Whitby Keystone, 15 Dec 1904, p. 3

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Mention this paper. I AÂKASKA HIILL OCCUPIED BDY JAPS AT PORT- ARIHUR@ Japanese Naval Guns Batterýpg Russian War Vessels in the Harbor. The Poltava Sunk, the Bayan Aground and the Ketlzan Heavy Cannonading .Heai P Vicinity 0o London cable:' It was reperted unof- ficiaiiy the other day tlîat Russia liad Iresolved to scnd a third squadron to the Far East. This lias been seni-officiallv denied, but the Daiiy Mail's St. Ileters- burg corre8punudent reiterates the stcry, addingy that the Czar, ut a special con- ference&of the Supreine Naval Counceil, signed a decree giving effect te the deci- Sion. It wàs decided te complote the battleshipa IPaul 1. and Slava with al ppeed, and, adding to them f ive older battleslîips, f jvc cruisers, and forty ton- pedô boats, provide a new fleet withini two months. *Three thousand engiincers were engaged inimediately, and Russian Sagents abroad were iuistructed to ar- range foi coal for the fleet, the sup- plyiaag cf wlicli wili be entrusted to a German fia-au, owig 'to the difficulties raised by tlie La-iti,li Uovcrinaacat againat liritisia mcachanits furailîîaaig suipplies l'or 1Rubsiaua warships. No commander bias beenL seiected, but prob- abiy Admirai 1)ubassoff or Admairail Tciaknin wili bc appointed to the post. Tho cerresponident asserts tlîat the con- freîerce did not i-cacla a decisicai to util- ize the Bialck Sa f icet. - Thie Czar w~as emplbaticaliy opposed te this, but Graaad Duke A-lexas, -Navaul Comnaiier-i-Cheffavored it. The. reports -ecie in London con- cerni- tthe pr- 'babiiity cf the Bllack Sca fleet etag e;aarîlved are contradictory. A secetion o! tl c R ussi.mx press,. nutabIy tji .filVe ,-u;a w l chis knowvaate have cloew, conuection %vth axaltcd anad infiucntiau. pcrsoages, lias been agitatt- ing ý-for days fior thoeu atl abrogation of the tre ît.i.m closing thceIDardanelîles. A <-.u?~pIa~oli etrilbut ionuate the niove- ~Imnt in ai igaicd -aLicf 0v yCapt.I{d, oif tho Ru(ti.48 iLi av.v, ina tie Noce Vrem - vUrglng tiat it Is .iuapative tlit i bia'ck Sea flmet Fshoui1d l". iaed. l-u anal otihevt aa!Il' thlit lnonl ic thlei'aure of tIý%{r tri-aties wrail itt i-unît teIo -\ ut Ct AI ait Swakopmnund having been denied, it is a matter of conijecture whet'her it la pro-1 ceeding by way of the C&pe of Good Hope or t.he Straits ci Magellan. Rumors from the United States and elsewb~ere that Russia has purchased, or Iwill purchase. warships from South jAmerican requblies continue to be be- lieved. It is reported that Russia is now willing to puy any piice for vessels tihat are suitable for war purposes. A Paris correspondent hints that MNr. Sin- nett, who is said Vo have bough.t the Car- oline from Yarroýw & Co., is largely en- gaged in rnaking sucli purchases. There1 bas neyer before been sucli a demand in Paris for vessels of ail descriptions. Ap- plications, coupled with assurances of cash payments. are constantly receivedi by ship agents from individuals prevý,iou-s- missions are sometimies asked. ird Around Poutiloif, i JAP NAVAL GUNS f Mukden. Playing Havoc Among the Russian Wat Vessels in Port Arthur Harbor. tbe passage cf the slips. Even Great A Tokie cable says: The commander l3iti, ibogi herigtbls oa f the Japanese naval gauns in front cf would net emiploy force. 'Ibis view is Port Arthur, telegraphing on December bclicved te be beld strongly in nifi-a ciries q~6,sa ysr "An observation taken frcm 203-M-\etre At Whatever Cost. 1h11 sshows tlant the turret slip Poltava hie nnoncemat uaittheMiuitrvis sunk and thant tlhe battlcship Retvizan Tfhoeig a ffanceirs a the Miitr -is listing bheavily te port. Ma Frin are hiiy cpod te M the sy "Observat ions'ta ken Dec. 6 covered the Moaineaure iword becuse ifte po-resuits cf the bonibardmnent cf Dec. 5. intends te break tbrcugh the Darda-Arn0 tkigosvaisfomajl iicIies it obviousiy vwould bc absurd to erSiîlîîg declare the intention befcreband, and it 'Sinice Dec. 2 ave hlave daily bombard- arould be denicd uatii the fleet got c h ne' ctligsuhc a tlirougb,. There is ne doubt that a con- Yu mounctain. Frcua tlîat point cwiy Leai oa at, lee el cd the masts and funnel tops cf the battle- cd bv tlae Downger Czarina, stronglv sliips Pobieda, Retvizan or thae cruiser aprvsof emploinrt' lak .e Paliada could be seen, but it avas mni- fleet at ail costs. On the other bnnd, possible te courint the numnber cf our mianv respousibie officiais are repcrted shelîs takin, effeet.