Whitby Keystone, 14 May 1903, p. 4

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lu The Beet Sugar Industry. Recognizing the great importance of the movement to establish this agricu' tural industry in Ontario, amuple room is given in " Field and Factory " for helpfi .adviee to growers of sugar beets, and accurate information in regard to the pr( egess of the industry. Some five hundred acres of bugar heets are now bein 'sown in the area of countrY from Markham anîd Scarboro on the west to Darling ton in the- east, and Reach and Scugog to the north that wilI, withl the establisi ment of a sugar factory at Whitby, be increased tenfold. This season's crop goe to Berlin. Next year we may see locahized this greatebt of ail industries of prac tical interest to a purely farming community. HelP Us to make this departmeil ,of the paper as valuable as possible by freely giving the news about beet growinî You will find it mutually advantageous. What is Being Done for the Coming Campaign in the Beet Suga Industry. Awriter ini the Caitadiait Baptîst, wh e reeently visited this village, thus speake A ftsk \~ ~Q h f p F F of i.-"Thi quet cunty vllaego Ssome four hundred souls, is well suppli '-T h P o.41 "I ul ed with churches. Five in a,1l The a Metlîodist and Baptist are good brick' g !structures, and are well attended. Both;l 91have good Sunday Schools. The Hon OD ie nd e m n e h- 'ats udyShocnutdJohn Dryden, the Superintendent of the Electrie Ligh lants D il sa dC e c-large Bible Class in the morning. At Machine Sho s8um in S aton Itthe evening service we had a young 2 a1in~ g.preacher of considerable promise. A *WTMadchkine Printing Ofc - 'bright, cheery presence, fluent language, y good voice, sound doctrine, plain evan- F o rM lsB k re Flour Milis BakRemadnles pro r minent in bis discourse the substitution- 9 Grain Eleva ors Launches and Boats ary plan of Salvation by Jesus Christ.* The singing by the choir 'vas hom-ely, hearty and musical-free f rom artifice: It will Saw your Wood, P1ump your Water, Run your which so often destroys the song service Cîem SpraoTîe' o~ rain, Gr-ln( your Grain, w Splendid Iproparatioris are being madle Shiel your colin, CuL your, Ensilage, and ps-y for itself for the colebration hure on May -95th. nayaadn agro ie The Brooklin 0(lBoys of Toîronto have ii-aya, n n age f ie )forgaiiizod an excursion te the village for ,,m that day, anîd frem the circulars issued - - On of tflese Uertect Lngines may be seen in operation i11The rKeysboneofie l by this orgaîlization the followiig ili-(C,'q-.1 eteresting lîistory of the village andMD') a n x îo( u îc e m e ,,t f t h e e x c uir s io i s ta k - - hn ae that historiaxîs of theo i calty 0 9lfllr. l haefailed to chroîjicle it, a post oeu (01 -a geuîeral store, a blacksinitli sini t - he IIIin Engine C Maornt ufa cters g et litr w it