Whitby Keystone, 28 Jul 1904, p. 3

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CapiLa.l ! CAinw~ii Une wlLU us,.ut You xInY wo6d ttLat 1 know what 1e hudbeS ryd'o Duke round Maisie diligently sewing Itted from you a certain-41a'r.' under a mulberry tree. Il1e gazed at T149 Duko emi1ed. er itI ralafekto- i ' My dear Colin, t1-at- te mot ne- t Peet Blgt ad R ~;h1~ih1ld ih e iploîna«Let mesee," said he, as hie took <N$a7flair. I'm obliged to yotl for £ _____0____________ON_0_%_o- hoth ber 1iand28, 'your une1e anJd I 1tLýewor."b 7ro*rd o d j o d io.o- are-second cousis, 1 believe?" I Frmrcotuetloehnrd lb.'atgsd wItaet "Are 7ou ?" said Maisie demurely. 1Mailsie, reanwLlle, waSsisightlv' I Tere roucontinuet fo1 wtth whor Z The riglit sort of a wo- «'TtIat makes us tlhrd cousins," said Pei'Plex6d, and, if tLe truth be toId. of Ùr'sbels of potatoe vr e. n~ h lw bu h ']Wfoulleoaremea an drnk D -Tbp duke andivo might cati her cousins are very dear relations girl off eease, as wcll as senaibli-, "41Wicuit1sarid eatord o rink rah-the wanI og a." tlIerýve3 Dukeue,'dins smlan hidtitgut es i ermid el av rombiglit &n og llhmyb h eodfcf cla Xjë Misis lai or Cli Srah-îh wolg oas"saI aiie atc 'he"-heDue' eal eestwfl iy sif dtemiedjoUrngma- avd Y pryngth vne wthtw wek lte.at-tb,4a sat togth.er In the Grosser Garten and nice-lookng, but-" ae, Maise." HRe walked on, Ieavlng fered. Accordillglv, on the following tained at tje Centra prmetljcbegtokpthvne ai-.rede. Go on," groanced tIvn roloncl : 'you Malsio silling and blushiflg In the aftetnOofln, wb",nElle Graice led ber, Farm and elsewbere aepoi «'fe~~pIo ue" #p dnoprprn efr h oeIelTade el the bg maberry' tree. for thie eleventh time, to that quaint over iand over alogel t Itbabenpoenbix ýta7ung lad..3 k n ow.""f really thlnk lie doffl like me." Rtonae bencti beneath the anclent lin- pa~ys to spray, but c(maaleYfwta vrlatteGopo. "etun cijon:rIont them boldly, My -Iller rai-r wa.s a tradcsman," :aid ehe told the Cu.pid at the -1ountail. dei), 4he sai&, timidly, -Dýike-why did armers spray theirptaosortewlhordnd#aerAg yo el lealde o1 -u come to Dreýsden' 'preventiori of rot eenetAtt-he'nearkptgenan Cýa.i hie ' c aluedtoMaisie. 'l wdelighted 0111u "Del oyut11k'li eleqcky taaoevrtYtawa sa-wht PYDgwloa bia Lhw,, ftIer, tUte present Duke of ~Mercifui Heaven !' sPluttered the I'. ."tat t ou ld ii,"he bren elreiedqldaoe va te te !21bUhEprnetlFmtJ h I ' elDsdalo-"kneW ryou, ho would love colonel. - And the Ùest blood of the Te wle rskYtobLa~ ~nt t ould ave oree ' e oredeld oed eracrth r h ae e-ýeflkUtgee rm 1 Chu.ia!ailMy k'ngdo>m fol 11hik -Veilis ! 2£ tradles- telan erdinere tîlavb1uscoTe Dk oo e e% unoreae ta n h vr ~~lne ta hr poQtmther was a' beautY, and the ma' daujiter. Horrible te nI'rdaptt inrd i.sobuso.TeDketohe eyusryd n L ate, DucItes., an amaziiig fine wO- "I amn :L tradesmnfs daughter, " gala, rlndlfg some fraise, hcb a il and pressed it. age of Il varietiesthrwaan'-spyd.Tecto!4 ] maio lhog aTrtr;an ve al ait.aïs a rule, do not teinpt the appetites yoii sorry tKiat 1 dîd corne?" crease of 120 busls et'ar.Tei bu 7 man. althouti a Tartar; and even aid MaLste.or meni. Hi- then a.sked to be directed '.n"fruaue sOls letfe ulrpr~uasw1b ciov. old as lie la. lho -wel, 'vo need- " I eg -*(ur pardon," he Msid, sur-fom l sd i 6 'oInto tht But I mean to say veyjflg ir charmiiface~ and fiue to a 1lornst, *herel