41 ~eej.a/I~er3, 1941 WHITBY, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 194i1 a atoils car- throulgh peal' garage docii and Uiterally arma of vaitlng police of- four eacped cepdct from R«-BeOrmatary vere captaSeal i-late Sumdsy alts-noces, fto the. lareaight of an off icer Ma . police car ln front cf ÈMandl againat vblali tihe 9 . .. . 'car erasheal. ulpohi i quartet escapel fom tantg" aicng vus tue othe healcrtiy tefore nomn Satur- latter tivo vere captesred ormtcr piards son a! ter e- as-resteal are: Mysses uw- 1,of Wlndsorý Robert Wllls, tby; Cordon Peters, le, van d laroll Wliiam, 17, Tliey offered no ruictarwe kit tons<te by police revolvers. b. a recelved, a "tlp" fs-cm a- 8eai wbo livea near the garage i.4ii tise Young gang vas hld- ut ut.' He said ha lad become r- clus of their actions. Ileadeal e eetive Sergesant James Camp- a aquad o! f tva officers ap- -d ai the garage, locateal on pillard Road ln the east endl of City. 38e convicts must have sean the e approachlng, for no sooner they taken up a position out- thse garage tisan the stolen i smoto- was stas-teal. Acting gat Alac Inils lmmadlately pd Into the police auto andl aiIt about six feet in front of Gunning tise motor of tie stoleos cear. which lias a Guelpis ragltsy, s15 # wazon vio as drlvlng, oleereal 13 s. machine rlght throeugb the It s, one ofhicis struck Detec- n 'tie (Paddy) Blair on thc forahaad. )! / "se fugitives' car careenad Into the aide of thc police validie. Tise atoleni car, beaslnig 11cense Plates '768 P 7. is a late modal coach. Tisa officars had thei- revol- vers levelleal vien the car beorine tse four escaoad youtss hurtled - out. Tise convicts ralseal thair hando andl oubrnitteal meekly to as-rast. The varden at tise reformatory woo notifleal of their apprehenson. Paters vas convicteal by Magls- trate F. S. llbls i Oshawa police court Octobar 30 on charges of ab. uctlng a 13-year-old Bowmanville 1 andl of a serious offenca. Wllls, along ultis two othar uths. vas ccnvlcted lI Whthy le cour-t on June 24 ons tve arges of breaklng and enterlng nal Lisait AME MAGISTRATE SUCCEEUCOL BIGK Barrie Lawyer Takeà i Over Dities in Simcoe Circuit Toronto, Dec. 1 -Attorney-Gen- era G. D. Coasant has announced iliat Ktennetis A. Caieron o! Bar-i rie bas been appointed tW auccecali MagItraLe C. F. BicIe o! Canning- ton and tW preside oves- courts at Penetangulshnp, Miianal, Oriflia, Beaverton a pd Cannington. Itse se- tirement of Magits-ate Bick wVU Causeal by Jçglalatlon passa at tise but meeting of tise Legllature se- urngaitratea W retire at the age o! 75. The appolntment o! Mr. Cames-on le effective today. Lleutenant-Ooionel Bick blas a long sud dlatlngulised maIlt.ary cmrer.datinz teck tW 1881, and durngtise firt Oreat Wgr lie cern- mianded Liasse different battalans lu - the CEP. baera belng gasseal.t Re waa aplnted a ma«latrate ln 193 sud vien tise policy of ap- ptlùulng only lavycras as magis- wsae as adoptea lU 94 lic vas o f tliq .1evlaymen visa vee sctinued te~!ie. Keetlsozander Cameron va b on In bVespra Towvn- iinear re Jan. 4, 190". anddl ao! i i extraction. Me at- 1 dapuie wc chsol at Cunidicaanal M tsleg a±e Iatitut. at Bars-ie. lac O. Couty Jualge, Donald Rosa an al a mâingtwoyeam der ar- lM grdated la Lise sPring oci1930and cpened practice m lSaints' aUrcl SeMe ln Barrie. l Durlng the pasit two year lie lias(f r yW hyWeCig acted as assistant to Crown Attor- ~Pnt htyWutn ney Frank Harnmond, K.O., and f aiso acted as rellevlng magistrate AUl Saints' Clatrais. Whttby, vas for Coloel Blok durlng tise paat these cene of & pretty weddng st two summer.. seven-tisirty o'clock, Monday aven- Maisrtecmeron waa et Barrie lng, Deceflber 1, wben Minnie Mar- alderman for five years, from loso guerite BSonnetta, daugister