~1 TiE KEYSTONE 7wHI YTURDYJLY2,19>04 wo% M "while Mr&, Robt. Dvrl handed te. Lejr rmOr Correspodnts "W, Whow akemplefely by ______________________________ surproise, .aked Mr. McGregor to lo o Mr.make a reply, which he did ini his happy 1BALSA'M izenÉ Band, under the leadership e M.maner. Min Lw asofl ite a Misn muggle* Rosa, of Toronto June.. Eyans, contributed very Materially te the ergan ini St. Andrew's church for a tien, spent Menday with ier cousin, Miss the suoceus of theè evening. nunb of yeard, as weil as being choir B3ertha Joulies. Civic Holiday Celebtation. leader, a.nd her work ini -that capacity Mr. andà ?in. Philp visited with f riends Whitby, Monday, August lme, 1904. ha. bee« auch as te win the highest -in. Cartwright, the fore part of the week, Grand pienio and day of sports at respect of ail connected with the church. Miss EtUi.h Middleton, of TJxbridge, Heydenshore Park, under the. auspiçes ef After the presentation ail were seated i. spending a few diys with Miss Edith the Whitby Citizens' Baud. Base bal On the lawn in front ot the residence, E'ilerett. . match, Whitby vs. Port Pearr. Foot - and the. ladies passed around refresh- Quito a number from here attended bail match. seniors, cup, 'value, _$15. mente consistiug of cake and ice cream, the Gardon Party ut Ciaremont last Fri- Aquatic - wmm* -10 hch were much enjoyed. Atter $0m da 9igt yards, $2, $1. Fancy swumnmng and time spent in social intercourse the. Mrs.-Schurst and children, of Toron- diving, $2, $1. Upsot canoe race, 200 gathering broke up, ail pleased with the. te, are visiting at Mr. A. E. Hubbards. yards, $2. Skiff race, l8ft, class, 1 mile, 1 eveigs proceedinge. Miss Bertha Joncs spent a few days $2, $1. Walking pole, lst,$2. Dancingî A fow days ago a covered auto0mobile iast week with friends in Greenbank..1a t pavilion. Camp ire and illumination passed th rough the yillage, and wheu toMr.Brtd i1lm ak nthd tuson eusay f cottages at night. Everybody eomo;. passiig lover the new cressing in front Mis Ela vas, f larnintan bring your baskets, and make this thé, of the Preebyterian church at a good MissEll Evas, f CIrerontandpicmc o f the season. Music by baud ail speed, the auto gave a suddeu joit catis- Miss Proctor, of Toronto, visited with day. Hot water furtished frée.. Ad m--ng Oeeof the men te ch.ange his course Miss Della Ward recent1jy. sien, adulte 15c, chidren 10c. te a heavenly direction. His journey PORT WITBY.in that direction,, hewever, was rudely Pr.R OlRT gWHsiTorntY.i MYRTLE. interrupted by the canpy top of the Mrs R. Gdringth wnea of Teroe.is Mrs. Hoitt and Mrs. Derby toek a tnp auto, wîth which hi. head collided. lHe Mieokaesni. e of hoono or istniece.te Oshawa on Saturday last. failed te pass entirely through the cever MriD.s Has fTrno i iîiga Mr. Jue. Bright has returued te lhis and was forced te content himsoif with _r. . IabacitdMishv Wll.r home at Myrtle Station.isi earthlyjeurney. When last seen hoe rs J. ieaacKn istoani.isar Miss Lauira Helman i. spending a few was vigoreusly rubbing hi. uncovered vistin in Kigetn.weeks with hier parents near Asliburn. head. iss Ca hr ber agher, 'h ha. ete n Duning the recont storm many large, A stranger appeared in our village ou iti lier mibthe ho., asreue staunch apple trees wereoeverthrown by Woduesday and approached several ef te . berhom in Bellvandie. a rhv the streng wind. J our buîsiness mon te induce theni te Mr. . ~yian a.ti RLawer, ave Mn.fDowney, ef Torento, i. visiting.his: cash an Englisl, draft of over £12. Ho pitched their tout