l a few d w ell iî gli t tý)ise ls ii J uai n lcertaiii h calty, Iecaie of silici( t 111- 0 C A»GOODFELLOv1, Sl A etVo hit.hyan Ditc. plrt t e ho clristeiie ( l iîc ester;' tlîeC .tiI ' A e t o î d i t i t titît (Jf travel andmimourercial activity, l<'vNever, se cemteredi lire, the iiiitiedst Ire ~~ of iihabitamîts ivent on with such gigan -~ 01,"'O1I( E 1ý_ 1,E ,H tic strile s, anîd possibly for some other -reasohis, it 'vas deemed advisable the - __ 8place be inicorporated as a village anidiîg i Toronto, after years of sufferiîîg. secretary he ct)ul(l 'cake il( repfly te Mr. PR FSIN L ADS the îiarne be changed to - Brookliii.' His bo(dy 'as interd itht Union Fewke*s requcst 'vitliout hirst conisultiigo, Tbis 'vas accordiiigly (lote. Some have it Cemetery, Oshawa, oni Tuesday. the Directors of the Cotmpaniy. HetEGL tht nani e 'as c-haîîged ini horuer of the A very pretty wedding 'vas solomiîzedl wouil bring the iiiitter hefore themi at ____LGL ailveilt of H. H. Brooeks, but this is sti*Ili at the resiîîeîce of Mr. and Mrs. Donîald an early date, when u t weuld have pro- D. Ormiston, B. A. open tu doubt. Hewever, Brookliniî t McCuîlough, Enfield, mii Saturday, wheii per cousideratioin.Îirfr h etr ak 'tr iî' bas reinaimied, but like many other tiowns Miss Mabel 'vas united to Mr. John Mayor Fowke stated that he had etc. Nifiney te Lean. office nex et ()f possibly more importance it dud îîot camphell, by 11ev. Mr. Crookshank, in wrtten te the secretary of the lh b,<n -possess suficient magnetism to put into the presence of about ont hundred Lindsay, Bobcaygeorî and PontypoolDo &*ciIva practicai use that aphorism of to-day, guests. The ceremony took place on the Raîlway, setting forth the advantages of Barrister.<, Sohîctprs, etc.MeNlIey t aIo Wha o have we hold," anid cotise- lawn, under a beautifully conîstructed Oshawa as a ijouthern terminus of tht Office opposite l'est Office, Whith, ent. quentiy an exo(lus bas beeti goîng on1 arch. The pretty bride appeared at the railway, also referriuîg te the large trade J. B. Do%%, B.A. T. A. Nlc(,1L~L U I ever sic, andl lier sons andl daughters deer leaniuig 0o the arm of her father, obtau'iable from our varjOus inidustries, James Rutiodue wbo have mîigrated are maîîy iii excess vhu led ber to tht arch amid the strains and the advaxtagts of obtaîniuig a coal lari-ster, Et(_c 'i,IW>te Lîan omi< , îi Of tiiosu w-be have renîatiîîed .Ani oc-a- tif s w-ecidingig marcb, ren- supply at the harber, and shippiîîg lîm- (>thtt iiilliiedliateietl t ,fItillittel sittmîal visit i lmcpidti t() e<ItIIhoeY îerc(l by Mims May Di lb ti, Os>hawva. Tht ber freîîî Port Oshamwa. I t woîil bu a ti se wie have lattracutil, 'ns le the slclhru c drse i hie )etjtfIin b om te liiadh to tte tsî-s, î crfrt oc (ctst t ' i i wîte eatfu Il~he' tctwî idletî'gî h John E. Farewell, K. C., ')f p1" ,,i *M(r I 't5es e[bcnd caîl trrit <<ia <ditwer b~ouquiet <of (2< iîcii sht eId kee1, Ili teuclu witiî the -,;Litister-Couna <uts~ ~ li-1i îiv<cc iJr l liM I(( I( Iii jte r'o<s w-itii1< îg n it< nstreailmers. (< nipaliy anideIo everythîii" isi)et Xî <<ît rwî , < t-t Icetetiatt Jii ls s fit"i ('eli The 'ritesniaid, Miss bec-y C( iphili. ,l'atvetlieîiîiiiakc Usi'awa tteseuthermiofCout H seitor >fiey <'îlî' iti ty)ýs *tir iris1. andi ut a mttetiîtg swis til bolul:ew~t ofS<ttnii iti::k tr. (iiio1i s(iith 'vt e shtuld ~CutHue ht hlît-Ii mithe ucitv 'f 1 ttuttit %vals teciti- tn oîs. Thl grlite n as si tttct y Mr. sectîre the railwaty it ossitie, aiidlatd-DETL t-I1 t itit as ua sturte r ail <-îrst t oi t rtliîr Mc( 'uli tgli ,trI'tluer <<f tlt- 1brie,. î-ised l semîtIli n a tîcea i t 'ait oil the lirttt-iiu e Muy 2tii I9(3 'icttra -îxîtrussts the apjteara.îce o<*f 2oiiltaiy tîntdiset f'trtlî the atîvamiitaies W dm il(l a 90 , V co 'Dentst. tiffit e "er . Lretm - ttt- ilttittt tltîttti4elitttti ttitîtw tt- mîait It<f lit 'îtr. A fter greý(timigs Mi- r, <tvamî sttîtedti lat the, raiiw-ty <>>~ a'rlm sv îî tle h l i' 'îîî liii tt-t' t(<f the vil laîge1)t- an c' o grattiîuùti mis, t tth e j uysat tt t wt lild opei uIta ie'vsectit 'mi <<f contriy, f i l- e utfia d s iitio s rp s d tIi-v r u Dentist. Ortltiate "f Rtt -b-.,fi-îi <ri'grainî. W\ t utt1 ii< at t ms'if t le ce le- 'vi s-h 'as imît tthe least tof thtemttt-rtuîi m - ( lîuwa t' thave the tt-rîi iimîs lute. It rg'nJr tiI"îrg--t t i-r tii liitiq wl e ean svt umh ugh ifts w etre ltttî ti fmîl amd wtulu i aL-t rive us c<îiliec-tiiwith tht ersiity, Ur'.iiiia;te <'f i îiutý? t- rm tît.rtu. M r. anîd M rs .Campbîell C. 1 lstitimgwich se have lonig stî,rge q e rw nd i i'rtt r ttr tt <mi tlit atî«LIItiti t4)tttht regîîilar pIt- rtti v tîw-ay aniti gtt>î wishiesshttwers beeri gte securu - Ht thoîght the - -t'a ,.te(t re ri n tc k a n ti t>le t u n , 1 rt-t-e groîlthttrin vi: ie et uiarrivilh.> of rnee amdtihte protvtrbial <tit slipptr. nîatt ~Ii be atteîîded t' at omnce. the ctniitte<<f citizeuis, maid aniil the After atîm exteîîtlotltripmîtrtlu tluy ru- Mr. French theught that ît weuid he CIIURCII DIRECTORY. ýstrainls<f - Homuîe, 5w-et Homo' Itby the turliîte sttît «i a farni ier Eiîield. hetter tt) have the Dîrtctttrs ()f tht Cein- fbantsel atei lin <cea t )e Tttxm-IlSqarec .l{xii visit O(shawa itisteati cf sti(ling a Preshyterian Church. îiopuad p r ) ee u th q u r ,t otituwait on th em îi. M est cf ' 5 ', R IX J H wht-ru a fttniiial weulceinu andt- freetlmui Pioneer of Whitby Tp. Dead, tht people imnOmntario dttm't kiîew cf haif Naamthîtt Il -s a. Ili. andt 7 Il<. 