'age 16THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE Alhuhti ersneUe fgosae adt e nacui ftedrad Alhgh thsigstearlsolectnes of goo r hard onetsonacut. ewll of theen Iare invited to corne in and look around. PIlLaw CASS * ATOWELS cy Table Linen in vartous eD'er> >. nf 1.sîzes and prices. ?14e j eic0 Lace Table Covers Bed Covers, Cotton, Rayon, Satin, Burret Linen Centre Pieces and Dresser Sets S H IRTS LEATHER COATS and So I Always an acceptable WN BEKR 'Dt ehvete o Leather Coats and Wndbreak- Chose yur gif ta now Sil men and boys in al ers, Sweaters, Pyjamasi, Gloves. whte stocks are faldy oin sîzes and patterns. An Socks, House Slippers, Over- plete, as aone lUne of goode fextensive lune to choose shoes, Overcoat or Suit, Hat, aehr ootioiqt e f ro, a resonble Scarf s, wool or silk; white and ararrcodibtinsw it a e From, ae vteasoable olora, Suspenders, Carters, cniio. Adoalt Pi] price We nviteYourCaps, Handkerchiefs, Tie and wili hold gista eiected nw P inspection. liandkerchief Set to match, for C/triaimS. -Fo la -of thte war, we findour- e, for the man, wontan or est to please -You, and You FOR TH E BABY nerBroedcloth and ik- Sreeping Bags, (Mo- ier wilIlAike these); Hlo- -ry, Mitts, Bonnets, Çawr- age Blankets, Sheet 4,Àd llow Sets, Spoon and ork Sets. Weclnesday, Decem ~iÉ.~aIâr~ia~' ~ ,p~. h4dI.~ dW. - z 1941 if- ' 41 L 1