Page 2 THE WHITHY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE Wednesajy. Decemsber 3, 1941. Front ministerial visita for the tr, ufiqe si.'e o J purposes of cosferenoe Canadlan lparTtAuD l Sns,"arryoffice ith"e oes hof P"71 y w.~~travel 10 the United Kingdom was 111 LPO RES Du t mess trw$ng beons . Hssea SHO0P IN IeVIIiiDextended to visita of opposition MÉ EPN R [E eqxIn ouc wih tli meln th. e leaders. and private memuiers of T Ç J A AI' kep x oMi lh ~l estits parliament seeklng Information.,1lU meLI IJ n L inluthse tronches or- othier place. Hon. R. B. Ilanson, acting hanse of danger, kioi@wrg Usat a ciieerful Thsis your shopping edition, leader ofthtie Conservative party, A O.1~vieit ircen a padre lni a place Wtsere flew overseas with è. croup of is 11111 U1 SERICES ULU the bulletsareaiw lysg s worth many That cornes to you year after year; foîîowerx xisortly after Mr. King's _____1051ud. lectures iln a sale spot lie-. r.o tell you your rnerchants are ready, trip and a Uftile later the leaders of hlnd the Ilises." the other two opposition parties, MoreneTan 400 Now Moral Vlue$ T0 help you dispense Christmas Cheer. M. J. Coldwell of the Ca-operative Vle ntltI cin h ComnonwealUs Foderation and Attacheci to Cumadian hessa n itile aiactioe ntr No need for to go Christrnas roarning, John Blackssore o! Nov Domocracy, Unt est li the vork ot MeWlcal offîcers We know distant pastures look green. crossed w"t a group of memibers is and assista; wherever and visesever orgauized undor thse auspices of- he can. He uaay sessd homse an And the pictures that plaster the papers, Use Empire Parliamentary Associa- Ottawa, Dec. 3-(OP)-N3y the lives exact report of the wosinded or Are the fineat you ever have seen. tion. Anotiser legislative visitor 10 Usey lead as weil as the creeci UsOy desd, aiter flnding out Use nature the olci land vas George Drew, Ou- profes, moe thon -rW. axad<anof the offical repos-t, uad subject 10 You don't have to go to the city. taio Couservatîve Leader. army, navy ansd air, focecapa xproPer en9iorhilP. To buy Iovely gifla for the tree; Mr. Kiug's tour braught hlm ln seek 10 porfosm Useir greatest er- Thse <Isp]»iSi usvu alo "by re- direct touch is lU leaders of the vkin u ime of war, National De memnberingat aI ltithSiaît he ne- Just hrowse arounci through the home stores Britisis government sluce Use out- fonce Héadqsirters officiaIs 9"4. presnte té»se Piritual and moral And some wonderful timgs you WIlI ace. break o! war and enabled hlm 10 'nus duties ot a chlaiaiin r P#-value. 1cr whids aur nWAton lx ai vlsit Oanadiaxi troopa and airmeip ilvUy lia seek Use spiritual an won," tise chaplan ses-vice lnstruc'. There u, a rule in that good old Bible, servîng overseas. moral weuaère of the meu 0fUs The a inCaslh evc *A o ol htohr hudd"His speech ai Use Lord Mayors formation 10 vhich he ls ee h aaia hAi evc 'As ou oul tht otersshold o";Banquet in London containedc an sud especilUy tisose of that brassch divlded lnhi1 two sectiosis, Use Help your own town stores to prosper, 'Inviation 10 Presidessi Roosevelt of of Use cisureli visici horepaesontg. Proteatat, lnclucdng ail denomsia- Andyou streswil hep pospr yu.tise United States 10 give Britain Gesserally speakig, his dut4es are ice. except Roman Oatkiscc whlch Andyou streswiI hlp roser saine assurance c« -support officiatig at Divine service, min- niakes spthse second section. No against Use Axis powers as 'Prime isterigi a geses-al way to tUse dra-ymiIn l8 aR'ohlotd s*saçlalus e Minuster Churc]hhl ad already spiritual needs of Use men, visitissg vithout tise approval and recous- ________________________________________gîven 10 Use United States lu the Use slok and wounded, vlsltig de- messiation of Use brandi ofthUe esut of a wer between that coun- tention quartera, glvlng religions i- clihsinsitawilcs hobelouge. Be- kept aircraft cosstantly crcsang Use try aud Japan. lit was consldered stl'ictiOn aind cofducting burial, fore apoitaseut hla pepssesi by a OL U RIBfÃNi Atantic sud afforded a speedy and theiserct direct solicitatlon o! usarriage andi baptsmal services. Medicao. aid as pisyscallir fit for OC A R~ I~ safe means for officiais t10 ravel ou Anenican help lu tise proeut van Peasond Wa-k f ________a srvce IN N EW BOMBERS air crossing ln August was tise mast Mr.Nowes Visit dis" active forces- set tonUs Usat B009TS P>R. e3tO) nifcat f heWest to East The fitrst ninisterial traveller tise Persossal work ofthUe chaplain A cncessiossa, seeking 50 l- fligsa vile irons Use otiser dlrec- overseas o! the year, Munitions amosse oficers and men mnay blusof Acnesoarseig n [[ABERS' CHOIC[ bton came Use ICingas brother, tise MInster Hove, vent by shlp andthtie p'otest possible value. cetn aeUepie0 adihsa Dk01York, 10 make an Insper- nearly lost his lite vison the ves- and fos siseb retn heVrinaTc-Vril