-e to bec ppcosiug ,,-the proposai aith seri- "On ctbcr ships explosions icsulting nîîsucss, on th- 'gnaaunn that the treaties from our shelis cculd le seen. but ow- -ire tavýo-edgcdl, and if Russia can send ing te their positions bebind hbis it %vas (out lier avarsluaps. otîaer corlntries can difficult exactly te identify thcm. send their in, NvIiich would involve great- L-h oa fou histkngefc ei- injury to Russia in the future than on the encmny's shaps were as foilows cnuld le comipcnsated for by any henefit On a vessel cf the Pobieda tý-pe, tbirty- i lînt couid be derivel fremý the presenit four; on the battlesliip Rctvizan or the instance. M-oreover, it is notoricus that cruiser Pallada, tbirtv-four; cn tlhe tur- ananiv cf the vveI-s comiprising the net sli;p Poltava. eleven. Besides these lllack , 4a fleet arc antiquated and in- fuft other sliells stru k, frornw hicli f f iient. exp;losions fclloaved. ?ea-ie.the hi.storv of thec first "On Dec. .5. soven slîsli struck the Parifie squad.ron sceins te bc fast draw- battieslîip Pehieda andl about 3.30 p.m. i- r'te a close aaîder Uic destrietive a aîgirxplos-ion avas nl)servncl south of eaannao f the Japarase, Navliic.h iý, Paivu inacuntain. re;tit iug frua the cf- -piercing onue a ftor anather cf tlie ve-,- feets cf our slicIls ev-ideitl u a pow- seLs as the4v lie iM Port Arthurr barbon. ,der magaziue.- are il a1d. ieta ui irif rai I taîTesia aruau au l ebrisuinsofinieg or It are el ail rnliaiif. r w Z0ý-h. v - 'ricth n s cefulr5 sult cf tlîe bom- ska's niiý,aan it la t-iesoi-ia I(sapi idram men ou t iiiigreater effora s' -v w x- 1'fr-l - te fa ill ria-in n.sle 'lala- qaarasof thln Tapi nesf- eau li e 1trengzti,.enedt frein lirne, an arniav ini f-ont cf Port Arthaur bas; re- opinio- n wlilea oia a bel i a- f ta a portoni con fa anainig the di-, iliaîg cf thie - iairal qadronaii a j lein-'foaraaid. Ria'-ian Iatta-.apsIat\ 1uni ianai ion Notiiia is-In-n heanI foi- niany lavs ;Poltrava. anal Statiug tlaat ili -rai-er Ifa-aur Alariial lIîaia-tvvîakvs ilii o if ] avai a is a gr i rra. T'liai -port gons on t1e ta on n seeral i;ii ion. liiiv la ýt niiiroi v te enýva-,as foi iow s (linr- ta i ela e!iainrepart w a s frirai l, .'l'lie zubi- plungiaîg fire frein 203-Met re I-1il1, the sajrert rliotau ar jaaiof iii- alivaiaaîr en.Navas Nai illiîaii i lai)i-:akaul w{-it- 'out 1905 TIere is t.L- irr lu V)hie ara i n risafcir-Io .l Xanati aor 1 îeo I-' ý3 Jl- f - t cu:'ý 1A-a1 iAl/nfat ac-nav-'a'ai o a nha: rt Lne-u1-utaa ctl e t a- Ma- la 'arey a-!. --t.lIii -ara na autiuerIa-'iat0cria lInr.l00 -~f Tis as a-tir Jinar'-csalrsulr r :Te demronistrate our abselute confidence Ii thie Clio'.1laIrcubator ,Il a s11e doelirn-afreighî prcpaod, arna-Iyou noakle yoar frst payaient i October, 1905. Tiac fact l1iait \vai-e oI r aculators ira Ibis miner guaranrees thaem te îl-e falest exîcaî. Tti 1ya-ai-S, tr1Ial 1i-a o olelon arid a suare. If you liai-e good luck you rnoy gel off crueirtllî tht iane, and ca-en li-a nyou nire uncerraînr, and if yol eject tlae machine yeu ru Iiihave te p the fre;,ýt t lth ranva-. lat vilI a Svoaa senol lu vaaa-r oiter 'w-e SharP the uMacinie pr-pid .hou it :ar- îvcs, if it secers al nriglal, start y-ourn itîr, and ave wial gave yeîi untal Octoler, a ço;, Infa-nre y-ou rave te p.iy a cent ana c-l. Vcptsitarcly grrarautee thiat thme inaclinir I ,o oedltira-lien. -Evc-ny machine sham),:ad sdI n a-lanaen, and ae aili, on i1 account, allen' a machine tiat i-s rlfea- tur>C te reonain ia any naci3lnbOtliood. WIIAT SIX CHIATH-AMl INCUBATOR USERS HAVE TO SAX': The manbator saut nie la war«i-LIn- Tiý,N.",i a nubator r' anasent mc le aIl 1wsat e o -c fm ure exý er'dingly wel. t as amy casi, n a-it. -t-a"h-Aout (f ojfertiue eggs. -BIt e ra trt fm ues op-ea-tedand seofar h as re.