he bought a You are verv young." I bs. lime and 40 galns atr ItoapictotoheCtr ~;W--i cp euld bri.ng >ou two Lo- -When I look at y>u, cliild, when Ie a re wbouquet r iphtserous at 'N iniet ce illait April." the potato beetie Il'stii~cie8os meti!arOtw.W ~, *~eter'wihot 'tssusecifg that see rcprc>du,,eiJ In 'yoii the grace, the '~wthms coselwud~ I,.saId ttve Dukp, regretruliv. '"am P1aris green may be de oti.cuHriuuit eta gehr- hot'bssu are deemed prollibitive. Then lie liadFÎtttro;utik iloIt myirrslmeciotbotaed7 enlFam.Ota an ' ,Te ~8engaged, 'd lay odds that we bre-Ed1ng, t~dlistinctiomii or-er-tlie hbuhat do. eeinlohoklile soe- yearcfid r' ____lime_____________ -gua ýd be, married withifl the year. P-)uniiIfs, I inay NvcII îe excused foi- what ruelful1y, the red-grey locks Certalnly t1he Ehrewd frace, the "Il Ulcle George liati any idea-- rforgetting tijat ycou were ùor wih!l rmbt edo oten a-kî 'uet1 ei .~ US B N E fbas "'Y4ur Uncle GLeorge is not pîagued FLnck. YG are, aýy0 ay, t.,,whîe fll W1]iCLqhaa oompseed gis <ry wdj'ustfigure, "No. lle tmsbeyue ed n rs -wl da.W utb arefLl iot daughter or a traAilafl, and 1Th-htesOheyenne, Apache1il gayandesPi'tfi>( to t t flY in Weuto ibea.cihu rb a: t 'eytadto sturdy figure. It is almost certain Di~cnlu' had brt ugbt girl is bead, ofimarruige?"eMfisie In, ta e eiy usedcoicoonTcradleS -Ir! only papa had not tbeen à wçboîe- of my famtn~y if tb4at fact was not a that h li ad !orgottefl for the ilo- "YO*1 have tlýorght, of cour&, wh9t grievc'us 1ur(1flflturue. Miich as 1Imnt te busiessTREATED TUROUGII ThE after tofe Kiowa cradies, but -sais0 grocer-- lîim fnom Homburg to Drcsden, for gle **Wth . radvantagrs, Mai- otonetdas1brtej &-'Honor your father." said the DIP- Lo'e li" e took ier band tend,ýr]y, lvien heo e 0eDilo t aer, bl ir, yoi mMUS£rBarryanybody .mat. -Let us always speak of îîîm iuc, u Iebîecm you, rtîhy ~a mt the 3ouflg matlis;îýtîyd, tîi1lt nirrmarrngyBLO ADNEVS arie onceofte -W a-mercIian t." kwyuare ooeaofd iacuîated,'Bl I 'havf, î I" ý1 lietyofitie time deeoratN' NJcnoiit t 00.' gu y(>Uliistari a-di ltcuk. ss'? Where have you been, Cliier." said ;ConcIuded Next Week.) ",A hffl-a 01l eI'Lî o urse, Fh' i.L juuip at him. Her detslife ene V aneq J oaà-lghl. u nOVme, *"I unched with the Ptindh's." saidOeoth rsCa Ther faeso ludhed.ueDiplo- I caniiot. tcll you tiat," said the Duke. "MIot agrecable man the SEED ÛROWERS ORGANIZE. hogteUs mat, a youngerls on and an attache StaLsie, firmuly - bat 1 b-b-bo-Iî.eve Colonel. we must have lm at the tDro&dýfl, as entlrely dependent s1e cares for hiin' St.elVitusAddnce, is aenerbou1 amsThe like thatf of the redskins, seemn upa i lthr; asi, norhfl 'Cnoudil i tuust irite to ready for a walk and talk wth you. privemeînt in Fairn Crops. -al-a ward iu Cliaueery. waocquftllY tIBk o-ïh. y, the bye. our cousinUs are d 'uiug Departnv'nt of Agriculture-, CommkI,- S.Vtsdnei -upon bs fathe; ',Nlistee aLoppsantfenortherni gi-ut. ~~ "e Mrcy or ler one. eColonel ow Nill interfere la other peo- ithi us to-uight." m sonrBauh uber o af icgs c hichi aed at ~ nde tl teacctrluTo h pl<1"s business'!" The Dplontat received this ilews nisoîrsBacnile fsgsb Pes fdth fae,1sathe aadsireat Uffafrin te Oferthmb J Pi~nd1ee. f PunUl ,-Oren. T hîe Col- The uýiu," (j>onel Prmndle, retort- witli a ismile, a rd aid ladly. A meeti:g that promises t10 have a tectcd, such as a tw thuÙfte msAais le