'iii. of tht toiî 'iii ho lbetetderetl amndi es of the business and nmaîîufautturiuî- oie "4tti-ni (isat 1 t.Irt-M--î2 1 til t t. Prmonicit spittkerls tre cx- T'r c tîepasst'tiaw-ty let 1< t 2'q'coinm. i7, Mi (shaw-a. i-ultirk3yeeliu t5 'bsk îtîctd to bcIrusemt andti mcruie tht Wîîîity <te Vi ie- sta<< 1s 'i-k,<n eim -s psui aptmtn h e h d t T b r a In a carefully writttn article for the lied $uêmpr Gîî:-t, Mr. Waldemar Hertwig shotws tîmat stigar boots shumî, if the-vôuîItliur otf tile counmîtry viii ntatiii aliow tof this arranigemnlt, ho plaiited oast andtiw(sst. Wiiyi? Ucause the beuts' htteves wili presemit ttt tte siiî c rays their ltrad si<Ies caidi io iîîtiueuceî by tiieni ltonger anmo Ire iiittL-ilsely thami whcîî stanîtinug 'buimîi tachi t thîer'l et tht tiime ttf tht, smite greutest altitudte, ut, îît mi, ts wttîli Io-the clîSt inmi ' rîîîmgi ut 'ikrthî andtti t i Th, hiis featiîrs Ittatitlîes stil uito<e t-mmi phiaiZttî 1w-iitm ht. it sgtîw' 111). A tiî' acr" ss atiitt-- tii<tol iia ari'i ht iin ule yshowt's uail the' lettveSsuti- (, <lutid tr(sst-tiig tia-ir btu tit si-s t t thte sui. 'h5 t'î -t iti Woï-st armuîugs-i altiit a tisuestt suî1t1tiît the w'eets. foir havîiiig grtt'vii ft) a stîicienît sizo the l)cets î,w' tiîrtw' their shatitw-s on the furrtw-s andtihUe woeds. Withu rttws ruimîng uitrth 40(l southi thoe'vteds 'vili rectîve far more hight anti heat than thoy 'voult iniii n- niuîg east and iwest, Tht Ontario Stigar Co., of Berlinu, have declared a silx per cent. divideiid, Pay- able wheîî tht stttmed stock is stthîi At JIthe recent animal meetinug tht repotrt cf the Managinug Directs<r, Mr. S. J. Wil- liams, w'as satisfcctcny_ and gratifying tit the highuest degrüeMn, Hugli Biain, of tht Eh.>, Bleuii Co.,- Toronto, whct bas so ahly accted as Presidemit, 'vas nue dettes1 te thuat responsible ptositiomn, Tht lionhimi di'rcctttrs are nom, Messrs. F-J. «ii amis C. K. HiYuugelt tiii luit1 llcittrt ISinyth. Tht latter stccueltiNI n. L. -S. Wetht<r, t 'f Huttidel tti-g. NrN Se'Mt-ry. aal ipm vol mîîuîmagîîîg tiîîî-tî<i, aîidNi r. t'. 1). BIel, '<f Siimuw bhas i,-'m îîut asi i D 1'1'1 -mti, u ihtt i'u î'î<< -tttii ( f i< ~t'.vG14î $3( ,( anti $J ill («t>>, ( This Benhit1 i faet<my wilîui'itîitîol ho a great stuccess, anîd ail thiat xt xîs'etic ito tht loyal suîport of the petotple anid the farniers. The ptrotspects fer the coiig Seuîc<tîu art bnîglit. The ai'ru-tipesc-'licit' <ns have bette int st sîit--scftul, uanduth I e' tiiîamiy expeet t t havte ut <i)ili imets lux tic e ti tract ttt itîlf acttiie 101,10<00,000 po lit cuis cf sii-l. titiis'm ii iîg Sesi-as i. lVMr. 1)(111114---te1îîîm toiuîîi tht- gîmi-las xîttnimîcttt tt-e mnt'axiig t(<f t Iiustt w'ont, - -thetistren-msiii ufi, - tii 1ast i e 'Sort. But the fruitts of succi-itîrt' 5'sttt, ad iihus mît ipptt iiitiocu it asmutîi imug tiirt'et<tî- istaîcolin pî1<ilmt-lit t' ic 1 'rmi t te-ttoi f imrii' -tnituitist i cîg r tr,- totu it 2îftt-'i. '1it.'e<1<i~li tiacusttstifo'î iî tt i 12 <lipa <'The s-arl p'ii lf <i lt fl-t t i tut. lb-m-i