Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1941, p. 14

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Page 14 THE* WH-ITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE Pick Tliings HE Want but Wouldn't Buy for Himself and Your.Giuft WiIIl ThriII Dy REID WURIGHT ies cornes aise, a variety of hings. Every man hms a list of things Hcw about a nice "packable" trav- on his mmnd he has wanted foc cing clock in a pigskin case (ail years but just neyer quite got men ilce leather); playing carda around to buying. If by a lttie witts sporting pictures in color; el- fishing you can disoover any one of ver-isandled knife and nait file these hings and make that bas comnbined. for thea end of his watch Christmoas gif t you will earn iis chain; spectator glaeses for sport- undying gratitude. Tisese rnay be ing avents, together with an attrac- olil and moss covered, but truer tive leather case; isand carved and words were neyer uttered. The painted wooden game btrds in nat- list may be long and varied, de- ural colors, if he la hunting-mlnd- pending upon thse individual. but ed: prints for his bedrooro, prob- somewhere in his systern lux-ks the ably horses or other masculine sub- " answer Vo your Yuletide reinero- jects; cocktail mixers In endless branca. Apply a lttIa Shrlockc variety; wiclcer sandwich box, with Itolmes and find tise ue ... then flask and other intarlor trimmiasgs do your shopping early .and -lonfî- for those flsiog expeditians; nov- dentry. elty corlcscrew and- bottle openers, Men Ara PraetUcal PerhaPs In stagisorsa handles., ther- Though 1V la difficult for the or- mos Ice bucket-sitver plated if1 dinary fenslnine mmnd o conceive, YOU wiSi to be elegant; electric i tise tact la; that men are honestly shavers with leatiser case, calogne@ and incerely practica.l and have no lae airbrusheshavn cesr objections whatsoaver to receiving le;mahittedressang om t a gift of a practical nature. Women nbh fitd resg cases for neyer seeco willlng to accep: thla, travelling; travelling cases for col- but-believe us-lt ta true. Wearing tara and ties in leather; leatiser apparet la one classification which Jawel box; h.ip or waltcoat leatiser combines practicabitity with tise pocket cases or wallets with his Idea, of glving Somnething ise has marsogram: a teatiser engagement wanted but neyer bouglst on hs calendar for hla office desk; fancy awn accord. Many la tise man wiso Paperweights for tise saima purpode; bas wanted a pair of spala, for etieletin-okns o stance, but reluctantly has witisield hoeo fie, and. cf course, tise isis deairas. Tise ltst la long as you lnevtale smoking articles. A1 go through neckwaar, fancy shirts, If He Smaaes e novetty watcis ouains, and a thou- Thesef are Practlcatly sure-fira Sand and ona ottier gadgets. if you bita for the smoker-and, of course,V cant igiat on TUE partlcular one fine out 0f tan man smola. Baddleta which you tiink fila, giva hlm a stltched teather humidors are among a gif t certificate at his favorite hab- tisa most attractive remambrances b erdasisery. 