WedemayDeembs . 141THE WHITBY GAZETT AND CHRONICLE Pg Th ere 'S Got to Be a Sanita Claus! Wheu ase was a vesy lMitle girl, for an-haur or tcvo, and! tlat min- My daugister asked, 'IWhat wouit! ory gos on oser golden pile cf posu (Io If there seron't any irem-' Ohrltnaes. . *Wtq, I 1 nswed UIhaart- Durlng a radio broadst net odlY, "ve'd bave te lnent o0me. long ag, I Mt thse mit!dle-aget! We ootdn't gai cm withott tress." voanan viso, as a chlld cf elgst, Tisera ane qutbe a lot of things wrt to the NwYor Sun, "Please - fard, abaisse, clo«ing - va tell me tha trurth, ta thora a Santa oeudn't gte on without and! a nuon- Clanis?- Every year tise Sun ra- ber of vise mien have mae my aw-e prints thie roply it made editerlal- gestion - va'd have to Invent theai. ly In 1807: "Yes Virginla, tharo Whmt va ouest have aen more th&an is a Swyia Clami. Re existe as Risse ara 1«0s fur tisa nind, sheît- oertaWny as love and ganerosity or for thse spirt, that wieh cloilues andi davotien axiaL . .. Thare ta tha nalcadness cf mare animal axis- a vail ooves'lng tise unsean world tence. and give.a roti ta, humien whc ne tb tsongt emaie, nor omt2ets.aven thse united strength cf aUl We celebrata Cbristimas ais a se- the strarigest men tiai ever livat!. liglous festival, but a chistimas vas couic tear spart. On1l' faits, fancy, oelabraîtad buamtret!s of yera ha- poets', love, romance. eau puan fore Chist. Tise anclant people sie tiat curtain and vlew andi of the Angi, ln what la no. Brii- plcture thse aupernal heauty andl ai., Lad i December a Mmdrasi- gtory bayesut. la It ail roal? Ah soit, or '-moths' nigiet." Tisera . . . i ail "d wîorld tisera la ieotl- habd ta, bo a day set asida for kid- ig aisa real andl abWidng.- ama, anda genkeroslty, andl ramassa- ofcouses there'à a eantal Andl berlng tse we lova, and thoma eo mi thora qmreW't, ha wotild ba thse fortutUe. vey fisat cf tise »Wéis we'd bave Defoea anal aince Dickens wrote te lswent. Life must hava lova his inucetel A CrLisima roln, andi a ntie clildllâka faiR to ba thaie have been a fav Scicogas endurable; andi tise year Mut visa ciet! cf Christmas, ",Bah, bawe ait leat onea day whan va isursbug 1" I bhave heard modern are more conscioi of faith anud Scioffges call it a ehopiteapara' tava tlmonf busiess and bombha holiday, aid a nuisance, but for andl «Il the raitlaa noady doubts Rhe O bilhiig mjonity of us. --exi! nobody vantai as for Scrooge'a naphev, 14 te "a ________ Uable, pleasant tisse; Lise only Umne 1 know cf lie the lcng calan- NEW MI I AC CARS dar of thýe year wben men andl freely . .. I say Ccd blasa Mi" FOR 1942 O U Trhora te a certain magie hi a day when even airair isc bld usi ta U snerry; when tho mail andl taie- F R P R U A G means of communication ceai- monly devoteal ta butsiess brlng Styled and Equipped cheery wlabes for "MeMa Christ-oudSt- mas! " Ef.pkeepe-rs' holiday? For Ail Ron Sts Bah! t iumbugl it lan't a narit- faction tie or a dollar bill1 thiat va slip lnto the banti of thse fanîtor or the post- Tbrifty service anal enduring par- -marn; its goodll andl thank yen for a ye4r of service. It isn't a formance are of fereal hy thea nev toy train tisai we put under tisa 1M Pota car announoad hy trea for Junior, or a muffler tisat Gernerai Motore of Canada. we wrep in rot! tisane for Aunt Stylet! and equippet! ta provide s Julia, but tise knuwledge tht standard cf all-round satisfaction Junior bas always wantat! a traine, deandatnt t cf e mar re conditins and! Aunt Julia bas z(eeded a mut -deaaofwrtm Sitns fier andtihe loving desire that, thse nev models are designat ta jiset this one day, they shali have m'aura extra yoars cf modaern and wbat t.iey weaniand nord and that ectiiecrical motorlng. va shAli se etbe plgasuro hi their Bult ta