Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1941, p. 12

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P«ge 12 TME WHITBY GAZE=I AMD CHORONICLE CANADIAN-MADE MOTORIZED e."Tey'rere tugTRUCH Marb,1r. Whitlock wsss liowsd k, whkta vus greater tiisn theSO * average for actual residents. Say Fod M n W o slve, i shuldnot bethe South Afirican AirFoe when Says FOvr MnrWh se-tvesthetraod othovèrlooked Uey truck at bases lu Abyulinia C o Was "Ove There" Re intainhetansport whIch la so vital earlY In the MEtioM>ln campaigu. tUrM o Can& C-di- tOOM rnaiting supKplies andamovinug Whule the industrial effort la turn toCanda ools- roana a tiecony u orgintus hipretty well conflned to South Aines, dent of Victory; Force Cad,'hcouet. the resourres of ail British Africa Toroto, Oua of the moat remartable deve- have been mobiized on a large vide progrw We quped1PLomenti; ln Mrlca durlng tihe eariy male. In the RphOdesias, for lin_ , xpe months of the war was tise complets stance, the copper mine are work- port campspa Witln ail of British Africa deter- transformation of Southn Africa from isg at capseity and are being oper- serve geflâ Dine<l te dislodge the Axii cs ~a pesceful deeicsey loto a Weil- sted 24 hoinE a day, seven daya a affect ynti fron t tat continent, thne cuiront organized arsenal for war, accord- veek. lCenya la, of course, the forsuation re bstttle of Liibya P-11 be fought t> a lng tb Mr. Whitlock. centre 0f great ùUmtary actlvity. triwers offi decisive conclusion, In the opinion At the outiask of wan, South I teli main city of Nairoivas vell Ensomis of H. H. Whitlock, of WIr.dsor. viso Afica's oely armameut industry within bousting range of the sud thse co-o lias just returried ta Canada siter couslated of One factory ,nanufac- Italians. Tutul the Itallans were is being ».4i liwo eara ln Afica. tiiilig sf511 qu5itities of .3W5am- driven out of Soealiiand. Nairobi express crn Mr. Whitlock states tisatishe Br,- munition. By nov, heavy howitsers was bîacke-out' every nigint sud llignew te tisln have concentrsted trenseudous are beiug coasPletely manufactured air raid precautiona were practis- te oo-oçerate offensive power n Nortiseru Africa in volume; otiser factories have ed," sald Mr. Whitlock. er lu carryi vitis vell-equipped land, ses sand air ben exan<e ad reprdui As gasoline, or petrol, la al luIm- huad forceE. He ta confident of ultimataserial boumba, hsnd grenades, sbeile, otcin Aramois hv veù heP victory in Africa. arsuor plate for arinored cars, ui ime o "Tishey are doser ta tise war in foms, boots, accessories 0f ail port Arncaa AIrica than we are isere lu Canada ,iuds, sud many othen types of SALE OF HOMB BAKING matseiy fveU sud no effort la being apadto rnilitary equipient sud supplies. rZATjgwS PICKEBtIN(i EVKNT raiwaya'2 support the var effort. TlhOe Brit- The csnning Industry has made ______ SldOfSIi lais Afrncan treops gave a msgnil- great forvard stridtes h in aintalu ikrig e. eW-'Me The deipph cent account of themsîves in Unlng f ood supplies for tise fonces. PCeuntr gM, Dec. (Spel sa"l o led upon te canapaigis against tihe Itaiassin SouithsAfriesis troffl veiv thse fisst facssutri.8 hme m a denusiai of qu"m Sousalillnd, Enitres snd Ethiopta to use caucents-ated orange >ic a ucy vos-k, hnomsatcls e-mao by iuge snd certaiuly tisey are playlng a part of thels- regular rations as a this Utetd Woeuen's Association, lnu ay major role lu the new operationa in guard agaiat scurvy visen desert the 8unday school room, attracted __ VHa et LÀbiyn said Mr. Whltlock. alhig large atteudauce sud added thse Mab-r Un Wiitlock lef t Widsor iu Oc- "SaUlis&Ailcs, like Canada saunsum0f $60 to tise f o the o- vicetore 4 tober. 