Whitby Keystone, 4 Aug 1904, p. 6

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C- THE LITTLE WHITE HEARSE. Scnnebody's baby wvas buried to-day- The empty white hearse fi oi the gi-ave ruinbled back, And the morningr somehiow seemed less smiling and gay, on its way, And a shadow seemed drawa o'cr the sun's golden track. Somebody's baby was laid out to rest, White as a snovdrop, and fair to be- bol.01, An.d the soft littie bands were crossed ove the breast, Ard those hands and the lips and the eyclids were pressed With kisses as hot as the eyelids were cold. Sonin'body\ saw i, go out of siglit. Under the coffini lid--out tlirraugl the door; 'Somiebody finds only darlness and blighlt Alil thro-ughi the giory of sumner sun- lighit sornebody's baby xiii waken 110 more. Soniebiody's babv is miaking nie werp- 1 know not lier naine, but 1 echo bier cryve For the dearly bouglit baby she la nged so to kccp, Týi,, bythat'l-odc to its lon-ias'ingy In tz*e lîttle wliito lhearse that wcnt runi- bling by. I k :îow not lier niainc, but lier sorroxv I know; Wnile 1 paused onthie crosini- I lived it once more, Andý bac-k to iiv lhuart s ur-e thiat river of Nvoe 'Il iat but ini the breast of a niotiier can lui, the little wliite liear-se lîad. ba,en too, at ruy door. -Ella Welîelr Wilc-ox. E NSTINCT 0F PRAYER. 1:ei cef iii prayer is an instinct, an in- sti net tliat neitiier argunient nor Jý app pintfiient iN able co eradicate. 'The lut înajoiity or men 1uray if tiicy tid tkuevsii sufficientiv- acute distress, -irî:l thiat it regyard ta xvhat xve cal t1wir rciiots opinions. But if occa- bir)aîial pray-er is a spiritual instinct, it is nuL lesn eiîtaili tliat liaboitual piaver iý a spiritual ef fort. Wbcn the l)L-ciples of our Lord sa i to Mlin, -1uA xin-, isto l)ray." tiiere is lna doubt t1izt they xvc-e refei-ring to ii,.( habit of lrnyer, %vhich they found difficaît, anîd peiîaps btîidensemre. *I'lose whiî desire 1t) be dleliieed from soinie sndden pain or îerii donîot a-k to have words foand foi, thenî ia whielîthey înav ex press -nsl aun d thle diiiîrnal s g~ o c1-1z :ained in tho Lords l>rayverimal 'es ký vidlent tbat it w as i ntended. to s;erve a: a pattern ta thaioo who Nvanted to) put mn'w- vtalîty into tlîeî r accustoined dcd- -%()-,on-. In rrpl,, ta tinis request, Cliii is t, N 1ÃŽ)soulît to ienmcrest into tlîeîr f-( il i madle o h caNv dîrnands n pou t h e j tsof worsilp of tliîo' w O lie- izttruai ziiig. nio donbt, lho\v CQl- i:J ý1v -differexitt p~eîowe-c sa.,(. 'l'lie foi a lie offeied tiiertu ns1 a patteral of Ný,iLut prayer shoid be is very short ai uci -eelcie. Thli(i s ~no va lue, lie ci4uins, iii vain repet i tion. anîd noonue Maximus. 1.hll iig-et xîhoa.foc- loi eý'.-, ak- C.an giîc' mit-higenerati,. cii io-t- x'll; ye' hlie i-hot-a-Les. for hou "'sxîcî't su Le, i i hinl-. 1 iol mine gcneroîis 5h iii. J ivbefîrc thle noble Immi ii l'Iltat ineiy sanie gmeut \'I-r îng for- pries, Yct nohler N t-ic amie firg i-eu \'nio bears t-ie but-den ielI, aîd ives, J' mua-y le liard to gain. andl stihi iu Lcep a loxîli-. sioa,iiaý,theart- 'z t lie wiia loses bas ta fill A i harder amnda- t-uclpai t. (,nt is vla)-o ca-r tl- crouvi i f ai lcscrvec a-ad pure suc-ces; 1 -Nvi-ho .iioxvs hou- to a fil bias N-ion A cr0 výn nxhose lustre ii no ess. (;,,(,ut niiv lice xvbo ca-a. comnand A-nd ruile iit-l jut- a-ad tender sway; Yet is dihiiner wisdom tauglit I[cetter by him xvbo ca-a obey. Plos~eil a-m-o hse w-ho die for God. .\ud earn t-le martyr's crown ai ig t-; VY Il(lie cho li-es for God ma-y le gm-aer canquerer la lis sigît. --Adela-ide Proctor. The Miracles of Mercy. \elooked fan a jridge, a-ad behoid a 5Saviour; w-e leaned an accuser, a-adbl- lîultl an advacate; me sat domu la sorrow anl ri.- vt-ijy;weleaned upoa- rhu- Lxii bal alacs, ai-iîdaur aprons mere ina-île ai t-be sharp beaves ai Indian fig- t rocs ta-ad so wc feul, a-ad 50 more n iî). led; huit-t-hie rlîubarb pmax'ed medi- - , - unial, amui t-le rougI bcai ai t-le t-ee 1îrim"tii'it its fruit -rapped umî in its fald- lii.amnI round abouit aur dîxollimîgama-s a te aic(lgYe ait-bora-anîl bundies Of t-htleS, t-le a-c-nuit-e anud t-le hrioiy, 111; ni,,hitsbace a-nd t-hie lîopy t a-nilat Iîi"orotofait-hicse grew' ic ieliiîug plan- t.iiii-. wvIlchm t-sirxig pIncia ýta llIles, lîy) tv îcilh-invxita-tiotn tf l n'itii titi i-i. a oli -nt' Ile I listousil n Il tlie ilîaledic-tion fao miitira-nd t-lu -nu--at i ai God. 