u ft-tiýt-y w-iluiuMIr. XX ii. (<kt- iîsft it-tu cîittIgst almt at< c-it -f futit-uru-tl <t Vý'hitii., has, stt fer as catîtIl(t-lt-uîttt-t gi t-Il g"-tt<i Saticfacstont s"ti,-'s- ih- hauvt- giN-i-l it a tiail. NI,.Si-uI lirîteuu saNs Iluss tttt- Ilîstutîîh eît (1]i1gîttetii-y- f ,1)f etiii uts- h' <ttutti tNi11-. Jîthît, «ilhis fttuindhic xtttlf iigClt)î' t<<k kiicii dy te the me'n -e«iweCL et ur frttm thte theî-s 'vittgtît pullt. Se-edimig is in full swimug.M Fifty-five farmers iii the WIMIy tus. trict got tLeir seed thrcîitli MNIr. J. Lontg.-.-H Up'vards of five btuîdri-iiacres t)f 1wttt are utider ceiitract forintueini fact'<my m-ithimu tht territor>-trnliiîtttny t"Wiit< iii the totwnîshuis ît4fEas utind Vet Vhitby, ltocli, Sctgt g, l'icktng, Markhamn, Scarbtsro ani Deriiuigtt <xi. In "Field Talkis 'itb Gro'ers l'rttf. G, W. Shaw, Berkeley, Coilege of Agri- culture cf tiho University of Caiifornia, iii the curretit number cf that excellenît selli-mon'thly, the JJr't t'Su-g-r Gazette hias tiiis te Say ou1 tht Suitjec-t cf CuIt: vation: -Thruce thiligs nîîlist Ite kept lii vietM 1îIn the ciihtivatimî "f bee.ts :lst, th( Ittets uIust lat kept aitsttutely fret froiî w-cuts, 80 tiat tuh emicicial ctutu 0 tht sun niay ht ftlhly rualix1e0(; 2îth(_t grtnmiid mîust ho kept lttttse foiî- tht sanm purpitse; 3di, Ili case stf ht 'eâthier the groumui shouiti b Iktpt tiitrtnîgiîy stirnet te niake a fiine uinîlch ttt retiîî muttis1ture. (ri.ttlinl nuay be kept îii114st by thoretîgl ctîti vtt t)i '-Cii tivatit ti i, pt-uforieied w-ith mieî- lit tse cîulti '.att m' %vi-k i1 g te-,>r twsui tiie ut. Suttmisi a aîuiî if' 'îî a crust ()ver tt st-titi, it îîîîît but- ikt-îî t ail litîzurtis. Ftor thîis a liglît hiaîrttw is re- et 'ii1eidnt teti(jt'tite the' seeti bas iist sltnsuteil), etlîerwise a cultivator niay - h uisedti t advamitage, foliewimug tht rews b moaris of tht maurks matie by tht pi-est srhoels o)f tht soeter, Spiders for thit special purpt)se are aiso providusi 'itl soine cultivettîrs, andîl ci a trust miet tot tbick a mnedium heavy relier iliay be usel. -Rugular cultivation should be giveil as stooî as tht heets break through te ground-the tanhier the hetton, Iii tht uanly part of tht seaso uctltivatioîî mnay 'veli takt place every ten days, ruxiii tht fiait kîtives as clos)e te the beets as ptssible. As tht beets gre'v oldur the dlistance sbould gradiialiy be iuîeneased ands also thteîluptiî cf cultiv-at(it tmî uiti i the bazves umeut iii the ntni-, w-hem, the tie1th sii<tîii have reuichitt im<<t six imtthiîs. 'Jliei'crttjtis hi-w x-5t(Iy l>-t'"ltîy Sy. lts-1 t uttti cîitttititr1 i t mît< îilv sutu te iisi' tu uttîe tt tii.