3CÂPTURE111MAÂA. of two divisions from the Third amn41 Sixth Divisions of Sharpshooters and the Ninth Division of, infantry. The enemy was aiso repuised in attacks on the Sinkai and Siaokao Passes and on Hsi-Axnatang and Chukiapastze. -. ' a DLIN LU M~jiLY iI FAL EI@.1J Japa Are Graclually ?karing Port A trisis Wili Then be Created and the Outcome May beArh. Serius Caracer.Liao Yang cabie: A Cossack re- of th Mostport of an examination of the Japanee ________ ________ Icamp shows that the Japanese troops are suffering from dysentery, which is ,Ii ~ r~ ± I- . ~now at its worst stage. 18,th CarDeer ind o mboi Hmself W t rt The Chinese accuse the Japanese of organizing bandits, and they report ta Escape Humiliation at the Hands ot the Japs? thýthebnijhaetacdntvs in t e employ of'Russians. ____________________A native irom the village of Rung- Polo-Yu, forty miles to the eastward, describes the Japanese there as being Gen, Kuroki, Gîves Detaïled Account of the Repulse of the very ordex-iv and as baving the good'D Bussians at the Fight of, Motien Pass. paying themn the exorbitant prices for produce which are paid by the Russians. A ndncâble *ays: It la impos- the question it Ivas resoived to despatch Thdecaestht ithormaio e r« ed or rhr -PIbl.-tedeny the gravity of the situation steamers of the volunteer fleet, and, ifla now eing mortelsel ofPrtdAndhu eretedby ussa'shih-hnde acionnoprotest iwerc raised, advantage wouldid ther e e more ex vant rumorano oete b Rssaî ig-hndd cibe taken of the precedetit to justify the thosse o b extravgides.r o IX the Red Sea. lier amazing audacity passage of warships, because in war oforn orespodna e In iBelzing a British liner and attempt- tiine there is no essential difference be- wiNo e i vn ctre spdet milit ing to zend hc'r back through the Suez tween the twvo classes of vessels, the wtesdee h ipetmltr Canai as a prize to a Russian Black Sea volunteer fleet forrningy part ef the Im- operation, but vesterday the corre- perial navy. Consequently, if the Dar- spondentq wex-c noiified that they may port has astonished Europe. It is f uily danelles was open te one class thev go to Tatchekiao. expected in London that news will cone Icouid not bc re.i-enýbly Closed to anotl- On accounit of the Japanese prepara- withn afe~ hois o th x-capureof e. Tat rgîîncît tiillieaddccdtions, the military possibilities during the Malacco< by a British warship. Sucb Wlieii the tinien s for the battîesîip the rainy season have becomne the suli- un ild(,Idunsiai1l preparung merertaeepassibi-it- oue criais, anti grave fours are en- tertaineti on al aides as f0 the out- come. The chief grounti ot apprehuen- sion is the idc-a, whichu is beconiig - wideiy - p".valcnt, ýiat Rusmi, takiag counsel of desperation, la wantonhy de-- - termîned t-o eîîîbreii berseit with other Mwrsini order to escape complete ' ?ýhumiiation at the hands of Japan. The belief is gainingr grouxutiaise tluat there wak considerahle trutti in a re- * cént article in the Quarteriy Revicw, whieh describcd thc Czar as a wek amiable cliaracter, whuo, wblen driveli into a corner, lieomes Upscrupulolîs, * desperate andi insanely reckies anti who la capable et monstrous toliy. These impressions b ave tliorougly alarmed 'tue bourses "as w-cl ns diplo- nuatic cirches during tlic pnst tw'o days, w1th tIc resulftlihat greater apprelien- sien prevails than at ans' mement since the war began. Tic unuerstand- ing bettvcen thue peu-crs is forttuaateiy of the friendhiest ant i uîîet intiiate descriptioti. -NetAu<ofethferu, las-t of ail R>ssiasa1lhy, France, iaflic e liglitest teisue te sec complications - l gise. It is &sea probable that if 1{i-s- sai pursuies lier mati couirse te incite hostile action by Great Britain or Germany against bersoit, 1ranîce will -t repudiate aIl obligation te nid her lun - - sud an iuxuecssars' war. -.itossia as yet fintis ne tiefender 1o f lier couirse fii * Eurqpe. SI) bsju.openhyvilaei the trcaty of Leadolf A ftîliy a.rml.et1 of opposition liv Greant lritain. lie says that prPparations are being made in Central Asia, and on the Baltie Coast fur a stnuggle with England. Comnmand of tlie si-a Is now 80 essential te the success of the cam- paign that appreliension of a coafliet with Englant i nelonger possessses the same diterrent effect ite4id six months ago. It is a factt vertu neting, fer it la uniquestionable, thiat ilue action of the volunteer flert iii szeizingr a commercial ship bas tlie -bsulute, approval ef G ra nd1Dîukes Alexis anti Alex-,ander Mikhnciovit clip lit-wlese spot-bai erders it Nvas taken, aîîd w-ho os-ernled the objection tliat