r a~~~e ~~ THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONKCLEWJsedyDcebr3 91 Re Different When You Select Gufts This Year Lxuee Pmg T1st Went to Marke 'Ibereane dorme etothers tc choos frcrn, too - aul untrlgn oan 1uuau. Gadget's for wamen'o met iepels are siniply ail over the placé. One quite nmad ffair ls a luliete, brUl- liantly red, wMh ilnhneyes. Ycu'U set ber bacen hor heels DY Oven Wagner pnemne - and fre shskhng w;týJs ne!<'~ If tbse "imusUOi" bWi bas hit yCii hiniseif and getting his mLstrese'- Cro.zy, but otite as the dicirens, -tine bug la ho "différent" li your auc robe aul spotty. Is a necklece vo spotted 0onsst- Chrstu git-ivlg tde Sr- If you-ve a f riend wtWo, an auo- ling of muut-ccloi'ed ciotiios pins cone riglit aiong vltii u We've 1bie f leoid a.nd wh gets a yhang struiig on s gUi duen. Lit a regulir boiiSiiia of stioh if te. out of OOiletilIng Cree, buy him For e lest witb a wlb*suing look IbWeYU ufiSicYom rhosto f cela-unan utomobile born tiiat plays a in hler oye, s rouli hering festhl- UVe.M andfriSs l pe iVth 5sur-tue. you cen get "OaIfornija, exed dailes lasiply avimbing te> Prise andE glee. Anid yoiwvosit be HeS, I ome" (whlcii gives us an th1IuLt Ite> the curls of ber haïr. Lble. la Weà r Yeii ralonhisze bat ides.), 'Anchors AweWgl," or other Weve given yeu sorne Indication Zor nint i yo'Il c«eMe such aditties equafly se cheery. of how dellghtfully Insane sosie ftwr.What! A poket cOn* ase a giftSshOwriibis pear cSn ho. And Herels something tisat beicegicInChistatosa gi? We hoard ysu dont le tiniU about glving Uiem. the wel-as-I-liv-ad-breatiie de- saae. Butlake pe e *)s -If the recipliente laigb - ail thie partinent: A cigarette case for HER A oomb la tI s lipeof a slcbuied better. The orld 0- on <1 w a Usat she'Il have to dial "I Love Youe i ft te eehcf the co littie laughter tihe- daYs. cen every time sho vanta a cigarette! thie f ishi vrtelirae. Ible case te IL locks eomething lice the liai on alo fsh- vitas n an mnoua a bleho o curesothat you ginting eye. Sonwat more Ch riatm as Recipe it (or hcr's) and be as different as look 5 aWC1115fl'glot'e. (?hrtstsnas Caniecookies &I gtouIf AunitClam'& Ives n hie ue '<- ecup butter or simnIlar fai Te-e Isn't a wVOfl5f lives whse>to-y and te getUin up la years but i cup fine Sugar doosntt th'nkof "scmthlflg for his wn'1It lettCon, yotill be rememibered 2< dw0k" at Chrlitmastime. But bores fia-t in ber vii If you deligbt ber 2 eg. gs armetilng for lais desk tse hant t1tiseah.iinu:51k n is tbeugit of. MWe vocder who in outside for elegance, snd vool on A lp ilproeflu h-,-k didt) Weli, It' a plot wheel the inslcle for wiumtis! 21htsp. aing pode fr e 'lnn ire p4ecà sion insiru- 2tp aigpwe ments-clock,ý baronieter, caletudar, Lots of women won% set foot hIn %t tp. SI t hygomneter, tisrmoneter. Aaz- abatlStub unlesa thse water is Cer utro a sd d ing? Oh, yesl Qute' !ne ltîalteperfumes cd suCrea uter a t usy ndb edn aeil Aratsta. Well, if shes one of *'em suar i gduallyand vlE el. f If abe ever finas this la heî- sheil avoon wtb loy wben sho eatE gs tkadvnia i Christms stoklng. sheIl turnl gets the ",bath confetti" - scne flour, useasure and sft wlth bakng ia-ndapringa. Ws a beautiful flex- tln'uules n al tic colora of thse powder and sait, thon sir nte the ible gold bracelet (yo knovn-the e rinhoti that Perf une tue jat.er first mixture. kind tlo oks POmeling hâte a and cuber it wILEs a million dif fer- Put about une-quarter of batter Frake), and t thse cd you finti -- t hues. Z&y, ny! nto a disEs and rolor wth raap- gi'uss whatl A Crystai baIl vwatch, reember vhen you were a berry juice or ced foeod colorlng. i _-) em child 110w you liked te> "dresup"? Chilfl the dougbs In the electric Wle dun't asic you te> belleve ibis. Wei children stîi ll ce te> do t. refrigerator near the freoslng unit 1bit we saw t-vust our own eyes. Se t.Iey'll love tihe arnimai aults -thon meire rolls about tvaiches A set of pajasuas fer a dog 1 YeE. tisaS are being of fered this year. long and red balla about an Inch mtade out of Invîhie te> put on 'Ise Big BadE Wolf la certain te lie bn climeter. Stick one ln oach rol Caesar alto rhis Satisrday night very pepular. Bo If we know of dough. 'Wrap up n wax .paper bath to keep hlm fi-oui geiting sny thing eabout t -vii lie Tue andE chillIEn electale refrgerator. 't 1Pul out 0, lightey fomedbau bo a nd cut In Inch sarEpo, lapertug the kgI red end to for e candle fini BêkÉe in thie electrlc oven at 50 IS degrees for 8 - 10 minutes. Reanove ieat once froe bsklng short. S. Chocolat. Crunchies U cup butter Y&cup lardw % cup brown sugarv S i1 gg ri 1-1/. cip pastzy flour a] k % tsp. soda aI %tt tp. Sait e > i1top. Vanille, %~ cup wainuts, chopped %e lb. sweet baking chocolate cut ln % ', plecos Creare shortenhng, sugar and in eggs, sdd sif ted dry Ingredients. fil Add vanilla, flOts and chocolte. Va DrcP frOr teasPOOon segreaaed m beking shoot 2 meute spart. Bake lx St 400 degrees for Io minutes la electrtc oven. litncmol sllghtiy thn remove frcmn pan. 99 Cruaoby 8 SCo Voki 3% cups flour 3% top. baking Clour hd 1/3 c«W butter htop. doYves %t top. bakung no 1 en, besten 1 cup molam Creun butter, aueur and egga reil, add molame, thon dry in. gredien ta. dftlng together. Ohm lan ref*ertCr. Shape Into tiny balla and bake in gressed bsklng sheet at 376 deg. for 10 milnutes in an electric oven. TKANSPOîtT RESTICIOi.S Londcn-(OP)-Fod, drink, te>- acco, fuel and clothlng are 'smong tvorite brande cf a wlde rangeof roluctsafalected» loy 11ewgovern- ment orderà toeenmlee trans- prt betiveen BrUe are«. VoMMs4 the chwo port ct Bul- arEs, vos founded lan5SU B.C. by ab Groeles. 'Ibere asre 100 iolands vithin thse sobr et Mode Janeiro. SHOP EA.RLY at WI*LSO0N'S For Your Christmas Bak«ing Supplies Place Your POULTRY ORDER NOW. À COice Stock to Chose f rom Wil De on Hand Also An Assortmeait of CHRISTMAS TREES ABOUT DECEMBER l2th Horb Wilson & Sons Trado Board Licous 54711 Wed6"y. December 3,1941, ID--- Ã