Wa« A nte uheAddnei singing "In M y Hiear, Themr igg C Ladon'oeT agi- radi byt M5 rs Smth.e clpotand aPriateWma. Da lae as been lae. Pc v's f northvt ofnh ven t on Tueýdav- night when a i"Long. Long Ago,"', with -s fine the township hall loi Thursday a Melody". Those taking part In the "Were Yu There WhN g eyirfiul eain o $iss for the upport epaensMr and spedin E.everal days'laewt ilaen, wasa he of atviy to )rg n na f relatives And mntellectuel tirent the mneetin might evening, $13-50 was received for the play were Mr. and M4rs Herb. Ash- cIfied My Lord?'" eyrDduainofMslaeaieChns i aetM.adMs .C Frd Mfen, wahen eal to wol tri, mIe*j,ý t a hrhir daughter have concluded, but Un fGr Telegram, B..P. , Taei tables ton, Miss IEdith Sm:ýth. Misses Plor. Boys and girls attending âchool girl. ang.hnrdmn ahrdt epi Marrv wah V a shower of giftvl tueprsne th e MBr on of crner-lyi adMs ence Doble and Heien Jordan, Mr. ait the present timne do well to take Mr. Wylie took charge of the T'he many friends of Mise M. the raising of the new barn Io re- hoo inher mharriage in Tow 'q Kenneth Reyvnodci and Mr. Joe advantage of the time spnt in the election of officers for 1942. Resulte Gimbay repeaed tro know réethat e a h en desroye by fIre abs east %-k Ici Mr Clyde Rcbjinson %ention brought her repe' which Wlon won thgt pdie for ladies; Richardson. Each One imnperson2ated study of vocal music wlh a good are as follows: President, MISS Bea- ahe as roered ronher eetw ao enfo anntn of Bcwman, 111 Her linen. bedding ias indeed a nisep e ;egave consolation 8. Bul'gee. Pirat prise very well and ca red rnuchl Marri- instructor and in latter years will be trice Mountjoy; vice-president, Mr. atako nuo .Man1lla, Sunderland, Derryville and s iie ncr stal with a number of on.y thelliighlight of toven- for gentlemen Mllr. Allen Goode and Ment throughoml the three acts. well repaid by many happy hours Powell; secretary, Mise Margaret An number fon Frdeteig, alerent orte jone wuithun the- vecddIng pr-sent; were on display in speakers a t ctirl ofubje oslto ly aye acn Miss Currie acted as coach for, the in the home and community with Scott; treasurer, Mirs. Donald Yel- i htyo rdyeeig t et ftecmuiy ne h ednlrr d r r ý Parrinde amis- Miss Agnes McPhail Wa, mcheon was enjoe until 130 a.m. Four Cathierine Fiher plan whoc is anne inpiatole la.-c kout co tryee, to he ingt nrsy aA t in T Wlocnr edi in the unwra";pning cf the show- ýuest speakers and Mrs Eizabeth guests, Reeve King, Uxbridge; ment, vocal solo also by Mr. Wake. yÇ.adM.gtanw ebr rgaain he' job to a sucessful completib er R if - nd Mi rv expressed her Hammond spoke during e-e O'ý the Reeve MeMullen of Brock; Mr. him, guitar accomnanimnent; com. Toronto, visitr relaie in th vil mitte, rm. R. I atliffe, Mr. Mem huchbevr fth iPreyte at hors Lter Mrdis. Pof th ads apprecla ueIn f- e l i the lovely things3 -sslons on PFropaganse a trite Turbul munity singing 'God Save the laige recently. Churc heret Mery muc Laprecncte asitd ytelaiso ted haut the baskt, contamted A con- exceript fromt Mirs. Hamrnd's. ad.. • rpeetn dm King" concluded the evening's en- A metin of don Re rs il cott, Mis E. Lawrence. Luch y the lndi EdnisratIons eann tricth inrn supperso. helw est in nam'n fruit-% provided a around the world, while ti truth la Grader and à &r. Volney, represet- tertainmlent, be hemehe omte Red rss orlo commteMsAnmt, Mrs. A.Gomn.Cd C- dA, of the Revnigar C rem, To. The bamry work l e miMA gamni and a f, numibers were sungt tying up its shoie laces.' Irm the u mg ROad Reourfacing Co., Indl Mr. and Mrs Sanford Imisignl of Pisher oat Th mea of Mhe Gordo seton , Mrs. . oodman. Good st heer ý B.a., o Mo gd ehta Church, To Th a ,ern, o which stwmi unie at, th, close