meet the neet! for fuel ayes and fee1 th warints of tiseir econani and! thse rnnuen of sarv- Ioyful kiss ina attention over a perlot! of yea&t the 1942 Pontiac b-as thse additlonal Beilevo it or flot, and! amile If adv.a.niage of belng within, the iow- yoîî like, but at--well, say 60. my price range. vif e ant! 1 still hang up our stockt- One of the most a.rrastlng style hikg% What a lot oi love and latigh- improvemont. ln tbe new cars le ter ant! tonderness goots into the to be fount! in tise deep, sweep- trlfling gifLe we select for ibose îng front fondeia, whidh extend symbole. We trim out little tree r.ldway into the doora. A longer, wltb bright &tars and tinsel, and fer witier bood at!ts te the Impression days shoot!. in secýret. we write mas- of iength anal comnant!lng dlgnlty sages, andi wrap things un gay pap- created by thse tenders. ai, andi hide therm frene one an- Bruit! cbangeý bave boo-n madiIn other tutil tbe morning of mcmn- the Pontiaca front endi. includlng ings. snob improvemenles as wlder spacet! Sbopkeepers' holiay! Wasl It beadimsnys a bumper four Inches lely a sbavlng kit 1 cnulti bave got w5ider~ ttmn previotis modale: a rede- for myseif ta vOent intO ibat signet! wlder radiatar grille: and! etarrY package, Or vas it mlY longer borisonta parking lights. daugh'ter's beart that rorn-eed the 1942 Pontiac tise urne, ages 99o, lb&n I sait!, foturea safoty stearig, exclusive "Dssn thsai oit raser 1 Sisqe daY permnent ail cleaner, balance! ure l'en gung ta haeo one ibat f its hi- Spings, positive action brakes eat! ta rnay hand proponlyl"? Mait ailier devices plennet! ta produce @bout thse orale of oraeugm tuai a car capable of long, trouble-fiee comas avery Chrishisa f romi a 001- service. oret! elevatar boy lie M"onlda? 1Ibeh t1iree beautllnl linos, P'leet- cri buy better oranges, but I oen't leader, Fleetleader Torpedo and De- buy visai cames witbh thase. Luxe, areal powereal by the fanus We dine every day, but tisae le L-bead, six cylinder. 90 b p. econ- enly onie Citas dinxXU 715r amy englue. A cisoic et nine dit- yoars thuat wus a faanlly festival, forent mc4ella te fferet! ln thse tbree vltb aIl or dear cnes about tis sertes pesented y Pniac for table. mcat of tsent are risse nov, i942, ensuriieg a body styie tO suit and ccir Chistmas guees arn evey ee. people ie, visatever tisair mearis 'ie tension sisaokle on the Fieed- bave ne home of thaîr ovie. Wisy? leader anal Flee0ieader Torpedo Weil, wheu I vas 19, anti away frocs auns and Dut ler rose aprlnglng on my iscae for thse fixait time et moft pMitclm ride. Maetai cevers Christmnas, a very lauuiy lad, tise tbe DeLos Rerion cottnhuie toa mother cf a oieap anspleyed i tisar n irt and retale thse sprnt off ina viA me sat! me ta, herq ibils in p)&ce. home. 1 navet saw ber agaimi; aie ine'ior agpclinmet. of tise e bus hem' deat! noarly 40 yeas. bui Pouiocn praeset a picmorcf dur- maie andi tisa i unn live lni My &bée hsxuy. H"ci brav ahsog- akoy. et*wWsel te ha flniei muai on tise Lest Chriasimas my vifé andi 1 sUelldng lwnuuiut peanqaind oia luit hall a dosen oit! metora fer- guehi mouldingsad doobr panais. eisn nov, a&W va talâtot! of thse Instrumneat dia" are finliset lie Bed t! alaim untl.l )mng aller Dumas-oopper endi chromo. Plastic iitnuigb. Tress Frankiu, utio uiimseeui aie 1111n.ted viib "letge "d basMe ld of vaudev'ille. iiuging" o variable brigisineas, ng4 seal et her hast song te ootroiiod by j'ottin the pull-oui u, asui a vmY oit! Mwkeapearda hadsmp mitcn. meiar bpe&Wo - and 1se - the Luxury featires of thse nov bodies aeilagîa froa Ha JIt teck itside ase taya for bots front and CMiAeMb t berday rmi mie in mtl modela; huAIt-la il gravai deflectors whlch proteot thse radiator grills f romn flylng stonea and scoop air iirough the radilator; conoesied door and truck ihiges; concealet! "aafty step" rurning boards whicis accentuate thse streamflnad beauty of thse car, sand prevent accusmulation of 10e, snow andl rud; wide leatberette Ideci pads ïo proteot doors andl seat bot- tom; andi nov dual borna of sup- anaer tonm and warnlng ability. Taite a Tlp 1. Out refrigerator cookie dough for baking lne thin sices, wtb a long, sharp, thln-blsdad knife, us- lng a sawlng motion and! pressing vary llgbtly. 