nlti olw d ]~ oril wasdevoted tohIe nee but XLd fiercely, 'wlîto (oes nul interrere "'what brought you to Dreoden, a-ecîgcfeto h rde 0h ~ly ndrtod b.tlirmoh sometunfes in other flks' affairs 1H Clhier 7 rY dra<y motin o f tho e~ riauiyaifnsaeaeeatylk e l lyd nde rmstodall iC e r aud tith C W I4I"oIr sa ug wautcd t e yu" t Dule tio'î f tarin ('rops Iu Canada wae ek oia c h rnate blu h v r ie ihm s r the ben4 betweeu two bendiets. gesit.o tuie Duke thc propriety <of ou theof1Jtli aThdsand rcstleý,sness. S.VtsdneD.iie~ aincooacai gesonafed aign.oth ,tagIoDrksdcn nt oucc. That, lence tells me that lie i laS' Gh fJne hswas the organ- caused by disorderednrecn io h oeacco rde e I"undle&i had been dragged inu-the antd f iIo or ; but it beIih cri- %vthyou.Ilie says there is a sim .ple izat1ou meeting cf the Ciinadiafl -that is Nwhy it isalysurdb dust of a grocerls siop ! After aOIl.drcns f ueci:I( tbnScecd Growers' Assoc.iatica-. ExpCi'i- Williams' Pink Pis.TepI ll h6ms oua atr -pausio. Maisie spoke- Siîî \ 5Fafgon)v the about yolii -v1licil ouglit tb carry sfven ihpri I l OPP059 YOU fl0w, Colin, that t1ay bufure yesterdty- tlat the Duke YU ar nthet cprofessionî you ae liCe blas sbowu tliat in ail kin incf uCnfS Withpue, ird lcwicanmrodr magteKo lunle(1frg L a or o kiFrýL N%;i at\ liiS at, 'iIlombairgMa-,'io iuu ar ropsinu rel pr aremi-maiioshe uu.r 0 oie e oud erbstougue Fsi e. Tien silo slipped from tule Tho Diplomat bhlushed bhis father be matcrilaly lucrkalýed, anud the qul- aPocesMliOtMeshw cfgo7rmifgr out ratlier tl1an brag about it, but ruOm ad ontamttue plasant cntùîued; "I she usetaDr.erei hiemofrhr.my radmohe. ~asgaiden, wliere a etone beuch liard Nvceli or soi, Colin. (Gad, sir 1 have iYsbtitaî mr\Ab u s r William.s' PinkPicrdhr 0, tblrd co&us4n, once rc=oved, of by a fountaLn,. învited lber %v:tliseen hardly iiiytiiLig of you sincecf£d.liblasbI gadUpagtrLose'1d tthn itabkrodcfoidedw your Iatherloe great-uricle. se wve-'1, mute eloqueuce te rest and refreisb yo lift 'Etoni. You uiust teilie by carfuI growing, and 4ystematiC, posible," sa3-s Ms. ufan"tt hte ccouiii;, ide-d,"aulabou î-orsof. ixtLllîgcnit belt'tion, conltîlucd frou fo0flCcculd bc affite ihaor -0Âre very lnear e..AniS id lunanpirin heth 'ntýde r , inîcu vatked ontogp-tîier, but ya u va.severe form cf St.itsdce hn te cLrdtthe icdatac ed iydaug teri leed, une deeeki pcch the dmypIremct. s, lflgmber. 'An4îofou a lL ercîu egue îùa dcoxlant ti 10 uke d(l Imoist'cf -th(> talkilHZ. lfasten ed-ecd.siththeely upon a et at M.O. I am maturng appbic.gYcor sosndtof y fouC-d iedtgrecd aaicds- Intththebaic e lieriiarmsiaud flegsdwlerldrtsitcd and tMIla dense of -duty Wlould Cerai- wOOd. Tito Colonel îîad fluag baek a uoecupied seat, anti sat down. fiea 1~v Nv e nwyo'ndas-jerk, lher f4we wsdan n ialywcetw pihthnie Iy constratn bu» te write te nY the ild cf his desk, and w-as even "ýn1 go[ng to bc fratîk witlî you. ciaticu, ýVtjicîî ivli uientelif~ er left side becaenubastotersbuyabt -. ta.thr Intue ventof nytbng ~rl- ow dppig lis tquýll into the, iuk. rmy son" said the Du k el, and bis for DOm ,ii _Iilncorioratifn, dratcd prlzd e pehbcm hc tcghndy rspee r f <hnr ,Imn th eeto t Y aoei Te e10wbe eresco1'sinali eyes ti'.