cf the unwirapping Of address of the presider of the donated $4.00 tol help defray cos. Brampton. were recent visit4rs with Qauiting will bie detne ais, secety Mrs. Joda. Weatson. Pianist rtoh h ad sexchaed puMashllo eieters f hc ilb the gift Provincial Federation. Mrs. E. .0fpie n al tk o Mr. and mrs A,!hur Silver- oiesapitd o tnwo-Ms .Gomn Tahr-au ihtemnseRv .Mrhß rected at a later date, la one hutn- Mrs~~~~~~~~ Ralphs Wood hfSuhPa-Dklhlute etre otl caretakrg Mr.fdsJr dan and daugh- is hoped fo attnance ary and February, Mr. Wm. Dyer; the latter being special speaker at dred feet by fifty feet, and when êupmre, has been with her sitrof a.ppreciation expresso in Eng- futume meetings. We appreciate ter. Helen. also mi,, Futh Richard- A good addresa wa given t arch Mr .W ebr pianvraysrienteTrnocmltedl, will be one of the biggest Mrs O>rr Venning for the pas: land for the gifts of seeds And cloth- this greatly. COMe and help bomb-i son were in the city one day last Burn' Church on Sunday mornin Maiy and JunelM.; P ug.t Prs; chuch An mottnmodern barns ofidnt Pt-icker-a week Thie sa:e of hcusehold goods, ing sent by the Womie? ' Institute ed Britain and enjoy a sociable led by Mr. Shepherd of Toronto uy r oel uutMs . Anme flclreiet ,-ig'.nhp 'nd farmt implemrenti which took of Canada. evening. The datte.-December Il. Ratcliffe; September, Mrs. E. Hed- tended the funerai Of the lote MISS It la of the open truss centre type e hc o Eneda bugtin Mr ad rsTewiagrand Mr. idon; October, Mrs. Acton; Novem- Agnes Thom, of Dunbarton, whose with timber ends and steel sides. pnid euns'de9a Mroh and Mr . and Mrs. cPeronan dugte The following letter was received ber, Mr. A. Smith'; December, Mr. interment took place at Erskins Thle main floor la reinforcedi with veenmnn arý monn le a farma at Shirley of Oshawa were guests on by Mrs. A. E. Spencer Roy Ratcliffe. Cemetery. A life-long résident 0f steel eye beamsn and steel posts. The 'Alton, which they have pureniased Sudywcir n Ms onEgad Nv o 91Avte of thanks was tendered thé districtl ..Miss Thom was for stables, built to the usuel heighit of The Thocmpson friam ha, be-n sold Graff. Désar Mrs. Spencertehs n ots n h et ayyassceaytwsrro ternfeetfrl sityhoprpse, fril shel- toM ly tnlve ikre Mirs. Dingman has '-t received The parcel you packed for me ing closed with the hymn, "Blest ithae Eskine Cemete Bar lend teir, narlixty hor. f rung i cel- r e %raspianent of Red CrrT a Most interesting lette from her was ln perfeot, condition Yu (M. 'l Luery. Cori. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook and Be tTi ht Bendc in ds" anLi-Ue eta e atlr it vrfe ow the h l nn FfMr WMelad an- hubn.L p.RyDmmnwt aen hti en ou yrtle Station. Dec 2-A pieus- AdyvstewthT nofrnspaBndctn.Lchaserve spt-hce jhad herlpe to be bult ajacntee topig he baman 'lmthe ellin rivplan clot- ithe Canadian Army Overseas. over hoe to get a parecel like that ant afterinoon was spent in the on Sunday and a pleasant social timte &pent. tify also ait ,dacn to he baen, huand kng ir lae quoilts rlan one mgl Among oather interestmng facto hé imom friends at home. We cannot Bunday Schcol roomn on Saturday Practising for the annual Christ- The Women's Association met ln The inemb¢rà of the Conirades gallons, whi h wil supply the ham *bed qiit iv gqils aofis wichl tells of his leave spor in London buy that sort o'f thing, no It LA a when the Hearts of Oak Mission MaU entertaâinment is well on the their monthly meeting Wednesday Group ef ,tl, Danadiafi aitis.dn_ with water. Itncludii r ive co)ats, five skirt.s. rive when he was a guest ai the banquet real treat. Bond held the regular monthly ay the, big event will Lake afternoon in the church basement Training wuinted to do