'Si sic irascitur, quamado co'ivi vattirec' If Cod blietbis Lind w-bei lie is angry, îvla-t la lice -heii Ho fea-at- wi, Nit-b caresses ai Ilis more t-cudez Lixîidas?"-Jeomîuy Taylor. CLIPPED. Thie smua-ler t-be f ish, t-ho biggcr the llizuaing t-li groxvher is not mest-net-en t-o dag days. Too ma-ny bills arc apt t-o ma-Le a man feel liiius. Tmying ta keep uyr eppearances ha- pulled ma-ny a- ma-n domn. Use >N1Ythe SOFl,'ÙIY TU1 - Mboinu mpim.w tth set .thhfdalt.gbna p- in R s-"ltandardf 09"di otel 9 goldyors1fl ýM*mmOth, Ar In Sheete-" ImpOrIAI u 6"ROyl," W"degmi," "etorient'L WREN BABIES CROSS THE OCEAN. AothrMaAbdofH . _____ An Irishinan irbo lad beca ont of a À Few Directions in Arra-nging for-Tleir job ma-ny meeks fouad in t-be river t-la-t- Comfort- -fhowed through bis toma t-le lody of t-be keeper af t-be railroad drambridge. Here la a hint f ram Harper's Bazar le immedia-tely betooL himsecf ta the for the mother w-ho intends ta t-a-Leber superintendent of t-be divisian a-ad ap- baby on a trip across t-be ocean : piied for t-be va-cated job, saying t-bat-lho Buy a- strang, light-weight basket- had seca t-be body ai t-be former keeper about t-mo a-ad a ha-h fleet inla egtli, in-t-be river. "Sorry," sa-id t-le superin- anc a-ad a quarter feet la widbh, a-ad tendent, bricihy; "t-be place ha-s beei a foot- or mare ia dept-h. Pad suc-h a ha- filhed. We gave it ta t-le ma-n t-bat- sa-m ket securely mit-h t-hesoitest cotton bat~- himu fall in."-Ha-rper's W%ýeekhy. tingy, aver which a sait- aliet- ai wad- ding la t-ncked in place, or a thiek fleecy Mnard's Linament Cures Diptheria. piece ai Ca-at-on 'fla-anel. Tbis dane, caver t-he pa-ddiag nea-tly mit-b a saf t- Largeat Tortoise la t-le World. firmu pink or blte silk, or caver iib a sait chintz ha-via-g a- raaelud pattern The Zaaiagicah Gardens la- Landan running aover lb. As t-le basket xvould biave lately become t-be home ai a-t-or- becîtaosyepsdtaa am -- toise lmîiort-ed f rom t-be Islanad ai Mau- moapre tho cbintzold rove dmat rit-lus, whiich weighs 500 paunds aad mosher, te cinz wuldproe mstmcasures 4 feet 7 inchies f rom bea-d ta eaduring. 111e basket- could le edgedt-ilwaspucîsefrm afmiya mit-b sihk or at-hem corda, suc-h a-s t-be UP- Na-uiius, w-ha vauched for ba-viag lb in hoîsterer wotihd a-'lîise as t-hie proper t-crpsesoo 0yar.Epr- vogue la c-lan and in-weight, or it w-lialpvesexaioedor5t-a-klxpt-s g coC l Dge ihq tdrlbno nearer 300 t-ha-a 200 i-cars, a-ad lb seenis a fa-Iloa i fin lace, or fiaisbed vcry sirî- t-o le not mare t-hua-nl its prime. phy w-lt-hi a tigltbtlaad ait-be sàme nia- A tort-aise still larger t-ban t-lis ane t-criaha-s t-ho iiag, neathy cdgiag t-ho basket. Ia suc-b a ca-se fa-st-en a rosette wa ie - -eN-ua itr u a-tcach orerla t-isbasett-le a-seum by t-hie sa-me persan. lb w'ei"hed fa-at ma-v blaid in vuuch t-be sainiema-a- 870 pouads w-boa it died, a-ad a-s it mvas ner a-s ho Ns put- ta bcd, anly mvit-hi a- known t-o le not muclu mare t-ha-n 80 ma-m bood an bis iiea-d. -ca-ns aId it is ta le suppsed t-ha-t-lt-s The basket shouldhîb-i-ne ha-aches an eighît would liai-c contiaued ta increa-se 1ither Bido, ai suc-bchaac-er t-bat-t-be xi t-hi advaacing ycars. nurse ca-a casîly gm-ap a-ad carry t-ho cbild lv mca-ns 61 thein.__-I, v rl A Ncwý Kind of Steel. Xe Sa-muiel M!a'tim, a brother ai t-le 'Max- im ai rapid-fire gua faine, lias ma-de a- Ten cents discovcmy in a proccas for poducing st-col vhiehi bas reiiuarkabhe qualities. to clear your house of Mm. Maximi is a- fanmer îvho li-es la Ma-ne,.l'or sanie tiire fie bas boen exper- flies and ing w-lt-l va-miots met-bods for makingr blades w bich-hillih vie mit-h t-le Da-aiascus la-de of lînniontal fainue. Aiter rea-diagT sorme aId Ilindoo booksI lie coast-nucted v.ajrge an t-be IndianI plan, a-ad fronu t-lus produccd an ingat, whicb be forged lato a rauglu dm111. This drill bored an Iran file as ea-sihy a-s jif it lad boca a piece aifuvood. Tnied F y P d wibh a sca-le ai nîctals gra-dualhy in- ceasiag in hardacas, t-bis dm111 penebrai- il(0L cd t-hein al, not stopping at t-ebe est- ild t it-cl otaiabl. l cae-is st1l shIld gs yWcgt prave ta be h- ike that of the ancientsf rwil apes up a vast field of passibili- Therd is a movenuent on foot a-monçy t-les. producei dealers to adopt thîe phan w-hichc is in use la muany parts of tlîe %orldc £ITTmnTTTITfor sellîng eggi by wveiglit. The unfa-ir- XI IPU I AN T ess af the preseat rn-thod Ns more ap-h parent't1han -real. If a