1 can alraady isear tise for Pipe amokars. Plus tobacco f chorus of "nay, nay- go un> trom POtches. Tise latter coma 'on higisly tise womns wortd. They thtnik a decorative trends. lnctuding plg-à gif t certificate la far too, impersonat, alla, tripad 5111, tweed outaidas too unromnantie-that ît merely and tartan wool, ail witi tisa zipper sows lasineas and lack of interest Openinxg ansd soima with a speciat on tisa part cf tise giver. Yet you Pipe O=partosent. Asis trays caver t are wrong, my fina-mindad femin- a large teUrrioc for ail amokarsin10 ine friands. Mos of tise mata I know. novlty ideas; WOodan pipe racks including mysaîf, wlil be tickled racka in manY anuslng and decora-P pinkeal to use a gif certificat- tibe stylas, and aven pipe tobacco free freinstrings and limitatios- Ilaelf Ini a specially fine grade la t to applyi t t teir own isearta' con- moat aceptable.a tant. wîtis no worry about upset- Cigarette boxes are certain ta ting tisa fansitY budget by wisat tisey pleas tise cigarette scookar, and2 are spending. Partlcularly wîîî tisa el-o hl wife, If It la ane of tisosa - man of your cisoica be isappy to decorative anas tisat adal distinc-b isave a gift certificete at a sporting tion toa aty tala or roomn. Ciga- i gooda stort*, for Instance. wbare reiVe casesmai' be had in many dif-c possibilitias for gadgets abaund by tarant Styles, lncluding sterling ail-Y tise score. Yes, a gtf t certificata ver, cloth on nietai frame, andC permits hia ta indutlge ini Viat leatisar, usualiy pigakin. Ansld dovt thing ha has wented for veara but forgettissaunualSalli' fine briarb wouidn't buy for hisiself ... oImpoted Pipes whIscbha cao treas- f dont hestate o give one. urea- d L9eB lifetima. t Do Be Caret aib Getting back ta wearing apparel Christmas Recipe ' for a moment. Miany of these 1ie afford excellent gifts, but do ba C careful of c,, chaire in colorsa rad Chriams Cherries n patterns, wisatever tise article. Un- cup sisortening fortunately. you canflOt always tale ' cup granulated sugar tt'e word of a clerc Tisere laso 1 egg yoik much Christmas marchandise which '2tsp. anulla muaIt e disposed of-e6ome of which I1lib. graled orange rind d'serve no other descript*:on but I utapa. grated lemnon rinal 00utlandish"- and somne short- 1 b lemon juice si2lsted. texnporary salespeople wl t cup sifted flour take advanuage o! a woman's guI- I egg White, sligistly beaten llbility about menas wear o -dump" 15> caniec cherries whatever iey cao. Tise way o 1, cup choppe<t nuts beat it is simply to exercis,ý your Cream ahortaning io lectir own good taste You know tise san you have in mind la normally con- Mixer, add sugar gradually, beat- servative, especially in public. ao ing oonstantly. Adal egg yolk, van- why gîve 1im a necktle tliat looks Illa, orange, lemon juice and rtnd. like a *crazy quilI' and titan won- Add flour, mix welt. MillinV elec- der Why you never see it on blin trie refrigerator. Rtoll Voa mati lter? Be utder-extreme rather batis %~" Vo diamneter, rolVo egg tisan over-extrema 1in aný';ii)xg cou wiite, then In choppeci nuis. Place buy is wearing apparel and play on greas9ed baking sheet, place hall safe a cherry on aach cookie. Baka at The Field la Large 350 dagreas for 20) minutes in an With thse above note of warning eiectric oven. Yied-30 cookias. you have murs ta select from in Soldier CooeUes tîsings to wear for any man-silk 2 cus brao suger or wool mufflers. as an examoh,' are 1 cup melttd shortening or excellent Even if ise ias one, gîve imlar fat him a second and let hii enjoy a 3 eggs change, or glve hiioa "sperial" one '. cup milI f or special dress occasions Neck- 1 t&p. vanilla wear. of course, la always welcoma 2 t6p. baking powder as are hase, gloves andl shirts. pro- Wour ta ris stîft viding yoru know tise maxn aell Mix Ingredients Vo ordef gîven enougis to knostise style se praft'rs Adal just enougis flour Vo rail. Cxt Out of thse ordinary and more into toto siapea of soldiers. or othar tise