2. If a moult! is used, pack the dough iIt tgbtly, being careful esot ta basve empty spaces or heles. 3. Substituta lard or similar fat for butter, but be sure to Imrease thse aincunt by one-flfth andi also incrasse the assoint of sait ln tise racipa, as lard dues ot contain sait. 4. Tima the tist baklng cf rock- las aocuately in the electric oven. Therasfitar, cookies can ha baket! by the dlock. 5. Cookie sheets musti not ha toc large. Thora about! ha one inch of spaca on al Ides beween thse aheat and! thesides cf thse oven ta allow circulation and aven cookig and browning. wANT PUBLIC TO I1E[P ENTERTAIN SAIIJIRS__ Navy Leagu Opens Fund For Donaions Toronto, Novemier 2'7 - "Tise Ontario Division of the Navy Loea- gise of Canada ls asklng the pub- lie ta ha hasts ta ivalve tisousanti of tise bravent mae lie tisevorît! -Iteelve thousanti sailIos - at Chisltmas-ilnt ie e tbey il ha bonoureal gueste ai cicr service imitsaco seciCanada," statat! Col, A. E. Klripatrlck Chairman, Wai Service Doard, hi ieferrlng tathie Sailors' Christmas Fond establiisea by Lise Navy League ta give Christ- mas dihiners anti comnIons anal gif ta ta our sallors. "«We vent tisa public ta isaip oui very aubsailally l h ilsapeclai ansament ve've undertaicon, ef seeing that aIl the salrase coma to oui abers ai Christmas-time es- psclally, are given a real Christmas hi evory vey, aven thougis they are avay from home anti lavei cnes. "'ILs a big Job> - ta give a goot! Chrisimas le that many mon - but i'a a Job vas verth doieg, only possible through publie support, if it will make oui sallor-guests rea- lize thsai wa know the value of their work lne keeping the sea-lanes of Empire open, and in delivering tbe gooda to oui gallant defenders in Bngland," continuet! the ColoneL "We need a great demi of money NOW, and we are trustlng to lte generoalty and conscience of the people of Ontario to give us what we need ta make oui sailors happy at Chrlsineas-tlme. -Me'b other day we recelvet! a dollar 'from the weekly copper of- fering by the children of tise City Mission Sunday School at Llstowel.» That money represents real sacri- fice! Anotiser contributor wrote to aay 'The Britisis and Canadian seamben are dolng a noble work fcr tise Empira.' Another donor, en- clasing a check, wrota 'For the allant and forgotten men of the sea.' "A good many people sealize wbat out saillra are doing for us. We hope many more wlll too. sbowlag their appreclation hintise tomi of checks made out ta the Baillt' Christmnas Fund, care of Col. R. 8. ?,&Laugbuin, 1118 Bay 9t.. Toron- to," concluded Col. Kirkpatrick. »Un 1HOLDING BOMBE Rotisbury, Bagland- (CP)-L<Wtf William AxrCDa'ES, fifSt Barca Of Bagburgh, 78, died of heait fallure and ahoi* of injuriM ,whan ha fe11 wtt!e holdinig a saddle homs. A clomplete TON. SOMFScmipwelý,s2 -.- 7c Une Of A& P3 Si e 14 .1 XMAS Faf& P3S eve £..16«lm LC BAKIN O.JUICE AP3 25e Ai REA LOO PRICES MOrNALAIE r eu' J cr5> , Ce ISH whte.. 5ai Ra. 4c a AP PICK! Gren Tomate Jar c18 80O'CLOCK DOG F0011A & PKibbed 23C menu n u A& p ma t~rr ETHu Aseà 'iaslie TOATES Aý4m.P lIa C 7 FMLMI m 13e PlC=!^y6wa.,wa SUELCHT OIF Bar Oc USCJar&'sM.uWoo &IAEFII SMIE iu'23C SDÉ Shur.ffs JoUy 2au1C IA& FOODt STOES "0ZR ui5 Page 1 Wedneeday, Dec«nber 3. 194 I N