housewife wer-- jot buy hI- thie poiind iustend of hi' t-ho DU iBE PART dazen she îîo'ld uoutless receüive one or t-wo hess for the saine eNýenditure, urîless tl.ee--3gswcrc en- large(. But sie would uadoubtedlv reccîve the saine Showing the Oood Work Dodd's i aniotif uttrîrnenit, eruaps a little Kidn2-y Pis arc Doing more. It is reportel that the provisionais of Prussia- lia-vo been petitianed to liai-e Mr@. Tho',ies Ilnumley, one or the e in> ems suld ila te future huy weight ini- who Found Heeltir in the great .ted of nunuber, 'l'ime c-ini i tua-t the Canadien Kidney Ilemtrdy. Gmaeg are muclu heavier andl larger thari the cgg-3 imported , s0 iL Silver Water, Manitouhin Is',ind, Jily seems unfair thiat thev sliauld seîl at 25.-(Special)-Every part ai Canada aneuipceprdzn seems ta ho testifying ta the gaod m-ork a qa ic )ý oe. Dodd's Kidaey Pilla arc doiag a-ad there Fhpn otms is no reason why Manitoulin Island The native mana, ahmost iavariablv shauld not do lier part. Maay a ma-ni dressed la a w-ite cati on undershirt amud anad wamaa here blesses tluera faf aches trousere w 1th a- beit aroulnd bis waist, relieved aad bealth restored. Take for I usua-ily goea barcfooted. The Philippines instance the case af Mrs. Thomas Ruai- 1wmhvl nvrb poialmre o ley. he ess t hoes or other w-cariing apparel. A gauze "I doctored for ypars a-nd diii not t undersbiit seenus ta be tlie favorite c-os- semto get a-ny better. It seemred ta tume for ail tines aiid seasons, but on seniholida-îs and ighîI daya the native mca-ms be my kidneys t-ha-tma-s the trouble so - I thugli I otrh tryDods Kiaeyan omii:arv shirt of Etimopean pattera, I tho(-ht1 helperyod mvey uci. I 1made ai grass linen or sam nie cof the Pille, a-nd' they hle evr uh othier native fibres, with a- bosoni stifflv 111 cannot sa-y haw many I have ta-ken starc-hed anud t-he tala autz-ide ai bis for mvy hanse is never without theiniand trousers- Whenever 1 don't feed right 1 take a few. The social rank of a Filipino cani be IMv hrîsband aisa ta-Les thoni once in a deterîninued by tc dispustion af i bi wble. I fiad t-hem a splendid medicine s hirt ta-il. If it is i; c-din lho is a- ta have ha-rdy." g-tlemnuatiofsubstance and position. 1f Dadde KincyPill ar t-lc g -satt it floats un the breeze he is an ordinarv family medicine af the age. They can 1nuortal a-ad ai loîvl v position. Ta wea-r be taken by yaang or aId with perfect' the slitt ta-il ouît in Spanish tumes mas safety. They cure aîl kidney aliments a oagea serv itude, a-nd even to-day a-ad aine-t-cnt-ls af the sic-kness af the ma-ny familles insist upon their servami present day eprings fromu bnd kidneys. mcaring their upper gamment. in t-la-t va-y. BEST WÂY TO TRÂVEL. Business mcanîîsually dre-ss la white j EHOW do you travel, Miss Lydia Prim?" drill, with a coat buttoned up ta the "Neyer by water. I cannot swim, neck a-ad finialied aif Nvith a standing An i IcoldI holddi o- figt colla-r of the sa-me material. Natives And f I ou.l I souiddie i frWht w lîo cr o thte professions imita-te For the fishes, I hear, know haw ta bite, th Mpnad ywama lc rad The aîlaa to, isweh ina xay, chat-h frock coats or swallowta-il coats But t-bere are accident-s every day. on occasions oi ceremony.-Cor. Chicago And if ive should chance t-o have a- spili, Herald. I fear I ahould be very MI. ___________________ Nor yet by trolley, for you ses IIow vcry dangerous it wouhd lie, If just a- litt-le tiny ivire î,>\~VuIlh'h0kp Should set the trolley car afire. \\ 'e Oa\Ia the rush a-ad sera-mble t-o g?t out, I shouhd be dreadiullv jerked a-bout. To ride a coachi, it seeme ta me, -A most agreeable trip 'twvauld be; But lorses, I bear, bai-e skittish ma-vs l'e Bure t-a regret it ah mi days, ' 'Twould be very ba-d indeed for me. To ride ahane an a horse or mhee, How very, very queer it mould feel. An automobile I miglit have tried, z I kaaw 'tis a splendid thing ta ride, Totally JEc ipud But- oh, dca-rtac! if the lea-et it Ttmt ancient relie, the 'Washboard. ls swervestotalhy eclipeted sud entirely dlspLaced by this up-to-dte pro<5uct of muodern labar- *'Twouhd be m-ost trying t-o t-ldecr 5avng ingeuly-:7h*N.w Cenm- ner v-es.' tary ]Bai earitug Waghinbi "eIndeed," said MsSLvdi a Prini, «- 'tis -'lTceDNew Century brings iight into best, Ma-ny a haine ltat was fou-meriy dark When courage gives out, t-o st-a-y home and ghomty on waah days. goo letving ful description wnb aad rest-; ad napplication. [' And if I