steanièrs which wcre efficialhv decclared liy Titrkey te lie comn- mnercial eaîuîuîot be autiiorizeti teart as warships. Se muchi depenids en the ImperirI naval force l iii cf-e:(nt crisis that the fear of ltritis-i urotests, m-liici st4aved the Goveî-iiîîeut in Januar-v, is Ni-hellv dIiniýs-euI at pi-sent, and everN step whiieli- inay apli-ar necessarv st-ut be taken, entirelv tvithout regard te 4iucli consequent-es ns niay flow frorn Great Britiîî's disapprot ah. German<'s attitude is sat isfactor-tand guaranteed, but ne doîubt i-s entertaineul tint Great liritain nust i-ce-dc fromn certain posi-- tiontitl ihsue lias lutherte taken î:p ci su ffer thlecouiîiei-. For tlis- jeuason thc prosent relations hi-twieen tic j o tcoml ries iii xlbe n1ilitly sc --ibe1 as unstable. HAD 400 WOUNDED. - Another Fight Twenty-tmve Miles South et Liao Yang. Tekio calîle: Ths es-se f thLIe Russians in te action in tlic Motion Puassci-e huîav..TIe Japanese tbuîieti about 200 il-ad Rus-sions-. founti 50 Rus- alan weuindî ti on tIc tii-l,. andti tek 12 unsvoundcd pris-era. TIc prisoners say thuir lusses ansotntedti t over a tiiousanl. 'rhe bravest of the cnemy vrr-e flue litli. 7tli ranti55tb Regiments, whicl ri-ccntiy miriveti troni Europe. Tltey boy cîsýecaictinlathie grass ant idt their shoot ing. A relpant trôm Sbanlstilsvîin stte that flue Jaipanesec attat-k-t thie Rus- samas '25 mil-ý;s otth -ot Liao-Y-ang, TIe fighting continiiedti tiicc our.a. The Ruissiamma ae.ri-ie<I away 400 rotîntiet. The Rîs .shave te-seprteul N\est- Chst- any. TeYinknît aiithr«oitie:s tre pneparing tlieur lious-es ta netcirve tIc- Japaneise. Pekin reportsk flînt Cein. Kotîropafkin is stili at 'I.ci-a.li% vuccillatoin is - due te St. Petpnshtrg loti-rfi-ronce. Foui-t-en Eurupc-an attacheis lctt To- lie to-nicit fori- le fi-on t. Tic-y re- cei%-etiamn intliu-astie senti-oýff. TO DRAW OFF TOGO. - Object oethfe Raid oethfeicRussian Russian cîîîis-er nsv 1assuig through flic Dai-duuel»R. -KUROî(IIS LOSS OVER S3ud0.n What wsl-bIhle G-4 Bitiacatton 1st. Pi- t e,'ia cli: It i-n - ln regard te this 1 s' nuL i ettrails- -le Attempted te Siurround japanesei AMYI s- flu li iT'-o "f <iiinlP-uu- 4 ol A spot-ml la Cenio Lef Wîa Izoff, stith the \lathsittc-k i-nt.,Ltu naitd -pir ed. u ý.ViIlileg tis et ii.the co.i-;t tils tus of .1apon. c:upti-e oer- poic suais detctid pon,, antido10111)t- T<-k îi alî: tCi. Klxii in 0st-ni- cIsntnicn. niaI- a ,au il-:iuî:nntrition Senfii ntutintbti-h-- tît uailis iii thue n-*îîu I-h <f ic thUis-ials -off Yol-obus :na -andig-inits ---l toteaiia f tIc s-vteinu fteniiinittii Mo i t iii-- îPa . -ofi - <ty pa aniiuug th(î- jocuî îuinI-ret,L fleet.'flicquîest ion of h tt, ftetu heJ n- --ýi orofit-trs nie R i-si-Adi a irai1î tu reini-o rooi so-caticti Ibs-siann ri-uuicrs slhiuk las o u il 59 luu Mud aI i Cil i-i-- u-iandAinil .liiiuiîui nI iCioi- -iî tî bec-n sfoppinppig mioli st-allrs la the 2-1ilinuln\su <iti-1.-Il. i ýp- o Ilflett uit PontAr: liii-. lRed Sea la somnessnt diffi-ront. Eîug- the ofî.i 1%î -C eits-ts-n I:cit or 'thue idpa titi-t A-luuiul 1107iieo-ff Uiahanti se fan ns hardfi-unit-con. 5~oîult-î. - -hi-inii-- sat ikluiepo. i-t ii1 <f - tinenufai opinion, agi-cis tht -i-s-sels- 'tle i-ni-m fortcii t li i-trAitNt 4imiteJa pan inl luivtsir. r-jue-t 5 ouing t)lue -lying flue Itussiaus comamecnial hflag ua thelue ti îî-îî hi.-un ti -lui-t tate-.danger front s .i i. n-- hUiit- - linics,- fesv tiass age caxînot mass-îtnehue att- iandtiitttnlded1it n is-uit unîuîult che upauu ant ;i -tinut.iuit-ri -. thorify of uusîisat sili - This nul - i-o- Iîft t iug. F1s- t s- L s-a tuJ-- A repotA Nt-ut-n Ilt iithib Vis ing, if uphuehI. ielureet flicît a-tiaî n lli h I it .11 ite fi- 10<outgi-luit ottiis-t- ct- u uatl n A ih oiu est i d liio -uni- ' the lRed Si-a te absoiute 1irapp-eouiuî thlu thflueicmussras- f -ne--to uretire. tien orilis ii t fîo-.a (ut-Iui -itLhiLIe miiusf t-cc-pt one liror rtIh-otlier tfT1 le-Jaau-e titinet lui-s-ai-tteRu-s.firt diviï-itn et Rean Adrniril RÈoji--t- ib elliiiiî. Bither flicsc- s-s--es vWs ii uanqustnt i i-iiuttuc-Ouiîts u iris d. vt-n-It-s ltblesquuuiilntl. s. inFsreusîl C the fic ui-ntt obligations ils putsiug [lue at init t- ri-tau lthtle pas-s stas tri go cuit on a tri il trip it thle Paîtic-. t1irouîzli tic D:urdaselcs on thîy aret ut it<t poui i i Jf a g-unuil engagemenit, îlt ithue \Vuir t(4Wi und dt-e iluir- rot iei-ofu-n. imr St-us it niiîa w rio t usns logou aIt sar i-sthîîet hi utintut5i i-luis t- I luie -i-vtre. liiosver. a s-ries et dt-s- dat. A GRAVE PROBLEM. - îînuti- ,îilî ineoînters. Tlle Tnpanco BRUJAIN'S PhIuIEST. - utuidtîcitheiii