at Heydenfsbene Park friend, Mr. Briggs. I failed in hi. oudeavors and pnocooded wboe thoy are enjoying the lake breeze. Mr Chas. Frain spent Sunday with Mr east b: Whitby, where lie succeeded in .Chamberiain's Colic, Choiera and Diarrhoea Hubbei. purchasing a ticket for London from Remedy. Miss Bessie Hedges and Miss A. E. Stephenson, the ticket agent, the This rumedy is certain to bel. îeeded Brookes -and Miss S. Downey visited Mn. 1 latter giving him cash for the differenice in aliliost every home before the sum-i Jas. Moffat.: ewnthtiktadhe rf.Te mer ià ovçur. Il can alw-ays bu dopcnd-i Mrs. E. Rico returnud to bier home in strangen thon proceeded to tho railway ed upoti even in the most severe amid Whitby, on Friday. where lie bought a ticket for Montreal. dangerous cases. It is especially valu- Mrs. Robert Hean, after spendimug a The draft is .eyrid@ntlyu- bogus one, and able for summer disorders in chiltiren. few days in the Queen City, returned te, endeavors are being muade te capture the It is pleasant te take and neyer fails te her home. stranger. helegrarns giving a description give prompt relief. Why net buy it now? Mr. E. Carmiichael is visiting his par- of Il 1,mi are beiîîg sent eut te different It may save life. Fer sale by ail drug- ents. places. gists. Miss Beacroft, of Toronto, is visitiîîg James Clark, who two years ago lîved GRENWOD.ut Mr. L Briggs. on the Fothergili farm, a mile east of the Tu ev r nwee uuiklenWO . Mr. Thos. Downey is very busy iii the village, returmued from Nebraska, passing nraspberries. througlî hure on Wednesday on bis way pneche hee o Suida. fMrs. Cuminigam of Toromnto visited te Neolvastle. Ho is net ut ail enthus- Mas;ter Lyniau aind Miss Dale, of Lx- at Mr. Thoos. Dewney's. iastic over Nebraskai, anti ho bas corne bridge, are visitimîg at J1. E. Disie s. Mr. anti Mrs. Jas Moffat spent Sumiday te the coniclusion that there is ne place Mr. Juuc. Palister amid F. W. Gibsomî wlith Mr. amnd Mrs. T. %V. Breekes. likeo Canada. Two years ago his crops had a ruuuaway oui Tuesday iiglit last, Mrs. Ge. Beacock is visiting friends were good, but last year, they did well but rie serieus accident happenud except I-uiuvn.tuf-eprcfheesn.btabgb te ue ig nt hauue~.A pleasamît sociable ovening was enjey- coiiig befere barvest, madie them a Mrs. Meek, cf'S'cott, vîsîted ut Juîo. ud by ail wbo attended the Epworth- SeIdouî's recently. League on Morîday uvening. The pro- Miss Enîîaa Ledgett is lhome under gramme censisted cf solos, receitations, and W ho The *swels Mr Charlio Ludgett anîd Sister visitud'ae3n ersieiswr tuepaenalrof or sor say -Aftel-the programîme reî)y Min r. et Are .onstupatou at Stouflu'ille on Sunîdav lat. srved, anîd the e'. uîiuig beli-i weIl spont, Trho whole dilgestive systom la Miss»Freuîie Gleeseti jî<ssed lier il- wo weîît liomile coutemted. dorangred and the system trauuce examîmatioli, and1 got a sciiolar- o ond sbip - CLUMBS. fy theirdirect and combined action on kid. Mrs. 1;omme has piiichaiseîî a niew (Ret'elel to lite fi ha;st i.nie) feys, luver and bowcls Dr. Chases Kudney. rubburtire buggy fromîi Ucthe tgbiu cu r.Snîitlî aid lichardsoi have Liver Pis overcoune disordeus cf these or. Carniage C(..) left foi. Sc0t1aid( after .liore ClYulstae gans, cleanse the system, purify the blood and prevent and cure serious disease. Mr F. Harrison and M r Levi Gfleesonisoc. MI. B. H. BÂRNABY, painter in the D.A.R. played witliIlle BaI,,amni football teaii ut Mi. Liiwtcu (iiV (fNw York, us shops, Kentvîlle, N.S Citruiom . ~t ihîV îaîîee~ seîd~1 lîs -1 spretsttes :- 1 haveue gau. o t eui li iii )r.iandiril V witB. biGuy.mîsDr. Chase's Kidney. te, bu1u u iîîgsl.M ..ii u.W .