should rpally pine for air, som- deaer fo . ç S 'il sit on the porc-hi la a rocking chair." lTuE o#SWLLLMAEFAmilTOU!M 11. t -PittsbtircDespatch. UML'1.CND Mloard's Linament Cures Disteinper. - Just Occasionaily. A Warm Spot-. - Cheerful Widow-Whv go dismal? Future Husband-I anm aira-id aur merd S Hamiltonians are nom, paying for ding trip wilh ta-e a-l the cash I have the privihege oi baving a mount-ain a-t- saved up. n~ their ba-L. Ia t-bat- shelt-ered city. Just Cheerful Widow-Wha-t of it? A wed- tbink of t-bat, and inl Canada, too, on ding trip onhy happens once la five oi L4 - - - I THE OLDEST LIVING THING. ixe south of the buffet. Wlxen I got my I ~ q jI8~11WNi Said to be a Huge Cypress Tree 6,26o Yeaxs Old. "The statement recently ma-de that there are ycws li England which are the oldest living things on this earth,» Mr. Thomas C. Ireland said, "'is not cor- t-lt tii is Fu ne. fa( tu] re( t-h t-b da t-r anr Il' ex hiù at te a làI p a m th in t-r m 29 s t fo d c p1 ii ai ti fi a, a1 i1 o t t r '.It i8s iateresting ta stand on Carlton li11 att-hie appointcil loîimt-oa-ce t-be diînta-neotis flash af t-be gîra on Ca-at-le 1111 a-ad t-be fah ai t-hie baIl chose a-t -ad, mhuîle t-be roar of t-be gua la ai- ,ourse sane moments lacrassing t-be ahley. On t-beat-ber ha-ad. it la equahhy nt-erest-iag t-aat-a-ad beside t-ebe ig gua t diisk t-o xatch tho bl-l on Ca-rîton lit-I flujuist a,;t-lie ,1i'u s fine-I. I ne- caIl onceP staaîlug in t-hie court-yard of hie -a-st-le,ma-t-ch ln lia-nil, -aiting lior ho ca-nunn cst ovenhoal t-o ho fircd. It t-cumrced t-o me it wouhd le mare excît- ing t-ama-t-ch t-be c-oivds ai pa-ssing peo- ple, espec-ially since acîtanc w-ma-np- pam-cnthy thîimîking of t-hie shot f rom t-be -annon. When t-lie rîîar tooaL place, a- sohut-cly ivit-hantwarning, hardlv a yard tbove t-he hîcada ai t-le c-noîd, t-lie scene ni-cl replyd il My' iva-i ing. Everybady ddcgcd. CUblîdr-eti crea-lecl, and moi and momen jnimped t-o t-be sde oi t-he N-a-Il. Of c-ourse, k mwas ahI over la- a sec- ond, bnt la t-ha-t manient ut seomied that an eleotric shoel, liac pabsed t-hm-ugh lt- croxvd." A Visit ta t-le St. Louis Faim. Visitons t-o t-he St. Lois Faim ivil a-fi preciabe t-li fohhoNvar: Tbe Iluinside Ia, St. Louis, Thursday -1 a-m coafort-ally situa-ted in t-le Thir aide Inn, w-hic-bla a pleasant litt-le t-a- ena about-asilg as Mis.ýsouri Valey. I la- buiht ai la-t-b, sca-nt-iing,, ue a walh paper a-ad ha-mb, a-ad îs very sul sta-abial. A hoa-vv man ca-a climb a-l ove it. I sa-m thrce behh boys ca-rrying t-ele) for a aight's lodging up to t- fourbi floor just îîow, anid t-ebe ans didîf't ai Mlic-l. The manageaient is ca-refl thougli, a-ad it puts a-Il ncxv guasts c t-be gmoumud ihoor. Aftcr t-boy have paii their bill for t-ho first day t-lic-y pt thcuîî oui t-le se'-onu fInir. 13ytht-lime mîail bas îa-id lýis bilîl for uxi day s is lim'ht cauui.iIi t- o e n t-lic t-lin, flaar uith sa-ot-v. Wlîcn lho has sta-vi a meek tlicy bave ta put mcigbits in bi packet t-a keep him U omu shoot-iagt- t-hmough t-be roof. I got iîto t-be ini a-t ( o'clock, a-ad was îiaety-sixtb in t-îlie[ia,-. Wbea gat t-at-be cierk ho turaed me upsi' down a-ad shnoak mc, t-bon le c-eit- bat fell out ai My packlets, t-aid r t-o regist-r anîd handel me a blue' tick for a bell boy. "Yau 'have' etough mon .ey farfofa rlais," ho sa-id. "ia t-a t-be cashier a. My roam las No. 5415, tbrcÉe blocl f rom t-ho public square and a milei t e r- it- Ili il, ata lis lil- nd ccl t 'These .ycws are aid, very, very aid;1 ire le no doubt a-bout t-hat-; same of 7 Lm were st-alwart trees evea before k iesar ianded upon these shores. There1 now standing ia the dliurc-lard atI 'rtingal, la Pertîshire, which Dec-anc-le, 1 arly a century a-go, proved t-at-he sat-( ct-ion of bata-niets t-a 'be over 25 cen- i iries aid, a-ad anather a-t Hedsar, la 1 uclas, mhich la 3,240 ycars aid, 1How 1 'candole arrived ata-a appa-rentlY cor- i et estimateai the enormous age ofi esc living trees je a simple t-hing, a-ad ie principhe is daulhess mel known ta-- -y t-o a-hi. The ycw, hiLe most other ces, adds one lino, about t-le t-cnth ai n inch, t-a its circumierence, ca-ch yea-r. le praved t-bis aiter an investigation teading over severai years, a-ad me naw aaw, a luadred yea-rs la-ber, t-bat is deductionÈ wercorc-a-ct. The aId yeîv tHedsar has a trtnk 27 feet in dia-me- r, praving its great a-go, anad it is in Lflourishiag, bea-hthv condition naw, Ice