- ctmrt'c <a ii'b titiiuiltlïy gît wtii t'f tu-planît. i' <il g t t' i iS ut'i tiisty t tîte cl tlu' <wm t i-" ts <id the p îm l aniîtht, uttuidsiuts t-' itîttît i'ltetitîl i ru îî' tsttî t'ttt>til<îîî, t tts i, gtti-. f<trîit]< ii tf tîtti r-eýt. FItilItev ith a eILîtivai<trjîuts- t-ilu 'tu t' t titi lii g. - Nt-c s t t -k wiii il îtl'ml'. îti.i liii -iii i1 t i i ,il 111 ) <f thL.- ' t <t, J <<< tlias tis iîîtenestîîîg aîulm'illce- mîenît -Ami i mlp(tiliît tiscovery bas i<ecî Mîadle, e-hicb, if ut tsunîîs oit practicil, wîIll ah ii' tst net-t 'i it 1< ii ut tilt eet sîguin iitistm-y Ity uttiliig the w-es-te 'fniuiiuu. factut ne, 'iuis usp artictsiliii mc)« rtîîî ut inu tiuis cttiitry -litre the~ speit heet itult lias îu< <t liîretf< 'ru bheiuof great valuie, exes-It iinuit cuîste 'vhe.-nîit lias b<t<-î lîtili ixetifui- the (-) e itt .f It u s reîttrtttuit h tmcîtipay hui ts-s-iuc <îgaixz'tdiin Ni-e York îîichisouuîe ii'aidus-r inilt tbe ht stgar impiistm-y lre îîtt-rsst-t, iiig tlittse îîueîutîtîucî bt- îmîg G.tipt. l îlu u iîî 1<<ut-il. f "f tiy <tC tit iuîits J. F. Ktegut -, 'f (.'t îttilit. l'utf-its îit ttîmtig takt-u <tilt tt' <'.vut'îti lit-tu. iiulti, T l ' m )týtnsuro nmu-t it I.i t illl. î tt' ttti i 1,11t1<f g itt- l i.) u îg h -fit-t1 cittt itt- jI, iits "i tu- yîit-mIlu t %i<tii. a i im tu u Iti c -iti 1 giluftîa- i -t', t. iii i'tit- iî u f1-ift itî i s igird fItit ti-, 'f sh ui t l -I.>- aliî it-ts'r f 'ieasi < .akiiîg îechuut iltf frgu (ft rteec SuP , l;'ýil <1 tIius t h l'tses [<- te It i1d irut - 1<-tiît, eetth u gi h t-)i u'tîî r .tt ie s i ug iiliS clîit 11c i l i t'wît îiitiuitiy îutc atitititti lîfe lite ti litai tir îixa ititîfctî->-it-a-geiy itît-iluîg touitof figtitt, "f u A u.ifsi- Suis tvtitiîisîî rinutsbîîy'resti ti a an)d' tt s-rts-i,,i t muaîîylui-e profit mu <mi m-ttginiecîtitîs- cf i c i'tinig gts hi)the raîiuttîr pat ts-îu tiqIls.u Ctîitîîcfatliexofareailiestitie',ul ougr eet. s f ~Letters ffrom Our Corresponde-nt-s PdVR TLE. N-l', J tit. (larry lis 1 iltoor Pc(ttig ut ftV tit.><, tue îîau'iy jùîrt of this wek culili(MY on' fiiiudd. Iieceîîtly Mr. Clarry bas 'vrut- tnî11uxcmiitatittns ut Victoria univer= sity,l),tssuig with.4e4îdt. Congratulationis JtuîîCherry, B.A. Rob <lent Htmtîr sptuiit t.îiîltiay witiî frit-uicj ili P otr t le u- my .1 1 s spunt Stne> -itli Mrn.dtiM rs. F. W. Mr. F. . u--m is blus>-plittiiig a strutie fîmumilatl(i, tiimuîier huis banut Donu't forgut the entextainmeiit in the Amtîuîg the visitîtrs mtiiSiiiuii ay 'vas Mettldist chîurch to-niglit (Tiîurssiay), 'eîl'el'Ie ve 'antdiMu-s, H<lty, otfMNi]- StstreiptiduLn vîevs tif Sliiloliiis wtirk, - thester, et Mn. Jas, Kents. -Intri s steps," alise mt.vimig pictures cf Tlue tffects oîf the late C. W. Baýteimiemil iig Edwutrd's Gôroniuttuii anud the South 'veru sild hy eîîcti, m ti Jni.day ftstmîttî African War. As Mr. Carnegie, thteulest. There 'vas a large atteîîdamîce et ohteûttiuer, come highhy recommended tht sale. by the press and ciergy, everybody can - Mr. L. Hubbel is ereting a new resi- iook foi, a treat is store. AdmisL;on, dence. atIs15c, chiidren 10c. Mm. Williams, of Bown-anvilie, shipped - t.and Mme. Jno. Webster, of Whitby, e choice locd of cettie <un Thumsday cf - ettSunday at Mr-. Wm. Tearvis. lest 'veek. Ir. W.S~. arke siso Mr-. &nd Mn, Mm-..Leak ha, purQhumei the pxoper- 'c ~.