torduionsuaboutthe pu-s-, London Press Anc Fîrnmiy OutsPOken on y-bu ý ituiiihiuiny (lniitpoutii'. lies-t-e A Veny Serious Situation Invols'ed, If the Question. ioFtîistubhluî-thio lissian ail ay A London ca-bic ans's: Thueedi ii or-:suit-c, naIitiiuithteu i1isuîu tfrei-1as ials printeti lure flua monninug atdmit t -iuctt = u ,;m1us t i -uuv ris cl tti- ' opit ri-rng (i-.I i: -Sir (liariis the tulles-ttiegi-efic ýgrav-e chai-uit-er tif - 1 îîitî.tiI iilieng-i-tiatuI u tît Il iruîuugi-. flue lîi -luAiniluu sair Ie the probltîn raisti by 'thie s-t-iztres tif lnhhui- l tit poitstitionejhat h1-' Ii A I{sstut. Ois autitî-rîuîî-î. iii eliaif of lis the Britiait essels andthle siolation cof tau tlt1 u-n î-t<n u1 a3- t5 s fu tnutuut, pi---t-et na it ng pro- tlic Treafs' ef Loiuti. d T s tIi-co-s- uryi- ii on t ît andîlînt-I iytI- iuîîs.aio-es 0 Iu-s-iai guiît he iz-uruuein .the situationms sithtout bhuster, bot ai-e i iytcniu-îîehati ou-onmseIlle Peh Si-a auîh l-ent iii oftht(luePens- f;rmly. outspoken. T-he Standtardtisuts Pd offieu sua-s stoit nuli -ilat-s a maijoir i- > lui ndtii iiitîî ;1 lu-tî.î iir-n 1a lao-u, the case is nmieL uefor fastidieus t i-cat uit v cf the mntu. "liii-uttat-I on Motiut-nswuhssuss - utr sigiire lui-i lt ton mcCU. iL attis : \Vc canuntut- e-ti 's-s legan ui 3 o*loe iý nthfle momulîa. ofeti-ih - -ii int onst- * ,fo the sale et pence, sit tiotrauî-nde h usn nnp tectos n aa nad4nn tlog log series of pnovoc-is-e umesunî-s-. lîtithue Japaîw-se ant ente w t it to auit-nt. ec cs te tof swlhs tl uts nmunl ssi eut-e has its bneaking peint, anti liusiuuiu The Jalnnse ai tHiiny jost e-< i-u t hue thc-Bren t A ulit, su liu s flue Gos irn- dipIo macy lias disphayeti ne intispos-i- îrigluts- to thle nti-t ot- f Wuî-Fiug- muenît staîup. tien f0 get near te it." - 1uian opencti oiith(,eeivy.andthtetic Thue Auttiîss-doi- i-eo pne-cniit n The Diuîiy Telograp s-at-s thuat Uiîe Jui putne-po outio-st s i-et i-igrauatul Iv gcnerai hi: ce-t ugaiîî- tte at-fon -tf mes-t titfictult auti mos-t ta gi-rousi lc\is u--v- ,llelii-iI tîrwui d t lh îi--iui uvsolinti-ti-fui-et steamers ln sues uttmofuo asw huuvc ue andO iiipioe -l aiouie'thlie riîige te LIe tue Rt-JSi-ut. raiseti with cvc-rv circtim-tanc-c et i-s- -ttIî i- svîitisI'e.a tentafionis provocaitiomn. '1hle natioîn îuîî-L -) ocîoel. the i-iti-t-luipatios-einiesvas MAY Bt RELEASED. be couusoled fo repose flinl Contfide-ncei- cuivgaget. flue uaimus w-ci-e tofnsa nîv__ in flhc- Marquis et Laîs-douvnt- ýii s bolirugfour nfimnt-i-oiin antion iie*TIhe Prompt Action of Brifain Causes Thec 1oriiming Ps eae htEs tniin îî i-nîîhtiiîhe a isi-. Yatisfaction. sua s dnntaging Bitih subjnu ts b in l-- The]'i-n al anedvr odncbeo aedt fianc-cetfinte-runationmal iu 'l.'flue JPrît - Iln(Iol letii-iin nutieso t i lAvenhs-The Aibndoicnc-iet aL Geate s-ta-s bah Gouarronient lias-, s-u it t -laty. I e -i optlu-)T pttits- he-f Agutrui- Ta tii iauited aist t hat rt-u t iii Ofthet iiia tec fte fiag. J.,- \pî-s- nt 1uiint th(u u at-ee--iui I un ui rtstdnaîs h otr ftt miiet i alauu n, a s-ri 1îi- ni~ utji t cf 3- cimîsîuuttusiii. ond i --ithe I 3 auuit-t-uihuis- aeutus--ithet-gi-tt -t saliu-- dilaton-. liti huuuluuus - y 1 î . mt -tute( e;ertetlt- lte çffînts oefthtue faction throiigisott thie ountry-. hIn- hase rvi-1ii--tiliaIt u uîm l utoimkîui 0tiieneoivto di I-si <Igetllu-m. \xui-n tiit-t .t uas- 1 iny ie suuui huat amisy usW bis nîboîl shuuitfo do à istul O-iwh <3g. ittslbng lï ul --n t-uit î.îi. flev msic- pompiqtr le,, doîuuide i auti- t-on fle- 'T lic C lro ie s -us t at tfl u xlci e pturs-ed i ly thii- nt ire ap un e-u huie. Jp art f the G overn mt n t. su lî b ave ) end t t-euoijilitl ns-. If thue liirt t.lhuit on theItih-ighit tq o Tjuîaîm, anti indinatiunanti angîr. IL is tcuti- Imm ncqtîiî-s-c in4 unltssitun lssst-i-sIi- withu fout-gttîs tu-cuthIe ,apaise otlintîy hliee. anttiniis-onie, qîarti-rq if Ixig flicStraits iL lias- givi-Issistanceiii îusuit. (Oie celuntp.irvof Topanpe s4- ulisntnhuiitatiitgly takîn for gruuîseulthunt te, one et the e lehigeretts- ius fle iii u difers rua-onttoitu-nti fi-cm sui-liig île detuaîtlforton eluîré-cuise ofthfle enltar. 'fle Juî1ancsi- tri-ut:: inpm n1t<.-s cttentt-ncîni. nu gagrd l flî n attaI- stparumer svih lic conplicti suithu vlthot on ,,rý,i Bitan te utyof ýikilg ýiilions oet Putîsians. IL fotîgî-t tntil i-e- dî-av. laans' cam h duta h on Gjretoliiiaiu litiity )oet ssuliu infrru j).