îuareal s.arena .,m u1(1rani a-n tr-nmg chia kq. apîalthei broLaiiar r e-lI routr unauca.ýr-aertloir. i-r,4srgzs i for only a ta-w minutes pn-r (ami. Tî,e sa\ a-iltua-na aui e hbant-Oanlic iriculiaier ~t ÃŽ4 ch;iks, cia oaur. nu njy s,iud Craia lat ot eggs. 110,onîîeaamiaation 1 art tli'saaaîa-tirnie, in a-tua-caier tria-, 44 r-h 1 gai '9-ifroîn 3ai -mr-gs Ia- id the fauaad thal i-3 were niat fertile, w te-e iua-ai aicak egg-a sait SM gaOitega-s (ren iahish nasa-line a puure sa-Cia-si if rouna araordaug veare broken arcderat-arur-.andai1 ha irn1 'e- cot a3ji aual.s anai3L, giae;total. 71 te direutiains.Ta linon la-r i@ a %wondia. <-lira or ahbona-90 aper sernt fthe rtie rîaaia7,1 ai-ra,o a1 ati laied6 turke - tand I hais na-t lo'ia a-lara% yetan egr. Te esed rma e lta-'a' ni naithle sain(!- tiiaa' îitaie lien - t-rei iey are liiiit flaahera-a. Yours lrulY, Tr-ihcaeie. Tdtrl oi<ler gara-aie e r-.aaaa a .a iltniibtrJOHN H. iaIINOColliriçr<ood, Orat. eq îualy k;,,îd satatir tiýiuo. Te yun , .d Lc- ici t - (a- tihe iest and surint lira -cids ara' dauaag e-l. 'anars tar-, - n'. '--. ia-ha-r ah ai irrnaa-tîna-eîa ot any V~our N1o. ? ial"m ncn"trbas J. a-. JIriNa-TaiN, E-iter Leanmin-on i'herir rua -ta-. ae ri hiandl!ad fouai ir-rn va-nygo d reSui as tile fbrs aoli. louaS, Lesamugltoni. Lioi-ra -,ira aur 1iniiary thasineais ioalnt f '9 -- 's, I li i42 (iiaskg. Ic-as n i la -h %a--- c 'a n:a larL- s als at,i tier. i llin er sia a m -ur aa ri-a1,,r anal8.e t la-ir i dn'-ii-rr Neo te"«2 aafor kui-aaang (ir- ia naaaallaRocks, lica dn oi lat iaa- uo-uL.irea-via--ni the th-hri'te aia aa-o aneal taiasO I iik, 'aaaran ituse anîd Marir.li ehs.kq cani, 1 %rassi ua rr i ha-I mi lîleai mia h t 1that 1 orainareila N oea. ii'h lonar traru,, Tarluc'%s. Yours trula-, I).A. 1niaavla neaonuaaaenal y(anr lniaaubatiLa sa--nt, Mr 'luanahuhîliraia a-day Ni ý LyAr' au u, itlfi a ii' saauar5 oaar socer. ,MRa. r.tird barch came off vcateeralsv ril'.; The No. 2 Inc-iitr 1 beught trona Mil-MGiiiET nal-NlTeSH. %Viaba-v-ood, i-ha--as a-ur cf ara9 a %A:a.aihaie aire a yeu s allYiare, înuended ita-tlabe. 1Asa CtamariFannuuor Mil e-ha-h ga.ves gooýd puin ia0îl a-a-gisautiatriestiaig eut the aRai isfaction. Iciio',as-r e ae ia elrcr ntrt:le ones,, a Rre 72chicks.I1 End tunty af recommenilinartire Ch:tharnatliai aiiucne rt clone iin every partieular aiat ina- tri ty frinds.li a--r9 re-oîic -t- and -ston ruai if direa'ionsare follewed filiy, attRS. saDNs t SMITiI, Seotiaad, a-âa--fa anr. vo-ans re'peiîîfuliy, MUS. tii.-HUL.NiRIY CHIASEi, 'îrra--i, Ont. Chatham Incubrators and Brooders hanve ea'eny new improvemnenat werth whule an an ancalbator on brooder. ThIcubatoîrs arc made wilth two watls case witlnini case, of dry mater:al tlat bas heeratnioeupîîy scasoaed in otan lu-nber yards. Tlaey arc finisled ira antique oak., are built soiid ns a rock and wilI stand any < aniounit of us-gefa-m years. Tley are fitted avilI a perfect steel and brass n ultor îlot ina-ares a successfîrl Intel. There las nover befone been rd~ . such an offen ns tis mande bn tîne wîioie world. The sooner yeu take C AMPBELL adî'antage of tîis orT«er, the more tintiy-osa wilI Ia-e befone Octohbers F Ml LL 10,te niake first payaient. Cut off tIe coupon and send il in te-day Llmaitod for our borakiet on the rvay tei nise chikens, w-haaî it costs and youn 4w CHIATHIAM. ONT. profit. You mwatt obtain alinrtnau cri~ta.1ÈCChatliain A DEPT. ôo Incubator. rtnqa~e rra-i a-ma O dea'ritivat-tnria- of tihe Chatira luaebameor. tegether The Manson Campbell Co. Limited el b ,. i ifmtinAdotyu ]DiPT. 33 CHIATHAM, ONT. be ai unl Otober, Lo. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders I)hstribuatlbg Wairehouases at Montreai, Que.. Brandon, Main.,o - -.. Calgary, Ait-a.. Now Westminster, B.C.. I-ialifax. N.S. ....... ....... Factoricà at Chatham, OuL, Detroit, Mich. P .Ad-i Aise Manufacturera ot the Fameus Camrpell Fanning Mils > -O den------ and Cbathoam Fur'ai Stoiles h"mm<Raittmusia tatuisw.................. a Addreis &Ililetîertab Chathaam, Ont. 