its brother a-t Fortingyal. "Their vears are few, thougli, com- ared xvith t-hase ai t-be trees I had in iid wIeu I ma-de my firat assertion îat t-he sta-temneat printed about them na scient-uic journal wîas incorrect, la ne cliapter ai bis irritings Humboldt -fers t- aa-giga-atie boa-baltroc la Con- -ah Af rica as t-be oldest orgaaic mzaaau- oent in t-ho morld. laiis trce has a truak: )9 feet la dianîcter, a-ad Ada-ason, by a tries aic-arefui measuremeatq, deman- tra-ted coaclusiî-elv that it lad lived or not icss t-ha-n 5,150 ycairs. "btihl, it is not t-he olde-st organie ioîîumeat in t-ho worhd, a-s Humboldt lecla-red, for naxi' Mexican scientista have moved t-hat a huge ci-press tree, st-anîding ir Chcpuhbepec, îviti a truak lIS feet Lnd 10 inclues la clrc-umfemcnce, la aIder ,o, ly nmare t-ban a t-bausand vears- or it ha-I been shoîv, as c-oaciiisivchy ts these things c-an be shown, t-bat lte go ii a-bout 6,2G0 yea-rs. 'fa becamne ,aprcssed with monder aver t-bis, anc nly t-o dwe-cl on tlia-t duration for a ittle wbîio in thouglît. "e-it is not 50 remarkahle when Dne stops for a momuent t-o remember hat-, given favorable conditions for its -row-th a-ad sustenalice t-hue ax4erace tree wihI nover dic ai aid oge, its dcat-hla aerely a-n accident. Otirer younger a-ad nore vigarotis trees rna-y spming up near ît, a-ad perhaps rab its roats ai their pmaper nourislîment; -cc-ets ma-y kihlitl, hlooda or miada Ma-y sîvoep it àa-ay, ar ta raots my conic in contact mith rac-k and become' 5 gmirlce a-ad twisted, lie- 'a-use t-bey have nat rooni ta expa-nd in bheir groîvth, a-nd thîey literally t-bm-at- tle t-be avenues ai its sustenance; but these are accidents. If sucli thiags do iet bappea a tre- may hive on for ce- turv aiter century, istilh robust, stiil f haunisbing. sheitcning witli ita ivide- slrea-diag branc1ie.s ;the mon a-ad w-amen of a-goa-item age.-St. Louis Globe Delio- :rat. 'inard's Linarnent Cures Garge-t in Cows. .SET THE TIME FOR SCUflLAND. Bail on One Hilitop Draps Whcn Cannon on Anoblier la Fired. "Spea-king ai cloclks," sa-id the travel- 1er, -Lidinburgh, Scotia-nd, has thbe moat iîîteresting t-ine-niarking dciice I ever sa-w. The citi' lies bet-wc-en twa bills. (Oa anc ai thieso, kanown as Carlton1H11l, themo lsa an observa-tory taxi-c, ini the top af wlic-ba large bLŽîck bill is susp,-ended. Across t-be valîci', probabhy a miiie wa-y 1> Casýt-de [IliuI sîîumouuted h itlic his- torie Edinburgli (asile. Une of t-hicha-mgo guns in t-bus for1vess. paintiîg t-oward Carlton 11111, is electrically -ornniiotecl An Eaglish Fishing VillaZe SlO11 r' afl ing Into t-he SeiL Nest-iag under t-le cliffs about a- milt frani St-art Point, an t-hoca-st side, lsaa clusterorfai wiit,- cottages, mhich forma t-be viîhge ai Hallsanda, sa-ys t-be Lon- don Graphie. Fa-r rrnîoved from a- rail- wa-, and sepamated fron t-ho nearest point ai tourist t-ma-fic by sex-eral miles ai roughîi Devonshuire la-nez, lt-s main con- nec-tion ilt-b modemn lufe lat-be dailv ca-rt whici ca-mm-es cral)s ta t-le st-at-ian. The village, which la huIit close t-o the sea, fa-ces ca-st-.aad ila xpascd t-o t-hie fury ai easterly gales. \Valls a-ad qumays have fron t-imîe t-a timre bcen uiit- ta prevent t-be w-a-vos rcac-hing t-le hou-es, a-ad na-t-tre pravideile a- saieguard froni t-le porilinlat-le shiaps of 50 yards of peibble boa-clu, w-hichzi t-le gale rolled up a-gainst t-ho quays a-ad 50 formed a- natummal cmba-kaent t-o hrserve t-be ma-Ils a-ad faunda-tions. Ahi wouild, no douht, bave coatinucd t-o go w-cll mit-b t-le primitive spot- lad rot t-he c-ont-mactom-s for Govermmnt worksa-t Keyha-m cast their eyeis an t-bat bala-aofa shmngle. They persua-ded t-be Governaient ta let t-hem tise t-bis beach for their xvomk, a-nd for trce yea-rs evory spcllai fine w-ea-them Irouglit t-be hncdgem ta t-le spot-a-ad st-rings of lg lt- ors wocild go sia-y la-don mit-h t-ho shn- gîe. la t-lie t-ebe ua-clusak tirelve feet far n mile ard a lia-If, leaiag t-be qua-ys ex- posd. Wliea bad w-cnt-ber came t-be mi.s- ehif douen-c apparent. Ground swells sv-ipt t-be 1Lea-hIt lare. hca ng lit-tic rocks. Soon it-hie i-als ai t-be quys Izegan t-o auîier, a-ad thea t-be sca le- gan sîa-wly luit surehy t-o encroacli an t-h-eahane, tmntil bousta-enter bouse ha-n ta ho ahuncond hec-a-e of t-he dama-ge dtoe t-o t-hem by t-be force aioft-he ma-ves t-bat boa-t - ainst t-hem unrestma-lndlv. Evor v sterîn-drts fmmmter damage, a-ad anc ai the