-Vfouir cousupanies. svlin thue Gos-crantent .tvouîhîi aibosv Ptîsia to effjur te pies-cntothurrr kttep pousuusiner-idoft'tue, linireatntath- joinimug lit-r uîhy. ît is iîes-irautîuc -. ltîsaisu-ec-îii-i. I-p ossinofIeberîiac flue Bîbjti-hu îtolicy' le decîturet in liv ai- Thu-e a--ues izi-tl nd il-d fu truuirfu iusiuifa.la- mi tîsouglu roorteotis termos. hubhss--s til uitusa ultusi-anduîl irotigl tiuî- Sitits cf Dos-or - WHAT 'RUSSIA AIMS AT. -if luý1cit-k he ionnntnL,. AbattalionBii s-lupeople. Anv s-tut-htantionu svoult of usoianinu -rv iil na muidron be treateulîI)y flic nation as a bctraval f î-i, n & .is-.î ii1 -n iti <-lIi îttti u t--i î-uui ill utnii uu-iihut Warships.i Londtons table: Acoia o tlic Et. l>e-tllurg ecorresondeiiint et thue Paily Iclegi-aphi, neotitîtions in rt-fi-r- ence te fhte Dardianelles sttro caried on bettreeui Russia andthle Porte, anud- msucli pressuire-svas brotuglît te beuuu- oui flue Sultaun fiat his coîîifiagc-t auttor- izatior. of flicpassageoet fise Rus-sian i shipasvas secureti. The oîly pointt ne- maining ta hi" uîlared up svas svhethcn i G(re4t, îs a rupture vit) elrespect d ob».Icfe, 0 gopeet of p.ontý- ouinuit tpost ft-orn Fi-rcRumsiansprottice suucli an outhîurst etfsurath as i coi-uvLIt i-,,ii-ut ueuui u:,t a-, î 'ut il flue ret-cic- sould s-su et-ip hle (o ci-ti- it ttof cf- a reii-ncmt atuons.. 'flue J1uipinese i-c- t.t-i-. sisi-I dgg-uhv.Ahi tlitei- offic-ors-sucne Ilue pi-ess-Is- unoîsuinotis- ladeelusing citliern iliet or s-ntutidl. but s-filu e tiat if tîme rolease eftlthe steamer is net uit-n feuiglit en. 'fhe aMnese tiiually coucedet bi- espense ote i-prote(st, receiv-etirciuuonetb. andtifle Ruis- stronger meusuri-s înust le talon. Iliere s-ans retint-t? at 5 ot-ot-k in the affer- is t-ensitc-rablonis-ti-aiut lunflue com- noon. ints cf flue ntost reputalile papens-, In fhenaten-neon cuglif cempanies oeth-i ian expreOssion et n desire nefte Rimsian intusntry anti a bndy et cavalry agrgravafe flic situation. Great Bnifaba aftnckod flue Jpaucs-e position af Chai- et ail natiens, can fthc least attend te t on. 'Due Japanpse svere ruubforcoti ticny g >41'tigeranf's riglut o e scnh, but Iby a company ef t iftrf- anti a com- j the cm talièec atfendumg the seizure Ipany of engincers, flic Russians ef t tii - 'ýa are regardedi as being were repulseci. go-seii< ,,Ãxnd iixwarrantable as ta exelude a~ middie coursein dealin~ ~tYhcase. _ TRIED TO 1eIBE CREW. Why the Captain Was Threatened VWt -- --,d Arrest.1 London cable: A despatch from Port Said says that wheu the Malacca was seized somne of her European erew were taken en board the St. Petersburg and bribed to give information. It was because Captain Street, of the 'Malacca; protestcd against this that he was threatened %vith arrest. Part of the- cargo embarked at Antwcrp includedi steel plates and foodstuffs. The Rus- sians assert that the manifest was faulty. The Malacca's passengers had been transferred to thue steamer Mar- mora. They say that the Russiang be- haved w cil. Ail the crew have been landed at Port Said except the first of- ficer, boatswain and purser. The hateli- es of the Malacca have not yet been op- ened. Armed guards are everywhere about the steamer. Capt. Street de- ciares that his vessel w-as arrested in territorial waters. The Peninsular and Oriental agent here lias been allowved to board the vessel. l-ie w-as recpived with courtesy. There was ,no difficulty ia landing the passengers and their bag - gage. STILL AT PORT >.%±D. the nit-tchant fhag tt-i-île-t iiuutiou w-as correctly giveil.ias liu thle fuir oust. In tact. thue vi-seh-s. îuîîon etttiring fS- Redi Sous.armeti, hîisclthe îilitary fl1a-. A ftmuîtaniîental îîninciîîhcetfinter- national bats'thuat anielifral flzuîg cevers ni-ttral i-gotîits sill îlot et course 1)'c viohatet i lis- îti- nisicr. Cons-cqîî,nil N t-argot-s ub-u Il lic s o tf 1lu iii po-xers conta-itîiiu tiococîît-rusbnuid of star will renîans us , c-cas ec-e. tRINCU (W AtE * l'O TKE UP RAcINO. Retired U. S. Colonqi Shoots a Lady's Maid and Then Commits Suicide in Paris. The Tarif Commission on the Iron and Steel Trades Gives Reasons for Decline of Trade. While Efforts are 'Being Made to Settie Chicago Strike Price of Meat Goes Up. Lond-on, July 25.-Ihe Daily Express announces thaftich Prince of Wales, who hitherto lias net followed if the foofsteps et King Edward, in taking a ieatiing in- fercst in the turf, lias dctinitoly decideti te take up racing, but tiat lie wili breed ahi lis ewn horAes. The paper says that a start has already been madie with tîre mc As Parisian Tragedy. - Paris, July 25.