'don Dec. 6 our forces occupied a n tire fort at 1 p. m. Subsequently our forces, after dislÃ"dging the enemy occu- pJed an eminence north of Suerli Kou and two emitiences north of Sanlichiam, at 3 p. m. "On Dec. 6. at 4 p. m., in response to - the bearer of the enemy's flag of truce, an armistice of five hours w'as granted for the removal of the dead." The Poltaxva was an armored turret ship of 10,960 tons displacement, ani 11.255 indicated horse powver. Sue vasi bujît in St. Petersburg in 1894 and went into commission in 1898. lier cost of construction Nvas near]y $6,000,0O. lier armament consistcd of four 12-inch, 121E 5.9 inch and 34 smial]er calibre breeeh- « loading rifle gyuns of the Russian Kruipp pattern. Shie bad a crew of 700 men. She had a spced of 16.2 knots. The Retvizan is a battleship of 1 700 tons displacement and 16,000 di- cated borse power. She u-as buiît in Philadeiphia in 1902. lier armnament consisted of four 12 inch, tavelve 6 inch,1 twent-v 3 inch, twenty 3 p'ounder and six 1 pounder guns of Russian Krupp pat-i tern. lier speed was 18 knots an our. 4 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT. CareUpon Whi.h« Roche lias Been Suznmoned. A Paris colle: 'Mn. Burke Roche, against -\%-iona, it is said, a waarrant avas isesued by a London police court for lais arrcst faar takiug, a boat froua En,,-- latnd ta Ruissi;a for cunvea-sion iato a ton- pede boat. lie tlaernforc' violatnig thac BritishaFo c-nEaliî,traien Act, is in tlais city. Ile refua-e-s to discuss the claargce againgt hua:. Ilec tiopes 11,c malter w-ut b1oa over quiet' ,Lceaise lie wauts te -e--nter>rliaai-a. lin lrofesses te h-e anaazed at tlae fîass thiat is leing made over an iiiaîuaaalort:int ia:cident. Mr. Sin- aett, w-la is s4aid te hav-e purctîased the1 boa-,t froia its J-1ng-ti larildors, and 1 agîainst w-taure a w ainraait is aIse; belicved te bave lîli ssanltrnaats the nmatter lightlv. Ile taîika of g-oin- bar-k te ýn-- lanîd if tais r-o-'-a-el -na'iares bail for hi, but lie dees net iiiteaadTèý be ianprisoned. The Charge Against Roche. Lonadon <aille: '-ainîn cf the Paris corîeý:j)oniaaeiis sa tiliait Mnr. Roche's np- pearaai(e ini Lonilon avii the case a against Iiiai i-a called is r-uaîaitional up - o n lis o niijiaaa, bail. Thc Staîrua aid sai vs il Icarus tlîat thc Govcraî:aaa-it lis thus far iit succeeded au sari-maa r rriae a u o n i-ke Roche, whbritool, !it ir .lîaae aaot aroline froua auil aalil 1),t tua l1bulîa. ai re sIc un i-i v a t 'isia . oNv- a .,,1-- - fuirt lant lo)%%uiluiLuaia l u aar.oî e' ai i-n io-o- uaanja-lluia;i cni,- o 1ilDer. lIaitl'a i ahiailgul aillaadaIu- BLOCKA,ýDE- RUNNIN\G. A Shranghai Me-rchant Tells of Recent SmiFaia-aana i ýr: Il. 1'aankeii, than lu-t iiiaiiite a1niaie ira la-nulîîu. Cornai -aitear tlia-i-a: î- a- f l'ab. fi. aud aa he araailii'int 1.-,auiate rnathle liioai- ufNi-i u nrf afauntithe J.lacalîr i- iaul lu o lan f îlat pont, aail froui.thea-ient te ara v.Fron- kell, ai lauis a iuja-aaaa m ao -ai hîar-ia bais tabua a -a i,-itu.ati1ateu rininiiesinca- lia -v-anr andaIlias share n-lina th an iiar iou> plrofits of thle draui-a ii -iair liai ' ara l raniiuli 'a-a eetrviaa io ai- 'Oui'rafaor loaîra-de a rnrraar \1 iiiu l-rt--naît-.1 rain a cargoaial ueial'i'initiaNi-laia ina Ils,-la' -a-a1aa'not flAua nr.raund naunltiioof]in J i.kd Runnons.i 10 ioii- SIuiini, of 'S-lang-iaai, Nailia a-i-n'ia al ovrr iî Fair l-ait. " h' a-- ,-a naîla--a iint cf nrea-v au i uf u-it'aa' jte Port \ r - Ilînai. (tire oi i .la . han Steanirîî' Sluýin. iaa- -ia/-l n--ln- l a v îlte .npanioan aisri -a ira- 1aei ph-gaine- thtle inîîaessaniir itaan niai- incinn tn-aie aaiî nou oth lion 1ia af tais siuîinuiea0s bu-ýinn--, lia la- -antal or. Sý1iuzel wnnie-i tho slîî -ni'T-e.'ila Sijs'lin teck a nain-)' aitmila---. aananniiion ana- cati lefoar Ille aia a. ire a-lered fer Že' Coran-anIa n thelr incargo- At Porut riait i lieraSlit/ai ltok tJe 'F FVesri no '- la-i "r aai t 1îî -a ir' h'oi -lai l- ane-n arm -p l 'tu aa-ptuare the Sîls- lion,bu liai ern r lia(al seizoo Ilai-r Illatv r arore foir--il',i rI ýa- luen a'r ni au bad neoari i iira'ai ord." JAP MG GUNS. Pussian Woachips Poltava and Relvizana Sa-ab an!i Ci-ers Eadly Darnaged. mranidea-r aoff t h l a:pain-e an -llainul iat- ten iii frounat af lart S-iim-cpa-rting 1 u An a-aliu aX- .