hast- inroada nia-de by t-le sea c-ut t-hrou mgb t-le one treet- ai t-le vil la-uc, thme tii-o aides afi hîl are now onncted hi- a- iooden foot bridge. A fîînd ha-a leen st-a-rt-cilta purcha-se la-ad on thie top aif lic c-hf a-t t-he bac-k oai thbe village, s a- site for a- nom village, for t-he okI Halîsa-adaseemoîl cdoomed. The destruiction ai t-be figliing village - i -a t i nimeie *1 PsulIcut of a ha-isuit. An ouineofa propcrty" vtlere lias issued a- wm hagaimitSir John Jackson, Lim- ited. the coutra-ctors for Kevhîa-m dock- va-rd extesion marks. Thie plaintif a- legres tlat- t-he dofeada-ats, by dredgiag, r emnoved t-biaîxa-ds ai tons ef shiagîe, îvbich formed a natural larrier aga-inst t-ho sea. The Admira-lt-y and Sir John Jacksoni sulscribed $7.500 toivard a sea- ma-hit-a proteet t-be village, brut t-la-t bas bec partiallyva-shed away. NOTme L BuI~RaITS Quakers.en-e are bousebold wonds le amazing w-ben lb le remembererd that theme are lesa t-ha-a 3)000oaithe sect- lath -li kiailan-.La-rd U.ier, tils invemtar (cf antNclotir sar-- Lren', ha a Quiîmer. ýSa is Pr-of. Sîvi-anus Tbniso tié beelctrician. SIr Edmard i-ry t-hie f armatis ex- judge ai t-le Appeal1 Court-, a-ad bis brat-ber, t-hie M. P., arme deacended froni t-hie elebmut-ed Elizabeth Fry. John Brighuta-ad W. F. Forster camne ine-vit-ablv ta mind. Mec-hanies' offstitnt-es ivere foiîaded bv Friend Dr. BinkîcL. a-ad Eyvpti an hieragîy-phics deeiphered by Sir Henry PTtawliason, an- ather Quaker. But- it la la trade and commeree that Quakers ha-i- ma-de their moat eadumiag mark. Ilidma-ulic engineering was fath- emed by the bm-at-hem-s Taagvye, George Stephenson a-ad t-ho irat railmnv suere financed by the Peases ai Damliagt-on, t-hie misiortmnes af w-base firni grieved t-be îvlîale Nom-t-hCount-ry a- yetîr a-go. Brad- sbhaw', ai t-le immortal ra-lIa-y gtilde, -nias a Quaker. a-ad so 'i-ms Edmtmadsoa, 'wzio inventerd railxxa-v ticket-s. Pi-sc-t- calIv a-hIt-hie cocouaad chocolat-e con- sueied la Brit-ain la made ly Qujakrs- t-le Frys ai Bristol, Cadbuîry ai Birmiag- ha-r, a-ad Ramant-reofa Yomkl. Tle lias- culit- fa-c-bancsoai lIuatley & Palier, a-ad Peek -& Frean. mre more Quaker enter- 1prises, lThe original Brynt-& 'Ma-y ,vre both Quake,,r. Recki t-'s lue. Chris- t-v's bat-a. a-ad Allen & T-aaburv's dniîzrs are l!ke-nise t-be.mares ai Frienda. Qnakz- cm-s êsta-llished t-be -cat broxi-ries ai Plareiv & Pemkins. lITaalury & Buxton, t-le Allens., a-ad t-le Wi-lera.. Sir Sa-m- îîeî ('unard, foumader ai t-he fa-maris slip- ring Ylin. nas a- .iOuaker. a-d so re t1ic crizIipa of scIbaknrfi-nis as fli cilCimaci'& Ca., Pr-lu.Bevan tC.. a-nil Ca-vo. Tiixt-wel & Dinuada-e.- Lonîdon Dailv Chronicle. Ca-on rde' eir ia iBckle, it- sCianiton ueVcaod bis roter- l-law t-lue, ei.S tephrcenGd bione, la -bi- ptan11, tvin aiaadoe, nthe ic- potn igo f am--c-l na-ai t-beTne aletaI o aut $3000 a- ea-rfmtherosdevcluebut t-be stipead 'ias iornierly ai-cm $15,00 a voar. Tbis living a-ad t-la-t ai Buckley are a-t- preacat ln t-be. .gilt ai Mm-s. W. H1. Gla-dstone, as guardian aoflier son, t-le aîunem ai t-le Giynne est-ate, w-ho isa a Shirt waists and daînty clean and fresh with Sun- the soth ofdthebuet. MI en 1don ndy waited an hour f or a street car.- but hey told, me there wasn't a lne. I had I o walk ail the -way to6 my room, wore,,J out two bell boys on the way, but there w'ere lots more. There are more bell boys han there are guests at the inn. They use lcm for change. When you give the zIerl ý $5 for your room he hands you ack $2 anad a bell boy. My room is a litthe fa-r away for neals, but I make it nicely. I start f orI supper nt 9 and stop for lunch on the wv, withl a friend I know ln room 2507.C Blut a friend of mine who lived in room 1 No. 7r,49ig up agrainst it. le «ot tira lays behind with bis meale, livin.q ont in the toinntrv at the renr end. of thie tiotel. Finilly he found thmt he wRs riarer Moberlv, 'Mo.. thrnn he iras to the dinh"r roorn. an noir he walks overr to MNoberlv every nuorning-.E The inn la it fine place. Thev treat vroi ri!e-bt nrid do their heast to mnuikze vau fel nt borne. I wante-d, the clerk to rorne mut and rlav a game of hottie pool with nie this niorninçy, ard h,- snid he would juagt as soorn rm« le bhndI 114 ne-w ffnîststzmke-#-rm cre of. rBut vhe-n 'h- gat throue-lh withi theni tluer'e ere- Il() rnorf- wiiitinct. so ei -ihnA ton i-ce it4 upr. lin didnr't reniember me this morninz- tratil I told hlm m-v