Ànklced furiously. '1011 a constitution te reguîate the groVV- indistinct, and sheculnehrstd .e the grIl whispered to the fount- and ycur brothirr oever 90t o011 g, elatnd aJ mf.io\ing of tarin stili nor si' dcwn.Todotratendtîs me" rcog oin sayIi-an btwl ioliem h.Fnqui.te as18 ise1Iwith the laie beeds by its muiibcrs, ud providing lier, but gave lier n eei.Teat "GCd gacOUc, Clu>,0 ythiflg aid hbu 1nt . lîk ie >îbs.Tc)youii 1 c ýii trutb- for keep)i! g re,'ord-3 ofthe bh.soz'Y of ~docýQr N t'dle tl esiesun rmth o c i oerLbu ,impen iiiig bov je fu hislroundut brorwinface ppeeri: lulm& inel i the deeplug sha1dowxs cf tl;eflytiiIptee nyurpO tds, lxiý g stan'Iaîds, and is4uig would never àqtbe(î.I 'a tt - a r m o l e C n i -m t e in c U a ( r 's p la c e f r o iii a s rn s e o f c e r t if i t i ?51 î'J-Ca i [ 0 "f o r li a d d is c o u ra r in gy tim e e e c d d t g v e e r f c o u t i s t a i n s f The IXploxn&tor Y()U 0.,ceenFor iiaC thidl- Dr.hcd upon tue (I il lied gLbly. 'And if îuîe Ulîlef hknew Lack or a do'pil î, 4se:ned tuto sm.le>. dut Y. It1oglt fyo (u'nI îeeLIserdli i' i ?, t p r Wlin2l'n Us Airtk hee n.1 rf.n ,r ilx ; anild wlîc:î yoil illarry ' rtor ilf te associatio n will b two boxe3 Ywe cold c niirv- -fa~~ that. ieWoal&lbo ee ýnjir. 1.S11,111expect a lîke t cLa, nen; uecoldslepbeterafath fof o' .h Why& lia, 1-',. lý it' pnuYdlover- i paw.sivre es seer. îcmwhalcfiateapngup e îa me y a s'&LIi a takVt c ug - Tite Dake, lu repty' te Colonel pun- If Y iarry to Ile se le 1 shah naýizc, peais, uxnns. flax, millet mid nient;n "tradjil e(0M . I u i, m . J. ttue . Iacji op ci'ating inem lDer Ble1tadl gew ete ,a d fe isn rit at tTe ' Dulesof 9;b1-1 wrîe Ilaa-ll eucrtc I cndulLcf nnet yBssalî ealtv gir souil d 'WVat happenell at VLenn, Colin- iv V Ii0f lLscG $ianX rî t-Ocfid You necdtl't andwer. 1 'cUy your i'l LUI t!i41N'ftL,1tiDig \& sa'You he > tuinu eue-quanlp 1 d cr, and ofîfl t anvwîîebt retndboxe anthdte gesallyautb f ;:a y o u fell la lo ve. I Lt i-e em'e t e nM e 1110 F Iin . ui- X o IU l -u re oa euea n - u r e a r , a d n i s LU a th monof ~oarîamlfil l in I'OI r i ýerself iiii rîîclutrepi- "Xoii ,isvhat sort c agr cpa rcrdgwiîg fcabîayt rndmc ht rulessi~ fîyngl Williathe'menukofis are the surs eeforabercordîy ja their tec love very easly.' LiiJîmid t'y n Itlec Colonl, a 4aid- 1) i'ý se' iiie'Po 10a Stratmiaver' ligli yam oçeratioîîs. iDistrict Supeliti- lcare for St. itîs of c.hseinu-ter~rai "Aca~ f a~ lve" heDilo ~~ ~etci'an cf a dlozen engage- liî;ltll is tof mîore imiportanlce 'L îo tende(t);1lls1 Dr.vîu anti aid tO cutrerfloveSt.ls the he Dipomnat. LibteiI 1 CÀ.. Ho whispered< a fcw wordî,ý to lier.afirlxngb'nonileoned î.ruc nce' foNte, f erngawhl tC):i' r1wd a tbi'seey T C>twrrior 1owed. 'I lia.vo l3ii nvarietles of grain sewn on tuie a baband bswndu cai oo lnt1o I, oi.1lalý m yiie - "iSi,', i'ir aCi)A;irdLtiP, Dsî, 'amc farm !ilithe ksa1ne seasen from un go vellcîow u..rleadbox Malsle sho IolikslAer v,-Lutd. lis<'e m uaye icid fer--', l i'iini t Ce' nitui\ i i> (n i*' h ii, IO I wl -cr, u,',>i n (cite nho ean apprc- cent.cres'o f evo 20 ir cnt.e sof even 20 prr ' T e y ufl ge tlenal inlStiI.I>% _ 1-eî on tuio. . clîîcx ug baggale ,ca t(e it: hinthe total yil o cf(andiaut farm o g o tr, vt i el lf ter sea y gane fou ce ~e tl te umîxPli 1['t~L tinitO- ltî , o b. î; -, il. .c crops wo ilîî ucîcan t e addition cf wra i îîP xie ii h hvai sxe iutin i g tuas 'mat, bel thi," sad te I>po- Oc (oiouel pre, 4entel uus nicce, wlio j1ilt - ~du]oin tuî Ile cnîpanIly tue counitry . ,nothnergreat pesOR ohr Iat "t s bu eutlyncesaytbt b ask lgtfplyy î(,îk lP Iii c~onI1undk, anîd Iis nic-ce. The b lity Vs founI hi-1couuectieî vil te 'li caio ri.i'pee tdsvr _j lld ave Dî'esdou. 