-ia.Dec. 7, fronai 241AloMtrei- ilI, s al- rllinthîea tuantt a-a i l'ai i la-rei. oa-l-pornt- a-il oui lIa-a. f'-il. 'Tihe atnlaî I-a ao soeurs lat liaa' saailli en -r i-rri it'aiig n- denrai ater. "îe iuît -ai a! :art <. ii r I ia. uf la. huira li i r ai ii ilii i i --oid ' RAMPAINT MLLITARISM. Outrageous luira oh Sotdaer's Daty in Gemma ny. cars o-na-i na- arlulti a r jai-tara-t- luis pulincî Iler ra-urol t iigi . ai - ni-l icidcol f in-o l- ordlinantion tai an ura-r-it nainacal iio,, analsdt-aroalte fia e ar r' ital serai- tiidei and t--y î i -riaimirthei'ann' Hcane ana--thte saldiirs iii a danrirrg saicon. lIe un s olnîk ai nd uiîicul enliae girl farenaIs a-f Camilien-rs. li a' q aska- o eaaaui' Inslnnd etapf e giziîig le tirshoallnol lis su-orol auna-I.r.. .lo. Guenther tljsarmeal him. and in the strîig- ginli- fa-il. aî uan le or: ile fIa-on hc in- jureal a girl. Thanse are thc fac-ts. àMuETALLIC FERMENTS, CtJRE FOR PNEUMONIA CASES. Discovery Made b>' Electrical Dissolution in Waterl of GoId and Silver. N,,ew York, Dec. 12.-A Paris despatcb says that a sensational communication, w-as made to the Academie De Medicine, on Sept. 6, by Dr. Albert Robin, who ne- ported the discovery of the* facta certain metals, such as gold and silver, very finely subdivided and employed in infinitesimal dose$, exercised a considen- able effect on the vital phenomena. Reduction of the metals to the desired state is obtained by their clectricai dis- solution in water. The metal s0 treat- ed acquires the property of developingr a force similar te that of a ferment. This peculiarity of the phenomenon has led Dr. Robin to use the term "Metaulic ferments" in reporting lis discovery. His metallie ferments when employed in cases of pneumnonia in hypodermic in- jections produced a defervescence of the malady. Cures wvere obtained in 14 cases thus treated. The employmént ôt these metallie, ferments does not con- stituto the complote treatment of pneu. monia, for complications and tlic predom- inance of certain symptoms necessita%,,a accessory therapeutics, but great pro- gress would appcar to be made by their use in the treatment of this frequent and serious malady. I IROUBLE-MAKERS IN CHINA. .Anti-Dynastic Movement Which Ihreatens. the Ihrone. New York, Dec. 12-A Herald corre- spondent cables f rom Tieaatsin, China, under date cf Dec. 5- "1 have just ccini- pleted a jcurney cf a thousand miles througb the south cf Chi Li and the aorth cfIlonan and Shantung Pr-ovinces. "These sections cf North Chaîna I fiad arc in a stote of evident anti-dyn- istie unrest, whidh vilI probably culmi- nate in an uprising against the Manchius. This uprising avii not le confiîaed te the sectionrs ofCl'a inaentioaîcd, but avili in- clude a naajority cf eiglatceîa Provinces. This naoa-eucaat is net ignorant Boxer fanaticisni- It is widespread, ai-cl or- ganized anîd neli araned. Proaaiaîeut aaad wealthy menc are aaeaaabers cf all thc nortliern societies, -outaralled by a strong ceantral authiority, aritia laearlrîarters ina Soutia China. llîca'arc iaa close touca avitla ihie Kola- chiai li-uad raf the 1ieselît acîcîlion in Kamnaig-.i. 'liai' Çlaaclaai was organizcd lv seldiur-as fi. ttlie lallia reblaclion tas a latriait in siciat.v. ut îaaw leods thae anti-daîrastie aaovo-anient aind includes A LIFE WRECKED. Nelson Boggiano, Sean to, Became a Mundenen. Die, Detroit, Dr-'..- ieye four ranoe;1 a Inaîtît forait intIa" of tliais bruîti fiai ai a-ai laIlil e a-hut la-mo-ýrr fno.01a, a-lia' ,si,,jt of'Net1s on Bogi-ioealue votaig lIlfalo l'la"a avto i s tai l ie ecîtraui ualoai n Sualaur ruprison liais poa-r hitlaîi's lita' fral a ie ti il tana- ie va-o cilion theli'finaga-rs cifonîe liatito huimmmiataru-rt'ian nl sec, amui w ('11 aarîhaiaua'aid v ýi1 iaiu' er Iiiitii oa NA -aiau, ia-1alaia a rianoIl.' inilinii l laja- îlaaîio ai a-r a-oaila-ai1iv 11)o o nurt et h \ilA 1 )u a naral il ifjIelfa- hauuaa -Nem' uic isa, sai aa-r, iaaitlu-aatal vi-f marOi, arita famutlau iariai-i i l oiada. fa-r lie b nwirart ut i- wi lI î'a-li' laonîg b--fane leIan