somethifig T. A. Wilson. contracto reports sweaters five blouses and five pairs for EngIleh Advertising Association I wrant to thank you and all the Meeting and entertaIned the moth Place On Friday evening, Dec 19. with President Mrs. F. Goodman ln for the 'lalegram's British War Vie- thtlat the barn ill be rushed to comn- of bclen ers Tnty boys' pajamans, when the speaker was, itens the rest of the 'people of the Man- ers of the memnbers and the mem- whlen, it ts expected, Santa Olaus charge. Prayer was offered by Mrs. tims' Fund. With thIs perinisition of pletion to accomumodate a large 8 yepr old size, tan girls' swear- seod}retbo ocr nLn hee e rmBceyfrgoing br ofe the Auxiliarye Afe h ilapa npro ttecoeà tn. nteasneo h h rsesadt piqpl heysipment of horses, due from, the en(12 Neer old size) and five 19ad- eo tr don. Seated next to him Was Mr, to the expe116se, and trouble o oening hymn. "Tell me the t Oreof the program and will distrtibute. secretary, Mrs. Ray Scott, Miss B. held a saletiof home-made .candy ait vest, and Ohe eastern provinces. les sweabers Thert wvere Also rive Frank England famous as a .jour- sending It ovS oif Jems," Patti Gkervan, president, gifts from the tree. Mountjo acted. It was voted to the village school at the nlotn hour 0. F. Coites, principal of the local chidrn'sswatrs f aroussiesnalist and for World News. l(r I am feeln 'in mnd wokng _he altory of the birth of Christ Mr. W. D. Thompson of Brook_ send half of the proceeds fromn the on Fiday. ehe supply wa.a. hr oniuto coorprsta $n to ais f its ndtheeEngland ham three children whrich hralte ge.Tsisare as told ln Luke 2: 8-9 Prayer was inshpebyCPRatoruh Junior Farmers' banquet to the of meeting the hinge dehad and up .to thé end of November, the þcaves Th nay atices hic were sent to Vanvouver laut year. ,onr en Thryn is là a gS offi by Jean Duff l'The First bred Jersey calf to avmith Pails on British War Victime Fund. when the last piece had vanlahed, pupshaecnrbtdheumf vs for the quo'a frh Boki Following the luncheen hi& pn rait onyoetog.nmn, Was heartily sung for the Priday. Mrs. M. Beath, Miss Mary Dyer the giris were the proud possessors one thousand, one hundred and me r ea hynkw MrEg d Be)vat d ndt that ls ta, a prepaired in the ra Christma The mythical stork arrived at the and Miss Bessie Smith were ap- of sxdollars for the ud. twenty-ninelar nt h e beenea par f it, e era aptnseveral historical places in Lo00- event of an envlon. MoCartney. Audrey Cook and Nancy home of Mr. and Mrs Reid C;ok pointed a committee to, wor with seen by the scientists, wos the sub- up of nine hundred dollars worth Pairs Cf long seaman's stockings. den including St. Pauls Cathedral, Tauh i l.eeyn sWllaga pretty number, "mel onsnabign ote iteMs ilri eebrn u ect of an unusual paper given at of bonds; one hundred and nir.ety- J iepiso emnsoko St Clemeins Churoh bombed tin'ee cheerful and 41rendily towarad un. ChUM 's Prin le Juw. Betty bA1byh daughter, boys ln training at Christmas. the Novemiber meeting ef the Wom- five dollars worth of certificates. liepis o er helme. on times with monument in front etill They try to Mi us feel at home Je1 ne rea thBtr fLn 3iaBttyl KIrkim who ts work- Miss Margaret Scott, Mrs. D.e' ntt g .theoeof ndhry-urdlrs orho kin.w Thr w e natan ThOdCuiui wherever we g111. L î# the tece.9n . sPelnt Monday at Dyer and Mrs. Whiteoke were ap- er.n ,al Éeae y.h stamps. The &tamps have been pur. also arysu snto h uota Shop of Dicken's rame R" lsi s iis ln letrnw Oa ly e edtepointed a committee to remnember presideot .>A. t. Xichardoý chasedi since November 12th, when mdupctwtutencswt-splendid healt- but finds the Eng- it ls ahnost 1 #6f out. I want to mi fthe &4O, Meeting i nd -r EllwooT0d Masters tihe shut-ins. 