1 sl ,j <c-e~lInger ,uponliter diiplc's. Tliti>dl ,iit ah:mlîs work andl tas nt nopteue triîc nîybeiinelubiitOdhXifiCtOIS1.fitt onnte OW l' loi tttree days' leave trecI spend tîccîn Ih" ,siii(icou)rtocîsly : 'Vi, arp of kin. Il ýi ýdtoj'in the trio, but lie wis quaity. Take -w1îat for in;t.ance. different tribesc ot neîa u at selhandau. Wbien Uic Coloiel iny doni', eo yecîr unclo Icîlls ne ; and h' a: oncî -cus i aseFrein, _pt. 1,1h0,teMrc i. inaecasrce mtesisc f ai:(it,(-->totit -PeciLse li; ni S pa use'FortoWeak, 1,Sickty arecoldrt meontionls my absence 440 OUn f~, UîC- 1 liîît ic. t~-]all matI nde' sueli anirL-rabtc un- 1001, tUe 9 cr.nîeîtIPection fol aninials. And rihtor vma coun~t fort el d U rctî e - n oiti 'd e uctpressionî w,%bono utot bse easry te wbetat triWestern Canada sltcwec and tracete iitcfntlerfmsloMnt. .' but Dot the wblole trutîl. Ilis Lx- oi.îog.n" Wlîereiipon Mi~ 4t7,00f) blshels cf No. 1 liard ; 5,- nîursery rbyrne t U ni: eoa Teîad fifnsa celleucy himscîf could giVe yoîî IiiW creIçldtni the, curt-Vey w1lîelî foi,- the mo-st naturalt tling In the lO.",O(Jf) bulîells cf No. 1 Nortbierîl, cradle. l'or did nttefte fBb lruhtebtwah eounder cdlce." f ig l m Aii is alcv a'ys cifer tet u le >î"lie sýid to ler, 'lui se many a A:d 7,G§1,C01 busels cf N . -2lNorth- Bîatiîîg go a huntu e g ta ltte rb 11. e ii. very larg prop rhaoekithe wm Durilng the next twvo days the liNr si:îlIlul,n4d, kiseod lu with a gen- que-r c LI (cirioslty rbop." the twe latter grdes w-olîl grade Al. full.blo)odCî ioJ abe rebr Diplomat w'sneiot te be soei lunthe Lîal .il.r.litOH fl is rank antI lt-q That evcniug tho Dtuke dined al-ne i1liard, were it riot for the adntlx- into the Pho-lu -ke rRbî îce itc n uet .I çlub; and lus absenc-t, excieLi da îtîild privîî,ges . i.easkr'd lier jicle a with lis son. Duriag dinner itUe ture, cf ctu-c< rgrninuîannd.ctler valr- and are taughittedceathmyerBaysOnTbtsreu Coiollel puldie, n pLir qtlistion livesnfcaa dbensa ved, b aand C 'srOiY Clîe ude uurr-q'oton bîniI(titireyteuc n allîcr as slrnt, îut whîîe, they ietleS f wlient. Ilere ig an unllmited ijus Circle of Yb~sa sc ste s1u a , i i he n a r e b e o p n w r, ana w lbdî- m. iver c sîpp ng their eoffee Uc sald fueld for t e applcatîc t o U e r o t d lbiongigoft e a J ~ ~ ~ g tîua' nssda eablirds;l)ofl . ~unnù, grvoîm d'abîupt Ly :principe f seed seleetion. Order cf th ewaslîey e vteu Tbes * e t .at c iu bng, i jli rd v î 'iit liîo > 1k -. . -Otv clé,t i f '. I r 1 umy nîarry again, CoLin." T he cxe uti - c u icil f thi' new as _ lx c a b t s i o l e a v r 've r le e te t i g c kept bies icaîper %vlîen lit ' oe .111" Fjack HlI N 9r. r- --?" ocaîon a om ael ratebbei W " -no nul ltelw cu lewo. s scýrniarrieut .js'pi Flack, , _>t not:' ho duk rpied de t Pof. .Tantipes W orts;the ei appropiate vrapil o'a io aB b - n 7ially, ad tie 1iplornatIlad for&- o0-! r-Bribtoi,' replie 1i ie Col- (e tlnv n- 'l 4 u e rpid (e t rf ,iie .rbrsn ti u tn ,to g aeen. hio spoke te biis riece. onel bfify astLy. "TUe lady, wbocse iîame need Secretnry, Mr. J. Il. Clark, Ubief of rntn, choginetrIaeecgh nîirhsagurne -Wht? Jfly lcknot ueoI Amentionei, le xery charmiag, the See(i Division, Ottawr, nl ed nor togec tiolli rai h -,' Younig StrathiaicI' lias mye'eri- il oat 1)JoinFlack, oor Bristol ! A ously dlsnippeared,' U grelecl a .Pttaî reîîow. Wlhnî a bilines5 lie greatLy gfead"drctors, Messrs. C. A. James, G, A, iiicdlmtr Maîszu Itld a ligt te luscigar. lW An.t MuL~4e ~ - A wonaderful. performer nt pin- Gignuit, C. A. Zavitz, .T. 1-1, Grisça1c lcindhitrgvsc isbaîî Uaisie licov ailigltt inaki.' eicradleithatAilteaber n baban.oMrys.hS.dM. Br «I '%on my seul, the club seemns eît av ? Wil' alino tocher.