Ses-lt ý -ý uia-s t 10iii' ivstea-niats paitl i lite taiie -eta-ul ra-- îmd Iiar a i-il ajqiai er irta-taitana 1t1.a1ta Inal ai, r. l mani i Iluir Lovea'. ai-iulu)nia liave, birige andi huiaittei a t o't il l jil'a tule a-ta- he cf Nrel-son laagiirua ha a ana23 a calas aiilaiî laraailut aolt Ilis;Conituîionaraof to-i a-l .Ia' lvu-il t hua' avIfin of llor' trnimmeriia- if a u-ll iiaa -lir' ganuis firan i r viaS îîa ii l up)mui ajIs hanîîac. a ifa mu elilarlr. Cal e-t jun airent mnmsi Iu - raiai --a anianal lteiler's ni ui- i î-a i --ai -- -li I Pena-ar. anal le laaraul ai tlu I i- nirit 10 hbreak liai I li.,ii iaa Ilama-aur i TaI tsfor iilili ui-lormolm-nt ' ui a-hue au r -ni îîa'a N\ ii- ii ! mniluit alao a-ariea liina tai) ae i-n ear eanuu ailier lole ua-ibairaallaIna-i gir oui is nemi- liralas. lit- a-\iri' aira-ýýsa tot Nei-oîn* muItlq wlia't araS liner 'aîîî -na ' A 's fa-r aiIli-s fi I ai I-. lau a-.ilert o to Ir- te liai-ila- r. hua'rila ni fa-ci nati- n a t ot og- cula' lautl lia iatan fai Iii lna- tîure or oaf 1iai'o r--iiii i l -irat r Il fiudaalo iat rirait ~)îvI aiILa oar aaa liela' aeur lI o - i;ii ai\ I it eml ruin a li- l ira~ ~ ~ ~~~ile 'ua-a--na at-cari li ii îtaa n 1.î'nuaî'a aaaaa fî' l-i,br:ia' iis t iitk a"i-a t a-nui a îa-.îuia atavit c il rns- -t cf lîle Ii, (,a a-îîil l î i or..ia humae.i' unual t Iia ,eîada'a. hauanme Tain--a IIi'îaî'r. at ilaai tirîne. lii liai' ilta ' fiair m-ar 1'-a ari a î 1I unei. MTala-a- id-ualoraIinnon a-ie a-idi muot a-an lir' ln-a ri 'io u ni, is alia- ruas1 iii tinO raIlarirr ii llus I dia l oni aar itua- a 1a----aaa aais al, 1iiiv tilla' ie a-O ianlo al' itaaaai a a- llatlm in lier haanaa'i \ljt'iaa-. I a )i'sNai t a d Y 1 , 1a io \ vs , ru v l i t t d e a I 1 n - u -la' -tiiri i i Sn 1aict iamt c'himaI -nI uîo ur" lie tr N a- ta. o i g, lit iuat a',il a O u nI",a- l1fi iere i-a aid para-icrîlair aboula teil- in-ghtIc î-îî-lr 'l'lie larv loeosnet ex rcît hiim to tell ta-hiîagis \aviiaavll 1lie detinnîtal ta-i lis ravi nca-e, a1nald tîle lau' wali miel conapol huaii. Se lO 1 gionM toid lis atony cf tIe tragedi'. Uc said be hnd jînst gene upstairs te get bis cent whcaî Bender cauuae in. Thacy had some w-onds. anol Boggiaine pulled bis revolver' and - told Bender not t-o come itear bina. Boggiano ienys Bender did amui had in bis hand a natal biliy on pipe whidh was loaded with Iead. lie admitttid firing amcng, its members many soldiers f nom soutli cf the Yangtse. Among the anti-dynastie grievances are the indemnity tax and the immense fcrced contributions to the impea-ial army and court in Chi-Li. The seques- trion of temple properties for publie sciiocîs is another gnievance. The anti-dynastie mevement is noces- sarily anti -foreign. Premature oveet acts are more probable in Honan Province. Strongy goveraiment influence is eviflent in Chi-Li and Shantungr. Tiierc is no evidence cf Tapanese inflaienve,. hart thé situation is serinais, for the Chinese gev- crnmrent rande-r exiqting conaitioîîv. The lleratd appends; te t'his npws flb. fnllnwing: Toseplhî MN. Sungleton. preii- dent cf the Chinese Empire TNif<orm Ax- çnoci.tion. wlaon seen lmet nigait nt, lais bone in Brnoklvni. gsid latitaf fla ias nrnntioned lmovempnt hi o-i!i-rthe la avork cf ani neavrefonri orz-nrrrra.tbii knoavrn-as Peck Mingr. tian rabjrt cf wîe i-a to cvortlarnav flaepra"ea'ilt roenift Tlie obijeet cf tlie reform -i-nceiation, 5fr. ý,inuretn <aadi, ti-n, pna-,iNor t <etqhie cliob forfii aua' 'in rf ait tarnn'~1anit fan errpia. n i eabg I opýpoe o ((ltinsCiîoi nrnizition. one shiet an- thiot a stnîaig;lrrc nsu-cd in vrlaieli thue revolver fil frorai la.s l'aîad. ý\jj he -ie uaaere grapinag and na-Ah- ig over thte fient, Benriit, :ai o-a-liuig to laaiangoitlais banuid on a-le reoialer. 'Seir'ig tii, lhrggiauio soya lie eoi-t fa-a a broabru taîbile banil e and 1niinged, ai-ra.iin nnd a iai ut rt hridrr5tanaui. 'flait avais ail lue claiia- to laae doue, ther thon idrag a-la body ai Beander te the suaab lunanatteuihîto revaiave lais aietim. L'ut thîcriaîîiiîaî authonities did aîot lab-e aiuy stoa--bn la i)eginno*s stery. Thacir t laera'avais thuat Loiggiiaio loy ini avait for la-aider. 