--Coh - George Wilson, a retired American army officer, yesfcrday fireti severai siots frein a revolver at Mile. Charlotte Murmann, 21 years o4l.l Coi. Wilson sîubsequently shot himself tliiroug i e heati anti expireti whie be- ing taken f0 a hospital. It is stated1 Mlle. Murmnann's wountis are sligbt.' i Col. Wilson seas 64 ycars olti.Ilie lad livet inl a private hotel in flie Rue des Cizax- for flic hast tsovo ears, andi if was there thînt le met Mlle. MNurmann. The woman, w-li is a lady's miaiti, w-as waik- ing ln tic Quartier Ment Parnasse witlu her mistress, wben Mie neticeti thiat she was being teosvoed by NWilon, andi lie, witio ut giving axiy Narning, drctv bis re- volver and fîreti. 'larff f Commission. London, Jiily 23.-TIc report et Jos. Cliamberlain's'tariff commission on flic iron anti steel trades arrives at tic con-- clh'usien tînt flic dechine ofthfe Britishi iuon anti steel intiustry 15 due tote i fact fIat flhe manuf.aturîrs ot Amer- ica anti Germnuv have secturi centrol of tue home miai-kts by nîcans etflîiglî taritfs anti an organizeti system regiat- ing thîcir expert trade. tlîat tit-s ae n a pesition te duiuip theur sirpitus pro- duieLs on the B3ritish ansi othier miar-- kets irrespectilte ofcfost andl that thue; dumping, costidnet lie carricti on ex- ecpt for theBitish system of free im- I ports. 'l'lie eetniittec expresses tIcl opinion thuaf thie situationcan eniy lie1 remced iî lis- sstenî eofLaritfs arrang- cd as tollos s (A) A genti-rah tariff cons'isting of a low st-ie cf tititie-, for tort-Vu coi - tries, atirittiuig Prit i-h wNancs on fair ternis. (B) îîotec bst' ta nff ow-er than l te gi-iîer:ih ariff. tir tho coloniesl, gis iuîg ai-1uî -ln-ec-te Btisih nîantutactsurcrs antI fraynrdti t secure treer t mile tithbo thie Briti-sI Empire. The Malacca Has Not as Yet Saîled for Sebastopol. Port Saiti calhe: It is saidth lat the Malnacca hati îen apccinhly mwaiteti for by flic Russians on secret informa - tien trouii Antwerp fIat she s-ns carrs- ing aminunition ant irionvork for a crane at MNoji, Japan. Sie w-as arresteti during thue îneruing et Juhy 13, w,-hoen two andi ene-hlai miles off Great Ilanisli Islandi, ni-ni Jebel Ztikeur, in spite of lier captain's protes-t tlîut flue aminuni- tien on boarti w-ns intendeti&or tic British navy at Singapore andti Iong Kong. lTe ercvofethfle -Malacca trere kept tînder strict arn-st anti svlin tliev arriveti at Suiez, at tiasn, Juhv 1,Ph, li- w-c-e net aiiowcdti t consunicate withî flic shiore. Thle -Malacca arit-et iat Port Saiti af dasvn to-day anti as-led for 400 tons et ceai, 220 tons'of treslu watcr anti provisions ton Clienlotirg. Thue case w-us- neterredti t the Egyptian Govcrîiment, it being flic tirat time on record tint an aihegeti prize hiati lien talc-n thîrougli tli canal untior a dit- ferent fiag. If happons that the Mal- net-a lad an abundance ot ceai already andtivas inine groat uin-e t st mater or provisioins. Tbcretore s-hue migrlît have saied torthwitlî, htut ni-mains. The Vessel Held. St. Petersbrrg caide: Tlic Ru o t- day pubuishos an editorial staternent et lEussia's position relative to tic stopping et neutrai ships la the lRed Son by vesseis et the voltiitcei- ficet. i lui-n is great in- toi-est in thie sfatnt-îi-nL.lîcbcause if is ho- lievedti tereflcct dinectly thec vie\saof flue Foreign Office. itftollosvs: Thlicoperations etfflic conserteti criais- crs Sý'moleîs-k anti St. Petersburg arc causing tnt-mendons excteinent iii Eng-- landi. Questionus arc being as-led in Par- liament. flue nctts-ipprs arc appc-aling f0 the- public, andti tc-e is a paiieic-atoiug slîîposners. lui-eei->o isnagooti il cf tahk i-iuunvhicause cf the sel'.- uire et mails on flic ste:uiuuir I'riiz Iheili- rit-h. but tIc uos-t inoise ee icnus-being mae b xs-ntýt rans, the otiiexi- fnenting the mater -tollv. h is a pitv t he Eîîiilsh i(lai tot dis-'l-thsan tonie caltnncss. ..If is ci-.v Lutuuinestanil ilat tIi Britishliiuîii-u-liia tel;tuu:i i- iIs lpe- m- strictioniu-tvt-i i- . A-s a i--suILt flic- Stoçîphlig anI -î-uiîliugof s -se1c-i-. Eiug,- h1ýi-ti t-iips eifhier mît-sýt gi-ve up trans- jîortuig îîintu:liuiuîl ii îîtiiit- at tituir uts 'n i-k andl u- ili li nt- cf tsarlie- t ss i-tn tus eputi its. Othiers ai-c- botînt te stîtter mure or le-s- ias it is itiposi- hle Iuot-heck tontrabanti traffie sithout seandli. -lI ni-egai- Il t Liii lrinze Ti-n- icha nmails. tietutilslias c îlot reacli- cd St. Pi-t s-n-urg. t tiuprîiun ivedi s-- cussen oet tiis incident la, fhîrefore inupoqssihîhe; huit if 5tt liepointcd cuit the tofficil r-orre--pîînd-ei- utf a beiltu- i-ni-i -ý otit tma tut. t îis-cuent Iv if the Pl>iinz i. nt-iit- c:u -iil Jatparlts lq luuîuatic andîtl iusilîan lr-eports sitest-as hialle te seiziîre. ot course., -e1le s-li titior mut -t.Ic ci rnespuînihi-ce t-.n lii its-pccted 1 10 îltennîine tii-s fuitt. "Th- Eîgî-li ii ilium ext-ctent, ct-en ruirNet thei- questitîn as tostl-tie st-ere jus-tif ici i:iciuoirt i ut - t-evl - uitee tiIrfl-i-t stiil 111i-s i utte s is«I f- fer tIc-v lîiad îasctlthue )a i-utumie- ' tîni e lc îrî:uî luî fu. TItis i-; -,trui!igi-. Eveî-nv goventînuent has a riglut titîi- ier uu1]ýll li.iii ii its Ottul --ai-is tir tiidu-r thitîsiinî:i ulta-thii-it a1aîud- huIt.lti idfintillt Iot-ont- morchiant se-i iuit O St iship. 