- O" enorgptgrurd 1v dIIPLonat. anîd '%. P. Davidsofl. -ftevrnaddition- oeigt a 'vitiîeut lint'. Tire lad is au ebeery "She wiI b lave stome money w-heu 'And FNmpatlictie, but not .îîite- al mentbers. representing eneli Pro- swing froni thtEtreplealytr- . sus:"haeîs ',te-"vince.and th terriTabletsm fere tonsstlicf the lad, a echcerY lad. N oue c, f lis fa . 1SIt e i 25 o r brfore if s ite m arries q1U te -a ue' vinc-," s gg s e- he t e B and to e tr(- r -qerie s c m p e r t at , fr ne th e c tc w o 5 o n ln ther'a brns, of course, but a good, wtIb my eOrîent. Can 1 offer you sn.r u y, W. A. Cîcînens, Publication pling t.brcugh fu iwar~raon îebs eiiPIbv knd ellow " lun lpon, Iýuke ?' M_____________t ev sa"untrp re'i r n f m iie daer d I "Do )y en kno , Unel-e (,e-orgço te The Ih ke. cortfeoson to an ri pe- You ,"1 ld the duke, tliolglî- C erk. and___________ \ct cn ettUntby ru w bon li is bei g k nd t t iiq in it , -ai d that t Uie o'one tas peîy fulty. s u't a clis nbbility w ith ni. o s r ea a .1i whn i 1 eigkii t Os a-k in4i. G. iessagan.în, Cob'n. , O GLOVEMAKERS MEET NEW bi4s fatner's tep(e" The Colonel staruŽd aI lus niece. mîtAl t>tter Dîukcr' Mi garett e, d a C l IT 0 S ,' ment ?" ASlter t">tlc'xcîron is igethel d a Il's .O>tti eî' ayCNIIN.by a tediolus naî ertpO'"5koî ut c.Bek'i n 11wha (-IY(t neanMy de r", -Oi ni,:iy ho î:cîî' he lue ntpwl tlce flac' 1t is uct," sailthedutue. It May A si-e o glove tcîhýý-is jr-! t i-nv otceI YoiIl ( l(ran he .iý ýn fücto te rse lis as çoft midplnt steaîoteccuTeIm rat le 1*Iig if Il-, Land b1 on tire aji(lis, ut ý, siz 6 (10ve fiNe vears g ,a d t i3 tol(l nie) te flil'ii it1 owii 1)>ii e'.r .î - o i umcci bn ?'uutlî. lu- nôe I c als cu U aiîle, l î. gsd t i ve clînîcîis i a. T cn 3i -f'lrs ~ sow h gcv YOit'a e lX Wci lu g 1 Ilic'r to cK; L lîscI.' lîiuri ,he ('tik-' face sPermc'd rPrder Iluan :qîpiC5 te all thei,,î7(,s made'. The ex- 13klilliv e cibroier ilhculibeutfi la of kin to-us. (iod fenbd tb-,t I ual î.sU~u rect e'yebro-vs. Tlàen d__o ,kund, indeed, but only l 0ritnmentaln harger hoeicf thlueutril)to.bniteentscleted in a e sjioulsi proclalm luis Lkiunlip. ilu,î 1îg a pe c B re a- - r-n g-fatlîerLy sort f vay." ZOW lagr tlartensearb, t ne deers îl. l c a rde aener davng ro d w en " -u u e Of 1Iielm bXI.'e lias llu'rt tt. L tr le i c> w r "I beg y u pardon," sid th a yonng through their ractice cf cycling, cgolfing, n io asqA 'ecilnth t ar'- 1whki C4r>c-ernqs -cw'Lfare, It 1-4 nîy nicce ?"marry a mere complexion.' kuty o> Ipdrt .u4tto- -Lr on"rpldVeClnl Tire cuke slglîed. new conditions and yet aveid hurtiag the beadw'crk ebodr sntotynmdfrt n nld fe or'îua4-lly,"isx to corn e te thil "The fairest iski> In the klngdom," the vanity ef Ilueir eustomers.-West-- VFITV beaitifitl,buvryebra. t de J ran't beL«eve It la truc," fal- hiiosetoe ee-mne." t-i murmured.