'thée « y ign mbln g Etg the dre for, the I purchase pf e,ý : two cares wonre turtl nea lsm lmterte od wish Yeu all à very iMerryr Christ- and edlie the mil hid ig-w mIuTpdy evening visitore ut Jeu ebr Whe @ ,And depIt wi atamp was started. tÃin the alm « lucin tn s.rsofsoks tre hl. Th MssonBad ees n ai- mas and all the bout of luck for teen npelbers de.DOd wthl frIends tleWrdFreswssn y th t fgg a the school to raise ten dollarsa mets fcur skull caps. one pair of urday this week in the boisement Of next Year. Duff ffad an interesting. short mis. r Gordon Barton, who la re- Miss Mary Dyer and Mrns. David the labortatories, *Irich will ::évolu- week with stiamps. 'Ibe puphis and htalf mitt-, and one body belt the church There will be the reg- Thanking you again for my par- sionary story. The mission Band I vlg the C.P.R. agent at West Dyer. Mrs. Allan Mc-Kenz.e gave tirnis the social life of the future. teacher& are to be congratulated on 1A numra of donations camne in uihr program of games and a tirent. 1e, I remin purpose .was repeated in unison. Toronto, was home on Monday a very interesting talki on "Ber- VIry Interestng reports Of- the their enterprise. 'his wvek which were- a woollen Services ln the United Church ce Ycur friend. "O Little Town of Bethuehem" Remember the bazaar and hot sup- umis"' Lunch was servedt. "nlket Traim Km Charles Wilson. weme ta.en on Bunda by Mr Ken- Iwood Crmsier. %cunq as the closing hymn. followed par ln the churdhi baisement on The Decenber meeting will bie a quilIt irrmt Mrs, W Ccoper. two nethi Juli preaching ln the morin- 'by the Mispah benedicIian. Band- Wednesday afternoon (todaRy) under held on December 10; topic, "The iguili fremi the Faithful Workers ing ad Rev W H. Whylle of Ce- %riches, ookies and coci were ser- auspices Of the Faithful Workers tyofOrCisms ecl, group. two quil'.s firaim the Friend.. lumbus giving the evening add-es Green woo W- h, theý bond m-e.and Sunday scObol CI.,s <Adt,1 sitor the r Chritm. Cie awrlK1sS ship group two, wven scarves fraim The Faithful Workers group, brought the afternoon io a close. Mirs. E. M. Chisholm has closed with "F.h ie Clltma beanre Mrs. Agar and three sweaters fromt mets et Mrs W Arnold's the Lend Messirs. Ewood Manrs Jack hier house for the winter and with witha "Favorite Chitma Ca rs.T Miss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r MowbravOD ofc aý v Han WtM.PodJns Krkham and Jimi Cooper attend-hedagtrMsNrenielftPoarecmt be r (Mmn A, Booker, Corr.) The theme of the meeting was Rev P 1 Jull was in Ottawa for and the Reliable group nt Mrs. N Mce pn .ewe-n nT-ed the funerai on Wedneýdey after- Onl rUesd er niToronto where they andtt Mrs. Whsitke Elcion of Sof-Knaete.t-heWmns"ec" he8rpuelso a teI wk-n wi her hteaondUcited JMWies E.JFiiApi theswe ronto In hits absence Mr. George noon, et Pontypool, of the late Mi;résde ni M s pri ficers will also tke place, fIssionary Society will meet at the read by Mrs. J. Stell. The special serc i in thev o Stw a Unie s E sien oiMrn sn the West of Ashburn took charge of the George Wilder, section Mani, who M. and M. Prd Hinton. Aud- brome of Mrs. Rédige, Greenwood, Speaker for the afternoon wa Mrs Churci~~~~~ mOaanSud Tswk-n wthM.adMsW church service last Sunday. His died an hour and a half after re- rey. ILrna and Gordon, ira ITronto. The Women' Missionary Society mi Thursday. Dac. 4, at 2 p.m., Bert Harvey of Brougham. lx the chuirch which is supporting ý;mIt.h ldfenswrpeadtoeendceivng terrible head Iiuries when were Sunaday afternoon visitors will meet at the home of Mrs. L' tandard Time. This Is an Import- Mr. and Mira. H. Parkin, Mrs R. *Rev aind Mrs Paul Christ.ensen a! The name of Miss Marn Hames hear rest