'Ilic s"oltuntOr ftii-et a t it -s s i-rv utpiion. st-r, sintu-niet Io lte -îiuvrited iliti)a uiilitarv fleit iuuu t :-t-i-a ratitî,n of - ~ M J ee e et'\vîth tunn:uc2,Aie - Siclled Ouf ot Camp. Tateliekizio calle: Thie As-seci.,teti Pros-s tornespontent lias rotcivet es BRITAIN WILL WAIT. pat-lies tromu s-oif heu-n portions et the eountry, svIih ilanets'scarcehy receg- Wi Make En4quities Before Taking uizahle. Since tflewtet'tiys'rinatfli Action. st-bic baud lins becomiie les-f in luxuriant London cal: Te fat e stagnation. Thme gnou in crop bas gros-n t-aIl lim tu-fer d- ssifln s-udtextraonuinary rapidty fîat taiha netcivedtrirnort Saidtot-day de- eî-rywliere if is Iii.Zhuci- f ban fIe talles-t acribing fIe- situation on boni- thfe man, and l ic hes-kir-ntislies the scouts PeuinsubarandamtiOrient-ab Cempany's have been aIle te tint ces'cr. iîta,-c-ra u' i-a cd influe Rot Sea AMblyQ<-adeq and sumpf bacs are et by the Russian vbuteer fleet steamer every day oceurrences.- The Russians i -'v (C) A maximum tariff, consistiflg of eomparatively higher duties but sub- ject to reduction by negotiation to the level of the generni tariff. The report, which is signeti by fifty eight commissioners is very bulky.and gives the evidence of British manufac- tures, the evidence given before the Un- itedi States Industriai Commission on iron and steel industries, the organiza- tien and working et German Kartehis anti a vast amount of statisties, etc. Trying to Settie Butchers' Strîke. Chicago,Juiy 25.-If was for packers to say to-day wliether -tbey would holti an- ot.her cenference with representatives of orgianizeti labor relative te the strike of -the butchers' workmen. The request for sucli a meeting wa-s aubmitteti last niglit te the owncrs of tlie packing plants by ice union leaderg of (hicige. 'Ihe em- ployers w-ere teidti ts merning that a reply woulti be made. Enci party te tlue struggcle was re- quiesitedti t participate in a joint meet- ing ef empboyers and all trades inter- esteti. Tue butchers prouaptly aastvered tîmat liey w-i-e rcady te go into thc con- ference. Peading the outeome of this attempt thie mca in the meclianicah dcpartments anti the teanmsters ati stationary tir.e- mcn at flic packing bouses wili reinain ait work. Assurannees tint vuuey w'oîufi go out in fsymipathetie strikes as a hast rcsort %vere reuîcwedti t Presitient Don- nelly, of fhe butchiers. Donnchly con- tinuéd te ativiQe ngains;t the extension et the stroulc un-tii it seenieti necessary. Prices ot Meat Up. Chiengo. July 2.I-eprices effrucat on tiotn tewn rcstaurant bills et fare have bon raiseti 10 per cent. er more, as a resulf of the stock yards strike. The action w-as takýen at tIc instance of the Ilotelkcepers' Association. Wbile severnh restaurants liat a supply ot meat sufficient for- one mentI, with- eut exception, they raiseti prices. Thc largest increase lins been made in flue price et fhe expensive cuLs, porter- lieuse steak, ýwith mushuroomas. queteti at $2.75 on Saturdny. now bring'ing $3.25. 'lule priceoef desirable cnt in loins andi riis lias jumpet f rem 15 te 20 cents. A - orresponding raise in the price ef medi- 1um grade fahls hr-nvuly oun fIe boartiiug- bouse keepers. and the familles. The price of bim andi bacon lias aise adivancedi. arc hosing 'ne eppertunits' te ssery their ' lue J spsoesze eem te lbe rovi;n tîeir ut-ces- nerf lucasitran in tic dinee on et îiustiant inîmeuclmen. Frc-slu -tins, mul.es aildnouistînitien are lieing broiîght iii) t-tlt -nsoent te points st-Ici-ctfe J tri-ni-se cxpcct te give baffle. 'llime asosemsettortheasfwrard is t-en- sitcrabis- b mpceddliv Rus-sian attat-ka. At Sintziattim anti Gaitziatum tlue Rissian gunners siielledtihli Japanese cmps anti tiiove the fi-ceps eut ia, dis- ci-ten.%. 'nns' st-cilleti or svouumed, and large supplies w-cie abantouet. Anotlscr Japausise part y tsas suî-prised aL Kaimale andt imshenia sthile mancluing i'uthue muutaimi ticfiles te jcin Gi-n. Nolh7u. 