(ly Livor Pills fora numbe Mr 1'. 'X. Iistiey uisited iiortliermi Mr-. Edvvin Suiuddur bossed hlus hrst of years wheriever 1 frie.uds Suulday. raisimn- at Nli. \Valtur Mouru's building, ~ ~ woud, jet constipated )Mr Goo Mutch -isitî'uI ut WVîi (lcswh ili S :,)()b'.- 40 feet. It is for mt and suffir frorn kidnel stailu ald (1-iv li'usepains and derangernenti vuil uîa sal-~i lr" i s of the digestive system Mis Louia and Gortie GI ])olîilad a MI-;,,Niiii huirti s 5spcndiliig a dkworaoteu slighit smnash receîttîv. feiv days witli lier fnîemids at Solitia. who have aise used theun Mn uu Mr J E Diîiv vsiei at iX, us. (rCeuge Jacq1ues Herliut for similar troubles. 1 31.sniiBlali eclty Iiaýi-1,Clharles Hawklins auid Jîiîies can join with otbers in )~Ir San ItsncY, aliamîi rccîily. uigenl-. rneuncing theun a n What Are They? ChamIauit,îuisStoni ac]i, sci ix Talilets. A uic- nemut-dy fti. stuiuiîaeii &troubles, blhousiîess, auid coihstiîatioîî, alnd a ýgo i ue. l>iu '25 cenîts. Fuir sale by alil dru g mts. BROOKLIN. fuir suie mnmtîs, bias recei'.oui a eall freithIii- i-eigceg:itiei at Kentolu, Mani. Ou vi iillage iiîtehîî-r, M-r. F. A. Luke, lMrs. \Walter buin, o (f Grey county, lias booii îsi tiîîg frieiids in tlîis vicimitv.- - on nîuii f i ir fitnur s hiave eut tlei r faH iwuat. Tliuy reporut it to e i iadly Mrs. NI. L. C'owh-ý, cfhuirionuto, is the . .1), l1iu ir ]lias luhpri i-i-l se guest cf Miss Lizzie. M.- ('imkwell. l- I tiluit lie iitemis tii appl-y agaili fuir Mrs. Ci mu-cuce Stan-, of Toronutoi cpu-t tu. -o-u Satuntlay mnd Siiidiby '.isitiig at M aile Mi Jliistuielislias iîurcimasci a Gqov e. fui,'. Ilrivur fi-îiuiM r. J.- H. Joinstoîu. Miss Mculle (C!.MewlîIray. )f NWiiitbx , 'f Siii:o.limtliilslie lias mie if was theu gimest of Miss Ethiel Hiilhiday tul ýt- ýtulriver-s iii tiis c(iinuiuiiitý-. Mcuîuiay amnd Tiesuiay cf tis '.eek. . ---ladlse liiiii tii uiter it fur irte We are glati to e ici Jr lmotouurfiIra-s pepuilar statiom agenit, baukwitii liC I . .lb. Guiy lindila successfilli-ais- agaiu. -Iirpioioslhcti wvasieiii iig ii Til (1imnîiv ~at. ItLxvi >e a lfin- duninig las iuabsence hiY 1Mr. Jiamies- Fri- lu - Fouf bl)u iti)thme -ast of lis olbarîi. ci., te whotu ive exteid licalrtitust c'l- M . .1 -iirî cti iuu u îmtnact for- gratuiatieuîs uiiei tih - e.euit îof fis coUemit Imlhigt festic'..îr.M. uiu niarriage. lias the bari ciîituact. The mieiu-rs o)f the Teuis Clubhiwucmi A cabîlc-gu-tini las elîcemi rueciveti fi-uta the guests of Miss EflîilandîiMiss Jus- îe-utiiicaml i tî -fc ii jsie Heliitay'at their hîomîe Moiîiay evei- - Msrs iiii &Iiem 1loi r 1f iugt The eanly parnt of the.- oveîiuu w- Mas -luieiî iii mti&e uuîîî sîîîî ae.sfel dovoted to tennmis, mftec '.vlicli m iaM .,i-F >lugliigi la1lali iutenostuuig Pmuugiafii, coiusistiiig oi tiI I cosul liii fuir the hast week uloimmg îud gamos, was imîtulget Ilii. suine repaiiring r. John lBuuiett, '.h i iieuiiluiyil ut Nlr. Alexaumîer lBi-iiie aîîul hbiiepliuw, pie Sliadc ftuin, mut xitii a very piain- 'Mr-. eorg- Bruidue, îîf Scotlimîl ave accidenut Sunday unornîig. MnI. But- liciii '.isitiuig frieuîus iii this vicimity. tt was part way up a lmid-c whciiit ipped ai felI. as a resuîit cf the accil PICKERING. ènt Mn. 1Bmrnett is niow. nursinig a brok-emi (eii Kerr accounpaniîed bIii u aîh fore ami. Dr. Stanr set the arîîî,mai ter' Miss Kate, left oit Satimulay forn a nothiiîg cf a snieuis inatutre is aiticiîîat- t.'