agrpai t e n he wass#truck bly a C.PR enPgine on with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Carey. Ellens on Tuesdiay. December 2, nt meeting. Mrs. V. Parkin Is ln Young and Mr. Stanley Parkin at- #emer.t>)n ý was mnadvertently omaitled fro Boan Mr s Prll Mnrr.oda onn.Mrwle a Ray Carter spent the week- .when election of Officiers willi asoaag ofteporm"llde eddtefnea nTrnols No progr ami of the Womn i In- Central Area, Convention. Mary Dmt Joe Carke. Toltnto, pent Msn on hs eloy e gonig. Mr hisde wu n marg hos parnt atm AhILhm eed luiome wen ek fua l c los f rinte lat stItute hps proved MI,,, K W0ir of AUdlev reprie- d a k it G rno friens Sun- wor at anvre nd t i Congratulations are extended to A catmnRyLdeto tuetPltRbr uhi h ehan the, of Wednes de lasi when sented Brooklin Junior Insuatute. Th on epesUin mtudrto hti a hl r- Mr. and M. Rleginald Mitchell Mrs D. Moffat, of Oraina, who cela- lalifax, NB., la spending a twe was fatally injured ln a plane crash th tee r heda asHitr- Th unorFrmrsa d nir last Friday eveming at the home of invi to remnove the velonp>ede fram an Mhlren ofToronto werle Sun- brated her 80th birthday at her leks loave with his parents .Mr. ln Eastern Canada. IcalI ^ ch Mrs P Batty who Insmuiite havi poStponed their Misses Doreen Laurette and Jean th rai that he receie the fatal dyvston with Mr and Mrs El- daughter Mrs. Rickarda home lnadMr.CclDnyadchden rsSderoGenwdspn -lr i1rra Renc nIsr yh l ei wee n D h nex we On Sundsv Pvening, December 1Mr Victor Mitdhell was home Mrý and Mrs Albet vyr ned Nuew te ro hisN loality wer Mdr. ls o u MmC Lgtors wih Br.édayi twekwthMs.W fin, rci line cf this phase of work Township Hall The Speaker for th orenth at 7.30 o'clock. Miss woih hi parents LaSt weik Heas day evending. and mrs. Geo Scott Mr and Mrîs Thsyptyothcmuny Tesholhldnarhrda entin 1 i ar' his-oith Pin- he et rouowronb MtVirue urr ofTornto wil gve ,tak ebenn ranfered romBaria o M.rOareceSookattnde thrArhurRos, M an MroJnes- extnde toMr.Llod ModyonforkprathsngCor rhe shritma ers Phe p, c1 f the etlemn-thof Osha n howp pMIure of Chna the TMrnto funeral nc Moda afternoon ofe bitt, Mr. and Mrs Gordon Scott, thexdeath tof his mother, kirs. concert under the leadership of lr r )1 of Lae Oeiintrof Mr andMsJ .edofPit Burmna Roadl and Canadien Girls- Mr, and Mrs Jay O Boyle and teltM.ArhrTopnofMr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, Mr oreMody, who passed away Mrs. Routley and Mrs. P. Rtogers. ilh r îict.he Trulls Canants Ail Baril wre guests recently tith n-rnngTu tin laudrchdren and à m. Fred O'Boyle, of Oshawa, wha was a former neigh- an Mr.To.Sot r.Wsot ry na onn thrlt r n r.B arsadci. andi tine'r skill mi the M.y Alice Over and s&s D White. th Mlýas picsfthent Sunday pehoo Oawao o were gust o Snda tar he hé resided at Prospect. ans dyntMs aae Scott eM and unie ln Oshawa, following a se- drein of Downsview, Mr. and Mrs Os- r ýT-1 1 mn carmsl for the TLhere wul be a quilting in the Mionarvi th D par ent. eypr feno fMs .Ool Mr. Frank Downey of Uxbridge, Mniss Edyt ott alsho M ndil re luness. 0. Barker, Misse Pearl Laycoe, 'ick ! ,ýarity of frod rf basýement ri t.he United Church [ni nie t epeet Mr. and Ms Leslie Magee Of spent the week-end with his par- Mr.Wl ct fRcmni r. and Mrs. R. E. Mowbray and Marg. Watts and Veronica Gaynor, noM riael andi nf the mnanv on PMdui Leêginning art mune i.m Mis IEiva McLean. of Toronto. Oshawas&pont Sundry lith Mr and ents at their home here. 1and many others Mrs Moffat 1s s.ýnlly fpent Saturday ln 'Toronto. and Mesurs. Joe Elliott and Bill Pr" ts early seeders had Standlard timte aland cousin of Timmins. soein& the Mrs John Grant. An extra gang of CýP.R. men air- the last of the former generation :.i"he Mark family have moved to Manning, were visited during the to V. 1, he qurted prices In The Bm S.