na-me. I ironder whv t iraq? MarInbe I mll write saynAe ore aibout flue inr n t-nrvr-ro. T nra iroine- fni - t0 exRmiyia tl'oFnston-W laO in Council Bluffs Nnail sages ai farmm banda more hîgb, but as product ion iacreased t-be prices lomered a-st-or t-lauit-be rat ofai mages. A fammer empioycd an industriaus Ir- ishîman far f ive years att-be rate af ilsO a montb 'a-ad found"-board, lodg,- Ln,P washing a-ad meadiag. At t-le end tif the term, be sa-id ta lis ma-a: 'lI ca-a't a-fiord t-o pa-y you t-le mages I bave bsen payiag. You have sa-yod raoney, a-ad 1 bave savedi nothing. Att-hie mat-c van milI soon aira my famm." -Thon lIl hibre vou ta mark for me," a-aid t-be ethier. "a-ad you c-n get your farm ba-La-gain."--Sucess. Summer IWhoo<ping Cough T'he ohildren seem ta catch wbooplng caugheaeiy in the sumnmer ime when i in a1wiàysaago much biarder Wa get rid uL. Shiloh' s Consumptioni CureT,, lb e othexrnive rsa hoere lua-tnth jrig t i cm-c in-tmng a- do- o-t is la- priv ilege only t-o be enjaycd la Englad by t-be lardsai t-be ma-nom, a-ad t-he la-m mas vigorasly eaiai'aed on t-bis point. But la Sc-otla-ad, a-cc-rdiag toa a st-atube still bhd la observance, nobady ha-a a right ta bt-Id a- c-at lacibler toma a r c-at-ntm- uniess eh is t-ieowner o ana-d yieîd- ing about 960 impoîiah burahels ai pro- duc-e per anauni, anad t-bis pmoprty must le situat-ed uithin a-b leaattîva miles ai t-li clovecot-, or pigeon hanse. A fuir- t-ber ena-ctient also abat-eztînt on t-be a-bave na-n-ted conditions only ane cot &hamll le huIlt. , A dist-ingnaished ait-horitu' an buis- baadry estimatezI t-bat la 1628 t-bore uvere 26.000 dox-ecats ia Eaglanadaad t-ha-t- aloîving 500 pairs t-o each hanse t-hue danuage mnau,-bt- lv irds in dovoîîrin, c-arn -nvuuhd ,vork ont a-t- no less îtîîî 13,000,000 lusbels, t-liat la, a-aallai- anc-e ai fouir buabhels yearhy t-oca-c-h pair. Aay one mIa destroyed a 'c-at-w-a-aguihty ai t-beft-, a-ad is so bhd a-t t-be present tuie la Seat-la-ad (t-le a-ct w-as pascd la 1579), w-bile a t-bird ai icace ai dove- cot- breaking ma-s capit-ally punlaliable.- Haur Glass- Mlnard's Li tiament Cures COUdS, etc. Japa-nese doctors have recommeadeci, a-s a means of producing a taller race oi soldiers, the marriage of Japa-nese sys bè » graph at ten yards distance by the light of a farthing, candle. This he succeeded in coing by covering the inside of an earthen dish with putty a-ad sticking bits of Iooking, glass on it, and then- placiag tus reflectar behind the candle, Captam Hutchinson., a dockmaster, waa present, anad from this experimcnt bu gained the idea from ivhich he evolv4. the rcflecting lighthause as built in Lày- erpooL 3MEDICAL CONVENTION. ,D-leg-ates to the MIedica.l Association ait Vancouver can -retura through Smi I~a-ncISCOo, Las Angele-s, Sait Lake City, Denver a-nd the "World's Fair," St. Doýuîs, by purcha-sing tickets sold ta San Francisca, accou.at Knights Templat meeting. Tickze.t-;on esal-e frimmA 15 to Sept. 9, good for return until Oc)t. 23, wi Stop-over privilegesl in ea-ch diretio, This la an open -ra.te ta the publie, a tickets are not osald on the certifica. plan. The rate from Hlamilton a-ad To- ronto -will be $70.23..Carrespo'dingly - law ratas frani ot-her points. Tickets.'î, caa be purchased goïg ~i Vaucauver, returaing th.roug-h aZbve IIies, or vice Versa. By writingIl. F. Gartir, Tra-velling pajsener Agent, Union Pacifie Rail- road. 14 Jan- buildinz Tranta, Ont.,r lie will give yau full information. For Persistent Advcrtlsing. The psychologist continues his study ý af t-he mysteries of advertising ai?'- plains why it la important ta t/ -1 sta-atla appeals, ta the pubiiý newspaper reader may fot bef ceptive condition to-day becausi ries or axnoyafices or somet4 but to-morrow lie mayber every attractive announoemerl - advertiser. Hence it is ta thc the lattWto hld a cuaspicu l% tha newsquaue.» -- 4j light Soap. 513 NLTTS. Peanuts, English walnuts, fllberts, pine nuts and hickory nuts build up the tis- sues of the body.- 1 Almonds, pine nuts and peanuts con- fi tain the food values of the other nutsin bigh proportions. Heat and energy are produced by nuts rich in oul, such as black walnuts, butter- nuts, Brazil nuts and cocoanuts. For diabetes, a valuable soup may be made of spinach, celery or turnips, thick- ened with almonds, pine nuts, or Brazili nut butter. Nuts are indispensable to the vege- tarian, mnaki'i up for such items as meat, milk and butter. Better yet, tb.ey are free from niisease germs. Chestnuts and chinquapins are starchy riuts, and, therefore.rnust be weli cooked. ta be digestible. 