1939, as a special represeuta- moit other demeocracies prior te the ciety. 4 tive of Ford Mcor Company of war, had been spending very littIe Tef4ipn roe oua -Do ot Canadia, Umiled. He assited the on its milttary e9tablisisaeut. Winen corner vitih members of tise youunger Orne expre Ford organization Iu Britlis Africa war was declared they began fro'» genr-tion, visile tiseir motisers tizt he os to geai itselftot the tremendous in- scratch sud have doueas remankabie vlsited thse tes rmont, aud had their îeaft 0f1aMy crea.se ini volume whtch resulted job unden the leadership of prime tes rups resd by Mrs. F. Baker. of thse plan f rom Goverciment orders for vasi Minuster Jan Christian Senuta, Cernmittees i charge of the polutied out t nonbeirs of milltary veisicles. 'The Great Wsr isero and Comnmander- bootis wvase: Music, Mis M. R. port compori anechanical transport Of thse Aican In-chief 0f tise Southn African Jenkison, Mns. P. T. Bttntiitg: fan- creasingly dlf forces is aimost exciusively Cana- forcs." sald Mr. Whltlock. cy vork, Mis. W. H. Sparrow, Mia. mess te do t diar-isade amd thousaufis upon Southit Ane nov bas one of tise C.E. Morley; baklng, Mra. G. yack associet thousaucis of vehicles have been best equlpped armies of i1h size in Pound, Mns. W. Goudy; iicellan- lion. snd lacd b opeatin le vrld Thir ir orc lavaleoua lira. H. T. Pollalse, fiais pond, InstructiorE shitpecid pae noeaintewrd.-7erarfrei e Mma C. Br'yant, Mns. L. M. Morley; espen sud amner tie oîîtbreak of van. equipped with both bomber sud tes rosis, Mra. V. 'E. Cartwrlgt. driversansda -Most of these vehicles have te b fsghter planes. Thse fist Britishs Mii. W.Themoas, Miss B. Murray, cloeely as po sssev-rabied af ter arrivai sud tisat hs force te bomb Italisu oblectivos w55 lira. o. F. Coates. ruade by Lthe a big job Lun tsvf said Mn. Wiit- lotI fic explained1 that tise prio- ductive capaclty of tise Ford plant In Port Elizabeth has bren tucreas- cd fie fold over normal piq-ic'time vol uic>, *Fî't'n dealer.s ln such key loca- tion,~ as Nairobi ini K'mya had Le nel up asseinhiy operations on quile41 U R E Y a largre aale ti> prepere the vehicles9 for artive service,"hle said. 'Thi performance of Canadian- inusd -mec-hanîral trainsport under difbit ml condtions encountened lu Afri a ha.s been outstandîng Mn. Whlî-,ek canci In tise esnly das o 1h, warlus. veiî.les arrîved at Porl EI.zbeLli an.d after assembkly verf shipped 2,000 mlles by rail o hInte NorthenRhode.. a Frein tiere tise> were driven allmo)st anoLer 2 00 ruiles lu Kenya They travelîrd iu c .,nvoys along lise Great Norths Rosi wiich rucs f rom Capetown to Ceairo. 'The Great Northî Road was ittle belier tissu a trafl in sorne sections visen tise convoys f'isl began Le run. Noever, itlàhiin better shape nov andha ben mprve an wden ore Is a List of S its Tro HeIp You 5 ed We provide for Iso. sud some- trne.s three. traffic laissa. Tisosa o n aa at convova vere nol se pleasaut for or- dinarv nioforist ou tise rsd. Tisera W*,onyoe hngt o hn PI PES CHOCOLATES meel i ug slong lina of snMy trucks aud lisat sas te pull off to thes ide ' snd sait fer ILt t pass euYoihad ta I A SPO E H P mate sure tis.t you got on theseide aav from Lise dust," s.JMr WhJi'loct. LGHTERS POCKET BOOKS liei?' 1salned tIsaI Ibis driving of brand new "cterized equipusut uider conditions enouuitered iu the M T H SA A M C O K et fAines vas remarksble evi- IM T H SAA M CO K deuce af tise qusity of Osuadis workmausipp, aTtcuarli AS zauny of thea drivers hsam verv ii- A H TRAYS -SHAVING CREAM Auyoe vIse muid driveast & m»oresse tio s evas "Q "C IGARETTES CIGARETTE CASES «Ver. tisey kept tihe tnioa r -singf ---------- Nertisuard oun tiat '-i-Wr resd aucougi tise hast sud dust, &"A psed ou relentleasly to tihe bat-- U&eîieis tisat sera thiar destina- Sou,' ina said. ý-b. à... - -f s.- Air - lob" -- lu EFFORT aration of Shi1s- 1ublic la Asked. Dec. 2 - A DEas0IMso- mns on tise part af rail- es sud aoistive tram- ies isu effort to cou- Que sud 011 vent hua brday, aces-ding te In- released by ltse 0 ou- le liee. m f aerv.1ce are plannodi, -operaticon of aui aippers amnt. Thse tvo s-allvay npanies statod theïr vil- do ail itisd.s-paver te vit thse 09 ontrol- riung out hie request. la of vehio are invos- Plan, Ian Ontario atone, tithe Astoasotive Treans- atien opes-te aspri-- tisoeusd veisiclea. visile 1express floeas il con- wimmOerb efigure. ingpiAilb« be neoscal- 0 observe te foilovln ta, alsipeeut asly ln tse Inipmnts resdy vison dalle- requits for veisicle ser- 4p'm' Sast for special velsicte m coSnpa>y officiai said snot sasticipate tie ne- yemptoyees as a Iteeult a f conservation. Ha bsat extpresesud trans- -ies are f indiug It in- if ficult to fihd suitble fthe pas-ticulan kind of ted sits tirsopoxrta- an have besin lsued to 1traspor-t conspassies, taetants ta adliere at Possible to thse s-quashs Le Oit Cointrolten. Selve That Bift Fi SIIAVING BR TOBACCO PC SMOKERS' SI CIGARETTE R RAZORS, Raz, ELECTRIC Cigi R ST< Phi IN AISE NEIV lM 1 UIICI ORDER District Aid Picke;ing Fariner Pickerig, Dec. 1. - Alex. Plcow'â far at Pickes-ng vas a have 0ofse- tlvity FYIday aftts-nooln, visen near- ly ivo hundred mass gsthered ta Iselp lu the, rïlslng of thse nov barn ta repbaeSue oue dest:xbyed by lise six yacks ago. lieu tram Osnnlng- ton, Manifla, Sunderland. Dorryvile sud Port Perry Joined vitis the roui- denits of tins cosnmunlty, undes- the diretimo f T. A. Wilson, constractor ot Csuulngton, lis briuging tise job. ta a aucceàsful completion lu tvo booru. 1*er, lira.Picowuvas a- sisted by theo ladies 0< Rie district lu serving nipper ons the lawn te the hungs-y verbes- Tins barn, viniél in th e main unit ofai sses-les, tise s-est ofvwsich i yl te erectied at a later date, lancms hon- dred feet by fifty feet, sud whess eousleted wlll in cmmeof thse blggsat sud meat modern hernie of Plct4(- ig Tovvsahip. Tino stables vIii s- eousuodate about alxty inoras. 1'vo yacks &go tihe lombes- uSd ln tise bas-n vas standing limbes-. incesthnissuhmasboo ts.drasseid, sud hsoled ivo honds-ed mlles here," saad T. A. Wilson. Tennis, the real game. la plsyod wlth racquets sud balla ln s cloaed and covensd court. It la s very oinS gansa, probably belng dertvad fs-oa bail games ptayed iny the Greeka sud Romans. Bone for'» of Rie game vas knovu and playeeYli tise tîme o! Chaucer. Lawn tennis ha mnucis younger being Iuvented us necently as 1874. It vus fist plsyed ou a court ainaped lit u heur glass. tise preseut sinope e! court was sdopted lu 1M1. Oheleo Per Osirima There are 200 specles of cran- basis .................................................................................... à IrobiI tUSHES DUCHEI USHRES tor Blades ar uies IRE mne 46 5 L - ' :~'>~' ~ I 1 1.

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