Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1941, p. 11

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v l M4ay, DCe*smoive ,'94 H HIB AElEADCHOIL0Pg II*ARIEDRED, GREEN or NATURAL SEITAAS b.211 ]PINEAPPLE lb ~ 2 ~25c -77 E EE~ AINS 1 - -a AISINS, RECLEANED 1I ~NTS"19jC PHONVE 328 CITRON P: M. 49C SHELLED ALMONDS . GREEN m au [e49c& 5 AGIG DI WE'LL DELIVE] 5c [FRUIT MIX lb. 4c ~ WALNUTS lb. 69c IPULLED Fics lb25c1 8 9 cPITTED u5 ES D ATES . 25 ic M. UT PEEL n2 9 LOSOS RIT a 329 Milita ry T Junior wil have mote military trOYa for POP les play wltls this Ohlialmas ti tasîr year of tie seat, judgig frorns dlspiavs In' atores. The boys for boys are pr- doxmlnvntly minatures of weapors usd i actual sear. Spitflrea and flurrieseses viil delgiit the. young- est genersations, as well as tanks, fileld gues and plut aise fo)rtifica- tions. Tic warllke tr.end la ex- leesds t the, doil dejiartessent, and Many stores show doila dek.d oust ln Red Cross nurse uniforym. As hinlthe Past, mechanîcai toys are leatured. Accordiné 10 lcal merchants, tie Chirtesqs bUying apree of Mr. and Mma. Coressallte la seell under way. Bucleamer saay that lie oomnieg of a blsaikel of sacw lent a mor-e sassol atmoaçier. antd trade Im- medàately bfgan to pIck ssp. It wIl meauts is peak the week before Chaulgtoma wien hose wio dld net IaVQJ4 the ruai" wif b. daahlesg nadiy about buyboq presents for thoee lis.y bati eot remeembereti un- tii thie last minute_ "las Thse Neck» Dad wil "get Il les the. necir"1 again tus year, jucilng frons thse1 extensive display of hien lns most1 stores. Wb.th.r i. seul get a tie4 lms cma Wear without bringlng on st blilýoss attiack depencte upeas wio presmuts b iais wlth lit. Mes-chantsà wea'e non-conesittal when querteti about the wosesai's haste lin ties. -Tl ail dependa," seas lie standard re- ply, aithcugh one c"p went se f ar as to, say tisaI wiuen's teste, ln lies w«s as gooci as a mfln'a. s Anotèser olti standlsy for men lxuil etirvsly.feaiturcd again. Pipes ansd i.rsoting supplies seili b. founci un- decr msay C2srLqtmas trets li Osis- awia tixt year. 'You cari buy lobac-p cc burnsera from two bita 10 $15, andt( toiiaw> usai!f las a large range. c Cigarette iigistess are wldly dis- c Playeci ard magny of tien aotuaiiyN seork. Dati Or bsg br'Other neyer rE kticks on a gift of tis nsture i Uother anti big s-ster will fin ai bouadoir accessories lrs their Christ- ý 0555 sto*kings li year. in a great fr exteit. Perfume. m.smetics andth slanlisr attractions to tie l'enale to mnina are strongiy diaplayeti by mer - , chante. Another thifg on whlci mers c=n.nrt go w-rong. If th:-y are c buylng fs the famly females, IS i vilc Mctnklngis. Orsi ef thc girl in : R Iocal ladies' &hocp said "Siik th 10 vears there has been a definîte bon.Cor a slit ahouider kîmoia- Laundries use controlled temper- rend in Toys Iprovement Ins the standards of leeved sheer, It a bis inocking atures for waahing clothea, wniela launderlng and dry-cleanirsg. Laun- heid by appliqued mapie Ieave,s, may give the home laundress a tip zNN@@ ýderers and dry-cleaners have be- If sues a pyjama girl, you ma., on doing her washing more e! tic- rtae.it for what it's worth men. corne much more sclenLiflcally- like to give her those she can weai iently. Tests show Iliat white cot- i Tii. whole faesliy wll take t0 the minded. and our own records arc' a for dinner and receiving her guest:, tons may be washvd in much hotter bce tiii. winter Ifl the auppiy 01 proof of the Irsprovement in quai- Plaid ones with trousers s0 fui! water tlian colored ones - a tuth. iskates oni diaplay locally la any ins- ity." tliey seern tb be a skirt tae. rockcu that probably the home laundresa dication. Models for ail ages are The laundering and dry-cleaning and colar pickd Up i paillettes f- may have learned to her sorrow. featured, and Irs demand. Maybe research laboratory was orgsnized carry out the navy, green, red and Texnperatures for white cotiona Xis the "Flyer" influence. In 1930 when a group of launderers yellow of the. heme. start at 100 degrees P., and, witls Happler Chistmas an dry-cleaers ersn En though a girl may rnan- ecd succeedlng fresh supply of O thaieCruaieofthe. nddr-qeaersrprseng var- taflor her speech, and lier mannerF water and soap, are increascd ho tion Canadiars i general wil] lous sections of the Dominion, came and her dinner clothes, it's otîr t60 degrees. Whers some color la ~seesd a happles- Clu-stum sas ii to the Re.searcrh Council ansd asked gueffa sue' all sweelrses nd light preserit, but with white predomin- citisersa of Most countries. Few Chat a laboratory bie established to In onse of the. numerous fluld robes atlng, temperatures begin at 110 de- fameilies across1h. Domsiionswlfl invetîg-ate their problima. An lnexoerssive onse, f lower sprig- grecs F. and are irscreaaed suffici- be overioei±ed rext D«eember 25. eBsldes lis reearch worlc. the laI>- ged wth fiowlng skirt ansd music in ently 10 dlean thie white areas and For thoae familles I ext&siiated oratory ia able to investigate and lIa mies, makes a gai resplersdenîîv preserve colora. circumastancea, church organisa- give an unbiased opninn l aims feminin. * *+ tiona wiil provide Christmas cheer. regarding goods damaged In pro- If lay'er cakes are allowed to Fpor thec average famrily the Christ- cessg. The launderer or dry.-- HOUSEIIOLI) DINT stand five minutes In the pans nes wili not b. restriched bY gov- clearser la 101d whether the lamage SPOol satrung together on several when tiiey come f rom the oven, ernmerst regulationsa r.ardlng food was caused blrougi a fault of the stranda of tliread makes enutable tliey will slip from the pans more as la lhe case insail Europears cour- manufacturer, through cîrcum- tOYS for the sialsl cild. Laler. readily. Always loosen tue Bdges tries and even i England. Osh- stances 0f use or through faulty lhe sPOols maY b. Strung on pic- of the. cake with a sharp knlfe. awaites, can buy ailthie turkey and clearsing or launderlng. tiffe Wire and bent let animal Tuis cars b. done as soon as thie cranberrles thelr pockeltbOoics cars Test bundies are uaed aoproxi- sha45e6. cake la remnoved from tie oven. stand. mateiy everv two nonths ho cicck _______________ As far as actual dlaccafort la tie processes of the varlous firms. cxxerned, the. average faasily wlll In the case of waslies ansd tien re- experience non.. Evers he most turned 10 the laboraiory for test- povrty strickers fansiiy ili ezsjoy ing. Complet.Iformation regard- a more pieasant Vultid. than thie lrg amnount of bleacli used, typ" of more cpulerst familes in tie Euro)- washing gîven and temperature of peats countries, Where blse are the seaier. is also ciarted with the '0 coiron and ssdd.n deati the returned bundie, Prom tests of ef- course of 1the day. ficiency of dîrt removal, color-fast- ness If a dyed materlal, for white- nesof a whte materlal and for Solvea Problema tenile strengt te labortory i.s Of Shrunk Socks cleaning planta are slmilarlY tested. Ottawea, Dec 1 ICP) - Back of Sep tm i evvry bsg of Canadian launvlry - -ytm G l succ-essfUulY waalied. bleaciîed and Lik e Gay Gifts troned stands thiefigure of C.euin Baly of the National YeSerch__ Counil.By FJý£ FOMSTHALL For elgit yeara Mr- Bayley lia$ You may tuck a poey or .aaciet S i w m e probe.d the. pAiblems of f4ded shirts. nto the package. but youll put po- a eli e ores sheets arsd slirurkesn socks. In aies in her heart if you give vour cha7rge of the laudrerig and iry- !.eepytime girl friend somcthlng tesu leanig reearc l aboratorv at the make lier giad wlien xhes Bt home Sa Nationsal Research Council, he lIv A dalnty whift of silken shcer, thse Save cm rfmebS is OU ifla by esponvilei for most Improvemente; iandsonrest vevset, wIlli warm lier in tila Une of processing A native heart and bank buylag ut sur store durfugChdaloa f lie Barbadoes, lie rame tes Can- B.d jackets mnav be auggested for nia In 1921 as a acholarshils winer invallds, but it*s no slam on a girl S l rrotes Harrison College. 10 tttend sund a grand slam for youi if You Lhe University of Toronto where hc give her a preîýv and pracl.icssl af- o)ok h.e degrees of M A and M A fair to wear while she readv in b.d c 'r rai(1v he rpfiiFeratoir Pslieu- Keen. alert and intervsîed In Iar:rv if it ha Its own mstcting M9A ICUS CLOTHINO crnsumcr msrra:e %Ir Hi 1ev v Id 'n-n or p-,-i n an Interview. "thousand.s f d-l- You Il find un. suai fsshlons In rý-,cItc * -r Y rnny r In C 1 ' "ehI,;hrb. ',ess "lias ,on- BDikSL S"uilWMlY ,rougli tie promiscuous us. uf trsne satin. withe its 11h11. cape run ioukpiod bleach. Durng, tic pîsat wehi tlsa sç*40aretiIye iievç;rtb' 1ý f . . t 1 . ') -' . ' . .f : ý-_edjndy. December 3. -1941 Page 1 Tý' THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE m. 21c M. 19C

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