1aiesa-iuaaly beiîind the door, and ivlclit-iaBoder eatenna l'oaggiaaobit Ihlm i-a ir ilîn houIa illa the bli r. TIc y aise a-id ii le fincolduoJerolaver atI hnder.No t sai ja- lico aillahal- irn, I giane tIen gotal t lh-ndo-r auilla a-le barfe aa-d ca-t Luis tlaraOt i uim'an ge-tle sînsa ho gavere ader liat a dreo'p, ieavy'~, sînong o lit auetaas thltlIaat. liolders hao]n a riia.t a-r- a-ir i -aithe itarîrak. The boady aras faîtarriin the a-iaI. Sala-r tuat hoggîaiîiii ain oiuastauts, ain ai1Mrs lia uîlr aur-t lujuai at the foot railla n.elcrai. "Sx-ld, Ne1soia, av!aat Lare a--ro dîri' oIiigraaîWiiltr1i I)'loua niit li,, rat ii riin tlia- Lia-entr a( liItola i r.aanaîa art lie la d alaine.'I îaola-î iue --rneaotifr-adoand laîggiuauo vaa a-oal îî ian (6 Iolia-ce Sîntaia, ciaaged aritla thn aîîîar-Iren'f Ilrry l1.a'îdr Mhooi lv --a-tlia-s, a hltiody fiir'î ai pipe, a naro a nîd a uaiu loir rkata- ble kaaife mai o'ta trînîîrane ofi Li u la as caideaire.'h'le biaife luarri rerîs a p ca.ad. It aas as bo--'i as , razu=. 1 aaggiao's tnal a--uiaallauavd. Oathe witiieassstanda-I Ia-ggiauîu avas irat a-ory iacNAMaS. lie t0ala-I a S tia-ia'-aias en- sidrloi-uInia nocs frt ha- rir ancm lin ai laj-l icnlaîtut tus enriox ,l-i-ery a , i aner % < eatmatoatthe acourat riiî ho Ia-- id a-la-s ando 1ioaaria-lireks fa-r' Iis laaayor aailu ha aclal jr -s aal ia-îîîs E-oii ar-lion lue aia-s senl runaitaieNelhsonî Boggaanc a-i(' alnt qiail. It is true Ian did a i îîeit t nifl-'but aftrnaardIs ksseal lislji. si-la-r aîîoi brother anal pelleel both. Tlia*t sîinilung aisage renaralnreiavatla Be--rano at Aialaîra unîrltthc an la the guards ttèd huai. aslIm sait in tis Ioaelv cedl iraMrr derers' REav. tbati liane w-as ino tr-fer liir analtaipro-pore hiiiwnt ffor -ah Tiren than reatiz-atio cf a-lie enomnulita' of hia crnian orrtna-aLBoggiao u an .l*be- t'a-a 10.grave. âaii andJserieons. If 'Nui-lmi lruz-rno hoa a -'ai nary fr -iiir Iln-s. tffl raîîînit na - j, iii a ceii art Aunt mr prison al iti "o-k afCaria i rpia aii i'iaaî. acto1t, a' ni(1 - 1ý thet' a rial-a ft 1 lini itOitati' a- aar Iloat ra l ie a 1)o a raii-a-i-a'. Il, tai' a- taaî sti 11 a-orMaiae faor it'-a Ia-il iia .i o (aurînna rîarig o girsu- u a na. Il-- înaagtattua-hiav ia :1:Inai ai lt ranure lnon 'ni Wh)iiti la- -tara-s taa' anihlSitî'li luia caser 'i a 1ranrscf ti-nio -n ino-a l ia- r-oiluese a It miglit hi-tr" Thînt il r ,v ital tue four 'iTci -nrl'-itraa!r' !Tm t i tou) i ta' r' cra. Ilveia-tnaît ar- io le- Ia li îm lo -f iain n'sa " 'atl-i cualut rl'tie faîl-iaiaig a-espatcb iras li-ri na-aîo f iten a Moiielîian 't- icl-a'kira tlîe uîorning of Dec. G,. I lue ami-ir'lie-pstuaa-ut 'i\aruclacnyiaîg, i d - a-an,(( r t-i-i airaiil I'aotsrva- i auticl.is la mar !iuaaciain. Our waîo-hirs lad teaîîpon:r- iVra i-iaaitladraarn lut aith 'einfoa'ee- Ceints ave iiaiaacdiaîely recov-ecel flac po- ASt 2 and ai- 4 iii flac meraing Qf Dec. 7 the eaeuay attnekedot ta position eaast cf Fanshen and at HeAIhitn, aa'Iaeh la nean the Sîaakhc river. . 'le attacks w'ere eniircly rcpuîsed by sunnriso." ALIMONY FOR WRANGED HUàÈ&KD.. Order Given i London Az-aiiîst Dia[ýh- ter -of Greek Banker. Lon.don, Dec. 12.-The CoÈstantjýrdiV divorce suit, vhieh lias blou bfore the- cour-t in London froni imie_ Vo ti-ne f or- mnore than a yeaa-, lias *endE*» in an cr- drby Sir Frar.cis Jpýine a.gaiast Vuhe wvife Vo Tnake ber hiisbarad a luandso-ne allowane-e, te bc increaked on the death ;of ber nmot-ber. .When Mlr. CU-iUsL a n;obtaincd a ~di- vorce from Liq wif e. . idaugrhtor of the late Stophen d, a millionairè Greek m !cxt e w-as awarded the r-ecord da-nîges of £23.000 ($19-5,000). The cas-e w:is .,Ii ) irarkable a-s being the only instance wvhere the husband, vh-o himself admiitted misconduot, had obtained a divorce. Dr. Lance, the co-respondent, wha has flot paid anytlaing toward the dam. ages, and the eosts are stili unpaid. Sir Francis Jeune, in giving, bis deci- Sion, said that it .bad been laid down ni other cases Nvhere a wife h.ad broken up the home by miisc-onduct the husband sbould have part of the niarriage seý-- tiement. 