Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1941, p. 7

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Wednesday, December 3. 1941 MHE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE DOUBLE FATALITY AT LEVEL CROSSING EAST 0F HERE ON SATURDAY Auto Carujd'Ã"ver'500 Yards West of Combet's Point Roakd; Inquest Ordered iderinets Richard Langle!. 20. of 95 John strect and Annie Elizabseths Gowcr, 18, of North Oshawa, were fataily injured when thse car in which they were riding vas ,struck by a west bound C.P.R. freý«ht train Saturday evening at tise level cross- Ing two miles weit of daisawa on the sideroad leading te, Corbettîs Point at what is known as Halîl- day's Crossing. The accident took place about 9.10 pan. The car, an old model sedan, owu- ed by Langley, which was travelling north at the timse of thse impact, vas dragged over 500 yards west- yard by thse engine of tise 60-car freight train, and partis 0f the auto vere strevn along tise right of vay. Miss <lover vas picked Up about three feet eust of where thse car vas tisrovn to one side, some distance f rom thse crosslng, and Langley vas picked up by thse train crew about 100 feet further veut. Tiiey vere taken to the Oasawa Cienerai Hos- pital ln ambulances ealled tg thse scene, Miss <lover died at 11.20 and Langley passed svsy 25 minutes later. Ail times mcntloned are day- light savieg time. * lInquest Ordered Miss Oower ssaffered severe head Injuries, a fractured skuli and a fered severe head Injuries, a f rac- turcd skuli and severe laceratlons. A Post mortein was performed by broken rlgist hip. Mr. Langley sut- Dr. F. J. Donevan on orders f romt crown attorney Ailin Z. Annis and coroner Dr. H. M. MacDonald. An tequest lis to be held ai whlish Dr. Maconaid wiii preside, but the date for the hearing isas not been se t. The crev of the C.P.R. freight vas made up of the following em- Pîsyces of tise company: conductor J. E. Barnes, Toronto; engineer J. Kelly, Port Credit; fîrernan D. Wright, front end brakesmnan J. N. Malley and rear end brakessoan J. ilennan, ail of Toronto. One of the crew sald Langley vas conaclous sehen he vas plclced up and teld the crew bis naine but gave his address as 310 Burke street, wisere he formcrly rcsided, instead 0f 95 John Street, He remaincd con- sclous almost te the last, but Miss <lover neyer regalned consciousness.- Mn. and Mrs. <lover t"d Tise Pressi yesterday that Langley had callcd ai their somnet on the road north of tise Norths Oshawa station and leading vest te tihe airport) Saturday evening and the young people isad lef t tise house about 8 ontlock. It is presuined they had gone for s drive and vere travelling north on Corbett's Point road to, Highway No. 2, visen the accident occurrcd. It vas misty and tisere vwa a dnizale*ut rain f alling atout tise tixne of tise accident. Evidently the young people did not sec or hear the approacising train. No statemnenis vare miade by tise train crew as an tequest is to, be hcld. Flurtiser llgist may be throvn on the cause of tise accident when tise train crev give evidence. Heard Wlsutie Blowing Mrs. Kathleen Maras and Mns. Lura McWhlrterm viso lice in tise house near tise level crossig ssid tisey heard tise shisll visistie of tised engine a f ev seconds before tise crash occurred and then tise screecis of brakes as tise train rame to a 1 stop. As there vas no telepisone ln tise bouse tise engine was discon- riected tram tise train and v"nt to tise Wbitby station. No one wa$ at the station but one of tise crew went 'o tise highwàày and halled a psss- Sssg motorist and askcd hlm te in- tom tise Whitby police. Chief Wý E Elloît pisoned Dr. R. P Macianen and atso A 0 Marlow for an ambulance Dr F J Rundle and Lukes Funeral Home were also notified and Provjscial Officer Cor-4 poral A. J Olieer, Oshawa, vasd cstied. Botis ambulances arrived and took tise lnjurs-d young people to tise Oshava Generai Hospital at-, ter tbey isad been givers first aid byi JDr. Maclaren at tise scene of tise accident At. I?~ hDPit-l Dr JilJr.- fçsomh tise stgnt little isopes were iseld for tieir recovery. P.O. Corporal Oliver carried out tise Investigation. Relatives of bots Miss Clower and Mr. Langley were notitied. Tise fatisar of tise lnjured Yosung man arrived ln time ta te necognlzed and spokte te isis son betore ise passed avay. Miss Gover expined before her parents arrlved at tiseisospitl. There is a long sveeping curve as tise tnack approachas the levei cross- ing9 and It is clalmed tisatishe view of a vest bound train la not ob- structed tram tise soutis but wouid be f rom tise norts. Juat whether tise driver misjudged tise distance osf tise train and tise crossing or f alled to see tise spproaching train is not known. Somne evidence re- lating te tise cause of tise Iwo, fatalîties may come out at tise in- quest. Wldespraad Regret Tise double fatallty bas caused widespread regret lntise comimunlty as both Young people vere born here and vere veli known among tise younger generation. %Mucis sylm- patisy la teit for surviving relatives. Miss <lover vas born hanEBut Witby Townshsip on Febrssary 14. 