'l'lieRoissins ativaucet two miles te- ihuty vot-il-tliig a position evacuatcd by flue Japaîi-sc. fllue eorre-spondetli- tent t teicsoîîth postL anti totuidttitle soldions la a jllhy mîout. TIi-yst-i-e giviog n concert svitlu- iii siglt et the Itipan-s-e. '[le s-irouuîiug lîcugluts sere souit-t suvith trenihes. If ools uts- if thte Japoin- i-se atýe prepuired te laIee icdc-ensb5-e lucre tyile tht-y atinck flic Russians at ofluer peints or lîcihapstfuiumay move on Yingko. S IRA'.tliCONA INSTALLED. An Intenesfing Cenemony Took Place at Aberdeen Unis'ersity. Lonican, Juhy 25. lie iîîst.nhiatioa ot Loi-i Stnuitlit-oît as ChancelIer ef Aber- dec-n Poîversîtv 'ot-ciu:neti ses-feu-tn', and tuts a ftue acnti-îîical ceýremonial. A large coînpaoyv as-seîiilîd, iuclladiuîg Lady Struithi-onut, fe lion. C. T. Ritchie, Lie ior o-lRector, nepres-ntativsosfethfe isu- nuut-palty, protes-surs anti officials efthtie uînivcnsits ; Principmal Sauinent, oethle Umuit dret -nc ui-chCollege, ant iiiier- * gauîuutc-.Lord Recton Rutelle litro- due Lr Sti-aticomua, statihig fhat lus nme îc vas ia uouseîîio s vunuiun cveny -patt of thf Liii-i izi-il syrît. LordiStratit- colutu- luter. atthrc-ssiiug fIe stuteuits, stîbitlîut if Stetant it-a-t tale lier place in tIse race for î-ojimîîîeninl stii-t-em- at-v s-le anti 1cr îutivc-sitie iîsmust kecp ahi-en-sote tfinits. HIONORIfD LviRD CURLJN. Tic Receives fie Frecdom efthfe Citfy of London. Lento-n.Juils' 25.-Tlie trciN'im et the cits' of Londoiiuiminagult cuis-lot w-as uueseîteti- LiLord tCurzn ofîiutKedleston, Sc- ovfu liliti, at thue Guiltdhalli to- day. vithu utllue t-isttuuunrv ccrcuîîonial. Lt ultîuu'îî s i ht---uijuct i unein- - ouuîl teuitii îmiî. -liu -ecourmise of a s-pt-clu Lord '(urnici nerri-tito Thiliet. Ili saiti thue Tiibefauis' in-td-1ts coîmîtinet any lomnger lic bonne. hc w-ns sMit to lutin for fhe purpose. amuommg other things-, of-guatrding flie British fi-entier, andt lie hiopedti fIt as a i-es-tlt ef the expodition te Thibet flic peliticai un- i-est antiintfrigue iiun t ceiitry sould i-case, anti tint Iarurueîouis relations lietween lutia nd tThibet stoulti giadu- ally lie built up. In flue course et his r~ marks Lord Curzon ciearly intimated h intention to return te mndiii. Would-be t, efent-,*Wau§- Oaught ixa F Wbilpool and I)row,,ei1. ~Winnipeg, July.2>5.-J dha. eeninc &eNýea bridgemen ,wpre blttiȃ ju.ut ObOYO the Cý P. R<. bkdiathat Ç3pfl the Mkxrris River, at Mjorrî9, wheii two -mon drifted 'over thue dam, wA YOU-O& 4üan niared J. CiLs.aw&l, of R.olatid, '-who waa an expart swim mer, ditved In to f1lp them outA .]ne two got gafely to ahore, but Camsrwell wà s eaugbt in the whirl- pool, rand Lie ank after five min- utes. Hila body was recovered a bour aItdr. Everythimg wgs done to PaguAcitate htim, but life was ex- tinct. Vxarctly a yea.r ago to the day younIg ]rown was drowned in tbe 4ame rwa3#. i FINANCE BILL. Premier Balfour Applies for Closure. London, July 25.-The leuse of Cm nions hias, been in seFsion 24 hiours. di*- cussing the finance bill, and is stili sit- ting. The wliole night tv-as spent ia de- bate and iii marches to and from tl.e di- vis-ion reemis, veting on an end]ess round of amendmcnts, motions to report pro- gress and motions for ndjournmen*-. Vre- niier Balfour reftised to consider au ad- jourrnent, and freely used the ciosure, insisting that the committee stage of the bill must lie finished before the H.-use couid be permitted to rise. LOOKS LIKE MURDER. Dead VJoman Found \N ith Marks on Her Throat. New YXork, .July 23..-Thie body of Ms Gertrude Krainer was foiind in lier brome un -LastEigîitietli street to-day ttnder conditions -\%Iich lead the police tei be- lieve that the womnan was murdered. She liati not been seen by any of lier neiglih- bois since Monday, andi w-len an offi- cc-r andi the w-ornan's brother wetot lier homne early to-day thiey founid the door ini lier apartnients iocked bv a padlock on the outside. The door w-as fui-ced, and M-Nrs. Kraineres bodyv vaS fourni lying on the sofa. -Marks on lier tlircat ctîuýed the police to start an in- vestigatiaýn 0on the theory that the -wo- mnan hiai been rnurdered. Thes- at once began a beai-eh for William Miurphy, a Street car c6nductor, wlio lad liv-et'ii the Rraiîîer apautineuits since INrs. '.r-a- n)ier nid lier liusband separated -everal iuuontlis aqe0- 110W TO MOVE OUT. Owner Evicted by Ris "No Baby" Rule. De-3lorue.la..J îulV 27.-U-e ra ?E. Ililett, ù-wnier and unle of tlieoer.ss cf al fisiionable retv cf apartmerut e operateti under thie -no babÈ' ru-.as Nvas to-day ccmipelled to vacate I.. lionie beca'tîse ut the arrival i I h-.-rk. 'ir. ilallett hia,, relentle'ssly tint, :.,n- ilafter fitunilv- of rentons out ai]s flats, ns Gîcli- liau:-e of al bases cýd b v 1ijui pros hies that the con' - de- (*,iWs nullautn>vid 111p0n Ile (cf a Cluilti to thec pait v cf the sec -: t.