~J'1£ V~jE jTiLU ty lately occupied by' Mr.* Luke rncs section foreman on the 0. P.R. adv-~5 D1%îtîî Li---< 'fi thus i'î c Sti'tifiq- thei- îuu-tutî <f .\'- B.r 2îi<1--. V iitt14.po d 11 . Ltvt Maudoetlt<ial<E. «Vliteftmrd, WV Autît. G'. Sltetr. Jr2ul-.HaYs-i'tft,('. Biirr<tiglis, b, L 'ruie .HitrttpI 1. t krV. De. Si'. 1't. 2--E. Burtotn, C. Eicissl-' ('<i- wiii, F. 1litîuilen . lt'AI, -r Jr. 1't.2 M -igiti. ig fgc A. li ght. IB. (ttlit1Y, AM.Sittr JF'tiis ,Sr. I t-J.-Hortt<p, N Rtnti-y 4. Elvisis U. Heagiu, J. Ccl e'îhi,0. Csîlby,AM. Agîts- tsus. Jr. Ist-D. VýipomtiL. Albîns, T. bLaw- reuince, M. Laiibert, J. Pri-iîgie. Avenage attemdance-40. J. Hstîiffiay, Tucchuer, Mrn.îud Mrs. E .E.aîu, îtf Wiiti<v srî-î1tt iiitui tithî neuati'.ts iiititis 'l'lie tul1it îtf tue l ctis -lii-hi lut-i- 'ais tit1ti i sît 'u Siiav lest 1<.> le-v. Mnr.NIc E emt, <<f Ber-]ilu. The' <'liut-h i s mute'patstt rît-tot, anidoiM r.i- Ew-iut is rtiîortoîi, w'as 1,t'ecluiuig fer a teIL. A k i telîîîî is httiiig ]I tîilt t t t xostry' otf tht Baîttist chuturchuii tis village. it < 'e'ctixivi'i. t'. Il ttim s îtsti- (lit* vMaiy ('t, siteel'seîi ier cyts t't thuis Tihe fîmmirîl 'vas bielli Friduîy te Gn<tve,- Siciti s-îtem-y, antI the iruge oictumse whiieh fciî<twi-1tithe ut-grave gave tîvititucu "f tue Ilhîi estetîn liit'hich thie <elartosi %vuis heiti. Mn.Mtî' is stîlî to have' houn of a itî'tst kimuti hîeîîtesl and 1ho<spitabile dis- 1l'tPtitti Sus- 'vs a ileiliuti- f t1u Fni-shyt-ruimi i uuîrc-iiandtilier îustt tu'ps- f inmt-i dthe' ltst sati rites ut the hlute amnd tht graive. M ns. 'v w'as a iiîme.bttty. Shiteliid mu"t ike travelling. l'or ttvtr t'vemty ycuins she bad uuot heemi cff the fam 'vbcre she lived with ier unmanritd tiuugbtem, Miss Esther Muse', T'vo nier- nietl taughitm- alstt siurvive their nî,thor -- Ms. Jas. Croxah cuti M rs. '-WXVi. Whit. Tht deceaseti bcd a 'vrcitirfîuily vivid niemiory, catd ofteiu cmtertuîjîtidber fricuîî l vtl st, <ies <of Itittuee days andî ctuini y'iirtishi1s. Herîthuysical strumîgti 'vais retaimis tilt a rtinarkahle tiegrme hite iii life. ier fints nec-ail that îtver 50> y's-îrs cgtîsite sîteut titi eutire siieleter lit a tlark rotti tt'ing ttt ai t yetrouble., frimew-hich site happîily rtctvi-reil. Mi.eîI Mrs BtU î reru Fnttm the ()tut'îio Ii'tfîtroiou- 'vurpnht FR AD OLI Mr n Ms i-dAsho rer-arepotrt of -thteidiscussionminiithe Oshawva, FA LND TT j'tic-iîg un the pnice es truasureofta' e i'vttm'n eoumucil ;-egarding a proposed rail- 1-5ar amt et ihri acl boty. t 'vy cf intet-ji