-out-s were reorganized ek nd wh rnendMsM- Te orty-treasurer of the rived eairly Monday morning wioh ofSotsronto, toherte Mr. Mari has se- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. "1 K, 1 r I 1- >k two buli of rn Wedne.sday night with their MIrtls brançlh of the Red Cross re- their boarding and sleeping cars Mr. and Mrm J Guy (nee Miss ý'Led IL Position. Hocker. wh ra a poind of tes and a Iede ogain t. be, Mr. Math w el suEd Mrs. Sadler and Eil- ports $37.15 received by the Myrtle and equipment for demolishing the Bessnte Roberts> and soni Bob and 'ngratulatiohs to Mr. and M. Misse Leur& and Violet Badier, pan ~ ~~~~~~ rai'ndlas r g 'e 1fiir tr e ale Anr Eri Mr i sited with Charles Lu rin theI recen canb.e for fns vehdbrgewtofheilg.Fedeegut fMrRertfr gwoweemarried cn ccompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. P l rihr mois mr nt.eres Bi- adDvdBulihPto Mrg and on of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Perrin and The old bidge and atone work wNaus hits birthday. day last. Mrs. Wagg was thé Jones on a trip to the Queen City 19P il i h,r g, it grane- \.est ,i>Atant Patrol le>aders jea. ,d wh1 atr% paTront KnehsfTrno radMs biti 83we h ..Lmi Mr. and Mrs Harold Hayes vie- 'nmer MISS Mary Jones of Brock- on Tueda last. 48a w-e in raiendid re. Bi. (,ranam and John Thompson Mr end Mrs, Pýaxtotn. on Suinday, Al.n Pritchand and S1hiriev of line from, Toronto to Montreal waus lited on Tuesday with Mr and Mrs. Missl Muriel Bell of Wrhitby spent ra r 'i-aýilence ant in ' r T-,,urer John Thomp- Mr And Mrs Plaxton returnedi taoiOhawa, visited on Si, day after- in the course of building and had to Frank Hayes, in Toronto. ý. he Women's Institute held their Friay with her mother, Mrs. W. gh 1on arly2tie ci There wle-enthirteen boyv out Toronto with them for a short visIt ræn with Mr. and Mr, .1 Perrin cross under the Grand Trunk line Mrs George McKenzme .ne is Ulmlair monthly meeting at the Bell, Br. n C T n eroln h-r col- ,n Wednesda , ni ht and fifteren are W¤adMABonadsn Mr. and Mire. Jamne, l^e and running froim Whitby to Lindsay. erudWber etoMnd me Of Mrs. W. W. Gee, Greén- Ralph Lee spent last week with fr Ppi which had ný, regwe'red Thneir Meetings are 1311, tvhited frid so n ,,e girls of Greenbank were Sun- This Ls another old landma&rk to od, on Thursday aftrnoon lasi relatives in Utica .nm I, i te eti a foldmeR held Pa 'iWednesday night At 1 30 ti en Sunda fied in Toron- ar visitors with Mr And Mrs, W bie removed and the lest one in this evening of last week to be with lan à ni :taiig bulet Sandarý ome A on numbl Jniv 'Oook. district connected with the old George who le stationed at. Clairs- A I-iloev miscelianeous ed r• skaine ai Oshawa Aena T he annual meeting of t-he Wo- 0 T.R line which wa done away holmt Alberta, as instructor in the The Eèvening Telegram British War Rh n n a e t the home of, Stoida" nighý rrn'g Association toill e held ln with lagt year. R.AFVictims' Fund. MramM- enad os nsa- rmaydepartminent of the We are pleased to welcomne to our R H NST R rr Mr-Murray Rlobison, F nd«y School roomI en Wednesday SERIES CUTS village Mr and Mrs Lorne Duff Ç A prise Angus heifer, 750 pounds, BFMrR YOURtr - e i St G n MCodeovnem r if wok 1 pro nitemjrn et w BgtaIly, also Mr and Mrs. *R ondbi .Mous, of Ar rT e, - ýý ' a pn eo h reGei h itr nll , atence. of. m, mrs e, dfte ooo le Frmsthat sorc hehsMs emn nyis rn r. h ae ue ok .eM nI Lazyn Mry e --n wee-en wit Mrs Ji James and wegigi"ae678ponst1 ungrý aR aILroyHri HITA ERohrrlaie et onfrteRylYr edacots e . bLnon .y _.w Biih1 E R"'F .- - A'e AveypetywddnUwssle-Hte.Te bree-nuswn