1923, tise eldest daugister ot Mr. and Mms Harry <lover. She attended Nortis Oshsava Public Scisool a tise. Oshawa Collegiate ansd Vocational Institute ansd was quite popular among tise young people. For thse past year sise bas been ecnpioyed at Qenerai Motors. Besides the bereaved parents, viso are bearing tiseir sssdden ioss with fortitude, she is survived by four sisters, Edna. Mildred, Ruth and Peggie, and a brother, James, ail at home. The funeral is te be iseld froms Armstrong's Funerai Home, 124 King Street east. on Tuesday. December 2, with the service at 3:00 pin, te be conducted by Rev. D. M. Rose, rec- tor of St. Georges Church, follow- ed by interment in the Union Cemnetery. Funerai Tuesday Richard Kenneth Langiey was born In Oshawa and attended pub- lic school and the O.C.V.I. lie vas in the employ of William Bowden, tinsmith. Besîdes his sorrowing parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lang- ley, he is mnourned by three borth- ers. John of Hast Wiitby. P'rederick and Douglas, and a sister Miss P'lor- cnce Langley, ail at home. The funerai is te De held Tues- day, Decemsber 2, fron Luke'î Huril Home, 67 King street east, witi thse service at 2 pin, te be conducted by Rev. T. H. P. Anderson minuster of Centre Street Uitad Church. In- tannent ln thse Union Cematery. CATAFIGHTER PRESCU&D London-(0P>-Trhe pilot of a "catafighter"-figister plane cata- pultad f romn a merchant skip te tackle raiding Gersoan bomber- spent four days In Iis dinghy in tise Atlantic before being rescued by a corvctte, AilBusiness To Be Licensed Board Implies Ottawa, Dec. 2.-(CP)-A prom- ied announcement f rom tise War- tixne Prices and Traode Board plac- teg "everytising troin tise corner drue store te tise higist manufac- turing plant". under a generai Il- censing order vuav alted today. Meanwile board spokesmen re- ported tisat yesterday, tise momen- tous first day under tise govenn- menî's new price ceiling plan, passed -just like an ordinary day- witistise gencral attitude of tise public summed Up in tise phrase,. -How can vi be of tise greatest assistance?" Yestenday's developinents includ- cd appointment of administraters for bakery producis. drugs and fiis products. and announcemnent by tise board thaltishe Canadlan Produce Association bas sssured 'every sup- port possible" in helping te, main- tain ceiling prices. Tise new administrators are Wil- liamo Harrison of DMontreai, bakery producsi; W. M. Grant of Windsor, Ont.. drugs and pisarmaceuticais. A. Neil McLean of Saint John, N.B., fis producti. Previous te these announcessents tise board said a general iicensing order coveting ail businesses flot already licensed is expected te te announced teday. lu11is new order ... will te basic- Parer ally an extension of thse order spa- cifically licensing dealers ln f ood. feeds, dots, clotising, yarn snd footwear, visiciscamne intb effectf yesterday,' thse board said. "Appli- cations for these speclfic licenses are necessary but otiser busineases 4 should flot aprly for licenses sintil s.sked to do so." Board memrbers and Foods Ad- ministrator Gordon Tiggart were to U confer today on setting of ceiing j5 prices for turleys-a probiem coin- 2W piicated by seasonai demnand. Te4 meeting wss te have been iseid yes- terday. Reports from ail parts of Canada yesterday confirmed thse boards . judgmerst that the f irst day of gen- ' erai price control operations had passed smoothly. While price re- ductons were mnade In some cases under tise policy requLihsg down- ward revisions where pricea re& higiser than those prevalling in the basic period. September 15 teO 3c- tober 11, most business firins saj there were few changes in retail pricea as stores generaliy had sioeed their prices te their Oct. Il level af ter announcement of the general berinltinr iS.agnOce bnern 18 na. apag Ot Arent We Lucky? At wuisot ialand on Coronation Gulf, N.W.T., coal coets $210 a tone: ton. England. just cosnpleting aight years as a fir ts'der therle. Nov Nazis Have Tt Sterris. seaport between tise Se% of Azov and tise Black Sea va-i calied Russia sPonsp-sl' becase of vealth ocf ancient tembs tisere. tff 3Wo .7 Gift Choosing S*implified Hosiery Gloves You wili find your gift choosing ScSXves simple and enjoyable at Bell s- H'd'k'fa. We wIli be delighted to have you House Coats Dresses corne in andi spend as much time Ski Jackets as you lîke looking over our lovely Towela and practical îFsings for Christmas Pdlow CaLse. Evenings qs I (ÇA ýf7ý, ý

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