Mltr Canda' Mn'steas ion of Use achools of tise Britishs sel was torpedoedti. He consultedd os tei-ing a strong esprit de5 football gaine, suismitted samples to crsud by malutaining hghtise mayor and counicil. Tise mayor Cankd'sMinsts Conusonvealtis Air Training Plan wîth Britis authorities on ques- morale aesoesg Use men. ne Laites munched a haru sandwich-and tise Madle Many Trips ta lu Canada. tions o! supisly sud returned on tise anlterest in orderly roont and pî'tce vas hiked from lb ta 15 England Thse year saw much Inter-Rnseîre nov battlcsip King George V sickpanades and pUtcipates ln conta. vlsting by air andtihUe travels of wlilch brought Lord Halifax to tiseroemacssusot. mnisters and other offIciais iseipet tUnited States as Britishsa oute arhe n d su eprytes. i * S Ke Co Ottawa, Dec. 3. - (cp.-rans- to keep tise iffereut goveruments sador. the men Vo write leten homo eanti Average body teuperattire l AtLantic co<umutlng by air became sud their servies lu Soucis vitis ont Af ter thîit other ministerial etsts if requirecb assisis i ceusoring let- 98.6 degrees fahreniseit. a cOuiinsipractice turing 19411&s anotiser and workiug accordiug to a wore msade by air. Tise travellerg Canadian cabinet minsters and comumon plan. inciuded Air Minîster Poyer, Navy other officiais flew back sud forth Frons Antipodes Minister Macdonald, Defence Miss- bo Use tUited ltlngdto 10conuiUl Two overseas prime ministers' R ister Raîston vho mate two trips, -ith BritiSs officiais sud keep lu 0. Meuxi,,ofo!Australia sud Pceer andaPe sis ient oer sudenie b'Oucis viti Use Caxiadian force Fraser of Nev Zeaiand visited Can- r.e ke nziePrune Minuter Candr serving Usere. ada turing tise year, botis travel- pr Cntdas Vrieî itor o r -c Tise ferYng of United States- ling soievard by lise air route hiCraas itr ocsym- bouce of successiustise van ban lait buit boenblng plines to Great Bri-atter visis 10Bits su ad 10tiste June Be carried on negotiations tain and Use lieuesty of bingine forces of Iheir countn es figi5tingin uvsts rtasaUoîiso a back tise pilotasvisa fiew Useus oser Use near east wtoBritish thoensson Caa ~~ diaus serviug lu tise Britis.h forces Iasd mate a personal study o! Brit lais maýthods of air raid probection and civilian detence organizations, nia ters whicis camneunuder his con- su inCanada. AT HELSGRC Y On his lait overseas trip Col. T S M » Çp G OC R WANTS MOST Please thous al,viti tise instru- ment wviseS vsi bring tiem many isours of ihappy entertaiunent, etu- cation sud information. CisO()e froM une o! these- makes sud let-tu hoid for Chr&strnas delivery. MAILCONK CILOSLET STIEWART WARLNE19 GENEILAL ELECTRIC ffuILCO SPAILTON PHONOLA OKE RADIO STORE its BROCK ST. SOUTH - - Phone 470 Rai.ston had become xci aecustosned - to air commzuting that he said nothing couid have been more part of the day s work than his JoUrney .IIURILUING NMESTIC 2 is. 3 5c Gol. Raiston was accompanî'ed by f *LR U E LM n.1 c s 1 hsgh army officiais and uealt with L 1 U MPE IAF i. 5c 2Ds31 army matiers in confereesces with ___________________________ iiisb authorities and Canadian "Initary leaders. Oanadlan Air Squadrons S E 1 L B A K IE IE Major Power muade arrangusentsI SE AL L CK P PR aqoadrous in the RoyalAi Nre ________________________________ ail eventually to be manned wholly SNOWCAP by Canadians trous oomrnanding of. ~ V 'Sm a' fluer to ground crew. He also open- T M T TSI ed discussions looking bo an ex-a L T n n T IE I U tension of the Air Training Plan TOIL T SOu r P> agreement which was due to expire 4 E W2 5 ini March, 194Q. but is to be carrled 3 bars 15c on as long as the war exista. 1 bar lc 3CIIshIIIC ISSUE by Vice Admirai Perey Relies. chief iS of the naval staff. and visited rnany16 3 -t« 25 stations ai whlch CanApdian naval ------ men areli action or lu training. He Try Or B ENGAL COFVEZ gr.susd Inutu consulted with British authorities *Medern mnhilI. whatever grtnd yeu desire f on the role of the expanding Cana- Cearm,pere, drip or vaeuum. b -145 dian navy In Uie war at ses ___________________________ T'he bombter route provlded an IO r easy means for the army to carr out Iils settled policy of exchanging Ravel O a g sN w i t c officers hetween the forces Ini Can- his-her staff offlcers on both sides of CROSSE & BLACKWELLS Uhe Atlantic In touch with drvelop- e6c ments in both places - - - - Bottie 1 M&j.-Gen. P. J. Montague, off'cer commanding Canadian mnilitary headquarters, London. was one of a r OIaa A SIF IaAAK le nioxber of staff offtcers who ret._m gE& ed to Canada for consultation.:r 910&UO .5 Other senior officers who returneci to take commnands in Canada and Beas to trainiss and organisation here In turu they werr replsred by officers frous Canada. BaeyTec. foc':,bal and basket- PNRONM 583 M W ]DCLIV MR bal traans have >Won rifty o h il"~ fi! ty-three gaineti pà ayed.