'Most nuts are more wholesome whcni cooked. Pine nuts grow% on the dry hilîs of Col- orado and Carifornia in profusion. They are cheap, as tihere is no waste. They should be wNýashed and dried. We, cali the fruit of trees nuts when we est the kernel and rejet the out5ýide eovering. 'When we reverse thîs order and eat the ontside, rejecting the kernel, wve caîl themn fruits. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap fi, powder. It will re- move the -rease with the greatest case. 36 Air in a Subway. An Englishi physician bias made an an- alvsis ofi the air in the. underground railway of L.ondon with astonishiag re- -ulté. The amount of oxvgen i n the atimosphere wvas only 20.60 parts ia vol- umie, while in the warst courts in Lon- don it was never found hoxver than 20.- S(;. Pure atr contains 20.94 per cent. of ox vgen. And with diminution of oxygen there was a proportionate increase in the car- bonic acid gas. The normal quantity is j)37 in 100 parts, but the expert found that in one of the 'Metropolitan Railîvay tunnels the carbonie ac-id gas wvas .338 per cent. This is excessively higyh wben it is taken into consideration that whcîîever the carbonie acid gas in the atruosphere excceds-; .100 per cent. the air is mucli too polluted ta be breathed -tswith safety ta one's health. waeured( of painful Goitre by MlNP~'SLINîMENT. BYARD e LI. Chliarna', Ont. 1 was ýqC refi of Trfham mation by MINARD-SLNMET MrIS. W. W. JOHiN,'SON, Walsh, Ont. I ws Credof Facial Neuralgia bv J. H. BMLEY. Parkda-le, Ont Turning the Tables. r j A, ~. r j rh tth aniJ t 0mt ~ed 4- 1N'FONTIIJLL, ONT., rSale Cheap add on Easy ermiïr-, Lpphy ta JOHN MeCOT, r Hamilton. ý6nt;* Toîon4o ad"" - teamerg ev Toronto 3 pvm. dalil rRochester, 1,000 Islands, RaiidsI$Ut twrence, Montreal, Quebec, Murray ~y domasac amd Saguenay River. - lailtone Toronto, Montreal LÙ61 0 Steamers heave Hamilton 1 p.m,. Toronto 30 p.m., Bay af Quinte ports, Moatreai - idlutermediate ports. ,o;wtes on this Une. Fu fer Information, apply to R. & 0. rents, or write tb H. FOSTER CEIÂFFLE, Western PaRsenger Airent, Toronto.. DESTRUCTIVE XVY. - ne Old Parish Chuzrch Wrecked by Green Parasit2. A striking lesson as ta tihe destructive reets of the unchecked grow1%th of ivy an naw be sen a feNN miles ta the orth of London, says the Athenaeum. Lfine aid parish churcli lias ben wreck- 4 by this green parasite, which haî; oen too long eneouraged by a fa-e idea of picturesque beauty-the aid Essex ,hurch of Ahl Saints, Chingford. La-st e.bruary, ia the midst ai bleak. wîndy reather, the crash came; the vhole roaf )f the nave a-ad south aisle coliapseit n a coraphete \rc.shakin- and 'i )eriling the iralîs, which are bound si e-d ly tu oo'. NINE MILLION ACRES Ïovernme)t liands for ilomesteaders. In western Nebra-s"c neaLr,,he Union 'actif-, Railroad ini section lots af 640 ere" each, for almast nothing. The sal- ,brity of these lands le something re- ma-rkable. Distance froni railroa-dl i three to thirty miles. There will be a ,Ta-ad rush of homesteadels. This is the [a-st distribution of free homes tle Unit- -ij States Gavernmnt mill ever take ain ýebra-ska. Write for pamphlet telliang how the lands ca-n le acquired, whea en- ry should be madle, and other informa- tion. Free on application toa any Uniona Pacifie agent. THE SAD, Ã"LD STORY. "Drink did it; God help me: "',were the. wards which a Brooklyn man scrawled on an envelope recently before -b.e.. fire.d the pistai tha-t ended h;is lii e. The ms,,n had a prosperous business and a large- famihy ta whom. he %vas devated in hid aober moments, but he became enslaved iy the drink habit and saw naoma-y too break the chains that b-ound him but by ;nding bhis existence wiýth bis owa ha-ad. Drink did it; Gad help me!" mih wl serve as a fitting inscription over t ~u-i sands of- athoer men who go dawn ta and death every year under a lik- n- slavement. And yet there are tkias pro- fessing ta have the well-beizjt- of the community at heart wbo would have the drinking shaps turning out their j-rist of shame and misery nat only far six days mf every week- bu4 an the -seventh day also.-Le&she's Weék4y. Deafness Cannot be Cured KÀLUA&NDC. 1 8 If it ti six years. elmday last, it Nras VU la Me sjlacLdb.

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