1le could not follow the rea&- soxing whieh had led the registrar to say that th-e biusband's miisconduet, which did not b3r hia f rom 'getting a divorce. nevertbeless sbould bar him from the resuits of a divorce. Altbougà tha b usband vas cguilty of isc;onduet, the wife's conduet aiaterîal1y conduced to it, and that -vas why bcekeercised bis discretion and granted bîmi a divorce. His order was that 'Mr. Constantinidi avas te recpive £1,000 ($5,000) a year froin bis wife's incomie for their joinit lives, plus £500 ($2,500) a vear for four years, -and that on the death of bhe lady's mother -Mn. U-onstantinidi shÃ"uld bave a further sum of £1,000 ($5,000)a yer.. lie granted to -Mr. Cacmstantinidi ,co-sts a-,ainst MNrs. Cnastanidi nid Dr. Lance. MY SKIRT'S COMING DOWN 1 s 'U r t r o fe t - -'tI .. - i- a e t, ?lie i -ia nrorfeaslon. attended the funeral of Mra. Gso Henry Gilbert, the actresa, lu the Bloommz5- dale Reformned Cbhurch. I-a In cabatorà,, Until October, Pickpccket's Plea: Won't You Help Me to Pin It Up? New Ycrk, Dec. 2-Lucy Blugas, 15 years aid, of 156 First street, Jersey City, was an- rested in that city on Saturday atternoon onL a charge ef petty ]arceny pretcrred by Lallae Reen, a young girl living at 294 Grand street. Tbree other cemplaints had been iodgcd againnt flac prisoner up te at night. She contessed te Captain Cody that she ought te have been arrested long ago. Lucy is a Pole, who bobsu to be several years aller than she reollyiyl. She isa't bad lookiug, and bias a fondocas fer pretty cloîhes. M'ben drcssed up she is said to looîad behave like a demure woman of 20. The police first hacard eoflier a 11111e aver a monith age. lier pian. the police say, was to pick oual a girl or woman who carried a baud bag or a purse. She vould stop ber victim and sayr Ilarn sorry te bother yau. Have you a pin? Iy skirt i-a ceiig dowo, and i vant to pua it Up. - The persan te -whom s-he applied for as'- sm-ltance genreriily ctfered ta help ber ta ber dilemma. The couple would step int a balii'ay or in tbe shadow ofe a building, tbe lin woauld bc produced and the victian woîrld procecd te repair the supposed dam- a ge. Sometimes Lucy would- held 101 baud-bt-g or pecl-totboek e-hile the triendly baud vos tixing things. and sometinies she ,Wauld extratiet mey from?4 recepta4ies suspcuded tramib te aictim's bell. Whea. tb-e ru:e a-at the uifasteaaed sýirt vasai bein,- verbed tbe girl dispiayed ahbad rent in ber dra-ra and -tsked that il be tempor- arilv iilU up na1tal she eould rea,ýh RUS SIAV. N HlL L S Cri!C1ZE RGÏ I.aN1, )E74A N D REFOR Ml . La uj i.tIr. it rr-aioliagtoe cSt. 1'et a- iaia-g rnr-I oliaeaat raf thle l)ily 'I aegn lit t ue îa-~ uai-I arieý4iOIipro- îlîî--aLi la- e-rtnaeting' of the Zean- -ut îi luaiiiaaalx ile oaîtriu-ii.bla-exeale- mniiat iviei itl ;\.,ia~ -na Iln ttait the Iliraies--t of -ali" htlie noiau iltr' f the cri pie.mari raga laaîa-- ar -aiila Priance 'rroialetsky ais p oaolig ffice', i-efused lv ai barge aiiai-il ta> stnia IlOaaN d a to 5te i('Z'an elIiuaag tu Support us a « et1 V (111-111-Caoie (11e tnuaaatiouis t tIciagla I a jo-il.t li n 1-'ifthoui.1aýi s p ýS iaa. Rprseatrî i i-aof alI tae nlility l'niaee areaia-f' ioved tlae ulirss .111(li iailia-nia- rebartrs faovod. ttaey iairag af uLie ra ' /u lvii-aif ri-i arlv a-aire, c-h il Iouf aoj thi'aid- olliaŽýss.te dia ai naa11r1au-u1oiiall1l-îiî for- tueaal ain' aiat af ais--:îl m- ini-' ia-.'iaa iaaaaao -ui eing THE DR' FALL. Oniy Part of Ontario Sa-rioaushy Affected .-Stockmen's Views. Ci-hl.Pc -- 1-A rut 'ri.er, fcilowed by a ver-y dry f r-'a- -a naOsob-anad No cra1e, n-a a'o'Xua'taun ar a'goid condi- h on-a ton liti, fail r', r!ýi1- ina neProt iisce gen - (,ay- j.11 uaeuvrog r- eryrrlere taken ofth anaaanrrty qaa-ar"ong represen- lana-lae f:arr.-rs antîaîned ai Ithe F.ir this week rhii- la i - lit Oea-ced a geaierai short- ange ac, a rarrfar is a pleatiful aupply of airi .ud prir arni,; .caý- fer i sa.Taris as tan u-aniy Irn c'f 1-i:a1ur Ia parts; of Watcrrsaî,-Oorne ofthIe welu-aare geeling quite loir-, Ou rai dr-si i-s lab aera cxperieaaed e4t 1

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