.îî weeîts vamcationu at Peterboro, ad. Cobourg anîd ether easterti peints. Mnr. The followitng wenu aîiihoig those '.vlîuî cLatiglilin, cf Oshîaw.a, is relievîng Mn. took iin the Sunday Scliiotl piemie fromu Keîr of bis dîmties at the baîk. Whitbyo Rosebank on Tuesda), Miss A very pleasalit evemît occurrod on* EdithuS tt, Miss Alie l lver, Miss Liz- Monday e'.eumiig ut the resitbomceoef Mn. zie Bingl'ý,m, Fruîink Scott, Miss Lizzie Thos. Law, eon Cburch St. when a largo and Miiss Annie Barnett. Miss Alstiuie ceproeuitatmouî cf tho members anti ad- Doiittle, andMtiss Carriè Bales. The burent. of St. Anuirew's tongregatien day was ý,oûfet. VA11 neoet ami uxceed- asse mbied te giî-e Miss Hattie Law some ingly fleasant time. tmn-ible proof o! the esteern in which Tht- gardon panty heid ou Tuesday she is beid by tliu, and et thein appro- aveni4umîder the auspices of the Ladies' ciatiehu of lier service as erganist in the AmiwJl uj'>ofethde Methopdist churchu was a- churchl. The paster, the Rev. G. McUreg- S gradêcos Te.ete an wasmen13.D., was caibed upon te occupy the nicit pi-o!ptins and enabled the above " chain, and in a few well-chosen words çcit t remî1sea snm of nearly $190'- stated the object etftth. gathening. n 1ý iw au ; nual tout. The Whitby Cit- W. D. Gendemu thoen read au address, 1 U -~.~- comaplete, failure. Tih. exceedingly bad wat r i that state also wrecked- Mr. Clark.s health, so he decided to returi to, this country. He left Nebraska about the. 20t.h of May, with five horses and a jurge. prairie schooner, in which ho and hie wife and faily lived, That out- door experience has completely restored hie health. Rie lost one of hie horses on the road and .iold the other, leaving hlm with three when lie passed through the village. CANADJAN PACIFICý Homeseekers 60 DAY Excursions ý Winnipeg Mowbray Deloraine BrandonJ Lyleton Lonore Miniota Elli n J Wawanesa Binsgarth Moosomin Arcela Estevan } Yorkton Golng JUNI Returning ulitil Tickets are IK Palmphlets an( dian Pacifie Age E, Ticket, Teleý SIR. WhitL Serv-ice in effé af te -To- $30.oo Regina $3- 7 Mooselaw 3 1.So Kamnsack 1-34.00 Swan RiverJ Saskatoon -35.25 32.00 Pr. Albert 36.00 Macleod - 38.00 32-50 Calgrary - 32.50 32-30 Red Deer 139.50 33.00 Strathcona 40.50 E I4th, s8th and JULY îgth. Auîg. lath, 129th and -sept. 20th. cit eod on- - linperial Liiuiteul." ( full partieulars fruim any Cana- -nt, or A. I. Notm-au, Toronîto. ,R. Blow, ,graph and Express Agent, Whitby, Ont. AROYLE 1y to Toronto. ct Tuesuhav, âJmue 7tl, 19)4, r w liil date e'.ery Tuesdiay and Friciay PýuRiNi; rilE SE.\SON. Steamer leaves -Ne wca stle, Blowmiauvil le, O sha wa, wbitby, Fare round trip 6.30 a.m. 7 -)e. 7.10a.ma. 7Oc. S. 00 a.îîm. 6 O. SLA a. n. .60c. A rriin- ini loronto at 11.45 a.mi. Retnriîiiig leav eil Tronto 5.00 i . Tickets îuîay be extenulei for the seasoen 111,01 applicna tion t o thle i urser aMil on ipaymnent of 35ut s. add it i inai Freiglît îaîd lud caref ni ly andl roi îjt - Nlealqs and s ta te.rooum acconu ola t ioni at reasonal-le rates. A. NV. JACKNSON, J N IlHA Z1 IT. Agent, Wlîiti>y. Manla'er, Phlone 15. ( euies Wliarf, Torc ite For Sale. A greait bargain. $1 J)oO m wil buv the solîd lbrick sliaw% cottage. framne stable and nearly amn acre of landu, just nlorth of Whitbv f uundrv. Iinmediate pos- sessioni. Apply to E. Stephensoni, oppo- site post otfice, Vi 1itby. He also lias a few bags of clîoîce potatOes left. House f or Sale. Thiat large brick dwelling bouse anid lot situated oni I3vromî strettSouth. House ii first-class r-epair. anîd allcivneîcs Applv to NV. S. (;< LD, Wuîtby. )HAN ýIN ALL KINDS (OF Washed WooI, Unwashed WooI and WooI Pîckings. H[GHEST MARtKET IMtICE IN CASH. Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Bones, TaiJars Clippings, Rots e Ha jr, etc., bou ght. Brock Stroet, first store south of th-e Town Hall. TL111- A - A PHILP'S BUILDING, BROCK SIT. lhis is your Store-A When you want ta Save MonoyA A At'every turn in the bouse there is evidence of money-saving for you on many A A unes of goods that are almost every day emphasized at some one of the big stores. A you could not have a better chance to test the money-saving opportunities here A A than in the following list of bargains for Friday and Saturday.A A FOR MEN. FOR WOMEN A A A new stock et ciotbing just arrived, in qual- Dress Goods, navy -iefecd thwte, A ity, variety, style anud price te suit ail tastes. dark brown flecked with white aud biackA A Blck nd avy luesere Sitstii laestfleckeçI, regiilan 65c yard, bangain 55eC euct, farmer's satin lining, best trimming, tasins, rea enyice ne, at paeu orcu- A sizes 36 te 40, our special price $12.00, tis eua nc 2,brandy 7ec A bargain pnice $100,00 Prînts, dark, fast colons, regular 10 and 12c, -We diii net raise the price et our suits andlbaganC a -736cl your friends can get tbein at tiie samne Ladies' white lawiî blouses, ie323436 A pnice von paiî. -W'e are still1 seîîing suits speciai 43o A A as low as $4.00 in men's 3 piece suits, dark Black and Blue Sateen, with flewerA A colons pattern, 28 iruches wide 9 A Navv bMue and black serge Pants, regular A $~00,blîrgaihi day $1.4 Clîildrens' Figured Handkerclîiefs 3 for S A Boys' dank tweed Knickerç, ,ined, hip and Alarm Ciocks, regular $1.25, bargainday 89e j At A i foruckets, sizes 22 anîd 23, reguhar 50c,SaiiIiinl-ichiealsds rgA A35e ular de, bargain price 3eC A Men's Hew hies, eaci 4e Ladies' pearl hearts, 3 in set, speciai- 19e A A If goods are not satisfactory, money refundedA A If goods are not satistactory, H . A1 money refunded. LL.Pl &IN A AJ AAAQ u e t Of _ _ _ _ Aoo Pini atafi rc ThA fs f T eK ytn fi eeecs n h arad cnit5i UTe ea Qu Pest it A r STEýAM PUMP WOR E. W. EVANS9 Pr Manufacturer and dealer in ftllifiue o! Wood and Iron and Force Pumý AIse Steain an i Coid Water YF AGENT F0OR ONTARIO WIND MILL. E. W. EVANVS, BROCK STREET, WHI KS' SEEDS Weatluen is col anul spriing weatiîen hesitates te coine ; but having, the 'opu promise of l- seed tine anid ianvest- we have famth te believe thuat loveiy aspnîng wuilini due timnie appear aîîd have accordinghv pnovided fer oun cu~- atonnons the fiuîest quality of seeds that expenience and îueney eau secune Evenybody knows that the finest qnality of aisike seed is necessany te set curene a crop that wihl coiniuanul the highaest market pnice. W. hiave thiat L U quality. Ried Cloven and hinîiothy, good, dlean, and at right prie we are offening. Gardenu seeds, and floNwen in bulk and iin packages. îtting. To Enceurage generons patronage w. are seliimg 2 papers for 5 Camadian Beauty Peas et very nice qnality w. are suppiying, in linited quantities.,0 -. Every custemer shonld get bis seeds new se that he will b. ready to put them in the. soil when the. weather turus fine. .-.-- [TBY O!*iflEIO. .1. -t-- t [J - As a cleaner, soap do.oa.J.i't begin to compare with GOLD DUST does more work, better work and does it chea-oor. Lt saves backs as xvell as pocketbooks. Made only by THE N. K FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicfgo. .]Nw York., -e-son, SL L=uis. Montreaj- 4