of Mr. to 1939, la vice-president of the and Mms. William H. Bonnetta. ha- bord of. Royal Victoria Hospital, came the. bride oft Bdr. James Marke wu woraptal master of! Kerr Crawlorth of Pet.awawa, son of ilie .Lodge, AP. & AiL. In 1939-40, la a late Mr. and Mrs. Wlfred M. Craw- mesabers of tlie scottiali Rite andl forth Of Witby. Rev. A. Gordon at manager of St. Andrerw's l>resly- Channen offlclated and thea weddlng toeIffl iC li* Me Vas marrled In msc iwas played by Mr Lo -Nah.ten 1934 W Misa Katliryne Culross Of Glven lI marriage by ber ftuler, Jal Barrie adtliey have oneu ghter the bride wore a becomlng wool eh, Nancy. jacket dress of soldier bloc, a rusat ln _________ bat and bro accessorles. She e wore a gold broocis belonging to ber DURNXNG TIPEriAR7y great-grandmother, andl a corsagepe DubU»5i(OP)-Bol]t In 1785, the of mauve orchlds. f0t tovn alidcfTt)çers7, of Donsg and lMssJune Webster or Toronto 1 atiorybas been destroyed by flre was a charmlng brldeamald in a box Wiste amder hase W a tkiatrical ao!t rusti Jacket dresas itis brown' on cmpsny. accaslsorles snd a corsage of Jo- frl hanna H11ll roses. Mr. Peter Levine Fi Victorie. Anyway of Whltby vas groocraman. CI& There vue no "«",- i the Oreekev Or Roman alphabets, -U,, tock its etantcecme ailsqah h place. axe frirte. Ki 3-Puece DRESSER SETS $4.95 te $10.00 diVEN 2 NIJNTIS IN THEFI CHA1llE Oshawa MWan Convited in County Court Here On Tue4day Wlfs-ed Clas, Oshawa, was sen- sceal te tue menths In tise county là follovlng hiscoonviction on a large o! thef t. Tise case vas lisard ioouuty Judge's crimînal cours mtes-day vitis Jualge L. V. Smoke, etes-bors, presldg. Clatis <leadeal et gullty. Ira Feu, Osawa. stateai that ha ad left $40 o!fbis psy ln a wallat 2the~ dresser of lis reSm at 297 each Stsreet. BM. Robert Kirtie, ll'a landlady, tolal the court that lois cam ta the lieuse on 'Îne mlng of Oct. Sol andl aaid Feil ad tolal hlm te valt there. Ms-s. rke quoteal Claus as saying Feil BILL FOLOS $1.25 to $3.00 told hlm 'there asa a book Ir. hua reorn I eould readl while I wal cd for hlm." Thie $40 was subsequei ;ly founal to ba misslng, wtn..-es stateal. "3Mrs. Kirk. spotted Claus at -le General Motosa te. When ive gave hlm thse customary wort.1t tise police station he told us lie il.] nothlng to say until ha saw ilis wile," related DetecLilve-Sei. iitil Herbert Fllntoff, Oshsawa polit- Clauis' brotiser-in-law. W)ihiir Grant, andl bis brother, C. 'r. botis stateal tiey saw the accr,.e on the night in question and t drlnklng beer wlth him at an C i awa bote]. "-Mis alibi evf'ý ce muet be serlously conskd- , atated Crowm AttorneY Ani, so subnsltted botis wtnesses tes i.d "I have no hesltancy in rai'.ii Wo acoept their evidesice aîd f; id- Lng tbe accuseal guilty," ruled J L- ge Ssnole. The Crovu pointeal eut - at tise accuseil man's previous r- c Includeal convictions for falze nre- tances. breaklng, and enteslîîg, u'snd assault. "You seern tW bave a speli c,ý'Y once In a wlule," observea thse c ifit in passlssg sentence. This Yearwhy ifOt give jewelrY- gif t anYOne woulcl enoy receîving and a gif t you will eljo givmng. A gift of jewelry carnies more of the spirit of the holidaya than any other present. A gift of jewelry will retain its belan sd value indefinitely. Iu our large selection you'Il find the perfect gift- WATCHES CLOCKS ________Make Ideul Gifia Ladies' Bulova WATCHES $2475 to $3950 LADIES' WAFCHES $1200 to $2300 Othor Makes fi-cm $1200 to $2300 Give à Maniai l.lc $1500 to $2950 DESK CLOCKS1 SIGNET RINGS CROSSES OLAMOR MILITARY SETS A MROCHES We Have Nice Thean (lift fo Laies and lets$300$1.0 DULOVA WATCHES $24-75 to $45.00 ADEPOSIT WILL HOLD AMY ARICLE UNTIL CHISTMAS WHITBY EAS&ET'S106 Brock St. N. Page 13 g.jI -E I I I I I I I i I I i