-. Weil, mi' boy, I eh-ail mntrGzte iu qas ter'ed MaIle. " h e Dke murmure'd. "And he av so more uiow, for notting ls set- _________on-nsiesr, tmet he ra ls cf he lu. musttaI. "Jme-- Is te teil you." soon be used 1perumetaîîy for thettheir liatle nes with bauds cf deer-knn Mit Hrr- -Ht rose an'l held ut bis 11iîniay have omethng te tel transportation of te mai13. The cest beauIs, gorgeous , trso in ess C-v.n ett urb. "Yse Is lU k>ve, u andi. "I &am watlg aubelmyu,"* ead tr-é Diploumat, grinning. of the present wagon system of that birds, fa n fi owr. ntado amlan(te fiadi "Be# . ehtC'neyieab cutj' je$107.000. woodon frainewr.ti abttteagnpeer. ' t1il~~ eg ~ ~ bl CoToel. y'aoe ud ,une. I amn dee,- "'ElI-bat.V~ iî',. k.> 4,. Cast as' Wave ;a place. War wi spray- ~ Some lddle of days to There's I tourth 'Gaini the ob- GdH 43 covel"- Gd ptember. Forwý erlrnent War is itatoe% .Parla ,st =2 If Lti d1 this 19leta at the Tlft es have Sto 2() And th left un- In ai prayings 0f the By tl rur n lsed T. Ma- lExperi- The ada. sarya - coal, o an inv nd somme- must1 es bnstead You n 80 enu (LSmanche quiet ýpatterned alone theirs ere you HE 7 as those self,a grimt and forces Ln wastes for yc the recep- tractii t piece of f or tl ýallV stout deart urely ibit tan raple need. and h adie itself, spent Ls wrapped ship 1with rea- twýeIv( e back to, Christ pe, whose done -ut affairs n-ir s of îtrees. Hflp d laced ?P' cf th . the prim- evea 1rom tvhich nia Lutiie>d and secý lovirý ,f beadwork as tý ,a squaws, bers pattern of be a suOcce- ,hose design .bead.s upon ork in pure The .4.~~ .-'Ishî dery is coin- lie n -or bag, iks rcng board Hie1 ,projectng Iler hood, are Ile IT at the bazk. 'enient when Yea, Ilber many ner, baby is brush. arbor, For ng smilingty Thy ,ye.s' blinking Tho tbrouo'h -the 1 v the no. 1 4 l rig" at the Ané rops tihe cra- the couriter, 'T e important fort cply of fleur, rer ond tobacco niai Sl f ax out on cf] ven. pacient eyes in eaip much big fhi -ain %BLETS. Go en During the n4 children die r eMnths, be- Snd stemach nd inethers do nd te prontptly i homes where T( sed, these littie be i0 home in the c: ýhildreu should bl They promptly ,Pl troubles and IR ffîdren, and the fli Iluat they con- el il drug. You Sa powder andA îfcty te, a new- a ack, St. Peters it ed Baby's Own Stroubles frein CI ind I find them Pl ever tried." All it ose Tabiets or Il il at 125 cents aa \Viliiams' Medi- Thing'. g tendency to the werk of umoucg six cern- ciety organized1 ts of a certain Cornmittee vas d the nMost in- ,n' membern of de te, have the e a, 600 isquare LNevada for a LAide the -Sworcl, Ye Nîations. (Pt. Boni.) side the sword,. ye nationls, Sthe fiag of peace; ?th horrors, tribulations,, >glad day must éease. rard, let us gol i -'i be our sole ambition, great cause sublime'.. ie 'vi'tory 15 given, ,nd through the name iKing whose heart was riven he cross of shame. Reading Steeped ini Prayett ' 7-" readlLg of the Bible is as neces-- us the f eeding cf an engine with or the imparting of strength te iaîid by food. -A.dthus reading be steeped in the spirit of prayer. nust neyer let your work for ChuiBt gross you as to rob you of those lueurs when Hle needs you to be with Him that Re may dee.la-tB lis Father's naine, and reveal TBTm- and charge you with thý spiritual 3 stored ut> in Him. It will be wel-l ,ou te keep yourself free front at- ive avenues et service, te be fresil ,hese sil heurs. They are more te Hliri, and more needful to you all yeur srvc. "In eatiag-time îarvest thou sUait rest." Ose heur ,in wcrk after prolonged f ellew- witlt Christ cviii psy better than e heurs speat in unbreken toits.