ý -, MrIis. lia llett %x estertlay presentu,- :.ër luoishand t i iia girl, andti t-ti: le famýnilv jnuved to the residence c..As liai]l-ttUs pai cnt-s. ROBBED 1N A CEMETERY. Highwayman Shot and Probabiy Fa:ally Wounded lus Vic-tim. F.Fi-b-u av. Y -î:t2. t t(t or-, ufthis eutv v ws field tiqi. mlur- deri îiY a.î-ial Led anti nobL-ed a-tay w lii leC pa ýSjuîg thnî ugli an unifreqi-t- n:ed part ut \,ale Ueiiuîer-. The hg-xy muani, \w:lienFrîda v resii-tetl is dt-:a-rdg for jnoiiev, sliot iioni, the bulle: ý- iaýîg iiear his luiart. lie theil tcck lii-s. taltiables, andiN-tîa oudî-ed d-l ini m]oluevyandiei--pe.lie lias nu: bl'ee i-aptured. 11- nay's wouond is el dt t. a fatal cne. Exercise for Heaith. For almost every person under Èfty, anid for ia g--at iunanv lpeople uon j4- (~i--ieN li'neau-est tpiuti;îà à panacea for boduly ilus that lias yet been devised -tauusiiug the body tu 1110--e and Siud tue nl--nr11,11 i' U t-er1dr+p- tite fi ris eveniing meal atid more pow-ý- er te di-est it. Thnt w-ili niean better Sleep at nîiglit. ?-Ilaus' a man liaIs succeeded in the -tvoriii ssitliout paying, any attention to hlis body-Joseph Céhamberlain, le': in- .tance. But Sucb pnen would probably biave suceeded mnoré easily and certaitily w tlu more pIeaspirý te 'tlemselves 'fI tl h ati taken cai-e of their bodies. A si rong minot is ce;-tainly stronger and niai-'e enduring in 4 liealthy bedyl thant in a sicklv o. Tlie best w-ny to keep tIc body len ILIy iý te use it. A Domnestic Mystery. - ~'e-ia-s i\>inig Uclmcnning oif tlie vou-dviceuperate. -Nosv, \Wîllie," she said, "if vo'ir fa- tlîer worked liard ail day lie w<mid b. tii-cd aad ail wern out, -Nvouidnt lie?" 'hewhea nigh'it comes andi his work is over for the day, what does Ife do?" "That'o what ina wvauts to know."- 1Clevetamd Leader. Acomrittee bas been, appo'nted 'by the NationalCisvie Pederatxil o draý-o, ft: -a plân oý joint agreemnent bet'Wý4eîý icii'and enuployers iii ,.- t-t. Pet-i-s-bouig. futih te isc-(, si -c-1*a-sou fin due siurti-c-. andutîl ii\ -i-i-s c- inb- tIti ime the Prit i-li fîeiing. 'flie- cf iciuil cf thie conpamu ai-e s-ii-iiu2 iîu tieir di,-- muai that thue iNlacai- i--îrIllug Ct-tii trabanti et tar îanticlabîitu tutt the i-x- plosives on bîunil us u. t ilI i.sm Gotitin- ment stores coiinomid te thue naval tcit- maunder at llumig Ilxcng Ini ffcteial -u h ' tNevthue gras-uv of île sitimt ion i-s alreuîtls tîilv real- i;et. utppru-ieinsionii ifuî. t utflue nt-es-j iîug î-xtiteiient iin thue eomîtr i-v. Tht-i- ms noe iii-tlihtooýt, liosi cver, tuf anovpret-- paie acttot. Ihii ofticiuiliv pointetl cuLtii t Iti's-i-i-t- ftie-stbinfotu-ittion msîîust lue O1t.u ine(I bfcorethue Gos-ont- mient tcuii-on il-s couin-e. i-1uiciallv imm siets ottlue fit-t tIuuit iLt-iug Illei gneuuit no tia Ioî<îssi-n ii the ssci-Id. Gui-uit f obr -uîîttutn ti-ti ru:lu i i i gh t hi euný i-. tu-n ictt unaîcirablv% aga ins-t ls--e . lInthe oucantinse, tuttI tînt il thn-ri - i tiiandtutexphicit esi- îeîiccet a couiras-luiion of -netttr.ilit I)v the-3 a --tandti e - o;iiitiit iton tbv t<'lo l{u-siuuiu G tîst-in tif tfullh rc - spounsibilit.vs-otoflc-action cfthue Coin- nsiitrq cf titi-Smoensk-iu t.Ptn- bong the Pr-it i-lu(overi-ntit i-,laPx- pluubreul caioncl *vask tir i-xplainatîomtsg frein ftie Its-tn tribgo office, regaIrd ing tIc- nuat uneetft hueuuuti-gis aguîi1nt- tue S-ei7e11 sise. Siulst-qui-i it t tion nv-î-esarilyvvtill dtIeind oin u.b rsm- lilY tiereto. 'flictalcf poliitingflic Redi-Pa i-nby British svarsbips mec-fss wtline suph- port in official quai-Ici-, trîcre, if is- luoiutedlootf fhat t.uc coîîumuaîdu-r et a Nstship wsvîîutb ave te salisfs- ilislf 1 luui t a m uui-rhiu ît shuipcuiii ii- ClSt s-as- octcoîttruts oiing 'lie- miut rtlitynie-- giilat iîuîî-s. If tflic ottiniunîlîr v-as; t s- - fiit in i lisii-jîivttfhont tt-ee suotîlîl li oc ni-i-i-s-tvs-fuir protecting flume shi1. If anices li-etrotl L lasvte n iglut Lu cons ev flue vos-sel. l'lie edituîniuîhs- eeutuuîete Nhi ittil anti if is opicnly stîggc-tedth luathîss.' action tu-as pri-nit-litatteIl. 'hi e X-htinstir Gazi-tte- aavs-: Cr- eumnistani-es-carn li'eonc-îivi-î in st-lit-h Puis-s-bn migîf s-uppos-e iLt vaiz-sloiitol'ut- net-is-sans' te stîuen Lise i s-su sea,; te tuvoiti detîtit at fhelicantîs cfflue Yel- TheWi uiist- a zet te,, ~c, i i tîmat flicsoi-tii-eoftbe- VIîa di vostock -quntiron butoteicutifit-nsuiv have tor- bts- ouet flue iiiter(i-tI-bion - cf vs-iss-il bosunt tri-m Attîcnica tii Japusu. RUSSIANS ACTIVE. . 1 : 1 1