novelty line corne sweater-, Insisapes, Sprinkta witis brown sugar tofinitt variatv and colorliunting and bake ln electric aven for 10-12 apparat. soarts andl sparts tors ac-lnutsaM-35dge. rcssortes, jewelrvincludîaîg novetvImnue I35-7 dges Watch chaina, collar pins. 1îiý hold- ers cuff ink,, belts witis mollo- Ail those thins whicis are 0w WiHITBY ASKEO TO OPEN HOMES TO MEN 0F RICSoA.F Provide Christmas Holi- day for Men Far Away From Home Ohrlatnsîa hospitality for "aour' thausanda of airrxseo frotta every far corner 0f tise Globe," was asked ioday by Vtse R.C.A.F. Vo launchlng a Canada-vide "«Ask an Airmnsf camtpaign." "Itmey aeem too early foc Christ- tmas or New YeaYa Eve dinnar plans," an officiai atateent saici, "but if Invitations cao te arrangaci now, Use boys frein Austrelia, New Zesianld andister distant lands oai write homse thse neya tIsi they witl &Pensd tibir Christmas or New Year's E va as kt ahould te apest- Vo a feufaly cirdle. Youen aImau- gine tiow welcama tist news will beaet tise Holiday Season Vo motis- ara. andl f aVIera, wives andl sweet- iseris, 50 rnny tisossaso f nmles away. Plana for tise campaign Vo whlch Wlxtby citizans wiii te inwited ta ebara, are being f arnautsted. by Auxrltlary Service Off icarsaet Na, 1 Trainsingcg otmianal Heaquatars in Toronto, at tisa WalJning Solsool ai Oasawa and at Stations af tIse far-flung Britiash Commonswealthb Air Trainitsg Plan endi tbe effiliat- el Royal Air Force Traiinig SaisooLI locateal tbrougiso'at tise Province, Wisere Citizans' Committees exist tisay ara belng asked Vo o0-operste ansd at otiser points an efort will be made to focaux pacial coatnsites toc tha purpoisa. Meanwthiie, bowyer, ail Cana- lien famsilles ara baing asked te do achat tisy ai' n taeisalp abmràien wtmo siai te f ar tram bomne Vo gai sgSne- thIsng 0f a faastiy Ulselslsa, isd Who atiserwise woud ibave ta eab -Vo camps oc outside public eattig places. The Wbitby War Effort Callmit- tee took thie maitter up eit uts let. meoeting andal areadi' contac ham beeti made wib thea 0f flers et No, 20 Elemueustari P'lytng Ta'aining SctMOol t Cedisys lise Commit- tee has beau davisec tîat Vthe acisool wtiIprabahiy asicWhitby' citixiets Vo eatertein sevaral of tise yomg mass trumstise Soiool foc Obrlatxnss oc New Tees'. Mr. andl Mm. ,Fr'ank Wells. wba bava alreadi' isad saverat of tîhese flera as week-end guests, araeren- tertinicig ane for a week, A niEn- ber of <itlis, wsa it la Vhougt, would lice Vo te Isats andl bastesses ara now being coratacteci, sa tlat quiok asotion cm bs teaken vihan necessary. Flower of Australia Tise weittle, a golden-flowered ac- CHRISTMAS Sand your greetings ln a fragrant, f resh cut bouquet of aur chatte flowers and potted plants. Youli finci 01W as- sartments àrtistic . . . our pricea 10w. Thse following are a few of thse Items avals- able this Christmsas; PLANTS OUiT FLOWHR 9 PoiNsvrrrAs R BEOONIAS CABIeATIOsaS CYCLAMEN oHRxaTMAS PEPPESa 'auar ECTC. SNAPOR.AOON FOR PiUI&WSenaOUT 0F TOWN AND ]lN UNITEI) STATES We are bondaS merabera of The Plorlats Taiegraph Deilveri' Association with 1e.000 dePendabie noristo throughout thse verld. Orders PlaceS aarly caoa go by mail witti. out telegrapli charges. No excisange on flowara telegrapised to friands ln the UnitedS ftates Sue to our convenient book- Ing connection 09 athe Forlat Talegrapis I)biivery. SLIC HTERS FLORISTS DUNDAS STIWET WEST Phones. Day, 3PA - Night Ut0 Wednesdhy, IrYec < J cZs4 la thie nea flwer o

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