in considering the trans- 7 cefr olt uhri acl Mr. Fred Richardsqn starts for tht portetionqùestion and its solution for of five acres and up'verds for planliingt land cf heather, eccompajîied by Mr, W. , the peocAt cf this part cf tht province. and pastumage this season or as ea'vhoit Petterson, this week, for îî~other coin- A, coimmunicatuion te Mayor Fo'vke, for a term cf years. House, hem, fruit. sugîîment cf horsts. We wi,<uh themna i!orii Thos. Stewart, Lindsay, secretuary situate next west ne'v Gtend Trunk pleasant trip and safe return. Of (~ot~eLnsy ~ba o 'Pny Station ut Whitby Juuuotion. Âpply> Mr . T h Q e.C a r r cb d o n UI b b a t la o t I W a ~ ~ r a ~ t t i h ~ # u- - . N w N A . , . +tt-PtWt"iti tic h& Atm- ler in t1w Dlmtli Nm t ra uîîuft t u- X iilliiJt-4 s1 -,aundt Mr.A m'N. Xtttitn-itt'1tc iit<tIic îuî'. St. John's Church, R.C. Mn. W. t'. (<"ic-a>, "(J xî tigi, tîke S PAI't siui'ttIES E-.-i HX lt-l <iNXL iN tIht lilas- tcsateti <.>-Mn. Wetti -e.î- StttuilS-rt' tin ctii t îtrnii Mm. A. H. Atîtius lias a't'tda ItttSitis)n as truivoîher fotr Fi'cderick m Steerus & C., wlîîmesaie duggists. Mn. NOW IS THE uIME T Adanms loft thuis week for Detruit, wbue TO lie speiuis a 'veek inu the firms llttcterio- legfical Lthoratttry, prittr tsi a fit-e moiîths UI 'T tnip iun the maritinme provinces. lt Siidyiiiltl att)vsthsSIM. Win. Ay>res tirove to Trrtnlto ouit A co n g-h<t lias heemi iii Ht retîiriîed oni Mnleitay eHiuug.. Fe 'as accttiip aitiod slTH by Mn, A. Bauisel, of tht Wbitlty House.11ThT Mm. Jas. Campbell, cf Chicaîgo, a resu -D denit cf Whithy for many years, b as ESTEIII BANK beemi c visiter iii town duning tht past! V HITBT, ONT.3 'vtek. Mm. Campbell caried7cii a diry' gotis anti grocery business heme, citd Interet allowod haîf yearly at îtccupied tht Mcyr's chair for kt ceupie' hîghê.t current rates. of ytcms. Sonie teîî yecrs ago ho me- o ed t Ch cg , at r an si g aAuthorzd a i al $ 900 0 o large fortune. M . Campîbell stihlitils orz d C pla n uc b p rtp rty in and about W h itby. : p ia at e io to ve y His mamuy friemîss are gladtit) sue hic, S)ýia tetont vr littkiuîg w'ellcati a littît mire fleshy customnei. tiiet 'vhui buo eft, iuudicatiîug that thue Died. IINtE M.-<w--À ltott 2, Conu. 7,Wiiithy) 01 Servant Wanted Wedtesoiiy, laY (6, 1903, Estlier.Sutl- XVÂNTEI.:-.A gtssd guuîcu-al servantt. ler, %iitw' "f thîe latte Wmi. Mac-, ageti -Aptjty t" Mrs. Ritiedgu. J - 1~-~ - f..., - - t-- SIIAW.- lu «hitbY, oui Thursduty, Maiy 7, 190)3, N'iliiemn Shua'v, agel, 88 yters andi 8 inths. Fridey end Satîirday ()f hast week 'vert tht first really fine dmîys of tht season. Tht gtowth 01 o'fgetatutîn was so rapid as to be- aimost visible to tht naked tyt. Other warm days foilowed, and now the town and comutr'y May Qk j Oshawa Wauts C. P. R.

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