- ýt rares less for the ameunt of work Ilian for its qualitv. IUc is more -Jus about the werker than the werk. Snie te remember Ibis, thou Lord te haryest, snd often may 1 leave the -whitening flelds that in Thee av finid rest and strength. And if Em bo tctrry, I pray Thee send some gf remiiide'r te rail nie te Tlîy side, hou didst te M-Nary by the baud cf sister M-Nartlîa.-F. B. 'Meyer. The Shepherd Psalm- (By the Rev. Julian K. Smyth.) Lord is miy shepherd, all utot want. ttakcth me te lie dcwa in grcen pas- tares: leadeth nie beside the still waters; restoreth rmy seul; leadeth mie in the patbs cf righteous- ness for His name's sake. ý, rbough 1I walk tlrough the valley cf the sbadcw of death, 1I cr111 fear no evii; .Thou art with me; v rcd snd Tiîy staff tbey comfcrt -me, the presence cf mine enemues; u aueintest myv head with eil; 1cup runnetYi ever. eiy geediies sand nîercy shall f llow nié ail the days cf nîy life; A 1 ivili du-el in tUe house cf the Lord for cver."-Ps. xxii. [luis wonderful ltsalm! \Vhat a cûm- t it bas becu! TFIcw many littie child- t have carried it in tbeir hearts ? Hecv nv men and women, feeling, the neeà Dýivine s-t-ppcrt, have turned te ils ricli -ses ! lcw many seuls have w-hispered in their dving moments ! Lt is se full the religieus spirit ; and the religion ich it teaches is se simple! Trust, i(Iauce. peace are tîtere; anid yet il isý rked ail over uitlt signs cf thie vicie- rudes cf life. First, He leads bis fiork te pleasant ,stures; and there on the yeung grass ey fed and rest. But after a lime they irst ; and se the shepherd lias te lesd eut, as the Psalnî e-xpresses it, "*beside e sitl waters." Perhaps we thiak of ftly f on rivers. But rivers are urce ina taIsiiepîterd country. Often- ,nes ivhat lthe shepherd searches for are untains and cisterîts; and te tîcese ha aducts bis îleck ; "net for rest, but tb ing up tvater and queîtch tlueir thirst."* * *Tlue Psaliii closes with the oug lit cf deepest repose sud eemfort: ,ureIly geedness and mnercy will foiiow ruel, a sunhty, bright, glad girlhood is a iessing for lhe whcle if e. 7. DiX ipline as life disciplines. It dean et secd , it dees ne t plead, il dees not y inîcl a passion. It simply teaches that toerv deed bas ils adequiate affect. 8. Do not laugli at the lit11e sorrows ,nd pains of chiid ife. Netbifgweunds icbild more than te find ridicule where ýt iooked for synýpstby. 9. la ilînessand dangâer preteet, nurÈ%ý -hexisl and cheer as much as lu voui, power. And do not weakeit your vital- it by giving -vay tb ana-uish and sor- r-ewing. Mhist eau be doue must be done as weiI as possible. 10. Do not forget-the happiness of havin£g a cîtild includes the duty of smoothiug his way bn the world-.of en- doîvutg him wbth beulth, gtadness, cour- age, Vigor; cf finally letting him live bis Own life freeiy andi in hie own wav.- You-r pay ystu have had in advauce, for vour serrowvili was happine~s, and your sacrifieing jo-Y.-Tralslated for Harper'ls Bazar from Die Illustrberte Fxnuenzei" CLIPPED. races. women niake bad bull collectôTsWO mtan's work le neyer dus. The word "practiai" iS -geil probrious. It -is ufiualli3, -,e5 annd politic i' ~ -.~ -'i. ~k1'

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